Snow Lily
I can't speak their language...
> Also tell us about yourself, what are you good/bad at?
I'm a gremlin, from earth. I used to be on earth with a human (not a very bright one) and arrived here after the human shot a dimensional rift within mere feet of us... idiot. I'm good at machina mechanica, Technomancery, and thaumaturgics around any machine or gizmo.
I am bad at singing.
>who are you, why are you here, where are you supposed to be, what would you rather be doing, what are your goals, who are your friends, who are your enemies, and what alliances, affiliations and memberships do you have?
Kilobyte, small dimensional rift, earth, back on the webspace divide with my family, going home, no one on this planet, berrkins and anyone who hates short gremlins (i think, can't understand a thing they say), Interweb Virus Guardians and i'm also a chieftan of the second binary (which is our city on webspace divide).
any other questions?