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File 129590919046.png - (58.33KB , 800x600 , blackcompanyrecruitment.png )
274466 No. 274466 ID: a032e7

Alright, here's the situation.

A rival faction in Central America known as Zangano started a conflict with us by attacking one of our troop transport convoys. We, the Black Company, controller of most of North America, retaliated with an attack on one of their bases, one of their broadcast stations, and a nearby air base. The broadcast station takeover was a disaster. The enemy did not suffer a single casualty and all of our forces were killed or captured, and the prisoners were relocated to a POW camp in the mountains.

In light of the severe lack of manpower, the Black Company is opening a second division. They will operate independently with different officers in command.
209 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 283378 ID: e0c719

[Ma2] EvilPerson
[T1] Pvt. Fryman
[E1] Pvt. Seven
[T2] Pvt. Black

[Ma1] Plaxinov
[I1] Pvt. Minuteman
[S1] Pvt. Noipah
[M1] Pvt. Ku'aki
[M2] Pvt. Brosnikov
No. 283489 ID: 55c4cf

Move North 2, West 4.
Aim Shield West.

No. 283611 ID: 9a5057

rolled 2 = 2

Ma1 drives forward 3 and fires a rocket at the northern of the two rocketeers.

S1 holds position for now.

I1 runs north and west, keeping formation with M1.

M2 leads T2's formation 2 north and 4 west as well, a bit paranoid about how Ma2's movement is actually going to play out and unwilling to risk getting run over.
No. 284377 ID: cb45f0
File 129870474367.png - (346.50KB , 2000x1000 , 9map1-1.png )

COMM 1: "Marked the bomb zones on your map, forward. Make sure the demo stays safe, over."

[S2] is killed

No. 284382 ID: cb45f0
File 129870557499.png - (159.55KB , 1000x500 , 9map2.png )

No. 284394 ID: 45be60

(Squeegy just likes running over 5copper)

Shit Ma2, check your fire! They don't need any help.

Okay, M1 and I1, listen very carefully. That tank you are walking next to is about to juke slightly north. Get to the edge. I don't want you getting run over too.

Ma1 proceed forward, but drift one unit north to make some room. Put a shot into that fresh shield wall, see if you can knock it down.

APC pull forward, one north and three west. *cross fingers*
T1, I need you to exit the vehicle and run up to that enemy armor. Kill the driver. Don't miss, or we're all fucked. E1, exit the south side as well, and set up your barrier. S1, move into position behind E1's defenses. M2 and T2 move up to join them.

Ma2, proceed forward and see what you can do about that southern engineer emplacement. Leave some room for the troops on foot.
No. 284415 ID: 701a19

Order confirmed.

Why are you having the APC ram them? That seems unwise...
No. 284434 ID: 001587

rolled 9 = 9

Argh! Move 3 squares west and FIRE MAIN GUN AT ENEMY ENGINEER TO THE WEST!

"Why must I be reduced to firing our most powerful weapon at a lone, shielded engineer?!"
No. 284439 ID: b6c6fc

rolled 4 = 4

I follow orders, I exit the APC run up to the tank, and attempt to kill the driver with my mind powers
No. 284451 ID: b7ed58

>[S2] is killed
Archievement Unlocked: Double Road Sandwich on the go

did Ma2 backpedal? wtf was that?
No. 284456 ID: 55c4cf

Move North 1, West 3.

Talk to Pvt. Minuteman and make sure he follows as well as he can.
No. 284459 ID: cb45f0

[Ma2] EvilPerson
[T1] Pvt. Fryman
[E1] Pvt. Seven
[M1] Pvt. Ku'aki

[Ma1] Plaxinov
[I1] Pvt. Minuteman
[S1] Pvt. Noipah
[M2] Pvt. Brosnikov
[T2] Pvt. Black
No. 284468 ID: f5e4b4

Well fuck, I ain't gonna get run over too, bro. Gonna follow the attack, as ordered, but gonna keep it clear from the tanks and the APC.

