Jingling Bee
[Time: Day 1, Morning]
I salvage enough wire to build a fence around a piece of land under the larger tree, and spend the next few hours building the coop. I think there's a problem in your clever plan.
And yes, its.. kind of a feathered lizard with a beak, or a quadruped bird, its hard to tell. It reminds me of a big feathered newt.
I don't own anything but my wits to judge if something is edible or not, but I can take a few educated guesses. The air here is breathable so far, the 'lizken' has a familiar enough structure, and the grass tastes like grass; therefore, things here should be fit for human consumption. Or, at least, follow familiar rules about what I can eat.
That sums up to not gorging into anything new, and... experimenting stuff until I get sick, I guess.