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340205 No. 340205 ID: a8bba1

--still looking at that gem?"

"It's giving off a faint... something. Can't you feel it?"

"Faint Evocation, fire. Careful with it, will you? It'd be terrible if that went off in your eye."
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No. 340791 ID: b6ca92
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It's what we would refer to as a 'Blood Brother', which although only rarely forms between those of the opposite gender, it means unconditional trust.
Also, in the image it would be called "Companionate Love", where passion is not even in the equation.

You there, I can't find a succinct source like yours. Minding posting the source or putting it up yourself?
No. 340792 ID: b6ca92

Nope. Normally I'd be all for it, but it's been a while since we've been in the hands of a competent fighter, so I'm hoping for some good 'shows'. Besides, knowing how things go we'll get the ear of some smart guy or clever mage and things will simply snowball from there. I only hope that we can pull off Magitech.
No. 341760 ID: a8bba1
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oh my god that took forever to draw right

I walk out to the common area, following the delicious smell of breakfast.

>ah, it is the mark of Sagittarius. (etc)
"Sagittarius, hrm? I'll keep that in mind."

>Try just thinking to us rather than speaking out loud. It looks a bit odd to speak to a rock, after all.
...Sure. Can you hear me like this?
Yeah? Okay then.

>All in all we don't really do much but see things in our various manners and offer suggestions or advice to our owner. That's pretty much it, at least that we're aware of. So just go about doing whatever it is you do, and we'll chime in whenever we feel appropriate.
That's fine. Chime in when you feel like. Meanwhile, I'm feeling like getting my breakfast on!

"I was just about to call you." Mereba says, already starting to eat. She casts a sidelong glance to the stone.
"So, what's up with that thing? You sure it's okay to be talking to it?"

I smile, sitting down. "Of course. I'm not getting any warning signs, and the people inside seem pleasant enough."

"Strange markings, voices coming from it, pinging like weak fire magic... Seriously Andy, be really careful with that."

I give her a reassuring smile. "Of course."

>You're very close to your friend but you're not dating? Is there a reason for that? I'm not sure what a Uusaran is... maybe that has something to do with it.
There's a lot of reasons. It's more like a... family closeness, for one. If you're wondering what an Uusaran is, I can explain if you're still wondering.

>I guess we know what we should help you with then, slaying the monsters and laying the lady.
I appreciate the offer on the former. I'm pretty sure I don't need help with the latter.

>...hmm. What was our previous owner like?
Do you want the short version, or the long version? I can tell you the gist, or go into detail.

Mereba looks at me with a mixture of bewilderment and amusement. "...Andy, your food's going to get cold."
No. 341761 ID: 35e1a0

eat, your mind can't talk with it's mouth full. and go for the short version. and as an experiment have her hold us in her hand and try to cast some fire at something, we may be a amplifier. if that fails then we may protect from cold. only things i can think of with small fire power.
No. 341763 ID: 3be3e0

Don't forget we might also be able to cast magic ourselves.
No. 341765 ID: fb10df

Yeah, just eat and go over in your mind whatever you want us to 'see'

Please don't imagine yourself naked.
No. 341788 ID: c2c011

Come on, eat and think at the same time. Surely you can do that if you can kill monsters?
No. 341790 ID: 3be3e0

Ignore him, imagine yourself naked as much as you want.
No. 341817 ID: b6edd6

What's that on the wall to your left that looks like a pipe connected to a box and sphere?
No. 341818 ID: 1854db

Eat yer food, don't let us distract you. I bet if you just gave us the gist of who our previous owner was, we'd just keep asking for more details about him though. So give us the whole thing.
No. 342624 ID: a8bba1
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I'm considering a /questdis/ at this rate

>Yeah, just eat and go over in your mind whatever you want us to 'see'
I'll give it a shot, I guess. Still new to this thing.

>Please don't imagine yourself naked.
...damnit. I'll try.

Anyway, it all started a few days ago.

We were traveling, as we do quite often. I hadn't visited the town of Saint Lagras in a few months, and decided it was a good time to stop by.
However, while passing an abandoned cemetery a few miles out, we came across an unsettling aura of sorts, as well as a grave that had been dug up.