I move 3 East, 4 south, 1 West. I keep the shield always pointing West and gesture Comrad- I mean [T2]Pvt. Black to follow and stay behind me.
No. 284623 ID: 644ca1

I'm with you doc, lead the way.(1SE, 3S)
No. 284668 ID: 50c7a9


Move north 1, west 3. Reply in the affirmative to [M1] that I certainly did not sign up to become a meatball sandwich
No. 284735 ID: 50c7a9

(( woops! last post as pandaman was mine))
No. 285318 ID: 9a5057

rolled 3 = 3

Ma1 advances NW, W, W and fires a round at the southern half of shield wall

Hey [E1]Seven. You said order confirmed, but you didn't actually DO anything. Wanna get out and build those shields?
(The APC is driving forward because it is less vital to mission success than you troops, but it is considerably better armored.)
No. 285343 ID: 701a19

I said order confirmed. That means I'm doing it.
Also, unless I horribly misread something, downed soldiers can redeploy from the APC:

Sooo... you're having our respawn point ram entrenched enemies.

No. 285445 ID: 9a5057

Orders are intentionally vague most of the time, to give you some control over your characters. You will want to actually say precisely what you are doing with your three move and two actions, and probably roll a couple dice for the actions. I believe it takes a [6] to set up barriers.

(The APC works like the the redeploy and supply crate officer powers for free. Which is cool, but it is not a free pass to just stand up again if you die. Op keeps saying, no zombies allowed. We'll be needing a new character to replace S2, and in the mean time he's not earning exp. Redeploy only costs 2 kills anyway, so it's not hard even without the apc. Armor also takes half damage from bullets, so they'll have a hard time hurting it this turn.)
No. 285745 ID: 9a5057
File 129910352288.png - (28.04KB , 243x195 , Shield.png )

rolled 1 = 1

blaaaar I grow weary of waiting.

E1 and S1 move southwest out of the vehicle to make the world look like this, (T1 position assumed) and E1 attempts to build a barrier like so.
No. 289226 ID: c1a612

cue three squished infantry
No. 289359 ID: cb45f0
File 130057526191.png - (157.66KB , 1000x500 , 9map2-1.png )

No. 289361 ID: cb45f0
File 130057593168.png - (153.10KB , 1000x500 , 9map3.png )

LOCAL: "Demo here. First bomb planted. Over and out."
COMM1: "Forward, we've detected some enemy movement far west of your position. We think they may be mobilizing reinforcements. We'll try and head them off, but expect some further resistance, over."

No. 289462 ID: 45be60

Thanks for the heads-up command, we'll try to have a perimeter secured if they get through. Hold them off as long as you can. (T1 and S1's positions got flipped on the map, gonna assume they are in their right locations)

Good kill T1, you're a lifesaver, and you didn't even scratch the paint.

Ma2, the way you've been shooting, I want your rounds as far away from friendlies as we can get them. You wanna try that one more time?

[Mission accomplished, the APC kicks it into full speed reverse, though the driver does entertain a brief fantasy of plowing forward and running down half the enemy platoon.]

Ma1, I need you to make sure that enemy tk doesn't do to you what we just did to them. Don't risk shooting at him, just run him over, and see how many of his friends you can take with him.

S1, see if you can clip that enemy infantry lying down to the south. T1 and E1, you'll eventually want to try and get around the tank to flank that enemy engineer, but there may be some surviving contacts in your way. Don't do anything stupid.

Flanking squads, keep moving.
No. 289508 ID: 00d3d5

rolled 4 = 4

I'm deploying my sentry in my current square, then falling back to re-enter the APC and re-stock my gear.
My sentry shoots at the telekinetic to the north
No. 289531 ID: 867af1

rolled 1 = 1

"OK I think some joker's been loosening the screws on the sighting system, it's flopping all over! I'll just shoot by ear instead!"

