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1077089 No. 1077089 ID: 15a025

A sequel to the Behind Bars series
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No. 1081025 ID: fd69ae

On the lookout for something new. Preferably something a bit safer. Not like what happened could have been anticipated but still, something else seems reasonable.
No. 1081032 ID: 5ebd37

After what happened at the sink... yeah, you need a new job, pronto.
No. 1081056 ID: a2cfbf

I'm kinda surprised Luanne hasn't mentioned your collar yet. Are you sure inviting her in with the many uninvited fleas without telling her is fine? You probably should.
No. 1081120 ID: 15a025
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>We're gonna try somewhere else. Better for our mental health.
>You're not going to quit right away as you need the money, but you are going to job search for something new.
Lana: “Well, I can’t exactly quit on the spot. Still need money to pay the bills and support everyone. I’m going to spend more time on the job hunt for something else.”

Luanne: “Support everyone?”

Lana: “Well, my mom and sister need a little extra cash from me to get by. Kaari’s going to being staying with me for a bit till I can help her find a new job too. Not really much left after bills and groceries.”

Luanne shies away for a moment and goes back to the assignments.
No. 1081121 ID: 15a025
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Once I get through one of the packets, we take a break and Kaari makes us some cups of tea.

>I'm kinda surprised Luanne hasn't mentioned your collar yet.
Luanne: “Hey Lana, you get a new choker? You always got that spiked-wait.”

Luanne: “That’s a flea collar isn’t it?”

I-argh! I can’t believe I forgot about that! Maybe I shouldn’t have invited her in- damn it, I could have even warned her. I don’t think there’s a good way to really apologize. What should I say though? I can’t just, brush it off like it’s nothing. She’s been here long enough that she might already have them.
No. 1081124 ID: e4a3dc

I mean this is a very new issue that you honestly forgot about so you can earnestly tell her that you did. Not sure what remedy there is for it though.
No. 1081125 ID: 75b262

Apologize and ask nicely for forgiveness.
No. 1081142 ID: 5ebd37

Nothing for it but to apologize. She should probably get out of here, and offer to buy her any medication she might need if she did catch some.
No. 1081148 ID: e51896

all you can do is apologize. be prepared if she no longer wants to be associated with you.
No. 1081154 ID: 13bbb3

Just say shit and apologize, someone brought them in barely this morning so you're not at all used to thinking about them. You can offer the same treatment you gave to kaari though, if they want to take a shower while you wash their clothes or whatnot, though it's understandable if not.
No. 1081562 ID: 15a025
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>You can offer the same treatment you gave to kaari though
I don’t think Luanne is going to want me to give her a slow and gentle flea bath.

>If they want to take a shower while you wash their clothes or whatnot
Oh-right. Yeah. That makes more sense.

>Apologize and ask nicely for forgiveness.
>Just say shit and apologize, someone brought them in barely this morning so you're not at all used to thinking about them.
Lana: “Ugh, Luanne. I’m sorry. I forgot all about it-“

Luanne: “How do you forget you have fleas Lana?!”

Lana: “I don’t- Kaari’s the one with fleas. She came over to use my shower because her water got shut off. She gave me the flea collar just to make sure I didn’t end up getting them.”

Lana: “I mean, I’m always wearing a collar too, so it doesn’t really feel out of place either.”

Luanne: “Okay, fair. Whatever. You’re going to have to sit down and finish the rest of this on your own though Lana. I ain’t sticking around to pickup no hitchhikers.”

Lana: “Let me go grab your money while you gather your stuff.”

Luanne: “I want extra for some flea shampoo now as well.”

Lana: “Yeah-yup. Okay.”
No. 1081563 ID: 15a025
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I quickly grab some cash from my room, I give her twenty five notes.

Luanne: “Well, I guess call me when you’ve got the flea thing taken care of.”

I see her out the door. I guess that went alright? She seemed understanding anyway.
No. 1081564 ID: 15a025
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When I come back inside, Kaari comes over to me.
Kaari: “Awh, Lana. I-I’m sorry I ruined your study session. I should have just stayed home.”

Lana: “Kaari, it’s fine. I’ve got all night yet to work on my assignments and study.”

Kaari: “I can start heading back home as well if you want then. I-I don’t want to interrupt or bother you while you’re studying.”

