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240513 No. 240513 ID: 4f6e37


"Hi, you've reached the Blejwas' residence. Hoenna and Ferdinand can't come to the phone, and Sophie is a little too shy to answer the phone right now, so if you could just leave a message after the beep, we promise to get right back to you, if you aren't a telemarketer."

"Hon, It's Ferdi. Are you there? Could you pick up the phone? Hoenna? Please. Spirit's sake, if you're there could you pick up the phone so I can talk to you? I just... can we talk? Pick up the goddamn phone, Hoenna.
"Uhm. I tried to come home today and it looks like you went and changed the lock like you said you would. I, uh. Did you take Sophie to your mom's? I tried calling her but she won't pick it up if she sees my ID.
"Look, uh, if you get this, could you please, please call me back? I need to talk to you, okay? I know we always just end up yelling but I really will try and just explain myself to you this time, okay? I didn't mean to... for any of the stuff I did to... I need you to understand I didn't... I, uh, I don't do what I do because I'm a bad guy. You know I'm not a bad guy. My job is to help people, I took the job for my girls and to, to help people, and... uhm, uh, I'm trying, Hoenna. I'm not crooked, I just... I never thought it would be as hard as it is. You just don't understand... Well, no, I mean how could y- I mean, call me back, okay, Hoenna? I have to go. I love you. I love love love you and I love Sophie. I'll see you soon, Hoenna. Be safe."
102 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 278468 ID: 4812df
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Oren leaves, and meets back up with Nessie and Vesta. The PI leads them to the guy who saw the fella leaving.

"Yeah, brother. I remember last night like crystal. It's like trauma enhances memory. I read that somewhere. So I'm out at the docks late, for the completely legit reason that this video rental place is 24-7 and the graveyard shift pays good. But walking home after is a good way to get knifed but I take self-defense classes. I can take care of myself.
"So I hear this scream from like the docks and I look and the lights have gone on? Those lights that turn on with like a motion detector? And this guy in this big black coat is just wailing on this poor motherfucker with like two swords. Or really big knives or something. And I'm like shiiiit, you know? Cause you hear about this shit happening but you don't ever see it.
"So the guy completely wastes the guy, like holy wow, and then he just sort of wanders off, and I'm all oh fuck! He's coming right at me! And like I said I take classes so I'm all ready to go after the guy, but he's on the other side of the street and he doesn't look like he's noticed me, he's just walking along, 0 cares in the world, and then he goes down this alley that goes into the territory of the Nines, this really fucking freaky gang, so I'm like fuck that, I could take him but I'm not a vigilante. So instead I just committed all this shit to memory and told the Authority.
"I totally respect what you guys do, by the way, unlike all those protesters and shit. I was thinking of joining eventually but my parents are like, fuck no! When I'm 20, though, I can do whatever, so maybe then. You, uh, you don't want to rent anything, do you?"
No. 278472 ID: 4812df
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Then the dock worker who found the body.

"What, Sand? Yeah, I worked with him for a while before I found his body all cut up. Sand was a wired prick. Everyone knew he was a prick. I ain't surprised he got sashimi'd. Ain't surprised at all. You find these dead punks on the docks, sometimes. These punks with drugs, or in gangs, or something.
"Sand was one of us, sort of, but he was a punk too, ain't no mistaking it. He got himself in with those guys, you know? The guys with, fuckin', with tattoos of fuckin' diamonds on them or some shit. The Iron Suits or some stupid shit like that. Stupid. He was always talking about how hard they were, he and his little punk friends. Kept saying he was going to end up killing some rival gangster and get initiated or something. Yeah, they have a beef with the Nines. We find the bodies sometimes. Ain't big news to me.
"Ain't big news when I found him all stretched out, either. Sliced open from ear to ear like that. It's what he gets for doing that sort of shit he did. Strung-out punk. He worked high sometimes, everyone knew. Prick."

