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371920 No. 371920 ID: e1359e

If you must weep from the harsh words of your fellow man, remember that he only compensates for the humiliation of his own tears.

-From the Final Peepings of the Prophet Jerem

Irol, Ik, and the Warriors have taken off from The Village after one night's rest. They have set off after the Monsters who destroyed their home in order to rescue their captured loved ones.
46 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 375592 ID: e1359e
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Ik asks what.

Wailahn says that she just needs Ik to go into that cabinet and be very quiet and not come out no matter what she hears!
No. 375594 ID: 1854db

No. 375597 ID: 4c07c6

wake up, this is going to turn into a nightmare
No. 375603 ID: 5b26cc

Stay asleep. Nightmare or not, it may give us a clue as to where Wailahn went.
No. 375822 ID: b738b4

No. You're going to stay by your sister's side, no matter what.
No. 375850 ID: cf49fc

Realize this is a nightmare. SUMMON THE DREAM WARRIORS.
No. 375905 ID: e1359e
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Ik is confused! She is already awake!
No. 375906 ID: e1359e
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Ik REFUSES to go into the cabinet. Nope, not going in.
No. 375907 ID: e1359e
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Wailahn BEGS Ik to reconsider! Please, I love you, go into the cabinet and cover your ears!
No. 375908 ID: 365adf

No! You are a big girl and you are not afraid of a big drooling monst- OH SHIT A BIG DROOLING MONSTER!

But no. You are still not going in the cabinet.
No. 375943 ID: 453e62

go... she is just trying to keep you safe.
No. 375948 ID: 1854db

No, because we're going to BEAT UP THAT THING RIGHT THERE.
No. 375974 ID: 437934

naw. don't. row row fight the powah
No. 376008 ID: 32e092

Kick that dumb monster thing in the nuts!
No. 376009 ID: cf49fc

Nope. Not going in. And tell that guy to cover his mouth when he yawns, it's rude.
No. 376011 ID: cdb8cb

No. 376125 ID: e1359e
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Ik strikes a FIGHTING STANCE, and prepares to attack.
No. 376126 ID: e1359e
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Ik springs toward the monster! She is determined to save Wailahn from its grip!

Ik feels powerful and proud. The beast will be no match for her!
No. 376127 ID: e1359e
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Ik is snagged suddenly! She can not go on!
No. 376129 ID: 1854db

Okay what. Thrash around wildly or something.
No. 376132 ID: 365adf

Quick, press A+B but only once or it'll be a Throw Reject Miss!

You will likely collide with the ground face-first at this rate, put your arms out, palms spread wide to the ground like a push up and prepare to catch yourself!

Then twist around and bite the interfering hand!
No. 376133 ID: b88147

yell out, say "Dammit Irol, lemme go!"
No. 376137 ID: e1359e
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Ik does this.

Ik fails to do this, resulting in a nasty bump on the head.

Ik shouts, "Irol, let me go! Let me go!"

Irol tells Ik that she is overreacting and that she needs to settle down.
No. 376151 ID: 1854db

Open your eyes and stare at Irol.
No. 376158 ID: cdb8cb

Kiss Irol like you mean it.
No. 376177 ID: 437934

kick that punk in the face.
No. 376201 ID: cf49fc

Do it!
No. 376214 ID: e1359e
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After a few jabs, Ik manages to land a kick in Irol's face. It feels great to kick him, however he is hardly phased by it.
No. 376215 ID: e1359e
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Irol is much older and stronger than Ik. Despite her struggle, he manages to have her by the neck.

All the while, Ik can hear Wailahn screaming so loudly that her voice has failed her, yelling "NO! GET AWAY! STOP!" Then the words become unintelligible shrieks.

Ik is beginning to fade. Irol is holding her neck tightly. She feels helpless!
No. 376217 ID: 453e62

kick him in the crotch.
No. 376225 ID: a01ee1

>ask what symbols mean
>tell him he's choking you
>if he doesnt stop, crotch-kick
No. 376309 ID: e1359e
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Ik does not know what symbols to ask about. Either way, she can no longer breath! She tries to yell to Irol, but she can not muster enough breath to do so. The room is spinning around her and Wailahn's screams become more faint.

