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103435 No. 103435 ID: cf68aa

>"No... You can't be...."
839 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 105845 ID: e0499d

hells yes.
now to make the statements... or at least tell Otto via direct orb communication.
No. 105856 ID: 34470e

Second is Wan: I wish everyone were released safely with a clean legal slate from The Game as soon as the third wish is made
Third is Otto: I wish WonDer Games will liquidate all your assets including mortgages, then give said assets to Yon upon the fulfillment of the wishes granted to Contestant 4, known as Yon, and Contestant 1, known as Wan.
No. 105883 ID: 072fe4

Wikipedia says 'liquefy'/'liquify' can be used as a synonym for 'liquidate.'

And wikipedos never lie.
No. 105934 ID: 8dc9d5

Regardless, we've figured out the best possible wording for the wishes, so let's get to wishing.
No. 105950 ID: cf68aa

Wan goes up to the machine.

Wan-"I wish everyone were released safely with a clean legal slate from The Game as soon as the third wish is made "

No. 105953 ID: cf68aa
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No. 105963 ID: cf68aa
File 126275334072.png - (12.39KB , 485x610 , Wishmachine.png )


Finally Otto goes up to the machine.

Otto- "I wish WonDer Games will liquidate all your assets including mortgages, then give said assets to Yon upon the fulfillment of the wishes granted to Contestant 4, known as Yon, and Contestant 1, known as Wan."


Words appear. Suddenly a door knob shapes onto the door. Wan gets the feeling that once she opens that door it will all be over...
No. 105965 ID: 632862

Open the door.
No. 105966 ID: 34470e

No. 105967 ID: 445c48

Everyone hold hands, walk through that bloody door.
No. 105968 ID: 3297aa

Bracing for bad/twist end...
No. 105986 ID: cf68aa
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Wan steps through the door....

She's outside now. She can see the sky. It is still day and the sun shines. The building, that hell, is all behind them now.

No. 105988 ID: 476456

watch out for door camera laser.
No. 105995 ID: cf68aa
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Otto stretches and takes a deep breath of fresh air. Yon goes up and hugs Wan. She kisses her cheek.

"Thank you so much Wan"
No. 105997 ID: 34470e

Wan hug and kiss Yon
No. 105999 ID: cf68aa
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>There.... They look so happy... They don't desevre such happiness....
No. 106001 ID: c0f3bf

Obviously you haven't been watching. Pay attention before complaining about it.
No. 106002 ID: 34470e

Wan, whatever you did, it's been erased from history. You're truly free. Forget about it.
No. 106004 ID: cf68aa
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>I don't want them to be so happy...

No. 106006 ID: 34470e

We're in a flashback!
No. 106009 ID: 445c48

Where the zog are Sevi and Deux, we can't start the lesbian foursome without them!
No. 106013 ID: cf68aa
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>They will know how I feel.



No. 106020 ID: 445c48

No. 106021 ID: 8dc9d5

You'll live a happy, peaceful life.
You'll adopt Sevi, and move in with Yon.
No. 106023 ID: 476456

oops, shoulda wished for compensation for the victim's families.
No. 106024 ID: cf68aa
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>One left.. Was going to spare her...
No. 106026 ID: 8dc9d5

And you WILL.
You will spare her.
No. 106027 ID: cf68aa
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>She'll know my pain to...

No. 106028 ID: 34470e

No. 106030 ID: 3297aa

No. 106031 ID: 5d5878

Hey! You!

Yes, you!

Stop being evil!
No. 106032 ID: 632862

No. Remember it. Accept it. Move past it. Become something better.
No. 106033 ID: 445c48

What are you doing you shouldn't be stabbing them, you should be sexing them.
No. 106035 ID: 8dc9d5

No. 106040 ID: cf68aa
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>There. Now it's quite again.. Their joy is gone. And they all die.
No. 106041 ID: 34470e

No. 106042 ID: cf68aa
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"Wan? Wan are you okay? You're crying."
No. 106045 ID: 8dc9d5

"i remember what i did"
No. 106047 ID: 34470e

Wan hug Yon
No. 106048 ID: e75a2f

Well, now we know what Wan did.

Buck up Wan, everything's gonna be alright. You're free now.

