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354592 No. 354592 ID: c811c4

Hey everyone! Recently formed Chaos God here, but you can still call me Tom. Or the Devourer or Duke or whatever. But down below in the mortal lands, I'm best known as the Chaos God. And gods get prayers, yup. Mortals give us attention, and we give them all sorts of divine favors and gifts and... man, we're attention whores aren't we? I'll own up to that! I was told from the other gods there were people who actually would pray to me and be my subjects, but all I thought was 'haha come on you guys you're just making me feel special, who would actually want to be under someone called the Chaos God?' But get this! There's actually people who said oh hey look, a shrine to the embodiment of Chaos, I think I'll just go ahead and be his devout servant! That couldn't possibly end badly!" And that's the point. I can only think up so many things for so many people, so I'd like some help!
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No. 355854 ID: f70e5e

help her out. she's done allot on her own.
No. 355857 ID: 3fd4fb

Let's just see what she does for now. I'd hope that one day we don't have to do all the work in this relationship, but if she calls on us for help again of course we'll do something. Like, I don't know... fill the air with fog. Fog that smells like oranges.
No. 355859 ID: 40cb26

How about a bit of both?

Reload her crossbow, no wait make it a repeating crossbow with a half dozen shots loaded and tell her she still has to earn her chance to sit back and drink! Then we watch the fun.
No. 355862 ID: c3523f

let her work for it.
No. 355864 ID: 1854db

I think she's gonna need some help no matter what. Let's bestow a mutation on her- whenever she gets hurt, she randomly teleports to a nearby location.

Also since this is basically the worst time to do it, ask her about her family.
No. 355865 ID: 6a5a08

Tell her there are six armed lizardmen behind her.
No. 355868 ID: e4003e

depants lizardmen. soon we shall be known not only as the god of chaos but also the god of pants!
No. 355870 ID: 6a5a08

Or God of Lack of Pants.
No. 355874 ID: c811c4
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Teleport randomly when attacked? I like. It's done.

Boons: Sleepwalking, Enjoys making chaos, Teleports when attacked.

Let's see how she does with just that, now that she's had a drink.


... huh!
No. 355878 ID: b6edd6

Is ice elemental a thing we can turn her into?
No. 355880 ID: c811c4
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rolled 31 = 31

3 hits - Muo takes 34 damage, and blinks.

>Ah?! Oh no oh no oh no going in the water is really bad please help me!

Casted - Polymorph on Self

Looks like slimes aren't supposed to go in large bodies of water. You know the drill, pick a species from how well she did, 65 being her strength, and for the record, she's significantly stronger than a human or lizardman right now.
No. 355881 ID: dda170

Squid. That can breathe air.
No. 355882 ID: c811c4
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Absolutely. It'll just be a weak one, by the looks of it.

A weak anything-that's-chosen, so long as it's something that could feasibly be weak.
No. 355885 ID: d4155c

Water elemental. Last I check, those can be in the water.
No. 355886 ID: b6edd6

Seconding. In the water? No, Muo, you are the water.
No. 355894 ID: 6a5a08

The weakness will be made up for by the water affinity and the large body of the stuff. DO IT!
No. 355898 ID: f70e5e

changed my vote to this.
No. 355901 ID: c811c4
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Polymorphed into Water Elemental

>"Hey!" Elf says.
>"Don't worry, I got a good transformation! I can control the water, so you won't suffocate. In fact, I can bring a lot back like this, I know the way out from here! Maybe not the whole river, I didn't really cast it too well, but it's still a lot! Heh, turns out you weren't needed at all! Thanks though!"
>"Don't pull your punches or anything."
No. 355906 ID: c811c4
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Later,back at the slime area

>Well, I was expecting to have to defend against adventurers soon, but the Elf says that between the refugees escaping and his promise that he'll put in a good word, we may not have as many problems with adventurers coming in for awhile. Plus, with all of this water, we'll be healthy and strong enough to fight better than ever. I'll still do your bidding, Tom, but I think I can help myself, now! I'm just about to go and help the Elf to the surface. Thank you for everything!

Hey, looks like she's got a bit of confidence on her own. Well, of course she's still my subject, but it looks like I won't have to watch her so closely from now on. How about a parting gift for the squirt?
No. 355907 ID: 91e28b

The loyalty of the Badger-ant. Chaos druid go!
No. 355908 ID: 510737

A hat the makes her invisible... but not the hat itself.
No. 355909 ID: 1854db

A parting "gift" you mean. Heheheheh.

