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316254 No. 316254 ID: ab117e

Previous Chapters: http://quest.lv/wiki/Guardian_Quest

Guardian Skills:
Regain Mana 5, Heavy Slash 5, Flash Step 5, Struggle 5, Change Gender 5, Minor Psionics 20, Cloak Object 10 15 20, Shadow Shield 0, Summon Ombra 110, Shadow Ball 25, and Limit Break 1 90, Limit Break 2(healing) 100.
380 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 319037 ID: 251a14
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I can't give her anything if I can't see her!

Eistia begins scooping the black fluid out of the chest. It's thick and sticky making her progress slow.
She forms a soul blade and slashes out another chunk of the chest. The black fluid begins pouring out of it, taking on a more liquid form in fresh air.

Inside the chest she sees Mimi with a Box Slime cradled in her arms. There is a large wound in her back exposing her spine. Eistia sees that this is where the black fluid is coming from.

I can't heal that.. No one can.

A rewind...?
Yes. Yeah a rewind would be perfect! I can redo all the mistakes I'd made today!
No. 319038 ID: 251a14
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Aeryr wouldn't help us out here, my best bet is Saisai's teacher. He should be here today..

Eistia runs to the castle. She pulls the door open just as the Light Elf was stepping out.

"Eistia. I was just leaving. Saisai said she had completed her task so-"

"I need you to rewind time!"


"A rewind! just by like an hour or two!"

"Eistia, Light Elves never rewind time unless it is for something very important."

"It is important! Someone died!"

"People die all the time. I can't help you fix it each time it happens. It was simply their time."

"Please! The person who killed her is a evil man who wants to kill the dragons! He slaughtered her for no reason and then took the Dragon Slayer! I know I can stop him, just please rewind time! Please!"

The man looks at Eistia's tearing eyes and sighs.

"Just this once, don't ask me again. Rewind."


It is quite powerful. This small ball can destroy a large tr
Woah, dejavu....
No. 319039 ID: 0d095c

What the fuck? Regulus is a cheating bastard. And he'll pull out some magical Temporal Goldeon Mirror bullshit from his ass to fuck us over if we rewind time. Damn it. So damn predictable. And now we HAVE to rewind time or the apocalypse will occur. FUCK THOSE GUYS.

Eat THIS you bastard.
>enable cheats
>impulse 101
>AI Off
No. 319041 ID: 35e1a0

message from the future! regulus is coming and he will kill mimi to get the sword. he has the goldeon watch, it let's him find anything, turn invisible and teleport. art has the spell Nil which if he gets line of sight he can take it.
No. 319044 ID: f4eed5

Hi, Eistia! That feeling of deja vu you have is because something horrible happened and you talked Saisai's instructor into rewinding time. Long story short, Regulus is coming with the Goldeon Watch today to steal the Dragon Slayer. The watch is circular and about the length of Regulus's hand, so have Artemis get an object of about that size to use with his Nil spell.
No. 319045 ID: 00d3d5

Eistia! Go get Art, Saisai, Morgan, and some guards! Regulus is going to kill Mimi and take the dragon slayer, and you need to be ready to stop him!
Also, Regulus has the artifact Ombra was guarding. It lets him turn invisible, teleport, and tell where anyone and anything is, and we need to get that away from him.

After this you should see to it that Saisai's teacher gets a medal for rewinding this tragedy away. He is completely welcome around here any time.
No. 319046 ID: 0df3f1

So yeah, LISTEN: Erect a gaurd around Mimi. Make certain they are skilled with soul magic. Be there yourself - and declare that Mimi has protection from the Dark Elf nation.
No. 319048 ID: 40cb26

No. 319049 ID: 2fcd8e

Okay. In case he didn't arrange things so that you would know, this is what has occurred.

Time has just been rewound, as an action of Saisai's teacher. He did this at your request, due to a series of events that I shall now summarize.

Regulus, the head of the King's knights, arrived bearing the Goldeon watch, which he specifically mentioned has powers that allows him to find items, turn invisible, and do short range teleportation.

He then followed the watch inside Morgan's home, slew Mimi, and escaped past you and your guards, with the ability to turn invisible.

It is essential that you and the other most powerful members of the town are available to stop him, especially including Artemus. He has a spell which allows him to switch an item that he is holding for one that his enemy is holding of approximately the same size. Having a rock the size of the goldeon watch, and a large stick wrapped in wool the size of the guardian blade (which we instructed him to find), would allow him to take the watch from Regulus, as well as allowing him to retrieve the blade if Regulus somehow steals it, or forces a trade for it.

Saisai's teacher stated that this is a one-time thing, and told you not to ask him to rewind time again. We have one additional chance to solve this, this one time.

Please go alert Art and Morgan now, and hand us over to Art. We have more power when in his grasp as of this time.
No. 319062 ID: b1f0e2

first thing first, art should take the sword out of mimi. If the sword is with art then regulus can't get it and besides he only found mimi in the first place by looking for the sword. Then set a trap up with guards, including mages who could intercept.

