Mint Puff
I won't even begin to dwell on the ramifications of flirting with Ridder's mother, even ignoring the fact she's a married woman. However, I will admit that as I was growing up she was... something of an influence on me.
>"What... well, what are you doing here, Muschio dear?"
"Oh yes, Ridder invited me here! We ran into each other by sheer luck while we were out and about, and he said I should come visit when I have the time."
She looks at me for a moment, nodding as I speak, and when I finish explaining she smiles warmly, standing to greet me.
>"Oh goodness! My dear Muschio, how wonderful to hear that you two have found each other again. Ridder must have missed you so much.You two must have so much to talk about. Oh my my, dear Muschio, you have grown so much."
She hugs me tightly, a gesture protective and friendly.
>"Ridder will be overjoyed to see you. He's upstairs."
"How IS Ridder these days? We spoke only briefly..."
>"Oh goodness, Muschio.. Ridder is so strong, but it's all getting too much. He's such a sweetheart, so he worries far too much. He's been sleeping for two days now. He just collapsed from exhaustion when I came to live here. Well, that's what moms are for."
"...yes, I suppose so."
She glances at me, her gentle expression revealing a hint of sympathy.
>"Oh, there there, sweetie. I know you miss her. But you know, you can always look up to me as a mom too! You and Ridder are so close, after all."
...I suppose that does make me feel a little better.
She's such a kind, honest woman. I can't help but smile as she kisses me on the nose in a motherly gesture.