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316749 No. 316749 ID: a9ba96

>"Oh Gods."
"You... you guys saw that, right? He didn't give me any other choice... I... I..."
>"Shit. Shit shit shit shit."
>"Calm down, you'll wake the others."
>"That's it. We're dead."
>"Don't say that. no one else has to die here, we just have to... we have to think this through."
>"Lin and Faer are Paladins. When they find out about this-"
>"Lin and Faer are never going to find out about this, understand?"
"Oh gods, all this blood. How am I going to wash off all this blood?"
>"Well, they're going to be pretty fucking suspicious when they wake up tomorrow and find... this!"
>"This wouldn't have happened if you had just listened to me from the start!"
"Guys... guys, please... stop talking, I need... I just need a minute to think... I..."

525 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 336205 ID: eba49f

Oh, for a moment there I thought it was going to be a griffon's skull emblem.
No. 336249 ID: 00d3d5

Oh. Oh, wow.
Mark, I'm pretty sure being given that knife marks as a friend of their guild.
"Ah. Er... I guess they aren't sanctioned by the order, is that right?
What does it mean that they... er... gave me that knife? I'm a bit lost.
Ugh! I wish they hadn't run; there's so much I need to know, and we could really use their help."
No. 336372 ID: 7aedd2

What's interrupting you?
No. 336473 ID: a9ba96
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Hold on a minute, that doesn't sound like...
>They’re assassins, Mark.
That… that would make sense.

“Wait… These guy’s aren’t part of a thieves guild are they?”
>“No Mark. The Brotherhood of the Elf’s Ear and Human’s Hand is a guild of Assassins.”
>“Answers a lot of questions about those two, really.“
“For members of some sort of super assassin’s guild, Samwell and I dealt with them pretty easily.”
>“You took them by surprise. They were expecting to steal a sword from a lost adventurer and add it to the next day’s shipment, so Samwell showing up and putting a sword to their backs probably threw them off guard. Elf’s Ear, Human’s Hand was never known for being fierce warriors. Their members were renowned for their unparalleled efficiency in completing their assignments without detection. You were lucky enough to take them when they didn’t have the element of surprise on their side. Madame Da’Mounde wasn’t.”
“Still… neither seemed very… professional assassins.”
>“Honestly, from what you've described of them I'm inclined to agree. You took them relatively easily in a fight, the girl seemed to have difficulty keeping this "hunt" skill under control, the other seemed rather nervous when he had no stealth to rely on... even when they killed Da'Mounde, they hardly did it discretely. They were probably trainees of some sort.”
“It would also explain why Vinbal was hesitant to fight me, he probably figured that we were some sort of elite Brotherhood assassins sent to kill them or something. So, uh, I guess these guys aren't sanctioned by the order.”
>“No, but there’s not our chapter can do about them. They operate from upper Ution, mostly. It’s kind of weird but… it almost feels like an honor to have their members down here, even if they are just trainees. They’re a very respectable group.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure. And what does them uh, giving me their knife mean?”
>“Not completely sure, but you can keep it if you want. It’s a very nice knife.”
“Uh, well uh, Sure.”
>“You need some time to heal up, and we need to bring your sister and the pack back down to the nearest camp. Lin says it was nice to see you again, but it’s probably time for us to part ways for now. If it’s okay with you, would you mind escorting Samwell the rest of the way once you’re better? We have some busy work to do, and I’d be lying if I didn’t say you’ve done surprisingly well at it so far.”
No. 336491 ID: 00d3d5

I want to bring Tinata and Eline with us, but Eline is going to want to be there for Mary.
Go with them to the Paladin camp and stay until the pack is judged. We might be able to secure Eline's loyalty by convincing them to sentence Mary to escorting Samwell. Additionally, Tinata would feel a lot better if she talked the paladins into protecting her Kobold tribe as well. Perhaps even offering to take Kobold volunteers?
No. 336508 ID: 7aedd2

