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203072 No. 203072 ID: e4e9c3

[Brief quest, cos I'm bored, and software trouble is keeping me from Visionquest. You get one life. Die, and its over. Use it wisely!]

You wake, stirred from sleep by the sun as it rises through the high window of your cell.

Your spine aches from the cold hard slab that functions as a bed, and your right foot feels numb, apparently having had the blood flow cut off to it as it hung over the slab's edge.

Choose an action.
270 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 206920 ID: c2c011

We can become the masters of sneaking about. And dodging.
No. 206930 ID: d78b61

you can't dodge bolts.
No. 206932 ID: c2c011

Hmm, shield might be good then. Still makes me sad though, I was really hoping for shattering spines with wicked punches and setting fools on fire.
No. 206939 ID: 6a5a08

Oh, we'll still be setting fools on fire. Just with a shield between us and their weapons.
No. 206940 ID: c2c011

It's not the same. But I guess we will have to settle for sliting throats and slicing off choice pieces of meat from our barbequed foes and gobble it down like a proper swamp predator.
No. 206941 ID: 6a5a08

And the rest of them we either Necromance into large undead abominations of pieced together bodies, or burn as tribute to Bill.
No. 206943 ID: e31d52

Barbacue golem.
No. 206949 ID: 6a5a08

*Barbecue Atronach
No. 206971 ID: f95872

Intelligence, Agility, Destruction, Sneak, Security
No. 207033 ID: e4e9c3

[System Mechanics Post]

[You can dodge them, it's just a bit harder than arrows, for two reasons. Firstly, there's a mod on which makes low quality arrows fly through the air slowly, with high quality ones (elven, etc) being almost light-speed. Which, incidentally, means they're easier to aim, and not affected by gravity as much.

The second reason is that the bolts are a lot smaller that arrows. While you're actually pretty likely to see an arrow floating through the air towards you, a bolt is tiny, and if your vision is blurred, then you have no chance.

That said, you's want a reasonable block skill if you're going to use the sheild strategy. And there's nothing to stop you from using your fists and a shield.]

[Finally, certain skills may grant new abilities at certain levels. Most notably, you can only have one potion affecting you at a time if your alchemy is below 25. You can have two potions at below 50, etc. Also, at a certain level of sneak, you gain the assassinate ability, which doubles your sneak attack damage for a duration based on your Sneak skill. Note that weapons affect the sneak attack damage as well.

Sneak Weak Standard Strong Deadly
Novice x1 x2 x2 x3
Apprentice x2 x4 x4 x6
Journeyman x2 x4 x6 x9
Expert x3 x6 x8 x12
Master x3 x6 x10 x15

Weak Backstab: Slow 1-Hand weapon (Slow Waraxes, Fast Maces, Fast Longswords)
Standard Backstab: Normal blade (Katana) / Fast Blunt (Waraxe)
Strong Backstab: Fast blade (Shortsword)
Deadly Backstab: Dagger
No Backstab: 2 Handed weapons and very slow 1-Hand weapons (Longsword/Mace)

Marksman Sneak Attacks:
Sneak attack damage with a bow is determined by the Sneak skill
as well as the Marksman Skill:

| Marksman
Sneak | Novice Apprentice Journeym. Expert Master
Novice | x1 x1 x2 x3 x3
Apprentice | x1 x2 x3 x4 x4
Journeyman | x2 x3 x4 x5 x5
Expert | x3 x4 x5 x6 x6
Master | x3 x4 x5 x6 x7

[Finally, remember that the magic-type skills you choose will affect what starting spells you get to choose from.]

[I'm off to try and find which mod lets you burn corpses. I always forget what button it is....]
No. 207040 ID: 6a5a08

Wait, is there a sneak damage thing for our fists?
No. 207041 ID: e4e9c3

[I think fists are counted as a standard weapon, but I'm not sure.]
No. 207047 ID: 6a5a08

Rethought Scion Class:

We are the Scion of Bill, and the host of his Legion.
Specialty: Magic, Willpower/Strength
-Light Armor
No. 207050 ID: e4e9c3

