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File 130648806165.jpg - (343.84KB , 1200x800 , Chapter 2.jpg )
307095 No. 307095 ID: a00410

Okay. I said it would be a short break

Pick your character for the rest of this encounter.

Toby: We finish what we started

Ninje: What the hell is going on

Note. selecting Ninje dose not lock her in as your target interest.
125 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 324324 ID: 0d7a83

So either work for Rain or become the A team? I KNOW WHICH ONE I'D PICK.
No. 324501 ID: a00410
File 131028895647.jpg - (213.00KB , 980x1200 , Huge2.jpg )

The A team? Hookay... It sounds like these other sergals must have a lot of artillery if their named after cannons? Ha, I'm not that dense thank your choice of higher power. But I think we're more of a B or a C team at best. Well it will have to do.

Huge: "I hears whatses the voices are sayinges my precious. Hmmm, that's a bit creepy even for me. STOP THAT ME! But the point. I got a knife. Not for stabbing mind you, that makes things to easy. I just don't like to be without it. It's my collectable 'SPACE TREK' Kornon dagger. Maybe you can use it?"

Huge Struggles to show a bugle in his straight jacket.

If I unbuckle him he will lick me in the ear.
I hate that.
But I've never known Huge to lie to me.
Also He's a real good fighter if a bit unreliable.
That makes him BA and Murdock all rolled into one.
No. 324507 ID: a00410
File 131029042869.jpg - (91.86KB , 800x800 , tobyjail3.jpg )

Speaking of the Volto

Toby: "All right you, explain why your useful enough to even let help us"

Volto: "Malco, it's a name please use it. Your Toby right? Big guy was chanting it for about five minutes when they drug you in here."

Huge: "It was a very minor episode, thingy. Lets just put it behind us."

Malco: "As for keeping me around, well I'm sneaky, and I'm real good with rope, and I... can pick locks."

Malco grins at the last statement.

Malco: "Well if I have something to pick them with. But We haven't searched the cell much. They had some solder watching us till just a little bit ago.
No. 324508 ID: 7aedd2

Make the Volto search your brother's bulge
No. 324513 ID: a00410
File 131029246013.jpg - (190.04KB , 800x800 , jailcell.jpg )

Let me show you Toby's Surroundings.
No. 324583 ID: 7dda9a

well even if your bro will lick you, he probably has the strength to rip the drain if not the bars of the cell...
or maybe just search the drain for something?
No. 324950 ID: a00410
File 131036377896.png - (69.59KB , 800x800 , get out.png )

Toby has been licked.

Toby has gained "SiFi Dagger".

And yes with his freakish strength, Huge can bend the bars.

Huge: "That was the weak one. DON'T think I can BEND the others."

It's to small for me. Malco might fit.
No. 324956 ID: 7aedd2

I'm not sure if he's randomly yelling various words when he speaks or if he's specially emphasizing certain ones. If the latter, tell him it's cool if he BREAKS rather than BENDS. Also see if the Volto can pick the lock with the scifi dagger. Any thief worth his salt can improvise. If not, just send him through (feel free to give him a not-too-gentle shove if it's a tight squeeze) and let him know that if he doesn't make sure to come back and let out you big strong sergals he'll just get eaten by the other ones the moment he runs into one. Which is inevitable.
No. 324972 ID: 9c538a

Or tell him that he really doesn't want to leave the only two people in this town who won't go medieval on his ass, trapped in a jail cell and pissed off at him. Even if he leaves at least you got the volto off your hands. That always makes things simpler.
No. 324984 ID: a00410

Just For clarification. Huge Voice tends to rise and fall with odd over emphasis. He never gets very loud. Fake accents and other such rot are common to.
No. 325146 ID: 7c418e

If Malco is unwilling, get your bro to keep bending the weak bar back and forth 'till it breaks. That should make more room.

Establish one thing before you let Malco by though: What were his intentions at Ninje's place?
No. 325292 ID: a00410
File 131046662677.jpg - (680.97KB , 1050x1000 , mALCO.jpg )

Malco: "No, the dagger is bigger than the key hole."