Ask to make sure you're sister's all right. Probably something you should've done sooner upon awakening. Anyway, it's not far to the capitol, is it? You should be able to take Samwell yourself.
No. 336656 ID: 0b9d09
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"I'm not sure. Can I uh, can I get back to you on that one?"
>"I guess, but you should make up your mind soon. We're going to get going in a bit. We need to get Mary back to camp soon."
"So uh, how is Mary doing?"
Faer motions to Mary, who is sleeping in a bed behind him.
>"Stable. I should be able to keep her that way for another day or two, but the sooner we get her to a Paladin camp, the sooner we'll be able to make sure she recovers. That's a pretty nasty wound she has there."
"Well, thanks for helping her."
>"Oh, don't thank me! I'm just doing my duty as a paladin. Your sister can be a bit... erm... difficult. But it wouldn't be right if I didn't do everything I could to keep her alive."
"Still, thanks."
>"Well, now that you're up, that elderly archer fellow wanted to talk to you. Never did get his name, but it sure was nice of him to let me operate in his house!"
"Uh, yeah. I'll check that out."
>"It really was nice to get to see you again! Things may be a bit safer for Lin and I when we travel now, but they just aren't as interesting without you around!"
"Thanks, Faer. I uh, I think."
No. 336658 ID: 0b9d09
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As I leave the house I notice a painting on the wall, depicting four warriors posing in front of a mountain.

Is this a portrait of Old Bow Guy's old adventuring group?

If it is, something feels off about it. But I can't quite put my finger on it...
No. 336660 ID: 0b9d09
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Faer sure is uh, he sure is something. The guy always tried his best to keep group spirit up, right up until the moment we finally deciced to all go our seperate ways. I'm honestly still a bit amazed that the guy's made it out here this long since we split up. Even if some wild animal hadn't gotten to him in his sleep, there's far too many people in the Outlands willing to take advantage of someone as trusting as Faer. It makes sense that he's with Lin, it's the only way I can imagine him surviving in the Outlands for very long.

You guys don't think he and Lin have like, uh, like a thing, do you? Ha... ha ha, nah. No way in hell.

I notice a large number of Kobolds huddled in the middle of the town, and the Old Bow Guy yelling at Tinata.

>"You had everyone in this town worried that you were in some kind of danger, and for what? So you could be at the head of some sort of Kobold revolution? Gods damn it Tinata, your father raised you better than this!"
>"I would not expects someonses like you to understands how to lives peacefully with my brethren."
>"Peacefully? The Kobolds stayed the hell away from our town before you convinced them to attack it, and we stayed the hell away from their camp! How much more peaceful can you get? How far did you plan to take this anyway? Once you had brought the Kobolds back to their "glory," what were you going to do? Were you going to start burning human towns to the ground like the Kobolds did in the "good old days?" Were you going to try going to war with the human kingdoms?"
>"If I dids want to take it that far, I don't see what the problems would have been! We coulds have started in Farway, a strongs enough breeze could collapse their government at this pouints, don't see why the Kobolds wouldn't haves been able to if you gave them a few years!"
No. 336662 ID: 0b9d09
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Samwell gets up from the box he was standing on and approaches the two.
>"Excuse me? Are you trying to imply that your Kobolds could have overthrown the heiarchy of Farway?"
>"If I dids want to takes the Kobolds to war, Farway woulds have been the place to start. Their governments is a joke these days, haven'ts you heard? Their Officials sell seats in office to anyones who can pay enoughs money to them, and the royals are too busy making bastard children to stop their peoples from dying in the streets. That's why nobodies have faith in their governments anymore. That's why no one's inlists willingly in their army anymores. The Empire of Farway's stretched itself too far to maintain itself, and relies on Egias and the Dwarven empire to survives. The nation's on its ways out as it is! Don't you remember justs a year ago, when the royal family sents their embarassment of a heir on a suicide mission, because they knew the peoples would rebel is he ever becames king?"
No. 336663 ID: 0b9d09
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>"Old bow guy?"
>"Yes, sir?"
>"How much does a drink at the tavern cost?"
>"Considering what you've done for our little town, you can drink all you want on me!"
No. 336664 ID: 0b9d09
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>"...That's good to know."

