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File 130527752769.jpg - (17.14KB , 500x500 , pick sex.jpg )
303859 No. 303859 ID: 410859

Pick Are you a Boy or a Girl
22 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 303933 ID: 0d7a83

SERGAL all up in this bitch.
No. 303939 ID: 410859
File 130532097794.jpg - (14.22KB , 500x500 , Dorf.jpg )

No. 303941 ID: 410859
File 130532104868.jpg - (8.74KB , 500x500 , Dorfdie.jpg )

No. 303942 ID: 410859
File 130532109290.jpg - (6.50KB , 500x500 , offtrain.jpg )

Step Step
No. 303943 ID: 410859
File 130532117432.jpg - (146.95KB , 980x800 , Toby the Badly Drawn Sergal.jpg )

Oh my God! The blood. Oh my God!!!
No. 303953 ID: 7aedd2

Hmm... okay, that's a distinct improvement. Maybe I'll check this out after all...

Okay so what's up, Toby?
No. 303955 ID: 28e94e

...That actually doesn't look that bad.
No. 303960 ID: 1854db

Why the hell are you bothered by blood? You're a sergal! Also why are you *purple*?
No. 303990 ID: 868a23

>purple sergal
do you have a friend made of red jelly by any chance?
No. 303992 ID: c71597

Made you hungry, right? Well lets go find something to eat.
No. 303993 ID: cf65c1

Damnit, is there a reset butan? We got the super-easy-mode difficulty level species. At least dwarf wouldn't have been quite this overpowered.
No. 304128 ID: 57f574
File 130534713535.jpg - (146.97KB , 980x800 , Toby 2.jpg )

What do I look like? A blood slavering Shigu Raider. That's all over and done with.

So now that the train is in the Station and I'm off the railroad. My name is Toby. And I have a problem. I can see the 4th wall. So I have to listen to all you players. It also means I have to more or less do what you say.

So here I am in badly drawn town and I'm looking for a girl friend. I need your help.
No. 304129 ID: 0d7a83

>I'm looking for a girl friend.
Someone who wants us to do what we do best.
No. 304132 ID: 57f574
File 130534773668.jpg - (147.02KB , 980x800 , Toby .jpg )

Red Jelly?

Ah Slimes and Goos aren't very conversational.

And I'm Blue not purple.

Well maybe a little purple
No. 304133 ID: 1854db

Why exactly do you need our help? Are you just bad with ladies, or do you not know where to look? What do you need us to do?

Also I presume you have living arrangements? Let's get moving to them.
No. 304134 ID: 7aedd2

Maybe some nicer clothes, too.
So let's go through the litany.
Explain your goals, complete with the reasons for them
Explain any significant skills or talents you might have.
Explain why we should help you when you've already admitted that, in seeing the fourth wall, you know yourself to be nothing more than a fiction.
No. 304135 ID: 57f574
File 130534849405.jpg - (54.04KB , 980x800 , Toby b.jpg )

4th wall power makes decision making very hard.
So I need directions.

I don't have a home or place to stay yet.
Should I find one.
No. 304136 ID: 57f574
File 130534919917.jpg - (147.46KB , 980x800 , Toby3.jpg )

Well I want a girl friend because It sucks being alone. Pretty cut and dry there. Also if I can't settle down with a home and a mate I will have to move in with my brother Huge the Worse drawn sergal. I do not what to do that!!

Umm. I can juggle a little. I can fight with teeth and claws so so. I also have an extensive working knowledge of the system for the mentally Ill. I am also the best drawn character in this quest.

But I am vulnerable to wide shots. I look bad in them.

And I tell myself your the 4th wall it helps me cope.

