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File 171771180317.png - (260.18KB , 990x660 , HU_02_000_A.png )
1092522 No. 1092522 ID: 0b7e05

A Sci-Fi Mystery Quest about Ethics, Loss and Finding Oneself

Thread 1: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1079873.html
Previous Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1082438.html
Discussion Thread: https://questden.org/kusaba/questdis/res/141592.html
Wiki: https://questden.org/wiki/History_Unmade

You find yourself in a dark corridor, lunging for a floating weapon. Too late.
Too late for what?
119 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1096769 ID: b22bc5
File 172520513188.png - (198.19KB , 990x660 , HU_02_010_E.png )

You push the compartment lightly and when you let go, it pops open and lets you pull it all the way out of the HoloRec. Well look at that. There are a whole bunch of cartridges in there.
No. 1096770 ID: a7a180

Guys, surely if you made it to the moon you know what a television is. What else would you watch moon landings on from home? This is that, but three dimensional.
No. 1096779 ID: 273c18

Alright, let's play number 1!
No. 1096781 ID: 63709c

Ask them what kind of cool tech they must have if the idea of a statue made of light isn't exciting.

Play lucky number 7
No. 1096786 ID: f18fa9

I’m feeling lucky! 7
No. 1096834 ID: 414b45

Number 7 it is. This is probably gonna take me a couple of days.
No. 1097204 ID: 1d6349
File 172591141806.png - (224.68KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_A.png )

You wonder if these two are honestly unimpressed or just still worrying about the bomb. Well, you're pretty sure seeing this thing in action will be sufficient distraction!

Since the order probably doesn't matter, you pick out cartridge number seven on a whim. There is a slight bit of friction as you pull it out of the compartment, so snugly is it fitted to the slot.
You turn it in your hand, but find no label or other identifying features on it.

Having exhausted that avenue of investigation, you push it into the reader slot until it audibly clicks into place. There is a quiet humming noise and then the DtR-display flickers on. Also a glowing number seven appears on the cartridge itself.
No. 1097205 ID: 1d6349
File 172591143110.png - (259.77KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_B.png )

There is no jingle, no company logo, nothing. Just basic text displaying the catridge's basic metadata. Since it's a bit hard to see, you ask Gamal to turn off the lights. They comply without comment, pressing the circle switch by the door before looking at the volumetric display again.
You can see both them and Maya moving their heads from side to side, gazing at the glowing text in clear astonishment.

It reads:
author: HR_d2h5N2ZpcnN0>disquiet247
play time: 00:03:23.78
created: 03 FEB 2325
size: 963 GB

As you close the cartridge tray, sit down and give the command to play, your voice catches in your throat. You cough and try again.

"HoloRec, play!"
No. 1097206 ID: 1d6349
File 172591144611.png - (277.78KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_C.png )

The text disappears and is replaced by a truly three-dimensional image. It's you. Or perhaps it's Disquiet-247. Whoever it is, they look awful, miserable, tired. It looks like their skin is flaking off. You can feel a tingling sensation shooting up your spine at the sight. Your stomach feels like it's trying to drop straight through the floor. It's like looking at a corpse just as it begins to speak.
And speak it does.

"Hey Dee,", they say in the most desolate tone imaginable.
"Wish you were here. Maybe you could have distracted me from this endlessly circling train of thought. I need to get it off my chest and there's nobody but..."
Here, they stop and look down for a second before continuing: "There's nobody. So...
"I keep thinking about alternatives, other avenues we could have taken. I know that at the time we were... I was convinced, anyway, that there was no other way. The only way to guarantee we wouldn't ruin the world all over again was to kill everybody. And perhaps that's true. But was a guarantee worth it? Perhaps there was an approach that would have given us a CHANCE at a better world at a price less steep."

The words that follow strike you like lightning.
No. 1097207 ID: 1d6349
File 172591146031.png - (280.41KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_D.png )

They anxiously grip their forehead in one hand.
"Half a million. People. My God, Dee.", they sigh, "What have we done?"

You tense up. You can hear your teeth grinding against each other. You feel like an icy hand is squeezing your heart.

"Disq? Are you all right?", Gamal asks.
Maya whispers: "What is she saying?"

You're in no condition to answer any questions right now, so you just force out a curt "Shush! Quiet!" just before the other you continues.