Lana: “Kaari, you’re not bothering me. It’s been eventful, sure. I still have all night to study and work on this though.”
No. 1081565 ID: 15a025
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Unfortunately, it probably is going to take me all night to get caught up. Not to mention cleaning up a spot for Kaari to sleep. I can’t afford to fall behind anymore than I already am. At the same time, Kaari needs me too. I don’t want to just sit and work on this all night and make her sit alone in the living room or something. Gotta be a way I can take on two birds with one stone or compromise a bit.
No. 1081567 ID: e51896

You're fine, and Kaari will be fine. Just giving Kaari a place to stay is all she really needs and enough for her, you don't have to interact with her all the time, so there's nothing wrong with leaving her on her own in the living room. There's always time tomorrow to talk more to her about things, she isn't going anywhere.

as for cleaning up a space for her to sleep, she can sleep on the couch, I mean, you slept on the couch earlier, so it should be fine for her. plus, she can use that alone time to think, she already had so much happen to her, she might need some time alone to take things in. Otherwise, she already agreed to help clean, so maybe she can clean up a space on her own. remember, you need her help as much as she needs your help, and you helped her in a big way by bringing her in, and helping her with her flea problem.

Also, there's some entertainment for Kaari over there on the bookshelf, or maybe she can watch tv if she's bored..

Also also, make sure to lock the front door.
No. 1081568 ID: 0190ce

Kaari, I hate to ask, but could you work on clearing a space for yourself to sleep? Help yourself to whatever you need to move or change or whatnot, you're not blind to how messy things are.

For you, just focus on studying, but maybe you can do it in the same room as Kaari. It'll help your focus to hear her doing better, probably.
No. 1081569 ID: 273c18

Study with her?
No. 1081570 ID: 5ebd37

You don't have to catch up all the way right now. Just do what you can. Kaari can set up somewhere to sleep herself, and if she needs anything you'll be right there.
No. 1081594 ID: eb0a9c

Her 'rent' is helping you with your assignments and sex stuff. If she's distracted learning along with you, it gives her something to do.
No. 1082608 ID: 15a025
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>Study with her?
Lana: “You could study with me if you want.”

Kaari: “Lana, I’d probably end up asking more questions than you. I don’t even know anything about your classes.”

>she can use that alone time to think, she already had so much happen to her, she might need some time alone to take things in.
>focus on studying, but maybe you can do it in the same room as Kaari. It'll help your focus to hear her doing better, probably.
Lana: “How about this, I can get the VCR hooked up and you can watch a movie while I’m studying.”

Kaari: “What if it’s too loud and-“

Lana: “Then I just ask if you can turn it down a few clicks. No biggie.”

Kaari: “Are you sure?”

Lana: “Yup.”

Kaari: “Alright, if you’re sure it won’t bother you.”
No. 1082611 ID: 15a025
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I set up the VCR in the living room.
Lana: “So, what do you feel like watching?”

Kaari: “Uh…well I’m not in the mood for any horror movies this time.”

Well, that eliminates about half my tapes. Understandably.

Lana: “I’ve got other genres too.”

Kaari: “How about a romance comedy?”

Lana: “Well, at least I won’t have to worry about being distracted. I didn’t think you were into those?”

Kaari: “Yeah. Usually a good one helps me cheer up when I’m feeling down or lonely.”

Lana: “Okay, well I think I’ve got something you’ll like then. How about Llama Masseuse?”

Kaari: “Sounds kinda corny, but I’ll give it a watch.”

I take the tape out of the sleeve and pop it in the VCR, switch over to channel three, and hit play.
Lana: “Alrighty, I’ll be in the kitchen studying if you need me.”

Kaari: “Can you fast forward past the commercials?”

Lana: “Yeah.”
No. 1082614 ID: 15a025
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Once the movie starts playing I head back to the kitchen and get my eyes glued to the assignment. I go to take a sip of tea-ugh, yuck. Cold tea.

No, gotta focus. I pick up another packet and start writing away. If I don’t know something, I’ve got my notes or I’ll just review that chapter a bit.

It gets a little hard though, hearing Kaari laughing and having a good time with the movie. Wish I was enjoying it with her.
No. 1082615 ID: 15a025
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Till finally I’m-

Kaari: “Lana!”

There’s a weird brrrr sound coming from the living room. Shit! Did the VCR eat the tape or something?!
No. 1082618 ID: 15a025
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I rush into the living room, but everything seems fine?
Lana: “What’s wrong Kaari?”

Kaari: “Oh nothing, I was just calling out to see if you were done with your college stuff. Movie’s over.”

Lana: “What? I-ugh. I only got through one packet!”

Kaari: “Well, how much more do you have?”

Lana: “Still a ton.”

Kaari: “Well, it’s getting to be seven Lana- wait. You stay up and have night classes and stuff, right?”
Lana: “Yeah. Why?”

Kaari: “I mean. I don’t want to bother you, but I haven’t seen you in weeks. I’d like to spend some time with you. Can’t you just do it later tonight?”

Oh shit, she’s right! I’m going to be up way later than she is. I could be working on this after she goes to bed.
Lana: “Hm, what time do you usually go to bed Kaari?”

