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File 132079819653.jpg - (736.56KB , 1200x925 , BlakeQuest-atrum universitas.jpg )
364571 No. 364571 ID: 4bc7e6

This is where it gets confusing...
90 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 368858 ID: 54fd27
File 132267593265.jpg - (261.01KB , 800x693 , inveniet bona.jpg )

Magic would help... But things like that aren't real... Then again I'm tempted to say otherwise, after what I've been through.

>You check under the stalls looking for intruders, but find no one.

A pipe... Or a knife... I feel like I've used those before...

>You rummage through the trash can looking for medical supplies...

Hey wait this one has writing on it... Ouch! I pricked my finger on something!

>You pull the sharp thing out to find that its a large empty syringe... there's a key attached to it.
No. 368859 ID: 54fd27
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I suppose that's good to know... Does that mean my father cheated on his wife? I can almost remember my mother's face... Erh... That woman's face...

I see... When I heard that I was somewhere else... Somewhere good... I felt relived. Like all this didn't mean anything... Like if I could die here and my other half would just keep going about his busyness... But now... Now everything's changed... If I die here... It's not just me that dies...

I don't know how I feel about Rover... He's a creepy stranger I met four hours ago... He knows more about me than I do and Yet I feel good about him... *Sigh* I don't know... I guess I love him on the flip side. But down here there's nothing... He's just a creepy cat... And yet... And yet I feel it! It's tearing me apart... Something's missing, but it's not in my heart...

If he can help me, that would be great. I only want him to be happy... Down here... I don't matter, just make sure the one that does lives.
No. 368860 ID: 1854db

You've got mirror problems. We're still weaponless, so how about you just leave the room so the mirror doppleganger can't get to you?
No. 368861 ID: 2f56b8

Er, you might want to turn around. Your reflection in the mirror is doing freaky things. And by that I mean that it isn't matching your movements.
No. 368867 ID: 528bf9

as soon as you turn around it'll stop, back away from the mirror and ask it who it is and what it wants.

Also, a key cool 1/3 and a note. Usefull im sure. The serynge could come in handy.
No. 368914 ID: 54fd27
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>You turn around fast but the reflection in the mirror doesn't seem off... It just stares back at you same as you stare at it... You step back slowly...

-I'm on to you. Who are you and what do you want?!

>moments pass in silence, you almost buy it when it jumps from your frame and moves on its own...

-*sigh* I almost had you to... How could you tell?

>He walks up to the mirror slowly. his voice is screechy and coarse. but almost sounds like yours...

I'm ready to run if it get's dangerous.

-Who are you, what do you want with me?

-*chuckle...* Blake Blake Blake... Don't you recognize me? I'm you! And I'm here to help you... help you find out who you are... Who you really are! Look, you left yourself a gift, it's in the first stall to the left. go check it out...

-I already check the stalls, they're empty.

-Oh? You don't sound so sure... Go check it out, I'm sure it'll bring back loads of goood memorriess...
No. 368915 ID: 784dcc

[strike]Sounds legit, do it.[/strike]

Alternately, consider that it is a way he's going to "get you" like he "almost did" by having you turn your back on the mirror.
No. 368919 ID: 299ed3

Smash the mirror, smash it to pieces.
No. 368921 ID: 453e62

ask why you should trust him. and if he says "because i'm you" or any other cryptic bullshit smash the mirror.
No. 368922 ID: c02e3c

Just check the stall

I mean it seems that psyche recovery stuff doesn't go both ways, so at least you're protected that way
No. 368930 ID: 1854db

I have been avoiding exposing you to your violent past and... apparent alter ego. Question is, will becoming more violent down here help or hinder you? If you survive and reenter the normal world, will your memories merge or what?

I'm betting your memories will merge, just like how your bodies are linked. So let's keep you away from Mister Bloody.
No. 369148 ID: cdb8cb

They put a syringe in the trash can? What a terrible hospital!
No. 369183 ID: b687f5

we can speak to him as long as he tries nothing.
as soon as he does, OR AS SOON AS ANYTHING ELSE HAPPENS, (as it may be connected) smash the FUCK outta that mirror.
No. 369813 ID: 2f56b8

I say we trust him, on the likelyhood that he IS Blake. He wouldnt harm himself, would he?