Their voice is breaking, as if they're about to cry. You suddenly feel so connected to this other... you.
"Surely some of them could have been reached. Surely we could have saved the innocents by killing only the worst, the most stubborn.
"We should have tried. If it had turned out impossible, it would be so much easier, but we didn't. We didn't try. We assumed there was no other way. And we murdered half a million for it. And more! I have resisted the urge to check the collateral deaths. Surely less than half a million again. Surely."
They let out a sob, then compose themself somewhat.
"The stakes were high, of course. How many lives do you think their regime would have consumed? Millions certainly. Our math is sound."
They shake their head.
"But this is more than a number. They must have been so scared. The ones that were conscious, I mean. Do you think they spent those final days frantically trying to avert their deaths? Do you think they resigned and just waited for the impact?"
They seem to look straight at you, with haunted eyes.
"I keep returning to this one moment, when they must have realized the lot of them were doomed and the habitat modules that could have saved them were detached and inaccessible but still close enough to see. What a cruel, cruel thing that we did.
"But you knew this didn't you? It took me forty years to really grasp the gravity of it, but I'm still not half as old as you were then. Surely you knew.
No. 1097208 ID: 1d6349
File 172591147334.png - (250.75KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_E.png )

Their gaze turns cold and their voice grows bitter as they add: "Maybe that's why it's me contemplating it now and not you."

They glare at you for a few seconds more, before visibly deflating, shoulders sagging, their expression turning soft and so, so tired.
"I try not to be angry with you. I love you, Dee. Even after all that, all this time, that awful last wish you saddled me with, I love you and I miss you and I guess that's my punishment. Who am I to say it's undeserved?"

They reach out towards you and the recording ends.
No. 1097209 ID: 1d6349
File 172591148725.png - (265.07KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_F.png )

After the image has winked out, Gamal turns the light back on and you shut your eyes against the glare. You just kind of crumple in on yourself.
You can feel the mattress shift as Maya sits down next to you and then she's suddenly pushed right against you, her arms wrapped awkwardly around you. You can feel her warmth.
You're startled.
"M-Maya...", you mumble, "What are you doing?"

Gamal is lightly shaking their head at this, but says nothing.

Maya looks up at you and says very quietly: "I don't know if this helps at all, but... That was one of the most awesome things I have ever seen, Disq."
No. 1097210 ID: 1d6349
File 172591149941.png - (244.24KB , 990x660 , HU_02_011_G.png )

You can't help but laugh. At the absurdity of that statement. At the stark contrast to the mood. And as laughter shakes you and robs you of your breath, you kind of forget to stay upset.

Once the laughter subsides, you gently push Maya off of you and ask: "Do you wanna watch another?"
"Yes!", she exclaims excitedly, but then adds, sheepishly: "Uh if that's okay, I mean. That last one seemed to be pretty rough."

Gamal leans against the table.
"Do you want to talk about it?", they ask.

You're really not sure. Do you want to talk about it? Is it even wise to reveal what was said? Or would you rather just... watch another one? Surely they can't all be like this.
No. 1097211 ID: 273c18

Tell them no, you don't want to talk about it. You probably don't want them to know you're this dangerous, justified or not.
That basically confirmed the "half a million" were colonists from your future. Apparently this was part of a colony ship and your civilization colonizes alternate timelines, interfering with them destructively to mold them to their liking... I guess that explains a lot-- why you didn't go home afterwards, why HU interfered with the timeline, and why they had to be stopped. We still don't know what the important thing was that you had to do... but maybe it was Dee's "last wish"?

Watch one of the smaller numbers. Number 1?
No. 1097212 ID: dd3fe0

Yea, watch all of these in order. You MUST have context!
No. 1097219 ID: eb0a9c

The numbers... are they iterations? Like, each time the colonists alter the past, they choose if they want to preserve their memories from the previous iteration of the timeline or if they want the next iteration to take their place.

Either you @#$%ed up, or you were forced to @#$% up.
Decisions like these... you can't half-ass them, and you can't minimize the number of people making such a choice. Maybe the colonists would have created a hellish dystopia of the ancient world - created literal Hell by repeatedly torturing the same exact people to death, over and over, to pander their egos. Or maybe you were deceived, brainwashed into thinking the colonists were all insane and had to be murdered. A few saboteurs will never be enough to fully inform themselves.