[Any objections? Choice will be confirmed in 45 minutes.]
No. 207051 ID: e31d52

Don't care so long as we blow shit up.
No. 207057 ID: f95872

I feel like we ought to have Security. Also, I like Intelligence and Agility better than anything else. Intelligence increases damage, Agility benefits just about everything else that we'd have a reason to do.
Wisdom increases Magicka, sure, but if we do enough damage, we won't need more Magicka. I don't know what Strength could possibly do to help us.
No. 207063 ID: 6a5a08

Strength increases attack damage of our hand-to-hand, and increases how much we can carry.
We'll need Fatigue from Willpower for Blocking, since that takes fatigue and we don't want to faint while being shot at by a crossbow bandit and slashed at by his buddies.
Conjuration allows us to summon expendable distractions. Given the large damage dealt by the enemy, it would be good to not have all attacking us at once.
Light Armor decreases the speed of wear on our armor, allows us to be speedy while still protected, and increases the effectiveness of our light armor.
Block is Block is good to have.
Destruction for blowing stuff up.
Illusionism for sneakiness and also light without need to clog up shield arm with a torch.
Hand-To-Hand because people really seem to be set on it.

Magic to help us level up to Necromancer faster and get our Nan-Zombie.
No. 207072 ID: e4e9c3

[So it's decided, then? >.>]
No. 207087 ID: e4e9c3
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You inform the guard that you are in fact a Scion of Bill, the Mighty God of Flame.

"...Riiiight...Anyway, you must get the Amulet to Jauffre. Take no chances, but head straight to Weynon Priory, got it?"

You simply nod in response.

"Good, the Emperor's trust was well placed. I'll stay here to guard the Emperor's body, and stop anyone following you. May Talos guide you."

You nod again. "I'll keep it safe."

Then you swallow the Amulet, and dart through the secret passage laughing manically before the guard react.

For some reason, you feel lighter.
No. 207092 ID: 6a5a08

Let Bill's wrath rain down upon all who stand in the way of his chosen heir! Also, don't forget Winnifred.
No. 207093 ID: e4e9c3
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You charge forward, reaching a small room on the opposite side of the iron gate. The guard's angy yells can be heard drifting towards you, but he seems not to want to leave the Emperor's body.

There is a door and a chest here, as well as the passage you arrived from, and the iron gate.

You stop for a moment and bounce a little on your feet, realising that you really have become lighter somehow.

What do?
No. 207094 ID: d3dfb8

meh, just continue on. so long as we don't go flying away we'll be fine.
No. 207095 ID: 6a5a08

Just remember to loot that chest first!
No. 207096 ID: e4e9c3
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You move over to the chest, quickly picking the lock, and pulling out a collection of potion bottles! Neat.

This done, you head towards the wooden door, opening it with the key that guard gave you, and wandering though. The enterance to the sewers, a large manhole, is here. You lift the cover, and slowly climb down the ladder into darkness...
No. 207097 ID: e4e9c3
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When you reach the bottom of the ladder, you turn to look around. You are standing in the sewers, near the top of a wet stone staircase. A horrific smell assualts your nostrils, with a hint of something even worse wafting from the nearby tunnel.

What do?
No. 207098 ID: 6a5a08

Do we have anything we could use as noseplugs?
No. 207102 ID: e4e9c3
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You pull your sack off your back, and start rumaging around for something to use as noseplugs, finding nothing you'd really like to shove up your nose...

When you realise why you felt lighter. Your katana is missing.

No. 207103 ID: 6a5a08

Equip the Dagger of Winnifred.
No. 207104 ID: e4e9c3
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You equip Winnifred's dagger, and leap down the staircase, looking down the tunnel. It seems reasonably well lit for a sewer, though the sound of rushing... Uh... "Water", and the smell of... said "water"... combine to prevent you hearing or smelling anything nearby.
No. 207105 ID: 6a5a08

Do a 360 just to make sure you don't get ambushed.
No. 207110 ID: e4e9c3
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You turn suddenly, expecting an attack from behind, but can see nothing in the deep shadows behind you. You light your torch again quickly, and find nothing but a solid wall.
No. 207111 ID: d3dfb8

better safe then sorry. proceed.
No. 207112 ID: 6a5a08

Search WALL for hidden passages.
No. 207115 ID: e4e9c3
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You shrug, and draw the dagger again, proceeding into the next room. A deep trench follows the length of this room, containing a flowing river of brown; the source of the smell. You look around, gagging as you do. There is a number of crates and broken barrels laying around, and near the distant wall, a rat notice you and begins to charge forward.
No. 207117 ID: 6a5a08

Flames of Bill fly forth unto the rat flesh! Let it blister and burn!