But remember this Blake, only you, and I mean YOU, not that thing in the mirror, decides who you are. Remember that. Now lets check out that stall.
No. 370067 ID: 54fd27
File 132312514975.jpg - (266.84KB , 800x618 , verum quia mortuus est.jpg )

-HEY! Shut your whore mouth you! This discussion's between Blake and me.
Come on Blake, who yah gonna listen to Blake?! That Eden or yourself?
Don't be your father's slave! I'm the real you, don't let them tell you who ta...

No. 370068 ID: 54fd27
File 132312517575.jpg - (221.33KB , 800x618 , ego non opus verum.jpg )


-Pipe it down yah damn psycho! It's bad enough I've gotta endure your nightmares, I will not take that kind of shit from the likes of you!

>You walk out of the room frustrated, blood at hand.
No. 370069 ID: 7a6088

odd, that. fathers slave?... whatever, that didnt seem like you anyway.
No. 370074 ID: cdb8cb


Kind of impossible too, since neither you nor us have even a single memory of him. Oh well it was probably a mummified head or something silly like that. Check your INVENTORY so you can keep track of any further MISSING ITEMS
No. 370075 ID: 1854db

Other you says you're awesome.
No. 370114 ID: a2fa74

Ah, Blake? You might want to pick the glass out of that and bandage it up. We don't want things smelling blood on you.
Well, not any more than we can help.

I'm tempted to say you should check in the stalls too, but if that was the you from the psychotic memories then it's probably a bad idea.
No. 370228 ID: c9b053

I don't understand the sewn leather door. go inspect it. then peek into the two unlocked doors.
No. 370320 ID: 528bf9

did he just call me whore?
No. 370329 ID: 54fd27
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I'm not even sure if we can call this a door... There's dark partially tanned skin stretched over the passage at this point. The two sides are sewn together... The wire binding them looks really tough.

The damn bastard did... Did he hear what you were saying?

*Sigh* I don't know... Do you know anything about my father? Who was he?

My inventory... The bird, that necklace, I've got my camera, my ticket, That things tongue... Why did I keep this? I've got a key, a syringe and plastic cup... Where did I get this?.. Smells like soap.

Well that's good to know. I don't feel really awesome, but hey Moral support right?.. Heh...

>You pick what little glass managed to find it's way inside you... Then you wrap your fist in your sleeve until the blood dries and starts scabbing.

It's good to think ahead like that... Just another reason why I cant make it without you guys... Thank you.
No. 370375 ID: 1854db

Good news. You're sharing your inventory with the other you. This is a very direct connection that you can use to help eachother. We'll try to get a wire cutter and weapon to you.

How about we check out the other bathroom for now?
No. 370397 ID: 580454

wait... inventory shared, camera... you should be able communicate with yourself using the camera!
No. 370413 ID: 528bf9

wait did we find a note in the trash?
Read it.
No. 370432 ID: 73eb25

okokokokokok Make a circle with your finger and put it on your leg, then take a photo. When the other Blake looks at it we will tell you and then punch yourself (him too) in the shoulder because he looked at it. It's a stupid little game that gives you an excuse to punch someone.
No. 370439 ID: 4c851b

or at least to test the extent of our communication.

(still dont know how to spoiler) wait, if the other blake gets a peice of rover, that may become something of a distraction. sorry other blake.
No. 370594 ID: 44766a

uh. Heads up, other you about to get some. Prepare for good feelings.
No. 370774 ID: 2f56b8

[Discribes other Blake's current status in excrutiating detail]

Also, check your coat, there should be a gun in it from the other Blake.
No. 370976 ID: 54fd27

Well I've gotta study for my finals, I'll post again around Tuesday.
No. 372165 ID: 54fd27
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>You pull the page from your pocket and begin reading... It's hand written in blue ink

that may know about the killer in question. He claims to have witnessed the "Bangbang killer" committing his terrible acts. I have brought him to my home for a detailed report on the scene. He insists on being in a "safe" place before giving away the info, I hope that with this we can finally st...