Using this as a backup plan, Ik kicks Irol repeatedly in the groin, but it has no effect on him. It is as if the world has declared war on her and the devil's maniacal laughter has drowned out her humblest cry for mercy.
No. 376310 ID: e1359e
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Ik feels safe now, but colder. Even though she slept, she is not at all rested. The echoes in the temple have stopped.
No. 376311 ID: e1359e
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Maybe she should go find the others. She is spooked...
No. 376312 ID: e1359e
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Ik also sees that maybe she is not the first one to find this excellent hiding place.
No. 376316 ID: 453e62

let out a warpeep and attack!
No. 376319 ID: 0d7a83

Oh look it's one of those guys who took Wailahn...

No. 376322 ID: 1854db

Maybe we should just run very fast and far away.
No. 376350 ID: b738b4

Glance around to see if this guy has friends. Get to your feet as fast as you can, and make a break for anyplace that this guy isn't. Keep anything you can between him and you.

Ready your shears, and cut him if he gets a hold on you. Enough to make him let go.
Evade until you have a clear path out of the temple, then run for it.

Get back to camp and smack Irol's beak off for sending you out alone.
No. 376389 ID: e4003e

We are cornered. Fight or Die! Peck at his eyes!
No. 376788 ID: 6d546b


this, except don't just peck at his eyes, peck them out.
No. 377895 ID: 344b85

well, you should use caution when approaching him. give him a chance to prove that he's not here to harm you, otherwise vigorously apply those pointy metal things you were using to cut plants to his eyes and other soft bits.
No. 378620 ID: 742815
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Ik peeps angrily, attacking the STRANGE MAN. She pounds on his chest and attempts to jab at him with her shears.

STRANGE MAN easily catches her arms. He is much older and stronger than she is, and also has military training.

"Stop!" he says. He threatens to hit Ik but does not. "Stop to not be stupid! Calming!" He does not speak Ik's language very well.

STRANGE MAN sounds urgent and anxious, rather than smug as he had earlier. Ik still recognized his voice well.
No. 378622 ID: 453e62

peep dejectedly, drop the shears and look at the ground.
No. 378623 ID: 8c0848

Kick him in the side of the knee, knock his leg out from under hi- Is he wearing a thong?
No. 378630 ID: eb672d

Best calm down. You are not that strong and it's better to figure out what the guy wants. We will have our chance sooner or later.
No. 378632 ID: 0d7a83

Grab his thong. Yank.
No. 378643 ID: 9cb4b3

Clearly his thong is the source of his power. You should cut the straps of the thong with the shears.
No. 378662 ID: 1854db

Would his voice happen to belong to someone who came in later in the incident, and stopped it?
No. 378677 ID: 0adc60

I'd tell you to jut our your lower lip, but, y'know.
No. 378836 ID: b738b4

Alright, calm down before you hurt yourself.
Think. If he'd had wanted to kill you, you would have never woken up. You're in no position to try and fight or run now, so better just listen to him.
Now, where do you remember his voice from?

...And do not try to pull his pants down. Really, don't do it.
No. 378860 ID: 1b0f2f

Oh my god his pants are right there in reach TIME TO BECOME A WOMAN
No. 378871 ID: 742815
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Ik is not dumb enough to drop her weapon and take her eyes off of the potential threat.

There is no thong. Ik can not tell if the man is wearing undergarments, and she does not care.

STRANGE MAN explains in very broken Augernian (a southern dialect that Ik is only vaguely familiar with) that he is lost and he was left behind by his soldier friends. He uses mostly gestures and his own language. He says that the "big bird" beat him too much. Ik thinks that he means Lopsan the Miller. He ran away from the mill and hid in the ruins.

He insists that he DID NOT harm big sister peep. Ik knows that she heard his voice there, but she could not understand anything. Everyone was shouting and Wailahn was screaming.

