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1063589 No. 1063589 ID: 8d318c

I fight for honor, justice, and revenge!
And remember: mask up! A Luchadora never removes her mask.

Written by Donut
Art by Poltergeist Ethanoic Acid: https://questden.org/wiki/Poltergeist_Ethanoic_Acid
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No. 1081990 ID: 75b262
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¡Vaya! Tsuki is kneeling next to me, sneakily trying to undo the reinforcements in my dress’s leg slit. That sneaky rabbit, taking advantage of my distraction, she’s asking to be whacked. I gotta hit her down there while she’s in striking distance! She’s right there, easily whackable, so cocky and confident in her sneakiness- she’s vulnerable now!

I focus on that Tsuki, and then…
No. 1081991 ID: 75b262
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A blur of motion in my vision shows her RIGHT BEHIND ME! ¡AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!


I stagger to one side, but…
No. 1081992 ID: 75b262
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Tsuki’s on the ropes in front of me, getting ready to obliterate me from above. Hey! That’s my move! Has she been using all this time to set up a devastating attack?! I’d be defenseless to such a high-risk maneuver!

Not only is Tsuki trying to obliterate me, she’s trying to steal my spot as the highest-flying rabbit. I can’t allow that to happen. I have to punish her for her arrogance!
No. 1081993 ID: 75b262
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Tsuki’s laughter echoes in the ring. I see her big, fat… face as she laughs, enjoying my confusion and utter helplessness.

Well, I’m NOT helpless. I’ll show you, Tsuki! I’ll figure out who the real evil bunny is, and I’ll pummel her! I can tell which one is real, even with this dust in my eyes.

The real Tsuki is…

1. The diabolical Tsuki grabbing the umbrella that broke my leg
2. The underhanded Tsuki about to knock out the referee
3. The sneaky Tsuki undoing my dress slit stitching
4. The brutish Tsuki going straight for my neck strap
5. The high-risk Tsuki about to crash down on me from the ropes
6. The haughty Tsuki convinced I’ll choose the wrong one and leave myself open
No. 1081994 ID: eb0a9c

Insult the sextuplets and make a crass joke about their mother.
No. 1081996 ID: 462d8c

6.) She's the only one not wearing anything underneath her clothing
No. 1081997 ID: f2cf5a

One of these things is not like the others...one of these things just doesn't belong!

(Hint, their wardrobe is ALMOST identical. But what's different? Or rather, what's *missing*?)

That said, why IS that one missing her strap when the others aren't and the first we saw wasn't, either?
No. 1081998 ID: 273c18

Wrong color sandal, and her dress doesn't split down the middle. Maybe the sandal is a mistake, actually.
Missing belt
Nothing wrong?
Missing eyeliner
No details on flowers
Missing bra

3! It's the one undoing your dress!
No. 1081999 ID: 4a4bd1

Let's find the real one through process of elimination. Each of the fake Tsuki's has something visually off about their appearance, which we can use to rule them out.

6, the Haughty Tsuki, is the easiest to get out. She's missing her bra.

5, the High-Risk Tsuki, has a much simpler flower design on her dress. None of her flowers have stems coming out.

4, the Sneaky Tsuki, is missing her eyeliner and eyelashes.

2, the Underhanded Tsuki, is missing her kimono sash.

This brings it down to 1 and 3, both of whom are a bit harder to identify issues with. Still, that doesn't mean that none exist.

I believe our final fake is 1, the Diabolical Tsuki. I believe the issue with this one is the color of her sandals, which are purple here. Now, admittedly I don't believe we ever get a good look at her sandals before, but they're present in 3 and 5, and in both of those they're shown to be black. This evidence wouldn't be enough on its own, since it assumes a maximum level of incorrectness from our incorrect Tsukis. We need something else to go on.

It's easy to miss, but I believe there is one more: Tsuki's buckteeth. There's suppose to be a line between them, as there are in every other pic here, but the Diabolical Tsuki lacks it. We can't rule this out as being excluded to simplify her appearance at a distance either, since all of the others feature it, including those which place her further away from the POV.

