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1036060 No. 1036060 ID: 4ef090

Threads and magic, these are the same. But what happens if you pull that thread too far? Silly nudity, obviously.

This quest is NSFW
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No. 1039722 ID: 7c0da2

You have a Heavy Cut loaded, and it travels in an arc. With some aiming you can both cut the line and fire toward him to try to prevent him from jumping toward you.
But don't expect him to be defeated that easily, he still has some thread to use to reach where you are with whatever magic he knows.
No. 1040002 ID: 0a95e7

Hop on top of the scissor-blade and ride it like you're at a rodeo!
No. 1040245 ID: 4ef090
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“Chester, cut the rope!” you yell.
She hands you a chopping knife out of the backpack and begins trying to sever the thread with the old scissorblade. It seems to do more damage to your knives than the thread. “Fuck, it’s been enchanted, I don't think we can cut it!”
No. 1040246 ID: 4ef090
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“Cover your ears,” you say as you pull out the revolver and take aim at the thread. They’re halfway across the gap. You let out a slow breath. You pull the trigger.
The gun explodes, kicking up hard as you fire a Heavy Cut round at the thread. It collides with the line with a blinding purple flash, and digs deeper into the rock beneath, cutting a thick chunk out of the ground.
No. 1040247 ID: 4ef090
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The purple assailant drops into the trees far below along with the rest of the thread. A couple seconds of silence. An uncomfortable, muffled crack. Several birds stir from their nests, taking off into the midday sky.

“What the hell was that?” Chester asks, peering over the edge.

“No idea.” You tug at the sword stuck in the stone. It’s wedged in pretty firmly, but with a little bit of work you manage to free it. “Nice of them to leave us a gift tho.” You hand it over to Chester.

She takes it and examines it. “It’s immaculate,” she says in awe, “Purple.. hmm.. that’s a popular color in Froasting I think… but I don’t know if it really means anything about who attacked us.” she winces, “that crack… do you think they’re still alive?”

“Not after a fall like that, no way.” You dust yourself off and lay a hand on Chester’s shoulder. “You gonna be ok?”

“Y-yeah I’ll be fine,” she says, “Just shaken. Let’s keep going.”

As night falls, you make camp among some scrub brush. You’re both still on edge from the encounter, and have decided to take turns keeping watch. Which of you will take the first turn?
No. 1040248 ID: c749d0

Chester, then you. It gets more dangerous later layer in the night, so it's best we offer to keep watch during the later shift and Chester watches first. Plus itll give time for Chester's dress to mend after we used our revolver.
No. 1040249 ID: d344dc

I think as we have a ranged weapon, we should take the first watch. And with it being loud as well, since it's a gun, it can wake Chester up in case of an attack.
No. 1040250 ID: 8483cf

Chester first.
No. 1040251 ID: d344dc

Oh yes, we should also reload our revolver, our ammo is precious.
No. 1040253 ID: 815672

Make sure you check on Chester. Likely her first run in with taking a life. Self defense or not. You can take first watch.
No. 1040254 ID: 7906fc

whichever can wind down enough to sleep first, I imagine... but you should probably take first watch, just in case Mystery Man survived and only like, broke a leg or something
No. 1040260 ID: b01382

ngl birb boi looks like wife material in those clothes.
No. 1040434 ID: 7c0da2

Take first watch, Chester probably don't want to be awake alone right now.
And remember to reload.
No. 1041101 ID: 4ef090
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Chester fares better with the fire this time, making good use of the extra thread from the broken sword.

“How are you holding up?” you ask as you work on cooking, “I don’t suppose you’ve ever been in a situation like that before, huh?”

She nods quietly. She plucks away at her banjo, holding the strings so they don’t make too much noise. "Guess we know why most people don't come back now huh."
No. 1041102 ID: 4ef090
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"I guess so," you say, "I certainly didn't expect mountain assassins. Try not to worry about it too much tho.  That was a pretty solid crack, so I think we’re probably safe from them now."

Chester looks like she's going to be sick at the thought of someone falling that hard, and stops playing her banjo. "Nobody expects to be assassinated," she snaps.
No. 1041103 ID: 4ef090
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You eat in silence and after cleaning up you reload the Heavy Cut round into your pistol. Chester curls up to sleep, and you take the first watch. [1]

You sit and watch the fire, listening for any sort of noise. You don't hear anything. You don't see anything. Just the fire.

Just the fire.

Just the fire.

The flames crackle and consume the wood, and someday, they say to you, someday they'll consume everything. It's just like you remember from the journals. Thread burns, worlds crumble, fire cleanses the remains. That's how it all ends, in fire, unceasing, unrelenting, burning forever.

