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208125 No. 208125 ID: b4b04d

The secret to any girl's heart is simple. You find out what they want, and you give it to 'em.

But just because it's simple, that don't mean it's easy.
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No. 224553 ID: c0dee3

>"Ah, you m--"

Normally people would respond with "yes, that's me". She sounded like she was about to say "Ah, you mean..." or "Ah, you met...".
Maybe K'miele is a name she shares with a family member.
Maybe the advisors interrupted us because she's a replacement for the real matriarch and they need to keep up appearances.
Maybe I'm guessing too much.
No. 224738 ID: f57857

I applaud you; you're smarter than the rest of us ):
No. 229265 ID: 05dd93
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You're absolutely right. The court is no place for the insolence of such meddling advisers.

"You'll excuse me for being blunt, but I was addressing the Matriarch, not yourselves. Perhaps in this Court you hold little respect for your superiors but where I come from it was a grave misstep to ever speak over your esteemed ruler. This discussion is between myself and the Matriarch. And if you dare speak over your Queen again I will have to request you leave the room. My matters are urgent, and I have no time for those who do now know when to hold their tongues."
No. 229266 ID: 05dd93
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No. 229267 ID: 86b8dc

Hell yeah.
No. 229268 ID: d560d6

Maintain glare.
No. 229269 ID: 97cb33

oh man, they are so shocked, good job!
No. 229270 ID: 70d9eb

Continue looking as hard-boiled as you can.
No. 229271 ID: 0b2a05

Say "...sorry, it's been a hard week." it'll soften the impact of your previous speech without impeding the point.
No. 229278 ID: 05dd93
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>"What insolence!"
...I suddenly get the feeling that didn't go over so well.

>"This man is an absolute brute!"
>"A presumptuous ogre!"
>"Did you hear how he addressed our Queen?!"
>"I've never seen such rudeness!"
>"Throw the brute out!"
>"Your grace, we demand you sort this fool out!"
>"Yes! Lay the hammer down, your majesty!"
>"Your honor demands it!"
No. 229279 ID: 1e1932


Just look at her.

With any luck she'll know what to do.
No. 229280 ID: 97cb33

HA, you are fine, THEY want to throw you out but the queen is the one in charge. she just has to say no and you are golden.
No. 229281 ID: 476456

Maintain your p-p-pokerface.
No. 229282 ID: 70d9eb

Stay true to your word. Request that they leave the room.
No. 229283 ID: 3416ec

"Thoughts, Your Majesty?"
No. 229285 ID: e31d52

Brush the one holding you off.

"If the QUEEN wishes it, I shall leave. But you advisors hold no command over me, only your ruler."
No. 229286 ID: 9e1214

They are probably just testing whether you can be intimidated that easily. They are searching for a ruthless man, so push that guard nearby away, making a disgusted face.
No. 229287 ID: 0b2a05

"Is she not her own person?! I was addressing YOU in that comment, if you cannot shut up and let her speak, you are speaking for her. You are advisers meant to help the queen, not be the queen."
No. 229288 ID: a594b9

I don't think the advisors know that you're royalty, Muschio.

Perhaps the Matriarch has figured it out by now though...
No. 229289 ID: 05dd93
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Everyone in the room turns to the Matriarch, myself included.

She rises, an expression of harsh but controlled anger on her face.
>"Sir, I don't know who you think you are, but no one may speak to me that way in my own court."

A small round of approval circles the table. The advisers murmur their agreement and support of their Queen.

The Matriarch glances once to them, then to me. She rises from her throne, pacing back toward a heavy black steel door set in the back of the room. The advisers hush themselves and their murmurs quiet, but this gesture means nothing to me. One of the advisers speaks up softly.
>"Your majesty, with all respect... are you sure this is deserved?"

She glances coldly back at me as she steps toward the door.
>"As you said, I should bring the hammer down. I'm going to see this comes to justice myself. Sir. Come with me, or I'll have the guards bring you by force."
No. 229290 ID: 86b8dc

Welp... lets get going.
No. 229291 ID: 70d9eb

Gosh, she is really afraid of her advisors.
Go with her willingly, of course. We'll get to be with her in private.
Don't take your dick out unless she asks you to.
No. 229292 ID: 97cb33

oh, she wants to talk to you alone but is putting on a show. follow.
No. 229293 ID: 476456

"Yes your majesty"
No. 229294 ID: c71597

Seems like there's something she doesn't want the advisors to see. Better follow her.
No. 229295 ID: 3416ec