This my last post tonight. More Tomorrow.
No. 304137 ID: 7aedd2

For the moment, I shall humor this.... So first we need a toolbox and some tools, figuratively of course. Give us a good look of your inventory, or do you have nothing but the rags at your back? The next step is to find a map, a list of locations with which we can interact. People you know of in the town, unless they're all strangers to you. All such information is useful, and is thus a tool for our toolbox
No. 304138 ID: 1854db

Okay so, to sum up:
>jobless, no notable skills aside from experience being in mental institutions
>just arrived
>want to find a mate and move in with them

I can't work with this. Do you even have any money? Yes, we need a place to stay first and foremost. Second would be finding a job so you can pay for the place you're staying in and feed yourself. THIRD you can start meeting girls. Where we find girls will depend on what kind of town this is. I don't even know what technology level you're in. There's a train station but... you're not dressed in modern clothing.
No. 304146 ID: 07416a

I recommend you draw a sign that says that you are advertising for a mate. Then march somewhere. Oh, start a comic too.
No. 304148 ID: a00410
File 130536214475.jpg - (31.73KB , 640x400 , inventroy 1.jpg )

Okay. Okay....
Your Right you do need more to work with.
Most of being in is more like having worked in. In Vilasomthing world you can get a pyck degree work a 4 month correspondence course that I learn about on the Radio. I took not just because of my own problems with the vocies of the 4th wall (Still less creepy than listening to a crystal ball... I hear that's a Volto thing. I'll have to ask one some day how it works) Oh yeah digressing real bad here. I also need to deal with my brother. He lives in this town... BUT I'M NOT MOVING IN WITH HIM!!! Huge is a total slob and he licks me. IT'S WEIRD!!!

Okay enough about that. I currently have
1 use train tick stub.
My Really cool Traditional Sergal Clothing.
And 20 Golds of money

1 gold will get me a good room and food for 1 day. 10 might rent an apartment for a few weeks. I could also go cheep for 0.5 golds. But you don't take a girl to that. A house is more than I can afford right now.

My Juggling can make about 1 golds a day as a street performer. Or I could try consoling at the Loony Bin (That would pay more but its kinda ewww.) Their might be other jobs too.

Any way these a just ideas, I'm open to any suggestions that won't just end in incarceration.
No. 304149 ID: a00410
File 130536234973.jpg - (28.73KB , 500x500 , Suff we got.jpg )

Oh Stuff We have.
Well we have Radios and TVs... But TV sucks in badly drawn town so most people don't watch it.

Cars and truck en stuff too. On and were are civilized to flush toilets and showers.

Gun exists but are Illegal and rare. So most people have knives and spears and stuff.
No. 304150 ID: a00410
File 130536239789.jpg - (47.92KB , 640x400 , Twon Map.jpg )

And town Locations

I'm at the train station at the moment
No. 304151 ID: a00410
File 130536273814.jpg - (65.61KB , 980x800 , Looking For mate.jpg )

Well okay
But I don't know about a cartoon. All I can Drawn are Cats and who would follow a cartoon about badly drawn cats. Maybe talxains but their too hard to draw
No. 304152 ID: a00410
File 130536357493.jpg - (58.75KB , 980x800 , Volto Stair.jpg )

Oh Gods a wide Shot

VOLTO "Loser"

Um. I don't think this will help much. Can I take it off please?

Wide Shot embarrassment Tolerance a 98%
No. 304154 ID: a00410

Oh yeah March were?
Unless I can take the sign off?
No. 304155 ID: a00410

okay too much post
The Grammar She suffers
Good Night
No. 304165 ID: cf65c1

Do you care if your girlfriend is sane or not? Insane ones are sometimes better at some of the stuff you want a girlfriend for than the sane ones. You have experience with the mental institutions, I'm pretty sure you could find more than one girl there who desperately wants you and you can work as a street performer to pay rent on an apartment until you have enough saved to get edumacayted.
No. 304217 ID: a00410
File 130539759196.jpg - (309.98KB , 1800x1200 , tobysit.jpg )

Do you care if your girlfriend is sane or not? Insane ones are sometimes better at some of the stuff you want a girlfriend for than the sane ones. You have experience with the mental institutions, I'm pretty sure you could find more than one girl there who desperately wants you and you can work as a street performer to pay rent on an apartment until you have enough saved to get edumacayted.

