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File 126419721653.jpg - (27.80KB , 512x512 , WhyHelloThereBiomass.jpg )
116725 No. 116725 ID: 6faa8c

((First thread found in ARCHIVE
Discussion and awnsers in #rubyquest on irc
Also, the OP image for thread 1 is a useful reference, so please, keep it in a tab or window or what have you while reading. Thank you!))
Evening, Legion.

No, I'm not going to tell you about the past hour. Don't bother asking.
The Queen has offered me transportation back, in return for my... service. I exit the hive and return to the grunk on the surface to find my mount has intentionally broken the surface of it, feasting on the goop within. Looking closer, I can see twitching animals within, slowly dying in the weak acid.

I approach my mount, and it sidles down, allowing me to ri-OH GOD I WILL NEVER GET USED TO THIIIS!

The thing takes long, leaping bounds, exulting in its own incredible speed through the forest, to drop me off where I was picked up.

The hut is in sight.

It is nearly morning.

Jai is tending the fire, looking up at the stars.
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No. 123759 ID: 6faa8c

I have forty left. The goblins said they might be able to make more, but... Well, the rounds couldn't be copper-tipped, they'd have to be iron tipped. I'm uncertain how well that would work.

Vorana? Oh, butterfly... She'd not back yet.

"If we cover you in the red stuff that butterfly and her boys make, and set you on fire, you might be able to really hurt the enemy."
"I'm not sure I could handle that..."
No. 123826 ID: a64482

Ask him why not, and tell him that it'd be awesome. He's get to feel all powerful as he rampaged about.
No. 123918 ID: 6faa8c

"Heat softens metal." he says simply. "I'm certain I would die. Plus I'm not all steel. Some of my innards are copper, and I think my thinkin' bits ah made of glass."
No. 123934 ID: 632862


Well, they're just sitting in a circle, maybe we can make a catapult and lob burning shit at them.
No. 123936 ID: 632862

...wait no that would take way too long.

Are they in the middle of a forest? Um... We could just hollow out a tree, put a bunch of red gel in it, and light it on fire and have Sal'an throw it at them, instead of using a catapult.
No. 123945 ID: 6faa8c

His eyes dim for a moment in thought.
"first..." he smiles. "Get a tree, I'll hollow it out. I gotsan idear."
No. 123958 ID: 632862

Alrighty. How big a tree?
No. 123985 ID: 6faa8c

"Thicker the better." he replies. "And a peice of flint, too."
No. 124016 ID: 632862

Okay. Got anything for chopping down trees, or can you just rip one out of the ground with your crazy claw hands?
No. 124137 ID: 6faa8c
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No. He hands me a saw from somewhere in his storage compartment. I use my... dominant hand to begin sawing down the widest tree I can find.

Something lands on my shoulder, looking up at me silently. A tiny Vorn is escorting it.
No. 124149 ID: 632862

Oh hey, that was quick. It's uh... Vorana's new kid. Heh.

Say hi.
No. 124153 ID: 126d08

Say hi to Wriggle.
No. 124166 ID: 6faa8c


It tilts its head to one side, placing a finger to its lips, antennae quivering.

I sigh.
Adorably useless.
No. 124242 ID: 632862

...poke her in the tummy.
No. 124246 ID: 34470e

*snrk* Don't do that. Um... try doing the goblin headtilt.
No. 124280 ID: 6faa8c

I tilt my head to one side and bow it forward.

She mimics me.
I finish cutting through the tree. Sal'an approaches, and the creature flies into my hair and hides.
No. 124420 ID: a64482

Awww, she likes you.

Back to more pressing matters. Ask Sal'an how far he thinks he could trow that spear/javelin.
No. 124424 ID: 6faa8c

"That ain't what mattahs here." he said, picking up the tree and sawing off one end with ease. "I'm makin' a bomb."
No. 124430 ID: a64482

Explain to him that this is for a separate idea that his skills will be required for. That we're considering using a spear as transport for a small Vorn who will then communicate what it has seen to Vorana so she can draw us an aerial map of our enemy's stronghold. Advise him that we are willing to supplement his strength, speed and/or the spear's own flightworthyness to increase altitude. I just wanna get an idea of his abilities.
No. 124431 ID: 632862

A bomb? How are we gonna blow them up with it? They don't seem to want to move around much.
No. 124465 ID: 6faa8c