The question is, how pressured were you to trust yourselves? Because this is a dumb decision - too dumb. It's possible you were wired this way by an outside force. Serenity-100 would have the perfect motivation to excessively screw you over - kill all the other colonists, and he'd obtain a monopoly on supertech and could finally play god with the world.
No. 1097232 ID: 355e44

just say that the message didn't really tell you anything new, it just hurt to hear it coming from your own mouth, as it were.

Lets watch another, they can't all be heartbreaking confessions, right?
No. 1097237 ID: 6713a0

I second the motion that you play another record and that you don't talk about this yet.
We don't know what else is on these records but at least the language barrier might help with them not getting too much possibly disturbing information out of it before you want to show your whole bloodstained hand here. :/

Also, this might be the only time to see them for yourself if Shyama decides that you shouldn't have access to them once the others tell them about this.
PS: I am not sure yet how the timeline with the bodyswap works out, so think about the voice in that record: was that your intonation, your typical choice of words or does it feel like that might have been another person in the body that you inhabit right now? (The text color matches but it doesn't really match up with the way you pictured yourself in your dreams)

PPS: Also, maybe tell Maya a bit about how the projection works technically, I have the feeling that she may appreciate that :3
No. 1097249 ID: a7a180

We can't have context, we need to watch them totally out of order. Pick 5!
No. 1098254 ID: 815fee
File 172812182357.png - (231.57KB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_A.png )

You think a bit about what you just watched. You think about whether the person in the recording seemed like you. This is a difficult question to answer. They both did and did not. You can't really identify any gestures or quirks that you could directly identify as yours, but in a nebulous, unclear way you feel like they did behave like you. The shape was wrong, the sound of the voice was wrong, but everything else was right. It felt off in the same way as looking in the mirror and hearing yourself speak feel off to you.

You suppose that probably means it's you. But... over two thousand years ago.

You also take a moment to speculate about the whole... half-a-million thing. Would you actually kill half a million people? It seems that at least a previous you absolutely would. And did. You really hope they had a good reason.
It sure sounds like you were trying to avert a greater evil. Could this whole time travel thing have been an attempt to colonize the distant past? Would that be terrible enough a prospect to drive you to such extreme measures?
This is getting you pretty close to that abyss again and you decide you better leave this here before you speculate yourself into another breakdown.

You decide it's probably best to keep this stuff to yourself for now, while you still can. No need to rush it, especially given the lack of context.
Probably also best to get to exploring that context right away before the anxiety returns in full force. You're especially curious about this 'last wish'. It could shed some light on that important thing you were supposed to do and that keeps needling you.

You shake your head. "No, there's... not really much to talk about. Let's just keep going.", you say.

Gamal nods at this, saying: "As you like." If they're sceptical, they hide it well. They sit back down.
No. 1098255 ID: 815fee
File 172812183683.png - (225.78KB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_B.png )

You approach the HoloRec again to select another cartridge. Some impulse draws you to the number five. But for better or worse, the number five slot is empty. You wonder if that's important.

You select cartridge number one instead and switch the catridges.
No. 1098256 ID: 815fee
File 172812184906.png - (215.90KB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_C.png )

After Gamal turns the lights back off, you read the cartridge's metadata.

play time: 00:01:09.70
created: 05 MAR 2277
by: HR_d2h5N2ZpcnN0>disquiet247
size: 330 GB

"So how does it work, teacher?", Maya asks as she once again cranes her neck to see the projection from different angles.

You think a moment, then put together the best explanation you can muster with the Kushani you know. Once again, as soon as you get going, the words just... come to you.
"The HoloRec uses a so-called DtR-display system, just like my hair. This is short for Direct-to-Retina, or Direct-to- uh... what's the light-sensitive skin in your eye called?"
"The retina? The tissue layer with the light-sensitive neurons?", Gamal chimes in helpfully.
"Retina, thank you! Direct-to-Retina is what it means. Essentially, the device is covered in cameras so small you can only see them if you look very closely. They constantly scan their surroundings using image-analysis processes to find... well targets. They look for eyes and larger cameras, usually.", you say.

