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1048236 No. 1048236 ID: 681cb5

[Super NSFW]
May contain breeding, vore, transformation etc…

”Prurient Passage”
A Lascivious Labyrinth side story.

Wiki and previous threads: https://tezakia.net/wiki/Lascivious_Labyrinth
Discussion thread: https://tezakia.net/kusaba/questdis/res/134609.html#134609

Somewhere deep in the most tenebrous wilderness, far from civilization and decency, it is said that a grand temple of the demi-god Wjares lays hidden. In those ancient rumor-shadowed halls, acts of unbridled hedonism and profane rituals were indulged in wild abandon, all to please the demi-god the structure was dedicated too. It is a place where instinct and impulse is acted upon without care.

There are also myths about a great treasure, hidden in the deepest catacombs, far below the surface, forever watched over by mighty guardians and fiendish traps. The corridors are said to twist and turn with a serpent-like suggestion, their writhing path hiding many dangers and foes, but if you stay vigilant they will lead you to your greatest desire. Many before you have been seduced by the myth and been enthralled by the ravenous desire…

…Of the Lascivious Labyrinth… err… I mean “Of the Prurient Passage”! …yeah, that’s better.

…no, Volek, I didn’t steal this idea from Ptamet! I swear on my name Wjares that this has nothing to do with her labyrinth, brother. 
364 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1075542 ID: e5e504


Why not (almost) all at once?
Lich tries unbirth on ant, Ant tries unbirth on lich, gets hold on tail, lich removes tail like a gecko and tosses ant out, now we have a tiny ant with undead lich tail dildo. Of ocurse that only works if the lich has a tail.
No. 1075546 ID: 720629

Offer to rebirth her familiar if she lets you go, in exchange for being her assistant in the meantime. She gets her familiar back AND data on rebirthing from her familiar, while we get to ingratiate ourself to her and the temple's denizens (and hopefully reconnect with the crocodile DILF).
No. 1075549 ID: 124485

Remove the shrink spell and throw you into the Kroah-dil den below.

Because the Kroah-dil are pretty dumb and might not be able to find the ant if she's still tiny.
No. 1075562 ID: ae214a

That lets us pick and choose who to surprise!
No. 1075608 ID: f2320a

Get fattened up like some sort of stuffed duck and see if you can escape before you end up on a plate
No. 1075889 ID: 795471

fuck it, unbirth the litch
No. 1077260 ID: 681cb5
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Lich: ”You are more trouble that you’re worth, you insignificant fool.” the lich snarls as she picks you up, “While it is tempting to give you a taste of your own medicine, ending your inconsequential existence would be meaningless.” As she starts walking somewhere, your bloated belly quickly shrinks as it absorbs what left of her familiar. But even then, your womb hungers for more… for something bigger, more powerful. Your train of thought is derailed as the lich dangles you right over a massive pit while stating, “So down you go. Let the scaled pests below have their fun with you, Insect.”
No. 1077261 ID: 681cb5
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No, you aren’t ready to go just yet. You need her inside you… no, your womb needs her inside it! It is what she deserves! What her fate has always been! She will be your next egg! With determination, you pull out your sword, and as she let’s go you use your sword skills to lunge at her. Your blade cuts into her robe, and with your weigh it quickly starts to rip off her body completely. She staggers a bit as you pull her with you, into the pit… and then, into your hungry lower lips.

Lich: ”W-what in-” she stammers out as she loses her footing, “What are you doing!?”
Anastasia: ”Powerful lich or not…” giving her a final tug, she legs slips away from under her and she falls into the pit feet first, “You belong in my womb!” You use her tattered robe to swing closer to her, ripping the last off it clean off. “So get unbirthed already!” Huh, seems like she wasn’t wearing anything under it?
Lich: ”HOW DARE- Gah!” the once stoic lich is caught by surprise as one of feet slides into their new home, “INSECT!?”
No. 1077262 ID: 681cb5
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As you feel her telekinetic powers grab a hold of you, you first assume she’s about to pull you off. Instead, you’re pleasantly surprised as uses her grip to slow you down before pushing her other foot into your fold. This allows not only her other leg to slip inside you, but also makes it so gravity helps her along the way into your womb. You’re practically hanging still in the air as she falls into you.

