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262295 No. 262295 ID: dad664

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No. 284888 ID: 4e6eaf

enjoy hot plasma in the face
No. 284889 ID: d75cab

No. 284891 ID: 065d60

Make sure it's pointing away from you.
No. 284892 ID: c71597

Point away from face and push some other buttons.
No. 284906 ID: 28e94e

Put it down.
No. 284996 ID: dad664
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No. 284998 ID: dad664
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No. 284999 ID: dad664
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...did it blow up yet?
No. 285000 ID: 8555c2

It's just beeping. Look for a computer terminal and for it's name or model number somewhere on it. Look it up.
No. 285001 ID: 1854db


Uh, let's find out what it is. Any computers and lists or whatever?
No. 285002 ID: 1854db

Oh and check out that Health/Fire kit.
No. 285009 ID: 75d7a9

okay, looks like you did not push the 'blow up' button.
No. 285040 ID: c71597

Seems like it wasn't the explosion kind of beeping. Send over a tendril to take it back and see if you can read anything on the screen.
No. 285047 ID: 2563d4

Lick it.
No. 285054 ID: 0d5269

Why yes, this is the sensible thing to do.

BTW tricoder? i didn't know you were a geek...
No. 285056 ID: 7ce35e

Wouldn't.. anything dangerous have been in the weapons lab?
No. 285057 ID: 4c7b39

See what lootables were in that box with the fire and health symbol. With any luck, we can wind up with a fire blanket and/or something that can help pick us back up later.
No. 285058 ID: 099247

Eat your red piece of electronics, Chloe.

Eat it!

No. 285071 ID: a5632a



No. 285086 ID: 28e94e

She's part valcien, not part tozol. She can't digest steel.
No. 285118 ID: 148150

Nope, you're good to go.

It was either a dud, or it's NOT a bomb, grenade, mine, or whatever.
Be careful though, you can't be always sure that it won't harm you.
No. 285137 ID: dad664
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After some poking and prodding from a safe distance, I come to the determination that this thing is -not- going to be blowing up in my face any time soon. Nonetheless, I set it back down on the table where I found it. It can fuck on off and go 'wom-wom' as much as it likes there.
No. 285138 ID: dad664
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And the emergency kit by the exit has what I'm assuming is some sort of space-age fire extinguisher, two medkits, and some sort of reflective blanket.
No. 285139 ID: 701a19

Go find out what it is. It could be something awesome like a shield generator or a SOLITON RADAR.
No. 285140 ID: c71597

Demand pockets from your pants for the medkits.

And look for a cellphone with a radio attachment or something. Being able to listen to news and shit would be rather beneficial.
No. 285141 ID: 8555c2

Open medkit and take a look inside.
No. 285142 ID: 75d7a9

search medkits. and then see if computer tells you anything about the doodads in the room.
No. 285144 ID: 1854db

That reflective blanket... is probably a heat shield. Could be very useful if they use incendiary weapons against you.

I think you should attach the device to yourself.
No. 285148 ID: 55c4cf

inventory medkits, craft sweet cape out of blanket
No. 285601 ID: 8b9dd7

A reflective blanket is for preserving bodyheat in cases of extreme chill. I'm betting it was for any sort of freezing that might have happened due to chemical spill or if the heaters went offline.
No. 285780 ID: dad664
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The medkits have your basic stuff. Bandages, pills, and various creams. Considering my healing abilities are far more supercharged than the average person, I really don't see a need for any of this stuff.

And one of you, please, educate me on how carrying around a bright, red, glowing object when we're trying to -not- attract attention, is a good thing?
No. 285784 ID: 28e94e

If they're close enough to see the red light, they're close enough that you'd be spotted. Besides, you can always just cover it.
No. 285785 ID: 75d7a9

simple, if it turns on, it can turn off. i highly doubt it's supposed to do nothing but glow.it could be a radar or something.
No. 285790 ID: dad664
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GARGH, FINE. I'll take the stupid womming thing! Freakin' turning me into a packrat...

Alright, time to serious the fuck up. While shopping through the computer stores has netted some neat stuff, it has also been hideously boring. Also time consuming (seriously, I think we've spent an hour here already).

