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File 130158593160.png - (12.96KB , 526x266 , title.png )
292150 No. 292150 ID: f7aa74

This is a test quest, this quest is a race, there were split opinions on whether this quest should exist,
welp here it is as a trial, let us see how it goes

107 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 295099 ID: c71597

Oh, right. Stupid distracting rabbit.
No. 295226 ID: f7aa74
File 130236849145.png - (11.47KB , 631x360 , whatnow.png )

[frank]you're honest, i like that. think we'll get along just fine. lets go grab a bite to eat, i'm hungry

[mechanic] a-alright
No. 295231 ID: b854d5


Let's go to Lot 1 already.
No. 295236 ID: f7aa74
File 130237089371.png - (20.93KB , 512x556 , whatnow.png )

[sorry, haven't prefabbed buzz and his lot, took some time]

[frank] holy color

[mechanic] wow, cute

[buzz] ... holy hair, it's longer than i thought
No. 295238 ID: 8c73c8

yeah man, can see how a diet of hair tonic can effect someone.
No. 295249 ID: 009482

Bunny rabbit likes it, time to not like it:

"yeah, whatever." Sit down at the nearest table, order up some Tonic and Carrots.
No. 295251 ID: b6c6fc

yes it's definitly time to act like your massive hair is no big deal
No. 295252 ID: 17218f

Your drink of choice is gin and tonic, right?
No. 295264 ID: c71597

Ask for some food for you and bunny babe.
No. 295267 ID: c71597

Probably gin and hairtonic.
No. 295469 ID: f7aa74
File 130245960503.png - (7.98KB , 512x361 , frankspeaks.png )

[frank] yeah whatever, bring me some gin and hair tonic... and get the bunny babe some carrots while your at it...

you know what, i change my mind, bring me a better chair first, i feel like a goddamn midgit
No. 295471 ID: f7aa74
File 130246057367.png - (10.66KB , 512x361 , buzzspeaks2.png )

[buzz] i'd like to bring you a better chair... but i only have a ton of these goofy pot-stools.

Blue, who is the ovnianam, gave me these things when i asked for bar stools.
Since your sitting in one, you know how terrible they are.

can you do me a little favor? I need you to take one of these and set it on the ovnianams head... like a little hat.

And tell him that buzz needs better chairs, if you do this i'll give you something neat.
No. 295474 ID: c71597

Sounds easy enough. Tell him it had better be really fucking neat.
No. 295475 ID: f7aa74
File 130246095928.png - (9.66KB , 441x376 , themechanic.png )

[mechanic] what about me, can i help with something buzz?
No. 295477 ID: f7aa74
File 130246179781.png - (17.26KB , 803x376 , thisleadstosomething.png )

[buzz] oh hey, i remember you, your cherry from the harem... yeah, i do have something, you can help put my computer together.

[mechanic]yay, you actually remember me, i'd love to help
No. 295494 ID: dad664

No. 295495 ID: 8c73c8

haha, i think we can trust buzz. take the thing and let's go hat someone.
No. 295507 ID: 29fbe3


No. 295510 ID: 8c73c8

hrmm... point. remind buzz that she is your mechanic now.
No. 295661 ID: f7aa74
File 130254732181.png - (8.18KB , 448x384 , frankspeaks.png )

um... yeah, sure dude, but it had better be damn neat, like uber flipping groovy neat.

for some damn reason, i'm a just a little parandoid of you buzz, so no funny business cus i'll be back
No. 295662 ID: f7aa74
File 130254825770.png - (88.47KB , 6315x363 , freeroamleftside.png )

alrighty, welp lets wander around then

>free roam, pick location
No. 295664 ID: 8c73c8

oh hey, a sergal. ask him what's up. compliment him on his groovy decorating.
No. 295665 ID: 45be60

rolled 13 = 13

wander around, see if HIM comes up to talk to you on his own.
No. 295667 ID: b6c6fc

yes this guy seems like a pretty rad dude, make friends
No. 295668 ID: 8c73c8

[HAHAAH OMG, you actually rolled sergal door anyway]
No. 295669 ID: 305890

Just walk past HIM and see if he approaches you. We need to find the whatchamacallit and tell him about our inadequate bottom supporting devices.
No. 295687 ID: c71597

