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1080778 No. 1080778 ID: 681cb5

[Blood, gore, death and perhaps nudity]

The world is ending. The gods are dead and their rotting corpses have crashed into the world, crushing beneath them what little peace this realm once had. What left of civilization is being torn apart by an endless stream of beasts and monsters pouring out from the decayed remains of what was once your idols of worship. Disease, starvation and death are well-known friends for those that still remain. This is the final generation before all life will be snuffed out…

Which means now is a great opportunity to make some gold!
Expand all images
No. 1080779 ID: 681cb5
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Four fools are ready to venture forth to their death. But who are they?
Please create a class / race / gender / main color combo.


1) Zealot (Mace and Shield)
2) Sellsword (Longsword and Buckler)
3) Knave (Daggers and Venom)
4) Brute (Axe and Brutality)

1) Huntsman (Bow and Toxic Fauna)
2) Slayer (Crossbow and traps)
3) Arsonist (Fire and Explosives)
4) Toxicologist (Toxics and Poisons)

1) Elemental Sorcerer (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
2) Rot Druid (Nature and Death)
3) Fanatic (Holy and Blood)
4) Arcane Wizard (Arcane and Runes)
No. 1080780 ID: 681cb5
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1) Rat.
2) Newt.
3) Avian.
4) Hare.

1) Fox.
2) Snake.
3) Lizard.
4) Eagle.

1) Owl.
2) Bovine.
3) Rhino.
4) Crocodile.

Their rotting carcasses will feed this dying world.
No. 1080782 ID: 462d8c

A Rot Druid, Hare Lady. Colours are Acid Yellow and Army Green
No. 1080785 ID: a7a180

Bovine lady Slayer, white.
No. 1080786 ID: 124485

>Please create a class / race / gender / main color combo.
Class: Brute

Race: Crocodile

Gender: Female

Main color combo: Black and Red
No. 1080787 ID: 19ea25

Rot Druid
No. 1080788 ID: b72b19

Brute, Bovine, Female, Black/Dark Brown and White. So that your enemies may best see the blood of their former comrades.
No. 1080790 ID: 2aa5f0




Rot Druid

fun fact: the eagles are siblings
No. 1080792 ID: a758c7

toxicologist rat male, white fur with black head and accents
No. 1080793 ID: 00e040

A male crocodile.
No. 1080794 ID: d0cff5

Knave / Fox / Male / Red with pink stuff!
No. 1080795 ID: 97b431

A female fox slayer.
A male snake Elemental Sorcere
A female eagle knave
A male crocodile Brute.
No. 1080796 ID: d387ea

1) Huntsman/Rat/Female
2) Zealot/Croc/Male
3) Knave/Snake/Male
3) AW/Hare/Female.
No. 1080797 ID: eb0a9c

* Once per battle, she can perform an attack that is guaranteed to dismember when it lands. Every time she dismembers something, she gains an extra attack.
* Does not like men. Is obsessed with penises. This has caused major complications, and she is wanted dead in three kingdoms for crimes against lower sapience. The lower part of lower sapience. Fell in with the Huntsman's crew five years ago, and they were one of the only survivors when a god crashed near their base.

* Party leader, with an emphasis in battlefield control and flanking. When she lands sneak attacks or critical hits, they bypass most armor.
* Was framed for mass murder. Over a decade, she became an underworld handler for multiple assassinations and revolutions. By the time she was proven innocent of her initial crime, she had grown addicted to playing kingmaker and delivering vengeance. When the apocalypse happened, she lost her shadow empire. With nothing else worth surviving for, she has decided to play godmaker or die trying.

Feminine Intersex
* Buffs the party's poisons so they can kill faster. She also has mysterious means of enhancing poisons that are currently flowing through the enemy's veins, and can even administer special poisons that turn into healing buffs if the party is grievously injured.
* Has not enjoyed their abusive life until the apocalypse and they were given demigod poison powers in a freak accident soon after their family died screaming, which has warped their worldview. They were previously a neutral client to the Huntsman's gang (or rather, their slaveowner of a father was), but gleefully joined up soon after the meteors granted them freedom.

* Nobody likes the old fart, but the party depends on poison. His prayers can weaken toxic resistance - if he's not busy praying to dead gods and somehow getting their dead attention with his insufferable screaming. Very occasionally (crit twice in a row), he'll get a miracle of some kind.
* The rest of the crew dragged him out of his ruined monastery, which was a twisted monument to the blessings of absolution; the messed-up sect would find ways to break down hard-earned resistances to pain and suffering. He only stopped yelling at them when he discovered that he was the lynchpin of a pain-based adventuring team, but he still yells at everything else.
No. 1080798 ID: 5ebd37

Male newt arsonist, black as soot with lurid orange spots
No. 1080803 ID: 85a6e8

Arcane Wizard/m/Lizard/blue
No. 1080804 ID: eb7ce4

i have no idea what this is so ima just uhhhhhhhhhhhh

fox (because he's SHIFTY (like a snake))
toxicologist (because poisons are SNEAKY (LIKE A SNAKE))
Male (because he's sly (LIKE A SNA-
hes also a drunkard because drunk people are funny
No. 1080805 ID: a785dd

Rot Druid, Snake, Male, Hot Pink/White
Brute, Crocodile, Female, Red/Black
Knave, Fox, Male, Black/White
Huntsman, Eagle, Female, Brown/Gold
No. 1080821 ID: d387ea

Brute, Crocodile, Male, dark green (likes to fight and fuck).
Arsonist, Fox, Female, white (a dangerous seductress).
Elemental Sorcerer, Snake, male, purple (timid nerd but very lustfull in secret and hung).
Huntsman, Rat, female, blue (aa little dumb but well meaning).
No. 1080908 ID: 031458

Arcane Wizard

His father called him a disappointment.
His peers called him a nerd.
His crush called him a weirdo.
All because he liked books more than fighting.
Well he showed them! After learning magic he used spells and runes to enhance his already naturally incredible physique to kick the ass off everyone who looked down on him!
Now it's time he price himself to the world!
No. 1080931 ID: 10befc

Class: Sellsword (Longsword and Buckler)
Race: Crocodile
Gender: Male
Main Color: Yellowish Green

Natural scales resistances paired with a melee class? Hell yeah
No. 1081000 ID: 34713f

Brute, Avian (Hummingbird), Male, Green + Red

Smol, but swole to a hilariously disproportionate degree. He quests for a new source of caloric gains - or coin to fund the former back home. The food on offer to commoners these days just won't cut it for a growing hummingbird.
No. 1081013 ID: 681cb5
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Four miserable souls gather in one of the last safe havens in the world, preparing for what will most likely be their last journey. Their destination is the City of Endless sun, the once proud capital of the Solar Empire and the religious center of the Sun Worshippers. Then the rotting body of their god, the supposedly god of gods, Solen the lightbringer, lord of the sun, crashed into the center of the city and washed its streets clean with Rot. Now it is a place of great horror, where few dare venture too… and even fewer returns from. But those that come back return with great riches and knowledge… though most lack the sanity to appreciate it. The four fools that have gathered here are…

Kani the Huntress, a lady hare with anger issues and a lust for blood.
Faction: Worshipper of the Rot, the disease coming from the dead gods.
Skills: Bow and arrow, toxics, dangerous flora and stealth.
Strength: Determination.
Weakness: Rage.
Goal: Feed the rot with more blood. Especially the blood of the corpse gods, one which is located in the city of endless sun.

Gokk the Brute, a crocodile man from the wilds who loves fucking and fighting.
Faction: Worshipper of the Rot, the disease coming from the dead gods.
Skills: 2-handed axe, intimidation, strength and pain resistance.
Strength: Battle hardened.
Weakness: Brave.
Goal: To die in glorious combat and let his body become one with this rotting world. There is bound to be a worthy foe in the city of endless sun.

Orma the Rot Druid, an old snake woman who once was a renown healer, but now wishes only to put this decayed world to rest.
Faction: Worshipper of the Rot, the disease coming from the dead gods.
Skills: Carcass manipulation, fungalmancy, beneficial flora, occultism.
Strength: Experienced.
Weakness: Old.
Goal: To get a better understanding of the rot and the corpse gods, so that she may hasten the decay of this dead world.

Raskrev the Knave, a new fox recruit of the Order of Moon and Stars, eager to prove himself.
Faction: Worshipper of the Moon and Stars, the one that guide the possible paths of the future.
Skills: Daggers, venom, stealth and avoiding danger.
Strength: Quick thinking.
Weakness: Inexperienced.
Goal: To gather knowledge of the Rot, be it from artifacts, sacred text or experience, and bring it back to his order… so that he may finally be promoted.

Each of them also has a sin that weighs heavily on their shoulders, a sin they keep secret from the others. But what is it? Please give each of these fools a great sin that will burden them through this hell…

Oh, and finally, please choose a character to follow… (P.O.V character)
No. 1081014 ID: 462d8c

Kani: has killed a close family member in anger over an archery contest
Gokk: Actually has lost a fight recently and has been castrated for it, so despite all his bravado he no longer fucks. He's hoping to take this to his grave.
Orma: Classic witch shenanigans and has eaten children for a prolonged life
Raskrev: Doesn't eat his veggies

I want to say Raskrev for POV, just because he'd be the most weirded out by these werirdos and their weird rot lust
No. 1081015 ID: 15a025

POV: Kani
No. 1081017 ID: a7a180

Murder, arson, drug trafficking, and littering.
POV: Kani.
No. 1081020 ID: d0cff5

Kani: killed somebody she considered good in anger, she's so mad
Gokk: killed a promising fighter in a cowardly way, hopes to fight and fuck to the end enough for the both of them
Orma: prolonged suffering by experimenting on the doomed and dying, hopes to atone through this journey
Raskrev:has done nothing, ever, and is haunted by living a meaningless life and dying a meaningless death

POV: Raskrev!
No. 1081022 ID: e51896

Kani: indecent exposure from public nudity (she wasn't as stealthy as she thought that day)
Gokk: killed a bartender in a bar fight
Orma: used occult magic to give herself arms
Raskrev: jaywalking
No. 1081023 ID: e51896

and pov: Raskrev
No. 1081027 ID: eb0a9c

Kani's sociopathic ex-boyfriend manipulated her into killing her own family, then promptly dumped her.
Gokk killed an angel right before it could save one of the Gods. By accident.
Orma is insane; her bipolar disorder is so extreme that she would occasionally murder one of her patients and use them as spare parts, completely forgetting where they came from. Not helping matters is how effectively it worked.
Raskrev once went a drunken bender and got four women pregnant.

POV: Orma
No. 1081028 ID: 00e040

Kani: Killed her sister in a fit of rage
Gokk: Fuck and breed the wife of an important noble, he killed the noble when he caught them in the act and now is on the run.
Orma: Committed incest with her brother multiple times (even had children) once discovered nobody wanted her healer services.
Raskrev: He poisoned a brother of the order because he was going to be promoted to a position he wanted.

POV Gokk
No. 1081029 ID: 2953f9

POV: Orma
No. 1081030 ID: b45e4f

Kani: Killed innocent people.
Gokk: He fucked priestess and committed adultery with the wives of some fellow rot worshippérs.
Orma: Killed patients (they were beyond help so it was more like a mercy kill)
Raskrev: He yell to his mum one time :(

p.o.v Gokk
No. 1081031 ID: 5ebd37

Kani:Left home despite family's wishes, returned to find them dead to bandits.
Gokk: Murdered his brother for his sword, and it wasn't even that good of a sword.
Orma:Only healed those she deemed worthy, her judgement was often flawed.
Raskrev: Has a history of spying on others, especially those in his order.

We should follow Gokk, he seems fun.
No. 1081072 ID: a7ddda

pov raskrev, also bc hes not a rot worshipper
No. 1081180 ID: 41a53c

POV : Raskrev.

Kani : Before joining the Worshippers of the Rot she lived in a big city. One night an old man started banging on her door, pleading to be let in. Kani refused to open the door and discovered his frozen corpse on her doorstep the next morning.
Gokk : He betrayed his previous band of mercenaries and sold them out to the bandits they were hunting. He knew he could win easily against the bandits, prove he was the strongest mercenary of the band and become leader. He was wrong.
Orma : When her husband became sick she tried everything but could not save him. When he died she used forbidden fungalmancy to revive him and the failed attempt killed their only child, who rotted away in an instant. Then the plague she unleashed spread to the rest of the village.
Raskrev : He cheated on his admission test in the Order... And the boy whose place he took hanged himself. He found the body still fresh in their shared room when he came back after a night of partying to celebrate his success.
No. 1081188 ID: 681cb5
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The city of everlasting sun… it is said that the sun never sets there, that the great golden spires sprinkles like the sea under the dawn sun and that the great temple of Solen shone so bright that people living miles away mistook it for the sun. But now, under the snuffed out sun, it’s nothing more than decrepit spires and ruins covered in smog of sickly green miasma.

You remember 20 years ago, when the sun first went out and the end times truly began. The panicky worshipers of the corpse god prayed for salvation, but all they got was a rotting carcass of their dead god crushing their most holy city. Since then… the world has gone to hell. For the last 20 years the sun has been frozen in the sky, the dark orb giving no warmth or light, making the short days cold and somber. At first people managed to go on, even without the warmth of the sun, but as the first year went on, a horrifying truth emerged. No one new was born. Be it animal or man, the living simply shouldn’t reproduce anymore, dooming us all to a slow but inventible extinction. And then the gods started falling, their toxic blood bringing the Rot and the army of the diseased.

Your name is Raskrev. A novice of the Order of Moon and Star. All your life you’ve done nothing but watch the world slowly decay, refusing to do anything either out of fear, apathy or a lack of hope. All you should do was hide and watch, as horrible crimes happened before your eyes. The Order leaders hypocrisy laid bare… the worshipers of the Corpse god fanaticism and brutality… even the cult of the Rot and their spreading madness. Even as they dragged those that you loved, your own family, to their death you did nothing. You’ve been useless…

But you will change that… you will venture to the Forbidden City and find a way to stop this madness… or at least… find a purpose for it. Why? Why is the world ending? Why are the go-
No. 1081189 ID: 681cb5
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Kani:”Hey, Pipsqueak!” an harsh voice brings you back to reality, “Stop daydreaming or you’ll get killed.”
Raskrev:”I wasn’t-” you shake your head, “Never mind.”

Behind you, your party has retrieved all their equipment and supplies from the cart that took you here, while in front of them the diseased crow that you hired as a guide sways back and forth unsteadily.

