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233552 No. 233552 ID: 9b6c31

[Wiki:] http://quest.lv/wiki/Tory's_tower
234 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 254115 ID: 3affc4

The log is odd. Where did you find it? Any clue on if the log date is very recent or very old? You might want to try to see if Sister or the Organist knows how the Ancient calendar works.

Keep actual log contents secret. Pyeidicis-whatever could be part of or the full true name of the Organist or Sister if the log is describing the way they approached and killed defensive golem #1643? Either that or it was just some age old threat that killed 1643 ancients?

On the teleportation - EXPERIMENT! Maybe you don't have the materials to accurately teleport a rock from A to B, but if you can say, disperse the atoms of said rock all along the path between A and B then you've got a FUN WEAPON! (also you won't have anyone blocking it with magical anvils)
No. 254118 ID: 27fe93

oh man, yeah, matter disruptor cannon.
No. 254128 ID: c71597

Awesome, figure out that in world teleporting shit. That thing has great potential. Like say, dropping a nuke at some place without them having any way to interdict them. Great fun!

Oh, and I guess Sister might be helpful in figuring out some of this. Just have to keep her from ripping off limbs from you for some reason.
No. 254131 ID: 27fe93

oh, and send a cheep mini-copter with a camera on it to see what is left of the worm.
No. 254483 ID: 9b6c31
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Nope, I don't think this is either Organist's or Sister's true name. Organist said that he cannot be controlled by true naming. Not to mention this log is probably over 1000 years old! Look at how damaged it is! There are only two words I can read after the sentence.
"Per" ( perception, perpertrated, perpertual? ) ,"sun" and "light". I cannot make any sense of it.

I think the 1643 refers to the amount of Ancients killed by that attack.

Well, the problem with (re)inventing teleporting-tech is that I don't understand terms OR materials! Either Sister or Organist is capable of helping me.
In my homeworld, there was tons of research and theory about teleporting. Theories ( quantum etc. ) were alright and pretty logical. But actually teleporting was a whole different matter.

>oh, and send a cheep mini-copter with a camera on it to see what is left of the worm.
And done! It will be back in a day!
No. 254504 ID: c71597

Hmm, sister or the organist. Lets get the organist in on this if you think he can understand it. He's less likely to rip off arms for no reason at all.
No. 254505 ID: 27fe93

hmmm, let's try sister. see if she is bust first, if not then ask about it, if she is then don't interrupt her, that will result in loss of arm.
No. 255236 ID: 9b6c31
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Okay, Organist it is.

>"Tory, you do remember our deal?"
"Yeah yeah, but this is pretty darn important! Or so I think!"
>"So, what do you need to know."
"This log mostly, and then some stuff relating to portals and such."
He takes the log.
>"Oh dear. It seems that few thousand years ago quite powerful, large Armipotent Being of abstract type attacked their settlement without provocation. Not really much to worry about.
>"Armipotent Beings are extremely hard to get rid off. They come out of nowhere and usually die or disappear after few millenias. So, there is a great chance it is still wandering somewhere. But it attacking Tower is small."
>"Yes, there is still a chance that Void-reactor might attract it. But I would not worry about it."
"Uh, can you tell me more?"
>"Well, yes. ABs are extremely powerful beings that appear usually out of nowhere. There are two types, organic- and abstract-type. They are usually formed by chance, but sometimes they appear as omen, embodiment or memorial. They are very, very rare. There are from 2 to 5 ABs per solar system with sapient creatures in course of 10 000 years. They are not sapient themselves, they act instinctively. That's about it."
"Woah. So there were ABs on Earth?"
>"Well, I only know two. In 1908 abstract AB appeared above Tunguska. It was an omen, and exploded after 20 minutes. Then there was an aquatic organic AB, which lived near Bermuda."
"Uh, thanks. I guess I have to avoid those..."
>"Yes, was there anything else?"
"Yeah! Can you help me to understand these texts?"
>"Maybe a little."


Woah. I learned a lot. But not enough to understand this teleporting-stuff.
No. 255247 ID: 1854db

Let's talk to Sister too! Get two points of view for the best understanding.
No. 255269 ID: 772671

What about all the scrap left in that temple? No good? Can you draw any parallels from the tower transportation device? It might use the same materials at least.
No. 255336 ID: c71597

Lets go and see if Sister says the same things.
No. 255666 ID: 9b6c31
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"Uuuh, hi Sis!"
>"Stop calling me that or I will rip your legs off."
"Okay! I just wondered if you had any books about teleportation or Armipotent Beings?"
>"Teleportation? No. Other things? Yes! There are few on the table. Make sure you RETURN THEM. And please take only ONE. Otherwise Doc will have an gigantic mess on his hands!"

Eh, Purgatory and You,How to Measure Your Planet's Distance from the Nexus, Armipotent Beings on Terra and Small Guide to Demonology.

