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1096893 No. 1096893 ID: 79ad1e

Just another quest... Good Luck.
No. 1096956 ID: 0db8d3

[Open Character Creation]
No. 1096960 ID: 1effd3

[Run CD Installer]
No. 1096983 ID: e816ce

Presses Start
No. 1096989 ID: eb0a9c

Remove the typo in the game files or the AI will be dumb
No. 1096993 ID: 69fcac

Add typos to the game files to prevent the AI uprising
No. 1097011 ID: 3f89df

Add Silly Comments in the game's code that no one will see until people break open the game thirty years later.
No. 1097228 ID: 3f3838

You know those 5g cell phone transmitters. Ride around in a pickup truck with sledgehammers, maybe five six guys. Bring a ladder and rope.

Once all those are down maybe something a little bigger to take down the cell phone towers themselves.
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