Cart Driver: ”This is as far as I go, strangers.” the tortoise driving the cart mutters, “Down in those woods the Vigilant Woodsmen hunts.”
Gokk: ”HA!” the large crocodile man scoffs, “Like we would be scared of some tree huggers.”
Crow Guide: ”Ye best heed the warning, clean ones.” he rotting bird stammers out, “The Woodsmen has felled far more dangerous beasts than you four.” She coughs loudly, spraying some kind of purple goop on the grass, “Hehe, they will chew you up, like the rest of the fools that venture here…”
Orma: ”Hmm, this place is oddly untouched…” the snake druid muses to herself, “The text I’ve consulted describes this area as a fetid marchland, filled with toxic and Rot. This… is clearly not.”
Cart Driver: ”The lands south of the city is as you describe, fields after fields with miasma and death.” the old man spits on the ground, “But the forest north of the forbidden city is mostly free from the Rot, at least on the surface. Why? I do not know. Nor do I care.” With a snort, he whips his horse and says, “I will be leaving now, strangers. May I never see you again.” And with that, your ride here has left.
Kani: ”There would have been a lot of farmland around the city.” the rabbit lady rubs one of her ears, “Fields perfect for battle and massacres. A lot of blood spilled.” Looking over towards Orma, she continues, “Hmm, maybe the blood has tainted the ground, making the southern parts into the miasma filled hellhole it is?”
Orma: ”Some of the sacred text from the worshippers of the corpse god mention some holy woods north of the city.” folding her arms, the old lady takes a moment before telling Kani, “Is it possible they were correct and this is it?”

Crow Guide: ”CAWAHAHA! Does it matter?” the diseased crow laughs loudly, her misshapen arm pulsating disgustingly with each caw, “This area is traversable, and wasn’t that what I promised?”
Gokk: ”Wait…” a thought enters the head of the brute, “If the misbegotten crow is our guide, why did we bring along the kid?”
Raskrev: ”I’m the one who found this lady in the first place.” you explain to him, “Not to mention financed the ride here, bought all our supplies and made sure you three came along.” Turning around, you look over at them and say, “If it wasn’t for me, none of you would be here in the first place.”
Crow Guide: ”It doesn’t matter who pays me, Cawhaha…” her laughter becomes a coughing fit, her violent motion making several of her discolored feathers fall to the ground, “Just follow me, and I will lead you inside the city, Caw…”
Kani: ”You know…” the Hare Huntress says with a sultry tone, “It sounds more and more that we don’t need you, Pipsqueak.”
Raskrev: ”Wha-”
Orma: ”Indeed.” Orma nods, “In fact, I wouldn’t mind having a fresh corpse to use. Even one so young.”
Kani: ”So… little boy…” Kami pulls out a jagged knife and drags her thumb across it, “Any reason why we shouldn’t just cut your throat and be done with it?”

All three of them look over at you, with Gokk smiling widely and the other two faces hidden beneath their masks… even the crow takes a few steps away from you, as if not to be in the way…

No. 1081192 ID: 462d8c

Kill the crow, then they'll need you again
No. 1081193 ID: 5ebd37

"You need someone to bully and make carry heavy loads and other unpleasant tasks. And wouldn't you rather lull me into a false sense of security so when you kill me later it will come as more of a shock?"

Don't let them see you're afraid
No. 1081196 ID: a7a180

Whip out your dick. This is why.
No. 1081197 ID: 2a82d3

Bluff. Bluff your ass off like the world's ending ('cause it is). Make it look like you or your order knows something, like about treasure or lore, that the other three adventurers wouldn't. If the crow looks like she's about to call BS, glare not-literal daggers at her with the implication of more-literal ones will follow should she not shut up.
No. 1081200 ID: b89a2b

Do these! Bluff and strip off and offer your clothes to show off how bare your intentions are! Desperate and crazy times calls for even more desperate and crazier measures! Make sure they know you're just as crazy as they are, if not moreso! It'll be entertaining, at least. And then when you die they can totally defile your corpse or whatever it is rot cultists like to do. Did they teach you that in the Order? How to handle them?
Grokk looks like he likes fighting, maybe you can appeal to that (in that it won't be much of a fight, especially if you're naked). If all else fails you can probably kill the crow I guess.
No. 1081236 ID: e91432

Slaughter the crow with venomed daggers. Then they'll need you again. Make note of their trechery for future, these fiends are no allies of yours.
No. 1081237 ID: dc4bad


This is proooobably just some hazing, they smell newblood on you and are having some fun at your expense. But you're gonna be counting this lot as your companions for the forseeable future so you need to come out not looking wet behind the ears. Also they might be serious. No pressure.

Okay deep breath, just play it cool and subtly reach for any of your more hidden daggers as you talk.

There's two reasons actually;
- First and foremost is it's a really stupid idea: why give up not just an extra set of eyes, ears, skills and weapons, but frankly the one least likely to turn on group itself. This venture implodes on itself if it not only loses a member, but can't trust the others not to shank them as soon as it seems slightly convenient for them. And they might say they already expect that, but there's a difference between being wary of a knife in the back and knowing one is on it's way eventually.

- Second, (and be sure to have at least one weapon in hand by now) kindly explain you are fast enough to make sure you take one of them with you if they try anything. Allude to specifically targeting Orma, since she's not only old and probably the slowest to react of any of you, but is both the healer and corpse manipulator of the operation. Being down two people and not having an occultist in that city renders them dead in the water.
No. 1081240 ID: eb7ce4

heard any rumors about the FORBIDDEN CITY? any secret pathways or hidden dangers that one may know lurks within?
No. 1081242 ID: 50aa54

Don't be rash, you're good at thinking on your feet: hazing sounds about right, but don't be stupid. They pointed out the crow for a reason, they expect you to kill her, most likely. Killing her won't get the lot of you infected, will it? Because this is a little early for the backstabbing, and making sure you're not too green sounds fitting.
An open attack like this could go poorly in so many ways, wasting resources and time. Even then, is a corpse going to have your skills, reaction time, or vitality, the perks of your youth? Couldn't two people striking from the shadows make a pile of corpses that much quicker?
You have killed, right? Is your knowledge as valuable as the Crow's?

As for exposing yourself, it's brazen and unhinged, and "proves" you're not a child in the literal sense (possibly appealing to Gokk through machismo), but depends on your willingness to be called a desperate fool in more than one way later on. Or for your loins to be targeted first.
No. 1081323 ID: 681cb5
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>Don't let them see you're afraid.
Your pulse is racing, your legs shaking... but you still stand strong. They won’t see anything but a cocky smile.
>This is proooobably just some hazing, they smell newblood on you and are having some fun at your expense.
…that does sound like a plausible explanation. Clearly, if they wanted to kill you, they would have already done so by now.
>Kill the crow, then they'll need you again
The thought of shanking the crow crosses your mind repeatedly. It wouldn’t be hard, as she is clearly on her last legs already, not to mention the world would be a better place without a filthy rot infected squirming around. But no, you still need her. After all, the whole point of paying her off is to make sure you know where you’re going in the first place! Everything you know of this place yourself is rumors and hearsay, nothing more.

Raskrev: ”A-alright…” your voice cracks slightly, “I’ll give you two really good reasons on why that is a bad idea.”
Kani: ”Only two?” the rabbit stops polishing her knife, her expression impossible to read behind her mask, “Is that all you can come up with, pipsqueak.”
Raskrev: ”Well, I’m sure I can come up with a thousand bad ones as well.” with a smile, you continue, “But we both now that would just be annoying.”
Gokk: ”Tiny here got a point.” the crocodile returns a massive, toothy smile, “You only need one good strike to fell a beast, after all.”

Raskrev: ”First and foremost…” you raise your hands, to show them they are empty, “This is just stupid.” as well as to distract them from the real danger, “Why give up on an extra set of eyes, ears, skills and weapons for… what reason, exactly?”
Kani: ”Eh…” Kani shrugs before pointing over at the snake, “The fungus fanatic over there can just raise you as a walking corpse.”
Raskrev: ”Really?” you raise an eyebrow while moving your tail around, hiding it behind your back, “And will this corpse have the same skills, expertise and knowledge of the city like I do?” Of course, that last part was a bluff, as you know as much about it as the dark side of the moon, “Of course not.”
Orma: ”The young one do bring up a good argument.” Orma hisses, “He will be more useful alive than dead. At least for now.”
Raskrev: ”Besides, why backstab each other when we have more pressing threats to be worried about?” with one final flick of your tail, you can feel the dagger hidden in it slide into the proper position, “At least wait until we’ve looted the place and escaped.”
Gokk: ”Hehe, you honestly think we will come out alive?" Gokk’s smile widens even more, “You truly are kid.”
Kani: ”Hmm, I do guess you’ll make good trap fodder if anything, little boy.” the hare points her knife toward you, “And the second re-”
No. 1081324 ID: 681cb5
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With a loud “THOCK!” one of your daggers buries itself into the tree right behind Kani, the blade slicing a tiny, tiny piece of her leather mask away. You were aiming for one of the mushrooms on Orma shoulders, but they don’t need to know that. The aim on your tail throw has always been slightly off…

Raskrev: ”Second, I’m fast enough to take one of you with me.” you say with a shit eating grin, “Is it really worth losing two team members just like that?”
Kani: ”WHAT THE-” the dagger obviously took Kani by surprise, “I’LL GUT YOU LIKE THE-”
Orma: ”Calm down, Kani.” by putting her hand on the rabbit’s shoulder, she managed to keep the huntress from doing anything stupid, “He made his points. He stays.”
Gokk: ”GAHAHAH!” his loud laughter echoes across the forest, “Now that’s a good reason to keep this little moonling!”
Kani: ”Bah! Fine.” she spits, knife still pointing towards you, “But when you die, I will desecrate your corpse!”
Raskrev: ”Fine by me.” you shrug, “Not like I’ll care.”
Orma: ”This show of skill wasn’t surprising.” Orma muses, poking one of her mushrooms, “After all, the order wouldn’t send some novice on a well-financed journey like this.” Your smile strains slightly, as not only are you a novice, but all that gold you used to finance this with was… “borrowed” from the Order coffers without permission. But they don’t need to know that, right?
Gokk: ”But why hire us?” the brute scratches his head, “Why not send more weaklings from the Order?”
Kani: ”Because we’re expendable, thick head.” after taking off her mask to survey the damage, she continue, “They don’t give a crap if we die, do they?”
Raskrev: ”So now that we’re all on the same star, you can start leading the…” you look around, but the guide is nowhere to be seen, “Wait, where’s the crow?”
Kani: ”She already went down towards the woods.” Kani chuckle, “Better hurry if you want to catch up.”
No. 1081325 ID: 681cb5
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The four of you quickly slide down the hillside and into the woods proper, almost stumbling your way into the serene forest. It is as if you’ve entered another world, as suddenly the air is still and thick with moisture. The thousand pillars of wood holds up a massive ceiling, their crowns blocking the sky completely. This, combined with the mist blocking the view of the deeper parts of the woods, make the whole area feel ethereal… or possibly like a prison without escape. Finally, the sounds… or the lack thereof! It’s quiet, so quiet that it is creepy. No animals, no insect, not even the wind rustling the leaves… no, the only thing that you can hear is yourself, the rest of your party and the crow stumbling between the trees, away from you.

The soil is drenched with virgin blood

Raskrev: ”Hey, wait!” you yell out, “Don’t leave us behind!”
Crow Guide: ”Then follow, quickly!” the crow looks over her shoulder, “The Woodsmen are hunting, yes? We must hurry before night falls!”
Orma: ”While I do agree that we shouldn’t idle needlessly…” the snake slither up next to you, “Rushing in like this does invite the possibility of traps and ambushes.”
Crow Guide: ”CAWHAHA! No worries! This crow knows all the traps!” your guide cackles loudly as she continue wandering deeper into the fog, “Come on! Follow me! Follow!! CAWHAHA!”

And with that, the crow disappears into the mist…

You quickly check your equipment.
Daggers x 6
Dart gun
Darts x 4
Big bottle of Bleeding venom.
Small bottle of paralyzing venom.
Tiny bottle of… “Last Freedom” (For self-use only)
Some Food
Starlight lantern
No. 1081336 ID: 19ea25

She's going to be the death of someone. Whether herself or otherwise. Time to keep up with the batty rot follower else you'll be lost in these woods till the rot finds you.
No. 1081344 ID: 5ebd37

Well, if you can't trust the guide you're probably dead already. Follow as quick as you can but keep a wary eye out.
No. 1081367 ID: 681cb5
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Dammit! That batty rot carrier is going to be the death of someone! Whether her own death or someone else’s, you need to rein her in. You better follow her, and quickly.

Raskrev: ”Come on!” you gesture towards the others to follow, “We can’t lose her!”
Gokk: Gokk huffs, ”Why do we even need some crazy hermit anyway?”
Orma: ”Do you want to find the city…” Orma pauses for a second as she slithers up on Gokk’s back, “Or do you want to be lost in these woods until the ROT finds you?”
Gokk: “Pff, fine, I get it.” Grabbing a hold of his old snake passenger, the large crocodile starts running after you, ”But then again, that ‘Vigilant Woodsmen’ thing does sound like a fun fight, whatever it is.”

While the brute is big and strong, he’s not the best at running through the heavy foliage, especially with Orma on his back, forcing you to slow down to let them catch up. Meanwhile, Kani the hare is nowhere to be seen. As you run deeper into the woods, the air grows more and more thick with moister, almost starting to smother you and making it hard to breath. The trees grows closer and closer together as well, making the whole area feel claustrophobic. Then, you spot something swinging from a tree. A body of an eagle who has been hung… followed by half the body of a bovine sharing a similar faith. In fact, the further you go, the more bodies can be seen hanging from the branches above. Wait, was that- No, it shouldn’t be. Impossible…

Kani: ”She went this way!” Kani says, having appeared as of from nowhere right next to you. By jumping constantly instead of running, she managed to avoid most of the obstacles and keep a steady pace with you, “But keep an eye out. There are more recent tracks here than just hers.”
Raskrev: ”I think I see her!” you point towards a small clearing, “There!”
Crow Guide: “Cawhaha! Be careful friends!” the cackling voice of the crow rings out, “That racket you did earlier woke someone up!”
No. 1081368 ID: 681cb5
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As you enter the clearing, you spot two shadowy figures emerge from the thick underbrush right next to the guide. But they just walk past the crow, ignoring her completely, and instead focusing on you.

Kani: ”I know it!” Kani growls while pulling out her bow, “She sold us out!”
Orma: ”Now, now. Don’t jump to conclusions.” the snake reassures her as she readies her oak staff, “They are ignoring her because she’s already diseased, that’s all.”
Gokk: ”Ha!” with a wild swing, the crocodile shows everyone he’s ready for combat, “Finally some fun! Come on!”
Raskrev: ”Be careful!” you tell them, holding up a hand, “These things are deadly!”

The two creatures entering the clearing are Wretched Souls, corpses being controlled by the ROT, whose only desire is to kill and spread the disease to anything living. Just seeing them fills you with disgust and a burning craving to destroy them. The one on the left is a female newt, whose arms has fused with what looks like a pair of hand scythes, while her legs as turned into another pair of arms. Then there’s her stomach, which has some kind of tumor like growth on it, that pulsates and wriggles in a disturbing manner, as some kind of mockery of a pregnant belly. The rat on the right, on the other hand, is rather simple… his head has split open, revealing a massive maw that is drenched is some kind of toxic liquid. Both of them shuffle towards you, readying their ‘weapons’ to strike.