You're so lost in your thoughts that you don't notice anything around you for several hours, so totally absorbed by the dancing lights as they draw the wretched texts to the front of your mind.
No. 1041104 ID: 4ef090
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You're in a crumpled heap on the ground. Tree sap and pine needles are stuck to you. Your cloak is tangled up around you, torn badly from the descent through the branches. You lay there as searing pain coursing through your body.
No. 1041105 ID: 4ef090
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You need to get up and either finish your job, or return to camp to mend yourself. You shakily push yourself off the ground and clamber to your feet. Your left arm is cracked and splintered very badly. A thick ichorous fluid is escaping it, dripping slowly onto the earth. You lurch and vomit even more of the dark fluid. There's no way you're just popping this one back into place.

Mother would be so disappointed in you.

You're somewhere halfway down the mountain. Once you get out of the trees you think you can find your way back to your camp.

Your cloak is in a bad state. You can maybe cast one or two spells before it's destroyed entirely.

Your legs seem to be fine enough to walk, but you're losing fluid quickly. Should you tend to your arm, or try to find your way back to camp? Or should you try to find the intruders climbing the mountain first?
No. 1041112 ID: 6e862c

If we keep letting ourselves lose fluid we might not make it back to camp, even if we were to try and find our way back first. Fixing that up takes priority.
No. 1041114 ID: b4ab25

Yea it seems that if we have a spell to stop leaking ichor that seems like it would be good and important to use, as it seems we can move, which so long as we don't die on the way to camp it seems we can then properly restore ourselves.
But regardless I don't think we are in any shape to 'finish the job'
No. 1041135 ID: b01382

find the intruders. lets get em!
No. 1041164 ID: 7906fc

Well, you CERTAINLY need to deal with your wounds before doing anything, take a moment to remember what, exactly, is at your camp, and if nothing useful, head towards the intruders
No. 1041172 ID: 15c72a

Plug your wound.
No. 1041175 ID: e51896

Plug wound...
Use underwear since using up the rest of your magic cloak for a wound would be bad. The magic cloak will regenerate and keep you concealed later.
No. 1041179 ID: 8483cf

Deal with your arm.
No. 1041184 ID: 2aa5f0

stop bleeding, then return to camp to resupply.

you're half dead and nearly out of supplies, now is not a good time to hunt, now is a good time to lick your wounds and gather more gear to replace what was lost.
No. 1041185 ID: de253f

Your arm needs to be tended to as soon as possible. Offing the intruders afterwards should be a piece of cake, they clearly have no idea what they're doing if they tried to sever your thread with fucking cutlery.
No. 1041187 ID: 0647c0

This. Patch the big immediate problem, but save the threads. And becoming nude is also a nice bonus.
No. 1041202 ID: 422cea

I don't think they're wearing clothing, their body looks like they're akin to a living doll or a puppet and those are simply differently colored segments.

Use some of your cloak remnants to patch the arm if I'm correct about this.
No. 1041205 ID: 847c2c
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You spit more of the black goop out and examine your wooden arm as best as you can. It's splintered roughly in a way that you can't just snap back into place. Garland will probably have to build a new one. Again.

You tear a strip of fabric off your tattered cloak and wrap it as tightly as you can around the break, and with a curse, you cast Hold. The fabric grips your arm firmly, stopping the fluid in you from leaking out. You let out a gasp as the pain surges, then fades back to a bearable threshold. That's one problem solved.
No. 1041206 ID: 847c2c
File 166081729056.png - (17.06KB , 500x500 , 09BC669C-71A9-4133-9655-8531A4EAA07A.png )

You look upwards into the sky. The stars are starting to light up. You recognize certain constellations, and have a better idea of where you are. You start walking.

Hatred courses through you at the thought of those two idiots climbing your goddess' sacred mountain. Every few years some 'noble knight' or 'eager adventurer' shows up thinking they can just trample all over the mountain. Thanks to you, none of them ever succeed.

"P-pathetic, really," you hiss to nobody, and spit out another mouthful of ichor, "didn't even do a good j-job of hk.. killing me..."

You stumble along, slowly working your way back to a familiar trail. "No, I'm.... I'm pathetic... weak, broken doll... c-can't even protect her mountain from two nobodies..." You stop and cough, more black fluid dripping down your front. You march onwards.

You can see their fire far up above you. You curse again. Even if you still had your sword, your good arm is now your worst arm. Your cloak is in tatters, almost useless. You're sure they would kill you if you tried to attack now. Best thing to do is head back to Garland.
No. 1041207 ID: 847c2c
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Hours pass, but eventually you do find the trail, and it's not much longer before you slump against a tree near your camp.