Mereba and I made our way inside, following the sound of mad laughter.
When we came to the inner reaches, we found that one of the tombs had been converted into some sort of laboratory.
We tried to keep quiet, but the man has awfully good ears for someone cackling at the top of their lungs.
He stopped abruptly when he heard us, letting out a content sigh.

"Oh? Company? How ADORABLE! Tell me, are you here for the show, or are you just LOST?"
Mereba shuddered behind me as I rounded the corner. "Just checking to see if there's anything of value left behind."
I was greeted by a filthy, disheveled man in a white coat and the smell of rotting flesh coming from a table near him.
"No, NO... I've already found it. This MAGNIFICENT gem... Once I STAB this into THAT THING," He pointed to the table,"all will be suuuun...shiiiine."
This was getting old fast. It was obvious he was deranged.
"I'm afraid you've done enough for one day." I nodded back to Mereba as I readied my sword. "You obviously need some rest."

He laughed a laugh that should never come from a mortal man.
He lowered his hand, revealing discolored flesh and an eye that I had seen twice before.
A smile of a madman.
And then his eye started shooting wildly.
Mereba was able to use her magic to cancel out the blasts from the eye, but I still had two close calls before I was able to close the gap and take him out with one well placed stab.

He welcomed it. Instead of making any move to protect himself, he spread his arms out as my sword pierced his heart.
That inhuman laugh echoed in the tomb once again as his head lolled about, babbling about utter nonsense until he ceased to move a few seconds later.

He dropped to the floor, and... you? Yeah, that works. You clattered to the floor. Mereba was worried about taking you with us, but I didn't feel any evil aura from you.
Once we made sure nothing else was around, we finished our journey to St. Lagras, told them about what we had found, and they thanked us by giving us room and board for the three days we planned on staying.
Well, not just for that. I had helped out this town once before, after all.

Of course, this is the last day we'll be here before heading out again. It sure took awhile for you all to wake up!
No. 342626 ID: a8bba1
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>and as an experiment have her hold us in her hand and try to cast some fire at something, we may be a amplifier. if that fails then we may protect from cold. only things i can think of with small fire power.
I point to you on the table. "Hey, Mereba, would you mind holding the stone for a second? You said it was all fire-like, right? Maybe it'll make your magic stronger."

She crosses her arms. "No thanks."

"Come on, it's perfectly safe. I've been holding it for a while, and all it seems to be is just an intelligent item."

"Well, I'm not exactly thrilled with putting my hands on something that belonged to that psycho so soon.
Just to be on the safe side. If that thing actually does something to you, I'll need to snap you out of it."

"...Fair enough." I'll ask her again later.
No. 342640 ID: c2c011

Oh man, we were about to become some sort of super zombie undead thing, and then you came along and stopped it. Would have been so cool. But I guess we will have to settle for less.

Anyway, are you sure that guy is dead? He seems like the sort of person that might rise from the dead unless you cut off his head and burn the body.
No. 342656 ID: 1854db

It sounds like he had only just gotten hold of us. I'd like to point out, though, that we tend to follow along with the general mindset of the people using us. We are a tool of our holder.

I thought you said he called us a stone though?

Anyway I think we've asked enough general questions. Shall we get down to business for the day?
No. 342678 ID: f70e5e

I wonder what he was up to... we tend to get scrambled between users. i'm not sure if its memory loss or if it rotates what voices are talking though the gem. you said you had seen that eye twice before? could you tell us what happened the last two times you saw it?
No. 342679 ID: 35e1a0

yeah, usually adopt the big goals of whoever is holding us. they tell us what they want and we do our best to tell them how to get it.
No. 342725 ID: b6edd6

>"an eye that I had seen twice before"
Are eye-beams have a specific origin, or are they common tools for any mages who don't mind installing lasers in their heads?
No. 342774 ID: 44766a

... Man, I hate it when the psychos get a hold of us. It NEVER ends well for anybody.
No. 342791 ID: 7aedd2

To be fair we don't really recall anything up into the point where we began talking to you, for reasons we're not fully aware of. But whatever our wielder decides to do, there are bound to be voices that can offer applicable advise. Or irrelevant advice. Whichever.
No. 346319 ID: a8bba1
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Yeah, I'm thinking we need a dis for this, so I can keep the unimportant explanations in there, and so you can kick me awake when I zonk out for two weeks. I'll post it now, and put a link in my next update, today.

