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File 173424069551.png - (44.13KB , 500x500 , FOF.png )
1101264 No. 1101264 ID: 938478

In a world where it’s eat or be eaten, strive to feast.

[Possible NSFW Warnings for: Gun/Graphic/Animal Violence and Gore. Drug use. Nudity and Sexual Situations]
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No. 1101265 ID: 938478
File 173424074812.png - (21.79KB , 500x500 , DRIVE.png )


As you ride throughout the dark sands of the night, the only illumination that guides your way comes from your headlights, and the light of the moon. However, these aren’t the only sources because there’s a lack of civilization in the area, you’re just barely 100 klicks from the nearest population center after all. This pitch blackness is because everyone knows that even the dimmest light would be a beacon for any and all illegal raiders looking to make a quick buck.

However, that’ll only stop ILLEGAL raiders. As you look down upon your GPS, showing that your destination is almost within 15 klicks. A small superannuation office doing blackwork for an anonymous company, so low on the corporate totem poll that the facility hasn’t even been given a proper name.

You, are a Legal Raider.

Your mission is to break into this place, and steal some files for your client. They didn’t tell you what was in the document-apparently what’s in it is too “confidencial” to tell the goddamn people they’re sending after it, just what the folder that holds it looks like. They ALSO didn’t tell you HOW to get that file. Soooooooooooooooooo that means-
No. 1101266 ID: 938478
File 173424080952.png - (299.44KB , 1086x1500 , TOT.png )


Casualties will be tolerated.

You look left to your passengers side, looking down to check upon the weapon you were given for this mission.
>Enter weapon

Thanks to company regulations and labor laws regarding weapon usage, that’s all you’re legally allowed to have on hand. It’s not much, but it’ll more than make do.

Your name is-
>Enter name

And tonight, you have a job to do.
No. 1101268 ID: eb0a9c

Rifle and Mask. Try to do this quietly, but put your preparation into going loud.
No. 1101273 ID: 6c233e

Mask and Rifle, do this quick and safe

Name: Brick Marquard
No. 1101274 ID: 56db77

Mask and pistol, let's try to do this quietly but given that any fighting will probably be indoors the pistol is more practical than the rifle
No. 1101296 ID: 25f476

Mask and Rifle.

Your name is... Jacques Brocade
No. 1101299 ID: eb0a9c

Barrack O'Brickma
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