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1086928 No. 1086928 ID: 9ea24b


previous threads: https://questden.org/wiki/One_evening_rabid_tippler_quest
44 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1087047 ID: 5ebd37

Buff: present rear through fence to distract.
the other two: grab that corpse and rough it up, then give the pieces to the racoon.
No. 1087048 ID: 9ea24b
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heh, yeah i'm friends with joe. joe mama.

i am too tired from doing chicken induced chores and haunting dreams, and don't feel like doing anything else today except look at guilty gear fanart. the chickens are on their own for the rest of the day
No. 1087049 ID: 9ea24b
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East and Bar unwrap the chicken breasts. their beaks start watering at the sight of such plentiful high quality protein. they both take one breast for the flock and give the other to the raccoon.
No. 1087051 ID: 9ea24b
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the raccoon is elated. "Thanks guys! I knew you had some leftovers you were hiding. I better tell all the other lads about this."
No. 1087052 ID: 293084

Tell him he won't pass the mating tribunal if he tells anyone else. You all are only sharing because he is such an ideal male specimen, and he should come back tomorrow alone.
No. 1087053 ID: a7a180

But there's no more chickens to eat. Why compete with them for the scraps?
No. 1087054 ID: 273c18

Tell him if he tells anyone else he's dead. DEAD.
No. 1087057 ID: 9ea24b
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"Hey, don't tell anyone else about this. It'll bring more competition for food and mating. Come back tomorrow alone and unarmed." Buff tells the raccoon sternly.

he nods, mouth full, and runs away out of sight.
No. 1087058 ID: 9ea24b
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the chickens shed their disguises and after a good day of digging holes in their run and pooping everywhere, retire to their roost for the night.

how do they deal with the raccoon once and for all tomorrow?
No. 1087060 ID: 7c55ad

Simple. Just get Tippler to eat the raccoon.
No. 1087062 ID: 2f41db

Send subliminal dreams to tippler.
Dreams of the most perfect, stupendous raccoon cosplay.
Made from what he can scavenge around the house.

The presence of such a large, intimidating alpha raccoon would surely terrify the local raccoons into staying away.

If hes too obsessed with guilty gear...

Then drastic measures girls.
You have a chicken breast left?
Poison it.
Uncooked egg for salmonella.
Shell shards and trimmed spurs or claws tucked inside for horrible stomach injuries.
Chicken witchcraft to curse the food item.
Theres three of you, thats a full coven.
No. 1087063 ID: 2f41db

Or maybe voodoo.

Chickens have a long, cultural history of participating in voodoo rituals
No. 1087065 ID: 8f9bc4


This, but the raccoon is more attracted to raccoon tippler since he's big so makes big babies. tippler eats the poisoned raw chicken.
No. 1087066 ID: a7a180

Public trial and execution.
No. 1087067 ID: 3bd46f

Hold a mating tribunal, obviously.
No. 1087069 ID: 5ebd37

Offer the racoon eggs and occasional mating (through the fence) in eggschange for his keeping your cool hideout a secret. If you off him some other racoon will probably find you later, so make an ally while he's receptive.
No. 1087091 ID: 2f41db

Alternate plan.

Tell the raccoon how good a life chickens have.
Close proximity to unguarded trash cans.
Warm shelter and sisterhood.

Convince him to swap teams.
All he'd need is some spare feathers, a tiny cone party hat beak and a red rubber glove.
No. 1087103 ID: 9ea24b
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i seriously had a real life dream last night about taking a test on chickens in order to go to college. not only was high school over ten years ago, but i woke up genuinely stressed.
No. 1087104 ID: 9ea24b
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in my confusion after such a stressful dream, i stumble into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of poisoned raw salmonella instead of cereal. the chickens are on their own once more.
No. 1087105 ID: 9ea24b
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the chickens decide to hold a tribunal to decide the raccoon's fate. whether they fight and execute him, invite him to be their friend, or something else entirely, this will be the final judgement.

what questions do they ask the raccoon?
No. 1087106 ID: 8f9bc4

oh no
No. 1087108 ID: 82d984

What skills does he bring to the table?
Where does he see himself in three years?
What would he say is his biggest flaw?
Does he prefer dogs or cats?
If he were going on a romantic date where would he go?
No. 1087110 ID: 2f41db

All of these and:
"Can you do your best crow?"
If he does try not to swoon ladies.

Then if everyone is getting along the flock can enjoy the delicious protein just laid there in the kitchen.
No. 1087112 ID: 50e7d6

breasts or thighs? test where his loyalties truly lie and see if he starts salivating in response.
No. 1087114 ID: b9b090

Let's ask if the raccoon can bring the chickens food. We fed him, it only seems fair, and the poor chicks are down a caretaker.
No. 1087115 ID: 8150ae

With the human dead, the chickens' only choice is to go native and to truly become as raccoons themselves. Imagine the feasts they could pillage together, with their combined know how.