>Anyway I think we've asked enough general questions. Shall we get down to business for the day?

I was just thinking the same thing.
This will be our third day here, so we need to start making preparations to move on.
General supplies have been taken care of, so it's just down to looking for a few bargains making sure the town is safe.

>Anyway, are you sure that guy is dead? He seems like the sort of person that might rise from the dead unless you cut off his head and burn the body.
He did seem like that sort of type. Then again, we're the sort that has sharp blades and fire magic, too.

>Are eye-beams have a specific origin, or are they common tools for any mages who don't mind installing lasers in their heads?
They're not common, as far as I know. Every person I've seen with that eye has been down-right insane.
Insane to the point that it's consumed them.
I haven't found out what the source of those eyes are yet, but it's on my list.

I'm undecided on where we should start, so how about you guys?
What would you all be interested in buying? I don't have that much money, but...
No. 346328 ID: 35e1a0

maybe something like a ring of resist fire. in case we accidentally go off and like the area on fire.
No. 346452 ID: 1854db

Uh... where we should start? Did you ask around town if anyone saw that guy before he set up shop in the cemetery?
No. 346474 ID: cfa804

>Purchase Ale
>Hear Rumors
No. 346563 ID: 1cc49b

did you inspect the creature he wanted to stab us into?
No. 347308 ID: a8bba1
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http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/352337.html Here's the dis thread. I'll update it tonight after work.

>Uh... where we should start? Did you ask around town if anyone saw that guy before he set up shop in the cemetery?
Not really. Defilement of the dead is a sensitive subject, and I've been mulling over pursuing it further.

>did you inspect the creature he wanted to stab us into?
Only enough to determine it was a human. Other than that, I didn't want to disturb the body any more than it had been.
It's the job of an undertaker or a priest to handle a body, not mine.

>maybe something like a ring of resist fire. in case we accidentally go off and like the area on fire.
Good idea. If you really do have some sort of fire power, that would be handy.
I'll see if there's anything on main street.

>Purchase Ale >Hear Rumors
I nod in agreement.
A fantastic idea. We may hear of a local township in need of immediate help.


A serene voice greets us. "Ah, welcome, welcome. How does the day fare for you, young sir." He nods to Mereba as well. "And you as well, mi-"

"Wow... Andy, look at this place! There's a Broom of Flying! I've never seen one of those in such great condition before..."

The man behind the counter chuckles softly. "I'm glad to see someone so interested in my selection. Most people wonder why it's on the wall, and not sweeping the floor."

I greet the shopkeep with a warm smile. "Sorry, she gets a bit excited around..."

I'm halted by an upraised hand. "It's quite alright. Such interest in my work is nothing but a compliment. Speaking of interest..."
He leans back, closing his eyes. "What interests you, young one?"

I'm not young. "We've recently come across a few hazards related to fire lately. I was wondering if you would happen to have anything to deal with that?"

The shopkeeper nods. "Yes, yes. We have a few things for that. A potion would run you around 50 kelt, and last you for three hours. A scroll would be 25 kelt, but requires someone of magical ability to use it."
He opens one eye. "Then again, it would probably burn, if it's fire that worries you."

"I was wondering if you possibly had a more... permanent solution?"

"Ah, so it's a ring you are looking for? That would run you around... 4,000 kelt."

I try to hide my astonishment. I'm pretty sure from the shopkeeper's reaction that I failed.
"And that's the only other alternative? Perhaps you have something... used?"

After he looks me over for a second, the shopkeeper makes a motion with his hand, whisking a tray with a ring sitting on top of it to the table.
"Well, there is this. I bought this second hand, and it's come to be quite the annoyance.
He sighs. "Superstitious folk, telling me it didn't work at all, that it was cursed. I've worn it a few times and seen nothing wrong with it. Perhaps they thought it would make them flat out immune... but I digress."
"Seeing as everyone around here knows about the ring, they won't lay a finger on it. However, if you're willing to deal with the second-hand... I'm willing to part with this ring for 1,000 kelt.