Is it possible for the tank to move one square south and two squares west or is the sidewalk on a different level? If it's possible then do that.

Fire MAIN CANNON at engineer shield wall to the west! Third time is the charm!
No. 289534 ID: b6c6fc

rolled 1 = 1

I go prone
I wait for the APC to move

then I psyshock the infantry man to my north west
No. 289607 ID: cb45f0

[Ma2] EvilPerson
[T1] Pvt. Fryman
[E1] Pvt. Seven

[Ma1] Plaxinov
[I1] Pvt. Minuteman
[S1] Pvt. Noipah
[M1] Pvt. Ku'aki
[M2] Pvt. Brosnikov
[T2] Pvt. Black
No. 289806 ID: 55c4cf

rolled 4, 10 = 14

Move West 3 Spaces, request backup from I1.
Face Shield West Southwest to defend from enemy soldiers. Fire twice at enemy T unit.
No. 289844 ID: f5e4b4

Holy shit we're still alive! Awesome.

Ok, let's keep flanking, using MA2 as cover from north-northwest attacks.

I move 5 spaces West, shield still facing west. T2, keep up!
No. 289865 ID: 644ca1

Sure thing doc(5W)
No. 289916 ID: 7abed0

rolled 8 = 8

Sure thing Ell-Tee.

Aimed shot at the infantry southwest of my position.
No. 291083 ID: 45be60

rolled 6 = 6

[I1 moves up to support his medic buddy, also moving 3 west and firing an aimed shot into the enemy telekinetic.]
No. 291095 ID: 45be60

rolled 6 = 6

And I'm thinking Ma1 is MIA for good. So maybe I don't care so much about absolutely positively keeping him alive no matter the cost. Change of orders.

[Ma1 fires a round into the square in the middle of enemy TK, Engie, and Infantry]

That should be everyone.
No. 291266 ID: 6d4402
File 130124988251.png - (185.64KB , 1000x500 , 9map3-1.png )

COMM2: "Ma2, stop shooting at shield walls, you're supposed to be hitting the people behind them, over."
COMM1: "I want to know who sold us this maptech. It keeps glitching out. Over."
BLACKBIRD: "Forward, this is Blackbird, we're tracking the reinforcements en route to your position. Looks like a heavy tank, two medium tanks, about 16 ground troops traveling by transport. ETA 10 minutes. We'll see what we can do to soften them up before they get to y-- woah, SHI"


No. 291270 ID: 6d4402
File 130125091190.png - (353.85KB , 2000x1000 , 9map4.png )

BLACKBIRD: "I'm hit, I'm hit, they have air support. I repeat, they have air support, over."
COMM1: "Blackbird, return to base. We'll take care of this, over."
BLACKBIRD: "Roger wilco, Command. I think I can maintain control back to base. Over and out."
NIGHTSTRIKE: "Command, this is Nightstrike. I'm coming in for a bombing run, over."
COMM2: "Roger that, Nightstrike. We're setting up artillery further down the road. They'll go through Hell before they get to you, forward. Over."

No. 291276 ID: 55c4cf

rolled 6, 6 = 12

Move 1 West.
Stab enemy soldier twice who just tried to TK me with a knife at point blank.

Move 3 more West.

"Minuteman, keep up, and be careful, there are gunman past the barrier. Back me up."
No. 291344 ID: 00d3d5

Sentry deployed. Continuing stated actions.
We have to move THEN act? We can't swap the order? Ugh...
No. 291366 ID: 45be60

Yeah, move then shoot. which means Ku'aki is gonna get about half that action this turn. Pretend it's a miniatures wargame.

[APC would dearly love to back up further and get out of harm's way, but fortunately he checks his rearview first and refrains from running over the ill-advised demolitions specialist. APC does nothing.]

Okay TKs, I hate to put more pressure on you, but I would dearly love you to catch that rocket pointed at the APC.