STRANGE MAN continues. He says that he needs to get back to his friends. He can tell Ik where slaves are taken.
No. 378874 ID: 0adc60

explode from frustration, then bring him to Irol because you can't deal with this shit right now.
No. 378896 ID: 32e092

Leading this guy back is probably a good idea. The main group can take him and is probably better equipped to hear what he has to say anyway.
No. 378900 ID: b738b4

Yep, definitely get him back to Irol. It's a long shot, but maybe he can write in your language better than he can speak it.
Keep your distance, get your stuff, and head outside. Then motion for the STRANGE MAN to exit and stay in front of you while you point out where you're both going to go. Always keep plenty of distance between you, and your shears at hand. If he makes any sudden moves, run.
No. 379115 ID: 742815
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Ik leads Cat Strangeman back to Irol and the others. She remembers her way back based on the direction of the distant Rainbow Jungle.

Strange Man keeps talking to Ik in his strange foreign language.

"Ona vesaya tel, yam peti contretjeta yam menash ves foni shesti."

"I don't understand you. Stop talking!" Ik says.

"Paketjeta ya bish ozajeta shiyeda..."

"STOP!" Ik says again, but Strange Man keeps on talking.
No. 379116 ID: 742815
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When Ik arrives at the camp, things have changed quite a bit. Irol, Toh, Kinpat, and Vimán have made two tents from jungle wood and some of the linen that Ik found yesterday.

Irol does not look happy. "Ik, get away from him! He's dangerous!"
No. 379117 ID: 1854db

Do as he says and back away from the bad man who is obviously trying to trick you.
No. 379121 ID: ed57e8

"he's as dangerous as you are dumb"
No. 379156 ID: 0adc60

chill the fuck out, we gots a prisoner.

No. 379300 ID: b738b4

"He had a chance to easily kill me. Twice. He came willingly, and he's unarmed. That doesn't sound dangerous. And, as far as I can tell, he says he knows where the slaves were taken. We should hear him out."

Did you ever get the story from Lopsan how this guy came to be up a ladder, tied to a chair on the second floor of the mill? Why he was up there? In hindsight, that's suspicious.
No. 380261 ID: 742815
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No. 380262 ID: 742815
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Irol is shocked by the rebuttal, "What has gotten into you, Ik?"

Ik has been angry at Irol since they left the village, "I told you to kill him when we were in the mill! I told you to cut his head off! You didn't, and now I could have been dead. Someone has to pay for what happened to Wailahn!"

"Ik, settle down. Vimán, tie up-" Irol begins, but Ik cuts into his order.

"Shut up! I am sick of you treating me like thresh! You don't know how I feel!"

Vimán ties up Strangeman, who offers no resistance but still calls him something foreign and nasty sounding.

You are now the will of Irol again. As usual, knowledge of Ik's which is unknown to Irol will be ignored.

How should Irol deal with Ik?
No. 380265 ID: 9c7c3b

Reach back like a pimp... and sit down to discuss your feelings.
No. 380266 ID: cf49fc

Or like an Internal Affairs officer, and give her a promotion to actual responsibilities. Also, some counseling over her horrific nightmares might help.
No. 380291 ID: e3f578

Yell at Ik that how dare she imply she doesn't know how you feel. Your parents are gone too, you barely even have the gift of hope that they may be just slaves. So many of your friends, dead by these people. Does she think you haven't been hurt? Doesn't she think you just give no shits about the people you love? How dare Ik. How. Dare. Ik. The child card can only go so far and this is a moment you need to vent your concerns like a hurt adult to her, and don't hold back because she'll get hurt or cry. No more skipping around the bush because she's a child.

"Someone has to pay for what they did to Waihlin? Really Ik? IS that what Waihlin or your parents taught you, that when misjustice is done, someone, ANY one, has to pay? I am not some sadistic peepin' fuck, unlike you. I do not want that memory, slicing someone's head off, in my mind. I have no clue of this cat man's direct involvement. He can't tell his side with the language barrier. He might just be some dumbass teenager that was just following his scumbag father around with his tribe as they took people captive and got left behind, or he could really be a slave wrangler, who the peep knows. Whatever, I am not going to be ANYTHING like them and stick some stranger's head on a pike out of some pathetic desire for vengeance. That is NOT how us peeps are. Ik, do you even comprehend what that is? Life is to be RESPECTED, no matter what happens."
No. 380355 ID: beb6d7

nigga best chill the fuck out before she get bitch slapped to oblivion.

oh yeah, also, thanks for the Strangeman. it is interrogation time.
No. 380357 ID: c4ec0e

Ignore her for now. Discussions can be held at nightfall.