"Wait, wait, wait", Maya interjects, "What do you mean constantly? You mean they're... taking pictures and finding eyes in them? Like... Is that why it needs so many cameras? So that while one is processing, the next one can already take another picture?"

You can't help a smug little smirk here.
"Oh no. The processing takes barely any time at all. Each camera's input is processed over a hundred times per uh... well many many times in an instant. The high number of cameras is just for added precision, to accurately estimate depth. Via uh... Parallax? Okay nevermind that. Just... accept that the HoloRec always knows where everybody's eyes are and what direction they're looking and so on. I'd expect the entire facility to have these tiny cameras all over and the HoloRec might be networking with those to get an even better reading."

Maya looks equal parts amazed and confused. "Right, it knows where my eye is. I... Does it just beam light straight into my eye?"

That takes the wind out of your sails a bit.
"Uh... Well... Yes? Okay so... Now we get to the actual projection of the image. It uses those big flaps to align itself in the three-dimensional map with all the eyes in it and calculates what each eye would see if the image were actually there. Don't ask me how that works, it's probably really complicated. Anyway on startup, the HoloRec constructs a uh... a matrix out of Reflector-Nanites. Think of it as a... sort of invisible cloud made of extremely tiny machines that have a reflective surface. Then the HoloRec emits light particles into the cloud and the reflectors align in such a way that they bounce the particles right into your eyes."

There are five solid seconds of silence.

Maya reaches out and waves her hand above your head.
She seems to think for a moment longer. You're pretty sure Gamal completely checked out of that explanation partway through and is just leaving this topic to the two of you.
"I am not sure I fully understand it, but it seems like a staggeringly sophisticated system of interlinked technologies... unreasonably sophisticated for a 'toy'. The computational requirements alone must be immense!", she finally remarks.

You laugh. "Yes, it is honestly pretty overcomplicated. The issue with it is that for all its intricacy it's just not that practical. For most image-display use cases, two-dimensional will do and that's simpler and cheaper and less error-prone. Also it needs a darkened environment or you lose all but the most extremely vividly coloured parts and... Yeah it turns out there's just not a lot it is good for except novelty."

Maya nods with a thoughtful expression. "You know I was wondering how the image could shine so brightly without actually illuminating the room. I guess it somehow really does manage to only hit our eyes.", she muses.

"It is pretty precise, yes.", you say and after a pause, "I'm going to play the next one, yeah?"

Nobody objects.

"HoloRec, play!"
No. 1098257 ID: 815fee
File 172812187127.png - (241.31KB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_D.png )

The metadata disappers and makes way for a similar scene as the one you viewed before. But...

There she is. This thought lights up the murky depths of your recollection. Disquiet-247. There she is.
She looks like you, but... healthier. Not so inhumanly pale, her eyes not so obviously artificial, her expression not so tense and exhausted. And yet, she looks... older, in a way?

A warmth spreads in your chest while a sudden pressure grips your lungs. An intoxicating mix of disparate emotions washes over you with such intensity that you almost miss when she starts talking.

She speaks in a friendly, gentle tone: "Hiya, kid! Yes it's still me. Different, huh? Yeah not gonna lie, it's mostly a downgrade from the previous body. No digestive systems to speak of, way fewer touch sensors and, well... Just doesn't look as spiffy at all. It's just more practical and easier to maintain. It makes sense for now. I won't be using it forever..."
There is something wistful in her voice.

It is amazing how different she sounds. It's not even exactly like someone playing the same instrument in a different way. It's more like... hearing someone's sibling speak? Maybe?
She registers, to you at least, as a wholly different person. And a specific person at that, you note. This is Disquiet-247. You remember her. She is not you. Probably.

After a pause, she perks up and says: "Oh but! Check this out!"
No. 1098258 ID: 815fee
File 172812188513.png - (245.78KB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_E.png )

She raises her hand and taps the right side of her head twice in quick succession. And then the hair appears. It looks... really weird on her for some reason.

"Eh?" She turns her head this way and that to show off her look.
"Actual hair gets in the way a lot, especially in low gravity. So this is an adequate compromise.", she explains.
No. 1098259 ID: 815fee
File 172812191429.gif - (1.08MB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_F.gif )

She exclaims: "And it can do this!"