Wretched Newt: ”Run…” the female newt whispers, staring at you with a blind eye, before desperation fills her voice as she screams, “RUN!”
Wretched Rat: ”Help…” it’s barely a whisper, but the rat tries to talk, ”Me…”

Two Wretched Souls approaches, their intent clearly deadly.
Nothing but the ROT puppeteering a carcass long dead.

Raskrev Skills: Daggers, venom, stealth and avoiding danger.

Gokk’s Skills: 2-handed axe, intimidation, strength and pain resistance.

Kani’s Skills: Bow and arrow, toxics, dangerous flora and stealth.

Orma’s Skills: Carcass manipulation, fungalmancy, beneficial flora, occultism.
No. 1081428 ID: 462d8c

Gokk should head in swinging
No. 1081434 ID: dc4bad

Be sure to dispatch the newt at range before closing with the rat.

If it's a corpse being puppeted around, I don't know how effective simply putting arrows/daggers into the head and heart will be, but trying has to be better than being up close and risking whatever foulness inhabits it exploding outward.

as for the rat, Gokk go hack it to bits.

(and does Orma have anything for manipulating these things or do they need to not be animated by rot for her mojo to be effective?)
No. 1081440 ID: 5ebd37

Rat seems easy, Gokk can just cleave its head off.
Are there any corpses hanging above the newt? Raskrev could sever the rope with a dagger and then Orma can have the corpse attack the newt.
No. 1081460 ID: 19ea25

Be careful of the rat. It might have a toxic bite, but potentially it could be spitting it as well. Have Gok attempt to behead it, and Kani aim to puncture the lizards legs. It's belly might contain something dangerous if it was to be pierced.
No. 1081606 ID: e91432

See if you can explode that belly with arrow and thrown dagger. Then get Gokk in there to cleave the rat up. Not sure what Orma can do but if one of the souls dies mid fight try animating it? Also get off Gokks back if youve not already.
No. 1081675 ID: 681cb5
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>If it's a corpse being puppeted around, I don't know how effective simply putting arrows/daggers into the head and heart will be.
If the old books are correct, destroying the head will disorient it enough to make it practically harmless. Otherwise you need to do enough damage to the body to ensure it cannot move. The ROT may still be in control, but a broken puppet is a useless puppet.

>Does Orma have anything for manipulating these things or do they need to not be animated by rot for her mojo to be effective?
Orma: ”If I had a few hours, a well-stocked lab and we restrained the body properly I might be able to expel the ROT completely.” the snake muses, “But, seeing as we don’t have the time, the best I can do is annoy it by fighting it mentally.” she shakes her head, “No, I need an actual dead corpse if you want to witness some proper results, dear.”
Raskrev: ”Dead corpse, eh?” with a nod and a glance, you turn her attention to one of the hanged bodies, “Like one of those?”
Orma: ”I usually only use better quality corpses…” a small bolt of purple magic crackle between her hands, “But that will suffice for our purposes, if you can get it down.”
Raskrev: ”Give me a second…” you say while readying a knife,“Kani, can you slow the newt down?”
Kani: ”Don’t you order me around, pipsqueak!” she snarls, though even then she takes aim with her bow.
Raskrev: ”Gokk, c-”
Gokk: ”GAHAHA!” before you can even get a world out, the brute is already charging the other Wretched Soul “You’re mine, rat!”
Raskrev: ”Never mind.”

As an actual team, the three of you work in tandem. Kani pierces the calf of the newt, making her fall to her knees, all the while you throw a dagger to cut down one of the corpses, whom Orma quickly starts manipulates with her magic.
No. 1081676 ID: 681cb5
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The hanged corpse barely has the time to hit the ground before it crawls with an unnerving speed towards the Newt, jumping an all too long distance to clamper onto her. With her leg crippled and the rhino zombie chewing on her head, the newt is an easy target. Something that Kani take advantage off, as she quickly fires an arrow right into its twisting and pulsating belly.

Wretched Newt: “SILENCE!” the newt screams in the voices of several people, “THE DISCOURSE!”

The newt’s stomach burst open in a shower of gore and guts, unleashing a swarm of newly hatched fleshworms. You’re unsure if it was the arrow that punctures it, or if the fleshworms either felt the hanged corpse nearby or that their host was being attacked. Either way, they start to feast upon the two bodies, ignoring the rest of you completely.

Infested Wretched soul defeated!
No. 1081677 ID: 681cb5
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Meanwhile, Gokk is raises his axe high and is ready to charge the other Wretched Soul.

Wretched Rat: “Join us…” the rat mutters, “ Join us…” before it jaws opens even wider as it screams, “JOIN US NOW!”
Gokk: ”Come on!” Gokk says with a smile, “Let’s dance!”

The rat’s body convulses, its chest audibly cracking inwards as something starts to move up its throat.
No. 1081678 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1081679 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1081681 ID: 681cb5
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Just as Gokk get into range, it barfs up a massive glob of acidic bile that hits the crocodile all across his left side. His scales audibly sizzles under the toxic liquid, and it’s clear as day that he’s in a lot of pain, pain that would make even a great knight falter and scream… but Gokk just grit his teeth and fight through the agony, not even slowing down for a second.

Gokk: ”GAH!” As the axe cleaves the Rat in twain, the brute hollers, “YOU CORPSE DAMNED FILTH!” with a second swing, he cleaves the body again… and again… leaving nothing but a pile of body parts, “DIE!”

And with that, the rat is no more…

Wretched soul defeated!
No. 1081682 ID: 681cb5
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As the adrenaline dies down and your pulse slows, you take a moment to observe your surroundings. Both of the Wretched are dead, and the corpse worms are feasting on their flesh, content to ignore you as long as their meal last. There aren’t any signs that something else has notice your presence either, as the forest is completely quiet. Well, almost… there’s the sound of leaves rustling somewhere nearby… and further away the sound of old wood creaking can be heard. Thank the stars and Moon, you all survived this battle with barely a wound.

Orma: ”That’s was some quick thinking, love.” Orma cheerfully exclaims as she removes her mask, “I am rather pleased we didn’t expulse you when we had the chance.”
Kani: ”Give me an order again, little boy…” with her helmet in her hands, the hare bares her teeth at you, “And I’ll cut that tiny thing you call a prick off.”
Raskrev: ”H-hey!” you stutter, ”I’m not tiny…”
Orma: ”Oh, ignore her, dear.” the old snake giddily claps her hands, “I for one am glad to have such a resourceful and handsome young man with us.”

The sound of an axe splitting a skull, followed by Gokk swearing, rings out across the clearing.

Gokk: ”You son of a Solarite!” he spits, “That hurt, dammit!”
Orma: ”Don’t be such a baby, Gokk.” the old lady rolls her eyes, “It’s just some bruised scales. They’ll be gone by tomorrow.”
Gokk: ”They freaking better!” the brute hollers back, “Damn maggot eaten corpses!”
Kani: ”What’s the matter, big guy?” Kani smirks, “Can’t handle a little pain?”
Gokk: ”I’ll cut off your head and fuck it, Hare!”
Kani: ”I’ll bite your tiny little cock off first, Croc!”
Orma: ”Now, now, kids.” Orma shakes her head, trying to hide a wry smile, “No fighting. We have more important tasks to focus on.”
Raskrev: ”I can feel the stars watching us…” you look up towards the sky, but can see nothing but a thick layer of fog, “The sun is setting soon… we need to find shelter.”

Where even are you? Looking around you can’t even see where you came from. Everything looks the freaking same here… not to mention the silence. This corpse damned silence! It’s driving you mad!
No. 1081705 ID: 5ebd37

Where did that crow get to? Go and look for her manically calmly, there's no need to panic yet.
No. 1081711 ID: e63104

Well, given that we are in here for the riches of the city, it'd be best to go in the general direction of it.

Look up to see its spires. Cities like that have structures tall enough to dwarf past the canopy.
No. 1081717 ID: eb0a9c

Collect the acid, it will make for good disinfectant.
No. 1081753 ID: 1204c9

The rustling is probably the crow, the group should grab her before she's gone.
For a camp, any where away from the corpses: unless you find some different terrain or an actual structure soon, it's all the same. If you can sense the direction of the stars, you should be able to navigate.

Banter is good, and Gokk's pain gives him a mild pass, but Kani's rage is concerning. Don't invite the wrath of someone at dick biting height, let her cool off first.
Orma's disposition is the least grating, but still a little concerning. Optimism is refreshing, but she's still dangerous... and flirty?
No. 1081770 ID: 681cb5
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>Banter is good, and Gokk's pain gives him a mild pass, but Kani's rage is concerning.
The Hare clearly has some real anger problems, as you’ve never really seen her express any other emotion. Still, she and Gokk do seem to get along somewhat…
>Orma's disposition is the least grating, but still a little concerning. Optimism is refreshing, but she's still dangerous... and flirty?
Not to mention she’s clearly completely insane, as looking into her eyes shows nothing but pure madness. Oh, and that snake is also super old, like in her fifties or even sixties. Yuck… Why can’t some cute little fox gal have come with you instead?

>Collect the acid, it will make for good disinfectant.
Getting this goop in an open wound will most likely kill you, but it might still be useful as either a weapon or a tool. Producing an empty vial from your pocket, you go on the harvest some of the sludge from the ROT infected corpse.
[Gained Wretched Acid]

Raskrev: ”Wait…” you look around, trying to spot your guide, “where did the crow go?”
Gokk: ”Bah, that coward probably ran away again!” a wet crunching sound almost drowns out the crocodile’s voice, as he pulls his axe from one of the corpses, “Can only hope she’ll wake something up that wants to eat her instead of us this time.”
Kani: ”I might be able to follow her tracks…” Kani kneels at the edge of the clearing, smiling for the first time, “Just give me a minute.”
Orma: ”Hrnn…” with a sigh, the old snake looks towards the sky, “If it wasn’t for this fog obscuring the view, we would be able to spot the spires of the city and follow those.”

Closing your eyes, you focus on those that watches above. Once, when you were young, there were hundreds upon hundreds of them, an uncountable amount, but now…? Now there are barely a dozen of them left. The ROT reaches even to the stars, snuffing them out one by one. At least the eye of paths, the northern star, is still there, looking down on you.

Raskrev: ”The city was to the south, correct?” you turn a bit and point forward, “That way is directly south. We should reach the city if we keep going in that direction.”
Gokk: ”But don’t you hear that rustling?” Gokk ask, as once again some leaves rustles somewhere nearby, “Might be the crow…” he points to your left, which would be to the east, “Or maybe a battle! I vote we go that way!”
Kani: ”Hmm, I think I’ve found some newly made tracks.” the hare picks up some grass from the ground and cheerfully examines it. “The crow went that way!” she points to the south east, right between where you and Gokk pointed, “Though, there’s also a lot of other tracks here, older ones. Mostly done by a hoofed animal? A horse, possibly?”
Orma: The druid takes a deep breath, before telling you all, “Whichever direction you chose, make it expedient. Death is waking up all around us.”

As if on command, an unnatural shriek echoes between the trees, followed by the voices of the wretched.

Wretched Soul: “Save us…” a male voice whimper somewhere to the west, “Oh god, save us!”
Wretched Soul: “THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” a female voices snarls to the north east, “YOU MUST PAY!”
Wretched Soul: “Please, let us rest…” is heard from the south, mumbled by someone elderly, “Why won’t we-” Their voice is cut off with a sudden crunch, followed by the sound of… something horrid screeching.

Orma: ”Let us find somewhere to take shelter.” the snake dons her mask again, “Before we join them.”
Gokk: ”Good idea. I’d rather not die to some weak wretched.” the crocodile turns towards you, “but which direction do we take?”
Raskrev: ”Err…” all three of them are looking at you, “Why do I have to choose?”
Kani: ”You were giving orders earlier, didn’t you pipsqueak.” Kani glares at you, “Well? Where do we go?”
No. 1081775 ID: 456aa4

If Kani's found the tracks of the crow let's just follow after her. I don't think she's trying to get us killed, she just doesn't care if we live or die.
No. 1081790 ID: 5ebd37

There seems to be a light in the ruins over there. Probably worth investigating.
No. 1081794 ID: 10befc

We should follow Kani's route, she's shown to be competent.
No. 1081824 ID: d0cff5

Follow Kani! A Huntress should have good experience tracking people. Hopefully that infected Crow didn't turn into some horrible monster, or fuse with one. And object to your dick being called small earlier. Object on Gokk's behalf too! How would she know?
No. 1081834 ID: a27bb3

Follow the crow's tracks. If she knows the place she probably went somewhere safe.
No. 1081848 ID: 681cb5
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>Hopefully that infected Crow didn't turn into some horrible monster, or fuse with one.
Her ROT infection was rather bad… it’s possible that she has started converting into a beast, though you’ve read that a transformation like that will take hours as well as being rather visible.

>We should follow Kani's route, she's shown to be competent.
Kani: “Finally, you’re seeing some sense…” the Hare give you a smug smile while leading you deeper into the woods, ”This way.”
Orma: ”This young one does know how to track her prey.” Orma whispers as she slithers up next to you, give you a slight bump with her hip, “You better be careful, dear, or she’ll catch you and eat you up.”
Kani: ”Ha!” shaking her head, Kani waves at you dismissingly, ”Like I’d ever eat someone with such a small dick.”
Raskrev: ”S-stop that.” you have to look away, your cheeks reddening, ”I’m not at all small, just so you know.”
Kani: ”That sounds like something a guy with a small dick would say.”
Raskrev: ”It isn’t small!” you gesture towards the crocodile behind you, ”And neither is Gokk’s!” Kani snickers, and you realize what you just said, “You know, probably.”
Gokk: ”Ha! Don’t take her petty insults to heart, tiny.” a large hand grip your shoulder from behind, “She already knows I have a big cock, even if she won’t admit it.”
Raskrev: ”…wait, how would she know that?” you ask, but Kani just glares at you over her shoulder while Gokk smiles widens even more, “…oh.”

Luckily, before things can get even worse, you find yourself in another clearing. The trees around it have grown orange, and started dropping their leaves, leaving massive piles of them all over the place. A boarded up old house lingers near the trees edge, barely standing after years of disuse. Then there’s a single tree growing in the middle of the clearing, an old oak with a… well, another hanged corpse dangling from it, though this one far fresher than the others. Who’s even hanging all these people?

Orma: ”Well, at least we’re getting closer to the city…” the snake muses as she avert her gaze from the Corpse God, instead focusing on the decrepit shack, “And that might work as shelter.”
Kani: ”Can’t track the crow past this point.” Kneeling down once again, the hare runs her hand across the ground, “Too many other tracks around… a lot of hooves… some of them really old too…” before picking up a single leaf and crushing it in her hand, “And those leaf piles are clearly been made by someone, but why?”
Gokk: ”Bah!” with a loud thunk, Gokk hits his own chest and bellows, “Why are we hare blabbering when the city is right there!” Gripping his axe with both hands, he smiles, “Who cares if it’s dark, let’s go!”
Raskrev: ”wait…” you raise your hand in front of him, “I got a bad feeling about this.”
Orma: ”Fear is an appropriate response, little one.” even with her mask, you can feel her observing your every move, “Just don’t let it control you.”

