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File 172359410886.png - (22.85KB , 800x600 , ROBOCIDE QUEST.png )
1095806 No. 1095806 ID: 938478

You were 6 years old when your entire race was slaughtered before your very eyes.
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No. 1095807 ID: 938478
File 172359413748.png - (131.36KB , 800x600 , aneedleintheeyeaneedleintheeyeaneedleintheye.png )

You tried to move past it all, you really, truly did. You tried to get a well paying job, get a higher education, buy a comfortable home, have a hobby that fills your mind with joy. You tried to live a normal life

Dear god tried to move past it all.

But you can’t

The horrors you’ve seen

The people you’ve lost

It can never leave your mind, an ever constant reminder every single second of the day, an every constant spike in the back of your eyes.

It’s too much

You can barely live like this

…Then why

No. 1095808 ID: 938478
File 172359418462.png - (31.03KB , 800x600 , Needleinthebrain.png )

C A N E V E R Y O N E E L S E I N T H I S G O D D A M N N A T I O N D O S O E A S I L Y ? ! ?

Everywhere you go-Everywhere you goddamn see, you see nothing but people but people living their lives joyfully-without remorse-without guilt-without sorrow-without pain-without suffering-WITHOUT A NEEDLE IN A BACK OF THEIR GODDAMN EYES

Why? Why why why why why why why WHY WHY WHY WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY W H Y ! ? ! ? ! ?

…You know why. You’ve always known why. You’ve just been ignoring it your entire life because you thought the very thought of it itself was impossible-but here it is, right in front of you.

They just don’t care that your people suffered.

They don’t care about how members of their own race could do something so horrific to another.

They didn’t care back then when they were slaughtered in the first place either, they just stood back and watched it all happen.

No. 1095809 ID: 938478
File 172359441839.png - (19.89KB , 800x600 , 26532456235.png )

Your name is Mornu Ze Bou, and with only 500$ in cash, a master’s in robotics, a deep hate in your heart and several voices in your head, you intend to destroy this nation, and every single person living in it.

You just have to figure out how.
No. 1095810 ID: e25c20

Let's start off small, littering
No. 1095817 ID: 273c18

I don't get it, why did they spare you?
No. 1095846 ID: 6f8677

Feel like I've seen this movie... Is this "the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving"? So your race genocided them and then your race got genocided? So you plan on genociding them as vengeance? Just making sure the motives are what them seem to be.
No. 1095861 ID: 355e44

By advancing robotics to the point that the machines replace the living.
No. 1095879 ID: b7f718

Figure out how to get more money with robotics. We have a masters and a vestige of a comfortable life, can we swallow it and try and gain capital while we begin toiling on our killbots in our basement and/or garage?
No. 1095915 ID: b28248


It isn't just robotics per se. It's also general purpose AI. And Artificial Super Intelligence. Robotics goes WITH that, in case you want the ASI which will inevitably murder you AND them to use, say, 'a terrifying army of robots' rather than 'a supervirus which causes everyone to suddenly fall over dead all at once.', which it might be prone to do without a fanatic genius roboticist's specific type of support. Does the method matter, or just the result??
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