Shining Swirl
Time to give a shard to our newest recruit.
Since he was meant as the scapegoat for RF sins, which already died. Then this means that MF is free of the load and should be open to a new kind of existence.
Now, on the other hand, it was stated.
"A Mannikin is a magic artifact, and it cannot be created in the mortal realm"
So how did RF pull this one-off?
"How it works is that a normal, mundane object is created which resembles an EXISTING creature from the otherside realm, whether the resemblance is literal or iconic. One cannot simply cobble together a random totem or figurine, it must be representative of an extant type of monster."
This would mean that MF was not created but instead that a Monster with similar signature(?), resonated with the "Mannikin" and came fort through the threshold.
Now what would be the personality of a Monster modeled after one that bears the blame for others?
Only time will tell.
In the meantime, we should call him Billy