>There seems to be a light in the ruins over there. Probably worth investigating.
It’s a lit lantern, just lying on the ground. Can’t see its owner around anywhere, though.
No. 1081862 ID: 2aa5f0

>It’s a lit lantern, just lying on the ground. Can’t see its owner around anywhere, though.
probably in the hole it's sitting next to. By the way watch out for traps.
No. 1081863 ID: 19ea25

Given fresh corpses. There could be bandits.. or the rot cult potentially leaving them up so they can suffer others later.

Regardless keep an eye on the place. It seems like there might be movement within.
No. 1081864 ID: d0cff5

Looks to be somebody from your order! Better check it out from a safe distance and probably avoid the probably obvious leaf-covered pitfall traps. With how obvious they seem to be better make sure you also don't step on a really well-hidden one the leaf traps might be leading you into! Also try not to think about how huge Gokk's cock is. Or comparing your respectable dagger to his mighty heavy axe, or how it could fit in Kani's smaller frame.

How fresh are the freshest tracks? You might be having to do some housecleaning if there's somebody there, especially with that still lit lantern. Or maybe the owner just fell in the pits and Orma's about to have that fresh corpse she was hoping for. It looks like the bird's arms are bound so that means they probably got hanged instead of hanging themself so they might not take too kindly to your order. Maybe you need a disguise! Or an undisguise. They can't recognize you as a member of your order if you're not wearing their uniform, right?
No. 1081867 ID: e88527

This place probably sees some traffic. Be careful of the obvious leaves covering pit falls, don't let the others wander, the door is probably a trap as well. If no one is waiting in ambush inside already, you're gonna need to be subtle about setting up inside, which means don't disturb anything if you can help it.
Getting to the city would be good, but once it's dark, any source of light is gonna draw the moths to the flame, and you'll be stuck looking for shelter there anyway.

Least she's trying to be helpful or potentially a mentor figure, even if she'd probably do unspeakable things to you given the chance. An upside to her age is definitely experience, so count on it.

>Kani and Gokk
... Damn. Respect for her handling the size difference, bunny must be a size queen. The rage and bloodlust probably plays in as well. Not important, that stuff can be saved for once you're "safe."
No. 1081882 ID: 10befc

Aside from the traps, its hard to tell if there's somebody lying in ambush behind those leaves, or worse, something that hasn't quite left this world yet.

Ask Orma if she can resucitate the hanging cadaver to look out for us. Regardless if coast is clear, approach carefully from the further leftside to be able to investigate the house, could have something interesting.
No. 1081890 ID: af6696

It's an ambush, and your guide betrayed you.
Several people come here regularly, so it's a well known place that a guide would obviously know of. She brought you close to it then caused a Wretched Soul attack to distract you while she went to warn her accomplices.
The discarded lantern is there to ensure you'd find the place without her, the hanged body is probably a distraction to lure you to a specific place in the clearing.
Potential hiding spots are in the house with a ranged weapon, in a hole under the leaves, in a tree and behind the house. And of course watch out for traps under those leaves.
No. 1081892 ID: bafec6

Putting aside thoughts of Gokk's cock for the moment, the owner of the lntern is likely in the pit tht was hidden under the leaves. As the hanged corpse is relatively fresh, whoever killed them might still be nearby. There could be enemies or more traps under the leaves.
No. 1081970 ID: 681cb5
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>Looks to be somebody from your order!
Her dead, hollow eyes are staring right at you, silently judging you as you find her hanging in your shared dorm. She says nothing as you close the door behind you. If you’d known it was hers bounty you stole you wouldn’t have done it. But you were desperate. You needed to pass the admission test to the order, no matter what… even if it meant cheating. Even if it meant stealing someone else’s hard work. But when you came back, she was hanging there, her cold stare piercing right through you. She is silent.

She is hanging here, because of you. Because of your incompetence. Her silence is deafening. Her empty eyes meet yours… and she’s quiet. Why won’t she say something? WHY IS IT SO SILENT!? Why… why did she… you… you loved her. Did she love you? You’ll never know, will you? She’ll be silent forever now… and it’s all your fault. Coward. The silence drowns out all other sounds, leaving you in a void. She remains quiet. WHY WON’T YOU SAY SOMETHING!?
No. 1081971 ID: 681cb5
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You blink twice. There’s a member of your order hanging from the old oak in the clearing. A blue avian. He’s a higher rank than you… and he can’t have been dead for long. You have no idea who it is, though.

Gokk: ”Someone you knew, Tiny?” the voice of the crocodile brings you out of your stupor.
Raskrev: ”Oh…” taking a deep breath, you continue, “No. It’s not someone I know.”

>Ask Orma if she can resuscitate the hanging cadaver to look out for us.
Orma: ”Why, with such a fresh and handsome man like that I can do more than just create a puppet.” the snake claps her hand together, “If I had some time, of course. Then we’ll have a proper servant on our hands, to die in our stead.” For a second, she just stands there, before looking over to you and asking, “And you’re fine with this? He is of your order, after all.”
Raskrev: ”Go ahead.” you nonchalantly tell her, “I don’t know who that is anyway.”
Gokk: ”Bah!” Gokk grumbles behind you, “Why talk about corpses when we can make some new ones! Let’s go already!”

Raskrev: ”Halt.” Holding up a hand, you stop Gokk in his tracks, “Look at the leaves.”
Gokk: ”Huh?” the brute squint his eyes, “There’s some old planks under them? So what?”
Kani: ”And under those planks there’s a trap, big guy.” the Hare speaks up, “Just look at the pit over there, near the house.”
Gokk: ”Huh… wait, does this mean someone has already fallen into a trap over there?”
Raskrev: ”This is clearly an ambush.” you tell the others, “Our guide has betrayed us.” After pulling out one of your daggers, you continue, “Could be bandits… or cultists. The door is probably trapped too. Hmm, they are probably hid-”
Orma: ”Bandits? Here?” Orma chuckles, “If someone was to ambush us, they would have done so on the road here.” She hisses softly, “They wouldn’t survive for long staying here, after all. Only someone with a death wish would come here.”
Kani: ”I’m going to check the pit trap.” Kani pat your shoulder, “Come on, pipsqueak. Time to sneak.”
No. 1081972 ID: 681cb5
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>Putting aside thoughts of Gokk's cock for the moment…
What? Y-you’re not t-thinking about Gokk’s mighty, heavy axe! And your dagger isn’t small! Even then… how did Gokk fit his axe into Kani’s small scabbard anyway?

Your caravan of thought is derailed when you and Kani reaches the edge of the pit and peer down. A familiar face peers back up.

Raskrev: ”I see that we found our guide.” the crow probably died instantly as that massive pole pierced her chest, “So she didn’t betray us.”
Kani: ”There is a chance she walked into one of her own traps.”
Raskrev: ”This… this pit is too well-made for her making.” looking closer, you can’t help but notice how old it is. Is this an old well? Or something else? “How fresh are the tracks?”
Kani: ”Hmm…” the hare looks around, “Disregarding the crows tracks…” before looking back at you, “I don’t know, a day or two?”
Gokk: ”Hey!” Gokk yells from the edge of the clearing, “Has anyone been into the house? Is someone hiding in there?”
Kani: ”It’s odd, actually.” one of her ears flops over as she rubs her chin, “Whatever it is that’s been walking around here hasn’t even gone close to the building.” She points towards the building, as if there’s something there to see, before continuing, “In fact, it doesn’t look like anyone has been in it for a long time.”
Orma: ”We are indeed in need of shelter.” Orma muses as she slithers up to the two of you, with Gokk not far behind her, “But do these patterns in their movement mean it’s safe or unsafe in there?”
Raskrev: ”Maybe we sh-”
No. 1081973 ID: 681cb5
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All four of you suddenly freezes, and quickly twist around to stare into the woods you just emerged from. Your pulse increases, your breath quickens as your body screams at you to run. To hide. To do something, anything! Taking a step back, you almost fall over as your legs nearly give out from under you. In a fit of panic, your eyes darts between the trees, trying desperately to find… anything at all. There is something out there. And it has notice you. You want to scream.

Raskrev: ”W-w-what…” you manage to stutter out, “What is that?”
Kani: ”Shit…” Kani tries to nock an arrow on her bow, but she fumbles and drops it, “ShitShitShit!”
Gokk: ”That’s not… that’s…” the crocodile is the only one that is in any shape to fight, and even he is clearly scared shitless. “Orma, what is that?” he whimpers, but get no response, “Orma?” The snake just stares in the direction you came from, completely frozen in fear, “Orma!? What the fuck is that?” Even with his yelling, she doesn’t budge, “Shit! What do we do!?” Gokk looks over at you, before returning his gaze to the snake, “Fight? Run? Hide? Orma! Answer me!?”

An inhuman scream echoes through the Vestal Woods, coming from the direction where you killed those Wretched Souls. Something is there… and it has found your tracks.

A horrifying presence is hunting you
No. 1081974 ID: eb0a9c

Damnit. That's a whole gold piece down there...

Orma: Direct the crow's corpse to reach down and grab the gold coin and throw it out of the hole.
Gokk: Sweep leaves and look for other traps. Clear a path to the house.
Raskrev and Kani: Backs against each other, overwatch.
No. 1081977 ID: e88527

Are visions a new problem for you? If you love her, you'll have to live to mourn and remember her. You know the consequences of thoughtless action.
The fear is an intended effect, possibly even artificial with how all encompassing it seems: it wants you to run, to be sloppy, to be easy to hunt down. The building provides a good place to hide for a moment, with the options to wait, retreat, or ambush the creature.
And you should confirm that Orma is still breathing and get her focused (and hope she doesn't have some very, very bad news). If she can animate the corpse, she could make some new prey for the beast to hunt, rather than all of you, at least to buy some time.
No. 1081979 ID: 273c18

Get the body down, and drag it inside, it'll be useful. Barricade the entrances. Be ready to fight from a fortified position.
No. 1081981 ID: 5ebd37

There can be no outrunning the thing, not in these woods at night. If Raskrev has the wherewithal to cut down the hanged corpse, then bring it with you. In any case get into that house and hope the lack of tracks near it indicate it as a sanctuary.
No. 1081995 ID: 2aa5f0

might want to go inside if for no other reason than putting a wall between yourself and whatever that thing is. Just keep your guard up since the place has already proven to be trapped and who knows what might have moved in since the gods fell.
No. 1082007 ID: 10befc

Get a grip! All that subterfuge will be for naught if death arrives so early.
Sprint it to the house, it's better than whatever the hell is outside. Snap Grokk out of it to help out hacking away at the entrance.
No. 1082092 ID: 7c0da2

Barricading in the house is the best course of action. Get the corpse for Orma if possible, Gokk should be able to carry it. Mind the pits ! Do not run over the leaves, even if it's the shortest path to the entrance.

But be very careful once inside, this place is weird. There is traps, so someone has to maintain them. Two potential reasons are to hunt something that comes here regularly, or to defend this place. I'd say the latter, given that the house is already fortified.
The lack of tracks going to the house is not definitive proof it's not in use, someone could get in by air (assuming bird-peoples can fly), or using a tunnel.

The shiny coin in the trap may have been used as bait. Your guide was a crow after all. It would point toward the traps being used against people and not animals.
No. 1082093 ID: ab3b17

Zig zag through the traps until you are on the other side of the clearing.
(I choose Sun for the coin toss)

Goad Grokk into standing plain view behind the trap field so that the vile creature walks into one.
No. 1082195 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1082196 ID: 681cb5
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The wood of the door groans as something big smashes into it from the outside with a muffled thud, making the glass on one of the shelves sing for a brief moment. A few seconds later the silence is broken again, this time by an ever stronger thud. Then finally, with the sound of creaking wood, the lock on the door gives out and the door opens, if only by a few centimeters. A glass flask shatters against the wooden floor, followed by the sound of a clay jar fragmenting next to it, but other than that the barricade stay strong.

The crocodile outside swears as he rubs his bruised shoulder, before once again charging the door with his whole weight. But it’s for naught, as whatever is blocking the door on the other side refuses to give in, leaving Gokk with nothing but a tender shoulder to show for his valiant attempt to break down the door.

Kani: ”What’s wrong, b-big boy?” the hare smirks, trying her best to hide the panic in her voice, “C-can’t even break down a d-door?”
Gokk: ”It’s that corpse damned acid!” he grumbles in response, “My arm still hurts like hell after it was bathed in that gunk!”
Kani: ”Then hit the lock with your axe!” Kani doesn’t even look back at him, her eyes fixated on the clearings edge, “It’s just wood, after all.”
Gokk: ”I already broke the damn lock!” once again, he tries to break down the door with his shoulder to no avail, “It’s whatever is behind it that’s the problem!”
Kani: ”Then just hit it with your other arm?”
Gokk: ”Trying to shoulder check a door while wearing a pauldron is a bad idea.” The metal clinks as he move his right arm, “Trust me.”
No. 1082197 ID: 681cb5
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>Are visions a new problem for you?
Her silent glare has hunted your dreams for years… but it’s the first time you’ve seen her when you’re awake.
>If you love her, you'll have to live to mourn and remember her.
If you’d loved her, you wouldn’t have let her die.

>Damn it. That's a whole gold piece down there...
It glisters in the starlight, beckoning for you to jump down. Something about it draws your attention, its shine being far more alluring than any other coin you’ve seen. It feels… lucky?
>There can be no outrunning the thing, not in these woods at night.
Whatever you do, do not panic and run. It will be the death of you. All of you.

Raskrev: ”It’s almost down!” your voice is surprisingly steady, for being in the panicky state you’re in, “Is it ready, Orma?”
Orma: ”I just need a few more seconds, dear.” she mumbles under her breath, her hand rubbing the body tenderly over the chest, “I’m planting the final spores now…”
Raskrev: ”Gokk!?” looking up, your heart sinks as you see that the brute hasn’t gotten the door open yet, “Any luck with the door!?”
Gokk: ”Corpse damned thing is barricaded!” he yells, picking up his axe again, “That’s it, I’m just going to split the whole thing with my ass!”
Raskrev: ”Wait no!” you can barely hear him, as your heartbeat nearly drowns him out, “Breaking down the door like that will make it really obvious that we’re in there!"
Gokk: ”Bah!” he grumbles, throwing a fearful glance towards the edge of the clearing, “Then find another way in, Tiny!”
Kani: ”All the windows on the bottom floor are boarded up from the inside…” Kani mumbles, her voice soft and devoid of emotions, as she stares into the woods, “And I can’t find any entrance to the cellar, at least not one a person should fit th-”

The woods creaks and wails as something huge is forcing its way through it, making the crowns of the trees noticeably sway as it passes them by. It is not far away now… you can outright feel the death emanating from it. Your whole body screams loudly, in unison… RUN.