Lich: ”YOU DARE TRYING TO CONSUME ME!?” she bellows loudly, trying to sound stern, “A meager ant, an insignificant insect, even hoping to turn the great Lich into an egg? Absurd!” The Lich wiggles her hips to help her decent, “You’re nothing but- ngg… nothing but a… ah… a footnote in the book of my greatness!”
Anastasia: ”And you’re nothing but food for my great ass!” you shout back as you start sucking her inside with earnest, “Nothing but another meal for my womb!”
Lich: ”I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL WIZARD OF THE GARDEN!” she yells with a huge grin on her face, “THE CONQUERER OF THE FAR KINGDOMS!” Her tail is wagging like crazy as she slips even further inside you, “CONSUMER OF- wait, let me just get my hand- there…” She barely have time to slip her hands between her legs as her hips start disappearing into the void below her. Then, as she starts to finger herself, she continues, “CONSUMER OF THE GIANT LIZARD KING!” the Lich bites her lower lip, “AND I REFUSE TO END UP IN SOME UNIMPORTANT INSECT WOMB!”
Anastasia: ”THE ONLY THING YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR IS FEEDING MY CUNT!” you yell back as her magic spreads your leg further apart, making her body slip into you even faster, “THAT IS YOUR LEGACY!”
Lich: ”I can’t b-believe… ah…” her chest disappears into your hungry nethers, “I lost to a gnat…”
No. 1077263 ID: 681cb5
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Her power vanes as most of her body gets compressed into your womb, making the spell she casted on you earlier dissipate. As you grow to your normal size, the last of the Lich body is slurped up, leaving only her head between your ass cheeks.

Lich: ”I’m being u-unbirthed by common ant…” she moans, “S-such an undignified end to powerful lich! So DEGRADING!” her whole body trembles as a massive orgasm washes over her, “FUCK!!!”
Anastasia: ”GET EGGED GET EGGED GET EGGED!” desperate to finish the job, you try your best to suck her in before you land, “GET EGGED ALREADY!
Lich: ”Oh fuck… egg me…” she mumbles, defeated, “Nothing but pussy food for an insect, nothing more t- mmff…”

Her voice is cut of as the last of her snout is sucked into you… and her one way trip you’re your womb is finally over.

Anastasia: ”All gone~” you say with satisfaction, “Get egged, Lich.”
No. 1077264 ID: 681cb5
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You barely notice landing on a grassy field, as you’re too busy enjoying your own orgasmic bliss from feeling the once mighty Lich becoming nothing but another egg inside you. She just need to be fertilized… and you rather have none other than that gator hunk you met above do it. In fact, your first egg shudders inside you, indicating that its father is close by. Either that, or its going get laid soon. Hopefully the former, as there is indeed a Kroah-dil camp just down the hill. Wait, why is the sky… are you outside? No, you can see the hole you fell out from above you... this is just an illusion of a night sky, nothing more.

Looking out over the small village, you can spot several points of interest. First, there’s a large bonfire in the center of it, with several Kroah-dil sitting around it, chatting. You guess one of them were supposed to keep guard here, in case of anyone falling in. Then there are the structures. One of them has pleasantly smelling smoke coming out of it… while the one next to it several loud snores can be heard. Of course, it’s almost drowned out by the constant moaning from coming from the building right across from it. Finally, there’s a tent, decorated and draped in splendor, it is clearly where someone important is staying. Hmm… but how do you approach this? Oh, and are you getting bigger? You armor doesn’t seem to fit anymore… not that you can locate it. Where did it go?

You decides too…

Sneak into the building with the smoke.
Sneak into the building with the snores.
Sneak into the building with the moans.
Sneak into the decorated tent.
Walk up to the bonfire and say hi, like a moron.