Well I finish the coarse if that's what you mean.

People who go into the loony bin are generally dangerous to themselves and others. So they might be too high maintenance. You know sleep with one Eye open and stuff. But out patient girls might be okay.

And I could take other classes to get smarter and stuff. Will that help get me a girl?

On a side note if I wasn't such a nice person I would so gut that Volto over there.
No. 304238 ID: cf65c1

Getting more educated may help a bit with some girls but the main reason you want to get better education is so that you can get a better job. A better job will let you spend more money on living better and also give you a better budget for taking women out on dates.
No. 304330 ID: a00410
File 130544136877.jpg - (185.43KB , 800x800 , go to school.jpg )

Okay School We can Try that.

We've got The Volto Collage of Business
Mog's Dance Studio
The Collage of Arts
And the Badly Drawn Collage of Mad Science

Also there is a relatively inexpensive apartment complex to my left. Looks a little more lopsided than average though. For Badly drawn town that is.

I seem to be better drawn in this wide shot. Dose that mean good luck?

Were Should I go?
No. 304334 ID: a00410


My Brother Huge is the only person I know here. He would been more of a hindrance that help. And he will insist on helping if he knows what I'm up to.
50/50 he's be in the Loony Bin and not at home
No. 304336 ID: cf65c1

Huh... this choice sucks. An arts collage at least is a clever pun, but a collage of mad science is just a misspelling. The Volto Collage of Business is a misspelled mess which may not do anything except take our money and call that a lesson in how to not be a shmuck--plus we would be laughed at by anybody who saw our education came from a collage instead of a college.
By elimination, dance studio it is!
No. 304340 ID: 07416a

Mad science. Your best bet is to make yourself a girl.
No. 304342 ID: 259738

Wait, is that a dance studio run by Mog? Go there! Learn dance magic!
No. 304373 ID: cf65c1

Mad science collage is no the same thing as college. What the heck are we gonna get from a poster with picture-cuttings pasted on it?
No. 304386 ID: a00410

Sorry About the typos.
It is of course college.

Complex scene of ripping paper off the wall of the world around to correct that I will do when I don't have to leave for work.

On another correct note. It's The Volto 'School' of Business
No. 304390 ID: cf65c1

Ah, apologies. I thought this was an intelligence test for the players.
Huh. They're still all iffy choices: School of business is finishing-school for rich kids so that they have an excuse to be in charge of huge companies, the most it gets us is manager of a small store or assistant manager of a bigger one. Mad science is fun but it doesn't get us any women that aren't either crazy or built by us... and not necessarily all the women we build either. Dance studio is an interesting place to go and can help us with our moves at the club and in the ballroom but guys who learn how to dance professionally are assumed to be gay. Arts school is great for picking up women but it has shitty career paths and most of the women you'll pick up with artist power are stupid, immature or crazy.
Follow your heart Sergal, do you want mastery of the powers of nature, dominion over grim wage-slaves, the power of bullshit or fairy-feet?
No. 304491 ID: a00410
File 130554044554.jpg - (158.81KB , 800x800 , Ther World Fills.jpg )

Hey... Suddenly It feels less empty. Maybe my crappy artist is getting less lazy or something

Some people have come into view. Lets see, A cutegirl sergal. A nevrean in a smock, female she's all drab colored. A Mobile Cactus in a bikini!?! "Sounds like some on my brother would date" And... That Volto asshole who called me a loser when I was drawn to look like a retarded kangaroo. "GRRR!!" That guy just makes pisses me off.
No. 304577 ID: cf65c1

I'm tempted to suggest cactus rape but that may be more painful than pleasurable, and likely illegal. I dunno, what exactly do you want in a girlfriend besides not too crazy?
If nobody else votes I want mad science because lightning bolts are more useful than dance steps, art criticism and tying a proper Windsor when you have to destroy a city.
No. 304581 ID: a00410