Kani: ”We n-need to hurry!” she hisses, trying her best to keep her voice low, “It’s getting closer!”
No. 1082199 ID: ba0667

Gokk, toss Kani on the roof. The second floor window only has one plank barring it.
The coin will keep until morning,or it will lure the beast, all the better for us.
If that corpse isn't down in a minute you'd better leave it.
No. 1082211 ID: 273c18

Alright, door's barricaded so we go in through the mostly-open window on the second floor.
For crap's sake someone cut down the corpse. It won't do us any good still attached to the tree!
No. 1082326 ID: b89a2b

If Kani can move the barricade then Gokk tossing her on the roof sounds like a solid plan! Just remember that the previous occupants still might be there with how it's been barricaded and it might not be pretty.

Would the hanging corpse work to bait the monster away? Like cut down and made to wander away in sight of it.
No. 1082336 ID: 19ea25

Second floor window does seem the best. If we lose the door we lose something to block regardless.
No. 1082348 ID: f6204d

Yes, there is no doubt about it. We have to toss the dwar- err I mean, the midget!

Kara can hop up the window and move whatever's blocking the door.

Failing that, we can just tell Grokk to take his damn pauldron off, already!
No. 1082395 ID: 681cb5
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>The coin will keep until morning, or it will lure the beast, all the better for us.
Right! The coin isn’t important right now! You can grab it tomorrow!

After pointing out the open window on the second floor, Kani immediately jumps up onto roof and crawls inside. The hare gives you a thumbs up before kicking lose the lone board covering the opening, then disappearing inside. At the same time, it seems that Orma has finished with her magic, as the corpse stands up and sways slightly side to side. “It hurts…” you can hear it whisper, “It hurts so much… why can’t I d-” but it’s interrupted as the mushrooms growing inside it fills its throat. Gokk easily helps the old snake onto the roof while you simply climb up, but as you’re about the help the brute up as well he refuses to take your hand.

Raskrev: ”Gokk!?” you ask, “What are you doing!?”
Gokk: ”I’m fighting.” he mutters, “Go hide.”
Raskrev: ”What!?”
Gokk: ”I’ll be a fine distraction, if anything.” the crocodile huffs, “I’m not hiding like a coward again!”
Raskrev: ”Stop being stupid, you fool!” you snarl, “You’re going to get us all killed!”
Gokk: ”Hmfp…” he raises his unarmored arm towards yours and grabs your hand, completely engulfing it in his own oddly warm fist, “Fine.”
No. 1082396 ID: 681cb5
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Crawling inside the window, the four of you find yourself in a small, empty room with only a single door leading out from it. You barely have the time to pull Gokk inside before all of you hear hoof beats entering the clearing, followed by Orma’s zombie activating. Apparently, she had ordered it to run in the opposite direction as soon as it saw the beast, as if it was fleeing from it.

”In the name of the law…” several voices howls in unison, their voices almost singing, making it sound ethereal and otherworldly, ”DIE.”
No. 1082397 ID: 681cb5
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A rope flies over the zombie, and with one quick thug it immediately slither around their throat before pulling it back, snapping its neck like it was a twig. The zombie barely had the time to run a few feet before it was killed, as if it was nothing.

”The Archdeacon’s justice has prevailed…” the words drills themselves into your mind, trying to lure you to look upon the creature who’s voice would be so beautiful… but you hold fast.
No. 1082398 ID: 681cb5
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As the hooves enters the clearing, you duck onto the floor and pray that they don’t find you…

”To intrude on these sacred woods,” the voices sing, ”… is punishable by death!”
”By hanging!” and male voice hums…
”By drawn!” a slightly younger voice chants…
”By quartering!” an older, deeper voice bellows out…
”By bisection!” a female voice purrs…

Did it see you? Did it see the door!?


No. 1082399 ID: 681cb5
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You can hear it hooves slam against the door, but the barricade is still holding strong.

”There are no more guilty here…” the first voice sings, their voice like a hymn.
”Guilty… innocent… they all deserve to die…” the younger one joins his brother’s melody.
”Did you hear that? The sound of a lawbreaker…” with the older one not far behind.
”Yes! YES! KILL! KILL THEM ALL!!!” the female one screams, not even trying to fit into the song.

And with that, the hooves sprints away, disappearing into the woods from whence it came.

The Vigilant Woodsmen has left to seek others to punish.
No. 1082400 ID: 681cb5
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You hide under the window for what seems like an eternity, and when you finally find the courage to open your eyes and look outside, all you can see is an empty clearing. The day has passed as well, casting a darkness over the woods.

Raskrev: ”I think we’re safe!” you stutter out as you look behind you, “We… err… wait, where did you go?”

The room is empty. No one is here anymore but you. A cold wind blows through the open window, while the closed door taunts you from the other side of the barren chamber. You’re completely alone again. Her dead eyes are staring, judging…

You try to scream, but the silence is too loud.
No. 1082401 ID: 273c18

Snap out of it! Go check out the rest of the house, see if you can find someone.
No. 1082404 ID: dc2519

The Woodsmen hung the body again, if that silhouette is to be trusted. It seems doing so might have played a part in your visions.
Don't scream. You'll only attract attention to yourself and the others. Hold your mouth shut, close your eyes if you have to, your senses are lying to you. Go through the door if you can.

>Ladies going through the window first
You sir, are either a gentleman, a pervert, or a massive teamplayer. Don't to let them suspect you're the middle one
No. 1082410 ID: 19ea25

Mouth shut. Eyes focus. Look away from the outside and into the room, concentrate and concentrate and try to find your crew.
No. 1082417 ID: 5ebd37

You've some coin left, aye? Jingle them in your pocket to stave off the silence. Then get downstairs and away from that window.
No. 1082629 ID: 681cb5
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>Don't scream.
You are screaming on the top of your lungs… yet, there isn’t a sound…
>The Woodsmen hung the body again, if that silhouette is to be trusted.
They are the one hanging people. They are the one guarding the woods. But you are the one who hanged her. You killed her. Coward.
>You've some coin left, aye? Jingle them in your pocket to stave off the silence.
Trying to make a sound, any sound, to break the silence you jiggle your coin purse… but even the few coins you have left is completely drowned out by the lack of noise. Wait, there’s something else in there… a small gold coin? You’re pretty sure you spent all the gold before venturing here?

[You find a lucky gold coin]

>Mouth shut. Eyes focus. Look away from the outside and into the room, concentrate and concentrate and try to find your crew.
At full speed you barrel through the door, desperate to escape the silence, and… on the other side Gokk and Kani are staring at you in bemusement.

Gokk: ”What’s wrong, tiny?” the gator chuckles, “scared of the dark?”
Raskrev: ”What? No, I just thought…” you shake your head a bit, “Forget it. How did you get in here so fast anyway?”
Gokk: ”Fast? You’ve been out there staring for at least five minutes after that horse beast left. As for getting in…” he put his massive hand on Kani’s head, rubbing it, “This little ball of death and pointy things picked the lock on the door before we even got through the window.”
Kani: ”I swear on the corpse god, Gokk…” gritting her teeth, she pulls out her wicked looking dagger, “If you don’t remove your hand right now, I will remove it for you!”
Gokk: ”Hey, don’t threaten me with a good time, cutie.” he answer, still scratching her head, “Oh, don’t forget to lock the door after you get inside, Raskrev. Maybe block it with something as well?”

Raskrev: ”So…” you glance around on the rather barren interior, “Anything interesting here?”
Kani: ”What hasn’t been used to build barricades has probably been used as fuel for the fireplace downstairs.” she nods towards the railing she’s standing besides, “Orma is down there making a small fire right now. Said she would be able to keep the smoke at a minimum.”
Gokk: ”We did find two beds up here as well. A small one and a big one.” Gokk smiles, “Obviously I’m taking the big bed.”
Kani: ”What?” the crocodile doesn’t even react when the hare elbows him, “Hey, I already claimed it, you jerk!”
Gokk: ”Well, I’m not going to fit in the other bed, nor am I sleeping on the floor. At least not with my arm still hurting like this.” the words ‘fucking wretched’ is mumbled under his breath, “So we just have to share a bed. Or do you rather want to share with the new guy, eh?”
Kani: ”…” the hare looks away from you, “Fine, we’ll share.” before pointing her dagger right at you, “And consider yourself lucky. Orma never uses a bed anyway, so you’ll get your own bedroom.”
Raskrev: ”Oh… that sounds… great…”
After a quick check of your surroundings, you get a pretty good idea of the layout of the house.
On the second floor there’s a large bedroom, a small bedroom, that odd empty room you entered first as well as a small closet filled with who knows what.
The first floor has a common room with a fireplace in it (which is where Orma is), a kitchen, an entrance hall as well as what looks like some kind of workshop?

Gokk: ”I’m going to see if I can find anything to eat. Don’t go die on me now, you hear?”
Kani: ”Hmfp… I’ll make sure all the barricades are holding…”

Seeing as this place seems safe, now would be the time to relax a bit. Maybe talk to one of the others… or search through one of the rooms more properly for anything that might help.

You check your equipment.
Lucky coin x 1
Daggers x 5
Dart gun
Darts x 4
Bottle of Wretched Acid
Big bottle of Bleeding venom.
Small bottle of paralyzing venom.
Tiny bottle of… “Last Freedom” (For self-use only)
Some Food
Starlight lantern
No. 1082635 ID: 5ebd37

a small closet filled with who knows what.
You know if you don't check it, it will turn out that a wretched is hiding in there.
No. 1082639 ID: 19ea25

Talk with Orma. She's certainly got the least eye for wanting to take one of yours out. It'd be interesting to understand their strange ideas at least.
No. 1082641 ID: d0cff5

Appease Kani by offering to sleep with Gokk instead! So she can get her own bed. Definitely no ulterior motives like confirming sizes or anything definitely not. If Kani makes a joke about it double down to prove you aren't a coward! After all, you're no stranger to hung people at this point. Maybe you should also check up on Orma? She seemed to be affected the most by fear when the Woodsmen showed up. Also you could probably try to confirm if she can use the corpse again since the Woodsmen just hung it up again.
No. 1082673 ID: 7c0da2

The door was barricaded from the inside, but you haven't seen anyone yet. The last place to check is the closet. If there is someone inside they're probably dead, but be careful just in case.
Also, that picture on the wall looks a lot like the woodsmen. Same head shape, same eyes, same number of people. Maybe it was their house once.
No. 1082910 ID: 681cb5
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>That picture on the wall looks a lot like the woodsmen. Same head shape, same eyes, same number of people. Maybe it was their house once.
An amateurish painting of four hares standing next to each other. There’s a gal with two swords, a smaller boy with a rope, an older one with one of those man catchers as well as a third man with a quiver on his back. Huh… are they the woodsmen? It’s possible.

Raskrev: ”Hey…” you ask before the others have a chance to leave, “Doesn’t these four remind you of the Woodsmen?”
Gokk: ”Huh?” Gokk looks confused, “The what now?”
Raskrev: ”The creature that was hunting us?” gesturing towards the door you just came out from, you continue, “The one we hid from?”
Kani: ”What!?” the hare starts stomping with one foot, “Are you insane!? You were supposed to hide from it, not take a peek at it so it could see you!” Raising her arms a bit, she stares daggers at you, “That idiotic behavior might have gotten us all killed!”
Raskrev: ”Oh…” you stammer, “s-sorry…”
Kani: ”Fool.”

>Appease Kani by offering to sleep with Gokk instead! So she can get her own bed.
Gokk: ”Ha!” the crocodile gives you a wide smile, “You like men, huh? Not surprising, as you’re clearly a bottom.”
Kani: ”Don’t get your hopes up.” Kani snickers, “He probably just wants to compare sizes or something…”
Raskrev: ”H-hey!” you answer a bit too quickly, “I definitely don’t have any ulterior motives! I was just trying to be nice!”
Gokk: ”No need to hide it, tiny.” While grabbing his crotch he confidently boasts, “If you want some fat crocodile cock, you just have to ask!”
Raskrev: ”Wha-” even when trying your best to say… well, anything, the only thing that leaves your snout is a mumbling stutter, “That’s not- I wans’t- I’m not- Err!?”
Kani: ”Tsk.” she shakes her head, “If you want to share bed then fine. I’m still sleeping in the big one.”
Gokk: ”Hey, you know I can’t fit in the small bed!”
Kani: ”Then stop trying to seduce the pipsqueak! Either you share the bed with me or you’re sleeping on the floor!”

And with that, the two of them leaves. Kani to check on the barricades and Gokk to search the kitchen.

>You know if you don't check the closet, it will turn out that a wretched is hiding in there.
With a dagger ready, you slowly open the door to the closet… but inside is nothing but a pile of old, torn up clothes, a shelf full of junk, the hanging body of the person you loved as well as a small tool box filled with mostly broken tools… including a hammer and crowbar. As there’s nothing important here, you simply close the door and walk away… refusing to look back as you feel her eyes on your neck.
No. 1082911 ID: 681cb5
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>Talk with Orma.
Walking downstairs, you find Orma sitting in front of the hearth, a small fire dancing inside it on some old logs. As she notices you approach, she tucks away an odd looking book that she was reading.

Orma: ”Ah, yes, the moon worshipper.” her voice is warm and welcoming, “Can I be of assistance?”
Raskrev: ”Oh, I was just… um…” you rub the back of your head awkwardly, “Wondering if you’re alright? You seemed a bit startled when we felt the Woodsmen coming after us.”
Orma: ”I see that you have come to the same conclusion that I have.” with a tap of her tail, she indicate for you to sit down next to her, “Indeed, I do believe that was… as they call it, ‘The Woodsmen’.” She waits for you to get confortable on the floor before continuing, “Do not fret about me, dear. It was just a combination of fear and… ah… excitement, if you will.”
Raskrev: ”Excitement?” looking over at her, you ask, “For the Woodsmen?”
Orma: ”Not exactly, no.” she tilt her head to the side, “Excitement for what they… represent.” Taking a deep breath, she sigh, “Tell me, love, do you know of the old gods? The primal forces before the ones we worships took power? Those that left before we even came to be?”
Raskrev: ”Huh?” what is she talking about? “Old gods? How can a god become old?”
Orma: ”Not surprising that you haven’t heard of them, dear. Few people have.” she chuckles, “The Woodsmen… what they have become… that is not just the ROTs doing. No, there’s other powers here…” the snake pats her robe, as to make sure something is still there, “I don’t know how, but they must have stumbled into a way to… channel the power of what was left behind, some kind of ritual or spell.”
Raskrev: ”You’re telling me they willingly became that… thing!?”
Orma: ”Probably not the outcome they were hoping for, but yes.” staring into the fire, her voice is filled with melancholy, “After all, desperate people do desperate things, hmm?”
Raskrev: ”I guess…”

The two of you sit in silence for a moment… the horrid silence, engulfing you, strangling you, making you gasp for air…

Raskrev: ”By the way, that corpse outside…”
Orma: ”Completely ruined and useless to me, dearest.”
Raskrev: ”Oh…”

…you can feel her staring at you… her dead unblinking eyes…

Raskrev: ”…and what’s with the mushrooms above the fire?”
Orma: ”They absorb the smoke… and odors.” she taps her snout, “Can’t let anyone know our location, can we?