"The vibrant patches in the quilt that is Anchorturn," says Nessie as they leave. "Bracing."
"Hm," says Vesta. "It's 2 PM now, Sheriff Loper. Where to next?"
No. 278492 ID: 1854db

Well the obvious lead is to attempt to contact one of the two gangs. The Nines would probably know where he is but not tell us, and the Iron Suits wouldn't know but might help us find out. Um... but... is it wise to talk to gangs?
No. 278565 ID: 693d88

>The Nines would probably know where he is but not tell us,
Not much point in talking to them about it, then.
>and the Iron Suits wouldn't know but might help us find out.
Let's go say howdy-do.
>Um... but... is it wise to talk to gangs?
Yes. The only tough bit is making sure they know we're not here for them. As long as they realize we won't do shit to them, at least for now, they shouldn't have a problem with helping us take out their enemies. So we swing by, tell them the name of the fellow we're looking for, and a description, and leave a phone number with them. I'm sure they'll be perfectly reasonable gentlemen about it.
No. 278695 ID: 1aa4f8

let's see if we can get hold of that footage while we're at it.
No. 278806 ID: 4812df
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"Seems like the next logical step would be the gangs," says Oren, as they step out onto the street.
"Possibly," says Vesta. "The two gangs in question. The Iron Suits and the Nines. Hrm."
"Do you know anything about them?" asks Nessie.
"Of course," says Vesta. "That's my job.
"The Nines are shorthand for the Nine Swords of Articus Major. Old Elde proverbial knight figure. They see themselves as a sort of warrior fraternity." She smirks. "Wouldn't be a problem if they didn't take it out on everyone else. They've pledged to raise the impoverished from the gutter, but that just means inducting them into the gang, and they've got the steal-from-the-rich give-to-the poor cavalier attitude, but the rich aren't necessarily rich and the poor are mostly the Nines and their friends. They aren't afraid to get violent about it either, idealists that they are. Dangerous.

"They have some sense of honor, though, which their counterparts the Iron Suits might learn a little about. The name comes from the classy attire they think makes them look hard, and from the tattoos of card suits they stick on their necks to denote rank. They basically control the drug trade in most of Anchorturn. I imagine that's how they got their hooks into that dock worker. One of the bigger gangs in the city, but then so are the Nines.

"I had contacts in both up until 2 and a half weeks ago when my Suits guy took a knife in the neck during a barfight. I can still take you to them and make contact, but we won't have the insider help we will if we go to the Nines, whose members I have some personal contact with. The Suits could well prove more useful, though, especially if we convince them we're on their side. It was their crony who was sliced open, after all. Whoever we go to, try to downplay the Authority thing. Let me do the talking for us."
No. 278816 ID: 7979e6

Despite how much more useful the suits could be, part of me feels that if we get involved with them we'll wake up one day tied to a chair.


Maybe the nines would be a better bet buuut..

Well, ask about who we're likely to wind up talking to in either gang if we do go to them, the leader or middle man, whatever.
See if we'll be able to know who we're going to wind up dealing with before we walk into a gang headquarters.
No. 278820 ID: 1aa4f8

let's go to the Suits
No. 279006 ID: 2a177e

Try the Nines, more predictable and we still have the contact there.
No. 279028 ID: 1854db

Let's try to deal with the good-hearted criminals.
No. 279357 ID: 4812df
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"I guess we'll deal with the good-hearted criminals, then," says Oren.
"Oxymoronical of you, sheriff," says Nessie, as they flag down a cab.

It drives them a few blocks, into a dingy, gray-brown part of town, as Vesta calls her contact and arranges a meeting. The air carries flecks of sand blowing in from the desert, and the smell of leather going musty. "This is where we get off," Vesta tells the driver, a grey-streaked furlesian with a cigar behind his ear.
"Is not the best neighborhood, Sra Vostra," he says. "You know that, though, nej?"
"Mhm," says Vesta, fishing in her pocket for the money to pay him. "Thanks for the ride, Dowwo." She tips, generously.

"Stay safe, Sra. Vostra," says Dowwo as they exit. He drives away down the cracked pavement, the wheels crunching on the thin layer of sand.
No. 279358 ID: 4812df
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Vesta leads them to a darkened alley, the entrance to the Nines territory the video kid mentioned. She slips her repeating crossbow out of her bulky coat and clicks the stock into place.

"Elvin," she calls into the alley. "Where are you?"
"Say the password," calls a vidder further into the dark.
"Elvin, you can see me," says Vesta. "Stop playing around."
"Say it."
"It's a stupid password. It makes me feel stupid."
"You want me to turn around and go?"
"Swordfish," calls Vesta. She mutters something under her breath Oren doesn't catch.
A shadow detaches itself from the building it waits under and leans against a far wall. "Afternoon, Daria," it says. "You can stay over there, for now. Let's talk about payment for this."
"Later, Elvin."
"When we're alone then." Elvin's eyes gleam. "What do you want? Who are your friends there?"
No. 279374 ID: 7979e6

tilt your head, and question "Swordfish?" before moving onto business.
No. 279384 ID: 1854db

Say that you are a concerned citizen checking up on the murder that happened recently, and a witness reported seeing the murderer flee into Nines territory.
No. 279428 ID: 693d88

>"What do you want? Who are your friends there?"
Give a first name. Indicate that we're hoping to find a fellow that we've lost track of. If he asks why, say "business". Hopefully these fine fellows have got manners enough not to pry.