Ma1, retun fire on those enemy rockets.
Ma2, at this point it would probably be faster to just run those bastards over.
Others, engage targets at your discretion.
No. 291439 ID: b6c6fc

I totally jump into the red tank and take control of it!
No. 291451 ID: 644ca1

rolled 3 = 3

"Sir, yes sir!"
I move up on the back of the tank(1w), then I go prone and lift the rocket aimed at the APC
No. 291469 ID: f5e4b4


I move 2 North, then 1 West. I shoot twice at the Enemy T attacking M1 if Ku'aki fails the kill.
No. 291493 ID: 55c4cf

All my actions will resolve this turn Officer o, sir.

Shot once and two knife successes, I am confident the enemy T is going down this turn.
No. 291696 ID: 6d4402

[M1] Pvt. Ku'aki
[T1] Pvt. Fryman
[E1] Pvt. Seven
[T2] Pvt. Black
[M2] Pvt. Brosnikov

[Ma2] EvilPerson
[Ma1] Plaxinov
[I1] Pvt. Minuteman
[S1] Pvt. Noipah
No. 291699 ID: 476834

"Yeah this cannon thing ain't working out for me nehow"

Ramming speed! Move 6 squares west (through the weakened shield).
No. 293078 ID: 45be60

I1 follows dutifully behind M1
S1 takes an aimed shot at the southern rocketeer
Ma1 drives forward three and lobs a round at the north rocketeer.
No. 294109 ID: 45be60

rolled 2, 8 = 10

first for sniper, second for tank
No. 302300 ID: 644ca1

(So what happened to this? The turn has been going on forever.)
No. 305396 ID: 13b3e1
File 130586499289.png - (150.42KB , 1000x500 , 9map4-1.png )


COMM1: "FZZZZorward, dozzzt you rfffbzze? We thzzznk they hazzzzzzzbbzzzffffzzztamming technzzlogy. You might bzzzzzfffffzzzperiencing some minimap bugzzzzffftt."

[ENEMY TURN] (tomorrow)
No. 305737 ID: 13b3e1
File 130600922023.png - (145.75KB , 1000x500 , 9map5.png )

(I am a liar)

[T2] is incapacitated

COMM1: "bzzzzzead me, forward. That should have cleared it up. Are you still there, over?"

The battle has reached its fifth turn! All survivors from here onward will receive a promotion during the aftermath report.
No. 305739 ID: 13b3e1

(that is, as long as you have been active all 5 turns)

No. 305742 ID: 00d3d5

rolled 2 = 2

No viable targets in range; continuing to fall back towards APC.

Sentry targets the tank in front of it due to the complete absence of infantry in its LoS.
No. 305838 ID: 45be60

Man down! another enemy TK snuck out from behind those barriers. T1, I am re-designating you Ma3 and making him your responsibility. If you have that thing under control already, recommend you just back up a smidge to let him know who's boss.

Ma2, we have a general idea where those enemy rockets are hiding. See if you can plow over those puny barricades and lob a round into their flank.

M2, get up there and see what you can do to get your partner on his feet again, but exercise caution that close to the tanks.

Team 1, looks like the command display is still a little glitchy. Ma1 should be even with M1 by my figures. Anyway, your squad is in charge of breaking through that engineer nest, unharmed if you can manage it.
No. 306026 ID: 644ca1

rolled 5 = 5

(Turns out I'm fine it was T1 that got incapacitated. Get into the IRC people.)
"Holy shit that TK came out of no where! T1 you all right? Awww dammit... taste MIND BULLETS scum!"
Crawl one North-West while prone and HURT the enemy TK.
No. 306047 ID: 55c4cf

rolled [3] [9]

Move 4 West, Fire two shots at T-Barrier guarding troops for the tank to possibly fire directly at.
No. 306078 ID: b6c6fc


help me out here, and we'll have a third tank on our side!
No. 306155 ID: bb7a58

Reinforcements standing by.

or can I just magically emerge from the APC? I haven't quite grokked that.
No. 306242 ID: fb78cc

rolled 5 = 5

"Funny, that's just what I was planning. BREAK THE LINES! CRUSH THE INFANTRY!"

