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368756 No. 368756 ID: 09a2fd

Hey guys, how are you all doing today/tonight? This is my first thread in any imageboard, so if I make some mistakes or seem ignorant in certain areas, please forgive me. I am also somewhat busy with other tasks, so please be patient if I don't update every half hour. I'm kinda nervous about this and I really hope I can make it all the way through, but I hope you all enjoy Rina Quest and its universe!
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No. 370330 ID: 09a2fd
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> Seriously what kind of stuff can they do?

"We can weaken the darkness's grip on the flesh of the male. By doing this you will be able to jump in for the kill. Without our help, the darkness would be too fast and too powerful for you to handle alone."

> If you could actually manage to slow down time in a short vicinity or his entire body to allow the police to get here quicker while he remains slow, that would be great. Next up would be getting Glade out of this room.

"Although we understand we give the impression of a god-like unity, we cannot manipulate the space time continuum. All we can do to assist you is corner the darkness and weaken the flesh it controls. We cannot destroy the darkness, but we can distract it."

> Eject the darkness? Wouldn't it be best to leave it trapped within that shell, preventing it from taking over someone else?

"The darkness has the ability to leave a body when it pleases. This is where we come in. We can keep the darkness occupied so that you can strike. When the darkness possessed a body, it, in a sense, becomes the body. If you kill the husk while it is inside, you will be able to completely decimate the darkness's connection with the body, but you will not be able to destroy the darkness itself. That will have to be done another way - another way that we will have to research."

> weaken the head so it loses coordination, make it fight the man for control.

"We can apprehend the darkness while it is inside the body, but we cannot fight over control of the body is possesses. You must first eject it from the body and cut out all remaining ties it has with it. Even if we do eventually control it, there is not much we can do. We cannot save him. Observe as we engage with the darkness."

Rina feels like something just propelled itself out of her head. She becomes light-headed, but is able to focus on the raccoon, who is starting to act very strangely. He grasps his skull and shouts in agony, swinging his body everywhere. Rina cringes. The raccoon looks like he is in extreme pain. What should she do next?
No. 370333 ID: 25d956

Pick up his axe and beat his head in I guess? Something seems not right about this, but there doesn't really seem to be anything else to do.
No. 370335 ID: 453e62

apply axe to neck.
No. 370337 ID: e3f578

This is a distraction, get Glade the fuck out of here and into the bedroom, grabbing the goddamn axe for protection but nothing more. Do not kill the man until the police get here, which can be a few minutes to a half hour depending on if they get lost.

If, well more like when, the darkness possesses a policeman, then everything is really fucked and we are going to start killing things because they'll have a goddamn gun.

Rina, you ever play Alan Wake, this is almost exactly like it only I don't think normal light works on this, you need spirit light which your buddy here supplies. When you get into the room you're going to have to block the door off with a dresser, put Glade on the bed and look for both a survival kit which should have with a flare gun since we're out in a forest and a med kit. He has only bare hands, even with omproved strength, the amount of time bought should be enough for everything.
No. 370339 ID: 453e62

why the fuck are you buying for time? this guy is already dead. the cops should be assumed already possessed. pussy footing around will get us killed. we need to strike while we have a shot or we will never win.
No. 370340 ID: 1854db

Get in there and aim for either his heart or his neck, whichever's the easiest target.
No. 370341 ID: f72f26

I think we have to take this guy down now, otherwise the darkness could posses Glade.

the problem is the police won't understand, and we'll be blamed for all the murders, we'll go to jail and we'll never be able to research the evil ghost and stop it.

maybe hiding in the bed room is the better plan
No. 370342 ID: 453e62

if they blame us for all the other murders then one more in the pile wont make things worse.
No. 370344 ID: e3f578

I really hate the law when shit hits the fan, should they not be possessed, they become a great host of problems to deal with.

Two police cars usually dictate four policeman. So far, we've only seen it possess people one at a time, if it gets one of them, we get three eye witnesses to weird shit and, as far as I'm concerned, enough evidence to not end up as a suspect and the right to steal a cop car and bolt the fuck out with Glade, hopefully with a makeshift sling for her arm and everything. Should they show up with us killing someone with a fucking axe and by chance they don't end up possessed, we're going to be cuffed, Glade exposed to harm, and our options become extremely limited in the back seat of a cop car.

I also don't trust Rina's ability with an axe, especially with that leg. Four or three cops should give the man a quick death, just have spirit guys give him another hit to give them an opening.
No. 370346 ID: 1854db

Theory time: When we tackled him, we smacked the back of his head against the floor, which stunned him and caused him to cough up black stuff. I think if we do further injury to the initial wound that the darkness uses to enter the body, the darkness is harmed.

We could try smacking him on the back of the head again.
No. 370347 ID: 25d956

Police are not here yet, and we don't know how long he'll freeze for. It will take him literally seconds to kill Glade. We need to beat his head in with the axe like, now.
No. 370349 ID: f72f26

yeah . . . I guess we have to just kill him now
No. 370380 ID: 063c28

Go ahead and kill him. Worry about how things look to the cops later; staying alive and keeping Glade safe are far more important concerns. Regardless of what conclusions the police jump to, they'll help keep you alive.