SO. We know for a fact there's two of those server thingies we can go smash up nearby. But which one do we wanna hit first?
No. 285792 ID: 75d7a9

anyway, i say take out psycho analysis.
No. 285793 ID: 55c4cf

Well you could pretend to be british, or a medic, or you could use the kits to heal someone else you selfish bitch how about that i never said they were for you.
No. 285794 ID: 2ea108

Psychoanalysis is likely to have lighter security. It's bizarre that you haven't run in to anyone yet, but let's keep the streak alive!
No. 285811 ID: 9a5057

yesssss. TAKE the red glowing alarm clock. :V
No. 285814 ID: 1854db

Idly push more buttons on the womwom while moving. If you can't get it to turn off, ditch it. It could be a tracking device or something, and WHATEVER it does, we don't really want it to both make noise and light while we're sneaking. Even if it's a cool forcefield.

Go to xenotech studies; we can probably grab some goodies along the way.
No. 285817 ID: 79d5be

Head for the one in the Xenotech section you can check out the gadgets there along the way for anything that may be of further use to you.
No. 285867 ID: 8555c2

Psycho Analysis because you are clearly a psycho and could use some analysis.
No. 286507 ID: dad664
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Right, Psycho-Analysis it is. Alright, time to kick this into gear, blow up some shit an*THONK*

"Hey, watch where you're going!
"Shit, sorr-ohfuck."
"What the hell...?

>Please make an action
No. 286508 ID: 8c73c8

grab him with a tentacle around the neck
No. 286509 ID: 1854db

I'm leaning towards knocking both of them out at this point, since they aren't guards or anything and the facility likely knows you've escaped anyway. Keep one of them awake so you can ask about the state of the facility though. And maybe ask what that gadget it.
No. 286510 ID: 15b51b

Play it cool.

"Oh hey, <name on nametag>."

If they run or go for an alarm, tentacle them so much.
No. 286512 ID: 2ea108

Grab both their necks with tendrils, interrogate. If you think one of them poses a threat to your health kill them immediately.
No. 286513 ID: 8555c2

Snare with hands and tentacles. Juggle where you've got both their necks and hands restrained. Shove their faces in your breasts. "Answer my questions." Now turn your boobs into lampry jaws full of razor blades. "Or I will tear your face off with my boobs."
No. 286514 ID: 55c4cf

Bitch be cool!
No. 286515 ID: 07416a

Tentacle them? Are you proposing she violate the sanctity of the buttocks?
No. 286535 ID: b46135

There's another guy further down the corridor. Chase him down quickly after knocking out the guy next to you. Drag them both back into the room you came from.
No. 286581 ID: 7ce35e

Tentacle them both into your clutches. cover their mouths. Make sure they're cozy.
No. 286586 ID: 00d3d5

They don't know there's a problem because Red used her position to suppress that detail.

When in doubt, rely on people not wanting to admit there's a problem.

Act docile.
"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. Err... I was told to come here for some kind of test. Would you happen to know where exactly I'm supposed to go?"
No. 286611 ID: 28e94e

This. Roll with it.
No. 286625 ID: 71cbb8

This could work.

If it does not, use your tendrils and interrogate them.
No. 286641 ID: dad664
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Thesis?! The fuck is it doing out of containmAAAGH!

Gotta act fast. Backhand with some spikes, sends him spinning to the ground. He groans, doesn't get back up.

Shit, SHIT!

Goddammit all to hell.
No. 286642 ID: dad664
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Other guy tries to run for it. I'm not having any of that. Gag 'im, reel him back, drag them both back into the lab before shutting the door.

Great, just great. Now what do I do with them?
No. 286644 ID: 4e6eaf

play with them like you will with a doll
No. 286646 ID: 8e18cd


Bondage and rape, duh. Have some fun, girl.
No. 286647 ID: a6db31

Brutal rape scene +1
No. 286648 ID: 8555c2

Kill them. We've got most of the intel we need and moving fast is higher priority than filling in the teeny tiny gaps we have. If you knock them out they wake up in an hour and pull the alarm. That will be the death of you.

So kill them.
No. 286650 ID: 2ea108

Interrogate. "Where is the countersuppressant stored?" "If you didn't know I was out of containment, where is everyone?" "What's this thing? (the red wommy thing)" Then kill them.
No. 286651 ID: 00d3d5

Can you do that thing where you pull information out of their minds? That would help.