Go chat up the fuzzy dude and ask where the dude in need of a new hat is.
No. 296026 ID: f7aa74
File 130262167577.png - (10.34KB , 512x384 , himspeaks.png )

[him] pinkskins over by the other lots...

don't distract me, i'm contemplating whether to pee on this guys inferior artwork.
No. 296033 ID: 15b51b

Does it belong to Cloak? Because it looks suspiciously like a synx.
No. 296063 ID: a9ccf0

Peeing on other people's things is something that you shouldn't contemplate. You should just do it reflexively.
No. 296064 ID: e0c719

Oh my god, the head sequence, this quest is great, indigo.

Just walk on by, Frank. No need to get involved.
No. 296283 ID: f7aa74
File 130271098372.png - (70.71KB , 4894x363 , freeroamrightside.png )

welp, i just walked by him... i don't want to get in no messed up trouble over wall graffitti.

>where to now
No. 296288 ID: 8c73c8

oh hey, it's your target. sneak up behind him and hat-i-fy him.
No. 296346 ID: 07416a

27 looks like a happy place. Let's visit. Also, dude is hitting on your sex mechanic, beat him up.
No. 296350 ID: c67114

Hat the fuck out of blue. Teach him a lesson for giving us crappy chairs.
No. 296367 ID: 00d3d5

Go chat up that Tiny Deer.
No. 296381 ID: cfc019

No. 296387 ID: c71597

Target has been located. Time to put the plan into action. Go hat the fuck out of that guy!
No. 296688 ID: f7aa74
File 130280212744.png - (27.04KB , 684x530 , ovnianamspeaks.png )

[ovnianam] why frank, i did not know you had a sense of humor. So tell me, DOES MY GUN LOOK FUNNY TO YOU?

>frank is in trouble, what should we do?
No. 296690 ID: d3dfb8

Actually yeah, it's all bent and dented. There's no way that barrel is straight and the Muzzle is fucked. I'm fairly certain if you tried to shoot anyone with that you're more likely to hurt yourself than anyone else.
I'm picking on your drawing style, don't I'm just joking around.
No. 296691 ID: 29fbe3

The gun should be the least of your worries... look at your goddamn hair, mang!
No. 296692 ID: f7aa74


sorry guys
No. 296693 ID: f7aa74
File 130280353608.png - (10.24KB , 426x311 , donetalking.png )

so this is the consequence of
and i'm totally spacing out today guys, sorry
No. 296694 ID: e0c719

OH NO THE QUEST IS TARNISHED IT'S RUINED FOREVER report the post and have a mod delete it
No. 296696 ID: f7aa74
File 130280444490.jpg - (25.25KB , 480x567 , captain.jpg )


Like hell am i letting my Flagship Die so un-ceremoniusly.
No. 296698 ID: 6a5a08

Knock the gun away with your hair.
No. 296709 ID: d665fd

No need to provoke him further. Apologize, and do what we really came here to do.
No. 296712 ID: 00d3d5

"Buzz says he needs better chairs.
Also, you haven't even taken the safety off, rookie."
No. 296720 ID: cfc019

check hair for guns of your own
No. 296733 ID: c71597

Hairbutt the gun away.
No. 296983 ID: 2de37a

I doubt he actually wants to do more than tell you not to mess with him. Provoking him further by trying to fight or resist could get you shot.

"Okay, didn't realize you would take offence. Sorry about that then."
No. 299357 ID: f7aa74
File 130383229481.png - (25.21KB , 684x530 , pause.png )

i actually have no idea how to continue this event, so i'll have to deal with it politically.

vote time, either


No. 299360 ID: 639463

B, more funk potential
No. 299362 ID: 6a5a08


You hear us in there, funky team? You better play some kickass theme music and turn the funky up to eleven, cause shit is about to go down.
No. 299369 ID: 314aaa

You are going to have to deal with this man for the rest of your sentence, so I think an apology might be in order. Tell him that Buzz told you to do it, etc.
No. 299394 ID: 483bc6

A. Like >>299369 said, Franklin'll have to deal with him later on.
No. 299398 ID: 12b3b5

B. Because you are the funkiest individual around.

And he needs to know it.
No. 299431 ID: c71597

B. Because it's funky time.
No. 299626 ID: f7aa74
File 130392838077.png - (11.79KB , 632x454 , meanwhilememory1.png )

[dourbrother] ...