Kaari: “Usually half past nine.”

Alright, that’s two and a half hours I can put aside for Kaari. What’s something the two of us can do together?
No. 1082633 ID: eb0a9c

Sex yourselves asleep.
No. 1082642 ID: 462d8c

Got any boardgames?
No. 1082644 ID: 5ebd37

Yeah, boardgames! And put on some nice music or a background movie.
No. 1082645 ID: 75b262

Board games!
No. 1084496 ID: 15a025
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>Got any boardgames?
>Yeah, boardgames! And put on some nice music or a background movie.
Well, there’s monopoly. That’s going to last all night though. Hmm…

Lana: “How about I pull out the uno deck and throw in another movie?”

Kaari: “Sounds fun! What movie do you have in mind this time ?”

Lana: “This one’s called “Don’t Document!” It stars a rebellious wolf secretary that likes to stir up trouble in the office.”

Kaari: “Sure, sounds pretty goofy.”
No. 1084497 ID: 15a025
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I go grab the Uno deck, pop in the tape, and I start shuffling the deck.

Kaari: “So, how’s your mom and sister been?”

Lana: “Both were pretty shaken up when they heard what happened. Mom still calls every now and then to check up on me. Other than that, I gotta remember to give her some cash for groceries next week.”

I pause for a moment, and start dealing out cards.

Kaari: “So…who goes first?”

Lana: “I’ll let you have the first turn.”

Kaari: “Are you sure?”

Lana: “Yup!”

Kaari: “Alright then, I skip you, I play a reverse, and…draw four. Color’s yellow now.”

I get the feeling I need to work on my shuffling skills… I’ll play nice for now and save my wild card and just play a yellow card.

Kaari: “Draw two!”

I grumble to myself, but go for a little pay back.

Lana: “You can draw two, too! Now the color’s blue.”

Kaari: “I see...”
No. 1084498 ID: 15a025
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We toss some cards around for a bit, when Kaari drops an unexpected question on me.

Kaari: “So…how’s the stop smoking thing been going for you Lana?”

No. 1084507 ID: 7c55ad

Well, you have mentioned wanting to go on a smoke break the past threads, and tried to reach for your lighter when it was missing. When did you say you were quiting smoking? if it was after the incident at the bar, are you keeping up with it? might want to tell her the truth.
No. 1084508 ID: ab46e9

Not bad, but not great. Keep imagining I've got a pack in my pocket and wanting to reach for them. It’s not as horrible as some of the withdrawal horror stories I've read, but aside from that I've gotten the shakes once or twice. Just...one of those day by day things.
No. 1084519 ID: eb0a9c

You want even more sex.
No. 1084520 ID: 15a025

This is not that kind of quest. If you’re looking for that kind of content, please go check out the other quests on the site that do allow or encourage it.
No. 1084545 ID: d512e5

It sucks, but something about the difficulty is weirdly making it more easy to quit? Like, 'screw this, I am NOT letting it beat me' kind of thing?

Admittedly it could have come at a better time, but there's no good time, at least.
No. 1085331 ID: 15a025
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>When did you say you were quiting smoking? if it was after the incident at the bar, are you keeping up with it? might want to tell her the truth.
Honestly, I’m not entirely sure when I told her. It is a habit I’ve been trying to kick.

>Not bad, but not great. Keep imagining I've got a pack in my pocket and wanting to reach for them.
>the difficulty is weirdly making it more easy to quit? Like, 'screw this, I am NOT letting it beat me' kind of thing?
Lana: “Not sure when I brought that up, but it’s not as bad as it could be. Always feels like there’s a pack and a lighter in my pockets. Keep shoving my paws in my pockets for them when I’m stressed or get in a mood.”

Lana: “It’s been really hard, I get the shakes and grumpy at times, but I can’t let it beat me.”

Kaari: “How long has it been since your last one?”

Lana: “Well, haven’t had a smoke since I was in the hospital; made it a bit easier since I wasn’t allowed to.”
I put down a card, and Kaari plays the same number, changing the color on me again.
Lana: “You little stinker.”

She chuckles at me, down to only two cards.

Kaari: “So…is there anything I can do to help you with that?”

Lana: “Yeah, draw four. I’m changing it back to green.”

Kaari huffs at me a little as she draws. I find my paw slipping in my pocket feeling around for my lighter again. I manage catch myself and stop before she notices.

Ugh, I need to find another topic here. What’s something else we could chat about?
No. 1085333 ID: 75b262

If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?
No. 1085345 ID: 5ebd37

This room is rather plain, isn't it? Ask her what decor she would add. Cool posters? Nick-knacks?
No. 1085668 ID: a09489

Actually yeah, good idea! Talk about decor! Just discuss what kind of place you like. Really fantasize. An indoor garden, maybe a lot of cool posters on the wall, an indoor arcade, all of that stuff, just let your imagination run wild with what would be fun to have!
No. 1086067 ID: 15a025
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>If you could live anywhere, where would you choose?
Lana: “If you could live anywhere, where would it be?”