"Garland, I'm back."

A bright green slime garbed in blue and white looks up from their prayer by the fire and sighs at the sight of you. "Oh no... you played rough again, didn't you, Wreathe."

"Please, spare me the sermon. I lost a lot of pride and blood today."

"Mmhm, I can see that. So it went very badly then?"

"Shit, no it was great actually, I threw myself down the mountain for the hell of it."
No. 1041208 ID: 847c2c
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Garland wrinkles her snout at the cursing, but doesn't reply. She rises and comes to examine you. "Mmm... this one is very bad. And it's your sword arm too." She sighs, "I can't fix it. You're going to have to wait for me to make you a new arm."

"Wh-what, no, I can't let them get to the peak! Garland, please, there has to be something you can do to fix me now. Can't you mend it or splint it, or, or, something?"

Garland looks at you with pity in her eyes. "You know I can't. Your body was literally built to resist the power of thread magic. I could spend a week or so trying to bend the fibers back into place and glueing them together, but the quickest option is to wait for me to build you a new one, and that's going to take a couple of days."

You let out a defeated groan. You know she's right, and you hate it. "Alright. I'll wait. Thank you."

Garland's expression softens. "The best thing you can do right now is relax and pray. They won't reach the peak for several more weeks at their pace. You can afford a few days to recover."

"Pray they die in their sleep," you grumble, "they're walking on hallowed ground, HER ground."
No. 1041209 ID: 847c2c
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"Mother will understand. Be a good doll for her and rest. Pray." She rises and returns to the fire, where she begins rummaging around her bag for tools.

You settle down as comfortably as you can near the fire. There's a little bit of food in your bag, some bread and fruits. You suddenly realize you're incredibly hungry.

A. Pray
B. Eat
No. 1041210 ID: 15c72a


Have you considered talking to intruders? Tell them to leave?
No. 1041211 ID: 6e862c

Had you done a better job they'd already be dead for even attempting to REACH her ground. Pray for forgiveness. You'll do better next time.
No. 1041212 ID: 7c0da2


You won't recuperate if you don't eat.
No. 1041215 ID: 815672

Pray you were given an easier job in life.
No. 1041216 ID: 36784c

B. Eat and recover your strength.

Honestly, that was an extremely stupid thing you did. You put yourself in a position that allowed them to not only cut your thread and drop you down the mountain, but it also allowed them to keep your weapon.
No. 1041218 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 1041225 ID: 8483cf

No. 1041226 ID: b4ab25

I dunno, we seem kinda like a robot-thing. Are praying and eating really mutually exclusive?
Pray and eat at the same time if we can, otherwise Pray. (then eat)
No. 1041235 ID: f0c29c


The first two options lead me to believe there is a secret third choice C for Love so let’s go with that
No. 1041237 ID: f43935

It's not like your going to be able to sleep without doing both of these, but it's good to have a prAyer before eating, usually
No. 1041254 ID: 0eef85

Food's always nice, lets eat.
No. 1041257 ID: 4ef090
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You decide to pray first. You can eat later.

You close your eyes to the world and look inwards. It takes a moment to find it, but soon you slip into a sort of trance, and are able to escape your body. The world fades away along with all its sensations, and it's just you, a tiny flame burning against the darkness.

"Mother of the Forest," you call out, "please forgive me. I failed to protect your mountain again."
No. 1041258 ID: 4ef090
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You're in her hands. You can feel her gaze, but can't bear to look into her face. "Precious doll," she says softly, "why do you behave so recklessly?"

A. To Honor You
B. To Protect You
C. To Win Your Favor
D. To Atone For My Sins
No. 1041259 ID: 9ff3a9

No. 1041260 ID: 249e8f

I was going to say D, but B is the better choice, and appears to be best truth as of why no one makes it back alive.
No. 1041261 ID: bf8061


We luv u forest mommy
No. 1041262 ID: e508a2

B seems to fit this character the best
No. 1041263 ID: 0eef85

No. 1041264 ID: 0bfc71

"To atone for not being strong enough."
No. 1041267 ID: 8483cf

No. 1041270 ID: 36784c

No. 1041284 ID: 7906fc

B seems most inline with the whole murdering travelers thing
No. 1041288 ID: e51896

I like D
No. 1041299 ID: b53892

No. 1041303 ID: 815672

You must make things right.
No. 1041348 ID: 7c0da2

No. 1041350 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 1041363 ID: 1134fe

No. 1041372 ID: 629f2e

No. 1041457 ID: d2f875


Strangers cannot approach Her Ground, not under any circumstances. Ever.
No. 1041638 ID: 4ef090
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"I have to protect you," you say quietly, "What good am I if I don't risk my life for your safety?"