"Um... My brother has been incarcerated several times for public fornication with cacti. I really don't want the same rap."
No. 304598 ID: 440b3d

Speak to Cutgal Sergal gal, try chattin' her up.
No. 304702 ID: cf65c1

Sure, ask her advice about picking a school and finding a job. Show us how good, or not, you are at speaking to the opposite sex. If it goes well you could set up a date too but for now we want to know what we have to work with and what kinds of help you need.
No. 304773 ID: 07416a

Mug volto. Eat the evidence.
No. 304794 ID: a00410
File 130562534802.jpg - (114.88KB , 800x800 , talk to girl.jpg )

Okay Sound Like a great idea. I like that Idea. Girls and Info all in one.

Ummm... I don't like him, eating him is a bit much. I'm a swallow in self defense kinda guy.

Toby: "Hi this miss, whats that you have there?"

Girl Sergal: "It's my collage for Art school, I'm just heading over there now."

Toby: "I'm new in town and looking to further my education. Can you recommend a good school?"

Girl Sergal: "Toby? :} ... I've never heard of a sergal named Toby before. I'm Ninje and yes, All the school here are pretty good..."

Ninje Pause for a moment the begins a boring exposition that is sum up here.

Business School. 1. I can take a lesson that will let me take higher paying jobs 2. Teach me haggling skills to make stuff cost less golds. Down Side: the Volto is an abrasive asshole that will lower my self esteem. If it get to low I can't talk to girls well.

The Art College 1. Take a art history class that will raise my charm. 2. Teach me arts and crafts to make thoughtful gifts.

The Made Science School 1. take accelerated hyper learning coarse that will make me smarter. 2 Cybernetic research project that can make me stronger.
Down Side: Either may have side effects.

Dance Studio: 1. Learn Capiowayfu (I will be able to fight better. 2. Ball room dancing (may be useful on a date
Either will slightly increase my agility

Each Lesson Costs 2 Golds and I can take up to two each day. If I don't try to work or date.

STR **
AGI **

On a side note still keeping options open but she is pretty cute and reasonable friendly
No. 304795 ID: a00410
File 130562580823.jpg - (61.44KB , 640x400 , inventroy 2.jpg )

Oh Inventory Update.

I have a marker pen and some string that I scavenged at the train station when I made the silly sign. The marker is nearly spent though. There is about 1 meter of string.

Should I keep the sign? I don't think its going to help.
No. 304796 ID: 07416a

No. 304811 ID: 7dda9a

boy, you can't even talk right. You is gonna need to get smarter...
No. 304812 ID: 644ca1

Sign up for The Mad Science School 1, make yourself smarter.
No. 304860 ID: cf65c1

Yes, you need to become smart enough to know what is a good and a bad idea yourself, because sometimes some of us voices will have bad ideas. Plus... lightning bolts, smiting enemies with mad science. Once you're a lot smarter mix it up with some dance, dance-fighting and art history courses too.
But we must also work, we must always end each week with more money than we started with because we don't know what large purchases or emergencies we'll run into that we need to buy our way through.
No. 304963 ID: a00410
File 130569520579.jpg - (126.94KB , 800x800 , Leave girl.jpg )

Okay Smarts Sounds like it be good idea to not be kinda dumb as I is now...

Toby: "Thanks for all the info Ms. Ninje."
No. 304965 ID: a00410
File 130569580166.jpg - (52.53KB , 800x800 , MadSci School.jpg )

Okay I here in the Mad science school.

The Nevrean behind the Desk looks at me like I don't belong here.

Toby: "Hi, I like to sign up for your accelerated learning coarse."

Nevrean: "sigh... Alright Please sign these waver forms and pay you tuition."

This feels a bit uncomfortable. Maybe all this science stuff will be less intimidating when I'm smarter. The Cactus leads me back were they poke me with needles shock my head and make me read 500 book in a hyperbolic time chamber.
No. 304967 ID: a00410
File 130569615381.jpg - (146.72KB , 980x800 , TSMART.jpg )

"Okay I here in the Mad science school."