No. 1077272 ID: ce460f

Eat them all!
No. 1077273 ID: 057089

Be the moron. Get on over there
No. 1077276 ID: de5cb4

Sneak into the fancy tent. We'll seduce the boss and take over this camp.
No. 1077279 ID: 2a82d3

Listen to your egg, and you might be able to divine the location your first mate, and perhaps future husband. Use the force (of egg), O champion of Wjares, predator of predators.

The snoring building and smoking building could lead to something interesting, but you're not exactly dexterous or roguish enough, by training, to navigate them successfully. Probably has scrubs in them, anyway.
The decorated tent looks to be hastily construction, thus could not possibly be the quarters of the elder. Yet, it is also the most likely place to find better equipment or interesting rituals. If your armor and gear is properly enchanting, it would be much easier to win him over.
The moaning building would be THE place for the Kroah-dil to be slaying some pussy. Given how you first met, it shouldn't surprise you to find the elder there.
Just walking to the bonfire could be badass, but would just as likely lead a gangbang. It'd still be nice, but the lich egg should be fertilized by someone special, shouldn't it?

To be clear, is it okay to power bottom? Can you lead as a warrior queen, even if you bed submissively? Having eggs from different races works really well for you. "Submissive in the sheets, dominant in the eats" would also be cool.
No. 1077285 ID: a7a180

Considering the dinosaur, the snake several times your size and the lich… yeah, it makes sense you’d be getting bigger. All that mass and magic had to go somewhere! That village will be nothing but a light snack by the time you get there.
No. 1077296 ID: ad16e3

You Will is already legendary and your Legion will be Indefatigable, but do not be unwise. Save your righteous fire, to FEED AND BREED, for now.

You know your goal, no, Destiny, an Oath sworn twice in bliss: find the lovely Lich's fated sire-to-be, your totally unknown and mysterious Kroah-Daddy, known only by voice and stupendous studded shaft, and take his hand and cock for IXIN and Wjares (and any other god or mortal) to witness! The Hunt is on, Deus Vult!
He may not be in the fancy tent, but its contents (living and inanimate) may bolster your body, and gifting it (and the status with it) to him could be quite the dowry.

Supporting E(gg-)SP for sensing its progenitor. He should be there for the first laying of many.
No. 1077309 ID: 795471

either go check out the fancy tent or go full vore kaiju
No. 1077332 ID: eb0a9c

Go Kaiju
No. 1077335 ID: f2320a

Sneak into the building with smoke it must be a kitchen
No. 1078068 ID: 681cb5
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Gator Gal: ”-and so I snapped his spear in two with just one hand, using the other to throw him into a corner!” the large Kroah-dil female makes a gesture in the air, as if hitting something, before taking a large bite out of the flank in her other hand. “Leaving him stunned long enough for me both to breed him, but also eat him afterwards. Ha! Such arrogance from such a little man!” she flexes her muscles, showing off her strength to the males around the fire, “No weak little prey has a chance against my m-”
No. 1078069 ID: 681cb5
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Soon to be EGG Gal: ”Mff!?” her voice is muffled as her whole upper body slide you’re your hungry womb. It only takes seconds for your to suck her in, slurping up both her tail and legs like noodles, forcing the soon to be egg into her final destination. It is clear that her fate was to be womb food from the day she was born, as she was made to be eaten by your pussy. You are certain many, many more of the Kroah-dil here in the village will have similar destinies foretold in the stars!
No. 1078070 ID: 681cb5
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Some of the cultists makes a token effort to fight back, but it’s quite clear that they are just keeping up appearances as you start gobbling them down in quick succession. You don’t care where they go, be it your mouth, cleavage, tits, ass or abdomen; they deserve to become a part of you, one way or another. Though, with the exception of the first few who tried to fight back, you make sure to only gulp down all the females. After all, each male here needs to pump at least one child into your loins before they become food as well.