Their rooster wanting to eat their corpses would be nothing new, chickens are notorious cannibals themselves.
No. 1087117 ID: 9ea24b
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though i may be dead, my kind hearted father would never let the chickens be neglected. this is all fathers' irl worst fear, that the children lose interest in a pet and they have to take care of it.

he takes out their morning pellets and refills their water, unaware of any procedural drama
No. 1087120 ID: 9ea24b
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"so you are actually chickens." the raccoon says. "i don't really appreciate being lied to."

"that is not important." squawk the chickens. "you must answer our questions."

>what skills does the raccoon have
he is good at digging, climbing, swimming, catching fish, and eating trash

>breasts or thighs?
thighs. dark meat has more calories.

>would he accept and support the chickens if they wanted to become raccoons?
yes, though it's kind of confusing to think about.

the raccoon screeches as loud as he can. it does not sound anything like a rooster.
No. 1087121 ID: a7a180

Guilty! The sentence is community service.
No. 1087123 ID: 9ea24b
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the chickens huddle together to make their decision. should they leave their run and become raccoons and have many chiccoon babies or stay and be taken care of by tippler's father?
No. 1087125 ID: 7c0da2

They should leave and have many chiccoons. An egg-laying, fast-propagating, almost-flying subspecies of raccoon is obviously what your local ecosystem needs, probably.
No. 1087126 ID: 2f41db

Tipplers kind and generous father should be honoured, but the flock must thrive.

Give thanks to the giver of pellety boons, don your raccoon regalia and head forth.

Racoon was bold enough to crow and should be gifted with a rubber glove comb to signify his status as chosen rooster of the flock.

Let your numbers swell in defiance of the laws of god, nature and local regulatory bodies.
Now is the time of the chiccoon.
No. 1087129 ID: 991bc2

Dead tippler can also join the racoons.
No. 1087130 ID: 5ebd37

Chickoons! The hardiness of a chicken, the cleverness of a raccoon.
No. 1087133 ID: eb0a9c

Resurrect the tippler with messed-up magics
No. 1087143 ID: 9ea24b
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the flock will thrive with the raccoon! it is no life to be trapped in the shittiest coop and run known to man, waiting for some predator to come in and devour them.

the chickens fly out of the hole in the chicken wire and join the raccoon in feasting on tippler's nutritious corpse.
No. 1087144 ID: 9ea24b
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Bar gives the raccoon a mini rubber glove to wear as an honorary comb. they prance together across the lawn, as happy as can be. the raccoon is particularly happy to have three hot chicks in his entourage.
No. 1087145 ID: 9ea24b
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in a miracle of science, the next time Buff goes broody and hatches a clutch of eggs, the first ever chiccoons are born! they have no teeth and seem very clever. soon the entire suburb is swarming with the creatures.
No. 1087146 ID: 9ea24b
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via dark magics and destruction of the local ecosystem, my skeleton is revived to do one last update.

as is tradition for rabid tippler quests, it is time to spill my guts. you have 90 minutes to ask me questions and i will answer
No. 1087150 ID: f14228

Was your desire to get chickens due to the increasing global rise in egg prices, or does it stem from some other dire motivation, such as mad science crossbreeding of different species?
No. 1087151 ID: 001e38

How does a chiccoon eat with no teeth
No. 1087152 ID: 5ebd37

How's it going? Got any fun plans after this?
No. 1087154 ID: 2f41db

This was inordinately good fun.

Have you kept real chickens?
Any avian?
And if not,would you like to?
No. 1087155 ID: 8f9bc4

After this experience, would you consider yourself to be... bone again?
No. 1087156 ID: 9ea24b
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just like my lust for fish, i have always desired chickens i would say primarily as pets. i grew up in a petless household (the same that i currently live in), so i have a great yearning built up over decades. also i think birds are cute.

it is definitely not cheaper to keep your own chickens for eggs since the startup cost of the coop and other equipment is so high, though i will happily enjoy the eggs once they come.
No. 1087157 ID: 9ea24b
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the same way a chicken eats! they have a gizzard that grinds their food up using small ingested stones. it is recommended you provide chickens with 'grit' so that they always have a healthy gizzard
No. 1087158 ID: 9ea24b
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i have been having a grand old time watching the dungeon meshi anime, reading frieren, watching surefour frag in overwatch 2, and playing hearthstone.

i much appreciate only working on one quest at a time. pliny still has a couples months left but i already have something planned for next quest. i am trying my hardest not to start it in tandem, because i know the chickens will keep me busy
No. 1087159 ID: 9ea24b
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the chickens will be ready for pickup in irl 2 weeks, they will be 8 week old pullets and need about 10 more weeks before they start laying eggs. i have never kept birds before this which is partially why i am so excited. i am glad you enjoyed the quest.
No. 1087161 ID: 9ea24b
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unrelated picture of body. i wanted to make many a meme image when pliny was learning about god in worm quest. pliny has become catholic etc. ect.

thanks for all the questions and for reading
No. 1087176 ID: 54dab4

Thanks for running it, was enjoyable to partake in! Polite sage, forgot to remove my trip.
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