Lilac High Dust
"I'll probably just ask you to hang around with me until I need your boon, but I have a few questions about what you can and can't give me."
"Sure, whenever you're ready."
"First, what about giving me wings or something, could you do that?"
"I could, but it would only be temporary. You also have probably never flown with wings before - it's harder than you think. Of course, you can ask to fly from one place to another or something like that and you won't be in any danger of crashing, but flying on your own willy-nilly will carry inherent risks. Having temporary, visible wings will allow flight for a lot longer than if you just ask to be able to fly - the more restricted the boon is, the longer it will last.
"So, no permanent wings?
"Sorry, there are laws of conservation here. Even if they were just useless deformities, they would still be temporary."
"What about childbirth? Could I use that power to give a spirit a body?"
"Yes, you could. It would obviously use up my boon, and that spirit would have to be running around with you and would never be able to grant you a boon. You would also need a female vessel to give birth to the spirit's body. As far as I know, the spirit will reach full size quickly and the host will be unharmed.
"What else could I do with childbirth? What's the scope of the domain?"
"As long as it has to do with childbirth, I can probably do it. Making someone pregnant or sterile or making a baby extra healthy or cursed and deformed or anything like that, or even something else entirely as long as it somehow relates."
"But you can never give me a power that I can do at will or anything, right?"
"Yeah. If it's a persistent effect then it's temporar. If it's some kind of instantaneous thing then it happens when you ask for the boon - it won't be some kind of power you can just do forever."