Then she starts tapping the side of her head again and with each tap, both colour and shape of her projected hair changes.
No. 1098260 ID: 815fee
File 172812193861.png - (230.34KB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_G.png )

Eventually, she settles on a fluffy style in eye-watering cyan that also adds freckles to her face.

"So it's not all bad. I'm sure I'll get used to it.", she says with a big smile. She claps her hands.
"Anyway! Welcome aboard the History Unmade. The real deal! The true, beating heart and ultimate achievement of the Guang Han Gong Project! Must be great to get out of the dust storms, huh? I hope I can welcome you in person tomorrow and show you around. Things are always busy but I'll make time for you!
"I'm so excited we're gonna be working together more closely again!"

She reaches out towards you and the recording ends, switching the projection back to the metadata display.
No. 1098261 ID: 815fee
File 172812196187.png - (241.03KB , 990x660 , HU_02_012_H.png )

You realise you've unconsciously reached out towards the image and you slowly lower your arm.

Maya and Gamal are both looking at you, waiting for some kind of reaction. This is so awkward. You're starting to wish you had watched this stuff in a more private setting.

They seem to expect you to say something. What to say? Should you even say anything?

You probably have to say something.
No. 1098263 ID: a7a180

"No digestive systems, huh. That's a bummer."
So the recording also captures DTR projections, does that mean it recognizes cameras as eyes too?
No. 1098265 ID: 273c18

Tell them the first video was you talking. The second one was Disquiet-247. Keep any explanations short. You still don't want to talk about the first video; the second video was Disquiet talking about her new body and welcoming the viewer to History Unmade. Also, something about dust storms. The future you came from must have had a ruined Earth. It sounds like your civilization ruined it.
That's the same hair she was wearing in your dream, when you were standing in her place...

Time for video 2 I suppose.
No. 1098292 ID: 355e44

keep this from being such a one-sided thing. Ask about what sort of communication tech they have.
No. 1098401 ID: 8f9bc4

They should have recognized the words "Guang Han Gong" as China's civilization wasn't er... interrupted by orbital bombardment, so their language should be intact. For what little meaning those three words have.

Tell them about the dust storms, which is probably why you were back in time trying to change history. That you seemed to be able to construct new bodies, unsurprising considering they're talking to a literal android, but the holographic hair was a practcial choice because of the low gravity. You might grumble that Disquiet-247 said her body was a downgrade, making your body a downgrade of a downgrade. Not much else to that recording.

Maybe it's like a spare tire, just something to last until you make it to the shop. Wait never mind, your advanced civilization has no idea what tires are.
No. 1099126 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014340596.png - (333.55KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_A.png )

"No digestive systems, huh? That's a bummer.", you say, trying to sound casual. You don't think it really lands.

Gamal chimes in with clear interest: "Oh, that's good to know with certainty. Was there more about your body?"
"Well, not much. She talked about the uh... volumetric hair being more practical than actual hair. She said the body was a downgrade compared the previous one..."
"She?", Maya asks, "Not 'you'?"

You sigh. "Yes", you say, "I believe the person in the previous recording was me and this... This was Disquiet-247."
Maya nods slowly. "Yes, she did seem different. What else did she say?"

"She welcomed me to the History Unmade. Er, the viewer, I suppose. She mentioned something called Guang Han Gong, did you catch that? Do you know what that is?"
They look at each other for a moment. Then Maya says: "Did she say that? I didn't notice. What is it? Sounds vaguely Mahacinan, now that you mention it."
You shake your head. "I don't know either. From context it sounded like a code name. Hmm..."

What else did she say?
"She mentioned dust storms. Did we...?", you fall silent and think.
Is it reasonable to assume that this offhand mention of a weather phenomenon has such serious meaning? Why is it that you immediately jump to the conclusion that the Earth was ruined? Why does that ring true?

"We might have... ruined the Earth's climate.", you say, "And then they... we... they decided to abandon it and seek shelter in the past."
And as you say it, you feel your muscles tighten. Your joints? You can feel your jaw trembling slightly.
No. 1099127 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014341423.png - (199.86KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_B.png )

Gamal sounds incredulous, when they ask: "Hold on. What exactly do you mean 'ruined'?"

