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1095022 No. 1095022 ID: 0c5e97

You are squirreljak, a red squirrel that survived the great squirrel replacement. You have been banished from your home and you have nowhere to go. All you can do is try to survive. What will you do?
No. 1095024 ID: e1729e

Find doll.
No. 1095025 ID: 861ceb

a red squirrel huh, well might as well sing the song of your people and find something to yell at for hours on end for no real reason.
No. 1095026 ID: 486f0b

assimilate with the superior gray squirrel population which replaced you.
No. 1095028 ID: a854ac

Spontaneous combustion.
No. 1095029 ID: a671e8

Survived the what?

Look for a source of food. Follow your nose.
No. 1095047 ID: 273c18

Don't you have anything better to do?
No. 1095055 ID: 2f41db

First and most importantly ensure your tail is at maximum fluffiness with a quick grooming.
A fluffy tail is essential to good squirreling. If not for your tail youd just be some kind of ginger tree rat.
No. 1095080 ID: 8f9bc4

complain about it on twitter
No. 1095089 ID: 16d082

Say "nothing ever happens" aloud to yourself
No. 1095334 ID: a7c2ff

Those dastardly european squirrels. Always replacing all the other squirrels and stealing your nut spices.

Let's cross the Bering strait and form a grand intercontinental alliance of non-european squirrels to beat them back.
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