Otherwise you're going to need a place to stash the bodies. Live or dead, you don't want somebody stumbling across them.
Oh, and clean-up the blood.
No. 286653 ID: 8555c2

NVM. Mindrape then kill.
No. 286657 ID: 70d9eb

Bump off these saps and get a wiggle on, bearcat. If you try to interrogate the poor bunnies they'd probably cast a kitten or toss you some bushwa.
No. 286659 ID: 8b9dd7

Interrogation sounds the best, while you may have plenty of information. They might just have passwords you need, and if not. Knowledge of who may have them.
No. 286660 ID: 45be60

Lock them in a small room with the first aid kit you don't need, and some cookies.

Abomination doesn't have to mean monster.
No. 286665 ID: 148150

Interrogate them about everything: Security systems, shortcuts, if there are more mutants to worry about, escape routes, EVERYTHING.

If they won't talk, torture them.
No. 286678 ID: 28e94e

+1 to raep
No. 286685 ID: 8c73c8

if they wont talk then send tentacles into their brain and rip the info out of it.
No. 286690 ID: b6c6fc

I'm going to vote against killing random people

get what you want from him, then shove him in a locker
No. 286709 ID: 917741


Try not to notice the fact that when you grabbed that second guy your head voices managed to see a third figure walking down the corridor to your right, outside of the range of your own eyesight.
No. 286710 ID: dad664
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"Obviously you know who I am -and- what I'm capable of, or you wouldn't be stressing out as much as you are right now. So play nice and answer my questions and maybe I wont use your severed limbs to paint graffiti on these walls, capice?"

He nods vigorously.

"S-security! They o-only give us d-doses when re-requested, otherw-wise it's locked up f-for obvious reasons!"[i]

>Where is everyone
[i]"Muh-mah-m-mandatory l-l-lu-lunch break..."

Oh great, it would freakin' figure that I end up breaking out when everyone has gone out to lunch...

>Wommy thing
"W-we don't r-re-really know! S-some kind o-of subsp-space r-radio!"

He then goes on to say that the majority of security is in the Military Sector, that there's maybe at least three guards in each different sub-sector, and that he doesn't know about any escape routes. And now he's babbling on about how he doesn't want to die blah blah blah goddammit I hate it when they start this. Are we done with him now?
No. 286714 ID: b84890

Tentacles in love canal time.

Make him love you, with rape.
No. 286715 ID: f6360f

Get where the Counter-Suppress is locked up and who requests doses on a regular basis.

Ask him if there is anything at all he can do for you if you leave him alive.

If he doesn't have a VERY good answer, break his neck and beeline for the server at the top of your enhanced speed, snatching anyone in the way, breaking their necks, and dumping the bodies inside random rooms so that they're not immediately visible in the halls.
No. 286718 ID: 8555c2

We got nowhere to put them and this place is going to be crowded in a few minutes.

Break jaw, both arms near wrist, and beat them in the head till they stop moving.
No. 286720 ID: e3f578

the red device, what is it?
lets not kill the bastard, we did a psuedopromise.
No. 286722 ID: 148150

Knock them out, hide the bodies. We don't need to leave blood stains everywhere, remember that we're trying to be sneaky here: Leave no traces.
No. 286724 ID: b6c6fc

yes let's not kill him
No. 286730 ID: 00d3d5

You're big on bondage; use that knowledge to properly truss him up, then hide him someplace where he'd expect somebody would find him 12-24 hours from now and tell him that you're going to let him live.

Sure, Red's gonna nuke the place, but this way you know where you can go for information if need be.
No. 286741 ID: 8c73c8

yes, YOU well let him live, but the other bunny, she may not be so nice. :3c
so, subspace radio. sounds like something that can contact aliens to me.
No. 286759 ID: 1854db

Alright, knock both of them out and tie them up or something and let's jet.

Also uh... ditch the wommy thing if you can't turn it off. What's the point of carrying around a subspace radio?
No. 286764 ID: 8e18cd


Strip, rape, bind, stash away.

Not only you'll get them traumatized enough not to try anything, but also you'll get to feed on your perversion.
No. 286785 ID: b46135

Do you have the exact location of the Counter-Suppress? If so stuff him somewhere he won't be found and get a move on. No rape. Now is work time, not fun time.
No. 286812 ID: 28e94e

It's always rape time.
No. 286821 ID: 15b51b

Let's avoid the whole rape thing if that's cool.