>The text stops there, the page stained with blood.

Yeah I noticed. It feels nice but it's not very strong, almost as if I was only getting a part of the action. Did Blake hurt allot when I got my side busted up?

-Well thanks Blake, for the gun and the boner. Glad your having a good time...

>You pull the revolver out of your pocket

Let's see... It's a heavy gun with eight rounds... I don't know much about fire arms, but I can shoot a stable target if I'm not freaking out... Wait a minute, there's a memory fragment in here?! How... I though those only lived in my mind...

>Memory fragment unlocked: unum et viginti plus
No. 372167 ID: b65283

Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see....

It's both
No. 372189 ID: 1854db

Something like "more than 21 and".
Hard to say exactly what the memory is about. If it's a gun, though... maybe it has something to do with you shooting someone with it? Probably not pleasant to watch.

Also yeah, the other you is getting phantom pains from your injuries. He's not actually getting injured, it just hurts. It's okay though, he can deal with it.

You know, you have a boner now. You could do something about that. You also have a tongue in your pocket that we've been meaning to get rid of. Maybe I'm just morbid, but I find the idea of jacking off with the severed tongue of a mortal enemy to be hilarious. On the other hand that's pretty gross if you think about it.
No. 372199 ID: cdb8cb

Ahaha phantom boner.
No. 372296 ID: 0f546c

Oh my goodness that is hilarious, yes I second this
No. 372344 ID: 784dcc

Demon-STDs? Yes please!
[translation: I downvote this proposed piece of action.]
No. 372390 ID: 1854db

Okay you have a good point; it's pretty unsanitary.
No. 372392 ID: 13d0dc

But we have a nice tongue-less demon in the elevator, and surely a screw is better than a bit of tongue, even if it costs a bullet to the head.

now that we have the means, we should be dealing with that potential threat anyway.
No. 372438 ID: 54fd27
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:blake:Glad to know I don't have to do that...
As for the demon, Well not only did the elevator drop shortly after I got out, but the door's simply not there anymore, there's just a trail of blood where it was. Odd... Well there's a few more places we didn't check. We could try the other bathroom, the double doors, the darkness or the broken door.
No. 372451 ID: 2f56b8

Let's try the double doors.
No. 372456 ID: a2fa74

I thought it was closer to "One and Twenty More"
[Can we view this memories WITHOUT letting Blake see it? That would be a good thing to do.]

Other bathroom.
Also? Lets not exclude any possibilities just yet. It may yet turn out that demonsex is somehow not a completely terrible idea.
No. 372459 ID: 1854db

Other bathroom.

I dunno about sexing the demon- it'd wind up being either rape or necrophilia wouldn't it? Neither are really our style.
No. 376030 ID: 16a987
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I don't really see how... I guess I'd have to be unconscious, but even there I'm not sure

>You slowly slide open the opposed bathroom door... A heavy wave of pungent bloody air flows out of that room... All the mirrors are already shattered and the stall doors are ripped off their hinges. Adorn the center of the room there's a small furry figure hanging from the ceiling. Her guts are spillt and her eyes are lifeless...

:blake:-Every time there's something written in blood it's unsettling bad news.
No. 376032 ID: cdb8cb

Check inside the body for treasure.
No. 376035 ID: 453e62

can't do much, but have some respect for the dead. cut her down.
No. 376094 ID: 16a987
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>You give her a swift tug at the leg and the rope snaps... You push her on to her chest and close her eyes... you offer a few moments of silence...

:blake:-Who is this girl? And why does that wall say I killed her? There's an odd mystery about her... Feels kinda like... A church... hear me out now... She has an aura about her, I feel like I'm in a church... But there's a boil... I feel heat... I think she hates me... *Grunt* I... *Yawn* I'm feeling kinda tired...
No. 376096 ID: 16a987
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-chapter end-
No. 376097 ID: 453e62

awww shit what? things are getting inter-dimensional now.
No. 377002 ID: 5a9fa2

oh my god she has boobs on her butt
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