I am now appalled at the terrible grammar that I have used up to this point.

STR **
AGI **
INT ** +

golds 18

Toby is now of average intelligence.
He is far less likely to say something stupid.

He may suffer from some side effects of the treatment for a short while.

Toby Will hallucinate occasionally for a day or so.
No. 305070 ID: cf65c1

G-g-g-get a job!
The hospital ought to have better work for us now that we're not moronic and they probably are the most understanding about occasional hallucinations.
If you think you can do better than that I'd like to know.
No. 305072 ID: 35e1a0

yeah. get a newspaper and see what is available.
No. 305075 ID: 7dda9a

you will need to be just above average intelligence... 100 IQ ain't gonna help.
but we'll have to work and study. Let's worry about your intelligence before anything else.
Being a confident, intelligent sergal comes before a girlfriend... that'll come naturally after you reach that point...

No. 305078 ID: cf65c1

Point, if we can become a doctor a lot of women worth having will be lining up to take a shot at us anyway.
No. 305186 ID: a00410
File 130578249383.jpg - (152.36KB , 800x800 , Read Paper.jpg )


Okay, Check a paper. Hmmm. Not Much for jobs in the medical field, but.

/i Wanted Orderly. Must be strong and not too stupid. Apply at town hospital. Multiple positions available.

"Not too stupid? Well that's just... I don't known what to say to that."

/i Wanted Counselor for in and out patients apply at the loony bin.

"Now that that I'm not a dumb ass, calling it the loony bin seem very political incorrect."

Well I could get a job as an orderly at the hospital. Or I could use my suspect degree in psychology to work as a counselor.

Those are my options at the moment if I want to do medical work.
No. 305258 ID: e05a2c

Counselor seems to be the only job you can do.

Read about the other jobs.
No. 305708 ID: cf65c1

We are a sergal, is two dots of strength not very strong or what? I'd imagine it should be just fine for being an orderly and working as one seems like a good place to go for hanging around the kinds of people who could help us become a doctor. Anybody who talks about loonies in the loony bin in those exact words is likely to be rude and we don't want to hang around people like that because bad habits can rub off on us.
No. 305784 ID: a00410
File 130601929631.jpg - (121.60KB , 800x800 , Toby Irat.jpg )


"Hookay... Lets sum it up voices. I need to make money. You told me that, and I agree completely. But you are not going to follow me to work. The 4th wall is far to distracting to do most jobs. But my writer will bring you in to see anything that might be fun, or include hot girls."

"But lets put the number on the table."

Jobs I can Do

1. Buss Boy Pays 2 Golds a day. Work every day Lousy hours. Bottom of the Barrel.

2. Night Guard at Mall. 3 Golds a day work 5 days a week. Grave yard shift. Leave lots of time but no chance to meet girls.

3. Orderly. 4 golds a day. Work 5 days a week and good daytime hours. Might get to meet girls a be helpful.

4 Street Performer. Pay is unreliable and random. But I make my own hours and can stop and talk to people and do stuff as I like.

5 Counselor. 5 golds a day 5 days a week. Very good hours. Job is stressful and I will have to get a bit more charming and Smart to do it long term. But I can take classes for that.

There are other jobs, but I'm not qualified for them.

Anyway the day is still young. I can do this today or look for a date or find a place to stay. I could also take more classes but maybe I should wait until I stop seeing magic power mushrooms and portals to the realm of Odd.
No. 305798 ID: cf65c1

With those options I say orderly sounds best. This is because it has sable, relatively good wages, isn't a graveyard shift, gives some social opportunities and won't stress you the hell out (we hope). If it is as stressful as the shitty counseling job we can jump ship for that later.
Remember: Current medium-term goal is become more charming and smart, become doctor, get the lots of women to choose from.
No. 305855 ID: 7dda9a

you shall be an orderly. mainly as being a counselor would bring you on your mental knees.
Plus nurses.

