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1094701 No. 1094701 ID: 46e818

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No. 1095566 ID: 3f3d5c

>>1095511 >>1095503
Actual dual wielding is usually done with a smaller weapon, usually used for parrying or opportunistic strikes.
This dagger will serve us perfectly.
No. 1095568 ID: b11d2d

Wes went above and beyond duty. Even if he just enjoys making stuff, loyalty like that must be rewarded.

Ask if he would like something as a sign of gratitude. Well, perhaps after the current batch of equipment for our troops is finished.
No. 1095569 ID: 2f41db

It looks as sharp as the minds that envisaged it.
Theyll find a way, no doubt.

Big M.
Sudden inspiration.
The monster gate can create life from the unliving.
Would it be possible to use it to create some kind of... hand golem?

A thing that could hold onto your wrist and grasp objects on your behalf?
Perhaps with a shard within it the thing could be attuned to your mind to the point it could react to your instincts?
Worth considering, but would certainly need a better name than just calling it a thing.
No. 1095571 ID: 3f3d5c

Given LeoPendle and Ona's descriptions when we were cobbling together Mock Fang, it would require an object with some form of energy attachment on whatever object we stuck through, psychic or magical or somesuch. So we'd have to make something and then enchant it.
What's more, the forms that come out of the portal have never been under our control. We'd have to get very lucky to somehow make a personalized hand golem for our own use.

I do like the idea of making our own mannikins, though, regardless of how they turn out. It's something to keep on the backburner, for sure.
No. 1095600 ID: b3d75a

No. 1095601 ID: 5c1847

Boss, a buckler can be modelled for your missing hand. And the parrying dagger can be hidden inside the it.
No. 1095602 ID: e25c20


upgrades people upgrades
No. 1095726 ID: ebae20

Stick the hilt to your stump. Knifehand. Unbeatable.
No. 1095747 ID: c2abab

A hand-golem directly controlled via shards of the Orb of Infinite Psyche is one of the funniest things I've heard all day. Let's go for it.
No. 1095755 ID: e1a09b

we could give rude gestures! Point at things! tap out tunes! So many uses.
No. 1095756 ID: 273c18

Considering you need to draw your rapier to fight anyway, a simple mechanism to unsheathe the dagger would be fine, as your good hand will be near your missing one at the time.

Alternatively, we can do something fancy. Maybe an enchantment linked to your scabbard to automatically unsheathe the dagger when you draw your sword?
No. 1095773 ID: 46e818
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"Excellent. I wish for you and Finesse to find a way to attach it to my false hand with a trigger action. Something I can pull with my right hand, perhaps."
>"We'll try to f-f-figure something out. I think it s-should be ffeasible."
"Excellent work."

Well, this is a lovely development. It feels invigorating to finally have a weapon honed to my specific abilities. Too long I was burdened with broadswords and salvaged weapons, but this is a fine implement.

Well, our guest still seems yet to arrive, so who shall I visit next? Seems half the Vault is hoping for my attention.
No. 1095774 ID: b8a40c

Let's try to find Erisol.
It's a bit worrying her exact location is unknown. Mock fang has caught her attention and we don't know how loyal he is yet, so let's not risk another spider incident and find her soon.
No. 1095783 ID: 8d246b

We should probably check how Mock Fang is doing.
No. 1095784 ID: 37ae45

Let's check in with Mock Fang.
No. 1095796 ID: 3f3d5c

I'm gonna second checking in on Eri, just because I don't like not having at least a general idea of where she is.
I mean, I'm sure she's fine, but. Y'know.

We can also double up and check in with Mock at the same time. She seemed pretty enamored with the poor guy, I'm sure it'd be a great opportunity to see them properly introduced to one another.
No. 1095803 ID: e25c20


I agree with your suggestion
No. 1095815 ID: f63e9f

Oh this is perfect. The Boss can fight someone with his newly made weapon to entertain the guest. A mock battle would help take off the rust. Only problem is who would be the opponent?
No. 1095847 ID: 46e818
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Very well. I'll continue to familiarize myself with the weapon while you go find Erisol and check in with her.
No. 1095848 ID: 46e818
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No. 1095849 ID: 46e818
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"Oh! Hello!"
"I'm just relaxing up here! There's a cool ledge up here outside the mountain that has a GREAT view!"
>"...I'm sorry, are you speaking to me?"
"Oh, no, I'm talking to the boss's voice!"
>"Ah. Of course."

"This place is great! Can you believe he got all the way up here even with a missing foot? He only needed me to help him a few times! That's incredible!"
>"Thank you."
"Oh, I was talking to the boss."
>"I know. But thank you, all the same."
"Oh! You're welcome!!"
No. 1095850 ID: e25c20

Hello, so what do you do?
No. 1095852 ID: 3d8d15

Glad to see you are settling in well, and that Pendle’s recovery is going well. So what are you two doing up here anyway?
No. 1095853 ID: 3f3d5c

Hi, Eri! Finnie said she didn't know where you were, so we were like, "We should probably check on her."
Nice to see you're just hanging out with Pendle.

... wow, this is a nice view.

She mostly blasts stuff with magic. Also she's fun.
No. 1095854 ID: b8a40c

The mountain has a ledge like this up here?
Very nice, this could be a great place to expand the base. Dragon guest aerie here we come!