Don't do this.
No. 279440 ID: 4812df
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"Oren and Nessie," says Oren. "Swordfish?"
"It's the password," says Elvin.
"Elvin's not so smart, but he really buys into this whole noir thing," whispers Vesta. "They're looking for someone," she says aloud. "and I happen to know he was seen going into your territory, and that you have a meeting tonight with him."
"Joseph Bird. Yeah," says Elvin. "I had a hunch you wanted to talk about Bird. He wants to meet with us, and he's proven himself an ally. He sent some security footage of him slicing up a Suit before him. All this information is going to cost you," he raises an eyebrow.
"I knew all that already," says Vesta. "Now tell me more about this meeting."
"Him and a few of his men," says Elvin. "7 PM tonight."
"His men?" asks Oren. "Joseph's got friends already?"
Elvin shrugs.
"What are you meeting him for?" asks Nessie.
"He just said he wants one," Elvin shrugs again. "Maybe he'll bring weapons, but we will too. Or they will, anyway. I'm not going. I want to know what he has to say but I don't know if I trust him enough."
No. 279449 ID: 693d88

We would very much like to be at the meeting.
See if we can't get some location info out of Elvin. We'll go dressed as Nines, faces obscured, and we'll keep quiet. To start with, at least. Ideally, we can get invited with the Nines. We can offer some muscle if they need it, and we can promise not to start anything out of respect for them. If things don't work out, we'll think on the fly.
If that doesn't look to be viable, we'll crash the party. In that case, we'd want to remain concealed in the surrounding buildings. That would be a lot more hassle, since probably those buildings are occupied. Though on the plus side, it's very unlikely that either the Nines or Joseph would go through the trouble of putting men in the landscape for something like this. Even if they were to (which they won't) It would be a small force that we could hopefully subdue quietly.

There's a plan A and plan B, with contingencies.
Any better ideas?
And let's get what we can out of Elvin for now.
No. 279578 ID: e973f4

I, uh, this seems reasonable?
No. 279603 ID: 55c4cf

Being potentially outnumbered might make it worth it to get something akin to chloroform and tranquilizers. Neutralizing as many as possible before things get loud is always the best for taking on a larger number.

Also it sounds like captain info wants a tip for his assistance, so make sure and give a little extra to keep him happy so he's less likely to easily tell on us, and will be willing to tell us more later, since we benefit him.
No. 279612 ID: 4812df
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"Don't suppose we could be at that meeting?" says Oren. "Nessie and I?"
"I doubt it," says Elvin. "Official Nines business. Don't see how I could spin outsiders coming with us to the people up top." He pauses, thinks for a moment. "Maybe I'd be able to convince them not to show up, that Joseph isn't trustworthy enough. You folks could go in their place, all decked out in uniform and such. I could get those for you. Not sure if I should bother, though. Not without something in return."
"Like what?" says Nessie, folding her arms.
"A kiss from a pretty lady," says Elvin, grinning widely.
No. 279616 ID: 8e5432

What a fucking loser.

Nessie's choice on this, it'd be damn helpful, but there ain't no way I'd order something like this.
I'm not sure I like the idea of going independently of the Nines, I'd like some portion of the meeting to progress independently of our intervention, for the sake of gathering information. But nothing is ever perfect.
No. 279618 ID: dad664

"Oh, well, we'll excuse you and Daria then."
No. 279619 ID: e3f578

That does sound right out of an idealistic tale of rebellion. Oren, joke and ask if you're pretty enough. Then joke and say that you'd have to ask Veska herself. No man I wish Nessie could say that to her, if only we could order her around.

Another joke should be "Alright, I suppose we could invite you into our threesome, though then it would be a foursome. Let's see counting Mendel and his sweet lady we could accomplish a sexsome or does that count as an orgy?" He might be bashful enough to be intimidated by that and just allow you to come anyway. Just sayin'. This is a wonderful opportunity for some jokes.
No. 279625 ID: 4812df
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"No," says Nessie. She looks over at Oren. "Sorry. No."