Malco produces a small shard of a gem stone from his pocket.

Malco: "I new I was fucked the other night when I heard voices. Don't know why the cops didn't find this on me. It's supposed to be an old family luck charm... and yes I hear them all too.

I was trying to break in steal some stuff and maybe pay my rent so I wouldn't get evicted. It was dumb. I known that. I not the best person but I don't normally do shit like that. What was I thinking... swinging form a rope. I've picked a pocket or two but that...

Don't worry guys I with you. I wanna live. And maybe I wanna try to be worth something."

Huge: "Maybe I lick YOU latter?"

Malco the Volto thief has joined your party.

Huge the mentally unstable sergal has joined your party.

Huge is a bit crazy and can hear your voices. His reactions are not nearly as reliable as other characters though.

Malco has a shard of that orb. It will also let him hear you and react to commands.

More latter sleep now.
No. 325596 ID: 7dda9a

plain break the bars
or rip out the drain cover and break it apart...
maybe get slivers from that
No. 325604 ID: 7aedd2

Wasn't there, like, a serial burglar or something? Didn't we hear something about that? But if that was the Volto's first misguided attempt at a buglary, then who were the stories about?
No. 326241 ID: a00410
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Malco: "I could only wish that was me. My burglary carrier was very short. Normally I'm more of a pick pocket. Any way I'm put what should I do?"

Huge: "SILLY SILLY SILLY. My hands are too BIG!!!."

Toby: "The slats on the drain are a couple of inches think on their depth. Huge can only get one finger in there. He'd never get the leverage to force the cover out much less get one piece.

Huge: Licks Toby.

Toby: "EEeewww! There not a whole lot else to work with in the cell. I think that's intentional. We might get one of the bent bars out of its socket though. Might make a so so weapon?"

What do we do?
No. 326244 ID: 7aedd2

Check that shite to your left while the sergals see about getting some pole-arms. HA HA HA
No. 332176 ID: a00410
File 131174303445.jpg - (437.28KB , 1050x1000 , Toby Action jail 5.jpg )

Sorry first time I have the time to do something here in a while.

Well we've got a chair. A cheap flimsy looking table. And a halberd?!

Toby: "They left that there?"

As a side effect of Huge ripping out his "pole arm", Toby can fit through.

Huge: "Need to rip another one out."
No. 332189 ID: 7aedd2

Huge can continue to pluck out bars until he can get through, then equip himself with whatever he thinks he'd be best with. Give the dagger to Malco and Toby can use either the halberd (if Huge doesn't take it first) or an iron bar. then we can proceed
No. 332241 ID: 9202a9

then peek about the next cells.
No. 332961 ID: a00410
File 131184750219.jpg - (572.24KB , 1050x1000 , Toby Action jail 6.jpg )

Huge: "Yes bar pulling goodness voice in head!"

Malco is cool with the knife. He knows a little about knife fighting which is way more than Toby. Huge might not like some one other than his brother with it but doesn't seem to notice at this time. Toby takes the halberd. It feels... good.

Only on other cell in this hall.
Huge: "Dead cactus cop..... HA HHAAH AH HAH HA! Cuctus are so ridiculus even when their dead. Can't even eat them. OH BYE The way brother they are not good in sex. Ask me how I know. ASK ME!"

Toby: "Just ignore him, he'll shut up in a moment, unless he gets us killed with the noise."

Huge shuts up
No. 332981 ID: 7aedd2

Ugh. Well, time to proceed ever-onward...
No. 332986 ID: 0d7a83

Time to get your sneak on if you know what I'm saying.
No. 333076 ID: 11c056

Toby you might as well try to get the score straight with your brother. The idea is to make a clever escape, preferably with Ninje and anyone else you know.

You can play around and tell some fun stories afterwards.

Can you grab that policecacti with the halberd and drag him over to the bars? He might have some keys or something useful on him. I guess his jacket will have lots of holes in it though.
No. 335360 ID: a00410
File 131227362081.jpg - (429.52KB , 1050x1000 , Toby Action jail 7.jpg )

Toby: Loud Whisper "Brother there is a girl and she's hot... Plus I want to live!"