Oh right, back to the check in: how are things going with you? Looks like you've got a great view of the barracks from here; anything going on down there that's caught your eye?
No. 1095856 ID: 273c18

What are you looking at? Can you SEE us? I didn't think we had anything to see; I thought we just had an arbitrary viewpoint.
No. 1095867 ID: 2f41db

You look like youve found an excellent spot to take a break.
I hope you are both doing well.
No. 1095881 ID: debc82


Erisol you precious goober ...
No. 1095883 ID: 8f9bc4

That is a great view!
No. 1095900 ID: 0e1248

Indeed what a great view.
Also any news in the western front, oh dear princess?
No. 1095902 ID: 006510

how’s mock-fang doing, you two?
(also, i wonder if we could possibly connect to multiple people’s brains at once? it would be pretty helpful to see things from both pendle and eri’s perspectives here, to make sure we aren’t missing anything)
No. 1095905 ID: 46e818
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"Oh I can see a lot from up here! It's mostly plains, so I can see people coming from a long way away.
The goblins and kobolds from the forest got here and they've been working all morning. The human guards we got here are keeping their distance.
And I can see a small caravan of two wagons approaching in the distance, might be our guest!"
No. 1095906 ID: 46e818
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"Me and Pendle have just been up here talking about magic and gods and stuff! He's got this theory about a magical-theological bridge that's really complicated and I don't understand it!"
>"Ah, I was just thinking out loud.
>I'm not really confident in anything enough yet to speak on it. I hope you'll be patient, Prince.
>Incidentally, while you're here, I'd like to request a new pair of pince-nez. It's a bit slow going in these old texts without my corrective lenses."
No. 1095907 ID: ee57bd

Are there other gods that would be willing to speak to us, help us or give us something? That is a topic worth looking more into.
No. 1095908 ID: debc82


So long as the old ones weren't shattered, it shouldn't be too hard to recreate the lenses, since Emmy would be a great help in getting the glass mixtures to a proper clarity.
No. 1095909 ID: b8a40c

What happened to his old glasses?
Looking back, he seemed to have lost them even before the demon revealed themselves.
No. 1095910 ID: 2f41db

Hell yes mister pendle.
Least we can do.
Any other lenses that might be of use?
Couple of hand held magnifiers.
Maybe even a multi lensed one on an armature for especially fragile documents or artifacts?

Say, erisol...
You seen mock fang lately?
Hows he doin?
No. 1095912 ID: 3d8d15

I’m sure we can make that happen, do you know where we can get some?
No. 1095989 ID: b8a40c

I suppose we should switch back to Muschio if our guest's arrival is imminent.
No. 1096019 ID: 46e818
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"Oh! Yeah! Mock Fang! He's uh...
Yeah he's really something huh? I mean woo. Tall dark and handsome, right? Pour some of that in a glass for me, right? Right.
Hey this is fine right? I mean you guys seem pretty okay with like, yknow, this sorta thing. Just I'm new here so I wanted to make sure I wasn't violating any sorta rule."


"Anyway, uh, how about you? What's going on this morning?
My brain feels a little different. There was like a mint flavor or something going on. Hard to describe. Was that you?"
No. 1096026 ID: ee57bd

Has your head been feeling different lately? If you do feel different in any way report it to others do not ignore it. We had experience dealing with demon possession and we probably killed the demon but you can never be sure with them. I mean you are standing next to a person who was the target of that possession. So ask him more about it, the symptoms of demonic presence if he can remember it.
No. 1096027 ID: b8a40c

Yeh. Mondegreen, that orc lady we met in the other mountain, kind of forced a shard connection to us... somehow... and that's where the "flavor" came from.
Extra weird that you'd be experiencing that from a shard convo you weren't involved in. That exchange continues to be increasingly odd.

Also, sure, go shoot your shot with mock. Nothing against romances around here so long as you're not pushing poisoned bottles of wine on anyone or the like. No creepy stalker shit.
No. 1096035 ID: eb0a9c

Rabbits can have mint-flavored thoughts? Interesting.

...Wait a minute.
>Red One is also the god of candy
Fudge. I think he ice creamed his victims' brains into edibles.
No. 1096038 ID: 3f3d5c

It is absolutely fine, Eri. No need to worry. Just as long as everyone treats each other with the respect they deserve. Love can bloom even on the battlefield.
Anyway, I'm rooting for you. Get some, girl.
No. 1096039 ID: 273c18

That was us establishing a new connection over a long distance. It was a little different than usual, probably just because of the distance.

I don't know of any rules forbidding co-workers from... mingling. Go for it. I've got no idea how romance works for summoned monsters though.
No. 1096046 ID: 553635

you know im curious, is there any personal effects in erisol's clothing? i wonder if there's a name written on there or something or such. makes a man wonder who she was before being a sprite, or if she has always been one
No. 1096055 ID: 0e1248

Better Mint than Licorice, I'm I right?

Anyway, have you been able to tune up with the magical minerals in the mountain? ´cause we're looking forward to the great feats of magic you could be able to accomplish.
No. 1096066 ID: d1a285

I have a better idea Pwndle! Magic surgery. We'll make it so you don't need glasses. And if that fails and melts your eyeballs? We'll make magic replacement eyes out of gems or something! And if that fails, we'll invent braille. It's fool proof. Trust us.
No. 1096073 ID: 818210

The mint might be Tislomer. She likes it. A lot.

Fighting words.
No. 1096077 ID: 2f41db

No rules that i know of.
You be nice to him.
Hes kinda new to, uh.

oh yeah.
Guy talking to us. Long distance.
May have something to fo with point of origin.
Maybe some way he does it.
Maybe he really, really wanted a breathmint.
For all i know his psychic brainwaves flew through a humbug factory chimney.
Kinda weird but interesting.
Good to know youre alert to it.
Keep being awesome princess.
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