Right now, you need to strip a prisoner down this thong, tie him up and find out what he knows.
No. 380465 ID: 369d34

So Ik thinks you don't know how she feels? Well you're going to fix that.
Have a seat, and tell Ik that you want to hear how she feels. Right here, right now. Then share what you're thinking and feeling. Don't hold back. She's going to get everything that's running through your head.
'Cause if you two are going to be generally antagonistic to each other, she may as well head back to the village right now. That kind of behavior will be nothing but trouble for all of you.
No. 382115 ID: 742815
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The group is already a day behind the invaders. Once Toh and Kimpat return from their hunt, it will be time for everyone to start moving again. Irol simply does not have time to have a heartfelt talk (or yell) with Ik at this moment.

Still, he does not like to see her this way, and he knows the worry that she feels. "Ik, I can't say that our loved ones will be ok, but I will trot though hell before I let them hurt anyone else. This is about protection, not revenge. Maybe you should get some rest. You look tired."

Ik does not say anything. Irol's experience with women is limited, but if she is silent then that is probably a good thing, right?

Irol likes this idea. He regrets sending her out for greens (particularly since she did not really bring back any) and thinks that she would do better with a more involved duty. What should he assign to her?

He will have to deal with it later. There is a lot to do. Here is the checklist:

-Break camp
-Record supplies
-Interrogate Strangeman
-Eat supper (this can be done on the move)

What should Irol do first?
No. 382121 ID: 807ed3



okay, sure. let's do that.
No. 382148 ID: 95f225

Record Supplies, then interrogate.

We gotta know what we are working with here ehh?
No. 382246 ID: 369d34

This, pretty much.

In addition to speaking with the man, try communicating through writing. Use a charred stick from the fire on the tent canvas to write. Even if he doesn't understand, drawing visual aids would help.

Irol, if you do end up sending Ik out again for greens, go with her, or send one of the fighters along. Maybe put Ik in charge of tracking your supplies as well?
No. 382248 ID: 369d34

Their army, or whatever it is, has to deal with wrangling slaves, which will slow them down. You'll be able to catch up sooner rather than later.
No. 382361 ID: 742815
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Irol quickly jots down the supplies that they have using some scrolls donated to him by some of his family's former clients back at the village. He also tells Ik to wait for Toh and Kimpat to return, and to help them with whatever they ask.


FOOD - four day supply of perishables, +2 days of preserved items (to be adjusted when Kimpat and Toh return)
SHELTER - Two fields tents, fully transportable. Total of EIGHT tenant capacity.
CHARCOAL - Ten lumps. About enough for four twenty-four hour burns with wood.


CASH - 253 pa (25 parang, 3 pa). Donated from the village, plus combined from Irol and the warriors' personal budgets.
CLOTHING - About three outfits each, with cloth leftover for emergency coverage. Irol and wear Kimpat's clothing and vice versa. Each warrior has his own set of armor.
- 1 Woodcutter's axe
- 1 Pair of textile sheers
- 2 Military spears
- 1 Battle axe
- 1 military short bow (twelve arrows)

LIQUID and POTENTIAL ASSETS: Cash, raw textiles, small animal furs, and pyunzin mushrooms

Irol finishes and signs the inventory sheet.

Now, onto the interrogation. How should this be done? Irol believes that it should be done tactfully in order to maximize useful information and avoid angering the already-snarky prisoner. Strangeman did not resist Vimán when he was tied up.

>communicating through writing

Irol orders Vimán to untie one of Strangeman's arms and then gives him a blackened stick from the fire ring. Irol would rather not write on the tents, but a nearby sandpit works well enough.