"He was talking to me," says Vesta. "I told you later, Elvin, and I don't like repeating myself. Go make sure the Nines don't show up."
"If I'm not getting payment upfront, there's going to be interest," says Elvin, moving closer to the PI.
"Am I the only one who remembers I have a crossbow pointed at you?" asks Vesta. "Go away, Elvin. We'll discuss this later."
Elvin looks like he's about to say something, then decides against it. "...Fine," he says, stepping back into the alley. "We'll be in touch, Daria. I'll tell you whether or not this works."

"You're damn lucky your friends are so wealthy," says Vesta as the gangster disappears back into the shadowy alley. "Elvin's a lech, but at least that means I don't have to pay him as much. And he's dependable enough, and higher up in the Nines hierarchy than he lets on. It is now 2:30. Meet me back at my office by 6. If you don't have anything else you want to investigate the afternoon is yours."
"I like the sound of that," says Nessie. She turns to Oren. "Wanna go spend the rich folks' money somewhere?"
No. 279627 ID: e3f578

lets get a fancy weapon. or lingerie.
whatever works. I think a new hat would be the most useful though. Preferably one that says "Don't fuck with, Loper. He's country folk and raised tough"
No. 279628 ID: 55c4cf

A fancy weapon made out of lingerie.
No. 279688 ID: 676156

Titty rifles!
No. 279693 ID: 4812df
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Oren and Nessie explore town, finding little to no places that sell weapons, and certainly none as good as their Authority ones. Unless you have something specific in mind, they probably won't buy anything. Nessie still has the bulky armor from the highwaymen if she needs more protection.

They do find a lot of places that sell lingerie and other clothes. Nessie rushes into the mall, eager to get all girly for a change, and is quickly stopped cold by the prices, which she describes as "terrifying". Oren spends the afternoon laughing at the bizarre fashions and prices of the upper class with her and trying to convince her that Celyne really won't have a problem if she buys something with her credit card. He hasn't been in a mall for years, out of fear of some possible allergic reaction, but going clothes shopping with Nessie is actually sort of fun. It's weird how she makes everything better just by being there. He can't stop thinking about what Constable Hell had said about Blejwas, about the crushing weight of the job, about where he'd be without her.

Oren hasn't ever really thought about it before, and this probably ain't the time to bring it up, but "Nessie Loper" sort of has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
No. 279725 ID: e3f578

marriage is for chumps.
but if it's Nessie it's less chumpy. Is there a cool coat anywhere for you Oren? Anything that catches your eye? If not, you could always hit the arcade or food-court and get ice cream or nachos. Maybe eat nachoes, carrying ice-cones in hand, and go to the arcade all at the same time
No. 279748 ID: 3b3043

Actually I'd prefer a hyphenated last name. Nessie Squires-Loper just sounds better.
No. 279750 ID: 58db22

Mmmm. Nessie Squires-Loper.
No. 279775 ID: 676156

You need a duster right the fuck now. Go for a full on sheriff look. Oh my god it would be so bad ass.
No. 279823 ID: 7d8cf7

Nah, hyphenated names aren't that great. Nessie Loper sounds fine. And yeah, look for a trench coat or something since they look cool and it would be in sync with the noir theme.
No. 279995 ID: 8e5432

I thought he was in a hot place? Dusters are hot as fuck, that's for chilly areas.
No. 280038 ID: 676156

Have you ever seen any western movie ever? They wear dusters in the desert because they're thin and provide little insulation while keeping the elements off (eg, dust, mud, etc).
No. 280387 ID: 4812df
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Oren doesn't know much about how to go about doing this proposing thing. Maybe he should read some articles or something. He knows there's a ring and kneeling and such. There's a start. He focuses on something else.

Oren gets himself a Duster.

It's a bit bulkier to move in, and it might get in the way at an inopportune moment, but, hell. it's the image that counts. The leather'll also be a bit more protection than his normal clothes against blades. Should he wear it tonight, and is there anything else he and Nessie should look into before they head back?
No. 280635 ID: 1037c7

damn son that duster is fiiiiine

Before you go, you should see if you can get Nessie to splurge on something cute~
Like a turtleneck sweater or something. Say it'll bring out her curves.
No. 280647 ID: 58db22

Turtlenecks are always ugly. No exceptions.