Trust in Otto.
No. 106049 ID: 9652b0

Remember, you're a Good Girl now.
No. 106051 ID: 445c48

Hug Yon, Kiss Yon, explain it away as bad flashback.
No. 106052 ID: c1b520

Where is everyone? Didn't they get let out?
No. 106057 ID: 6834bc

Wan, just because you remember who you were and what things you did, that doesn't mean you have to do them again.
You are your own boss. You have control over your actions. Do you really hate these people you worked so hard to save? Tres and Nine don't count, by the way.

Be strong. Not just for yourself, but for Yon and everyone else. Be their protector.
No. 106058 ID: eaec5a

Wan> "Oh, god. Oh, god I remember."
No. 106059 ID: 632862

Uh... Is it just me, or did Wan personally kill some of the contestants in the outside world? WonDer Games must resurrect dead people to put them in The Game, unless they volunteer.
No. 106060 ID: 8dc9d5

If they didn't, there'll be hell to pay.
First, though, we need a hug. Badly.
After that, we need to find the rest of everyone.
No. 106061 ID: cf68aa
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Wan gives Yon a big hug.


She wraps her wings around her.

"Are you okay?"
No. 106065 ID: 34470e

If you kill Yon, you will be punished severely.
No. 106066 ID: c1b520

Waaan. I know your busy being all upset and everything and I know you need time with Yon, but... Where is everyone?
No. 106069 ID: 8dc9d5

Hug her, Wan! Hug her!
Hug her like you've never hugged anyone before!
No. 106070 ID: 445c48

Toss us to Otto and hold onto Yon. Looks like you'll need some time to get a hold of your self.
No. 106071 ID: cf68aa
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"Yes Yon. I'm fine"
No. 106074 ID: 34470e
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No. 106075 ID: f21281

And then everyone died.
No. 106076 ID: 8dc9d5

No. 106077 ID: cf68aa
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No. 106078 ID: e75a2f

Wait, the good end is where we get our memory back and maul our significant other?

Jeeze, what's the bad end?
No. 106079 ID: 445c48

No. 106081 ID: 3297aa

Quick, somebody draw some fanart!
No. 106082 ID: 098063

I demand an Epilogue!
No. 106083 ID: 34470e

No. 106084 ID: 8dc9d5

I don't think we mauled her, I just think that was showing that we still have some of the old Wan left. Some therapy, a few nights in bed, and the knowledge that we've earned freedom for all of us.
No. 106085 ID: c1b520

No. 106086 ID: 8dc9d5

And I as well!
No. 106091 ID: 5d5878

I demand a Game 2: Electric Bluegoo for an epilogue!
No. 106092 ID: cf68aa
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No. 106094 ID: 5d5878

No. 106097 ID: 8e2e01

No. 106100 ID: 8b9792


oh happy ending. yays.

also wan = nevada-chan
No. 106104 ID: 3297aa

No. 106107 ID: c5f90c

Hell yes, puns!

I feel like I've actually accomplished something in a quest for once. :3

Thanks for this, Larro, it was incredibly fun.
No. 106111 ID: 0555b4

Awesome ending! If you had told me this quest would end like this a few days ago I wouldn't have believed it.

Also, I wonder how the audience reacted at seeing the eldritch horrors on TV diplomacying their way to victory instead of butchering each other for the keys. I like to think we trolled them hard.
No. 106112 ID: 8b9792

i like to think they got the d'aw ending :3

the serial killer redeeemed herself, saving everyone and made a battleshow with cliffhangers everywhere. for a last season it looks nice.
No. 106118 ID: 8dc9d5

Oh man, I hope they feel like they got trolled.
I hate those guys.
No. 106146 ID: c0f3bf

Yeah, fuck the general populace.
No. 106154 ID: 8dc9d5

Well, don't you tend to dislike people who gain enjoyment from your suffering?
No. 106156 ID: c0f3bf

That wasn't sarcasm. Fuck the general populace.
No. 106190 ID: c2c011

Awesome quest. I just hope Wan has learned something from it. No random killing until world conquest is complete.

With the cash she has now she can set up Otto and 5 to research the blue stuff and then it's super soldier army time.