Keep those mighty threads rolling and move 3 squares west right through those thin barricades! Then fire the battlecannon north into the enemy formation, prioritizing the rocket guys that are presumably hiding behind the barrier there.
No. 306555 ID: 45be60

rolled 6, 6, 7 = 19

[Botting begins now]
Squad 1!
I1 follows behind his medic and fires a burst at the sentry, hoping to finish off that shield and bring the gun down.

Ma1 proceeds forward 3 and reloads its unfortunately empty gun.
No. 306560 ID: 45be60

rolled 2 = 2

Squad 2!
M2 expends an action to run to Ma3 and climb inside, then administers first aid to stabilize T1 inside.

S1 remains on overwatch, hoping get a shot off on any wounded enemy rocketeer foolish enough to pop his head up.

APC slowly moves forward 3 spaces, to meet up with E1 seeking resupply. Deploying R1 reinforcement at the APC.
No. 307021 ID: 13b3e1
File 130646531697.png - (165.34KB , 1000x500 , 9map5-1.png )


COMM1: "Nightstrike, what's the status on those enemy reinforcements, over?"
NIGHTSTRIKE: "This is Nightstrike, Command. Uhh... it's not good. It- it doesn't look good, over."
COMM2: "ETA on reinforcements, Nightstrike. Over."
NIGHTSTRIKE: "I hate to be the one to break this to you, Command, but I'd say that ETA is 'any second now'. Returning to base. Over and out."
COMM1: "You're on your own here, forward. Good luck. Over."
No. 307026 ID: 13b3e1
File 130646651311.png - (159.62KB , 1000x500 , 9map6.png )


No. 307054 ID: 45be60

Lets mop these up and get ready for incoming.

M2, please get T1 patched up as best you can.
T2, see if you can kill that last rocketeer before he has a chance to reload.
Squad one, engage the engineer and his toys at your own discretion. Ma2 isn't gonna be able to provide you with cover fire this round.

Hey demolition expert, want a ride? I've got a personnel carrier ready to escort you to the next support beam.
No. 307058 ID: 644ca1

rolled 10 = 10

"Hey rocket dude, taste MIND BULLETS!"
I move North-West 1 and North 1 while prone and then Hurt the enemy Rocket Soldier.
No. 307068 ID: 701a19

rolled 9 = 9

Sentry 1 fires on the enemy tank.
Deploying sentry 2 on top of the APC.
No. 307077 ID: 644ca1

ooc: What enemy tank? We took their tank, it's ours now.
No. 307145 ID: 460ce9

"Hahaha wow! That did the job, but I gotta reload now. Any chance the APC could move a bit closer to me for an eventual ammo resupply so I don't run out against those reinforcements we keep hearing about?"

Holding position and reloading Ma2 tank gun.
No. 307229 ID: 44b73c

I hop out the south side of the APC, dash four squares west, and go prone.
No. 307289 ID: 13b3e1

[T2] Pvt. Black
[E1] Pvt. Seven
[Ma2] EvilPerson
[R1] Pvt. Littlebeast

[M1] Pvt. Ku'aki
[M2] Pvt. Brosnikov
[Ma1] Plaxinov
[I1] Pvt. Minuteman
[S1] Pvt. Noipah
No. 307311 ID: 55c4cf

rolled 2, 2 = 4

Return fire @ the guy two spaces west.
Heal self.

Have infantry buddy continuing his fire.

Move 1 West, 3 South.
Direct Shield northwest.
No. 307339 ID: 17218f

rolled 2 = 2

(the damage you took was to the shield, I don't think you have to roll to recharge that.)