As for the Dead Cactus. Good Idea.

Well they took the mace off him (or it?) but there is some sort of electronic thing on the back of his badge. Also he had a key inside the fabric of his hat. Huge grabs a handful of very stiff needles.
No. 335371 ID: a00410
File 131227536423.jpg - (78.63KB , 422x238 , WHAT DO.jpg )

Well what do we have here?

Looks like the badges are more than just a Cop prop. But what are they for?
No. 335380 ID: a00410
File 131227895148.jpg - (83.43KB , 422x238 , ninjij.jpg )

I'm going to die...
Their going to kill me and maybe even eat me...

Poor Toby, worse for him for being their with me. They might kill me quick, but him.

He really dose have mixed blood. I can tell just looking at him.

Mopollie is going to die sooner than me poor thing. What do I do? I don't want to just die here.
No. 335433 ID: 7aedd2

Did... Did Huge just randomly imaple his face on those needles? Hah...
Okay well Ninje, enjoy hearing random voices for awhile. In the meantime, take comfort in the fact that they probab ly won't kill or eat a female sergal. However... Who or what is it you've got there? And what's that glowing?
No. 335456 ID: 11c056

Toby: Appear looking all cool going "Ninje we have to stop meeting like this." (You being naked and leaping into conflicts on her behalf)

Ninje: What are your surroundings like? What's wrong with the moogle? What do you reckon Toby is mixed with?
No. 335893 ID: a00410
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"It's a cell at the sanitarium I think. They keep criminals here as well as work as a mental hospital, heh the loony bin. They still call it that."
"Mopollie, she's sleeping at the moment. She stopped bleeding a bit ago, but she's beat up pretty bad. And Tobark, well 'Toby' he's part southern of coarse. a eight at least maybe a quarter. And why am I talking about this."

"Wait What!!??"

"Who there?"
No. 335896 ID: 7aedd2

Oh it's a moogle thing. Anyway to answer your question... For all intents and purposes we're disembodied voices that can watch you and speak to you from a limited perspective, not inherently trustworthy but in some cases we do give good advice and suggestions. To note, you're probably soon going to be rescued by Toby and his brother, and quite possibly that Volto that tried to break into your place. You remember Toby don't you? Well anyway they intend to rescue you, so you can either sit tight or try to accomplish something yourself.
No. 336113 ID: 88459b

Oh it's just the ghosts of the dead insane criminals. Don't mind us. We're very helpful in the long run,

Perhaps you should get up and try to see who else is around. You need to get out of here or die trying. Waiting isn't going to make things better.
No. 338594 ID: a00410
File 131296726176.jpg - (403.22KB , 1050x1000 , Ninje Action jail 1.jpg )

There is a guard outside the cell.

"Umm weird head voices, suggestions?

Ninje is beaten and bruised, but not seriously injured. She has been in the cell a bit so she is hungry and thirsty enough that it may effect her performance slightly.

Ninje is more agile than Toby and almost as strong.
STR **
AGI ***
INT ***
CHRM ***

Most of her skills are related to Computers and artistic stuff
No. 338743 ID: 7aedd2

Recall in detail how you got into the current situation from when you were at the cafe with Toby
No. 338814 ID: 9202a9

And take stock of what we have in our cell.
No. 338888 ID: 9c538a

Seduce the guard.
No. 339413 ID: 817cb4

Give us a closer look at the other inmate.
No. 340627 ID: a00410
File 131348821621.jpg - (295.62KB , 1050x1000 , Ninje Action jail 2.jpg )

Okay, Mopollie is out cold. She's bruised up but not quite as bad as I though a moment ago. I wish she were awake she could slip through the bars. But then...

Hmmm. The guard is female, might work if she swing the right ways, but they seem to think I'm some sort of trash. Still I'm not ruling it out just yet.