Kaari: “Well, with you of course!”

Lana: “Okay, let’s say…we could move out and live anywhere. Where would you wanna go?”

Kaari: “Oh I’d love to live in Taelsee!”

Lana: “Tail-see? Where’s that at?”

Kaari: “No no no. Taelsee. You know, that really popular port town upstate.”

Lana: “Sorry, I’ve never heard of it, Kaari. What makes it so special?”

Kaari: “Oh it’s got it all! Beautiful beaches, warm summers, music festivals. Not to mention the famous lighthouse diner with the romantic sunset view!”
No. 1086068 ID: 15a025
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Lana: “Sounds like you’re hinting at a future vacation spot.”

Kaari: “Y-yeah. A vacation spot.”
No. 1086069 ID: 15a025
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>This room is rather plain, isn't it? Ask her what decor she would add. Cool posters? Nick-knacks?
>let your imagination run wild with what would be fun to have!
Lana: “How about decorating? What kinda cool stuff would you put in our home if we moved in together?”

Kaari: “Oh definitely some movie posters from our favorite vhs tapes, or maybe some concert posters, or both!”

Lana: “What else you thinking? Living room and shelves are a little bare, save for some books and vhs tapes.”

Kaari: “We could bring home some souvenirs from Taelsee, or-!“
No. 1086070 ID: 15a025
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She pauses for a moment and stares at me.

Kaari: “We don’t have any pictures of us!”

Lana: “What?”

Kaari: “Lana, we don’t have any pictures of the two of us!”

Lana: “You know, I think you’re right.”

I might have a few pictures of Kaari on my phone, but that might be all.

Kaari: “We should go out somewhere tomorrow.”

Lana: “Not to ruin the mood, but you’ve got fleas to bounce first Kaari.”

As well as the fact I’m on a tighter budget now, I don’t think I’ll have funds for a dinner date.
Kaari: “O-oh. Right.”

She looks pretty bummed out. Maybe there’s a stay-at-home kinda date I can plan with her? Or maybe something else we can do at home for a cute couple’s picture?
No. 1086072 ID: eb0a9c

Do cosplay.
No. 1086074 ID: 5ebd37

Yeah, dress up and makeovers for your first couple photo.
And even if you can't afford to go out, you could still make her a nice dinner yourself.
No. 1086075 ID: 7c55ad

for dates:

Movie night (you kinda missed that one because of studying, we can do that to make up for that next time.) Kaari can even bring a movie herself from home

Star gaze on the roof together!

Another game night

For pics:

Maybe you guys can visit a forest preserve, or park, or lake and take pics there. It doesn't have to be at home, just somewhere where you both can hang out for free. We can even plan a picnic before taking pics
No. 1086601 ID: 15a025
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>Do cosplay.
Well, Halloween is coming up. Maybe we can dress up as something together…

Lana: “I could get us some Halloween costumes still and we could dress up. Be a fun little picture of us.”

Kaari: “I-I’d rather not. Had enough ‘spooky’ for the year.”

Lana: “Doesn’t have to be something spooky. We could dress up someone from a movie we like or-“

Kaari: “Lana, I really don’t want to deal with Halloween this year.”

Hm, alright what else…
>dress up and makeovers for your first couple photo
Lana: “I could look around for some nicer clothes and-“
>visit a forest preserve, or park, or lake and take pics there.
Lana: “we could go for a nature walk somewhere. Get some nice pictures of us.”

Kaari: “Oh that would be fun! I wouldn’t even need to worry about others getting my fleas!”

Lana: “What if you end up picking up more, or even ticks!”

Kaari: “You can’t fool me! There aren’t any ticks out this time of year.”
She puts down another card,
Kaari: “Uno!”

I’ve kinda lost track of the game at this point, still got three cards. Eh, I’ll let her win.
Lana: “Alright you win, I concede.”

Kaari: “What, you’re giving up?”

Lana: “Yeah, now snuggle up and let’s finish this movie.”
No. 1086602 ID: 15a025
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Kaari lays down on my lap and I start massaging her ears. That always relaxes her.

Man, I’ve barely been paying attention to this movie too; why is the secretary skiing down a mountain with a briefcase?

I hear Kaari breathing loudly and look down. Seems like she’s passed out already. I ruffle her fur and smile.

Lana: “Alright, goodnight Kaari.”

No. 1086603 ID: 54523d

You've done good work today, Lana. I think you two are gonna be alright.
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