But yeah, the deppity deserves something cute. I think a sweater would be good, just not a turtleneck.
No. 280696 ID: d5c481

>Turtlenecks are always ugly

Are you mad man? I have not heard such nonsense in many a day.
No. 283952 ID: 71cbb0


Listen my man, the first thing you need to do before you ask The Question, the very first thing, is to know what the answer will be. We know she loves you, of course, but maybe she doesn't want the full marriage, or maybe the time's not right, or... lotsa stuff. Gotta investigate. Talk to her friends, see if you can ask them to ask her, casual-like, what she'd think of it. Check in with her relatives, ask her a few feeling subtle questions. That sort of thing.

Put those keen skills to work. Nothing more awkward than a turned-down proposal.
No. 479101 ID: 3b440e
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When Nessie sees Oren in his duster she near laughs her head off, which he guesses he deserves.

He's not putting it back, though.

After an exorbitant time hemming and hawing the deputy picks out a military jacket ("To fit with the Bugfuck Machismo thing"), which she assures him is in season or something.

They ignore the stomach-puckering price.
No. 479102 ID: 3b440e
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When evening begins to fall they return to Vesta's office. Elvin's already there, laying out uniforms and kerchiefs on the table.
"Ready to join the revolution?" he grins. "One size fits none."
"I don't like this," says Vesta. "Who's to say this Joseph won't recognize the two people who locked him up recently through a flimsy piece of cloth?"
"They'll be fine," says Elvin.
"And that ear," says Vesta. "No offense, Miss Squires, but it's noticeable."
"Wear the hood, or something," says Elvin. "You're all set. Just put these on and I'll give you the location."
No. 479103 ID: 3b440e
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"No, too many holes in the boat," says Vesta. "Change of plans. Elvin here is coming along and doing the talking through a wire while you two provide overwatch from somewhere above."

"Whhhat" says Elvin. "No. Not for a handy from a vaseline stripper."

Sounds like if Oren doesn't want to follow the original plan, Elvin is going to need some convincing. Unless, of course, he thinks something else up.
No. 479105 ID: f2c20c

We could use makeup. Squires can change or cover her marking or make the rest of her face brown. Oren can do the same thing. The hood works fine for the ear.
No. 479147 ID: c33f8f

While Squires might be recognisable because of her ear and face pattern. Oren could probably be down there with Elvin since he is more plain.

Would Elvin agree to help with the meeting if he doesn't have to be there alone and we would have Squires covering us with a crossbow?

I guess we could offer him money? Though its not our money. What else does he want except hand jobs and Daria?
No. 479364 ID: 3b440e
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Elvin eventually agrees to come along, if and only if Oren is accompanying him on the ground and if and only if he is paid two hundred gilt in cash after and Daria, you said this would just be-
Vesta tells him to shut up.

Nessie exhibits hand-clapping excitement when Oren suggests some kind of makeup, and starts rummaging around in Vesta's effects to find something suitable, guided by the PI's nervously meticulous hand.

"Stop fidgeting, Oren," she tells him about twenty minutes later as she's applying the finishing touches to his fingers.
"It tickles."
"Hold still, sissy."

"I should probably be a little offended at what is essentially blackface, but this is impressive, Deputy." Vesta nods slowly. "With the bandana it's a superlative disguise."

Elvin snorts.
"If Nessandra is up covering you there's one more uniform to spare," Vesta continues. "You want me covering the two of you with her from wherever you put us, or do you want me down at the meeting with you, Sheriff? I'm more comfortable on the crossbow but I'm not afraid of close quarters, and visible numbers could be useful."
No. 479373 ID: f2c20c

I think visible numbers are the way to go.
No. 479401 ID: c33f8f

I wonder how much help with intimidation will someone who looks like a 12-year old be.
I suggest Vesta covers us with Squires. Also If things get out of hand surprise attacks will be more effective.
No. 479541 ID: 623deb

Covering, spread your forces. You don't want either flank to be under strength.
No. 479566 ID: 3b440e
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"We should probably split up two by two," says Oren. "No offense, Vesta, but. Uhhh."
"But?" asks Vesta, evenly.
"But I think the two of us on the ground'll just about cover it," says Oren.

Elvin leads them to an abandoned postal dock on the shakier side of Nines territory, and the two women hunker down in an abandoned loading facility. "We've got you from here," says Vesta. "Give the signal and we start shooting."

"What's the signal?" asks Elvin. He's looking mighty shifty, even with a big hand-and-a-half sword at his back.