Two benches. with some old gum stuck the the underside. There was something metal in the gum when I felted it earlier. I'm not checking it while the guard can see me though. Oh and there is an old Id card down the drain. Looks like a drivers license but I can reach it.
No. 340647 ID: 5f507f

Ok she doesn't look too bad. Let her sleep.
The ID card and the piece of metal could be used to open the cell later.
How about you talk to the guard and ask her whats going on?

If they're going to sacrifice you you should hurry with getting out.
No. 340664 ID: 7aedd2

Unless the guard is just lingering outside your cell for some reason, wait until she moves on then check out whatever you felt under the bed/bench.
No. 340815 ID: a00410
File 131355883797.jpg - (306.58KB , 1050x1000 , Ninje Action jail 3.jpg )


Okay the guard has moved on. Well lets see... stuck in the gum is, lock picks and a file?

Okay some one was preparing for an escape.
No. 340818 ID: 7aedd2

Hopefully you know how to use that. Also don't use it unless the guard is completely out of the room.
No. 341171 ID: 53d678

You seem smart but i doubt you can lockpick a lock thats on the outside of the cell without someone noticing ...
And the file would get too loud ... and time consuming unless you want to sharpen your claws.

So you could talk with the guard, wait for help. Or wait for Mopollie to wake up maybe she can get out of the cell and search for Toby.
No. 341969 ID: 9c2474

How far down is that driver's license card thing? Can you reach it if you use the lockpicks as some kind of chopsticks? Make sure you don't lose them!

If you think the guard will be away for some time then try the lockpicks on the cell door. One of them will be a torsion wrench to put some rotational force on the lock. The others might be a wobbly looking rake and a hook?

When applying rotational pressure just run the rake in and out of the keyhole to see if it's a simple lock that'll open through a bit of luck. Use your big ears to listen for pins falling into place. If the rake on its own doesn't do it then try to use the hook to get any remaining pins into the precise place for the lock to turn. Mind you that the raking part will make noise...

If you do get the door open you might want to just scout around a bit before returning to the cell as you can't really go running around with Mopollie without a plan. Unless you want to leave her behind.
No. 342220 ID: a00410
File 131399415742.gif - (1.17MB , 1050x1000 , Animated Ninje.gif )

Ninje Umm... Okay
Roll 1d100 86
sorry can't figure out the roll function so I used a program.


Mopollie "Uh, Ninje..."
No. 342226 ID: fb10df

Wow. Well done. Well take a peek left and right and if it's clear, you can make a break for it. But it looks like your moogle is conscious, might want to check in with her.
No. 342619 ID: a00410
File 131417558908.jpg - (202.46KB , 754x405 , Ninje Action jail 5.jpg )

Mopollie "Okay I'm Naked this has happened but were are we and why am I naked here?"

Ninje "In the jail? Do you remember the armored cannibal sergals?"

Mopollie "So that wasn't a nightmare... I would have preferred the I got drunk story."

Ninje "We need to get out of here. How bad are you?"

Mopollie "Now that you put my mind on it, terrible. My wing feels broken so I can fly. An my left arm hurts pretty bad but I can still move it okay."

Okay Ninje Picking the lock was a combination of beginner's luck and very good instruction on your part. She probably won't be able to do that again.

Mopollie has a broken wing and a wrench left arm. She can't fly or hold heavy things that would use two arms.

This end Chapter 3 as both groups can leave their cells. Do we continue with The boys or the girls next?
No. 342790 ID: b078c5

I didn't know they make the locks accessible from both sides on prison doors now ...

Well done.
I'd say we proceed with the boys.
No. 342834 ID: fb10df

Oh look. Breasts.
Anyway, let's go back to the men, odd as they may be. This is TOBY QUEST after all.
No. 342840 ID: 3618e3

I guess it's not too hard to reach around the bars to reach the lock either.

Give Mopollie a hug for good measure and get going. is there anything you could place in the cell like a blanket with stuff under So your escape isn't instantly noticed? Your focus should be on just getting away and out of town to safety. Mopollie proably needs to see a doctor somewhere.

Switch back to Toby and his bro.
No. 353946 ID: f5e7ab

Chapter 4 >>348635
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