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267348 No. 267348 ID: b7798b

Previous Chapters: http://tgchan.org/wiki/Bite_Quest

Spikesby and his companions, Ria and the Adept Holizen, stand in the driving rain as lightning crashes over the jagged cliffs of Flails Breaker's domain. A fight is on. The Wizard Flare has left his domain to attack the Lord of Marvels, who is apparently preparing for war.

Supposedly, Flails is an ally of the Lord of Marvels. Spikesby is here to either convince him that the Lord of Marvels is a traitor, or to kill the Wizard with the antithesis he possesses.

But first, they must enter the castle. They explained the situation already to the guard, but its only reply has been

"Mortals shall not enter. Leave, or I will strike you down."

The options are limited. A plan is required.
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No. 276254 ID: 383006
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Spikesby runs forward, leaping, as The Lord of Marvels continues to fire. Spikesby can barely feel the bullet sink deep into his flesh, the other graze his cheek.

The Lord of Marvels attempts to back away, raising his staff to block as Spikesby's claws descend again and again, slicing effortlessly through his weapons and his flesh

"You stupid, pitiful creature" Lord of Marvels croaks, "You were meant to be my weapon"
No. 276256 ID: 1854db

"I am not a weapon."

No. 276257 ID: 6071d3

Assuming he doesn't violently explode like Radia, see if he has enough time to tell you what's going. What were his plans? He's dying now, but that doesn't mean he's failed. He just has to convince us to finish what he started.
No. 276258 ID: 55c4cf


Then Where's my cutiemark?!
No. 276259 ID: 6071d3

Oh and take that super bitchin' hat he's wearing for yourself Spikesby, regardless of what happens. Get a look at his face after he kicks it, too.
No. 276260 ID: dad664

"Yeah well, consider your weapon misfired."

Or, in your words, "Wak wak, wakwakwak wak wakwak wakwakwak."
No. 276262 ID: 6cbed6

Yeah if his hat is still around we are so swiping that thing.
No. 276263 ID: 70e5c6
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... then get some medical treatment
No. 276265 ID: 383006
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"Consider your weapon-"

He detonates like a meat grenade.

What should he do after grabbing the hat?
No. 276266 ID: 52c44b

If he's effectively disarmed, try yelling at him "I never wanted to kill anyone, or be a weapon, I just want to know what you're planning! How can the world be saved if the progenitors win?"

Oh, and be ready to slash at him some more if it brings out any other sneaky weaponry.
No. 276267 ID: bf1e7e


wear it.

Also, Check on Meg. Then it's time to go let blacksoul know that marv is gone.
No. 276268 ID: 9cb4b3

Wear it. Then see how Meg is doing.
No. 276269 ID: 55c4cf

See what the hell is going on with the giant crazy machine or whatever, check on meg. Look awesome. Wear Hat for the Hat Day Gods.
No. 276270 ID: 1854db

Ask Meg how best we can destroy the machine.
No. 276272 ID: 1aa4f8

find somebody to first aid Meg
No. 276278 ID: 6cbed6

Don't, like, antithesis Meg or anything like that. That would be bad.
No. 276279 ID: 6071d3

Take Hat. Wear Hat. Find Meg. See if she can tell you what the machine is doing before you recklessly destroy something with a function you can't even guess at.
No. 276281 ID: 9a9984

It might be bad to wear the hat when checking on Meg. If her senses are still messed up she might attack you.
No. 276282 ID: 70e5c6


this. assuming the hat doesn't melt your brain
No. 276287 ID: 15b51b

Carefully remove the remaining antithesis from your blades before helping Meg out of here. Ask her what the heck all these crystal claw lightning things are.
No. 276288 ID: 6071d3

Noted. Have Spikesby announce "Hey Meg! I took Marv's hat, so don't like... fry me or anything!" when he goes over to lend a... actually it's probably best if he doesn't touch her.
No. 276290 ID: 383006
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Spikesby calls out to Meg, but she doesn't respond. He puts on the hat and goes to check on her. His blades are still streaked with Antithesis, and he has no way to remove all of it. Even a drop would be fatal.

Meg isn't moving. He has no idea if she's alive or not, but she hasn't exploded or anything. She's just kind of... frozen. The bullet must have had some special property.

Should he inspect the machine?
No. 276291 ID: 55c4cf

Apply Meg to the machine.
No. 276292 ID: bf1e7e


Probably nothing you can do for her right now. Best to let blacksoul know about this when you find him.