With all of this combined, the correct Tsuki is most likely #3, The Sneaky Tsuki. Frankly, it makes the most sense. She's wasting no time trying to tear away your dress while you're dazed and "helpless". Having her this close will make it easy to counter-attack, so go for it now!
No. 1082000 ID: 4a4bd1


lol, I didn't even notice the dress not splitting. Man, I feel like #1 manages to both have the most wrong, while also being the hardest to nail down as a fake.
No. 1082001 ID: a7a180

The robes are see through, so if that were true then she'd be na you're absolutely correct it is number 6.
No. 1082003 ID: f2cf5a

Geez, it's not just one, it's ALL of them. I was wrong, clever.
No. 1082004 ID: e51896

(polt here, there was indeed an art error on my part with the sandal color. it's fixed now.
No. 1082005 ID: 2f7f6e

3 is the real one.

1 has the wrong dress
2 is missing the bow
4 has no makeup
5 is missing a strap on her left leg (our right)
6 has no bra
No. 1082009 ID: b3eab7

Another point in favor of 3 being the real one: Tsuki is underhanded, but efficient. She'd likely be either 3 or 4, striking from the flanks/behidn.
No. 1082012 ID: 5ebd37

Since 4 lacks make up it must be 3
Plus the reverse reverse psychology of being in the most vulnerable spot seeming too obvious, so of course she's there.
No. 1082094 ID: ab3b17

I was going to say it was 6, since that's the only one making the sound, but the clothing mismatch makes sense.

Let's strike at #3.
No. 1082131 ID: 4e3cb0

If you remove a piece of her gown, be sure to hold it up and show the audience. They might go wild over it!
No. 1083169 ID: 75b262
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There’s so many Tsukis, how do I know which is real? This mist is messing with my head. They’re all so evil, so hateable, so cocky, so underhanded. They all deserve a back leg front kick to the face.

And yet there’s something off about them. Something subtle. A clue that my mind is filling in the blanks, and that I’m actually seeing a real Tsuki in front of me. The false Tsukis conjured by the mist are all missing something: her obi belt, her eyeliner, her underwear… wait, why am I imagining Tsuki naked? Ah! It burns! No, wait, that’s the mist in my eyes.

The real Tsuki is right beside me, going after the weak point in my dress. The third Tsuki is the real deal!

I swing my crutch upward and catch her in the side of the head with a metallic crack even louder than the audience’s jeers. Tsuki clutches her head in pain. I’ve found the real deal!

I drop my crutch and quickly go in for a devasting bunny headlock I’ve practiced as long as I’ve had annoying little siblings. My doctor says I can do any wrestling moves I like, just as long as no aerials. Tsuki is doomed!

“Te tengo!” I declare in triumph. “No more tricks! Only lucha!”


“Buena chica.”
No. 1083170 ID: 75b262
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With my free arm, I grab the knot in Tsuki’s obijime and her obi belt in a firm hold, then release the chokehold with my other arm and push her away. She spins and twirls like a top, her belt coming unwrapped like the giant roll of toilet paper she is.

“See!” I say, holding the belt to the audience and waving it around. “The WAN hurt Marv with a flagpole last match, but this is your flag now! A flag of shame!”

“My belt!” Tsuki flushes. “How?! How did you overcome the Asian Mist?!”

“My burning desire for revenge burned away all your poison, Tsuki!” I yell. “Prepare for payback!”

“Yieee!” Tsuki squeals, trying to scramble under the ropes to escape, but I’m having none of that. I seize her by the back of her kimono and yank her back into the ring, giving her a smack upside the ears for good measure. She squeals in pain.

You know what?

I like that sound.

I seize her by the ears and force her to the ground in front of me, getting another rewarding shriek from Tsuki. It’s an illegal move, but I don’t care. This whole Evening Gown Match should be illegal!
No. 1083171 ID: 75b262
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I shove Tsuki to the ground in front of me, where she belongs. I give her a kick for good measure, relishing in her struggle to get up.