You can't just escape with the sword, regulus will just track it with the goldeon watch.

mmm, maybe call up some other dragons? i think the dragon of water could help.
No. 319200 ID: 1854db

Get to Artemis. He needs to use his item-swap spell for us. Have him grab a small item about the size of a watch.
No. 319293 ID: f02631
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W-what!? Uhm, right! On it!

Hey guys. Okay so Regulus came by, killed Mimi and took the sword and then everything was rewound.

We got plenty of troops on the outside and a few inside her castle. I'm here in the throne room with Saisai and Eistia. Mimi and the blade are in clear view of us.

It's also been an hour and nothing's happened.
No. 319298 ID: 35e1a0

because he knows you are guarding it. he probably is checking the watch constantly until you and the sword are away from eachother. so we need to trick him into coming out into the open. eista will sit on the steps and appear deep in thought. while you and saisai back off a way and in clear sight of her but hidden enough that you can duck behind something if he looks in your direction. then eista will ask him what he is doing here, he will ask about the sword and she will tell him you have it. he will pull out the watch to double check and then you use nil to swap it for a rock.
No. 319299 ID: f4eed5

Well, Eistia asked to be rewound an hour or two, so either he's just now be getting here or we have a bit longer left to wait. Are the guards out in the open? He's obviously going to be a lot more cautious if he knows we're expecting something, not to mention he could be standing right in front of you right now by using the watch. Did you remember the watch-sized object for your Nil spell?
No. 319300 ID: cd63e9

he probably saw that you were on high alert and has decided to try a different tactic. he's probably nearby, waiting for a chance to strike.
No. 319302 ID: 40cb26

Ok so here's the thing, Regulus has the Goldeon watch, and gives the user the power to not only find anyone or anything but to turn invisible and make short teleports. Simply put Regulus is unstoppable so long as he has it. You first priority is getting that out of his hands, and Nil is the key to that. It's a large watch about the size of your hand, so be sure to get something that size to swap it with. You'll pocket it away with Mimi at once and say that you are reclaiming the dark elves artifact.

Now as for the next part... Artemis if the king wants the blade now he won't stop at sending Regulus. If he fails he'll send more numerous forces, knights who don't know better, and threaten innocents besides. Yes we really really want to kill the fucker but it won't save your friends. So what you have to do is bring this to a resolution, tell Regulus you'll hand the blade to the king himself because you trust him more than the "the pawn of Myli".

You are the bearer of the dragon blade, and have the responsibility of stopping the king.
No. 319327 ID: b1f0e2

this watch is also the holy relic that Ombra was guarding, the one your father was supposedly sent to retrieve. So it really belongs to the dark elves and was stolen.

You need to be prepared to use your swap item ability to swap the watch with something worthless.
No. 319329 ID: 9cb8c9


this. say, did Morgan manage to create a working grenade? and do they happen to be of similar size to the watch?
No. 319337 ID: b1f0e2

mmm, if he is prowling outside and waiting we need a plan.
Can the guards stealthily follow art somewhere? If art took the sword with him and acted as the bait...

Alternatively, art can go out without the sword to locate regulus. Regulus might start by asking for the sword / demanding it / taking a hostage or something. Art could swap with the watch, then use the watch against regulus for the luls.

>Grenade swap
Hilarious, awesome, and too much of a collateral damage risk
No. 319344 ID: 223884

Honestly, the grenade-watch switcheroo sounds like the best chance we have (granted it's finished).

The damage to a room can be fixed, but the chance that we can take out/mess up/screw over Regulus is one we musn't let slip.
No. 319345 ID: 00d3d5

Regulus won't attack until the blade is alone.
Say, demons can see souls or something, right? How about we have Mimi look for Regulus's soul?
No. 319348 ID: 2fcd8e

The risk of collateral damage from the grenade switch would depend on circumstances. Surrounded by guards close in? Yes, too much.

Standing by himself taunting you after you couldn't manage to hit him conventionally with other grenades? Not so much.

This is a possible move, not one to definitely use or definitely avoid.

As for Regulous, it is indeed possible that the large number of changes in circumstances caused him to change tactics.

The first time around there was a fair amount of time spent on pranks. Detect for him, but don't get -too- antsy if he isn't here yet.
No. 319352 ID: b1f0e2

mmm, well which differences can regulus detect.

Last time the watch pointed him at morgan's shop.
Now it is pointing at the palace.

When it was morgan shop he just ran in and killed mimi to grab the sword and escape.

Seeing it now points at the palace he is likely not eager to charge in. If he DOESN'T know that its being guarded here he could easily be waiting outside, assuming its here because YOU are here and that eventually you would walk out with the sword.

>Try to detect him / mimi detect him / etc
Could some of the guards try as well? There are bound to be competent individuals there. Given a description of him and the watch.
No. 319353 ID: f02631
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I actually have a rather sizable rock in my hand, I think it's more then enough.