At least the warmth of the fire feels nice… and the light soothes your soul…
No. 1082912 ID: 273c18

Maybe you should tell her about what you're going through right now.
No. 1082914 ID: eb0a9c

>Old Gods
So that's it, then.
Even if new gods replace the old, they'll be flawed and best and mortal-minded at most. And eventually, they'll die, and all of that happens now will happen again. Is that why Orma wants to fully end it?
No. 1082921 ID: 5ebd37

Or maybe don't tell the lady who would happily make you a useful corpse about your weakness. Just ask her if she is ever haunted by her mistakes.

That fire really is nice If only there was a lot more of it, enough to rid this whole world of rot
No. 1082922 ID: 1ab965

Could be risky telling Orma of your visions, but better for it to be known that something is trying to effect you, and she is the group's foremost on the dead and (likely) hallucinogenics. It has only (largely) done so when you are alone in your thoughts, so being alone is something to avoid if possible.
Get to know the cute old snek too. Her knowledge must've come from somewhere, but did she study academically or is she more self taught?

And be cautious of the fire. Fire can consume and destroy, and this world is full of strange things, especially in places of desperation like this.
No. 1083025 ID: 37587f

Perhaps you could try to bond with ye ol sneknoodle? It would be for the best if you two could trust each other and come up with battle plans. After all, there is no warmth but the bond with a friend. Well, not counting the warmth of the fire. I mean, some people could think that the fire only destroys, right? But fire actually does more than that. It can recreate. It can cleanse. Surely having all of these silly gods around that keep rotting and dying and making everyone suffer because of them must be oh so stressful! But what if you could purify evertything? Make it all brand new, no stale withering cycles, no monsters to threaten the day and night, no more pain and suffering, no more feeble gods or nightmarish rot? Perhaps the fire could help you with that. So why don't you give those flames a little go? Not now, of course. But soon, when those horrible wretches come crashing through your door, who do you think will help you? Old withering things, or brand new flames? Trust the fire. Vote fire for president. 9 out of 10 moons recomend that you should listen to what the fire has to say. Source: trust the fire bro.
No. 1083055 ID: b89a2b

Raskrev do you know what a bottom is, if not you definitely shouldn't ask Orma in the middle of a moment of warm reflection. Also open up to Orma! Or at least start by asking her if she's ever been plagued by visions. Of mistakes, of past regrets. She's older, she probably has some wisdom to share.
No. 1083075 ID: 681cb5
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>Raskrev do you know what a bottom is?
Isn’t that the butt? You’re pretty sure Gokk called you a butt.
>Get to know the cute old snek too.
Cute? She’s an old crone! That’s not cute! …she does have a big rack though…

Raskrev: ”…I have to ask, how did you become a…” you realize you have no idea what she actually is, “…um… mushroom mage?”
Orma: ”Druid, dear.” she corrects you, “And it was my mother and her mother that thought me the basics.” There’s a small thud behind you as she flicks her tail, “And the rest is self-thought, either from experience or from written knowledge.”
Raskrev: ”Your mother thought you how to raise the dead?”
Orma: ”Ohohoho!” catching her breath, she continues, “Of course not, dearest. No, that came later. After the world ended.” With a sigh, staring through the fire, “No, before that I was a healer… and a good one at that. I saved many lives… but not those I wanted to save the most…”
Raskrev: ”Oh…” after an awkward cough, you stammer out, “I’m sorry.”
Orma: ”Don’t be. It’s been a long time.” she takes a deep breath, “But even then, you never stop being a mother, do you? Or a grandmother for that matter?”
Raskrev: ”You have kids?”
Orma: ”Had.”
Raskrev: ”Oh…” you cough awkwardly.

The two of you share a moment of silence…

Orma: ”What does your order know about the birth of the gods, dear?” the snake suddenly asks, “Or is that forbidden knowledge?”
Raskrev: ”I wouldn’t know, I didn’t have access to the library as I’m-” biting your lip, you curse yourself. That was close, “I’m a field operator. I’m not one for reading books.”
Orma: ”Oh? Really?” it’s impossible to get a good read on her, “But you can learn so much from the written word, Raskrev.”
Raskrev: ”But… I’ve heard rumors that it’s possible to become a god…” with a wave of your hand, you say, “By eating the body of a fallen one?”
Orma: ”Hmhmhm.” her lough is muffled, “Such rumors might make people do something dumb.” Looking over at you, her eyes meet yours for the first time, “But would you, if it was true?”
Raskrev: ”I don’t know…” averting your gaze, you swallow, “New gods to replace the old… but won’t this just happen again?” you fiddle with your armor for a bit, “A mortal can’t become a god. Not a true god at least… and seeing how the gods have died… were they just flawed mortals that took power?” move your gaze back to her, you meet her eyes once more, “Is that why you want the ROT to end the world? To end the cycle of gods being born and dying?”
Orma: ”…in part, yes.” looking back at the fire, she says, “Though I am unsure if there even has been gods before the ones we had.” Closing her eyes, she takes a really deep breath, “Don’t you feel it? The world. It is in pain. Let us not prolonged its suffering and allow it to rest.”
Raskrev: ”But won’t that kill everyone? Everything?”
Orma: ”Everything ends, Dear. Death is just a natural part of life.” she nods, “Our world may be dead, but from it a new one will spring forth. Or other words will feed on it and grow… or… well, I am unsure what will happen but… well, even if the world ends, whatever is beyond it must continue, no?”
Raskrev: ”I… um… guess?” you stare into the fire, mesmerized by its dance, “I mean… can’t we just burn away the ROT? Purify the world?”
Orma: ”Like what the worshippers of the corpse god wants?” she chuckles, “No, burning away the symptoms won’t cure the disease.” Shaking her head, she sighs, “Even without the ROT, without the carcass gods, the world is dying.” she then puts her hand on yours, “Let us guide it into a peaceful slumber instead of fighting the inevitable.” and squeezes it, “Fire will only burn and destroy… it won’t save us.”

Both of you return to gazing into the flames, though she doesn’t remove her hand…

Raskrev: ”I…” you hesitate for a moment, “I’ve been seeing things. People. Someone that’s… um…”
Orma: ”Are you feeling guilty?” she ask in a matter of fact way, “Seeing people you’ve wronged? Even killed?”
Raskrev: ”…yes.”
Orma: ”It’s the ROT.” the snake glances in your direction, “It won’t just corrupt your body, but mind and soul as well.” She gives you a warm smile, “Do not fret, dear, as it is normal to feel the guilt of your sins when getting close to a powerful ROT infestation. Just ignore them, as they are harmless.” But you can see that she’s trying to hide a frown, “Well, I’ve read reports about people being harmed by them near particularly strong sources of ROT, but that’s just humbug.”
Raskrev: ”…what do you see, Orma?”
Orma: ”…family… and the mistakes I made.” she closes her eyes, “Not something I would like to talk about, but… just know you’re not alone in this. The others will be seeing their sins made manifest as well. That is just what the ROT does to you.”
Raskrev: ”It only appears when I’m alone or lost in thought… so maybe we should stay together?”
Orma: ”Oh? Are you inviting me to share your bed?” she laughs, “Why, I didn’t know you were that frisky, handsome.”
Raskrev: ”T-that’s not-”
Orma: ”But do not fret, dear.” she strokes your hand, “I can’t sense any dangerous wretched around, so you should be safe.” before removing it and looking back into the fire, “I’ll take the first watch, while you go get a proper night off sleep. You’ll feel better after that, I promise. I’ll have Kani wake you after her turn is up, alright?”
Raskrev: ”…I guess…?” as you are about to leave, you turn around, “Goodnight, Orma.”
Orma: “Sleep well, dearest.”
No. 1083076 ID: 681cb5
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Opening the door to the smaller bedroom, you find it in a similar state as the rest of the building. The floor creaks with each step as you enter the dark chamber, drowning out the sound of the fire below. Paintings hang on the wall, trying their best but failing at hiding all the cracks. There are even two empty canvases and some old paint in the corner. Meanwhile, the bed is… less than inviting.

Looking into the closet to the left, you find a few more old painting tools, including a few brushes and an empty easel. What catches your attention though is Kani and Gokk’s voices, as you can hear them muffled through the thin wall. While you can’t make out what they are saying, it’s clear that they are having a good time.

…maybe you should make a small peephole to see what they are up too? …without them noticing, of course…
No. 1083078 ID: 5ebd37

>a peephole
Yes, but first, there is an odd glint up in the corner. Is something spying on you?
No. 1083092 ID: d0cff5

>A peephole.
Do it. Do it do it do it, just don't get caught! Make doubly sure Kani doesn't notice, she's already mad at you for peeping when you shouldn't! Just think of it as training. For clandestine sneaking and scouting, that's good to have, right? Now you can compare sizes with Gokk for real! Make sure you have yourself to reference. By being naked. It's been on your mind all day! Also yeah check out that maybe suspicious glint.
No. 1083096 ID: eb0a9c

Must find more gold pieces.
No. 1083111 ID: 37587f

The world will die! Woo, time to guide it towards its eternal slumber! Although carrying a flame to the end is always useful to provide some warmth. Also, you might look at the peephole, but beware! You are playing with fire. Not good fire, mind you. But dangerous evil fire. There is a difference you know? A fire that consumes and destroys all, and a fire that brings you warmth in the middle of the winter. Know the difference, and if you want to peep that badly, let that little wish of yours burn in your heart. Because trust me, fire might not be you solution, but it can be a friend! Fire is always near you.
Fire good.
Fire warm.
Fire burn.
No. 1083114 ID: 1ab965

Cute can refer to more than just appearance, you know. She recognizes your youth and probably sees a chance to nurture and guide once more. She almost definitely caught your eyes wandering though: she knows her body, and was your age once.
If you're going to make a hole, make sure there isn't already a hole hidden by a painting, and that you can cover/seal it. Oh, and keep a blade on hand. The bigger problem is, the walls literally have eyes. Orma didn't sense anything wrong, but it's still spooky and worth watching. If you need to stand in the closet, prop the door open with something.
Hello there
No. 1083592 ID: 681cb5
File 170829425986.png - (77.80KB , 700x550 , 39.png )

>Hello there.
General Kenobi…

>Must find more gold pieces.
…this gold coin… it makes you feel safe. You need to find more of them.
>Make sure there isn't already a hole hidden by a painting.
That wall leads to the outside, making it a dumb idea to make a hole there. Still, you do check behind the paintings and find nothing.

>There is an odd glint up in the corner. Is something spying on you?
…there’s nothing there. But you feel watched. Ever since you found this shack you can’t shake the feeling of being observed… is this what people feel when you peep on them?

>Do it. Do it do it do it, just don't get caught!
With skill and experience on your side, you quickly and quietly make a small hole between two of the wooden wall planks in the closet. Just big enough to watch, but small enough to go unnoticed. Even if it is found, it looks more like the ravages of time have created it than your blade. On the other side, you can see both the hare and the crocodile naked. Jackpot.
No. 1083593 ID: 681cb5
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Kani pulls out her knife and straddle Gokk beneath her…

Gokk: ”Oh?” the large crocodile chuckles, “Want to be on top this time, little bunny?”
Kani: ”I’m always on top.” placing the knife against his chest, the Hare continues, “You know that.”

By the stars, Gokk is huge! Way bigger than yourself!

Gokk: ”That’s not what happened last time.” his smile grows even larger as Kani presses the blade against his muscles, “Remember?”
Kani: ”Stop talking and start fucking!” she starts to slowly pull the blade across his chest, just hard enough to leave a red mark but not to make him bleed, “Or do I need to motivate you some more?”

…your hand starts to slowly move downwards, tugging on your belt to free your-
No. 1083594 ID: 681cb5
File 170829428178.png - (73.51KB , 700x550 , 41.png )

A noose tightens around Raskrev’s neck, his hand instinctively grabbing his dagger…


No. 1083595 ID: 681cb5
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No. 1083596 ID: 681cb5
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Before you can be dragged up towards the ceiling, you spin around with your dagger and manage to cut the rope in one quick motion. Just a second more and you would have been hanged.
No. 1083597 ID: 681cb5
File 170829431479.png - (80.83KB , 700x550 , 44.png )

Looking up, you spot an abomination slowly lowering itself from the ceiling, its movements more akin to a spider than a person. Ripping out its own innards, the flayed corpse uses one of its many arms to fashion another noose, its unblinking eye never leaving your own. But it doesn’t attack; instead its gaze pierces through you, searing your very soul. It doesn’t make a sound… and a silence engulfs the room.

Yelling for the others, you turn around and bang on the wall, but the stillness can’t be broken. No matter how hard you try, you can’t make a sound. Everything is but the sound of silence, and it keeps staring. You can barely breathe, as the calmness is smothering you, filling your lung with its quite. A panic enters your body…

You scream… but no one is around to hear you…

The Hanged Man descends from the darkness…
A manifestation of guilt and pain.

Your equipment:
Daggers x 5
Dart gun
Darts x 4
Bottle of Wretched Acid
Big bottle of Bleeding venom.
Small bottle of paralyzing venom.
Tiny bottle of… “Last Freedom” (For self-use only)
Some Food
Starlight lantern

Skills: Daggers, venom, stealth and avoiding danger.
No. 1083599 ID: a7a180

Use the acid to melt the ropes.
No. 1083600 ID: 273c18

This isn't real, don't waste any consumables. Throw a dagger into its eye. You can recover that.
No. 1083601 ID: eb0a9c

Offer the hangman creature some rope with one hand. Then throw all your daggers at the base of its core rope with your other hand.
No. 1083608 ID: 98278d

Is it just me or one of the paintings has some ropes in them? Is that related to this monstruosity? Is this an halucination or real? Maybe that is related to this monster somehow. Anyway, attack the creature, but don't toss all your daggers, keep one in the reserve in case it ends up roping your neck and you cant escape. Whatever you do next, stay afraid of those ropes. And if this monster is related to your guilt, do not let yourself be consumed by it. Do you see her dead green eye pierce you? The pain that you inflicted on others is grasping you soul, trying to choke your life. It claims you fate, it judges your guilt and sentences you to death. But the pain that it rasps upon your being should make you remember something: you have a soul. A soul that suffers. And that soul will be smothered by the pain. But a soul is much more than being soulless. A soul can be redeemed, saved even. The pain that you feel, you should carry it. Do not toss this pain away, but do not let it devour you. Embrace it. For your soul can be much more than simple pain. You are a living thing with a soul, and you cannot let yourself die and rot like the others. Not today, not while Orma, the Order, the world is in your shoulders. You are the master of your own burning soul! So promise to yourself: do not fall to this creature. Choose life over guilt.
No. 1083616 ID: 5ebd37

You owe it to her to accomplish something with your retched life. If you die here then her death will have been for nothing. Steel your will and deny this shadow of guilt.
No. 1083636 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1083665 ID: 19ea25

A demon of guilt is one that you need to clear your head for. It seems silence is something that will often occur with those that mess with your head in the ROT. It focuses on its ropes and innards, aim for the one keeping it aloft.
No. 1083673 ID: 1ab965

Go for the eye, and try to get/keep to the entrance of your room. Cutting it's rope with a thrown dagger may prove difficult, and if it's scrambling around on the ground, it could physically overpower you.