"How about just say 'shoot the motherfuckers', and we go from there," suggests Nessie. She eyeballs her crossbow warily and fiddles with the mechanism. She never did trust anything that could break her arm if it snaps. Same reason she doesn't use metal strings on her guitar. "Don't worry, hon. I've got you covered. Prrobably. But for real. No worries."
No. 479568 ID: 3b440e
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After ten minutes of waiting (Elvin doesn't make for particularly good conversation), Bird's people show up. Five of them. They don't look like the friendliest bunch.

"Where's Joseph?" Elvin calls out to them.
"He ain't come," says the big guy. "Wants us to give you a phone. You talk to him that way."

Five seconds of silence.

"Okay," says Elvin.
"Okay," says the big guy.

Five more seconds of silence.

Nobody moves.

Oren's lips twitch beneath his bandana.

"Why don't you boys put your weapons down," says Big Guy, "and come over here'n get it."
No. 479587 ID: f2c20c

Here's a better idea. Slide the phone over towards us and we can just go pick it up.
No. 479597 ID: c33f8f

Vidder what the shit? Joseph wanted to talk to us, he even went through the trouble of killing an enemy gang member and now he is going to pull of some shit like this?
Bring the fucking phone over here if you want us to go along with this charade.
No. 479619 ID: 3b440e
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"Hell, no," says Oren. "Our weapons ain't going anywhere. Your boss hassle us into a meeting and we get his receptionists?"

"Ease up," Big Guy says.

"Look: Toss the phone," says Oren.
They lock eyes for a second, then Big Guy chuckles, low and soft.
He pulls out a small red phone, which starts to buzz, and throws it to Elvin, who catches it one-handed and flicks it open. "You got the Nines," he says. "Or the one that matters."



"What kind of alliance? What?"

"The Cutters, too?"


"Hold on."
No. 479620 ID: 3b440e
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He looks up at Oren with quizzical eyes. "He wants to talk to you."


"Yeah. 'Give the phone to the other guy,' he said."
No. 479621 ID: f2c20c

Might want to disguise your voice a little... although, I suppose, you already spoke out loud here, and your voice suddenly changing would be suspicious? Dammit. Maybe just keeping your voice a little low would work, as if you just speak on the phone differently.
No. 479644 ID: c33f8f

We could try using as short answers as possible, or even just simple grunts.
No. 479657 ID: f1b3ee

Protip: If the person on the phone is saying stuff like "Hand the phone to the other guy." He is either taking a shot in the dark, or more likely, is watching the deal from some other location.

This means if you take the time to look around, you can probably find whoever is on the other end of that phone. If Joseph is on the phone and therefore looking at the deal, he probably already knows Oren is present.

On the off-chance that passing the phone is a shot in the dark and the person on the phone is nowhere nearby, he's probably trying to figure out who is at the deal, or it's a distraction so someone can line up a shot on Oren.
No. 479671 ID: 3b440e
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"Give me the phone," says Oren. "I'll uh, I'll talk to him."

He's thinking of how he'll keep Joseph from realizing it's him.

Big Guy moves with a speed belying his size and slides a knife right into Elvin's back as soon as it's turned. Elvin's throat makes a sort of gasping, clicking noise.
No. 479674 ID: d4ad1a

Aw fuck.


Time to fight.
No. 479678 ID: 3b440e
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"Fuck." Oren scrambles to bring his mace up as Big Guy yanks the dagger out of Elvin and sprints toward him. "[b]Shoot. Shoot!"
No. 479679 ID: 3b440e
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A bolt whizzes from Vesta's crossbow through the skull of Oren's attacker. Its tip blossoms out of his right eye. His expression doesn't change as he pitches forward.
No. 479680 ID: 3b440e
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Nessie pops up from cover and dispatches one of the men in the back. The other hastily cranks his crossbow while the spearman in red charges Oren down. The man with the axe starts circling him.

Big Guy died before he hit the ground. Elvin is curled up, clutching his stomach and making an unsteady keening noise.
No. 479683 ID: c33f8f

Back up there is plenty of room behind you, either keep the spearman between you and the one with the crossbow or dash for the alley.
No. 479694 ID: f1b3ee

Bat the spearman's spear away with your free hand and brain him with the mace.

Their fault for bringing knives to a crossbow fight.
No. 479739 ID: 3b440e
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Oren braces for the spearman and tries to bat the point aside, but he's good. It's all Oren can do to keep from being run through. Red's clearly well-trained, but he's fighting with his heart, not his head. That big fella may have been a friend.