Choices choices...
No. 255667 ID: 92f09b

let's go with the most straightforward.
Armipotent Beings on Terra
No. 255705 ID: c71597

Start with Armipotent beings. Once you have returned it then ask for Small Guide to Demonology.
No. 256061 ID: 9b6c31
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Few thousands years ago an enormous creature descended from the skies, shining strange light and echoing eccentric whispers. Few hours later, this creature was no more.

This creature is one of the first Armipotent Beings observed on Terra. There is a great chance this creature inspired seraphs. It was organic, benign and extremely large...

Blah blah blah
All Armipotent Beings should be labeled as quickly as possible. Example:
Vi´đsǩǩesjiõŋŋpuäk'knjaž ( α6Dg )
Vi´đsǩǩesjiõŋŋpuäk'knjaž is the name of the Armipotent Being. After that there is a quick info about it. First character marks the type of the creature.

α = Organic
β = Abstract
γ = Hybrid ( very rare. Only two known cases )

Second character marks the power of the creature. Scale rankes from 1 to 12.

1 = Very weak.
2 = As powerful as average sapient being...

...4 = Considerable danger. Can kill large amount of trained soldiers without effort...

...7 = Catastrophical. Can eradicate cities with ease...

...12 = Can destroy all life on solar-system.

Letter after power tells how does the AB act.
A = Very aggressive. Attacks without provocation.
B = Aggressive. Attacks with little provocation.
C = Attacks only when provocated.
D = Hard to provocate.
E = Passive. Does not attack at all.

And final character denotes how large is the being.

M = Very small. ( bacteria etc. )
S = Small. ( mouse etc. )
D = Medium ( human etc. )
L = Large ( elephant etc. )
E = Enormous
G = Gigantic ( larger than an average mountain. )


...There has been around fives ABs on Earth from the very creation...

Appeared 1908... an Omen... Self-destructed after 20 minutes... causing the Tunguska-event...

...BERMUDA ( α5BL )
First reports 1876... Aquatic... Not the cause of mysterious events in Bermuda Triangle...

Blah blah blah.

This books is pretty interesting after all! ...So tired...

Okay... I guess that's about it. Now, should I go to borrow that next book? Or should I get on with building...?
No. 256073 ID: a49390

ah, so they were attacked by a B7AE, an abstract, rather powerful, very aggressive, enormous THING. neat. return book and let's start building.
No. 256098 ID: c71597

Looks rather freaky. Ok, return the book and then get a Small Guide to Demonology. Need to know a bit more of this demon and magic shit. It probably follows it's own laws and rules, if you can learn and understand theoretical quantum physics then you should be able to grasp magic and demonology. Maybe even find some ways to combine it, then shit will get really truly awesome.
No. 256694 ID: 9b6c31
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All hail my greatness!
Hail Lord Tory, Hail Lord Tory
I am the one who bring nuclear weapons and massive death-rays!
Hail Lord Tory, Hail Lord Tory
I am the one who travels through dimensions causing destruction!
Hail Lord Tory, Hail Lord Tory
No. 256695 ID: 9b6c31
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Now I shall fire destroy this world, and jump to another!
My success is immense!
Hey, who told you to drop the title?! I will murder you all if you do that again!
Tory!! Hey!
It keeps happening!
No. 256696 ID: fd6d7e


Tory what are you... doing? Wake up you idiot.
No. 256697 ID: 6d73d9

wake up dood.
No. 256698 ID: fba40f

Wake up...
No. 256699 ID: 9b6c31
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>"Wake up dude."
>"You are drooling on a book."

It's Helena.
No. 256700 ID: c71597

Drooling on a book... Oh shit! Wipe that drool of and hope to whatever deity is around that you didn't mess up the book. Sister is going to go apeshit if you somehow damaged one of her books.
No. 257024 ID: 534fc2

What's that dark shadow behind you? It's got eyes...
No. 257026 ID: f5e4b4


Nonchalantly say (while wiping the drool off) that you were just meditating. Ask what's up.
No. 257039 ID: 9b6c31
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Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I gotta make sure the book won't be damaged any further! I did learn something from this book in short time. What I learned:

• Some worlds have different amounts of magical power. This depends on how near world is to the 'centre of existance'.
• On low-magic worlds, some people make contracts with demons in order to gain magical powers. It seems kinda simple, you offer an organ and receive same organ from the demon. This way the person will gain magical powers, but will become like a demon each day. Same with the demon; demon gains some shit and becomes more like the person. Their lives are also bound. Killing demon or the person will cause the other to either die or weaken.
• Demons are byproduct of burning memories and binds.
• And some shit about purgatory that I don't remember right now.

Yeah. I am so dead when Sister finds out
Those black things? I think they are robots that I finished. I only finished two, but they are pretty darn good. I almost finished the mortar too.