Certainly not the time, but: Orma's got her rack, Gokk's got his natural girth, Kani's got a nice heart butt. You any good at fast talking and tongue twisters?
No. 1083810 ID: 7c0da2

the Order of Moon and Stars is a religious order if I understand correctly? If so make a quick prayer to your guiding Star. Maybe a prayer for forgiveness could help, or anything that would help you focus and calm down. Keep reciting it if it makes you feel better. Then splash the creature with acid to damage the ropes it uses to fight.

Oh, and your new friend was in the foreground in >>1083075 and there is the eye of another one in a hole in the wall in the background, another one in the top left of >>1083076 ... and just to the left of your elbow in >>1082911.
So it isn't alone, and the other members of your expedition are at risk, starting with Orma who is both alone and convinced there is no wretched around because she can't feel any. Let's hope it's not the woodsmen. You did remember to lock that door on the second floor, right ?

Or, you know, maybe you're going insane, hallucinating and strangling yourself with you own rope, but signs point toward this fight being real.
No. 1083822 ID: a785dd

Guilt tends to compel one to seek punishment, believing that when the suffering of their body matches the suffering of their hearts they will find peace, but this is folly; the only way forward is through atonement, and for that you must live. Accept the pain in your heart but do not allow yourself to believe that you deserve to suffer or die for it. Through you words and actions atone for your past, you can start by defeating this thing and warning your comrades of the threat. If you die here, what will become of them?

Calm your mind, speak a prayer, and overcome this. Keep one dagger at the ready to ward off anymore nooses, and throw a dagger into it's eye.
No. 1084205 ID: 681cb5
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With a prayer on your lips, you ask the stars for aid… but they, as all the gods, are dead and cannot save you. You are alone in this dying world.

Using the very same dagger you cut the rope with, you fling it right towards the Hanged Man large eye. Springily, it doesn’t even try to avoid or catch it, letting it pierce fleshy orb with a wet slorp, and while the force of the throw makes it sway a bit on the rope it’s hanging from, it doesn’t seem to care that it got a large dagger stuck in its head. In fact, it simply grabs the dagger and pulls it out; ripping out its own eye in the process…

…at least it isn’t staring at you anymore.
No. 1084206 ID: 681cb5
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With a crack, a sharp pain splashes across your face, as the abomination whips you with its own intestine. Damn it! It distracted you but pulling out its own eye! Luckily, your instincts and experience of avoiding danger helped you to avoid the worst of it, saving your own eye. Still, it hurts like hell and will definitely leave a scar.
No. 1084207 ID: 681cb5
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Before the creature can retaliate again, you throw the small vial of that acid you collected earlier, hitting the monsters square over the chest with it. The bottle shatters on impact, bathing the Hanged Man in the putrid liquid. While its flayed body doesn’t seem to be affected by the acid, its intestines are another story, as the “rope” it’s hanging from quickly dissolves. Flailing its arms around as if in a panic, the abomination tries to grab a hold of the now snapped innards, but the acid makes it to slippery, ensuring that the creature falls to the ground.

Geez, and Gokk took that to the face without bother? Maybe you should check up on him tomorrow, just in case…
No. 1084209 ID: 681cb5
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You’re about to strike it again, now that it’s vulnerable and on the floor, but it turns it heads to reveal its other eye. Falling to your knees, you scream out in silent agony, as its piercing gaze rips your very mind apart. And the silence. The horrid, horrid silence! WHY CAN’T YOU MAKE A SOUND!?

Suicide is now an option.

Then the silence is broken by the sound of bones cracking, as all eight arms of the beasts flexes their muscles and all its hands clenches into fists, it’s unblinking eye never leaving yours…

Your equipment:
Daggers x 4
Dart gun
Darts x 4
Big bottle of Bleeding venom.
Small bottle of paralyzing venom.
Tiny bottle of… “Last Freedom” (For self-use only)
Some Food
Starlight lantern

Skills: Daggers, venom, stealth, avoiding danger and suicide.
No. 1084213 ID: eb0a9c

>Can't make a sound
It's only temporary. This is a great opportunity: scream your confessions where no-one can hear you.
Throw another dagger in its other eye; use the paralyzing venom, this is the optimal enemy and positioning to use it on.

And dodge the incoming dagger throw!
No. 1084218 ID: aebb38

Wow. What a little shit. Yeah, this fucking thing really likes to make you suffer. Fuck this thing. Hey mister Raskrev? Suicide might be a nice option if you are being subjected to a fate worse than death, but not here. Absolutely not here. This silence? Its baby shit. I mean, you can't talk, but there are worse things out there. I mean, you can still hear your thoughts! Thats a good thing! Just focus for a moment. You can absolutely prevail this little piece of eyecrap. So lets think for a moment. Alright, so you might be tormented by your guilt and pain and shame, and I guess a motivational speech telling you how you deserve life isn't enough to break through the . But you know what? FUCK THIS THING. Goddamn thing looks so smug, thinking its hot shit for making you suffer with its gaze. But guess what? So what if you got problems? YOU ARE ANGRY! This little shit just comes out of nowhere, spoils your fun, and chokes and whips you with its shitty ropes. Who does it think it is? Some sort of BDSM shit freak? FUCK THIS THING! Aren't you tired of feeling afraid of the entire world for no goddam reason? Hell, who the fuck is stopping you from stabbing this piece of shit in the eye? Nobody but you. So swallow your fear, and GET ANGRY. There is nothing in your head except your fear and your anger, AND YOU NEED TO LET THE ANGER GO LOOSE. Toss almost every single dagger into it until it drops dead. Keep one if it gets close and avoid the dagger it will probably throw at you. And if you ask why? The reason is simple.
No. 1084219 ID: 031458

Why do you quake in fear? This foul creature is nothing more than your prey! You've thwarted it's pathetic ambush, taken from it it's fetid eye, and knocked it from its undeserved throne on high!

Steel yourself, Hunter! Rip from it it's remaining eye, slaughter it like so many rotting cattle, and take your deserved prize! Carve from it it's still beating heart and devour it, as is your right!
No. 1084221 ID: 273c18

You've reduced its ranged capability. Time to exit the room and get help.
No. 1084222 ID: 3f89df

So you have a mouth, and you can't scream, man up. You can scream ounce that thing is dead; make sure it's not here so those two don't know you were peeping, you little sinner.
If you want to die, then do it when you're in much more agony; maybe after you're done killing them, find a fanatic or general healer to make sure your eye doesn't have severe damage.
No. 1084223 ID: 0496af

It's real power lies in it's disturbing gaze, get rid of it by throwing another dagger on the remaining eyeball.

Focus solely on your present and future actions and the consciousness meddling it's doing might be less effective
No. 1084229 ID: a785dd

You can get through this, you must live on. Gokk, Kani, and Orma need someone with your skills, so for them and for yourself, do not fall here! Fight! Draw another dagger and throw it into this thing's remaining eye. Be prepared for it to whip you or throw a dagger back at you.
No. 1084248 ID: 5ebd37

If you fall silent under the weight of its accusatory gaze, simply close your eyes. Send a few more daggers its way, then get out of this closet. Surely the door is right behind you?
No. 1084287 ID: 7c0da2

It doesn't matter if you can't speak, you don't need to speak at the moment. Focus on killing this thing. You'll encounter far worse, and your allies won't always be around to help you, so if you can't finish this creature you might as well give up now.
There is a bed in the room, throw the bed sheet over the creature to both blind it and stop the glare, then try pinning the sheet to it with thrown daggers.
Don't forget it's got a kneyefe, be prepared in case it tries to throw it. And whatever you do, don't get any closer, you don't want do get into melee with something that got four time as many arms as you.
No. 1085124 ID: 681cb5
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>Time to exit the room and get help.
There aren’t any doors. You’re stuck here. There is no way out…

…you cannot escape your sins.

>Dodge the incoming dagger throw!
You don’t know what it is doing, but whatever it is you rather not be hit with it. Taking a defensive stance, you ready yourself for it to throw the dagger at you, but instead it launches its whole body towards you, four of its arms raised to smash you beneath it. Even with you being ready for it, you barely manage to jump out of the way of The Hanged Man, as it slams into the floor next to you. While you cannot hear it, you can feel the shockwave from the impact wash over you, the floor visibly cracking and splintering under the abomination. That outburst would have broken every bone in your body if it had hit you…

Raskrev narrowly dodged The Hanged Man Coinflip attack.

Yet, you can feel its eye glaring into your mind, ripping it apart!

Raskrev is close to losing his mind!
No. 1085125 ID: 681cb5
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>It's real power lies in its disturbing gaze, get rid of it by throwing another dagger on the remaining eyeball.
Seeing an opportunity, you pull out a dagger and shove it into its remaining eye, the blade sinking deep into its head. Even blind, it seems to know exactly where you are… though not what you’re doing.

The Hanged Man has lost its balance, leaving its head exposed.

Before you can act, the monster rushes you and grabs you with its many arms. You try your best to defend yourself, but one of its hands gets a hold of the side of your head and rams its thumb into your already damaged eye. You can outright feel it get crushed inside your own skull…

Raskrev have lost his right eye.
No. 1085126 ID: 681cb5
File 170942290278.png - (99.10KB , 700x550 , 51.png )

Enough! Punching it hard in the stomach, you seize the opening you’ve created by blinding it to slip around abomination. Grabbing its shoulder and pushing your knee into its back, you force the creature to arc its back towards you, allowing you to ram your dagger into the side of its throat and quickly slash outwards to cut it. You smile as you hear it gurgle as it’s trying to breathe, drowning in its own blood, yet it is still trying to fight you. Pushing your knee even harder into it, you start to saw through its neck and spine, separating its head from its body completely. You’re not sure when it actually dies, but even as its body slumps to the floor without its head, the creature’s arms twitches and squirm.

Then, it goes limp… and you find yourself back in the room with the bed and paintings. Pulling off the cloth mask The Hanged Man has been wearing, you’re eager to see just what you’ve been fighting.
No. 1085127 ID: 681cb5
File 170942291061.png - (60.93KB , 700x550 , 52.png )

What the fuck.

The Hanged Man has been slain, freeing Raskrev of the weight of his guilt.

You’ve gained the head of Raskrev the Knave.
No. 1085128 ID: a7a180

Fuckin' awesome, dude! You should show this to the rot druid and get it preserved. You could wear yourself as a hat!
No. 1085133 ID: 1586a6

there's a green thing in it's neck
No. 1085137 ID: 19ea25

Give it a lookover, but it does seem the rot is strong here. Stronger then Orma has thought.. Either that or your guilt was this strong Moon worshipper. Either way one would not feel remiss to go back and talk to Orma over this.
No. 1085201 ID: 0779db

Time to get a sweet eye patch.

Drink some of the blood pouring from your new head.
No. 1085214 ID: eb0a9c

Lament the loss of your eye. Then look for a way to replace it by using this... clone.
Maybe it grew some extra organs. You'll need Orma to check.
No. 1085341 ID: 5ebd37

That- that's a trick of the light right? There isn't an eye to your left?

Get the hell out of this room and get one of your companions to confirm that any of this actually happened. And see if they have any hot tips on what to do with your own head.
No. 1085705 ID: 681cb5
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>That- that's a trick of the light right? There isn't an eye to your left?
You look around in a panic, trying to find more eyes staring at you, but there’s nothing but shadows…
>There's a green thing in its neck
…you have no idea what that is, but you’re pretty sure it should be there.

This… what is even happening here!? Is this because of your guilt? Or is the ROT really this powerful here!? Either way, you need to show this to the others, just to make sure you’ve not gone completely insane.

Putting the head back into the cloth sack it was wearing earlier, you can hear Gokk and Kani in the other bedroom. They are not even trying to be quiet. Not wanting an arrow in your other good eye, you opt to go look for Orma instead of disturbing them right now.

…but as you go down the stairs to the first floor, you find her gone… and a secret hatch yawning wide where she once sat.
No. 1085706 ID: 681cb5
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The stairs creak quietly as you climb down, but you’re well experience at keeping silent, even on such old wood. At the bottom, you find some kind of lab… and at one of the desks Orma is writing something down in a book. She hasn’t noticed you yet.

Orma: ”Hmm… why, of course… it’s so simple!” the snake mumbles to herself, “The ritual is easy to prepare… now I just need some test subject for the experiment.”

Orma’s chuckle drips with malice, making you shudder.
No. 1085708 ID: a7a180

"Heads up!"
Toss the bag at her.
No. 1085709 ID: 8f9bc4


Tell her she needs to work on her evil laugh, and she better think twice before using you as a test subject. Then show her your uh, head. If it's still your head, you can point to it and say that's "twice."
No. 1085710 ID: 273c18

Don't jump to conclusions. "malice" can be directed towards the enemy. Also, this isn't her lab, she just found it, so who knows what's in that book?
Sneak up and take a look over her shoulder. Hold her at knifepoint if it's something suspicious, so she can explain herself.
No. 1085711 ID: 19ea25

Got a test subject right here. Though this place is certainly quite different from the expected. Its not as worn or decrepit. Could possibly be more psychosis from the ROT or your own mind but its hard to tell at this point.
No. 1085721 ID: 37587f

That green eye on the jar looks a lot like yours... Perhaps you could use it to fill the hole in your skull with some weird magic shit. Also, is it just me or these green eyes have been staring at us for a while? Staring us from dark corners, in hidden nooks and crannies... Are they an omen of danger? Perhaps we still are not safe yet.
No. 1085722 ID: 4ab383

She must have found some notes and shes writing them down for later.

Tell her you got attacked by a creature that was lurking in the shadows, so we should be careful about wandering around alone here.

……hey, is that another monster behind the bars in the back of the room?

>if it's something suspicious, so she can explain herself.
This is a secret lab in a cabin in the woods. Everything in here is suspicious! There's no reason to put a knife to one of our teammates.
No. 1085723 ID: 2aa5f0

how does a snake get down a latter?
No. 1085725 ID: eb0a9c

"Orma I need a new eye"
No. 1085730 ID: 5ebd37

Well isn't this convenient? A lab stocked with your choice of new eyes.

Ooh, you know what would be a fun prank? Sneak over to Orma, tap her on the shoulder, and hold up the head so when she turns around she gets a little spook! Then tell her you're running low on eyes and need a top up.