I1 presses up against the barricade, crouches, and gently tosses a grenade over the concrete, attempting to catch both the engineer and his sentry in the blast.
No. 307340 ID: 17218f

rolled 1, 8 = 9

M2 attempts to heal T1 twice.

S1 continues to wait for a rocketeer to do something stupid.

Ma1 holds position.
No. 307664 ID: 13b3e1
File 130670447651.png - (192.98KB , 1000x500 , 9map6-1.png )

>KILLS: 10

LOCAL: rmblermblermblermble
>Enemy reinforcements have arrived!

No. 307665 ID: 13b3e1
File 130670483745.png - (181.78KB , 1000x500 , 9map7.png )

>Enemy reinforcements have entered the combat zone.

No. 307671 ID: f9092d

rolled 9 = 9

"I'd love to run those two guys over to use their own tank as cover, but is that the smell of incoming artillery?! REVERSING! WATCH OUT BEHIND!"

Move 3 squares east and fire the cannon at the enemy assault soldier standing next to the rocket guy for max blast impact.
No. 307689 ID: 00d3d5

rolled 7, 10 = 17

Reenter newly armed APC.
Restock turret.
Turrets fire on enemy infantry north of enemy tanks.

"Think we can steal two more tanks?"
No. 307748 ID: 17218f
File 130672794499.png - (116.52KB , 378x414 , artillery goes here.png )

Artillery, are you still up in those hills? I have one last a priority target point for you before this operation is over. I need close fire support on the west end of the bridge, got em all bunched up for you. Target as marked.

Gentlemen, pull back and regroup at the center of the bridge. We should have explosives incoming, and it's gonna be big. This means YOU Ma2.
No. 307756 ID: 55c4cf

(Why did my character only move one space but still move the shield? The full 4 space movement would have made the shield protect her. Having her not move just got her shot. It's not like I had her shoot in between her movement. What ? ? ?)
No. 307757 ID: 13b3e1

i forgot the movement :V retcon'd
No. 307758 ID: 55c4cf

Move east 11.
Shield facing West Southwest.
No. 307844 ID: 644ca1

"Artillery? Gladly pulling back as ordered sir."
Standing up and sprinting 4 east and 2 north-east up on the back of Ma1
No. 308004 ID: d8d42e

rolled 7 = 7

Crawl 2 squares NW, fire a rocket at the northern enemy tank.
No. 308437 ID: 13b3e1

[M1] Pvt. Ku'aki
[T2] Pvt. Black
[R1] Pvt. Littlebeast

[E1] Pvt. Seven
[Ma2] EvilPerson
[M2] Pvt. Brosnikov
[Ma1] Plaxinov
[I1] Pvt. Minuteman
[S1] Pvt. Noipah
No. 308438 ID: 00d3d5

-> >>307689
No. 308494 ID: f9092d

I already posted my action as well. I can repost and reroll if you want :)

--> >>307671
No. 308802 ID: 45be60

rolled 10 = 10

[Botting squad 1]
I1 backs up NE NE E E and crouches, giving the demo dude a screen to work behind

Ma1 remains in position and fires a round at the north tank.

S1 moves NW and drops to the pavement.
No. 308828 ID: 45be60

rolled 7, 5, 5 = 17

[squad 2]
M2 continues to administer stimulants and pain-killers to get T1 back up to strength with both his actions.

T1 attempts to get the front end of his new toy pointing north and fire a round at the center of the enemy tank column.
No. 311796 ID: 400170
File 130777067397.png - (220.15KB , 1000x500 , 9map7-1.png )

ARTILLERY: "Bombardment confirmed. Better stand back, forward, the ground is about to get real friendly with you. Danger close, I repeat, danger close. Over and out."
LOCAL: "Well, that makes my job easier."
COMM1: "Forward, I think you put some holes in that bridge, over. Not enough to collapse it, unfortunately, but those tanks sho-- oh, the tanks exploded. Alright, over."