Speaking of which, go try to find blacksoul.
No. 276297 ID: 70e5c6

May as well give it a glance before hauling ass to find medical help
No. 276305 ID: 6071d3

Inspect machine, but do not touch. With all the energy crackling around it you're more likely to be vaporized than actually damage it.

Feel it out, if possible, for magic and antimagic. Looked like there was quite a bit of both arcing around that thing. Head upstairs into Marv's tower. With any luck his study or something might be intact. You could learn what he was up to if he kept notes and they survived.

When you are ready to leave, pull Meg out by her hood with your mouth. She probably took an antithesis metal bullet.

Oh! Hey, wait a second! Marv is all over the place! ABSORB HIS WIZARDLY POWER! CONSUME HIM! Or just have a taste of blood or something to see what happens.
No. 276309 ID: 8c0848

Go find Blacksoul. He might know how to fix Meg and what the machine is.
No. 276310 ID: 9cb4b3

Yeah, go find Blacksoul
No. 276311 ID: 1854db

Poke the machine with your blades.
No. 276314 ID: 6071d3

Also have a look at your scythes real quick. I just realized they're covered in both progenitor and wizard blood and possibly mixing. Anything interesting going on there? Or did all of Marv's gore just slide off?
No. 276316 ID: 70e5c6

I also think finding Blacksoul would be a good idea, after making sure your liver isn't shot to hell and back
No. 276318 ID: 15b51b

We have absolutely no idea what this machine does. How are we supposed to know what to do with it?
Fuckit. Stab the hot dog ray. I hope it doesn't explode and kill Meg.
No. 276319 ID: 383006
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The Wizard blood bubbles and hisses, evaporating messily as he approaches the machine.

Arcane energies sizzle and writhe across it. As he gets near, he can feel something drawing him forward, calling out to him.

It is a hundred million voices with a hundred million pitches and tone, all straining against their bonds. A vast power that should never have been contained, begging to be freed.

It would be extremely simple. He could free it easily by just reaching out.
No. 276320 ID: bf1e7e


Vast power you say?

Yeah, find blacksoul. Maybe he'll know what to do with this.
No. 276321 ID: 52c44b

DO NOT DO THIS. Machines could be key to solving oblivion problem.


Check out machines but don't touch. :V
No. 276322 ID: 6cbed6

No. 276323 ID: 9cb4b3

No. 276324 ID: 55c4cf

Touched by a Spikesby.

Everyone's favorite after school special.
No. 276325 ID: 476456

bump into it on "accident"
No. 276326 ID: 8c0848

No. 276327 ID: 476456

actually no just chest bump it overtly
No. 276329 ID: 1aa4f8

don't touch anything, go get Blacksoul. WE don't want to make a hotdogpocalypse
No. 276331 ID: 6071d3

Does the machine look like it's about to do something? Charging up or... what? You'll have to feel it out a little bit more Spikesby.

Does is feel magical? Antimagical? Something new? And does it call to you or that "taint" of Oblivion you still carry. Are they souls? What?
No. 276333 ID: cc04a7

No. 276334 ID: 52c44b

I really fail at timing.

This is likely Marv's ace in the hole. Probably a device powered by souls designed to nuke the progenitors at the right time (after all wizards are dead) so that he could become the only magical being left in the world, and therefore supreme ruler of everything.

Or it could be something related to the wall of the Sea of Oblivion, and destroying it could cause the wall to collapse.

Either way, I suggest waiting for Blacksoul. Doing anything to it without proper knowledge is asking for bad end.
No. 276335 ID: 70e5c6

No freaking way, don't free it. I'm thinking it's full of souls, which will be what can be used to destroyed the sea.

Find blacksoul.
No. 276337 ID: 1854db

Wait for Blacksoul. The Progenitors may be emerging but they are NOT going to destroy everything as soon as they emerge.
No. 276338 ID: 15b51b

Watch the entrance instead in case something is sneaking up on you.
No. 276342 ID: 383006
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Spikesby goes to try and get Blacksoul.

He doesn't have long to wait. Ria and Sky arrive, Blacksoul in tow.

Blacksoul glances down at him, then shakes his head slowly in surprise, but says nothing.

He orders Sky to clean Spikesby's blades thoroughly and retrieve any more Antithesis he has, and she does so.

They descend to the device.