Follow the queen. Sounds like she has some important stuff to tell.
No. 229296 ID: 754124

"Of course, your majesty." Respectful, while implying that we would never have desired to go against what she said, thus causing us to not appear cowed, while still appearing (and, in fact, being) entirely respectful.
No. 229300 ID: 9e1214

Maybe she's just a fake queen and only now you are allowed to see the real one.
No. 229301 ID: a594b9

We'd better go along with it.
No. 229302 ID: 0b2a05

Follow her, try not to say anything.
No. 229303 ID: 05dd93
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At the Matriarch's behest, I follow her into the dark metal door, leaving Finesse behind. Thankfully, the advisers don't seem to mind her.

As my eyes adjust to the dark chamber beyond, its walls of smoothed, solid stone, reinforced at set points and set with steel joists which separate marked cages and cells, a slow but palpable feeling of apprehension crosses over me.

This is not, in fact, a private meeting room. It is a prison.
By all appearances, one where political prisoners are kept.
No. 229304 ID: 476456

roll with it, you can probably escape should you need to.
No. 229305 ID: 97cb33

you are gonna have to trust her. why would she take you in here alone?
No. 229306 ID: 86b8dc

Oh dear... this could get real bad real fast. Remember your wristdarter if things start looking grim.
No. 229307 ID: a594b9

I think right about now is when we explain who we are, and apologize if we offended her.
No. 229308 ID: 9e1214

She just wants you to meet somebody who is down here. Why else would she lead you there alone?
No. 229309 ID: 70d9eb

Don't shoot her, you can probably fuck your way out of this if it goes bad.
No. 229315 ID: 6547ec

If she wanted anything but privacy, there'd be some guards here. Prepare for an informative info dump.
No. 229317 ID: b36dbd

You want to avoid violence if at all possible, but be ready to fight if you have to!
No. 229318 ID: 0b2a05

Either she can fight like hell, in which case she doesn't NEED guards, or she's taking you to see someone. Go with her, but if she takes you to a completely bare cell it might not be a good idea to go in it just yet...
No. 229319 ID: 3416ec


The queen wishes to make sweet sweet insect love to you.

Sweat uncontrollably.
No. 229320 ID: 9bd27f


Time for some more confidence. If she wanted to imprison you, she would have had the guards follow you. It's pretty likely that this is a show for the others, and that she wants to talk alone.

Let her speak first. Don't start babbling apologies though. That would be wimpy, especially since you don't know if you should apologize yet or not.

Also, >>229318

Seriously, don't go into an empty cell.
No. 229321 ID: 05dd93
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"Your majesty, I do hope that when-mmh!"
No. 229322 ID: 97cb33

oh wow, yeah, i think you just got an ally. kiss her back, she is a queen.
No. 229323 ID: b36dbd

Oh great, it's one of those rape things, isn't it?
No. 229325 ID: 86b8dc

Woah, try not to let her mandibles too far down your throat.
No. 229326 ID: 70d9eb

Use tongue.
No. 229327 ID: 3416ec

Just relax and let her do her thing.
No. 229328 ID: a594b9

No. 229329 ID: 754124

You must be polite and return the gesture. But don't allow this to get out of hand, it could impede our goals.
No. 229330 ID: 50727d

uuuh.... score!

I guess....
No. 229332 ID: b9bd4f

I guess return the gesture, but dont get too into it. You have to remain catious. And remember Finesse...
No. 229333 ID: 0b2a05

It is possible she's always wanted someone to say that to her advisers...
No. 229334 ID: e67080

obviously that's just a friendly royal kiss on the lips, and due to our poor chrono-sense it looks like a longer kiss...

or if its not, see, backbone is sexy! although I had assumed your being dragged here was for a chat, not a kiss.
No. 229338 ID: 754124

Her eyes are closed, that indicates that she's into it. So does the way she's holding her body relative to him, and that one's not likely to be faked.
No. 229342 ID: e67080

oh, I know. I just like being contrarian at times. It could be more innocent then we know anyways.
No. 229371 ID: 6547ec

By the way, boss, it seems that these people practice Rishathra. Sorry for not warning you ahead of time, but you're going to have to indulge her a little to establish trust.
No. 229379 ID: 40cb26

Err you probably don't this to go anywhere even more awkward. Going along with this and turning her down are both dangerous options, lets get her to stop without offending:

"I know I was seeking diplomatic relations, but this isn't quite what I intended. May I... ask for an explanation, your highness?"
No. 229381 ID: 997545

Well don't be rude, now. Let her finish! And would it kill ya to at least make it a nice kiss?