No. 311799 ID: 400170
File 130777149208.png - (202.28KB , 1008x500 , 9map8.png )

Enemy Rocketeer suddenly remembers the grenade shrapnel buried in his chest and promptly dies.

>KILLS: 10

No. 311982 ID: 644ca1

rolled 5 = 5

"Whoa, that artillery sure packs quite a punch. Moving in to clean up."
Move 4 west and then Lift the enemy Infantry.
No. 312213 ID: 7a7db6

Nicely done Artillery, we can take it from here.

Ma2, tempting as it may be to run those last two over, hold your position. The bridge is no longer sound, repeat, no longer sound. Don't want you lasting this long just to drop into the water at the last minute. Fire on the enemy infantry from your current position.

Ma3, looks like you are having some trouble there. Just drive forward from where you are, and leave a corridor for the guys on foot to fire through. Don't worry about clipping the sentry, but avoid your living allies or I'm not letting you keep that shiny new tank.

Clean up time people, only two left, and they're both hurt. Don't do anything stupid and we'll be home in time for dinner.
No. 312339 ID: 39beab

rolled 1 = 1

"come on guys, move up and shoot things so we can take the barricades and plant the explosives!"

Fire the tank cannon at the enemy assault infantry! Boom!
No. 312783 ID: 7bfeb5

rolled 3 = 3

my action totally ignored... oh well.

Move NW 3, climbing on the back of MA1, and fire at the prone rocketeer.
No. 312793 ID: 00d3d5

No line of sight.
No movement would provide line of sight.

Pass turn.
No. 314277 ID: 400170
File 130835198367.png - (205.77KB , 1000x500 , 9map8-1.png )

>KILLS: 12

COMM1: "That's all of 'em, forward. You can go ahead and make 'em safe. Looks like we crushed their reinforcements, and the bridge looks ready to topple on its own. Whaddya say we blow the charges we got and see if it goes down anyway? Head back to base, over."



Most Consecutive Hits: [Ma1] Plaxinov (3)
Most Consecutive Kills (multiple turns): [Ma2] EvilPerson (4)
Most Kills: [Ma2] EvilPerson (6)
Highest Accuracy: [Ma1] Plaxinov (66%)
Most Teammates Stabilized: [M2] Pvt. Brosnikov (1)
Most Teammates Revived: [M2] Pvt. Brosnikov (1)
Most Bullets Dodged: [Ma2] EvilPerson (3)
Most Total Damage Dealt: [Ma2] EvilPerson (26)
Most Damage Taken: [Ma2] EvilPerson (4.5)
Most Incapacitations: [T1] Pvt. Fryman (1)
Most Shots Fired: [Ma2] EvilPerson (6)
(medal results may be contested given accurate proof)

Fryman promoted to Sergeant
Black promoted to Sergeant
Seven promoted to Sergeant
Ku'aki promoted to Sergeant
Brosnikov promoted to Sergeant
EvilPerson promoted to Sergeant
Circle promoted to Major
No. 314373 ID: b6c6fc

Kick ass! let's break out the beers an celebrate!
No. 314392 ID: 17218f

Can I award some sort of "came through when it really mattered" award to Fryman? Killing that tank driver when he did was vital, even if he spent the rest of the mission unconscious and pointing the wrong way.
No. 314410 ID: 7bfeb5

Aw, no promotion for me yet. Well that's hardly surprising, I didn't even really do anything.

...But I totally have infinite accuracy, since I apparently never fired :P
No. 314514 ID: 644ca1

We did it, to bad there wasn't a most lifted rockets medal or something, but whatever, we won!

Let's go celebrate our first mission being a success.
No. 314544 ID: 2556ae

And so the 4 month mission ends.

Hooray! I even did well. The again I was driving an armor-clad fuel-burning, cannon-firing, infantry-crushing monster machine.
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