Mystic Magic Rose
>"Muschio. As the military arm of this group, I need to know things stand, should such a situation arise again."
"How bad did it get back there?"
She sighs, glancing between me and the deep woods, leaning to my ear as we walk.
>"If things had escalated, we surely wouldn't have been able to fight an entire village. Fleeing would be the only option. We could hope the javelineers and archers were too drunk to aim well, but if they had opened on us we would probably have faced serious injuries.
>If we encounter hostile forces ahead, I must know what my orders are. By accounts, they are likely to be humans, elves, even dwarves or voltos. Citizens of sovereign states whose deaths would cause... political incident, especially for a rising power.
>However, we have been told more than once they have made hostile inroads and the guardian may be in danger.
>If our goal, the guardian, is threatened, I need to know if I am permitted to use lethal force at my discretion."