>To be clear, is it okay to power bottom? Can you lead as a warrior queen, even if you bed submissively?
Does it matter how they impregnate you? Sometimes you’ll want to be in charge… while other times, playing the prey is more fun. Either way, these Kroah-dil exist to either give you more children or be consumed. It’s no more complicated than that.
No. 1078071 ID: 681cb5
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As more and more of the Kroah-dil disappear into your body, your form grows even bigger and bigger. Soon enough, you’ve grown larger than even the Kroah-dil themselves, leaving the males around you looking like the Myrin does to them. The males around you cheer each time you slurp up another female in front of them, while rubbing your now massive tummy in worship. Your womb can barely keep up turning all these ladies into eggs, and your stomach and tits are filled to the brim with the moaning shapes of the gals you’ve been consuming, making you wonder where they are all coming from. Wait, are the males luring out their own females to feed to you? It seems so… they even released all their thralls, all whom happily becomes either eggs or fat on your body.

>You know your goal, no, Destiny, an Oath sworn twice in bliss: find the lovely Lich's fated sire-to-be, your totally unknown and mysterious Kroah-Daddy, known only by voice and stupendous studded shaft, and take his hand and cock for IXIN and Wjares!
Looking around, you can’t spot them. Though, seeing as you’ve only seen him at a distance, you can’t be sure he isn’t one of the two dozen males worshipping you right now. Your egg isn’t any help either, as the squirming bodies of all the soon to be butt fat inside your belly makes it hard to feel what it says. Oh, and fuck IXIN. He never did anything for you! No, you’re a priestess of Wjares now! Let this feast be in her honor!!! Fuck! Where is that Kroah-daddy!? You need to get bred!!!
No. 1078072 ID: 681cb5
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Kroah-dil Shaman: ”Who dares disturb my SNU-SNU!?” a deep and menacing voice suddenly rings out over the camp, making every last Kroah-dil freeze. The voice originates from the by far larges crocodile here, a female that’s at least twice the size of the rest, and she’s just emerged from the fancy tent clearly caught in mid-coitus with the two consorts on each side of her. “What is the meaning of this!? Why are you weaklings feeding this… this ant!?” she points at you and bellows, “HEED MY WORD! STOP FOOLING AROUND AND CAPTURE HER! WHOEVER SUCCEEDS WILL BE ALLOWED TO SIRE ANOTHER ONE OF MY ROYAL LINAGE!”

While she might have been an even duel if you were ready, but you’re currently completely bloated by all the ladies you’ve just shoved down your gullet. You’re really not fit for fight.

No. 1078073 ID: eb0a9c

Your magic saturation (and sin) has reached a critical threshold.
Use magical milker attack and waterjet her to death. Then egg what's left.
No. 1078074 ID: a7a180

She's not the only one with a royal lineage. Offer to any remaining Kroah-dil that they can become part of a royal lineage if they submit to you instead!
No. 1078078 ID: 2a82d3

It's time to go big or go home, and you ain't going home. Challenge her for leadership of the tribe. Practically every female in the tribe, besides her, is literally on your side right now. If the shaman's been hogging all the good d*ck, this is an excellect chance to rally them against her. After all, they're going to feel everything though you.

Seeing as you did interrupt her snu-snu time, and you can't fight (for now), propose a breed-off. Whoever gets more d*ck out of everyone here wins. The trick is you'll make up the difference in Croc'dil, who probably find it difficult to resist her command with one possible exception, by appealing to their thralls, as fellow Prey animals to relate to. Maybe your eggs would like to be reborn as Prey.

As the winner decides the loser's fate, look forward to diluting her royal lineage the fun way.

>No, you’re a priestess of Wjares now!
Plot twist: you'll become a priestess of the god of adventure, duality, and rebirth*, Talos.
*Probably need to talk to Volek about that one.
No. 1078082 ID: ad16e3

Does the male on the right look familiar at all? That beard and purple garb, the belly and piercings, that cock... Perhaps we could sway him to betray the (kickass) Shaman for her own benefit somehow. Siblings for your first spawn would be valuable, and she may have some soon. Surely he would help a stuck and (relatively) inexperienced ant?