And we shall work at become intelligent. Intelligence over strength for now...
No. 305871 ID: 868a23

go Orderly till you are able to take classes needed for Counselor
No. 305899 ID: a00410
File 130606028579.jpg - (156.07KB , 800x800 , To hospital.jpg )


Orderly?... Actually that sounds pretty good to me. Decent pay, and maybe I can meet sick or injured girls and help them feel better and then they will like me. Okay that may be wishful think but still.

On a side note sometimes being smarter means you know how dumb you are. ugh.

Well here is the hospital.
No. 305901 ID: a00410
File 130606105294.jpg - (137.42KB , 980x800 , Tobyno scrubs.jpg )

And after a few test, and an interview, and peeing in a cup. I HAVE MY SCRUBS!!!!

Yes I have a job. Apparently they are looking to hire anyone that isn't a cactus right now.
Prickly pseudo hands or some such.

Any way, I don't start work till day after tomorrow and I'm gonna need to get lucky or find a place to stay for the night.

I really doubt that I'm gonna get that lucky that fast even if some one likes me.

I really need a place soon. Lopside apartments over in the academic district look pretty good and that cute girl would be my neighbor. But its gonna cost 10 golds to move in for a week.

I could also look for a motel room. That will only be 1 golds but its just for 1 night. Or should I look else were?
No. 305910 ID: cf65c1

If you can move into an apartment that fast it would be nice-ish. Do you think you can manage to set yourself up with food, furniture and such for staying overnight and then going to work in the morning in time?
Staying in a hotel longer costs more and it's often no better but I don't know how many hours you have left to shop for basics.
No. 305943 ID: 7dda9a

knowing how dumb you are is a good thing... as its from our mistakes we learn

oddly enough, the hotel is more cost efficent at 7 gold a week.
the apartment is 10 gold a week...
No. 305945 ID: cf65c1

Ah, I see... the hotel may be alarming when we get back there.
No. 305965 ID: 7dda9a

can we... see what the room is like?
sounds like a seedy place
No. 305984 ID: 868a23

No. 305988 ID: a00410
File 130609372689.jpg - (50.04KB , 800x800 , Motel.jpg )


Operative word is Motel, not Hotel.

I smell old Stank and Roche feces.

I could stay here but I've got to be pretty desperate.

I've looked into all my alternatives since the last time you saw me.

1. Motel Rochel. Its a pit 1 golds per night
2. Vacation Inn. not bad but not a good long term. 3 golds a night.
3. Lopside Apartments. Close to the schools and might have promising neighbors. 10 golds per week,
4 Fancy high rise. I heard this place is posh. 17 golds a week.
5. Buy a house. Smallish but its mine 65 golds but pay only once.

I have 18 golds right now.
No. 305992 ID: cf65c1

Damnit, we need someone to float us a loan so we can make first-and-last on that apartment, the place that won't make us totally ill eats up more than we make a week even if we can keep our new job. Craigslist for someone who already has a place and wants a roommate?
No. 306007 ID: 644ca1

The apartment seems nice, and with your new job you shouldn't have much of a problem affording it.
No. 306008 ID: 7dda9a

let's try the apartments, and get a roommate from the university... you oughta have met SOMEONE you're okay with there.
and work together to earn ze cash for a house
No. 306073 ID: 868a23

just take the dammed apartments already!
No. 306134 ID: a00410
File 130612864762.jpg - (225.42KB , 800x800 , New App.jpg )


Yes House is good long term goal, But here I am. Sorry, did you want to follow me in filling out paper work and all that real world boring stuff.
Now things are pretty simple as long as I live here the 10 golds cover normal cost of living as well as rent. This is supposed to be a quest about me getting dates so I can find a mate. Not micro managing my finances.

The Apartment is furnish so I've got the basics. nothing fancy but I don't need anything yet.

