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327428 No. 327428 ID: c811c4

It's been pretty quiet in the few days since the dwarves attacked our home. I've stuck around since everyone seemed to want me to train a bit more, but I think I'm getting as good as I can at such a rate.

Oh, I'm still improving at everything, but it's not happening at such a huge rate. I don't think my skills at healing and marksmanship will get much better without spending a whole lot of time.

Shabin is also hitting a cap, I think. I've been letting her borrow the souls as well, too, and it has shown. It really does seem to help us with our abilities even when we don't have the souls, but they always do give us an extra burst when available.
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No. 328362 ID: 35e1a0

"well, worth a shot. seems the Devourer tried to take your soul, but i stopped it, it seems you lost some memory though, not sure if it will return or not"
No. 328363 ID: 293d40

"But it's true, I rushed here as soon as I could when I heard a bunch of humans were gonna try to kill you!"
No. 328374 ID: 510069

Guys, he's a dragon. He won't care about humans trying to kill him.

Tell him an undead abomination of epic proportions tried to eat his soul, and by applying healing magic to the base of where it's bound, you managed to force it to give it back. If he asks what it's bound to, tell him it's a mobile container, so it can be where-ever it wants.
No. 328376 ID: 1854db

Hey, you said he could tell when you're lying. So don't lie. But uh, maybe we shouldn't tell him exactly what happened. Just uh... say that he's got a bit amnesia right now. You don't know if his memory will come back or not, and you don't know how much time he lost... but it was at least a few months.

Ask him how he feels. Suggest that maybe he should check on his hoard. Maybe ask him if he wants to meet your friend that has eyes like his?
No. 328390 ID: 9a34be

Just tell him that the devourer tried to eat his soul, but you partly stopped him, you're sorry you couldn't do more, and then flee.

The devourer probably grabbed the relevant memories, anyway, considering the dragon doesn't have them.
No. 328408 ID: c811c4
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"Ah! The devourer tried to take your soul, but I stopped it. Almost. I mean, I couldn't stop it entirely but still you're okay! It got some memories, I'm not sure how much, or if they'll return."

>"What an extraordinary claim. And yet, I sense no lies within you. Perhaps you are trustworthy, in which case, I owe you my life. Pathetic, but perhaps you can help me further. The last thing I remember was flying to this mountain range to set up a new home. Tell me, do I have one here?"

I hear Voxol has been in this land for about five years, so it seems that's how long he has forgotten.
No. 328409 ID: 644ca1

Show him his hoard
No. 328410 ID: 35e1a0

"yes but the nearby humans know that the you who flies out of the caves for a while is an illusion"
technically true. i mean, the nearest humans are the ones we told.
No. 328411 ID: 0bd0b0

No point in lying, since you are so pure and he can read your mind or something. (humans looting his lair will probably die)
No. 328420 ID: cd63e9

yes. you've been living here for about five years.
No. 328421 ID: 60228c

Damm. Think of something that will let the humans live in peace with Vox. Or, youknow, at least get a truce going.

We are this fucking close to getting a Good End for this Chapter.
No. 328428 ID: 1854db

5 years isn't long for a dragon. Let's go show him his hoard! Also uh... hmm. I wonder if we should get Shabin to come along with us. Or maybe just pointing his home out to him would work better.

The humans will probably wait out here for a bit. It might be better not to mention them so that we don't piss off the dragon again by admitting we scared them off and revealed his illusion. Then again people will probably STILL try to steal the dragon's treasure even if some rumors circulate that him flying off is an illusion.
No. 328442 ID: c811c4
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"I'll show you to your hoard. Also, I think some humans know you flying off is an illusion."


>"Yes. I sense my illusions in this cave.. This is far enough, for you. You may know this, but inside is a regular looking cave, only beyond the illusion is my horde. Me flying off is one of many traps. Do not bother trying to pass through here."


>"... but I do not enjoy being in debt, as I appear to be. If you are in need to travel quickly, then come to me and I will fly you to some destinations. If you find this acceptable, then I will consider us even."
No. 328446 ID: 2256da

Remind Voxol of the lich business and ask it for more information. Hopefully we'll get what he withheld last time.
No. 328450 ID: 1854db

Quick travel could be VITAL later on. Let's take that deal. Asking him a couple more questions couldn't hurt but he probably won't answer anything important. Also I'm not entirely sure that we should bring up the lich business again but if we DO, be sure to tell him that he already gave us some information already. It would be deceitful to squeeze more info out of him just because he forgot about what he told us already.
No. 328452 ID: 35e1a0

yes, ask if voxol can tell if someone is part dragon. then call shabin over if he can.
No. 328453 ID: c811c4
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"So... I have this kobold friend, and it's possible she's part dragon. I was wondering if you could tell. Also about these liches, you told me a bit earlier..."

>"I know nothing of this land's liches, or much. What knowledge I told you I have forgotten. Only the devourer sounds familiar. Nor do I meddle in half-dragons. I will tell you what I think if I see this friend, but I do not sense anyone else in the vicinity."

I don't know where Shabin is, either. I think this is all the information I'll get out of Voxol for now. I think I'll head back, unless anyone else has any input.
No. 328454 ID: 1854db

I can't think of anything offhand. Thank him. Oh, well, we could ask about magic but I dunno if there's much we could get from a brief conversation and we don't really have time to stay here for lessons (if he was willing to teach them, which would probably mean we'd give up the offer of quick travel)
No. 328455 ID: 35e1a0

yeah, head back for now.
No. 328463 ID: c811c4
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Yes, knowing him, he only would give either flying or lessons, not both. I thank him, and move back to the woods, and eventually find them.