Quite frankly, I fail to see what she is offering in comparison; your body is already teeming with the life, magic, and eggs of females that outclass her, much less the sheer number of Kroah-dil females, the tribe's love for them transferred into worship of Wjares through you and them combined.
Since she'd clearly win a fight, go for a popularity/egging contest, the tribe picks the superior female. We've already got eyes on our next target: coaxing Daddy-dil over definitely remains an absolute priority. And both you and the Shaman will get a lot more dick if you win (if kept for breeding purposes).
No. 1078085 ID: de5cb4

"Combat is for underlings, the most fecund should be queen."
No. 1078110 ID: 2a82d3

Also, using some of your newfound mass to change your chitin skin and general form into befitting a Queen is a must. Natural armor, for both the practical and the aesthetic.
No. 1078114 ID: 795471

if were going to use mass to modifiy ourselves I would recommend some extra arms and a bigger abdomen, maybe a prehensile tongue to grab pry that tries to run, and a couple other things later, maybe wings? or pheromones to control our subjects as befits an empress?
No. 1078115 ID: 708905

"Whoever can push that bitch into my pussy gets to fertilize that royal egg!"
No. 1078121 ID: dc4bad

She wants a fight on her own terms, one on one, a contest of martial prowess and might.

But you're not some aspirant knight anymore, not after all this. You're a veritable Queen! and it looks like you have champions aplenty already. They can see what way the wind is blowing.
No. 1078703 ID: 681cb5
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>If we’re going to use mass to modify ourselves I would recommend some extra arms and a bigger abdomen…
While your body is definitely changing thanks to all the gals churning in your belly, you don’t really have a say in how it will do so.
>Does the male on the right look familiar at all? That beard and purple garb, the belly and piercings, that cock...
Oh… that’s… that’s definitely the old man you met at the entrance! The father of your first child! Though, he looks even older up close…

Anastasia: ”Quite frankly, I fail to see what you’re offering in comparison to me.” you confidently tell her in your most commanding voice you can muster, “My body is already teeming with life, magic and egg converted females that far outclass you, little croc.” Rubbing your belly, you continue, “Not to mention, the sheer number of Kroah-dil females that are being digested in my belly right now.” the chitin on your body creaks as you slowly grow even larger with each gator gal you absorb, “The tribe male’s love for them and for their demise inside my gut is quite the sacrifice for Wjares, don’t you think?”
Shaman Gator: ”Bah! Who cares about all that? You’re nothing but an egg making thrall either way.” the Shaman hollers, a slight hesitation in her voice, before she points towards you, “Slaves, tie her down already!”
Anastasia: ”Ha! This isn’t about your tribe fighting me. No, this is a fight between the two of us for the tribe!” you chuckle as you start to turn over, crushing a lucky Kroah-dil under your massive belly as you lay down atop of him, “After all, all these cute boys know that every last one of them will be allowed to continue my royal linage, so why would they side with you?”
Shaman Gator: ”It’s a fight you want, eh?” the large lady flexes her muscles and takes a combat stance, her daggers ready in her hands, “Don’t worry, little girl, I won’t have any problems with a beached whale like yourself.”
Anastasia: ”Please. Combat is for underlings.” You wave your hand in the air dismissively, one of the males spreading your ass as if to show off where the Shaman soon will be heading, “The most fecund should be queen!”
Shaman Gator: ”…eh?” she lower her weapons and cocks her head, “The most what?”
Anastasia: ”Forget it. It’s not like you had a chance anyway.” giving her a smug smile, your stomach start to digest her warriors in front of her properly, breaking each and every one of them down into more fat and muscle on your body, “After all, I was but a small ant crawling through an air vent yesterday, while today…” and with one final jerk, your tummy visible shrinks in size, turning what’s left of the squirming females into nothing but a perfectly round belly, “I’m a QUEEN!”
Old Gator: “…just one second, young one.” The old man rubs his beard as he looks you over, “Yah’re the lass from last night? The one that got stuck?”
Shaman Gator: ”Huh?” the Shaman looks over at her elder, “Dad? Do you know this ant?” when he doesn’t answer, she looks over the younger gator on her other side, “Son?” but he just shrugs in response.
Anastasia: ”It’s possible.” You chuckle, before your demure grow serious, “Enough games. Whoever can push this bitch into my pussy gets to fertilize her!”
Old Gator: “Well, yah ‘eard ‘er, grandson.” the old daddy Kroah-dil grabs one of the Shaman’s arms, “Into that pussy yah go, daughter!”
Shaman Gator: ”D-dad!?” is all she can stutter out as she’s caught by surprise, “Junior!?”
Young Gator: ”Sorry mom.” the younger gator helps the old man out by grabbing her other arm as well, “You ‘eard the new queen.”