"What good indeed. Would you dash yourself against the rocks so thoughtlessly and make way for an unworthy hand to touch the thread? I have no use for disobedient dolls who discard their bodies so flippantly. "

"N-no Mother," Your face burns with shame. "Please forgive me."

"Your body is a precious gift, one you regularly seem to take for granted. And what of Garland? How do you think she feels about your behavior?"

"She lives to serve, Mother," you say through grit teeth, "as do I."

"Oh," she giggles, "I didn't realize that meant Garland has no feelings."

You say nothing, but shame and anger continue to bubble in you.

She sighs. "You're in a bit of a mood, so I'll leave you be. For now you are forgiven. Be more careful. If this happens again I'll have no choice but to punish you."

"Of course, Mother. Thank you for your kindness."

Her hands set you gently back in your body.
No. 1041639 ID: 4ef090
File 166129037104.png - (17.97KB , 500x500 , 61.png )

You open your eyes. There are dried tears staining your wooden face. It's daylight. Your broken arm has been removed, the socket wrapped up neatly with cloth. Your cloak is folded neatly next to you, almost completely mended. Garland looks up from the new arm she's carving. She looks very tired, but smiles as you begin to stir.

"Soooo," she says carefully, "what did she say?"
No. 1041640 ID: 4ef090
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"She said she would punish me if I broke my body again," you mumble. You grab a loaf of bread and take a bite.

Garland nods. "I know she probably didn't say it, but I'm certain she's proud of your enthusiasm. She's just looking out for you."

"As Goddess of the Forest she's not required to say anything on my behalf," you take another bite of bread, "She's just making sure I can do my job. I'm not going to let her down again."
No. 1041641 ID: 4ef090
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"Mmm." She pauses her carving to examine the work. It's looking good so far, but you know there's still a lot of work to do.

"Were you up all night working on that?"

"Yes ma'am," she yawns, "I figured I'd save time by salvaging some of your old arm. The hand is still good, and the shoulder socket is mostly good. I'll replace the broken pieces and you'll be good to go by the end of tomorrow."

"Wow.. you're amazing. Thank you so much."

She sticks out her tongue cutely and winks at you. "Just doing my best for you, for her."

"Do you.. can I ... do anything for you?"

She pauses. "For me? Oh, I... like what?"
No. 1041642 ID: 0790c1

A hug?
No. 1041643 ID: 0eef85

Sights you'd want to appreciate in-depth around this place?
Other teachings from you to learn in the mean time?
...Thanking you and being grateful for putting up with my brash behavior...
No. 1041644 ID: 819b77

This. Also, any sights you want us to describe? Anything you want us to tell you about?
No. 1041645 ID: d2f875

Ask if you can help get material for your arm, and other materials to help keep the camp stocked up.

What? Yesterday I failed to remove intruders on HER ground and let them interfere with HER thread and ate dirt for it all. I have a mission I must complete in urgency, lest I fail Mother once more. And I will not fail Mother again.
No. 1041646 ID: a54ea3

After talking to your god, the tumble, and whatnot; I believe you can ask Garland to help relieve some stress. Could be a hug, tea, anything to get your mind off things. Even just for a second.
No. 1041651 ID: e230a0

it is pretty difficult to do ones own hair, maybe offer help with it?? after all, your hair seems to be done up, and I am certain Garland helped with it
No. 1041658 ID: 7878f6

A back rub? She looks pretty tired, it could help her rest and relax. You should manage with just one arm.
No. 1043280 ID: 4ef090
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"I don't know, but I have to do something, I can't just sit here idly."

She chuckles at you. "Come sit with me, I'm so lonely when you pray."

"Ok." you scoot closer to sit next to her, "Thank you again for working so hard for me, for Her."
No. 1043281 ID: 4ef090
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"Of course. I should probably do an examination of the rest of your body just to be sure you're good all over."

"O-oh, yeah?" you blush a little, "I ... is there time for that?"

"We could make time," she says softly. She's stopped working on the arm. You're looking into each others' eyes. She looks so tired, but her eyes shine with affection as she moves her hand over your thigh.

"Garland, I..."

"Please? It won't delay the repair long, and it would be foolish to send you out again without making 100% certain you're in perfect working order. Besides... a doll deserves some affection and care."
No. 1043282 ID: 4ef090
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You shiver. She's so close to you now, you can smell the cool mint of her green flesh. "I-I suppose, if it won't take too much longer... and.... it's been a while..."