"I don't know exact details of how bad it got, but... I'll guess at the very least it will have caused extreme weather, widespread ecological collapse, severe water shortages... I tried to explain this to Shyama earlier, but he wasn't really hearing it.", you say.

Gamal shakes their head. They seem actually outright worried now. You see Maya gesticulating towards you with a big-eyed expression and her mouth all tense. There's something nonverbal going on here between the two of them, but you can't really tell what exactly it is.

Gamal takes and releases a deep breath. "Mmmhh I'll need to think on this. Why don't we just continue with the recordings for now?", they say.

You don't need to be told twice.

play time: 00:00:53.19
created: 28 NOV 2277
by: HR_d2h5N2ZpcnN0>disquiet247
size: 250 GB
No. 1099128 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014342558.png - (233.65KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_C.png )

Recording number 2 begins with Disquiet visibly holding back a laugh.
"All right calm down, now.", she manages between little snorts and tremors in her breathing.
She looks at you with such good humor and affection... you can feel your chest contracting. You have to force yourself to take the next few breaths.
She takes a few moments more to steady her breathing and compose herself before continuing conversationally: "Look, I don't know why the power conduction system can't handle these loads. I promise you that was not an unrealistic amount of power we tried to draw today. As it turns out the uh... special calculations the quantum computer needs to run are extremely demanding and I'm confident the original specifications we submitted to engineering years ago reflected this. If that means you need to rip out all the wiring and redo the power conductors, well... That's just what you'll have to do."
No. 1099129 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014343934.png - (230.94KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_D.png )

Here she turns more serious. "Now, Serenity isn't gonna like that. He's not gonna like it one bit."
She leans a bit closer. "So here's the game plan.", she says in a conspiratorial tone, "Figure out what work needs to be done to fix this and get the computer lab the power it requires, write up a plan and I'll present it to him. He can't fire me. I got your back, kid. We'll make this work."

The recording ends. At the questioning looks, you explain that apparently... somebody had to do a lot of extra work rewiring power systems for a damn quantum computer.
Maya grins wide at that. Yeah she knows who that somebody was.

Since these seem to be getting shorter, you decide to just keep going.

Number 3!
No. 1099130 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014345183.png - (217.35KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_E.png )

play time: 00:00:29.28
created: 22 MAR 2281
by: HR_d2h5N2ZpcnN0>disquiet247
size: 137 GB

Maya asks if she can try starting the recording. Her first three attempts fail, as the particular combination of sounds in the English word 'play' give her some trouble. But after you walk her through those, she eventually manages it on attempt number 5.

"HoloRec, play!"

Recording number 3 is really quite brief. Disquiet looks... shaken. She looks like someone trying very hard not to show how worried she is.
"Hey... Uh... Hey, kid.", she begins, unsteady.
"You're scaring me a little. Look, whatever's going on with you, it's gonna be okay. I'm here for you. Let's talk about it in person, okay? Thank you so much for trusting me with this. Let's meet up at the Lunatics Club after your shift. It's gonna be okay. Promise."

There's not much you can say about the contents of this one. You say Disquiet was worried about something going on with, presumably, you. But she wanted to talk about it in person, so there isn't any real information.
No. 1099131 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014347240.png - (235.04KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_F.png )

Hoping for something more substantive, you quickly pop in cartridge number 4, but that recording also seems to be very brief.

play time: 00:00:51.00
created: 13 APR 2281
by: HR_d2h5N2ZpcnN0>disquiet247
size: 241 GB

Disquiet-247 looks awful here. Anxious, troubled. Her eyes look both tired and hunted.

"I'll move the equipment to the habitat module tonight. Reminder: it's number three. The medical one. You make sure nobody else goes in there." Her tone is very matter-of-fact.
She takes a deep breath before continuing: "This is it. Last chance to reconsider. I don't like any of this, kid. But I'll commit to it. I get it. I get it. Don't worry, it's just cold feet. I'm sure you feel the same way."
She looks off to the side, chews on her lip. "I feel sick.", she says, "I don't have a digestive tract and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. But we'll do this. There's no other way. There's no other way."
There is a long pause.
She nods, she says: "Okay... Okay." Then she rises from her seat and the recording ends.