Switch out the Acid exotic power for the Paralysis Venom one and fill these guys with paralysis venom. Then stuff them in lockers.
No. 286822 ID: 00d3d5

Yea, lets not do that. Chloe is in to BDSM, but what you're suggesting is not Safe, Sane, or Consensual.

She's not a monster; don't try to make her one.

Calling for help.
We know for a fact this grad student has violated some laws (kidnapping and torturing Red, for example) and I really doubt they haven't done everything else legitimately.
Shit, if there's anybody helpful out there we don't even need to tell them the truth. We just need to tell them something that'll get us out of here.
No. 286831 ID: 9cc17e

Get password to access the counter-suppress, or where you can find the passwords or whatever you need to gain acces. Then it's necksnappy time for him and his companion. They're a unacceptable liability if left alive. Besides, they're among the responsible for your situation, yours and your mommies. They need to be shown that shit like that can't stand, and it brings with it terminal consequences. Just doing your work is not an acceptable excuse.
No. 286835 ID: 917741


>> She's not a monster; don't try to make her one.

That's what SHE said! :D
No. 286883 ID: 55c4cf

Don't kill, just knock out, if anything at all and move on. Keep some of your humanity or whatever you want to call it.
No. 286950 ID: b6ca92

Merely 'threaten' them with tentacle rapey death. These guys are nerds so they most likely have seen more than their fair share of hentai, should shut them up nicely, especially if your tentacles make the motions to.

Other wie tell them to calm the fuck down, and ask them what they have to lose by helping you. I mean, seriously, you're already out of containment, whats the boss gonna do, fire em for helping you under duress?
and who knows, one of them just might HAVE a tentacle rape fetish for reals, and will become a willing, if creepy ally.
Oh, and before you forget, grab their fucking keycards.
No. 286951 ID: b6ca92

>What's the point of carrying around a subspace radio?
Good point. Ask Red and scientists about how to use it.

Also, ask how long until the 'Mandatory Lunch Break' is over.
No. 287129 ID: dad664
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>Insufficient Mental Sway to perform the requested action

>Precise location of Counter-Suppress
"I don't know! It's in the Military Ward! Somewhere! They keep big vats of it th-there under lock and key!"

>How long is Mandatory Lunch Break
"It just ended! Everyone's coming back now...-everyone-. Lab techs, doctors...everyone! Everyone's going back to their station...heh...y-you're not...really thinking on escaping, are you? Haha! Oh that's rich! You'd never make it past the first security checkpoint to the Military Ward..."
No. 287131 ID: dad664
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"...much less getting out of HERE without anyone seeing you! Oh you're fucked, you hear me? Fucked! Sec-Con is going to be on your ass like flies on shHGHHKKAKK-"

"Wrong answer, you pink bastard."
No. 287133 ID: 8555c2

No. 287134 ID: e3f578

is there single scientist here that wont end up being a pretentious faggot and really just not give a damn one way or the other about us escaping? "Not my problem." he'll say. "Exit is down the hall, third door to the left. Now, if you'll excuse me, my microwave burrito is done. And so is my bacteria samples."

Just let us walk out the damn door. Less bodies that way. Come on. Come oooooooooooooooooon.
No. 287142 ID: f6360f

We need to move fast. Shift a point from Defense to Speed, and dash for the nearest server location. Then smash the fuck out of it before everyone gets back from lunch. Do not stop for anything, and kill anyone in your path.
No. 287144 ID: dad664
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>Walk away
Can do. Will do.

Frankly this is all getting very very tiresome and I am EXTREMELY bored of half-helpful idiots who for some reason insist on gloating when they're in the grasp of something that can snuff them out in an instant.

So you know what? Fuck this shit. Fuck the sneaking. Fuck the diplomacy. They wanted a weapon of war?
No. 287145 ID: dad664
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Then lets show them what a weapon can do.
No. 287185 ID: 1fed72

Oh, this is going to be fun. Knew you were more fun than the others. Ok, lets go find that nuke and set it up on a timer. Provided the yield isn't too big you should be able to get away before it goes.
No. 287186 ID: 00d3d5

We're not sneaking anymore, but that doesn't mean we're gonna leave Red to die.
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