No. 1078704 ID: 681cb5
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Shaman Gator: ”So this is how it will end?” the shaman muses as she guides her own feet into your lower lips, “My own blood shoving me down an weak ants pussy, eh?”
Old Gator: ”Sorry, lass.” her grandfather says, “But yer old man needs a new queenie to breed.”
Young Gator: ”Yeah, mom, your time as leader is over!” her son cheerfully tells her, “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure to fertilize the egg you’ll become!”
Soon to be Cumstain Gator: ”Fuck no! I’m not going to let a weakling like this egg me!” she bellows, squirming her legs deeper into your nethers, “I’m going out the same way the Shaman before me did, and the one before that.” Your lower lips reach her massive rear, forcing her to wiggle her hips as you slowly consume her. “I’ll be nothing but femjuice squirted out over the floor!” she shouts happily as her ass disappears into you, followed by her chest, “Now shove me in already! I’m ready to become an orgasm!”
Young Gator: ”If that’s yah wish.” the old man sighs, “Goodbye, dear.”
Old Gator: ”Bye mom.” her son smiles widely as he watches her grinning snout disappear for good into you, “It was fun fucking you.”

No. 1078705 ID: 681cb5
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Young Gator: ”So, um…”the younger crocodile scratch the back of his head awkwardly, “Who’s going first, grandpa?”
Old Gator: ”We’re doing it together, grandson.” Putting his arms around the young lad, the old man pulls him close and guide both their members towards you, “It’s only fair we both turn yer mother into sexual fluids.”
Young Gator: ”Aw, you’re the best, gramps!” the more youthful of the two exclaims as he thrust not only himself, but also his grandfather’s cock into your waiting folds, “I’m going to ‘ump the fuck out of these hips!”
Old Gator: ”H-hey, don’t rush…” it is clear that the old man wasn’t ready for the vigor shown, “Take yer time, lad.”

As the two of them starts thrusting into you, all the other male Kroah-dil sees their chance for some fun as well. Nearly two dozen of them descend upon you, finding whatever opening they can to put their dick inside, be it your mouth, ass, abdomen or even breasts. It quickly become an orgy of unbridled lust, as all of them starts plowing either you or each other like mad, only switching places when one of them blows a load into whatever part of your body they’ve found. All of it, a celebration for their new Queen… and a farewell of their old Shaman whose remains splatters across the two crocodiles fucking you as you orgasm. All of which is met with cheers and renewed energy from all the males mating with you.

Young Gator: ”Fuck, gramps, this pussy is awesome!” the young one stammers out, his thrusting growing more and more irregular, “I’m g-getting close, though…”
Old Gator: ”J-just give m-me a second to c-catch up, lad.” The older one starts thrusting into you faster, trying to time his own orgasm with the boy next to him, before moaning, “R-ready?” And with that, both of them hilts themselves balls deep inside you, pumping liter after liter of their fertile seed right into your womb, as the Grandfather and Grandson together fertilize the egg that just a few hours ago was a powerful lich. Life is good.