Blacksoul glances at Childless Meg, and then at the machine. "Leave her for now," he whispers.

They stand in the silent cavern as Blacksoul inspects the machine. After a long, nervous interval, he reaches out and grasps the energy emanating from it.

"Marvels was far more insidious than I ever expected, and his schemes far more vile.

Everything that has happened leading up to the formation of the Sea was a direct result of his machinations.

Magic pervades this world. It emanates into the air from the Wizards, who contain all of the magic in the world. This device was created in an earlier form before the Wizard's war began. Whenever a Wizard is killed, the energy was stored in this device instead of returning in the Ascendancy of a mortal to Wizardhood.

Marvels was slick and sociable. I believe he engineered the Wizard's War to create death on a massive scale and so store a vast quantity of the power.

Either his original device failed, or he tried to access the power and Flare, Soulfire, and Flails Breaker Ascended instead. The power cannot be accessed directly while any Wizard remains alive.

I do not believe he intended the Sea to form. Magic filled the world like air in a hard container underwater. When he removed the magic from the world, the container began to fracture when the pressure was too great, and the 'water' in our analogy, the Antithesis, began to leak in.

I suspect that his plan was to have us all destroy one another. Perhaps he thought his weapons could be used to kill the survivors, and then activate his machine, Ascending to the full power of all Wizards - becoming immortal and unstoppable.

Once the Magic was released, the 'air' would fill the world again, and the Antithesis would be pushed back from whence it came.

You, snikt, have saved us all. I will untangle these energies and release Magic back into the world. Wizards will once again begin to ascend, and things will return to as they were before the War.

You have saved everyone from this nightmare of a world, and from the Sea of Oblivion. If there is any boon I can bestow on you, name it."

No. 276343 ID: 9cb4b3

"Can I be a wizard?"
No. 276344 ID: 55c4cf

Sky's Sister, pimp Spikesby forever.
No. 276345 ID: 1aa4f8

tell him you want a penis
No. 276346 ID: 9cb4b3

If not a wizard -

"Can I be a magical creature again?"


No. 276347 ID: 6cbed6

Can we get, as part of the overall "boon," like... working body systems, if we're staying mortal?
No. 276348 ID: 8c0848

Ask for some normal biological functions, like a sense of taste, digestive system, etc...
No. 276349 ID: bf1e7e

Just live comfortably and free with your friends for the rest of your life. Stay away from all the conflicts and chill.

Last Hraru can come too.
No. 276351 ID: cc04a7

So what's going to happen with the progenitors? Do they still need to be killed; will the magic kill them?
No. 276352 ID: 701a19

He thought he was doing the right thing. I think he saw how completely horrible life was for the non-wizards, and planned to do away with the entire system by either sealing magic away or by spreading it to all creatures equally.

Clearly, you should go the sunshine and happiness route and ask him to set aside an area where wizards aren't allowed to use their powers, or institute penalty-of-death laws for treatment of non-wizards, or try to spread the magic out so much that wizards aren't so able to torment others, or etc...
Alternatively, ask to become a powerful wizard so you can protect mortals yourself.
No. 276353 ID: 6071d3

"I want to be a wizard, I want to be your friend, and I want my friends back. That means Sky. And I want to be powerful enough hold to my own land and protect the people in it."

"But if that's too much to ask, I'll settle for a quiet life with my friends in your territory."

Oh and don't forget to ask you if you can "do the honors" and pop that bubble.

Also, HUZZAH! I was wrong. Happy ending. All that matters.
No. 276354 ID: 15b51b

Ask him to make you a wizard.
No. 276355 ID: 207b57

Whatever he is going to do tell him to do it fast and watch his back. With this many wizards dead there can't be much holding the wall back.
No. 276356 ID: 283fa9

I feel like being poetic and asking for 'a life'. After all, we are a wizards creation, designed to be a weapon. Would be nice to know our life was ours to live.
No. 276357 ID: 70e5c6

I'd ask for the following, personally.

1. Bring back all of the wizards, except for Radia and Marvels. Ryxix really wasn't all that bad, he was just lovestruck. Honestly, I almost felt bad for him for most of the story.

2. If it's possible, bring the societies out, allow them to live in the real world. If that's not possible, I'd say seclude the sea into a contained area, but don't destroy it, the societies in there deserve to live.