In other words, shoot fireball.
No. 207118 ID: e4e9c3
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Heh. Good old fire, and good old Bill. Ever a help in times of not-wanting-my-legs-bitten.
No. 207119 ID: 6a5a08

No. 207120 ID: e4e9c3
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You deftly pivot on one foot, checking behind you... But see nothing threatening.
No. 207121 ID: d78b61

attack the darkness.
No. 207122 ID: e4e9c3
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You charge forward to the dark corner of the room, swinging your dagger downward...

And recoil slightly, as the blade gets stuck in a chest, hidden in shadow.

No. 207123 ID: 6a5a08

Victory! Loot that sucka, then spincheck again.
No. 207124 ID: d78b61

FUCK YEAH! attack the darkness actually worked!
No. 207126 ID: e4e9c3
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You flip open the chest's lid, grabbing a few arrows from inside, before tugging the dagger out of the wood, and turning again. From your new location, you have a good vantage point of the entire room. There appears to be two tunnels, apart from the one you entered by, as well as a pair of bridges across the river of brown.

What do?
No. 207127 ID: 6a5a08

Cross the bridge closest to you, prepared to attack the darkness again if needed. It seems to be working so far.

Also, search for traps.
No. 207131 ID: e4e9c3
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You scuttle across the bridge, keeping an eye out for any possible tripwires or pressure plates on the ground. As you reach the other side, you relax slightly, and look around. You are right near the entrance of one of the tunnels, and there appears to be little darkness here for you to attack.
No. 207135 ID: 6a5a08

Sneak around the corner like the sneaky Argonian Scion of Bill you are.
No. 207141 ID: e4e9c3
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[Sorry for slowness, moving issues.]

You crouch down, and move silently around the corner, entering the short tunnel. A room similar to the first is here, with a single rat idly scratching the stone by the staircase. It hasn't noticed you yet.
No. 207142 ID: 6a5a08

Burn that rodent!
No. 207144 ID: d3dfb8

Fireball. Standard procedure at this point.
No. 207147 ID: e4e9c3
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Heh. Boom.

The smell of burning rat is impossible to notice above the sewer's stench. You're unsure if this is a good or bad thing...

At any rate, there's no nothing to stop you from wandering on up the staircase. Or you could go back and investigate the other tunnel.
No. 207149 ID: d3dfb8

I think we've spent enough time here. Up the staircase.
are we going to mostly stick to the main questline or are you going to let us actually play oblivion?
No. 207150 ID: d78b61

with this many mods trying to stick solely to the main quests will get us killed by rapidly strengthening enemies. need to do side-quests galore and over lvl.
No. 207151 ID: e4e9c3
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You climb up the staircase, using the torch to light your way. You arrive at a bridge, leading across a gap to a rusted iron gate.

What do?

Actually, I was hoping to COMPLETELY avoid the main quest, because it sucks. Unless we get overwhelming votes for proceeding with the Main quest, then I'd really like to just have you guys do whatever you like, or maybe do a few of the better mod-added quests. Its your call.
No. 207152 ID: d3dfb8

put away torch, sneak across bridge
... This could end up being one of the longest quests ever.

I like where this is going.

No. 207155 ID: 6a5a08

So, with that partners mod, how many companions are we able to have at one time?
No. 207157 ID: d3dfb8

i believe oblivion starts screwing up if you have more than 4.
dont quote me on that

No. 207159 ID: e4e9c3
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You put out the torch again, creeping across the bridge with your dagger out, before pushing open the gate. The tunnel here curves sharply, and it is very dark...

Hah, it could be. It does help that I don't have to draw every image; with VisionQuest it was almost all copy-paste with slight tweaks, but still took a while. Incidentally, VisionQuest Chapter 4 is ready to roll, and I'll probably start it in two days time, after I've moved. Since ObliQuest is so easy to update, it should be possible for me to do both at once.

[spoiler] Weeeellll... There's about 5 or 6 mods on that add single NPC companions, CM Partners adds about 55, and I think I still have Midas companions on, so...