Impregnation attempt: The Kroah-dil males is dominant.
Base: 25% (25% + Kroah-dil fat cocks: 10% + Myrin Multiple egg chambers: -10%)
Extra egg chambers: Remove the first 8 “already pregnant” debuffs. (Current: 5)
Veteran dad: +15%
Double dicking: +50% (+20% higher chance of twins)
(Grand)father and son bonding: +25%
Unbirthed and eggified x 18 (+1800%)
-Total: 1915% chance-

No. 1078708 ID: 681cb5
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Time pass and your control of the tribe strengthen. Your children become a new wave of warriors of the Kroah-dil cult, their numbers adding to the already eager and loyal gator men under your command. Even most of the females returns with renewed vigor, ready to prove themselves worthy of being unbirthed by your powerful womb. The rest decides to stay upon your body, becoming part of either your massive ass or tits permanently.

Now, as you sit upon your throne, your abdomen filled with even more warrior filled eggs ready to be laid, you start to consider your next step. Around you your most loyal followers gather, with your favorite consort breeding you right now, you daughter Divemaw at your side getting head scratches and the powerful lich promising her magical expertise hovering near. Soon, you will be ready… soon, you will go out and conquer the rest of the Passage… no, the rest of the Garden! All men will mate with you, as every last lady will be fed to your hungry pussy! You will become the avatar of Rebirth, the unbirther of worlds!

Old Gator: ”*Sigh* What Ah do for these young lasses…”

Congratulations! You have successfully become the Kroah-dil cultists’ Queen of Rebirth!

-Current stats for Anastasia the Myrin Queen-
Gold found: 0
Rooms Explored: 3
Floor reached: 2
Enemies mated: 26 (New Record!)
Enemies eaten: 25 (New Record!)
Enemies Unbirthed and Egged: 20 (New Record!)
Impregnations: 25 (New Record!)

Fate: Became the Queen of the Kroah-dil cultists and is currently breeding an army big enough to conquer the upper levels of the Prurient Passage, all so that she can feed her insatiable womb. Her pussy will consume all who enters her realms!

Tip: You’re making Wjares proud!

No. 1078709 ID: f2320a

Not a fan of height changes makes the "fat" pointless
No. 1078713 ID: 795471

are we moving onto another character or keep following our ant?(if so I know moff's aren't standard but what if I say pretty pleas with a cherry on top?)
No. 1078715 ID: dc4bad

great success, long live the queen of rebirth!
No. 1078716 ID: d9c5fe

Love that first pose, and the huge abdomen at the end. Lich looks good (though she was cute before), and happy to see Divemaw and DILF-odile in the ending. Shame no Shaman, but being part of an egg/army factory fueled by her Pops and Son's seed must've been too tempting. Would being brothers bolster the Brothers-in-Arms mentality?
Am a fan of the growth: the body adapting to the mass is fitting for a Queen, though control of that mass could be cool.
Wish we'd been able to explore the Order/Holy Knight trope a little more, especially if sexualized, but fetishes and sequence of events made that less relevant, especially if we're making Wjares happy.
No. 1078717 ID: 6a51ab

Not a fan of fat, makes the size change pointless
No. 1078718 ID: 19ea25

Glory be the new big beautiful ant queen!
No. 1078727 ID: 56db77

Good end unlocked
No. 1078728 ID: e9b426

Man, who could've know that genderciding all the females of an entire tribe could be this awesome. Anyway, it would be pretty funny if our next character had the objective of defeating Anastasia and her tribe, especially if they are from the Order/Holy Knights.
No. 1078748 ID: de5cb4

That's what I call a huge success
No. 1078772 ID: 2a82d3

Hear hear, my queen. May your belly be bountiful.

Anyone who wants to make a serious claim for the Garden needs to be 150% taller, minimum.

>Wish we'd been able to explore the Order/Holy Knight trope a little more, especially if sexualized,
As queen, she could found her own order of knights. Maybe her runts or lizard kids would be into that. Though, they may not turn out much more than the average group of bandits...
No. 1078789 ID: f2320a

issues with becoming taller just means its the same body type.
and also probably the fact all dicks are functionally smaller proportionally making sex less of a thing
No. 1078872 ID: 2a82d3

I'm sure their partners can find the means, temporary or not, to grow themselves or their relevant body parts to compensate.
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