This might be one of those 'bug culture' things. (Heh heh heh)
No. 229383 ID: 701a19

I get the feeling she rather appreciated that.
Go on! Kiss her back!
No. 229384 ID: 9d6ab5

Me likes this dialouge.
No. 229416 ID: 1e1932


"It's good to see you too, K'miele."
No. 229438 ID: ff0a7c

It must be some form of bug greeting tradition... don't get any ideas.
No. 229441 ID: a7a85a

Make love to her and have unimaginably hideous children.
No. 229450 ID: b36dbd

Get out of her grip so you can point dramatically and shout "OBJECTION!"
No. 229458 ID: 192956

They are both different race, No children could be produced as they have too much genetic variation. It's basically natures condom, so have fun brosef.
No. 229461 ID: d560d6

No. 229475 ID: d6a592


It must be great to be rawdoggin' all the time in fictional universes.
No. 229488 ID: f57857

Except when you get herpes.
No. 229500 ID: c71597

Awww yeah, nobody can resist that good old malto charm.

Don't disappoint her now Mushio, make sweet sweet love to her. Good enough that she's willing to just hand over her crown to you.
No. 229508 ID: d560d6

Good thing healing magic exists in this setting.
No. 229579 ID: 05dd93
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After a moment, she breaks the surprisingly powerful kiss and quickly turns away. A million thoughts run through my head, but before I can decide on what to say, she speaks up, quietly:
>"...I'm sorry. I hope you'll excuse me. It's just..."
She removes her tiara gently, staring into the dark room.
>"...it's been so long."

My mind is astir with strange thoughts.
>"I'm grateful for a chance to speak away from the Consul. Please, speak freely here."
No. 229581 ID: 9d07d9

It'd be polite to inquire how she's been and what's happened to her since you last met.
No. 229582 ID: d560d6

Still frozen to the spot? I bet you made for a lousy kiss.

Snap out of it and give her a proper sweep-her-off-her-feet one. Dramatic conventions require it.
No. 229583 ID: 70d9eb

"Why does the council hold such power over you that we must speak in private? Can you not exert your status and cease their childish prattle?"
No. 229584 ID: c71597

Tell her that it was no imposition, it was in fact rather nice. And you did come to offer your services to her cause, you just didn't expect that one.

Ok, time to tell her why you're there and stuff as well. And ask he why she allows her advisors to run roughshood all over her, they should damn well serve her, and if they don't then one or two might have to met the headsman for a height reducement.
No. 229587 ID: 40cb26

She's just... lonely, then. Say nothing else of it, and explain who you are and what you're about and all that.
No. 229588 ID: 3416ec

I can think of a few things...

-What started your war?
-What will end your war?
-Who the heck is K'miele?
No. 229592 ID: 05dd93
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"Please, don't worry about it. To be honest, I'm more surprised by other developments since last we met. You said that you used to be a princess once... I expected exile or perhaps usurpation was the reason you no longer held the title. I never expected it was because you had ascended to Queen."
>"And I believed you were a Monk, but evidently I misjudged you as well. First impressions can be quite deceiving sometimes, can't they?"
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. I remember thinking that you reminded me of the nobility I knew in my better days. And so I must ask -- how is it your consulate is allowed to hold such power over you? I confess I know little of this region but I was under the impression the King and Queen held absolute rule."

She sighs softly. Even this has that smooth, almost melodious quality to it. Her appearance is so drastically different from her lyrical voice, it would be jarring if it weren't so beautiful.

>"Muschio... it is a sad and complex state of affairs you need not be tangled up in. Please, tell me why you've come."
"The truth is, K'miele, that is why I've come. I traveled here to offer any help I can provide, in return for the same. Consider it a sort of allegiance, founded on goodwill and mutual assistance."

She pauses again, not turning.
>"Do you really wish to know?"
No. 229595 ID: c71597

Go over there and look her in the eyes and simply say yes.
No. 229596 ID: e31d52

No. 229598 ID: 754124

No. 229599 ID: d97d76

No. 229600 ID: 3416ec


Wait, SHE'S K'miele?!

Anyways, say yes. You need to know, and more importantly, WE need to know.
No. 229601 ID: b36dbd

Heck yeah, we really want to know! She can't just tease us with an intro to an interesting backstory!
No. 229602 ID: f91a11

Why do you let your council rule over you. You obviously do not like them, yet you fake to have their favor.