Enough to have your own personal army. FOR THE GLORY OF BILL! [/spoiler[
No. 207160 ID: d78b61

in vanilla oblivion sure, but this is a version that has been modded to hell and back taking bets it's around 50 or so max
No. 207161 ID: d78b61

okay, turn torch back on and let's go.
No. 207162 ID: d3dfb8

Let loose a fireball, use the light to see if there is anything ahead. If not light up the torch and proceed.

Bill is going to be so proud of us one day.
No. 207165 ID: e4e9c3
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You light your torch, moving forward, and enter another room, with yet another rat snuffling around.

This is starting to get a bit repetitive...Wait...Is that... Sunlight?

You spot, at the end of a long round tunnel, a bright shining circle of white light.

No. 207166 ID: 6a5a08

I think only about 10 AI can be active at the same time...

Burn rat, hug self.
No. 207168 ID: d3dfb8

Hug rat, burn self
No. 207169 ID: 6a5a08

Rat self, burn hug.
No. 207170 ID: e4e9c3
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You fireball the rat, then drop the torch and gleefully hug yourself, celebrating your soon-to-be freedom!

The light is just ahead, and all there is sitting between you and it is a short tunnel and a second room.

Hmm... We'll just have to see, then. If it does, I'll see if there's any mods which let more companions join you (I'm pretty sure CM partners has something to this effect built in already.)

Also, we are about to exit the tutorial dungeon. If you have any questions, you'd best ask now. :P
No. 207171 ID: d78b61

examine room for treasures then get your torch back and go.
No. 207173 ID: 6a5a08

Is there any chance of meeting Bill?
No. 207174 ID: e4e9c3
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You grab your torch, lighting it once more, and charge forward, rushing through the tunnel and room towards the exit. The gate before you is badly rusted and worn, and a single charge would break it open.

I actually already had a plan to meet up with Bill's girlfriends sex slaves concubines avatars, and the only issue with meeting Bill himself is I'd have to make the mod. Which won't take long for something like that. So yes, we shall probably meet Bill at some point, or even Bob, Ben, Burick, and Brunhilda.
No. 207177 ID: 6a5a08

FALCON KICK! out of here!
No. 207179 ID: e4e9c3
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You break the door open with one kick, and charge forward into the light...

Last chance to change anything, or ask any questions about mods.
No. 207181 ID: 6a5a08

What's up with the fox and the dagger?
Did I just equip a cursed weapon? D:

No. 207184 ID: e4e9c3

Ahah, mebbe? :P I suggest you study it closely at some point.

And it doesn't seem like any other questions are coming, so....

No. 207186 ID: e4e9c3

Damnit, Oblivion is crashing every time I leave the dungeon. Trying to figure out which mod is doing it now.
No. 207188 ID: c2c011

I got a question, how fast is our mana recovery rate compared to vanilla, have there been any changes to vampirism and have werewolfs been added?
No. 207191 ID: e4e9c3

Well, Mana recovery has been fixed, so it now increases with Willpower. Vampires now have awesome powers (I have three different mods to choose from, but some of the cooler effects are transformation into bats/mist/wolves, super strong attacks, and the ability to slow time) and there are werewolves across pretty much the entire north mountains. And they are FUCKING TERRIFYING. You will DIE if you find one, no matter what you do. Just warning in advance.
No. 207192 ID: c2c011

I was thinking more of contracting lycantrophy and terrorise the countryside. But it's nice to see that there are awesome vamps around. Which kind of vamp does that Dark Brotherhood guy turn you into now?
No. 207193 ID: e4e9c3

Ah, I think you can become a werewolf, too. Not sure about that, though. The werewolves you find are generally the ones added by Legends of the North, which don't make you contract lycantrophy. And I can only have one vampire mod running at a time, otherwise they conflict, so no matter how you become a vampire, the features are the same. Note that I also have it that you need MORE blood to get better abilities, rather than the vanilla less-blood-more-power. Also, just fixed the game, update coming now.
No. 207194 ID: e4e9c3
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You step out into the bright moonlight, the stars shining down upon you, as you breathe in great lungfuls of fresh air.

Made it. Free from that place, finally...