Strangeman seems to speak a few words of Irol's language, though it is in Empire Dialect. He can still understand it. What should he ask, and how should he draw or write?
No. 382377 ID: 807ed3

any nearby settlements? we'll need to trade, and ask for help, even.

so, a group of strange men come over withoutt warning and slaughter or enslave everyone in the village. then, one of them shows himself to the remnants of said village and claims not to be hostile. why would he do such a thing?
No. 382435 ID: 369d34

Any towns or villages in the way of the advancing cat-guy "army," or whatever it is, is going to end up like Irol's village. Any that are out of the way would be too far out of the way. Irol and company would fall too far behind the cat-men if they went to them. Best Irol could do is rally the survivors of the villages that have been attacked.

Ask what the strange man's name is. It'll be awkward if you keep having to dance around that missing bit of information.

You'd like to know how he came to be tied to a chair, up a ladder, on the second floor of the mill. It's doubtful that Lopsan carried him up there on his back. Did his "comrades" leave him behind to be killed by the angry villagers?
No. 382532 ID: dff4ce

It might be best to get to know him first. Ask his name and some information about himself, if all possible. Nothing that will lead him to believe you'll harm his friends and family, but enough to make it seem like idly conversation.

Diving right into the gist with heavy questions tends to invoke a dark response. You can learn more about a potential enemy through a ping pong game than through a heavy hand. We tend to forgot that.
No. 385184 ID: 742815
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Irol knows of two villages nearby, and one larger city, Dipti, which is in the direction from whence the invaders came. Irol remembers that Saochung the Hermit lives somewhere around here. Other than that, Irol's village and those nearby lie on a trade road which begins at Dipti and runs EAST through the Colored Jungle and into the steppes.

Irol and Vimán begin to interrogate the prisoner. Vimán does not talk much, and Irol thinks that he is a bit slow in the head.

>What is your name?

Irol asks Strangeman what is name is. "Name. Your name!" he repeats.

After a few clarifications, the foreigner sits up and proudly says in his heavily accented voice, "Zavatje ya Pavolo Paninkosvi."

>How did you get in the windmill?

Pavolo begins to draw in the sand...
No. 385186 ID: 742815
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Pavolo seems to be quite the artist.

It looks like Irol's suspicions were correct.

Irol is still unsure of whether to trust the foreigner. He needs more information, and maybe a way to assure that this guy is legit. What should he ask, and how should he test Pavolo?

Pavolo seems to understand simple words and phrases of Augernian if Irol speaks in the Empire Dialect. He does not understand Irol's peasant accent.
No. 385214 ID: 86fe4d

ah. makes sense. I don't think these people would have anything to gain from tricking you, so he's probably telling the truth.

he may not want to help you- after all, that might mean fighting against his own kind, possibly even having to kill one of them- so you should let him leave.

the big city might have more survivors to unite with.
No. 385246 ID: 369d34

Well, maybe Ik will stop wanting Pavolo to die outright if she knows this.

Pavolo's story makes the most sense. His army would have no reason to leave him behind as a trick. It looks like he just fell afoul of two horrible "comrades" when he objected to their assaulting Wailahn.

Try asking where he and his army came from.
Also ask if the army attacked Dipti.
Maybe ask why they're attacking villages and capturing slaves.

Irol, do you have any idea what's down the trade road to the east?
No. 386321 ID: 742815
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Irol continued to interrogate the prisoner, though it seems more like an interview now.

>Did you attack Dipti

Pavolo says "Dipti has attacking. I am not with attack in Dipti."

>Where did you come from?


>Why are you attacking villages are taking slaves?

Pavolo says, "Seratsvi come out from endless Desert. Take east home for Seratsvi people."

Irol will tell Ik about this - anything that will make her less hostile toward the prisoner is helpful. Irol only knows that the Colored Jungle is to the east, followed by the steppes, which extend someways east and then form a crescent to the south as well. Irol can attempt to draw a map, but he is not the most familiar with the surrounding area beyond the village and its jungle home.

Irol wants to acquire a MAP.

What should they do with Pavolo?
No. 386528 ID: 33444c

Free him.

Tell him he's welcomed to travel with you or leave of his own accord, though you will be watching him regardless of either action.
No. 386537 ID: 369d34

It's either this, keeping him prisoner, or killing him. You don't have the resources to haul a prisoner around, or really any good reason to. Killing him... Do you really have it in you to order an unarmed, bound, prisoner to be killed? No; Free him, with the provision that if he wants to travel with your group he has to help out. And that if he tries anything hostile, he gets a sword in the gut.