Samwell walks off towards the bar.
No. 336666 ID: 0b9d09
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As I approach the Old Bow Guy, he turns to face me.

>"Ahh, there you are! The young lad who put his neck on the line for us sorry bunch of pesants! Hah, sorry for the mess Tinata here put you through, kid."
"Uh, no problem, sir. Always good to uh, to help people in need!"
>"Nice to see people like you are still out there. It's rare to see in Adventurers these days, but I can tell you really care about helping people."
"So uh, what are you going to do with uh, with Tinata and her uh, her little friends here?"
>"Heck, I don't know. First the girl has these critters attack our town, and now she wants us to let her move their camp right next to us. Our town makes it's living from travelers stopping at our taven, and no one wants to drink at a bar in a town where there's a bunch of Kobolds running around, sticking their noses in your business and making off with your stuff. We'll figure out something though, don't you worry."
"Oh. Good luck with that."
>"And godd luck with whatever travels you got ahead of you. But first, lemme ask you something. it wouldn't be right if we sent you on your way without repayin' you somehow. We don't have much, but we could probably throw together some cash for you before you go. I've got a few old trinkets from my adventuring days too, if you were interested in looking at those. Unless you have something else in mind."

So uh, so what do you guys think? Anything in mind? The second best part of adventuring is the rewards, after all. The first is uh, the first is the helping people. Of course.

Also, Tinata said she was being watched in town by some old archer that used to travel with her dad. Old Bow Guy is the only old archer I've seen in the town, so he could probably answer any questions about Tinata or those Elves, since they say they travled with Tinata's dad too.
No. 336671 ID: e4bbed


the wolf skin that dude's wearing is kinda like the one Tinata had on-must be her dad. what's that thing over his head?

check out dem trinkets.
No. 336674 ID: 35e1a0

ask if any of the stuff he got was magical. i mean, magical sword would be a step up from your non-magic sword. regardless of what the magic is.
No. 336675 ID: 7aedd2

Hmm well it's fair enough to assume that the guy with the bow is Old Bow Guy, and since Tinata's not a dwarf that leaves one of two others to be her father, and I'm guessing it's the one with the animal-hides and HE MAN SWORD. Does the other guy look familiar to you? Is he, perhaps, a father of someone you know REALLY WELL? HMMM?!
No. 336735 ID: 07416a

Trinkets. Also maybe Samwell should donate some money to the town. Build them a windmill or something useful like that.
No. 336749 ID: 7aedd2

Well we certainly don't have any need for money considering the tidy profit Samwell made us with a bit of smart gambling. However, the term 'trinkets' is just too vague to say "Hey I'll take the trinkets." Instead, ask him if they can spare any magic items that you might find useful. And information. Ask him about the elves... Everything he knows about them from factual background to character information. It's rather odd that the Old Archer Guy, Tinata's Father, and the Two Elves all traveled together and yet the picture of 'Ye Olde Adventuring Partye' is a picture of Three Humans and A Dwarf.
No. 336840 ID: 0b9d09
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"Can I take a look at those trinkets?"

The Old Bow Guy nods and goes over to his house, returning with a small box.