"Oh, Helena... I was not sleeping, I was thinking. Deeply. Very... deeply."
>"Haha. Yeah. "
>"Well, I'm doing fine. My gang and I just wanted to ask you if you would be nice enough to lend us money. We are planning to have fun get ourselves drunk."
No. 257052 ID: c71597

Umm, do you even have money? Eh, pay her in booze. Surely you got something lying around, or if not then you should construct a distillery so you can make some in the future.
No. 257070 ID: 534fc2

It's a challenge! Give Helena and her lot some money or valuables or whatever to go buy booze. By the time they return you can surely have a machine ready that recombines water and carbon dioxide onto pure alcohol. Vodka! Get them to pick up some fruit and tasty stuff as well. Pure ethanol won't be particularly tasty.

Any ideas on future superweapons while you're at it? Maybe a fleet of solar powered high-altitude zeppelins with bombs and lasers, raining death from the skies?
No. 257074 ID: fba40f

This, but without that second part
No. 257479 ID: 9b6c31
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That wouldn't work! Water and carbon dioxide form CARBONIC ACID, rather than ethanol unless I come up with some major shenigans! Get your facts straight! And I don't have time for alcohols now!

I gave them money. They better not get completely wasted or enslaved or kill everything in sight or something.

Anyway, zeppelins sound good! But then again, zeppelins are pretty vulnerable.

I gotta finish those mortars!
No. 257482 ID: 1854db

Er, hang on, before they're out of earshot, tell them to not attract too much attention. We're still building up our forces.
No. 257486 ID: c71597

Ell either you could use some kickass gas that provides more lift and is less flammable than the ones used in the past. Or you could use some sort of antigrav tech to help keep the armored behemot afloat. Hey, maybe you could even install a flat-top on it and use it as a flying carrier. That would be awesome.
No. 257489 ID: 9b6c31
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I told them to keep it quiet.
Helium is pretty great for blimps. Not so flammable.

Anyway, I did a lot in quite short time! The town near the mines was almost abandoned. I managed to scare away some people. Those who insisted to stay were shot in the face.

So, I managed to get robots operational and mortars working.

Now what? I made only few robots, but because of hardening and other stuff, they are little slow. I won't be getting as much metal as I got before nuking this place.

Strange... Something is not right. No, it is not radiation or anything.
Something just seems... off.
No. 257493 ID: 2abeac

is the sky SUPPOSED to be that empty?
No. 257497 ID: c71597

Something appears to be blotting out parts of the starry night sky. Go check whatever sensors you have and see if anything is up.
No. 257517 ID: fba40f

Dark sky. See what's obstructing it... from a safe distance, of course.
No. 257550 ID: 43dbb7

I hope we did not fuck anything up by removing that temple guardian from the pit of liquid black sorrow...
No. 257758 ID: 9b6c31
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Clouds, numbnuts. Probably because of my nuclear blast.
So, what's the plan? Should I just switch worlds while robots do some mining? Or what?
No. 257772 ID: 968a44

Hmm. I guess that's not the worst idea. We can control which worlds we teleport to, right? We don't need to be here to oversee the entire mining operation. As long as we come back within the year or so, it should be alright.

Let's go!
No. 257774 ID: 2abeac

hmm, i suppose. not much to do, this world will just be a supply place for now.
No. 257783 ID: 9b6c31
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Yeah, I can control. This is world 0005, and I suppose I jump to 0006.

Unless I am going to trust Organist. 0468 might be my homeworld. I am not sure about it though. But there is a great chance it is.
Going back to my homeworld might be great! I need to get some of my stuff that I accidentally left there.
No. 257784 ID: 967134

Make sure you don't leave Helena and her gang behind before you go, they're still out drinking.
No. 257791 ID: 2abeac

wait, make sure shield is full power
No. 257802 ID: c71597

Make sure everyone is there before you fire it up. Don't want to leave anyone behind that could be useful in a fight.
No. 257846 ID: 2e703b

Yeah make sure everyone is ready before you press the warp button.

You probably want a better armed tower before going back to 0468. If my guess is right you kind of ran off with a tower so there might be guards posted there or something I dunno.
No. 257886 ID: 40cb26

Going home would be very nice but very risky, everywhere else is new and more easily conquerable probably. First we become NIGH INVINCIBLE and have all kinds of super science and mad magic, then we can go back and SHOW THEM, SHOW THEM ALL. Because that is the proper way to do things.
No. 258041 ID: 9b6c31
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Oops, I almost forgot them! How silly of me! I will wait.

Anyway, 0468 it is! I don't think they are circling place my tower was at anymore. Why would they? It was over two years ago! I am pretty sure they have better things to do than watch over one spot in Belize.
If I have luck, I might be able to get materials for few nuclear bombs.

I am going home!
No. 258042 ID: c71597

Oh, this holds some potential. We're going to have some fun!
No. 258043 ID: 9b6c31
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