...I'll be honest guys. I only have around 2,000 kelt.
If it works, that's a fantastic deal, and I'm not feeling anything 'evil' from it. It could possibly still be cursed, but... What do you all think?
Should we go with the ring, or just grab some potions just in case? Or maybe we could try to get something else?
http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/magicItems.htm In case you need ideas. But it's not limited to just this sort of thing. Go nuts, he might have something in stock.
No. 347312 ID: 35e1a0

ask if you could try it out. you know put it on and get a bit of fire sent your way.
No. 347315 ID: b6edd6

Ask what complaints the locals had, and ask whether it protects things you are wearing/holding as well as your body.
If it protects things you are holding, hold a stick or something and try to set it on fire.

Also ask if he has any other secondhand or otherwise unpopular magical items that he wants get rid of for a reduced price.
No. 347317 ID: cfa804

Be careful, he's done nothing more than merely imply that the ring has anything to do with fire protection. However, when it comes to spending half of your entire life savings on something iffy like this... I'm not sure it's really worthwhile. Considering you're not really expecting to be On Fire All the Time or anything like that, it might just be prudent to buy a few of the scrolls, say four (assuming our friend can use them and they last a decent time) and maybe one or two of the potions in case she's distracted or otherwise unable to promptly use the scrolls.
No. 347318 ID: a812f0

Ask if he knows what we are?
No. 347319 ID: 35e1a0

good idea. he may be better able to appraise us since it's his job to know magic items.
No. 347325 ID: f70e5e

ask if he has something that would let two people communicate over long distance. being able to talk to your companion from afar would come in handy in all sorts of situations.
No. 347334 ID: 1854db

Ask if he tested the ring with both magical fire and normal fire.
No. 348992 ID: a8bba1
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I let the seller know that I'm worried about the ring's abilities.
"I assure you, it works just like any sort of ring of it's type. Increased resistance to fire, magical or otherwise."
"Protection of all items carried on your person. You're welcome to try it on if you like, but I'm afraid testing it would be up to you."

I'm not exactly keen on setting myself on fire.
"I think I'll just settle for two scrolls and a potion."

If he's disappointed in my choice, his face doesn't show it. "Very well, I suppose it just wasn't this item's time to be sold yet."

Mereba speaks up. "Would you happen to have any other items on a discount?"

She receives a shake of the head in reply. "I'm afraid not. Not even a broom." he adds with a smile.


"Would you happen to have anything for speaking with someone far away? Something mobile?"

Another shake of the head. "Anything that would work over longer distances would have to be stationary, like a Clarity Device."

"Like the one in the place we're staying. Remember, Andy?"

"Right, of course. You never know though, right?"
The shopkeep hands me a small bag, and I pay the hundred kelt.

"Was there anything else you needed?"

I hold you out. "Yes, I was actually wondering if you could possibly tell us what this is?"
"I know that there's usually a charge for this sort of thing, but I figured you'd be interested in a glace, seeing as it's an intelligent item."

That got his attention. "Is it now...?" He raises an eyebrow as he gingerly picks you up, rolling it over in his hands a few times. "Hrm..."

He lets out a gasp. "W-why... this is...!

"What, what is it?"
"You know what it is?!"
No. 348993 ID: a8bba1
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He hands it back to me. "I have absolutely no idea."


"The enchantment reminds me of a very weak fire-based attack magic, but it has a very strong undercurrent I can't even recognize."
"Certainly not something I can figure out with just a glance... and you don't seem interested in selling it. Nor do I blame you!"

...Right then. "Well thank you, all the same."

You guys have any other ideas, or do you think it's about time we check the local tavern scene?
No. 348997 ID: 35e1a0

an undercurrent of something a guy who's job it is to know these things can't recognize? SCORE.
anyway, nothing more for now.
No. 349011 ID: b265bf

you should have bought the ring, but oh well.

the shopkeep's lying, by the way. he knows something, but he won't tell you. at least this means there are people who know about us though.

proceed boozeways.
No. 349016 ID: 1854db

How do you figure that? I didn't sense anything from him at all.