>"The bracer and the rings are enchanted, but it's all pretty low-level magic. Still, you might get some use out of them. When you block physical attacks with the bracer, it reflects a bit of the blow's force back to the guy attacking. It doesn't hurt them very much, but it can certainly disorient you if you don't see it coming. Like a magic slap to the face."
"And what about the rings?"
>"One slows the flow of poison, gives you more time to get yourself to a proper healer. The other's kind of interesting. If you find yourself traveling with mages, they can cast a spell on the ring and the ring stores the spell inside. You can't cast it, but if someone treis to cast that same spell on you at any point, the ring releases the spell stored inside it and cancels it out. Hahah, don't you just love the stuff those mages cook up?"
"Yeah, it's all pretty neat."
>"Don't worry about taking your pick. You can have all three if you want. I'd offer you more, but I'm afriad Tinata sold most of my old loot off to fund her... Kobold... thing."
No. 336847 ID: 0b9d09
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"Yeah, about that actually. You traveled with Tinata's father, right?"
>"Yeah, why?"
"The guys Tinata was trading for weapons, those uh, those thiefy-looking elves? They say they traveled in your group. Do the names Nessya and Vinbal mean anything to you?"
>"What? No, I've never seen them before. If they had traveled with me, I would have recognized them when I ran them out out town a few weeks ago. Remember?"
>"Tinata? What is going on?"
>"They... Vinnie and Ness, they came a few days after dad died. They tolds... they told me that they were old friends of dad, and they could help me with anything I needed as long as I didn't ask too many questions about them. I told them as long as they didn't ask too many questions about the stuff I asked for, it would be fine."
>"I traveled with your father for thirty years, and we never traveled with any elven thieves! Sir, could you tell me anything you know about these two?"
"Well, I think I know why they didn't want Tinata asking too many questions. Before we left the camp they uh, they gave me this knife. As a, uh, gift. There's a symbol on it that belongs to a guild called..."
Tinata suddenly interrupts Mark, and reaches into her cape.
>"Waits a second!"
No. 336848 ID: 0b9d09
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>"That... looks a bit like the thing on my dad's old knife."

Oh you have got to be kidding me.
No. 336852 ID: 40cb26

Whelp, might as well explain what that's all about. Then you get the low down on the kind of adventuring the old mans group was up to and what Tinatas dad might have been doing behind the scenes. Hopefully you can gleam some more clues as to what kind of new shit you're in from that.
No. 336857 ID: 195461

they deserve to know.
No. 336907 ID: 00d3d5

"That's the symbol of a guild called The Brotherhood of the Elf’s Ear and Human’s Hand.
Tinata, did they give you any way to contact them besides the drops? I really need to talk to Nessya."

>One slows the flow of poison, gives you more time to get yourself to a proper healer.
Put that on Mary. Right now sepsis is one of the greatest dangers she faces, and delaying the onset of that would improve her odds by quite a bit.
No. 336924 ID: 7aedd2

Tell them it's a guild of Free Man-Elf Love. It'll totally work.
No. 336937 ID: eba49f

You need a guild for that now?
No. 348044 ID: a9ba96
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>They deserve to know the truth

Alright Mark, gotta uh, gotta break this to her lightly. She's about to find out that her father probably killed people for a living, and Tinata isn't the most uh, the most stable person out there, so taking this carefully is very important.

"Oh, uh... That thing? It's nothing. That's  just similar to the uh, well the things are the same, uh,  because the thing is an assassin guild's mark, and your dad was probably secretly an assassin is all."

I think that went well.
No. 348046 ID: a9ba96
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>"...But... But whats makes you say..."
"Well uh, well Nessya and Vinbal are probably assassins, since the paladin Elf says this is the symbol of some ancient assassin order or something. They said they traveled with your dad but if, uh, if they didn't travel with old bow guy... And if your dad also has one of their knives... I just uh, I just think it's probably safe to say tha-"
>"S-stops talking! I... I needs to thinks for a minute."

Tinata turns around and begins to walk off. Before I can say anything else, I hear another voice behind me.
No. 348057 ID: a9ba96
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>"So, what are you planning on doing, kid?"
"What do you mean, Old Bow Guy?" 
>"She's gonna want answers that you're not gonna be able to give her. Tinata's made some... Poor choices over the past few weeks, but she's not dumb. I've never met these Elves before, but they gave you that knife for a reason. She knows her best chances of running into them again is following you."
"I uh, I was actually planning to, uh, if you don't mind that is, I was thinking even before this that I could use her help in my travels. She showed some great strategic abilities back at the Kobold camp."
>"And that's fine. As long as you have faith that this Kobold integration plan will work without her here, that is. If she thinks this can work"
"I... I hadn't really thought about that..." 

...Damn, Tinata probably could help out a lot on the road ahead, but if I take her with me now, there's no telling how well the people in the town will accept their new, uh, company.