*memory voice*
"Father, where is mother and sister?"
>"They have been taken, taken by the Evil Attitude... it may be too late."
No. 299629 ID: f7aa74
File 130392893983.png - (11.80KB , 675x452 , meanwhilememory2.png )

"TAKEN, Didn't you try to stop this Evil Attitude?"
>"I had tried, my son, but he was much too strong..."
"Then I will stop him!!!"
>" SON WAIT, you cannot stop such a strong foe unless you were the chosen Hair Warrior!"
No. 299633 ID: f7aa74
File 130392965970.png - (10.54KB , 610x391 , meanwhilememory3.png )

"Then how, how do i become the Chosen Hair Warrior?"
>"... The first sign of being The Chosen Hair Warrior is the total agreement of your inner voices. Those Inner Spirits must declare you to be the one... If they do not say you are the one, then you are not the chosen."
"So all of the spirits must say i'm the Chosen one? Fine, INNER SPIRITS, IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, I MUST KNOW IF I AM THE CHOSEN ONE... my family needs me."

No. 299636 ID: 1854db

Hmmm... yeah. Yep.
No. 299649 ID: 8c73c8

totally dude, you are the most chosen one ever.
No. 299654 ID: b6c6fc

yes you are the CHOSEN ONE!
No. 299656 ID: 28fb23

Do we even have to say it?
Release the pompadour
No. 299657 ID: c23c39

"Chosen?" Bullshit. The only choice is how badly you want to save them. And that choice is yours.
No. 299662 ID: 6a5a08

Better question: Who cares? Screw the rules, a real Chosen One makes the rules. But for the record, yes.

Now go kick ass.
No. 299668 ID: 6930ef
File 130393710038.jpg - (29.30KB , 400x435 , flavor-flav.jpg )

No. 299686 ID: c71597

Fuck yeah you are. Nobody shall have a funkier hairdo than you my man. Now go out there and teach them the ways of the funk and the fist.
No. 299734 ID: adfa55

You have the powah! Your hair is not to be touched, period. Not by hand, not by claw, not by scissors, not by electromagnet, not by nuclear blast, and definitely not by some jive-ass-turkey so full of fail he'd call himself ovnianam. I mean come on!
No. 299871 ID: f7aa74
File 130401410065.png - (9.20KB , 512x384 , meanwhilememory4.png )

... i don't even understand half the things your talking about.
No. 299872 ID: f7aa74
File 130401417118.png - (9.26KB , 512x384 , meanwhilememory5.png )

"groovy?"... "AAAAHHH, MY HAIR!! What's going on!?"
No. 299887 ID: 1854db

I'm gonna guess it's about to get REALLY HUGE.
No. 299901 ID: 5f0943

Your hair is the hair that will pierce the heavens?
No. 299923 ID: ce15d1

It looks like hair did not beat bullet. We're going to have to manage with a manageable pompadour now, help us god.
No. 299936 ID: c71597

Take it easy son. It's just taking the shape of the chosen one.
No. 299968 ID: 419a2b


No. 300138 ID: f7aa74
File 130409178707.png - (6.74KB , 512x384 , meanwhilememory6.png )

Ah, what's going on, what's happening!?
No. 300139 ID: f7aa74
File 130409184322.png - (4.64KB , 210x240 , meanwhilememory7.png )

W-what, why do i feel so different?
No. 300143 ID: 419a2b

check the hair

No. 300170 ID: 00d3d5

Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen
Give me down to there, hair, shoulder length or longer
Here baby, there, momma, everywhere, daddy, daddy

Yea, check that shit. Then remember you're in the middle of a flashback while somebody has a gun to your head, and whip-out your chosen one powers to disarm the situation.
No. 300175 ID: c71597

It's the power of the funk. You have it in you now.
No. 300430 ID: f7aa74
File 130418650709.jpg - (209.39KB , 1426x1045 , completehumurousface.jpg )

[Hayashida] Wait wait wait, i'm confused here man... Is this frank or that little dude that lives in his head?