She kisses you. Her lips are so soft, they stick to you and leave thin strands of slime as she pulls away and kisses you again.

You're pushed gently to the ground by her advances. You're shivering. Her gentle touches are perfect. She knows your body inside and out. She sits on top of you, her tail wrapped around one of your legs, hands planted by your head as she leans over you. "I brought some attachments along, just in case. But we don't have to do anything if you're really in a hurry to be fixed, sweet Doll."

You shiver as she calls you Doll. Do you have time, or are you in a hurry?

A. I've got time (strap up or get strapped?)
B. I'm in a hurry (return to Millie and Chester)
No. 1043283 ID: f373c9

A, time to Strap In
No. 1043284 ID: 8483cf

Time to get strapped!
No. 1043285 ID: e51896

A. Let's get strapped. No need to rush things
No. 1043288 ID: 629f2e

A, and get strapped.
No. 1043289 ID: d8223d

A! I say we strap up! Unless, that's what Garland wants to do~
No. 1043303 ID: 83fb9f

Mother did imply you should consider Garland's feelings.. She's done a lot for you. You know her well, how would she like to be taken care of?
No. 1043313 ID: 813e98

A, ehhh get strapped?
No. 1043324 ID: 8bace7

A, get strapped sounds fun, we have time, the journey to the mountain ain't exactly fast
No. 1046350 ID: ce14c2

A. Strap up and strap in.
No. 1051818 ID: 02cfda
File 167107097029.png - (103.78KB , 500x500 , 67.png )

Garland holds you just right. She knows just where to press and touch, like you're some kind of machine she can manipulate. You don't mind tho. You were made to be played with. To be told what to do. Nothing makes you happier. When she tells you to open up you do it, happily. She rests on you gently, her weight a comfort. She's practiced, a perfect caretaker, delicate, gentle, as rough as she needs to be, as you need her to be.
No. 1051819 ID: 02cfda
File 167107097399.png - (97.26KB , 500x500 , 68.png )

Your thoughts blur as she descends, filling you exactly. You're so empty and alone, a hollow husk puppeted by invisible strings. But Garland gives you a reason to exist, a sensation outside of your duty as guardian. She doesn't just need you, she cares about you, and takes care of you. A doll's soul needs just as much love and attention as the body. Even you forget sometimes. You embrace her more enthusiastically.
No. 1051820 ID: 02cfda
File 167107097787.png - (91.44KB , 500x500 , 69.png )

How is it so easy to forget? It feels obvious here as you feel more and more of her inside you, it's plain as day that you're more than a tool. You're a Doll, a proper Doll, not a mere puppet. Mother wouldn't have made a creature that feels this way just to make them feel miserable about it.

Garland's breath comes in soft huffs as she rocks her hips firmly into you. She's savoring you, smirking at the little noises you make as she fills you. She picks up the pace, lifting you off the ground slightly, and it isn't long before she has you moaning as waves of satisfaction and relief wash over you.

You need to get laid more often, you decide. Maybe after the trespassers are gone...

No. 1051821 ID: 02cfda
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You blink. The sun is peeking over the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the valleys and treetops surrounding your camp. Chester is just waking up. You've been up all night staring into the fire. Strangely, you don't feel exhausted.

"Are you ok? You were supposed to wake me so I could watch."
No. 1051824 ID: 6fde29

I wanted to... take charge watching for yesterday's blase behavior. I felt bad.

Also, probably check your belongings...
No. 1051825 ID: 15c72a

"All shall burn."
No. 1051830 ID: 8483cf

You're not going to believe this, but the fire put a spell on me and I zoned out for the entire night.

Fire is untrustworthy.
No. 1051840 ID: e51896

Pretty much this.

also mention you don't feel tired for some reason.
No. 1051850 ID: ceaf93

got lost in the fire and lost in your head, apparently deep enough you aren't tired? apologise and ask if she slept well?
No. 1051853 ID: 83fb9f

You're actually fine. Maybe you'll need a half break somewhere later in the day but for now you're okay to keep moving. Easy to lose track of time when watching the fire.
No. 1051857 ID: 2aa5f0

the fire gave me all the rest I needed so don't worry about it.
No. 1051865 ID: 1ff64e

Check your clothes, is something wrong with the color, or did you just tire out your eyes with all that staring at the fire?
No. 1052363 ID: b01382

Mmmmmmm yes femboy with widehips gives me reason to wake every morning.
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