...Or, for that matter, how well the Kobolds will be able to handle not pissing off the townsfolk without Tinata to keep them in line...
No. 348063 ID: cfa804

Well, I'm really going to have to say that Honesty Is The Best Policy (tm), Mark. I mean, YOU are not her, therefore for you to try to give her only half of the story would be a wrongful attempt to try to live her life for her. Instead you should present her with all the information you have that's relevant to her and let her make her own decision. She should know that, yes you'd welcome her company and it would probably lead to another encounter with the elven assassin duo, but on the other hand you shouldn't hide from her the fact that integrating human and kobold societies is not an easy feat and that it would greatly help the endeavor were there to be a mediator who knows much of both cultures to help the process. Let her make the informed decision and choose which of her sets of values takes priority.
No. 348158 ID: eee8d8

tell her you're leaving. don't say you want to take her with you. of she comes, it should be out of her own volition.

you know, so you won't have to accept any responsibility for anything.
No. 348178 ID: a2fa74

Tell the guy what you know in case Tinata wants to go with you.
First: Kobolds don't steal from friends.
Second: Kobolds need a leader to keep them in line. Tinata's second in command would be perfect.
Third: Kobolds are naive, but not stupid. They fast learners, and they remember how people have dealt with them. It's up to him to make sure nobody takes advantage of them, since there's far more on the line than personal profit.
Fourth: We'll see about having a Paladin assigned here to monitor the situation and smooth things over. This is an important experiment that deserves their attention.
No. 348181 ID: cfa804

Don't make any promises you can't keep. And don't forget that Tinata probably deserves to be told that she's garnered the attention of some kind of dread warlord that may wish to 'fight' her later.
No. 348615 ID: a9ba96
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"Well uh, Kobolds don't bother their friends, sir. As long as you can make sure the people treat them right, I'm sure they won't bother you guys much. But uh, but I'll leave it up to Tinata if whether or not she wants to come. I know that uh, that getting the two of you to get along won't be easy."
>"Alright. Whatever she thinks is best at this point is her decision. If she wants to set off, I'll try my damnedest to make sure this town doesn't fall apart. Just make sure she stays out of trouble if she does, understand. We don't need her running off stirring up another revolution."
"Alright, sir. And uh, thanks for the magic stuff."
>"No problem. I've no use for it, they're better off in the hands of someone a bit more capable of putting them to good use than this old man."

I shake Old Bow Guy's hand and walk over towards Tinata. She's talking to the bug-eyed Kobold that was following her around earlier, and the others appear to be dispersing.
No. 348617 ID: a9ba96
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"Hey uh, Tiniata? I just wanted to make sure that uh, that we're heading out soon. I uh, whatever you wanted to uh, if--"
>"Everything is in order. Meets me in the Tavern when you're readies to leave."
"Wait, I know I said I wanted you to come with me, but I was thinking that uh, that the town may need your help making sure that everything stays... Together, you know?"
>"I haves talked to Jat, close friend and brother. He will be keepings peace in my absence."
"...I'm pretty sure I've never heard Jat talk though. Are you uh... Are you sure that-"
>"My business heres is done. There is new thing I must do now, and that is find answers."
"...Listen... if you come with me there's a very high chance that you'll attract the attention of someone very dangerous."
No. 348619 ID: a9ba96
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>"I attracted the attentions of someone dangerous mere hours ago, and thens I blew him up."
>"Like I saids before; Everything is in order. Meet me in the Tavern when you're readies."

Well uh, would you look at that.
I think we've officially just gained a new member for our little adventuring group.
No. 348621 ID: a9ba96
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I walk over to Lin.

"Looks like our job here is done. Well uh, more or less."
>"Yeah. Now all we have to worry about is getting your sister and her friends back to a camp. The border of Egias should only be a night's walk away from here, and I don't think the Prince's arrival needs to be delayed any more than it already has been. Do you think you can escort the prince the rest of the way while we bring the pack back to camp? I usually wouldn't trust you with this sort of thing, but he insists that you've done great so far, and we don't have time to find anyone else."
"Uh, sure. I uh, yeah! I can do that."
>"Thanks. I don't think the Prince would have cared much for sitting through a judgment ritual anyway."
"So what about Eline?"
>"I think I'm gonna take her back with us. She's gonna want to be there for the rest of the Pack, and I think she's gotten her fill of adventure today in that camp."
"When you get back to camp, could you see if anything could be done about getting a paladin assigned to watching the town?"
>"Should't be a problem."
"Oh, and take this ring. It slows poison, and Mary could probably use it. When she's a bit more stable, ask her what she knows about Tribe Nosgug. The chief said that he knew her right before he died."
>"...Interesting. I'll keep that in mind."