Don't know any potential room mates yet. Ive been here a day, and the mad science place didn't have the normal "class structure". Also they might cramp my style an getting a girl friend. And if I get a girl to move in that's 2/3 there.

Any Way. I still have tomorrow off before my first day at work starts. Should I
1. Do something tomorrow. Or
2. Move ahead a week.

If I move ahead a week I can take 1 normal class. Mad science augmentation might be a bad Idea so soon after the getting it done.

Current Status
STR **
AGI **
INT **

Psychology **
Tooth and claws *
Juggling **

Condition: Mild Hallucinations (Nearly over)

golds 8
Traditional Sergal
Hospital Scrubs
No. 306142 ID: 644ca1

How about an art class to improve your charm? As a bonus you might meet that cutegirl sergal there if you are lucky.
No. 306151 ID: 7aedd2

No. 306174 ID: a00410
File 130614467828.gif - (1.68MB , 800x800 , Beroom.gif )

Sounds good.

5 days later.........

No. 306175 ID: ed9087

Well, go look out the window and try and see what that noise was.
No. 306177 ID: 7dda9a

we need to get you some weights...
5 days later, 8+20= 28 gold

Also, work on your grammar
and look out dat window
No. 306191 ID: cf65c1

If you are pantsless then pants-up and investigate. Make sure you take keys, lock apartment and don't lock yourself out.
No. 306212 ID: 35e1a0

heroically rescue cutegal.
No. 306224 ID: 644ca1

There is no time for pants, unless they are right next to you.
No. 306247 ID: a00410
File 130618004318.jpg - (294.26KB , 800x800 , wake.jpg )

And you work on your math. The first day was not a work day. I have 24 golds

What's happening?


Pants? the only pants I own are my scrubs. I'm a kilt man.

That girl, who? Ninje? Is she in trouble, were?
No. 306249 ID: 2563d4

Fall out the window.
No. 306254 ID: 35e1a0

to the left of your window should be a rope, grab it and go down to the next floor.
No. 306257 ID: 7aedd2

Twas your imagination. Go back to sleep
No. 306262 ID: cf65c1

You know of the fourth-wall, right? We are seeing someone crawling in her window in a split-picture. Apparently a volto wearing a mask.
No. 306276 ID: 1d841e

Also the room in question looks to be the room beneath you.
No. 306293 ID: 868a23

whatever it is I'm blaming the volto for it, only he will stoop as low to toss boulders at your window
No. 306423 ID: 24ec9d

Shout "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM!" with max authority and volume.

Can you alert the landlord quickly? That guy could have a legitimate reason for crawling in a window, but the landlord will have a key.
No. 306573 ID: a00410
File 130630344127.jpg - (284.26KB , 800x800 , Down.jpg )

Well not exactly but...
There we Go.
No. 306575 ID: a00410
File 130630372395.jpg - (288.80KB , 800x800 , Down2.jpg )


The stock dialogue makes me feel kinda silly but that got his attention

There is no way he has a legitimate reason to crawl in 3rdish story windows and night.
No. 306580 ID: 35e1a0

she woke up and is mad. kick the dude in the face so he get's lodged partway in the window and is stunned. also letting her dish out punishment as well.
No. 306583 ID: a00410
File 130630601761.gif - (947.57KB , 800x800 , DROP.gif )

Shock and Awe were my friends tonight.

I have him in my grasp. I feel like Batman.

I can hear Ninje Coming. I need to think but I don't have long........

Why is it getting Darker?

Cliff hanger? AWWWWW COME ON!!!

Girls meet 1 of 4
Enemies made 2 of 3
Secrets Found none
But at least were not slacking off any more.

Im reorganizing this quest into Toby quest chapter 2 in a few days. I just need a little time to think of some other characters and scenarios. Chapter 2 should be up shortly.

No. 306585 ID: 7aedd2

Not bad
No. 306586 ID: ed9087

Um, i really hope he's not her boyfriend paying her a surprise visit or anything...
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