Why are you afraid of your advisors when you are the queen?
No. 229604 ID: 05dd93
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"I didn't come all this way just to give up. I want to help you, K'miele. You helped me sort things out, and I want to return the favor."

She looks me in the eyes with that same sad, quiet look she had at the lake.
>"The Patriarch -- the man I'm at war with -- the only reason he and I ever came together was to procreate. The royal lineage had to continue. Such is the way things. We ruled together for a time, but when no child came, trouble began to brew. Each of us backed by half of our shared consulate, we split into two warring sides and began this grab for power."
"And now the whole nation is consumed in this conflict?"
>"Everyone has taken a side. My consulate and all our forces are behind this war, ready to pour into it everything they have."
"Do you think you can't win?"
>"That's not it at all. Muschio, I don't want to win."
"Then what do you want?"

She looks at me softly, unable to force a smile this time.
>"I want my husband back."
No. 229606 ID: 05dd93
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>"All this over a marriage that began with us as strangers, and a child that never came. But I don't care, Muschio. When we met, he and I were strangers.
>But I love him.
>And I want him back.

>Nothing can change how I feel... not the consulate, not even the consensus of my own people.
>All I want is for us to have a life together again. I wish that were possible. We could just be happy together, again. We don't have to breed."
No. 229608 ID: 754124

Okay, so, Muschio, we get her to shack up with her Patriarch and either they serve us out of gratitude, or they quit politics forever and we fill the power vacuum.
No. 229612 ID: c71597

Well this shouldn't be too hard. You just have to permanently take out both sides council and overthrow an old tradition.

Easy way to get that done, win the war. That way you should get the support of the army and if you play your cards right the support of most of the common men. Then you just execute the councils, tell them that you rule now. Set up the Matriach and the Patriach as your Governors and abolish that silly old tradition.

Shouldn't be too hard. Atleast not for a man of your talents.
No. 229624 ID: 40cb26

Win the war, or lose the war. Maybe a way for them both to win... or both lose. Only thing we know for sure is we need to figure out what the patriarch is thinking if there will be any diplomacy at work here.
No. 229671 ID: 896c31


>Do I sense foreshadowing with our own captured princess and the bug boy from Ridder's place?

Oh yes I do.jpg
No. 229738 ID: 3416ec


He has a name, you know. T'lear is not some random bug folk.
No. 229739 ID: e3f578

I have some advice for her. She needs some fucking balls and needs everyone to get in fucking gear. This adviser bullshit is well... bullshit. They overshadow authority thinking they themselves are authority and even demanded the Queen do something about you trying to stop them from interrupting her.

Man, it actually sounds like THEY instigated this whole war. Fuck them. Muschio, I think we need to assassinate the advisers on both sides. RIP THEIR THORAX'S OFF AND SHIT DOWN THEIR EXOSKELETON.
No. 229748 ID: 701a19

The first step is to get rid of the consulate. The simplest way to do that is for her to march out and declare that one of them is a traitor, then confine them all to solitary confinement in the prison 'until we determine which one of you it was'.
When people ask why, she simply claims that her 'trusted allies' have determined that her attempts at having an heir were ruined by poison. Then immediately tells them that information must remain a secret, so they need to be careful who they tell.
The rumors of treason by the consulate will spread like wildfire, and people will believe it far more than if it were an official announcement.

While this is going on, Muschio goes to see the Patriarch and work things out on that end.
No. 229814 ID: 4953e3

This plan is brilliant. Go with it.
No. 229851 ID: 754124

This requires the queen to go along with it, though. I don't see why she would.
No. 229854 ID: 701a19

With the consulate gone she'll have unquestioned fiat control, and be able to do things they would never allow - such as letting Muschio arrange for her to meet with her husband.

Remember, everything that's happened here has been because the consulate has been acting as intermediary for the queen and deciding what she really wants.
Her: "I don't want to continue this pointless war."
Them: "Increase recruitment! We must win quickly!"
Her: "Oh, fuck you guys."
Them: "The queen demands a consort to produce an heir!"
No. 229855 ID: 04b0cf


I support this idea in full. I also think the issue with children can be solved depending on if a compromise can be reached. For child-purposes only, a temporary lover could be given to whoever isn't infernal. If you want you can even hide this from the public, and claim the heir as yours.

Bingo, problem solved. We could also present this idea to the husband to help encourage him to make peace if nothing else works.
No. 230167 ID: c5628c

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