We had already tried having me walk around a bit with the blade but nothing happens. Honestly I don't expect him to make any moves at all. At the very least we've delayed his pplan a bit
No. 319361 ID: 35e1a0

SWORD IS FLOATING BEHIND YOU!! turn around around and slash with soul-blades to both sides of it!
No. 319363 ID: 00d3d5

[Flash step]
Left arm! Soul blade! Slash to the left and spin to carry it to point behind you! Carry the attack all the way to the wall!

Also shout "Thief!", then cast fire on the sword.
No. 319364 ID: b1f0e2

heh... and I was just about to suggest we get your mom... or maybe the dragon of water.

Well he made his move after all.
No. 319369 ID: 2fcd8e

Sword does not appear to be where you last left it. Also, mimi has shocked eyes looking at it. Looks like it's being stolen. Behind you.

Be aware, the bad-guy has a grip on your uber-bad-ass sword, and has blades of his own that you may not be able to see to parry.

If you do choose to go grab the sword (and I will remind other guardians that he cannot currently flash-step), be sure to put up a shield for protection.

I will note that while now is not the best time to reveal the fact that you can teleport-swap objects, it's way better than getting sliced up.

I suggest the following plan. Reach into Mimi's bag, grab the cloth-padded stick we repeatedly told you to make (and that you thus have... RIGHT?) -then- turn your head and swap for the dragon-slayer. As soon as you have the spell cast, shout for help, then cast gravity on the area immediately around the swapped sword, if it is still suspended in mid air.
No. 319370 ID: f4eed5

Artemis, you know how I said he could be right in front of you? He's actually right behind you. If you can do it quickly enough and without drawing attention to yourself, then throw a quick gravity spell to yank him into the wall and stun him for a moment.

Artemis can only use flash step while female.
No. 319375 ID: 2fcd8e

And we're sure we know what direction "Behind" is on an invisible villain are we?
No. 319376 ID: 40cb26

He's here! Spin behind and gut him with a soul blade! And grab the sword with the other, don't forget he can teleport so you can't even count on a lethal wound to stop him.
No. 319378 ID: f02631
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Damn, he got behind me somehow.
A soul blade at this range would kill him, I'd rather not kill him no matter how evil he is.

Nill will stop him, I have my staff to trade and the rock.

Artemis spins around and casts Nil. The spell fires from his staff and hits the wall. He hears someone step behind him.
No. 319382 ID: 40cb26

No. 319383 ID: f02631
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Artemis hears the blade hit the ground.

>"Got him."

No. 319385 ID: 35e1a0

art you idiot, if you kill him we can just bring him back to life later!
anyway turn around again.
No. 319386 ID: 40cb26

Good ol' Saisai! Grab your blade and that damn watch, now!
No. 319387 ID: 223884

Grab sword, cast gravity at that spot, call EVERYONE!
No. 319388 ID: 00d3d5

If we tell you to kill, it's for a damn good reason.
Turn around, grab the invisible bastard, and lop off his hands with your soul blades.
We can use our healing limit break to reattach those later if Eistia doesn't have him executed for war crimes, but right now it's VITAL we make him unable to use that watch. It's taking his arms or taking his life, your call.
No. 319390 ID: f4eed5

That's why I said to subtly cast gravity.

You know what? Two can play at this game. [Cloak Object] on Artemis. I don't suppose you'd be willing to give us your Invisibility spell if this doesn't work?
No. 319392 ID: 40cb26

Actually after you grab the sword cast Nil on him again, swap that rock for wherever the watch is on him. We can't afford to let him keep it.
No. 319393 ID: 9cb8c9

you fool. he killed Mimi. he deserves to die. this kind of hesitation will be your death. if it was up to me, I wouldn't even use soul blades, I would use Limit Break. up his ass.

since you're a goody two-shoes who won't do it though, a gravity spell followed up by a heavy slash will have to suffice.
No. 319395 ID: f02631
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Artemis casts Gravity on Regulus and grabs his blade.


He hears clicking sounds coming from where.

"This isn't over yet...."

He sees a golden watch hit the floor. The face pops open and a golden light shines out of it.

No. 319398 ID: f02631
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Artemis feels the watch enter his hands


The golden light fills his vision.

No. 319399 ID: 9cb8c9

I hope this is a good thing.
No. 319400 ID: f02631
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Artemis feels himself being tossed into the air.
His body goes numb.

The last thing he hears before he blacks out is Saisai yelling his name.

No. 319403 ID: 223884

Definitely not a good thing
No. 319404 ID: 00d3d5

[Shadow Shield]
No. 319405 ID: 9cb8c9


maybe it's a teleport spell back to the king. and we can just quickly kill hi- oh wait, Artemis is a pussy who won't kill people. nevermind.
No. 319408 ID: 40cb26

Nah, he heard Saisai afterward so he isn't far. The watch has a short range teleport that it must have used, and this one came with a boom. This watch is awesome by the way, we must figure out how to use it.
No. 319412 ID: f4eed5

Let's not get hasty, now. The watch belongs to Ombra, remember? Could you give us a quick rundown of how to use the watch? Maybe quickly tell us what's happening?
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