So uh, is that plan all okay with you guys? Anything I should ask Lin before I head out? Anything else worth doing before we leave this town?
No. 348632 ID: cfa804

Might be nice to learn Old Boy Guy's name, just cause he's been quite helpful and everything. When it comes to Lin, you'll see her soon enough when you go back. But otherwise, as far as I can tell, it's just go to the tavern, order something stiff for the lady, and tell her all that needs to be told. And if she refuses to listen, tell her that you'll refuse to take her UNLESS she listens. She might be a bit emotional right now but ultimately for her own protection she NEEDS to know certain things, and if she's unwilling to hear them then she's not mature enough to be going off on her own like this and she'd be better off sticking with the kobolds.
No. 348649 ID: e81abe

the plan is fine.

consider how attractive you find Lin, because she's the only lady available who isn't your sister or a little girl.

and yeah, learn Old Bow Guy's name to potentially gain a circumstance bonus on a future gather information check.
No. 348658 ID: a2fa74

On the one hand, if total chaos were lightning the prince would be the one who stood on mountaintops during thunderstorms in wet copper armor shouting 'all Gods are bastards'. Thanks, Pratchett!
On the other hand, you're a lot more likely to run into Nessya if you don't have paladins helping you out, and I think she stabbed you because she has both a crush on you and a 9-year-old's understanding of romance.

Sure! This plan is completely perfect!
No. 348878 ID: a9ba96
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"Well uh, I guess I'll be seeing you around. It's a shame that there wasn't a bit more time to uh, to talk for a bit."
>"The voices that have been helping the two of us out should be able to keep us in touch. I'll try to fill you in on what's going on once I reach camp."
"Thanks. It was uh, it was nice seeing you again."
>"Good luck on the rest of your journey."
"Good luck with uh, killing evil stuff."

Lin's always had a strong handshake. The sharp pain in my right shoulder as we shake hands reminds me that I should  probably be taking it easy on my arm. I don't say anything, though - I'd hate to leave on a sour note. 

Lin gives me a quick nod as she releases my hand, and the two of us part ways once again.
No. 348880 ID: a9ba96
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I enter the Tavern to see Tinata sitting silently at a table, Samwell drinking at a table not too far from hers.

>"Are we readies?"
"Tinata, listen."
>"Are we readies?"
"You're more than welcome in our company, and you're likelier to run into Nessya and Vinbal traveling with us, yes. But I just want you to understand that, if you want this plan with the Kobolds to work, it would certainly be made easier for someone who u derstands both sides to be there."
>"I... yes, it will be hard, but if I learned anythings today, it's that the Kobolds are going to haves to win victories on their own to be strongs again. Nots all of them, but little victories, bit by bit. Jat knows what to do. He... Understands how things work."
"Does Jat even like, say things? I'm pretty sure I never heard him if he does."
>"You'll haves to trust me, just like I trusted you when you gaves the idea."
One last thing. The uh, the old bow guy that took care of you..."
>Mister Archer?"
"His... Seriously? He... His name is Archer? Like... Archer is seriously his actual name?"
>"Yeahs? Why do yous ask?"
"Uh, no reason. Let's head out."

Samwell looks over from his table
>Wait, did you say she's coming with us?"
"Well your highness, I think she'll be of assistance to us."
Tinata looks to me, confused.
>"Your highness?"
"I... I'll uh, explain on the way out."
No. 348881 ID: a9ba96
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As I leave the town,  the gravity of this entire situation begins to sink in and I realize something. I've saved the Prince of Farway, aided him in solving a dispute in a village in the Outlands, gained a new ally in the process, made enemies with an evil overlord, and now I'm heading to the royal courts of Egias where the prince is to be sent on a mission to determine the successor to the Farwayian throne.