"That's good. I can throw one pretty far." he hums to himself as he removes his hand and replaces it with a small drill, boring into the tree up to his arm, catching the sawdust in a basket. I hand him my flint, and he lodges it at the lip of the hole, pouring the sawdust in and then gluing a wodden lid atop it. There's a tiny hole at the top.
Then he pours a small amount of a liquid inside and shakes the whole thing vigourosly.
"Gimme the spear." he says, holding out one hand.
No. 124475 ID: a64482

Okay, just try not to damage or lose it please.
No. 124476 ID: 6faa8c

He turns it over in his hand, and a small Vorn alights upon the blade of it, then secures itself tightly to the shaft, a huge eye opening on its back. He picks up the log, then jams it into the sand, the hole facing out towards the mass of black. He steps back, then begins to run. His whole upper body spins as his arm winds back, and then snaps forth instantly.

The spear sails from sight.
No. 124879 ID: 6faa8c
File 12652604647.png - (5.49KB , 640x480 , Theenemyposition.png )

Vorana flutters by and presents me with a wooden plank, etched with details.

It seems they have surrounded our former housing, and have taken defensive positioning. It's clear they are waiting for something, and they know where we are, as indicated by the way the sheilds face. Further, there are small gaps in the line, just big enough to prevent any group larger than nine to catch fire at once unless the fire is really large.
No. 124909 ID: 632862

...alright, is the bomb gonna be big enough?
No. 124998 ID: a64482

Ask if Sal'an is familiar with the concept of a "bomblet". Basically, ask if we can rig the bomb to throw out smaller bombs when it explodes, which will explode a few seconds later.

If not, then we're going to have to lure them into a chokepoint, or aim for the leader.

.... Or Bless The Bomb.
No. 125179 ID: 0d648e

Level 5 blessing would be nice. Im sure a tree can handle it (ku ku ku). Just remember to run... quickly.
No. 125183 ID: 632862

Jai can't Bless stuff. She has no knowledge of Rune Magic. Until Antares wakes up, we're limited to what Asala knows.

Hey, ask Asala what runes she knows.
No. 125200 ID: a64482

is there any reason we have to attack now?
No. 125212 ID: 632862

Better to attack now before whatever they're waiting for gets here.
No. 125494 ID: 6faa8c

I agree wholeheartedly. I'd rather attack sooner than later.

Ah, h-

Hello again.
No. 125533 ID: 6faa8c

Good morning, Legion. I expect you executed my plan while I was away?
No. 125562 ID: 632862

Yeah, we got some scouting data. We're making a bomb right now. You could put a Blessing on it to make it even better!
No. 125595 ID: 6faa8c

I could do that. There's no way of telling how huge the explosion or fire would be, however.

Want to try?
No. 125606 ID: 632862

Boy, DO I!

I think we should put a level 4 Blessing on it.

Opinions, other souls of Legion?
No. 125607 ID: 34470e

Explosions are nice and all, but just to be safe, make it size 3.
No. 125645 ID: a64482

As the voice of horrifically stupid experimentation...

I want to alive later so we can do more fun things, size three.
No. 125717 ID: 6faa8c

>Size 3!

Very well. At this size, it's roughly as big around as my face. Sal'an puts it into position, thinking to himself.

Looking at the bomb, it's much better described as a cannon of fire. The flint will spark and the spark will light the oils, setting the sawdust alight. Due to the high amount of air and space, the resulting expansion will be so violent it will erupt from the front, spraring burning cinders, smoke, and splinters everywhere.
No. 125732 ID: 0d648e

...so its a giant claymore?
No. 125806 ID: 6faa8c

It is a single-use directional flamethrower.
No. 125953 ID: a64482

I... Guess we should head for the group of enemies. Have Sal'an carry the bomb, if he's cool with that. Tell him to try to aim for either the leader, or the largest cluster.
No. 125961 ID: 6faa8c

Now the question is...

How do I attack?

My current resources:
Sal'an, a human-sized golem, and his axe and cannon.

Asala, with her skill at swordplay and strength, not to mention her healing ability.

Jai, with her outdorrsmanship, strange arm, and miniature cannon.

Vorana, and her small horde of creatures. I should note they are not yet fully established here.

...And myself, with the sword I have dubbed the Sword of Free Men. I have deduced it is able to discover ways out of perilous entrapments. That, and my runecrafting. As a reminder: I have Blessing, Courage, Undeath, and Augmentation runes.

