Gypsy Silver Night
Ugh, I'm tired of this. Bring the mimic in here. She has greed above all else, so lets take advantage of that.
"I'm sorry if I bothered you earlier. Look, here's the thing. I was all looking forward to fixing my castle up, and now even with these two I'm well over a thousand short. I am assuming what you ate is gone forever. I'm alright with that, really. But I also see you wear more gold. If you're willing to part with enough to cover the 1800 for my total expenses, I'm willing to set aside a quarter of the gold I earn until you are paid back double. And after that I'll give you 1/10 of whatever I earn. If you want it in the form of replacements for your items or other jewelry or valuables instead of coin you're likely to get an even a better deal. How about it?"
Oh and buy those shoes, if we can.