Besides, there's no way you could have caused all the wounds visible in the other bodies. You shouldn't have too much trouble exonerating yourself in court if it comes down to that.
No. 370392 ID: cdb8cb

Oh man girl you are trouble first you kill all those campers and now you're going to take an axe to an innocent man who was just trying to give you a nice cup of tea. How's about some Glade for dessert?
No. 370443 ID: 09a2fd
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No. 370444 ID: 09a2fd
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"Oh my God. I...I killed someone..."

Rina feels like she's about to faint. The filling sensation in her disappears once again. The spirit says nothing before its departure.

Luckily it doesn't look like the cops are anywhere near the cabin.
No. 370445 ID: 453e62

take a few deep breaths to calm down. think about it for a moment. not only was it him or you, it was him or GLADE. he was also possessed and death was the only escape.
No. 370446 ID: 9c7c3b

Don't worry, depending on where you are, that might have been completely justified self-defense. Now: MOVE GLADE INTO ANOTHER ROOM SO SHE DOESN'T GET THE DARKNESS THING. There'll be time for calming down later!
No. 370449 ID: e9b708

Hide in the bedroom, don't flee the scene of the crime. it'll only make you seem more guilty and you're not likely to get far carrying Glade anyways.

when the copse come be very confused, and afraid, explain that you don't know why he attacked you, and that he seemed really nice at first.

speak the truth but omit anything that'll make you look crazy
No. 370454 ID: cdb8cb

Possess Grace with that light creature. Maybe that'll protect her.
No. 370474 ID: 1854db

Cover the body with something. You can tell the cops he came in from the kitchen already bleeding from the head and attacked you with the axe.

The main thing I'm worried about now is that the OTHER darkness-possessed guy is somewhere around here. I suggest barring all but one of the doors that enter this room and finding another weapon, like maybe a big knife. Then you can make sure you can protect Glade.

If you can get to a phone while keeping an eye on Glade and ALSO watching the entrances of the room, call 911 again and tell them what just happened.
No. 370497 ID: 09a2fd
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> take a few deep breaths to calm down. think about it for a moment. not only was it him or you, it was him or GLADE. he was also possessed and death was the only escape.

Rina knows this, but still can't bear the fact that she killed somebody. She wishes she never had to go through this. Why is this happening to her anyway? What the hell did she ever do to deserve all this? For sure, this moment will be burned into her mind for the rest of her life...

> Cover the body with something. You can tell the cops he came in from the kitchen already bleeding from the head and attacked you with the axe.

The main thing I'm worried about now is that the OTHER darkness-possessed guy is somewhere around here. I suggest barring all but one of the doors that enter this room and finding another weapon, like maybe a big knife. Then you can make sure you can protect Glade.

If you can get to a phone while keeping an eye on Glade and ALSO watching the entrances of the room, call 911 again and tell them what just happened.

Rina takes a spare blanket from a nearby drawer beside the couch and covers the raccoon's body with it.

She moves the heavy drawer over to the front door. Hopefully this should do for now.

> Don't worry, depending on where you are, that might have been completely justified self-defense. Now: MOVE GLADE INTO ANOTHER ROOM SO SHE DOESN'T GET THE DARKNESS THING. There'll be time for calming down later!

Good idea. Rina carefully lifts Glade and carries her to the bedroom, lying her down on the comfy bed. She pulls up a chair and sits down, pondering on her misfortune. Were there more of those "darkness" things? By killing the raccoon, she was able to prevent him from possessing the poor anthro again. At least he's at peace now. For some reason the "darkness" gave Rina a similar impression to the "spirit" inside her. Did they have to rest like the spirit? Would he come back eventually?

> when the copse come be very confused, and afraid, explain that you don't know why he attacked you, and that he seemed really nice at first.

He's as good as dead.

Should Rina do something while she waits?
No. 370500 ID: 25d956

hug Glade. Whatever you do, DO NOT loot anything. Don't dig through anything. The cops are going to show up and it will be really difficult to explain. Just try to reconnect with your moral center and relax, if you can.
No. 370502 ID: e9b708

Ok now is the time to let out your feelings and be upset,

hug Glade and cry about all the horrible things that happened and all the nice people who were murdered
No. 370506 ID: 1854db

You're not going to warn the cops? Fine.

Inspect the strange box.
No. 370523 ID: 09a2fd
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> Ok now is the time to let out your feelings and be upset,

hug Glade and cry about all the horrible things that happened and all the nice people who were murdered

Rina embraces Glade, sobbing as softly as she could. She didn't want to wake her up.

Rina laments over everything that happened. She just wish everything could go back to normal. Her world is nothing but a constant nightmare now, and she wishes she could just wake the fuck up!

> You're not going to warn the cops? Fine.

Inspect the strange box.

You cannot inspect the strange box because it was in the backpack that was blown away while you were still in the forest.