[Kamiyama] You mean pompodour brother, yes, it is pompodour brother and not frank.
No. 300431 ID: f7aa74
File 130418676802.jpg - (25.85KB , 638x480 , Kamiyama.jpg )

Pompodour brother is on an epic quest of his own, one which drives him through the magical time known as 'coming of age.'
No. 300432 ID: f7aa74
File 130418727559.jpg - (7.65KB , 275x183 , breakforicecream.jpg )

Alright, i see... Maybe we should take a break before i continue my story. How about we head out for ice-
No. 300433 ID: f7aa74
File 130418734004.jpg - (12.55KB , 480x326 , 0.jpg )

-cream... they must not have liked my plot.
No. 300605 ID: cf65c1

Well Kamiyama, I happen to like your plot, especially the guy with the big hair. Maybe next time we shouldn't do an ass-pull on crazy hair powers with no foreshadowing: No matter how awesome they are the suits probably just don't get it and the suits determine what gets made eh?
Tighten that shit up and let's pitch it to the next studio.
No. 300625 ID: f7aa74
File 130427435138.png - (17.18KB , 512x384 , endbeta.png )

Alrighty, i would like to say it went well, but we didn't do any racing... So i'll start that in the next installment, if permitting.

alright, so survey... how was it?

Rate How funny you thought it was, between 1 and 5
Rate how much you enjoyed being a part of this quest, between 1 and 10
And i need to know if i should keep going with this one.
Also, add any opinions about this quest that you may consider improving the quality or humor.
No. 300632 ID: 1854db

Funny... let's go with 4 out of 5. General enjoyment I'd say 6 out of 10, as it kindof went nowhere as you said.

Improvements: You could have tightened up the flow of the quest; maybe restricted where we could go and do next... Also while the infinitely long pompadour is hilarious, having the camera a bit closer to him would make it a bit less completely ridiculous. Make it have an unknown but very large size, rather than an obviously impossible length.

Also, giving the main character a little more of a personality of his own would've been nice. That's more of a personal taste of mine though.
No. 300633 ID: 9b6c31

Folk, please keep this in /questdis/
No. 300637 ID: f7aa74


wait wait wait, i don't have a discussion up for this quest... didn't think it was worth it. Can't i at least collect replies in here until i submit it for archive?
No. 300651 ID: 6e44d2

I liked the quest, and I thought the main character had plenty of personality, especially with the scenes inside his head. Also, I like your absurdist humor.

As for improvements... I'd agree about restricting our options a bit. The best would be to make it look like we have lots of choices when we really don't, but that can be tricky to pull off. Keep it moving in the direction it's going, though! I like it.
No. 300660 ID: b6c6fc

in my opinion this is by far your funniest and best quest
the inside the head stuff really cracked me up

I am a strong supporter of you continuing this quest
No. 300662 ID: 00d3d5


The end of the hair must never be seen. This has a significant practical advantage, since that way we'll always be able to instantly see where he is in a picture even when it's horribly chaotic. He can even appear in a zoomed-out shot of a massive crowd without requiring a halo, dead zone, or other tricks to make him stand out.
No. 300663 ID: 7a9131

It did have a bit of a meandering feel to it. And I actually liked the impossibly long pompadour, so I guess tastes differ there.

I'd say humor 4 out of 5 (this is a really good rating, few things amuse me this much), and 7 out of 10 overall.
No. 300665 ID: 6a5a08


Maybe get the quest on rails a bit more so we can actually start the races and such.
No. 300667 ID: 525bc9


Also, the pompadour must remain lolhueg. Otherwise he wouldn't be Franklin Dynamic Pompadour D:
No. 300668 ID: 6930ef

Hell yeah.
No. 300947 ID: f7aa74
File 130434926987.png - (14.81KB , 526x371 , title.png )

yep, thx guys, ready to submit
No. 300968 ID: 28e94e

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