3. Cure spikesby of his odd skin pigmentation and other odd side-effects of going into the sea of oblivion.

4. Give Spikesby a soul. He's come this far, he deserves to be free of any binds he might have to any wizards.
No. 276358 ID: 70e5c6


... societies in the sea of oblivion, that is.
No. 276359 ID: bf1e7e


>4. Give Spikesby a soul

oh my god.

You didn't even read the quest ;-;
No. 276361 ID: 15b51b

Be nicer to mortals.
No. 276362 ID: 52c44b

Ask him to repair the world.

Help mortals repopulate; and take special care of those that are currently trapped inside the sea. Treat magical creatures and mortals with respect. And identify and teach future wizards *early* to use their powers for good. Help foster cooperation between wizards and mortals. Make the world *better* this time around. And get flails to stop raping everything. Maybe reach out to Morriga and reward her for being awesome.

Oh, and see if he can do anything for the poor refugees who were camped around here, assuming any are still alive.

... And maybe get someone to help you fix your body to be less awkward. Maybe be magical again? Become an adept? At least something to at least solve your awkward food digestion would be nice.
No. 276363 ID: 6cbed6

No. 276364 ID: 52c44b

Oh, but also ask this first, since it's a little more elegant: Is there any way to distribute the magic evenly so that everyone has a little and there aren't any more people who concentrate a lot of magic? If everyone had a little, then life could potentially be better for everyone.
No. 276366 ID: 70e5c6


I know it was implied he got a soul, but was it ever 100% confirmed? I can't remember
No. 276368 ID: 9fd9ab

As long as we're going to mess with Spikesby's physical appearance, why not give him some actual manipulators so he can, well, hold things?

... Although I still like the swordarms too. Maybe he can have both or something.

And if we're going to give him reproductive organs then obviously Blacksoul should just help him start his own race of not-quite-Snikt-things.
No. 276370 ID: e3f578

The remaining wizards should leave this world to the mortals, go off to another planet or something. Actually making Spikesby more normal or a wizard would be pretty damn cool, and let the boyo talk for once.

No. 276378 ID: 8555c2

I wish to be the first new wizard.
No. 276387 ID: 8e18cd

Well let's see...

Spikesby as a new wizard? That would be cool. Suggest that. If not... maybe an adept? If not... his own race and himself becoming real creatures? With digestive tracts, reproductive organs, etc.

Surely one of these would be doable.
No. 276397 ID: c71597

Ask if you could be a wizard. Or atleast a real boy. Now that you're mortal it seems like it would be nice to be able to enjoy stuff other mortals do, like hugging without having to worry about cutting someone, and having a proper digestive system that is capable of enjoying food and possibly parts enabling intemacy or something.
No. 276400 ID: 2563d4

No. 276404 ID: 3e6377

You're [going to be] a wizard, Spikesby.

Failing that, being the first of a new mortal race might be fun. Might get statues built in honour of being the first ever member of your race. Or be forgotten long after your flesh has become dust. Either way, fun!
No. 276409 ID: 1854db

We want to be a peacekeeper. Someone who will be able to use the antithesis to make sure none of the Wizards do shit like Radia did.

...another request might be to help Flails Breaker make a wife. One that actually LIKES him, and LIKES fucking him.
No. 276430 ID: 8f5011

1. Free Sky. Let her live how she wants, where she wants, and with who she wants. Also Sky's sister (Who Sky doesn't know about, does she?)


2a. Failing that, return to magical creature, or become Adept.

3. Actual hands/manipulators (but keep the swords. Retractable, maybe?). And a digestive system. Maybe. And a PINGAS.

4. If Heartsbane is in fact dead, resurrection would be nice.

5. Bring back the wizards too, except for Radia and Marvels.

6. Give Morriga tits.
No. 276431 ID: 1854db

Returning to a magical creature or becoming an Adept would mean Spikesby would be vulnerable to Wizards' mental control again. So let's not do that.

In fact, ANY alterations to his body would do that.
No. 276439 ID: bf1e7e


Also ask for some ice cream. Not just for you, but also for all of your friends.
No. 276442 ID: 180ec2

I like the idea of making the snikt a normal breeding race. Now that Xix is dead, they'll die out if nothing is done to sustain them.
No. 276445 ID: e3f578

becoming a wizard is quintessential to banging and marrying Moriga
No. 276466 ID: 383006
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Spikesby makes his request...

In the immediate aftermath of the Wall breaching, territories near the edge of the sea suffered great damage and loss of life.