Warning the cops, though, would probably be a good idea.
No. 370524 ID: 09a2fd
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Rina finds the telephone in the living room.
No. 370525 ID: 09a2fd
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She picks it up and gets ready to call them...

...until she hears raspy breathing on the other end.

"The longer we are conscious the more we will learn. Our motives stay true, and you will not stop us."
No. 370526 ID: e79d6a

Ask them if their refrigerator is running.
No. 370527 ID: 453e62

hang up and say "light, if you can hear me, as soon as you are rested enough tell me how to get rid of the darkness for good."
No. 370530 ID: f72f26

hang up and see if you get a dial tone, if yes call the cops, if no, go back to glades side
No. 370531 ID: 1854db

Ask what their motives are. If they wanted to kill you they could have tried a lot harder.
No. 370578 ID: e55966

No. 370585 ID: e3f578

"You should quit, evil darkness things never win. The Final Girl always does. Go out, make a voluntary pact with a punk like the light spirits did instead of killing him, go get laid or something you spirit dudes did for fun when you had like flesh or something, whatever you fuckers are. Hopefully not killing people. Life's not worth this conflict, take a chill pill."

I just want to see how evil, probably ancient dark stuff reacts to calm, joking suggestions to calm down and get laid instead of antagonizing it with questions or shouts or emotions now. It's never stays still to even answer any of them. May as well just screw with it until either of you win.
No. 370588 ID: 453e62

actually this one makes sense this time. they are vague and unhelpful regardless.
No. 370596 ID: cdb8cb

Just ask it to please leave Grace alone. She's all you have left.
No. 370618 ID: 84b916

>The longer we are conscious the more we will learn. Our motives stay true, and you will not stop us."
>Our motives stay true
This means that they either
>think they are doing the right thing, which is cause for concern, as it may mean our own spirits are wrong, or that the dark ones can be out-logicked
>They have been 'programmed' to be as they are. The dark ones were made this way and are fulfilling their purpose.
No. 370624 ID: 3d7a30

I wonder if the dead raccoon guy had a mobile phone
No. 370666 ID: bccf7b

This leads me to believe that this darkness is whatever killed your friends in the first place, and has been targeting those around you.

If it's capable of simply "jumping" into bodies, it may be best to avoid third parties until we know we can dispatch it without killing, or prevent it from taking others. This first man was simply a mistake that we shall learn from.

Now: ask this voice what its objectives are, and why it wishes to not be stopped in them.
No. 370685 ID: 09a2fd
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> Ask what their motives are. If they wanted to kill you they could have tried a lot harder.

"Motives? Just what the fuck are your motives?" Rina demands. The darkness responds, "Has it escaped your mind? Your flesh serves as a prison, and we will do what we can to free ourselves."

"You could've tried a lot harder to kill me."

"We have underestimated you, but do not underestimate us. Like yours, our memories too have been concealed, but will soon be realized once again. Our strength grows as yours does. We are more connected than you would like to believe, but like a ghost in the shadows, we will strike when you least expect it. We will not fail."

> Just ask it to please leave Grace alone. She's all you have left.

"You can come for me, but you leave Glade alone. She has nothing to do with all this."

The darkness laughs. "We will do what we can to break you down, if it means toying with your loved ones, so be it."

> "You should quit, evil darkness things never win. The Final Girl always does. Go out, make a voluntary pact with a punk like the light spirits did instead of killing him, go get laid or something you spirit dudes did for fun when you had like flesh or something, whatever you fuckers are. Hopefully not killing people. Life's not worth this conflict, take a chill pill."

The darkness laughs even more. "We cannot be killed, but you can. Remember that."

It cuts off.

Rina just notices something.
No. 370686 ID: 09a2fd
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"What the fuck?"
No. 370687 ID: 09a2fd
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Suddenly a powerful draft wafts around inside of the house. A low rumbling is heard and a slight quake suddenly hits the house. Everything around her starts to gradually fall apart, objects around the house toppling over and rolling around. The quake and wind is just getting stronger.

"Oh no...not again."
No. 370688 ID: 453e62

run, before the house falls apart, get glade.
No. 370693 ID: f72f26

Glade! we left her for a second! whyyyyyyy!?

maybe she's still there' we have to make sure she's sfae then get her and you out of here
No. 370694 ID: 1854db

I don't think we should go outside. The best thing to do when there's an earthquake is to get underneath something, like a table or desk, and hold onto it so it doesn't move from above you.
No. 370724 ID: 3d7a30

look on the bright side - the quake will likely conceal the evidence of you killing the raccoon guy
No. 370746 ID: 09a2fd
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Rina dashes to the bedroom and throws herself on Glade. She wouldn't let her go this time. If she had to die protecting her, she would do it. The house collapses alarmingly fast and the swirling winds only got stronger. Rina holds on to Glade with every inch of her strength.

Bits of wood and glass batter and cut her body. Rina starts to feel slightly weak, and then...
No. 370747 ID: 09a2fd
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No. 370748 ID: 09a2fd
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No. 370749 ID: 09a2fd
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