After a few moments, you relax, and start wondering what to do next. You could listen to that guard's advice, and take the amulet to that guy... But it doesn't sound like it would further the cause of the Mighty God of Flame. Plus, you'd have to wait for the amulet to come out the other end...
No. 207202 ID: c2c011

Lets get back to doing what we know best how to do. Break into someones house, kill them and steal everything they have.
No. 207203 ID: e4e9c3
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You decide that now may be the time to make a quick profit. Looking around, however, you can't see any houses... The pier and nearby ruins appear to be the only things here.

[Tutorial Mode Officially disengaged. I will now try to kill you off. :D Also, sleepytimes. Back soon, same site, same time!]
No. 207204 ID: c2c011

Damn. Ok, put out the torch and then extremly stealthily sneak forward and check out what's there.
No. 207206 ID: f47db2

I say we head to the closest ruin and loot the place silly. Hey wait, there's an island with some ruins straight ahead.
No. 207209 ID: 6a5a08

Maybe we should sell our current loot and junk first, so we can carry more of the good stuff instead of leaving it behind?
No. 207224 ID: f95872

We could also just stash it outside, in some corner somewhere.
No. 207778 ID: 78ce6e

Just for everyone's info, though, the exp mod ensures that companion's kills do not give us EXP. Summon's kills do not give us EXP. The only way to gain exp is to do it ourselves. Somewhat disappointing as I was hoping for a private army, but we can do that once we hit the level limit (is there one?)
No. 208766 ID: bcb7e0

[Damned mods. Spent the last couple of days trying to make Oblivion XP work. Should be good now, but moving means the house has no internet. Working through mobile phone at the moment, and its so slow that I can't even post images. >.<]

You decide to investigate the ruins, dunking your torch in the water nearby, then swiming forward. You dart forward, the water molding around your body easily, as you twist and spin in the deep blue liquid...

Till a sudden throbbing fills your head, and you struggle blindly against the pain inflicted by an unseen enemy. Your mind burns and screams, as your body thrashes wildly in the water.

After a few minutes, the fit passes, and you once more become aware of your surroundings. Were it not for your ability to breathe underwater, you're almost certain you would have drowned.

A few memories tentively creep into your brain, and you realise with a start that you are beginning to properly remember your past...

Conjuration Memories

Do you choose...

The Path of Nature
The Path of Daedra
The Path of Undead

Destruction Memories

Do you choose...

The Path of Frozen Fire
The Path of Burning Lightning
The Path of Striking Ice
The Path of Circles

Illusion Memories

Do you choose...

The Path of Illuminated Madness
The Path of Cunning Cats
The Path of Failing Courage
The Path of Peaceful Orders

Level Up!

You realize that all your life you have been coasting along as if you were in a dream. Suddenly, facing the trials of the last few days, you have come alive.

You are now level two. Please choose which skills and attributes to increase. The numbers in bold represent the points required to raise that skill by one rank, while the other numbers represent your current rank in that skill.(See below) As well, Attributes are raised by one rank per attribute point, but you may only put a maximum of 5 points in any one attribute per level-up. (So you could go Str: +5, Int: +5, Luck: +3, or similar.)

Attributes Points remaining: 13

[Attribute]:[Current Rank]

Strength: 45
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 35
Agility: 50
Speed: 50
Endurance: 30
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

Skills Points remaining: 36

[Skill]:[Current Rank] [Points required to raise rank by 1]

Combat skills

Armorer: 5 4
Athletics: 15 4
Blade: 10 4
Block: 25 3
Blunt: 5 4
Hand-to-hand: 30 3
Heavy Armor: 5 4

Magic Skills

Alchemy: 15 3
Alteration: 10 3
Conjuration: 30 2
Destruction: 30 2
Illusion: 35 2
Mysticism: 15 3
Restoration: 10 3

Stealth Skills

Acrobatics: 5 4
Light Armor: 25 3
Marksman: 5 4
Merchantile: 5 4
Security: 15 4
Sneak: 25 3
Speechcraft: 5 4

Also, if you're feeling creative, feel free to write up a backstory for Lannon. The only facts about his past that we currently know are he stole (or had stolen from him) some silverware, he worships the Mighty God of Flame, Bill, and he was affected at birth by a magical incident, which caused the odd colour of his scales. Should no backstory be forthcoming, I'll just use my own.