And again, awesome quest. I hope you do more stuff in the future in a similair vein. Hell I would be delireious with happy if you did a follow up after a time skip.
No. 106204 ID: 8dc9d5

Okay, I was uncertain.
I do agree with you, though, most people are assholes until you meet them. Then most people are still assholes, but in a different way.
No. 106207 ID: 342988

remember that we are going to meet the general populance.

we kinda had to make them like us, or at least understand us.
No. 106210 ID: 8dc9d5

That doesn't mean we need to like them, and a lot of them become less assholey when you meet them.
Besides, we're soon to marry into extreme wealth.
No. 106211 ID: 342988

wan is a cold blooded killer of 5 because they where having fun.

i seriously think we woulnt have a nice way to keep living if it wherent for some charm and character development.

we can now milk the fame and story for more money, even if yon wastes all her monies on her country.
No. 106216 ID: 342988

also we just won the game
No. 106218 ID: 488063
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No. 106229 ID: cf68aa
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No. 106230 ID: 5d5878

Crazy futurepeople and their bloodsport!
No. 106236 ID: 8dc9d5

Hmm, as responsible citizens, we clearly have no other recourse but to ensure that "AmaZing Games" fails.
Fuck the general populace, they found entertainment in Wan getting raped, mindraped, killed three-hundred twenty seven times, betrayed, mutated, terrified, mind-fragment'd, and forced to remember her past.
No. 106249 ID: 8ecfd4

Well this does seem like an awfully grimdark dystopian future. There is bound to be somewhere we can find large amounts of bitter unemployed sacks of shit who wants to shake things up.

I say we form a new party in whatever nation that has the most of them and bring about a revolution. With the help of blue drugs and Stalinism our sucess is ensured.

Then we can fuck over Amazing Games. Or Wan could just give a contestant the Orb. But that is not the path to world domination and ruling with a spiky iron fist.
No. 106277 ID: e3f578

There's so much hypocrisy in this statement I'm laughing my ass off.
No. 106297 ID: 8ecfd4

Well it's a reason to kill people. Not that we really need much of a reason, but maybe if we actually have a something like a reason people will actually let Wan enjoy herself. I mean is it to much to ask that we get to horribly kill someone? And I mean someone that hasn't killed us in the past.
No. 106325 ID: e0499d

We took their ASSETS!
What'd they do? Add more capital stock?

-Economic distruction time:
1: Buy all stock
2: keep all stock
3: Sell stock back to AmaZing when their reserves (since they have to disclose financial info) drop upon buying facilities and assets
4: Laugh as they go into heavy financial ruin
No. 106352 ID: e3f578

I vote we just wish this shit can't be legal no more next time. Another brutal game like this can never come again. No one shall die for entertainment purposes on public media.

We only needed the assets for Yon, maybe 5 for his cooperation and not killing us for his wish for research funds. Now we can just wish this shit illegal forever.
No. 106355 ID: 8ecfd4

5 was the weakest of them all. He couldn't have killed us unless we let him.
No. 106360 ID: 8dc9d5

AmaZing Games is a whole other company, with different management. We can still screw them over financially, though, unless the founder is wealthy enough to pay for it out-off pocket.
No. 106392 ID: e3f578

Then we should illegalize this bloodsport industry so money can't do shit to make it happen again.
No. 106406 ID: 445c48

I'm not sure we could wish for it to be illegal. They are just a company, after all. It isn't like they would be in control of the government.
No. 106421 ID: e0499d

They cleared our record
No. 106578 ID: 4f8e95

within the power of the facility this isnt possible.

i knew this kind of dickery was gonna happpen. remember, wonder games has 2 games, one is this game, the other one is problaby that.

say that to GM and US government.

takin their assets doesnt magically make them broke. a company can continue to work if it simply donates its assets, just loan money from a bank to pay next season and thats it.

if you consider we are like nevada-chan and got out all white knight, the facility works to recycle criminals. kinda.

if they succeeded it is dubious. but in reality, we signed in for this, meaning they cant really promisse a reward they cant give. we most likely got psycological clearance for a pre-approved presidential pardon.

consider taht in this future, we have drugs that are mildly legal to have that alter yourself to fit whatever you like up to the point that you can play the oldest game with your skin, ressurection is CASUAL and do-able within 15 minutes with brain damage healed and we have bloodsports like this PS4 with government approval for usage of psychotic krimminen that are underageban and very jumpy on the gun.
No. 106581 ID: 4f8e95

>the facility works to recycle criminals. kinda.
gosh darned habit of eating words.

i mean that if this is true then the facility would end up with backing of the society and government to continue to work because it can turn nevada-chans into nevada-tans
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