Oren pulls back from that wicked polearm and ducks into an alley to try and negate some of that flickering reach Red's leveraging. Red comes round the corner hell-bent, putting his weight into a swinging chop that coulda took Oren's arm if he hadn't been quick and if his duster hadn't been so solid.

He told Nessie this was a good purchase.
No. 479750 ID: f2c20c

You're inside his range now. Get up in his face and clobber him.
No. 479763 ID: 47d311

Pound him like you pound women in the bedroom.
No. 479764 ID: 3b440e
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Oren grabs the spear and yanks Red closer and further off balance. He turns round a little and uses the momentum to clock Red in the side of the head. The crunching noise Red's jaw makes is gratifying. His grip on the spear goes limp.
No. 479765 ID: 3b440e
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If Red ain't down all the way he sure is for a minute or two at least.
Oren twists the spear out of his slack fingers and takes a couple steps to the edge of the alley, making sure to stay out of sight of that crossbowman. The guy with the axe is further back, rendered uncertain by the quick takedown of his ally.

Oren's not sure if that means he's more experienced or less.
No. 479768 ID: f2c20c

That spear any good for throwing? You could throw it at him.

I guess our snipers are still reloading... but you should keep in mind once they are finished reloading, any of our enemies still out in the open are toast.

Keep them out of this alley.
No. 479770 ID: c33f8f

Lets see if this guy can be reasoned with.
Yell at him to give up now or he is a dead motherfucker!
No. 479778 ID: 3b440e
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"Drop the fucking axe," yells Oren. There is a silence which he responds to with a flung spear.

It wasn't ever meant to be thrown, though, and the balance is all off. It sails harmlessly past its target.


Oren decides to try some words again. "Drop that axe or you're dead, boy!" His words are punctuated and his confidence bolstered by the sudden, vibratory appearance of one of Vesta's bolts in the gut of the crossbowman. Axe here is on his own.

Before Oren can point that out, though, he hears Nessie's voice from the building. "Oren! They're trying to get in from the back!"

Confidence gone.
No. 479779 ID: f2c20c

Alright, advance towards him and block his axe with your mace, then kick him in the nuts or knee.

Or just let him block your mace with his axe, if he goes on the defensive.
No. 479780 ID: f2c20c

I forgot to mention the second half of the plan which is to go into the door and help with repelling the dudes trying to get in.
No. 479787 ID: 3b440e
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Oren advances toward Blue, but he don't exactly go on the offensive OR the defensive.

Instead he snaps his axe above his head and just sort of stands there.
No. 479791 ID: d4ad1a

What's this guy's deal? He seems pretty scared and hesitant. I bet we could convince him to withdraw, if we can get him to snap out of his hesitation. That is probably too time-consuming right now, though. Do you have anything else you can throw at him? If so, do it. If not, are you close enough grab his arms with your hands and prevent him from chopping down? If you're close enough for that, just drop the mace and grapple his arms, surprise him that way, wrestle it out of his hands. Otherwise, you might get a chunk taken out of your arm or something, if you try to swing that slow and heavy mace at someone ready to attack. If neither option works, then I give up. Roll to attack.
No. 479793 ID: f2c20c

Just go hit him in the head. That's not a proper stance for using an axe; this guy's a novice.
No. 479797 ID: 3b440e
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Oren figures this kid's an amateur; he's shrinking back and that ain't any kind of axe stance he's ever seen.

Accordingly he goes for a quick uppercut bash to his opponent's unprotected head, prepared for an overhead chop.

It never arrives. As he swings, Blue chokes up on the axe with expert speed and brings the haft squarely down on Oren's forearm, checking it mid-flight. The combined momentum of his swing and Blue's counter send spasming pains up his arm. His hand goes numb.
No. 479798 ID: f2c20c

Son of a fuck, just kick him away and go for the door and bar it behind you. Call out for your buddies to shoot the fucker.

Gonna have to go off-hand with the mace from now on.
No. 479802 ID: d4ad1a

Ah fuck, that's no good. Withdrawal!
No. 479829 ID: c33f8f

No backing off! Seize the momentum either by charging this fool and pushing him over with your shoulder or by kicking him in the chest/guts. Then start stomping him until he stops existing.
No. 479956 ID: e3aff6

Don't push the offensive when he has a solid grip on a weapon and you don't.
No. 485132 ID: 975f80
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Oren pulls away from the axe man and sprints for the door, narrowly avoiding the bite of the blade as he runs.

