High Day
Kibble was worried about Jadis potentially going mad with power with those over saturation of souls, and also potentially hurting duck. We managed to fix that issue with the GIA, her mother, and Saul watching her, we need to let Kibble know this.
"Neither do I Kibble, like you said, I'm a clown, and clown live a miserable existence... with me, I lived as a werewolf half my life with no hope of a future, fear of every day I'd become a wolf and bite someone ruining their life, and no money to help me, people ripping me off, or robbing me, nobody to love me in my current form... and yet, I have to keep going, I have to keep living, because if I stop, I'll never find out if I'll ever get a win in life, and that win will be all the more satisfying after everything I went through...
"And If I can't ever be happy, then at least I have knowledge that despite my misery, I can at least help others or at least help make other people happy... Such as Helping my coworker in a tight spot at work when I didn't need to, helping the other clown give up revenge, getting her to take her Lycanthropy seriously by sacrificing my own potion to her, and helping Jadis progress in experimenting in finding a cure for Lycanthropy causing... my current appearance at a cost so she can help cure her sister... but I'm not a werewolf anymore..."
"And most importantly, I helped you... You told me you wanted to find a sure way that Jadis can be stopped before you can leave, and despite my miserable existence, my suffering, I somehow got the GIA, Jadis' mother, and Saul to watch over Jadis so she doesn't go mad with power with those souls or hurt anyone ever again like you were worrying, just for you... Duck will be safe now."
"And I came here to tell you this with the risk of Rancid, a GIA member who is like the only person in the organization still wanting to kill Jadis tonight, most likely probably terminates me too for helping you instead of helping him. Yet, I need to keep moving. I need to know my existence made some difference even if it's full of misery! Even yours! With the last bit of strength I have."
"Things are getting blurry..."