So this army is the tip of the proverbial spear of an invasion force. Probably followed by groups of colonists. It sounds like Dipti was attacked by another Seratsvi army, and may have fallen. Damn, this means your village isn't going to be safe for long.

Irol, since this is a trade road, there should be a village, or at least an inn, approximately a days walk from each other along its length. There's a good chance there'll be a map there, if it hasn't been burned down.
No. 386564 ID: 8b538b

Pavolo is a pretty cool guy. tell him he can do whatever he wants.
No. 386663 ID: c3ec0a


Set Pavolo free.
No. 387927 ID: 742815
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>Set Pavolo free

Irol tells Vimán to untie Pavolo. Irol tells him that he is free to go.

Pavolo stretches after he is untied. Vimán tied the ropes excessively tightly, leaving ruts in the strange man's fur. He seems to hesitate.

Irol says again that he can go.

"They handle me badly like you are," Pavolo says. Irol wonders where he learned to speak Augernian. He uses the imperial formal 'you'.

Pavolo says that he wishes to desert his army. He will can stay with birds if the do not beat him anymore. Pavolo also struggles to say that he has "warrior dancing" and "dark sight" and that he eats "small foods".

Irol considers the alternative cost of having Pavolo as part of their party. It would be useful to have an interpreter, but he is not sure if Pavolo is trustworthy. There is also the matter of Ik.
No. 387932 ID: 9c7c3b

We'll keep him on a trial basis. One offense and he's either gone or dead in a ditch somewhere. Ik can just deal with it.
No. 387938 ID: e3f578

Ik can go screw herself for her blood thirstiness for all I care. I get she's a kid in a really bad situation but seriously fuck her attitude. She can't think like an adult if she wants to unreasonably murder everyone of a race.
No. 387952 ID: 5c8475

last time I checked, we were accepting any and all war refugees?
No. 388011 ID: 742815
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Ik has become quiet the handful. Irol figures that Ik likely was not the best kid even before the town was attacked. He thinks that it is time to finally have a talk with her.

"Any and all" is a stretch to Irol. So far he has only accepted people of his own kind. He had planned to help avian Augernians. Pavolo seems to be of sound mind, but his people are still the enemy.

Irol tells Pavolo that he has only one strike before he will be killed, but otherwise he may accompany his party as long as he does work.

Before he goes to Ik, Irol would like to assign a task to Pavolo. What should it be?

Typo corrected. At least I think that that was the only one.
No. 388040 ID: 369d34

Well, he could go gather plants like Ik was doing, if you could describe which ones to cut. Don't send a guard with him. If he comes back, that's good. If he doesn't, then no loss. Come to think of it, did Ik leave some things in that temple? Ask him to get them, if she did leave them behind. Oh, and ask if he's any good at hunting or has any other skills.

"Dark sight" sounds like he can see well in low- or possibly no-light environments. "Warrior dancing" and "small foods" you're not so sure about.

It's looking like Pavolo wasn't in that army willingly. He might be a conscript, or a slave who joined up to earn his freedom.
No. 388076 ID: 5c8475

man, I dunno. ask Pavolo how he could be helpful.
No. 388121 ID: 53cc90


Ask Pavolo to climb into a tree to gather pet eggs.
No. 388554 ID: d84d24

This would be a good test for now.
No. 388980 ID: 742815
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Irol sends Pavolo to gather greens as Ik was supposed to before presumably becoming distracted. Irol spends some time carefully describing and pointing out which ones are dangerous to eat and which ones are safe or especially desirable. Pavolo strangely seems quite willing - even eager - to help, and promptly embarks.

Before effectively putting everyone's lives into the strange man's hands, Irol wants to find out more about Pavolo. Something seems fishy about him to Irol.

For now, Irol wants to go tell Ik about what he has learned about Pavolo, and that he will be joining them in their further travels.

"Ik, I need to talk to you. I know that you are scared and worried, but we all are..."

Ik? ...Ik?
No. 388981 ID: 742815
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Oh God, where's Ik?

End Chapter 2
No. 389068 ID: 5c8475


...but who cares about her?
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