“Please!” Tsuki begs. “Please don’t hurt me any more! I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. You win. I give up!”

“Match isn’t over,” I remind her, and give her a kick to the stomach with my cast, winding her and making her double over in pain. “I’m not done with you!”

Tsuki squeals and tries to get up and run again, coward that she is. I’m not letting her escape. She’s already given up her dignity as a wrestler: it’s time for me to strip away what little she has left.

But not before I enjoy it.

How do I finish her?

1. With a devastating series of strikes! She deserves a brutal beatdown after what the WAN’s done to me and Marv.
2. With a painful submission hold! I want to feel her squirm and make her scream so loud she can never laugh that haughty laugh again.
No. 1083173 ID: a7a180

2. No hitting!
No. 1083174 ID: 273c18

No. 1083175 ID: e51896

1. we woke up and chose violence after all
No. 1083176 ID: 5ebd37

2) not even a semblance of honorable combat for her, only humiliation
No. 1083177 ID: b6e1eb

1, She has this coming. Let's review, Tsuki has:

- Interrupted a match she wasn't involved with that you probably would have won
- Broke your leg in the process
- Forced you into this damn Evening Gown Match as the only method of challenging her back
- Cheated to help take down one of your teammates, Marv
- Cheated against you in an attempt to strip you in front of the crowd and rob you of any dignity you had left after agreeing to this stupid fight.
- Immediately tried to get away when her cheating wasn't enough.

Tsuki has been doing everything she wanted since before this match began. Nacha has only ever been able to react to Tsuki up until this point. For the first time since her first damn interruption, Nacha is in a position where she can do what she wants to do, full stop. Nacha is in control.

Maybe it's petty to want to beat the stuffing out of Tsuki, but counterpoint: Your fucking leg is broken, whereas her face is bruised. These are not comparable injuries. I don't think it's too much to suggest evening the score a little bit.
No. 1083178 ID: ab46e9

Grab her face. Gently. Carefully. Softly. With utmost concern.

And then take her in a headlock.

And DDT her.

No. 1083179 ID: e51896

to add to that list, don't forget what they did to Marvelous Marv. That injury looked pretty devastating over the back of the head that he took.
No. 1083180 ID: 0d1c28

1: Beat the rabbit
No. 1083183 ID: ab46e9

Actually, scratch that one. I vote 2. Specifically, a Double Fujiwara Armbar, and CRANK that sucker. Let her last call for help do absolutely nothing.
No. 1083185 ID: ab6c3e

Remember, it's an evening gown match! If you're holding her in a submission hold you won't be able to win so you gotta just cut loose and cut her loose!
No. 1083190 ID: c3b54f

1 - Full out humiliate. With every strike say what she's done to get this beating. Once her ability to fight back is gone, peel her clothes by ripping pieces off. Leave her with tatters of both her clothes and her pride. She called the thunder so she'll reap the whirlwind.
No. 1083198 ID: eb0a9c

3) Badmouth her entire abusive family and get her to reveal the evils that she delusionally believes are acts of love.
No. 1083342 ID: e51896

Another argument for option 1: if we do a submission hold, that will leave us a bit more vulnerable to an attack from her manager as we'd be too focused and distracted on getting her into a painful hold to be ready for a sneak attack from her ally, and even if we are ready, we'd have to let go of the submission hold to counter.

A beatdown will make us a bit more aware of our surroundings, be ready for any oncoming sneak attacks, and will make us look too intimidating for anyone to come up and try to stop us.
No. 1086764 ID: 2f41db

I say 2, but with a caveat.