No, that just raised more questions. You practically rip the cartridge out of the slot and reach for number 5... But number 5 is missing. So you go for number 6. This had better be the one that actually explains something!
No. 1099132 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014349191.png - (279.50KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_G.png )

play time: 00:00:18.47
created: 18 APR 2281
by: HR_d2h5N2ZpcnN0>disquiet247
size: 90 GB

... it's even shorter.

She's frantic, crying. Yelling at the top of her lungs.

"It was necessary! It had to be done, you hear?! Think what you want, but it was necessary! You knew it! She knew it! Remember what was at stake! No matter how much you end up hating yourself! Remember what was at stake!"
No. 1099133 ID: 0b7e05
File 173014350167.png - (298.75KB , 990x660 , HU_02_013_H.png )

And that's all you get.
And the next recording would be number 7, which you've already seen and which apparently was made over forty years later.

No. 1099134 ID: f6efb7

We killed them. We sabotaged the project to prevent the colonization of the past. There are holes, but the implication is too clear to ignore. We arranged some kind of accident that scuttled the entire HU project, probably crashed a bunch of radioactive junk into Europe as a side effect.
No. 1099135 ID: f6efb7

Addendum; Or, perhaps even more worryingly in an attempt to prevent our own future from coming to pass europe was intentionally nuked by the mutineers or a radical faction of mutineers (a victory lap was mentioned in the dream, someone took things too far…). Destroying Europe could have been a desperate gamble to have things turn out differently.

Didn’t work though, because here we are again, different players, same events. Guess its just human nature.
No. 1099136 ID: 273c18

I'm not sure we caused the nuclear blasts. Those may have been part of the colonization efforts. The "victory lap" that broke the camel's back.
Regardless, both Disquiet and Rage agreed that it had to be done. They were both certain that it was necessary to kill everyone, because of what was at stake.

Do you remember what was at stake?
No. 1099137 ID: 8f9bc4

Dear god, we are time colonists.

But what does that have to do with orbital nuclear bombardment of ancient Rome? Was that... why "it was necessary?" They weren't trying to stop Rome's ostensible evil, so much as set up shop there? And you fucked shit up so they couldn't? Why nuclear, then? It'd make the whole place unusable! The colonists already left the moon and took over Rome, and you... had no other way to breach their planetary defense systems?

This is getting nowhere. Are... are you "kid?" Are you OK?
No. 1099138 ID: a7a180

Maybe if you can find security logs from the medical bay you can find out what was in the box she smuggled in. (Or maybe the boxes they use there are like the one you found the pipe bomb in.)
Also, a club, huh? I hope it was in habitat 3. Maybe you could go there to relax.
No. 1099139 ID: cca44f

And I suppose we should keep some brain cells on the lookout for "the thing we were supposed to do". Nothing occurs to me yet, but maybe it'll click for somebody else.
No. 1101283 ID: 360d4d
File 173427365659.png - (111.78KB , 990x660 , HU_02_014_A.png )

Oh it's all so jumbled. All these vague bits and pieces of information bouncing around in your head. Thinking about them makes your head spin, but sometimes a thought will snap into place, like it's connecting to another fragment of your beaten and battered mind.

Yes. 'Kid.' That's what she would call you. She was addressing you.

Time colonists. Another piece that fits. The History Unmade embarked from a ruined future to colonize the distant past. So... you killed them?

Disquiet-247 and you must have done that together. But something went wrong. Did they destroy Rome? Or did you? And was it an accident? Or was it purposeful?

There is no denying it anymore. You've been pushing against this realization all this time, but certainty finally clamps down on you like the jaws of a leviathan.

Half a million dead.

No. 1101284 ID: 360d4d
File 173427366266.png - (181.41KB , 990x660 , HU_02_014_B.png )

And perhaps half a million again. Collateral deaths.

Because of you.

No. 1101285 ID: 360d4d
File 173427366825.png - (174.53KB , 990x660 , HU_02_014_C.png )

And was it all for nothing? Is history just repeating itself?

No. 1101286 ID: 360d4d
File 173427367598.png - (177.41KB , 990x660 , HU_02_014_D.png )

Why are you still here?

You don't want to be here anymore.

There was one thing you were supposed to do.

But what?
No. 1101287 ID: 360d4d
File 173427367899.png - (230.49KB , 990x660 , HU_02_014_E.png )

And what was her last wish?
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