This is it.

This is the first chapter in the story that will land me in the history books. The first chapter in the Legend of Mark, Warrior of... Warrior of...

...Well, titles can come later. The point is that I need to seize this moment.
No. 348882 ID: a9ba96
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I stand upon a nearby rock, draw my blade, point it Eastward and quote Samon the Barbarian in the most heroic tone I can.

"Come forth, for the call of adventure awai--"
No. 348883 ID: a9ba96
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"Aaagh! My shoulder! Shit, that really hurts!"
No. 348907 ID: cfa804

You know what really never occurs at the start of an epic? Or, you know, at ANY part of an epic? The hero stealing SOMEONE ELSE'S LINES.
No. 348916 ID: a9ba96
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News quickly spread through the outlands of the battle that had transpired in the Kobold's camp. Even in a land as lawless and ruthless as the Outlands, one could not expect a battle of such scale to go unnoticed... Especially a battle with such significant impact on the area's power balance.

They say that on that night, the Chief of tribe Nosgug came to the Kobold camp upon a throne of bones, carried by one hundred goblin slaves and accomanied by one hundred goblin soldiers. Many believe that the Chief had come to discipline the Kobolde, who had refused to pay tribute to Nosgug in accordance to ancient tradition.

However, the goblin chief found not Kobolds, but the combined forces of several of the most powerful mercenary companies in the Outlands. In the days following the event, speculation on why the mercenaries of the Outlands had joined forces to eliminate Nosgug were plentiful. One of the most prevalent theories was that the temporary partnership was part of a plan to undermine the influence of the goblin mercenary groups atop Mt. Saroror by the other mercenary companies by disrupting the balance between the goblin tribes that inhabit it.

Whatever the reason for the battle, one fact was clear- the bloodshed at the scene was remarkable.

No. 348917 ID: a9ba96
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Both the Chief of Tribe Nosgug and his witchdoctor died in the battle. Only a single messenger was said to have escaped the scene to report their demise to the rest of Tribe Nosgug. Defiant and stubborn in his refusal to give up the old traditions of Goblin tribes and become a mercenary, Chief Nosgug had earned the ire of the other tribes on Mt. Saoror. Upon hearing that the chief had perished in battle, the other Goblin tribes of the mountain moved in and attempted to enslave the remaining members of Tribe Nosgug. 

Faithful to their traditions to the end, the remaining Nosgug tribesmen refused to join the other tribes, and were slaughtered to the last man in the ensuing fight.

By the time the sun had risen the next morning, Tribe Nosgug was no more

 If the speculation that the battle at the Kobold Camp was a plot to throw the Goblin mercenaries into disarray was true, then the battle had served it's purpose very well. Rumors quickly began to circulate that tensions were already rising between the tribes over the division of Tribe Nogug's territory.

No. 348920 ID: a9ba96
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Ironically, had the battle been staged to disrupt the power balance of the Outlands' Goblin mercenaries, the reported death of Madamé Da'Mounde during the fight had the adverse effect of doing the same for the vey mercenary groups that had staged the attack. With the leader of the Diamond's Shard dead, speculation arose that other prominent mercenary leaders such as Harpie and Amwaith would soon be butting heads over Da'Mounde's old customers.

Questions also arose as to what had become of the Kobolds from the camp the battle took place in. Most people simply assumed that they had been displaced or killed, with some attributing the fire that destroyed a town close to the camp to a prank gone awry by disgruntled Kobolds who were refused shelter. More curiously, rumors also began to spread about a group of heavily armed Kobolds in the woods, but these rumors were disregarded - at first.

In the days following the battle, adventurers stopping at a tavern on the path to Egias would discover the true fate of the Kobolds from the camp. And while the news would come to generate a good deal of buzz, it would be overshadowed by the news that came out of Egias soon after...

No. 348975 ID: b265bf

holy shit, we made a difference.

it feels nice.
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