You are disgusted by her craven display, so much that you even turn yourself slightly away shaking your head.
The snake of a bunny will take the chance to lunge for you, for sure.
That was exactly what you were waiting for!
Slip to the side, grab and twist that leading arm and...
Crossface chicken wing!
Take her on a tour of the ring.
Let ALL the fans see her face of PAAAIN!
No. 1089902 ID: fc100b
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My anger burns away the last of the pink haze. I can see the treacherous Tsuki before me, begging for mercy. Well, what has she done to deserve it? When has she pulled her punches? Not when she robbed me of a victory over Rose and broke my leg. Not when she forced me into this lucha ridícula. Not when she tried to poison me!

Now, at long last, Tsuki is at my mercy. There’s nowhere for this rabbit to run. But does that mean the right thing to do is take an eye for an eye?

“You told me we were the same, Tsuki. We are not!” I shout. “I am a luchadora. Unlike you, Tsuki, l fight for honor.”

The WAN hurt Marv last match, so badly I’m not sure he can ever really recover. Will hurting Tsuki change any of that?

“I fight for iustice,” I say, leaning down and placing a hand on her shoulder.

“We are different,” Tsuki says. Her eyes glimmer. Is that relief I see? Repentance? Perhaps even gratitude?

“Sí,” I say. “Now stand up. Feel my burning passion for lucha, too.”

I hold out my hand. Tsuki reaches out and takes it, rising unsteadily to her feet.
No. 1089903 ID: fc100b
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Then I slug her right in the gut.

She goes right back to her knees, and I follow up with an uppercut to her chin. I hope she doesn’t chip a tooth; that would be horrible for her evil little smile.

I kick her with my good leg. Again, again, and again. How’s it feel to be looked down on? Who’s on top now, Tsuki? Let’s hear that laugh one more time. What’s that? You’re out of breath? Pobrecita. Let me help you up. In fact, here’s a nice rope for you to hold.

A woozy and wobbling Tsuki grabs the top rope without questioning. All my lucha training tells me to flip her out of the ring, then launch myself at her in a glorious topé suicida… but she robbed me of all my high-risk maneuvers. Instead, I chop her once, twice, three times on the back of the neck and twist her arm as hard as it’ll go, drawing out a cry. It crescendos into a shriek so loud I see a CRT monitor crack.

Music to my ears.

At the peak of her scream, I undo her sash and whip that flimsy kimono off her body.

I win.

No. 1089905 ID: fc100b
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I hold Tsuki’s kimono over my head as proof of my victory, basking in the glow of my win. The crowd…

The crowd…

Is quiet.

Why are they so quiet?

“How could this happen?!” Kitt Sune wails over the loudspeakers. “Dusty, this crazed rabbit has pounded poor, precious Tsuki! Nacha’s plucked Tsuki’s precious petals! Has she no heart?”

“NotafterwhathappenedtoMarv, I tellyawhat,” Dusty rambles back. “She’sgiventheWANawhat-for! Good work, Nacha!”

It doesn’t feel like good work. Not without the crowd cheering. Why aren’t they cheering? Why is my victory so empty?

It’s Tsuki’s fault. She robbed me of my high-flying moves. My high-risk maneuvers. Everything I trained for, useless! All thanks to HER! Even in defeat, she’s still won. That evil rabbit has robbed me of even the satisfaction of beating her!

I storm from the ring, cursing Tsuki and hobbling away on my crutch. This isn’t fair. None of this is fair! How could revenge taste so bitter?

Where do I go to fume? I can only think straight enough to pick one.
1. To the locker room, with Trisha
2. To call Rose at the local medical facility, who’s with Marv
3. To the bar across from the venue, to “celebrate” my “victory”
No. 1089907 ID: a7a180

2. Remember why you fight!
No. 1089910 ID: aa9ce9

3. It's been a long day, and you deserve a drink.
No. 1089915 ID: c5529d

I say 3 go to the bar.

Reason being is because Trisha needs to focus on running OWO's first Pay-per view, and will probably need to do damage control after we couldn't get the fans to pop (like the t-shirt canon). We can't annoy her with our ranting.

Can't do 2 either because Rose is helping tend to Marv, and we can't have her stress over him, and us at the same time just because our match didn't get a reaction. That would be rude.