Enchant her potato peeler to be a +3 weapon vs vegetables. In exchange, unprepared vegetables in her vicinity animate and attack nearby creatures, as a constant effect.
No. 355910 ID: 6a5a08

These. At the same time.
No. 355918 ID: 35e1a0

vegetable isn't anywhere near common enough thing underground.how about against plantoids. like myconids and shit.
No. 355919 ID: d08c91

Seconding this. Base it off Chee's old wizard hat.
No. 355921 ID: 78b9fc

Third eye on her hand.
No. 355925 ID: 4bdd79


Or this.
No. 355930 ID: 6a5a08

No. 355931 ID: 3fd4fb

How about making it so that unless she consciously wills it otherwise, her slime body forms a little faux-necklace with your grinning face on it? So she can make it disappear if she wants, but it'll show up by default when she's looking natural. A bit of a reminder for her, and proof to everyone else of your favor.
No. 355937 ID: 44766a

I like the necklace idea. Seconding.
No. 355945 ID: d08c91

Thudding, but give it some sort of enchantment, too, so that it's more of a boon. We want to reward her.
No. 355949 ID: c3523f

make her potato peeler be able to talk.
No. 355951 ID: 3fd4fb

We have rewarded her. For just about nothing more than asking it, we've showered her with awesome chaos powers near-constantly. We've helped solve her problems, aided her in benefiting her people. That was the real prize here.
No. 355952 ID: c811c4
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"You're very welcome, just don't get too comfortable, not like I'd let you! You can have a few parting gifts. Use them well."

>Badger loyalty
>Hat of invisibilty (yet is never invisible itself.)
>Potato peeler made into an almost viable weapon
>Mutation (Non-intrusive): Necklace of Minor Summon Water

>Thanks, you're the best!

Well, that's all for now! Let's check up on our gnoll buddy real quick.
No. 355956 ID: c811c4
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>"Give up, gnoll. You have no chance. Surrender, and we may not kill you."

>"HAHAHAHA, fools! My god has given me a scroll, that I have properly identified as a scroll of teleport! See ya, suckerfools!"
No. 355957 ID: c811c4
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End of Bonus Stage
No. 355958 ID: dda170

I want to do this again, but much longer. To like level 20.

*Sniff* When we first got her, she was like a baby. Look how far she's come now.
No. 355961 ID: 3fd4fb

Yeah, between >>354733 and >>355952 she must have grown like eight cup sizes.
No. 355963 ID: 44766a

Can we please make this into it own series? This is just to awesome to stop.
No. 355966 ID: 40cb26

Well where did you think she'd put all the extra water? They're like camel humps.

Hey she never gave those items she "stole" back. We never mentioned the sleepwalking to her either... oh well!
No. 355969 ID: 1854db

That was fun!
No. 355977 ID: dda170

Camel humps don't store water. They store fat.

No. 355997 ID: 4bdd79

...Which stores a large portion of their water.

The more you know
No. 356043 ID: e97531

No, no: It stores fat inside the water. It's the only logical way!

The more youknow.
No. 356073 ID: 1aba78

Camel humps are magic.

The more you know
No. 356077 ID: 84b916

so does this mean that no more Cheequest related stuff?
No. 356122 ID: 01514e


Between "that's all for now" and the fact we haven't explored what a servant would be like at a high level...

you never know...
No. 356124 ID: 40cb26

This is probably our last stint as the advice souls and advisers of chaos. But the Cheeverse is well fluffed and interesting enough that I could easily see more quests there. And even better if it is with occasional cameos and references from everything until now.
No. 356125 ID: d7b78f


I can guess. lvl 10 random effect spamming on every possible thing. People, plants, dirt, air, emotions, all change into something else at random all around her. Things being teleported all over the fucking place. Backdrop music plays endlessly and changes from heavy metal, to classical opera, to mariachis. Her job has become a roaming source of chaos on the land, walking from city to city spreading the 'good word.' When asleep her journey continues but her consciousness joins Duke in the upper realm, where he can debrief her, give new missions, and shoot the shit.
No. 356129 ID: 86f168

best scrolls of teleport ever.
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