Glitter Belle
He walks out the door.
"H-hey, wait!"
I catch up to him, and walk beside him towards the elevator.
>"I understand you have a friend to find. As I said earlier, I believe she took the elevator up. I am sure you will find her."
"Thanks, but what about you?"
>"I am taking the elevator down, into the belly of the beast, as it were."
We reach the elevator.
>"I don't think there are any of them in the upper decks right now, they should be converging in the Military wing. I would avoid that area as much as possible, especially without heavy support."
"Yeah, but-"
>"Don't worry, you'll be fine."
"Hold on. The doctor was saying that you were pretty much dead, and yet here you are standing, ready to get back into the fight that got you almost killed in the first place. Why arn't you dead?
>"Because Jimithy, some of us are fortunate enough to choose when we die."
The elevator door closes and I begin my ascent. But which floor, and where on that floor should I look?