>"Hey, runt. I'm not going to ask."

"Oh, hey, Shabin, Tae! Ah, Tae, do you have a map?"

>"Of course! I'll show you the political map I have. I owe you my life as well as the others, so I won't ask what... that... was, either."
No. 328464 ID: c811c4
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>"It's very simple, but I've got more detailed maps for specific regions for when you need them. The regions we know anything about of course."

The X is our current location, and the O's are where the liches are at. There may not be much reason to rush things right now, but where should my destination be?
No. 328465 ID: b6ca92

First, ask Shabin if sh'd mind coming along to meet the dragon to confirm if she's draconic.

Second, ask Tae if she'd be interested in traveling with us as a human ambassador and liaison. Sweeten the deal by offering a contract with a high cut of any earnings or spoils, and mention our ability to empower those who are with us. [have Shabin provide example with rock-busting)
No. 328466 ID: 35e1a0

think towards the southeast one first would be best. and let's leave voxol alone for now. give shabin our theory that after seeing voxol we are fairly sure she is part dragon.
No. 328470 ID: c811c4
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"Hey Shabin, would you mind coming with me to the dragon to see if you're part draconic? That dragon had eyes similar to yours."

>"What? Draconic? Why yes, I would mind wasting my time. I'm not draconic."

"Uh... okay, Tae. Would you like to be our human ambassahdoor and lie a son? I can offer any shares of loots, and practice by cramming a bunch of souls in you and they really help."

>"...what was that last part? Nevermind, I don't even want to know. I promised you I'd help you travel, and that's enough. Just point where to go."
No. 328471 ID: c6a154

Party member get?
No. 328472 ID: 35e1a0

close enough. let's get a move on towards the east and that human town.
No. 328473 ID: 35e1a0

actually. if those other people left their tents we could use those.
No. 328476 ID: 1854db

I think we should go check out that human town nearby, and see if we can find anyone who can make sense of your hat.
No. 328477 ID: c811c4
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Oh, Shabin brought our gear. Night's just fallen, so it won't be too long before we go to sleep.

"Hey, Shabin, could you set up our camp?"

>"Alright. Help me out, human."

In the meanwhile, there's no rush right now. I have one vote for the southeaster lich, and two votes for the nearest human town. I'll wait a bit before settling on a new destination.
No. 328478 ID: 35e1a0

ah no. i mean the southeastern lich as an ultimate goal. want to check other places on the way.
No. 328480 ID: c811c4

Oh! Just two for the human town, then.
No. 328481 ID: 0bd0b0

The human should be taken advantage of while it is most convenient, human town it is.
No. 328482 ID: cd63e9

strong as we are in the healing arts i don't think we can take on the litches yet. we need to get stronger somehow. the paladins would be of use but they would probably kill us on sight. by the way, ask our new human companion what is up with that. Its not like kobolds raid human settlements or anything.
No. 328483 ID: cd63e9

strong as we are in the healing arts i don't think we can take on the litches yet. we need to get stronger somehow. the paladins would be of use but they would probably kill us on sight. by the way, ask our new human companion what is up with that. Its not like kobolds raid human settlements or anything.
No. 328491 ID: 5a5d47

I bet the human town has plenty of souls to devour and gain strength from
No. 328496 ID: a3dd57

Become the Drake and venture into Uncharted lands
No. 328497 ID: a813bc

Yes, with this and our previous map, it's clear we can make our way to the southeastern lich AND visit some human towns with maybe only minor detours. We should definitely do that. We'll want to stock up on information and equipment and possibly allies before actually trying to combat a lich.
No. 328537 ID: c811c4
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Tae went ahead and marked up our map with the path she would recommend. She also put up some odd stuff around our camp, something about security? I don't know who would attack us here, though. We only have one tent, but she says she'll be fine, maybe she's going to fetch one of her own.
No. 328538 ID: c811c4
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I guess it'll be a long time before I see home again. I'll look forward to that time! I hope that going through the human's kingdoms will go alright, but I'm starting to worry too much, so until tomorrow morning...

No. 328539 ID: a3dd57

Tae is going to capture you and then sell you off as a fetish sex slave
No. 328546 ID: 2256da

A fetish for kobolds or for things-with-no-thingies?
No. 328547 ID: dee311

Why not both?
No. 328553 ID: 0aa0a6

Great, then we'll learn to whore like we planned a real long time ago.
No. 328584 ID: 6a5a08

And the ones who are a little too rough... well, they won't be needing their souls, since they'll be going to hell anyways~
No. 328638 ID: 1854db

Personally I think we should just have the dragon fly us to the liches. We should only travel on foot if we have a good reason to.
No. 328639 ID: 35e1a0

after we take out the south one we come back and hitch a ride to the northern one.
No. 328651 ID: 2256da

Come to think of it, we really haven't been able to travel 5 feet without a shitton of fuck-all happening. I bet that we won't even be able to leave the human town without levelling an appreciable amout of structures.
No. 328762 ID: b6ca92

No. 328778 ID: 1854db

...the human? Don't be a derp.
No. 328784 ID: 9c538a

Don't be evil, Chee. That's just what they want you to do.
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