Now, how should I approach this horde of sheild and spear?
No. 125984 ID: a64482

Ask Jai if you can inscribe some of her bullets. Try one of every rune you know. Fill in the rest with "bless" and make sure the first is a bless bullet. Tell Jai to aim for head of the main goo. If it doesn't currently have a head, then center mass.

Next, you're going to bless Asala's sword, largest size. She's going to cover Jai, and enter the main fray once The canon goes off.

Salan is to wait in the forest for a few minutes. You're going to attempt to lead the goos toward him, in what will seem like a retreat. Should you take too long, he should just barrel in and use his own judgment.

Then use augmentation to inscribe courage on yourself, largest size you can. You're going to be the spearhead of this attack. The plan is to lead them into sal'an's waiting weapon. Got it?
No. 125986 ID: 6faa8c

I'm going to add the following.

Blessing my armor with maximum size will result in it acting like platemail, for at least a while.

I'm going to bless Asala and Jai's armor as well, such that it is.

I bless her gun with a size 4. I'm not sure what will happen when she fires, but she knows enough that a rune on the gun does affect the bullets, if it is elemental.

I inscribe augment 1 and courage 1 onto Asala's sword. The weight is unchanged, but it turns into a zweihander.

I send Sal'an ahead, to hide in the trees.


The enemy approaches, in rank and file. Standing up to her chest in a large pile of the blobs is the young woman, looking over the battlefeild from her high vantage point and covered in armor that is a dirty brown in color.

My heart swells with fear and anticipation.

Please suggest an action!
No. 125988 ID: 6faa8c

Boss music
No. 126992 ID: a64482

Do you have time to inscribe? If so, speed level two on your boots, and try to attack the flank closest to Erghal, see if you can draw them toward him, and move out of the way once a decently large group of them is in position.

If you can't, try a relatively head on attack, you're trying to get them to focus on you, again with the intention of leading them into the trap. RIP AND TEAR, ANTARES. RIP AND TEAR.
No. 127002 ID: 632862

Don't forget to bless your gloves too.
No. 127023 ID: 6faa8c

I inscribe level 2 blessing on my boots, rushing forth. The leader laughs, and spears launch at me.

I smile.

My mother taught me how to leap and jump. I was able to run atop her thrown spear without blessing boots, when I was two years younger. I hop up, and run on the plane of tossed spears, knocking them from the air and into the sand as I kick off them, driving my sword into the back of a blob while I stand on the sheild of another. Again and again, I mercilessly hack away at their front row, jumping from formation to formation. Thier tight discipline proves to be their undoing, as they aren't taking an actual phalanx but a hedgehog/turtle position, giving me an open platform to run atop.

And with their front line destroyed, Asala moves in. They don't even have time to ready spears as her sword slices two or three deep, her sword cutting with the fury of the recently orphaned. As they move forward and we rip apart their formation, Sal'an moves back, and then strikes the flint.

The first sound is not so much an explosive boom as it is a whoompf. And then there is fire everywhere behind the leader, her babies screaming as fire jumps from one to another, several groups utterly incinerated and even more broken apart.

Jai begins to fire, her bullets punching through the sheilds, and slamming so hard into the sheild behind that it knocks the sheild aside, allowing Asala to punch through with her free hand while the other slashes with the massive blade.

The woman is readying a barbed spear, but... I see a chance!

Run up the shield mass to coup de grace the leader? if you make this suggestion, enter the following into your email feild: dice 1d20+2
No. 127036 ID: a64482

rolled 15 + 2 = 17

No. 127052 ID: 6faa8c

You needed: 7.
You rolled: 15.
You have prevented the death of a party member.

I let out a scream, running at the woman. I have to stop her! I have to stop her because she isn't aiming for me!
My boots shine, and I feel my speed increase. More and more. The world slows as I dash forth, feet slamming against steel as I move up the hill of sheilds, using the spears for handholds as she rears back her hand. No. No! NO NO NO! I won't let you hurt them!

I drop my sword. It isn't keeping up with me. I can feel it tugging at me with every motion, somehow not caught up in the area of speed granted by my boots.
My feet are hot. No... My feet feel like they're on fire! I don't care. I don't care. They are all that matter.

With a scream, a howl, I reach the top and my hand shoots out like a hammer tossed, ripping through her flesh like water. there is no resistance. Something, something alive seperate of the girl, squirms against my hand, and I grab it, tearing it free from her body, still squirming as I crush it. I barely register the look of gratitude on her face as she dies, and the blobs passing as well.

Good. Good. They're okay.

I'll just go to sleep now, if that's okay.
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