Ask him if he could do a more detailed analysis.
No. 349047 ID: cfa804

Yeaaaah... Showing us to a guy who at first reacts with a huge amount of surprise and interest and then claims to not know much? He's just totally giving off the vibe of someone who's going to hire a bunch of guys to murder you and take us from you because he knows our value. Or something.
No. 349139 ID: b6edd6

Huh, I was expecting us to be able to hear him when he held us. Maybe we are bonded to you specifically.
And yes, he is sounding quite suspicious.
No. 349154 ID: f70e5e

we don't have any reasons to think that he's going to go that far. but yeah his reaction was kinda suspicious.
No. 352023 ID: a8bba1
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I don't see why the shop owner would try to lead me false on something like this.
If he is lying though, I seriously doubt he'd try to get you from me with unsavory means. It would be bad for business, wouldn't it?
Either way, I think we've learned all we can here without just handing you over.

"Don't hesitate to come back, young ones!" He says as I head out. "You never know when I may have something!"
I give him a half-hearted wave back.

"Well, we didn't get much out of that. That broom looked so cool, too..."

I can't help but smile. "At least we have something just in case the stone DOES go up in flames, right?"

Mereba nods in agreement. "Where to next?"

"Well... I was thinking about hitting the local tavern, see if we can't dig up any leads for who needs our help."

"And to grab a pint, eh?" she adds with a wry smile.

"Heheh. Well, that too."
No. 352024 ID: a8bba1
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And then I felt it. A dull roar that rattles you down to the bones, a darkness that covers even the sun.
I blinked, and it was suddenly there.
No. 352025 ID: a8bba1
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"Oh no."
"..Oh no."
No. 352026 ID: a8bba1
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"Tch. Looks like that drink'll have to wait! Let's go, Mereba!"

"Right behind you!"

I know I was looking for someone who needed my help.
And don't get me wrong, I'm glad I was here when this happened.

...but, did it really have to be a Nightmare?

"Andy, that thing went from nothing to covering the entire west side of the city! Whatever's at the center of that, it's powerful!"

"The catalyst, or the demon?" I shake my head. "Damn it, probably both. It's going to be hard to shake out whoever's at the center."

"Either way, the first few are going to pouring out of that thing any minute! Do you think we can get to the source in time?"

"I dunno, do you think the guard can handle them?"

"You met them! You tell me!"

There's going to be lower class demons coming out of the Nightmare within a few minutes.
The guard could take them, but if a large force comes out, they won't be able to protect everyone.
If I can get to the source and free them fast enough, we'll be able to nip that problem in the bud.
"Mereba, can you stay here and help protect the town?"

"Are you insane?! There's no way in hell you're going in there alone! If we both go in there at the same time, we can just stop them in their tracks, right?"

I'm not sure... Damn it, think... Think...
No. 352035 ID: b6edd6

Well at least its not UNLIMITED DRAGONS.

Do the minions appear at the edge of the sphere (or randomly) or at the middle? If they appear at the middle, you should be able to head inwards and intercept them as they move outwards.

If they don't come from the center, waiting for them still seems only feasible if one of the following is true:
* you can rely on their numbers exhausting
* there will be a break in their attacks that is longer than the time from now until the attacks begin
* you will receive reinforcements soon who can hold off the attacks on their own
As none of those seem particularly likely (unless you know things about this that we don't), heading straight in seems like the best option.
No. 352044 ID: 1854db

Wait a minute. Our weak fire magic might be intended to warm up an artificial body or corpse so we can pass for a living being. We're psychically active which might be intended for controlling such a body.

I would've liked to confirm this beforehand so we could assist you directly... but if you ask me you should both go in. If it's as strong as you're saying then this definitely isn't a solo mission, and if you fail to kill those at the center then the town falls anyway.
No. 352060 ID: 35e1a0

charge. i agree, waiting and fighting only works if they could be stopped out here.
No. 352069 ID: f70e5e

well I have to say things are going horribly wrong a bit faster than they normally do around us. i'm guessing the low grade demons just keep coming until the thing at the center is dealt with right? leave them to the town guard, both of you go in and end this thing as soon as you can. even if one of you stayed to help the town they could only be in one place at a time and against a swarm that's not the best way to protect people. making this battle as short as possible is probably the best way to minimize fatalities.
No. 352159 ID: cfa804

We're really not knowledgeable in this situation, but you're making it seem like if you strike down the heart of this nightmare, everything else will take care of itself, right? In that case, you've no time to waste. You can't afford to get bogged down doing anything else. Take your friend with you and charge through the middle.
No. 365152 ID: b57715


And dont worry about being watchfull, we tend to see everything around our owner. just find the center as fast as you can, we can watch your back.
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