Going to the bar would at least give us a chance to think and drink. And if any wrestler or fans shows up to check on us and join our pity party victory party, then they are our true friend(s), or true fan(s).

(my main vote is 3, but I wouldn't be oppose to 2 tho, but make sure you ask how marv is doing first. Maybe he might be awake enough to share some words of wisdom with us too...)
No. 1089919 ID: eb0a9c

Moral of the story, Tsuki: Don't drug the bnnuy. You'll unleash decades of carefully-disciplined inner hatred.
No. 1089922 ID: 2f41db

But this is a time for quiet.
You need to find a quiet bar.
Maybe a wrestling themed one if youre lucky.

Drink with the spirits of the greats who inspired you.
Remember their tales.
How they made you feel.
Times when they were pushed till they broke.
Times they got back up anyway.
Find the wound in your heart and begin to heal
No. 1089997 ID: 3ee96b

2. We used anger to fight our enemy, but we got carried away. We can only make ammends through healing, not fighting.

Go help Marv, he needs the support of his team and you the advice of wiser, veteran luchadores.
No. 1090054 ID: d5170c

I vote for 2

3 is a bad option, never drink out of depression or anger that only leads to bad things.
No. 1090058 ID: c3b54f

♫ ♪ So, Tsuki, are you okay? Are you okay, Tsuki?
Tsuki, are you okay?
So, Tsuki, are you okay? Are you okay, Tsuki?
You've been hit by
You've been hit by
A smooth luchador ♫ ♪

Go see Marv - he could use the support and you could use him to stay anchored.
No. 1090062 ID: 0d1c28

Voting 1 for Trisha! Trisha always brings the feel good energy!
No. 1090336 ID: fc100b
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I don’t think I can handle Trisha right now, not after failing the crowd. I don’t want her to shove a soda into my hand and insist I smile a big toothy grin for the camera. What I want to do is go out and celebrate my win. I can’t spend yet another evening after the event locked inside a doctor’s office! I deserve to feel good!

In fact, the only thing that feels good right now is the memory of getting to deliver swift justice straight into Tsuki’s midsection. After what the WAN did to Marv? She’s lucky I didn’t do worse! I’m a spring-loaded, high-flying Luchadora and everyone should be afraid of getting on my bad side. Don’t mess with me or mis amigos, or you’ll regret it no matter who you are: the WAN or the Wendigo!

I wonder if Felipe or Chestnut were watching my match. What would they think if they knew they were friends with a superstar Luchadora like me? They’d be starry-eyed and cheer for me! But I didn’t hear any cheering in the audience. That means they weren’t there. I mean, I didn’t invite them, because I have a secret identity and don’t want them to be too overwhelmed by my star power, but… I still miss them.

Step five: trust my friends, and they’ll trust me.

I wish they’d come. I wish they’d cheered.

Felipe and Chestnut might not be here for me, but I can be there for Marv. Maybe feeling good can wait.

I demand a security guard to drive me over to the local medical facility, and he wisely gets me there in record time. Marv is lying on the bed, his eyes open and a bit glassy. Rose tells me the doctors are going to keep him for observation; he’s taken a hard, hard hit right to the back of his skull. Once we’re alone, she whispers that he’ll never wrestle again.

Is this what I have to be prepared for? Underhanded, sneaky cheaters working with demonic, violent brutes leading to career-ending injuries? ¡Qué bárbaro!

Tsuki may be a low-down, no-good wrestler… but she made a good teacher.
No. 1090337 ID: fc100b
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With Nacha cast-ing off her restraints, there’s nothing to hold her back from leaping skyward and bringing the Ohio crowd to its feet in cheers for true Lucha Libre. But if she flies so close to the sun, she’d better be careful to not get burned…

Make sure to pre-order the next issue for NACHA UNLEASHED!

Thank you for reading!
No. 1090362 ID: 2f41db

And thankyou for writing!
Its been a real slobberknocker.
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