[Threads getting long, so once you've sorted out what you want to do, I'll start a new thread. I really never expected this to last more than one thread, but the surprise is a pleasent one. :) ]

[Actually, companion and summon kills DO give you exp, although it tends to be a bit less than the exp you'd gain if you did it yourself. Also, the companion-exp script is a bit dodgy, and if you kill, say, a group of twenty bandits using 3 or 4 companions, about 2 or 3 of the kills will not give exp. Haven't really done extensive testing, but thats what I recall from playing with it before.]
No. 208807 ID: a76809

path of undead if that leads to reanimating given corpses.

Path of burning lightning because FIRE AND LIGHTNING, most Bill-like of the lot.

Peaceful orders because when not going bill kill mode, need some oomph in social situations.
No. 208811 ID: 6a5a08

Paths of the Undead, Burning Lightning, and Cunning Cats. We shall stalk the night, striking from the shadows while out undead horde makes a distraction.
No. 208855 ID: 4a952b

I would say Daedra, Burning Lightning and Cunning Cats as well. Put attribute points in Int, WIll and Speed (we gotta be able to run from werewolves).

Put skill points in conjuration and illusion and whatever else other people want.
No. 208868 ID: f95872

Daedra are cool. Although less so in Oblivion, if there's no mod fixing that.

Burning Fire would be ideal, but barring that, Burning Lightening

Illuminated Madness sounds likely to be rather delicious.

The accident at our birth infused us with Bill's holy Fire, and as such, we are extra awesome. We came to the Imperial city in search of stuff to steal.
No. 208869 ID: c2c011

And dudes to murder. If we're not in the Black Hand I'm gonna be sad.
No. 208870 ID: d3dfb8

Burning Lightning
+5 Int
+5 Will
+3 Speed
+10 Destruction
+5 Conjuration
+2 Sneak
... or +18 destruction. the sooner we get to 100 the sooner we can best Bill.

[I don't know how you didn't expect to make this one thread. It's goddamn oblivion.]

[Hey Bob, you do know that you are going to have to add a god tier pyromancer named Bill to Golem Quest, right?]
No. 208872 ID: f95872

Oh yeah, points should go into Intelligence, Agility, and Willpower.

Skill points in Destruction.
No. 208874 ID: d3dfb8

Actually, as much as I love zombies, the undead are pretty gay in oblivion. Unless you have mods that make them interesting then I switch to Daedra.
No. 208951 ID: 6a5a08

Yeah, I guess undead aren't really that great... so let's go with Daedra I suppose.

Also, Black Hand? Screw that. We are the Burning Hand of Bill! We'll make our OWN Guild!
No. 209078 ID: fc5f60

daedra and burning lightning for great justice
No. 209169 ID: a76809
File 127933395935.jpg - (1.36MB , 1221x1732 , Bill.jpg )

>Implying Bill needs to be made, rather than having always existed, as any proper god of fire made flesh should.
No. 209225 ID: bcb7e0

Eh, I forgot that the difficulty mods don't really come into affect until you leave the tutorial dungeon.

Eh, undead are pretty vanilla, actually. Marts Monster Mod does some stuff with them, giving them more varied appearances, and causing undead you've killed to rise back up again after a time, but other than that, not much. Still, it is terrifying when you turn around and realize the hoard you just spent two hours and all your potions trying to destroy just got back up. Your summons just disappear, though, so they arn't really that awesome.

Also, ran a test of the Memories spells. The first word determines your touch spell, and the second determines your ranged spell. (Freezing fire gives ice touch spell and ranged fire spell.)

You also already have the spells Flare and Minor Heal. Before anyone asks, the ranged fire spell from the Freezing Fire does 25 damage, compared to the 10 damage of Flare.

We settled on all skill points to Destruction?
Same with Int and Wis points? We're tied on Agi and Spe for the last 3 points.

Daedra looks set.

Finally, keep in mind that these are only your starting spells. You don't have to follow one path to the end, you can deversify if you wish.
No. 209239 ID: d3dfb8

what about the circles? we can always just buy a fire spell from the mages guild and we dont want a faggot ice spell.
+18 destruction, why not. int and will are good, agility i guess would help more than speed.
fuck yeah daedra
No. 209252 ID: bcb7e0

Circles gives a 20ft AOE, 2 second duration ice touch spell, and a similar fire touch spell.
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