Blacksoul's tower was utterly destroyed.

But the victory was short lived. Magic returned to the world, and with it, the Sea began to recede.

Those progenitors and their creatures who ventured outside became nothing but ephemeral smoke, and over the years the land was slowly reclaimed.

Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done for those living inside. Their bodies had become permanently twisted by the Antithesis, and only those who had only been in the Sea for a brief period could be saved.

It was up to those living on the peninsula to slowly repopulate the world.

No. 276495 ID: 383006
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The remaining Wizards convened, putting a system in place to return the world to some state of normalcy. As before, the Wizards would each apprentice those who Ascended, teaching them to use their powers reasonably.

All Magical Creatures were released, either dieing or becoming a mortal species. The Wizards also released their Adepts - they were dangerous and unnecessary with the coming of new Ascendant Wizards.

Flails Breaker, having no memory of a time before the Wizard's War, refused to cooperate. He abandoned his territory and ventured into the Sea before it had receded too far.

With a massive, bare continent, it wasn't an issue at the time. Those who remained had better things to do than hunt him down.

No. 276503 ID: 105294

Oh crap he took Sky's replacement with him.
No. 276504 ID: 6071d3

No. 276508 ID: 383006
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Sky rejoined Majestic Thunderstrike in Moriga's domain. Moriga had fled before Flare's onslaught, and Sky decided to take up residence and help the magical creatures, especially once they began to become mortal.

As a mortal, Sky became the first new Wizard to Ascend. With Blacksoul's assistance, she made Moriga's domain her permanent home. It became a refuge for all of the creatures who felt that they had no real place in the emerging modern society.

Moriga would return roughly 20 years later and shrug.

No. 276522 ID: 2563d4

>and shrug
Maximum chill.
No. 276526 ID: 383006
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Isenore became instrumental in rebuilding the broken world and managing the distribution of goods so that society could grow.

She led campaigns to exterminate the dangerous creatures and blockheads that threatened the growth of the new word, and was the right had of one of the new Wizards.

She fell in love with one of the laborers working under her. She did not see her old friends often, but always thought fondly of them. After retiring, she would often tell her grandchildren of the adventures she had in her youth.

No. 276546 ID: dad664

>Statue of Spikesby

He is good presidente.
No. 276556 ID: 383006
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Glory returned to Suri, but found no trace of Heartsbane.

Several decades after her Ascension a lone, crippled Gour found his way to her tower in what had once been the Desert of Ruin, still wearing one of the masks that his kind had forsaken ages ago.

He knew her as soon as he saw her, although her body and mind had changed. He would often speak to people she could not see, and refer to her by her pre-Ascension name. She did not know why, but she took him in and cared for him, something stirring at the back of her mind, even though all memory of her past life was gone.

He no longer cursed Fate, and laughed with genuine glee when she brought him to the top of her Carapace Tower.

His body and mind continued to fail. She would spend days just sitting in the sunlight, holding him in her arms. As he died in her arms, memories of her mortal life flooded back and she promised him to never forget those moments of weakness and fear that all mortal creatures felt and do her best to be there when the darkness came.

No. 276559 ID: 6071d3

>memories of her mortal life flooded back
Boy I bet that caused some major friction with K'Shaara.
No. 276561 ID: 383006
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Spikesby received functioning biology from Blacksoul, and spoke at length about Blackoul's plans to rebuild the world.

It would not be a place of horror for mortals - it had apparently not been before the Wizard's War.

The enormous army of Snikts were made into fully-functional mortal creatures that could reproduce on their own.

(Spikesby never discovered that these vicious, intelligent, dangerous ambush predators were eventually exterminated by Isenore.)

He was given a place to live with his friends - a small, quiet place high in the mountains of what used to be Flare's territory.

He resisted the urge to get involved in politics or the affairs of Wizards. He had hands and a voice. He could taste and smell. He had so much to do that the other mortal creatures took for granted.

He had these hands...

No. 276565 ID: 8c0848

I think making her tower out of Ryxix's corpse would cause even more.
No. 276587 ID: 383006
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And everyone got ice cream.
No. 276662 ID: f1df52

>>And everyone got ice cream

Perfect ending!
No. 276678 ID: 601343

I've been following this quest for a while, but haven't posted much.

Just wanted to say, best ending.
No. 276705 ID: 70e5c6

Best end. ;___;

No. 276708 ID: 70e5c6


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