"Shoot him," he yells as he runs up the stairs. "Shoot the-"

He gets to the top of the stairs.

"Oren," says Squires, her voice low and calm. "Run."

"Now, Nessandra," Joseph tells her, pulling her closer and tightening his grip on his thin, mean little knife, "Show some self-preservation. Because if the Sheriff makes any move that isn't dropping that mace of his, the first thing I do after I plant a bolt between his eyes is open your throat up from ear to giant ear. And the kind of gentleman who would waste the life of so charming a lady isn't the kind of gentleman who deserves her.

"Isn't that right, Sheriff?"
No. 485142 ID: f2c20c

Don't make any sudden moves. Ask him what he wants.
No. 485161 ID: 94ea7a

Welp. Drop the mace.
No. 485244 ID: 6336b0

Any convenient ropes you could let loose to drop something heavy on his head or something similar? Because other than getting lucky with something like that, I don't see any way out of this.
No. 487096 ID: f707c7
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Oren drops the mace.

"All right, Joseph," he says, and his voice is quiet but it's got a bitter edge. "What do you want?"

"I just want to take a little walk with you," says Joseph. "Nessie can stay here and sit tight and we can go have us some us-time."

"And you won't hurt her."
"Cross my heart." He grins. "New perfume, Nessie? It suits you."
"What about Ve-" Oren starts, but he catches himself as Nessie's eyes widen and she mouths, nearly imperceptibly, "No."

"What about what?" asks Joseph.
No. 487098 ID: f2c20c

What about the guy downstairs with the stab wound, is what you were going to say.
No. 487133 ID: 57a559

Ask him about the vests you guys are wearing. We don't walk into no ambush. We talk. Ain't gonna be no killin', otherwise there's just no point to this and we may as well get into a murder suicide pact right now. We say what's in our vests. (Because if we say anything other than what starts with Ve than he gets suspicious and we got to spill the beans.)

If he asks why you didn't just ask that, tell him you stuttered. Your fucking nervous as all hell, can't get your words straight. "What about Vests?" Yeah that makes a lick of sense. Gotta think out these sentences, yo.
No. 487204 ID: 7003a8

"Vengeance. You dragging me off just to off me, or do you have something bigger planned?"
No. 487207 ID: 5ae47c


Ooh, that one's much better than vests.
No. 487211 ID: 62496e

Good idea.
No. 487921 ID: 5a4bc5
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"Vengeance," says Oren. "You dragging me off just to kill me or do you have something bigger planned?"
"You'll see for yourself, Mr. Sheriff," says Joseph. He pushes Nessie into the arms of one of his thugs, keeping the hand crossbow trained on Oren. "Let's go for a field trip. The deputy can stay here."
"You do anything to hurt her," Oren says, and his own voice echoes in his ears like hollow glass, "and I will end you."
He looks back at Nessie as Joseph pushes him out of the room. "Don't worry about me, baby," she calls to him. "Don't."
Joseph slams the door.

He leads Oren out the building then down a dingy alley, then another, then a third. Ahead Oren hears a low scraping noise.

As they round a corner he sees blueshirt and another guy lugging a dumpster along a wall. They have uncovered a large gutter in the street.

"Climb on in, Oren," says Joseph. "The fall probably won't kill you. And if you don't take it, I most certainly will."
No. 487922 ID: f2c20c

I think I know what he's doing.

He's bringing you in to Blejwas.

Take your time getting down there.
No. 488756 ID: c0c515
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Oren gathers himself up and prepares to leap into the darkness.

"Wait! Almost forgot," says Joseph. "Phone, Oren." He reaches into Oren's duster pocket and pulls his cell out. "Don't want to give you any unfair advantages, now. Okay, Sheriff." He mock-bows. "Have a nice time."

Joseph pushes Oren, hard, and he stumbles into the pit.
No. 488757 ID: c0c515
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It's very dark.

The smell is catastrophic.

Joseph's voice echoes from above. "You can just stay here a while. I've got some business to attend to, Sheriff, but I'll be back. Hope you had a hearty dinner!"

"You're not getting away with this, Bird."

"I don't want to ruin your tough sheriff idiom, Oren," says Joseph as his 2 cronies push the dumpster across the hole, "but I believe I already have."
No. 488758 ID: c0c515
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It is cold, and dark, and it smells godawful, and Oren is alone.
No. 488760 ID: e581d9

Hope there aren't any alligators in the sewer.
No. 488792 ID: 9747ef

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