Oh, and watch where you're dripping that blood there. Don't want to activate any magic circles by accident, eh?
No. 1085744 ID: cd53c0

Be a little wary. Shit is wierd right now, and something might be effecting her. Is there someone in the cell behind you?
Does the symbol in her book (and potentially on the ground) look familiar?
No. 1085745 ID: 273c18

Hey, what's that behind the bars back there?
No. 1085786 ID: 7c0da2

Be careful. You're carrying your own doppelganger's head, it might not be Orma in front of you. Do not step on the ritual circle, keep your eye on Orma, and do not turn your back on those bars behind you. Do not announce your presence and carefully assess the room.

Even if it really is her you should be wary of her intentions. She was standing on this trapdoor, she must have found it first and decided to keep it a secret from the rest of you. Then she sent you to sleep despite the house being dangerous. She said she didn't sensed any wretched around, but she was obviously wrong. Maybe she was trying to get you out of the way and didn't care what would happen to you. Maybe she was trying to get you killed. Her test subjects are dead bodies after all.
Or maybe she simply overestimated her ability to sense wretched but that's just as bad, just in a different way.
No. 1086260 ID: 681cb5
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>Does the symbol in her book (and potentially on the ground) look familiar?
You can’t say you’ve ever seen it before, no…
>is it just me or these green eyes have been staring at us for a while? Staring us from dark corners, in hidden nooks and crannies...
Green eyes peeking through the walls… now you know how the others feel when you spy on them.

>Sneak up and take a look over her shoulder. Hold her at knifepoint if it's something suspicious, so she can explain herself.
Readying a dagger with your tail, you slowly make your way across the room without a sound. Making sure to not cross the obviously magical circle in the center, you keep to the walls as you approach the snake, who still haven’t notice your presence. Looking over her shoulder, knife at the ready, you try and make sense of what she’s writing down… but the only thing you understand is the drawing of the very same circle that’s on the floor as well as a badly drawn sketch of a… horse with a rider on its butt?

Raskrev: ”Orma.” you state with a calm voice, “Care to explain?”
Orma: ”Oh!?” the snake visibly jumps a bit as she finally notice you standing right behind her, “Oh, it’s just you, Raskrev. Don’t scare me like that.” She throws you a glance over her shoulder before returning to her book, “Don’t tell the others about this place. At least, not until I’m done with it.”
Raskrev: ”…why don’t you want the others to know?” you ask while grabbing a bottle of homemade spirits from the nearby shelf, “Or me for that matter?”
Orma: ”Oh please.” with a dismissive wave, she continues, “Gokk would either eat all the samples or drink the alchemical material, while Kani would break all the tools.” She scribbles something in her book, “I’d rather collect all the information I can get before those two wrecks the place.”
Raskrev: You raise an eyebrow, ”And me?”
Orma: ”I didn’t know if I should trust you.” she says in a matter of fact way, “For all I knew, you might have been a fanatic that would put this place to the torch.”
Raskrev: ”I can say the same…” the liquid inside the flask seems in decent shape, at least, “You better not think about using me as a test subject, you hear?”
Orma: ”The ritual needs two who are willing.” Orma states, ”But if you’re volunteering…” before mumbling under her breath, “Maybe I can control a wretched or two? Hmm…”

Raskrev: ”Speaking of wretched, didn’t you say there weren’t any around?” you gesture towards the cage in the back, filled with mutated people, “Then what are those?”
Orma: ”They are Decrepit. Technically a Wretched, but harmless.” you watch as one of them is slowly trying to peel her own face off, while another is crawling on the floor with giant swords for legs. “Instead of either going mad or trying to spread the ROT, they just… stop.” the giant thing in the corner giggles and cry at the same time, it’s dozen months all making different expressions at once, “They generally stand around until they die… and then the ROT just keep them standing around.”
Raskrev: ”Really...” you raise the bottle of alcohol to your snout, sniffing it, “And there aren’t any other dangerous Wretched around?”
Orma: ”I cannot sense any other Wretched, no…” she waves around her pen again, “And I’m certain we would have found out if there was an Abomination hiding in here by now.”
No. 1086261 ID: 681cb5
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Without saying a word, you hold up the head of the Abomination you just beheaded in front of her.

Orma: ”Eh? Where did… you…” Orma tilts her head, “That’s you? Why do… how… what?”
Raskrev: ”That’s the head of an Abomination that just tried to kill me.” you voice is dripping with venom, “In my room. Five minutes ago.”
Orma: ”Interesting…” she leans closer, moving her head around to look at it from every angle possible, "This is new."
Raskrev: ”…you don’t know what this is?” you put the cork of the bottle in your mouth and pull it out with a loud pop, “Aren’t you the damn expert on the ROT!?”
Orma: ”Well, yes…” the snake pokes at it with her feather pen, “So the rumors are true then. This is a manifestation of your sin.” Orma rubs her chin, “I didn’t know it should grow as strong as to actually manifest in reality.”
Raskrev: ”Wait what?” you put down the head in front of her, “You’re telling me this thing was… created by me?”
Orma: ”In a sense…” she turns a few pages in her book and starts writing something down, “It’s your… let say… bad side. And it wants to take your place in the real world. By murdering you.”
Raskrev: ”…eh?” putting the flask to your mouth, you let some of the alcohol wash into your tongue. Ugh, it tastes vile.
Orma: ”The ROT corrupts, turning people into Abominations… though it usually try and do so mentally first.” She gesture towards the head, “But this… is the ROT really so strong here that it can manifest itself like this? Truly interesting. Now, I wonder… if this thing would have killed you… or if you died before killing it… would you… hmm… does it takes your place? Further study is needed…”
No. 1086262 ID: 681cb5
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>Though this place is certainly quite different from the expected. It’s not as worn or decrepit.
Orma: ”Most likely because its former owner put some protective spell over it or some such.” Orma sigh, “The Magician was quite a powerful mage, after all.”
Raskrev: ”The who?” you take several gulps from the bottle in your hand, letting the burning sensation in your throat wash over you.
Orma: ”No one you would know.” she shakes her head, “Just an old scholar, nothing more.”
Raskrev: ”Oh…” you take another swing from the bottle, letting the fire inside it calm your nerves…

Raskrev mind is no longer on the brink of madness.

>"Orma I need a new eye"
Orma: ”Well, too bad.” she chuckles, “I can’t help you with that.”
Raskrev: ”Can’t you just plop a new one in?” you point towards the jar filled with eyes while taking another swing from the bottle, “Surely, one of those will fit.”
Orma: ”You can’t just heal a lost limb or eye like that, fool.” the snake sounds rather annoyed all the sudden, “You’d think I’d let Gokk walk around with one eye and only three fingers on one hand if it was that simple?”
Raskrev: ”Then… what can I do?” the liquor starts to make you a bit dozy…
Orma: ”Nothing.” the druid turns back a few pages in her book, “Unless you want to try this ritual I found here. It might be able to heal limbs.” She then seems to realize something she’s forgotten, and quickly fish up a strange, blue potion from her bag, “Though, it will not give your eye back, you should drink this.”
Raskrev: ”Will it make me feel better?”
Orma: She laugh. A genuine, from the stomach, laugh. ”Oh, by the corpse god, no!” she lifts her mask to wipe away a tear, “It will keep you alive. Now drink up, boy.”
No. 1086265 ID: a7a180

How do you know the abomination didn't win and present my severed head to you just now?
No. 1086268 ID: 031458

Drink it.

You need two eyes if you wanna continue throwing things accurately. Inquire further about the restorative ritual. Ask about "side effects" in particular.
No. 1086269 ID: 273c18

Hmm, maybe getting attacked by the Abomination got you infected. Take the vial and drink it. If it was a trap she would've said it would make you feel better, or something more alluring.

Ask her what the ritual does, the one she was looking at when you came in. Is that what the Vigilant Woodsmen did to become what they are? Also, ask for more information on the limb-healing ritual. Oh wait, are they the same ritual?
No. 1086271 ID: e9eb3d

Nah, I already drank. Tell me more about the Magician. He sounds like a swell guy.

Say, you weirdos in the cell, what do you know about the city? What else is in there, 'sides the giant god pushing up sunflowers?
No. 1086272 ID: dd3fe0

To keep me alive? Yea, you're gonna need to give me more than that.
No. 1086273 ID: 5ebd37

The woodsman, it had the same number of voices as the family portrait upstairs. It originated here, didn't it? Is this ritual you've found going to fuse people together?
No. 1086274 ID: a290b9

Usually the guy gets the lady a drink, though the stuff you've got wouldn't be to her taste. Gonna need a little more info though. If this blue stuff knocks you out or something, you want to make an informed medical decision, and your desire for company doesn't mean you can't feel a little paranoid after literally killing yourself. Does she KNOW the ritual won't make you like a certain bunch of rabbits? She might wind up in that mess too, and you're a little too unfamiliar for that sort of arrangement.
Unless she says something very off kilter, drink it regardless.
No. 1086279 ID: 624b08

>It will keep you alive. Now drink up, boy
… A little more information is needed I feel before I chug the mystery brew.
No. 1086281 ID: 19ea25

What about a ritual? Take a look, if nothing else.. All this is intriguing while under the drink.

Drink the blue. While she's up for studying I doubt she'd want you dead.
No. 1086312 ID: 3c9111

Not happening. Demand her to explain more about this substance, there's been enough weird happennings already. You're no stranger to survival at all costs but your blind faith resides in the Moon not in the... blue vial
No. 1086317 ID: eb0a9c

Damnit. Even if you could transplant an eye from the other you, I had you... stab...
Ask Orma if she can manipulate the head to grow an eye. Maybe the overwhelming magic that created it in the first place will make it possible. Then you just pluck the eye out and graft it in.

Alternatively, you could fight another Sin and keep the eyes intact this time.
No. 1086339 ID: a785dd

In all likelihood, the blue liquid is an antidote to whatever you just drank. Homemade spirits you find in the secret ritual cellar probably aren't safe to consume. You should probably do as she says and drink it.
No. 1086356 ID: 7c0da2

Grokk and Kani would probably love that ritual, maybe less so the result.
Ask Orma if there is a way you could summon (create ?) another bad side abomination and do the ritual with it. That sound like a great idea, especially now that you're a bit drunk.
Speaking of drinking, drink the blue vial. Orma's hiding things from you, but she is still your group's healer, and you would be able to tell if it was poison. It's your area of expertise after all.
No. 1086514 ID: 681cb5
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>How do you know the abomination didn't win and present my severed head to you just now?
Orma: ”Not even you would be that boring, dear.” she chuckles, “Or is your deepest, darkness desire truly to show off to an old lady like myself, hmm?”
>Ask her what the ritual does, the one she was looking at when you came in.
Orma: ”It’s a ritual of binding two individuals together in love.” you feel her eyes on you, as if she’s trying to read you, “Both body, mind and soul.”
Raskrev: ”Is that what the Vigilant Woodsmen did to become what they are?”
Orma: ”Oh?” the snake tilts her head to the side, “Why do you say that?”
Raskrev: ” The woodsman, it had the same number of voices as the family portrait upstairs. It originated here, didn't it?” taking a moment to empty the bottle of alcohol, you continue, “Is this ritual you've found going to fuse people together?”
Orma: ”As I said…” she chuckle, “It will bind you together with someone else in the ultimate expression in love, both body, mind and soul.”
Raskrev: ”…and I’ll get a new eye because I’ve have the other persons eyes as well?”
Orma: ”Possibly.” the druid shrugs, “One, two, three… a dozen eyes… who knows? That’s why I want to observe it being performed, so I can catalog the effects of it.”
Raskrev: ”…I’ll think I’ll pass.” you steady yourself on the shelf next to you, “I think… I rather… not… no.”
Orma: She laugh quietly under her mask, ”I wasn’t expecting you to, dear. No, this is for… ah… more desperate people.”

>A little more information is needed I feel before I chug the mystery brew.
Orma: ”It’s an arcane herbal elixir that increases the biological vivacity of your natural restorative rejuvenation for a short while.” the pride in the snake’s voice cannot be ignored, “Allowing your sinew to mend within minutes instead of months.”
Raskrev: ”…eh?”
Orma: ”…it’s a healing potion.”
Raskrev: ”Oh!” you grab the small light blue vial from her hand, “So it will give me my eye back!?”
Orma: ”No.” she says flatly, “It will ensure you don’t die from internal hemorrhage.”

>Drink it.
After hesitating for a moment, you uncork the small bottle and chug it. Ugh, it’s all bitter tasting…

Orma: ”See, that wasn’t so bad.”
No. 1086515 ID: 681cb5
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>Tell me more about the Magician.
Orma: ”What is there to say?” she shrugs, “They were a powerful magic user before the world ended, and has spent a lot time researching the ROT and the old gods.” While you try your best to keep yourself on your feet, she produces a small book bound in odd looking leather from her robe, “They ventured here a decade ago, to the point of calamity, to research. Since then, only a few of their notes and research journals has made it out. I’m inclined to try and find more of them here.”
Raskrev: ”He sounds swell… hehe… heh… I sshhhould buy him a drink.”
Orma: ”Good luck finding them, dear.”

>Say, you weirdos in the cell, what do you know about the city?
Orma: “They will not answer.” the snake shakes her head, ”What part of ’Standing around doing nothing’ did you not understand?”
Raskrev: ”So they can’t tell me… me about the... um… goings onsss? ‘sides of the giant god pushing up sunflowers?”
Orma: ”No.”

>Ask Orma if she can manipulate the head to grow an eye. Then you just pluck the eye out and graft it in.
Orma: ”Even if we had a perfect eye, we can’t just put it back inside, Raskrev.”
Raskrev: ”So ah… won’t… get my eye back?”
Orma: ”No. No one has that kind of magic.” the snake rubs her chin, “And even if you found such magic, it would definitely have a steep price. A price you wouldn’t want to pay, dear.”

Your feet fail you, forcing you to catch yourself on the ladder as you almost fall over. It’s clear that something is very wrong, as the whole world starts to sway back and forth, making you lose your balance. In fact, you can barely keep your eyes open anymore…

Raskrev: ”You…” you meekly say, “You poisoned me…”
Orma: ”…and why would I do that?” she cross her arms across her chest “If I wanted you dead I wouldn’t waste a perfectly good poison, would I dear?”
Raskrev: ”Then why…” you have to stop yourself from puking, “Do ah… ah…”
Orma: ”Because you just drank a whole bottle of moonshine before mixing it with medicine, you twat.”
Raskrev: ”Oh…” you nod, “That makes… sense…”
No. 1086516 ID: 681cb5
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And then you collapse on the floor, letting sleep wash over you…

Orma: “Fool.” Orma sighs, “But an useful fool…”
No. 1086517 ID: 681cb5
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Your sleep is dark, cold and without dreams….
No. 1086519 ID: 681cb5
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Kani: ”Hey, sleepyheads!” an angry voice jolts you awake, “Get up!”

Your head is pounding… your right eye is burning… and your whole body feels sore and tired…

Kani: ”It’s sunrise! Get up and stop wasting time!” the hare stops for a second and thinks for a bit, “Well, not technically sunrise, as the sun is just a black orb in the sky that doesn’t move anymore, but you get my point.” With a light kick to your side, she continues screaming, “We’re burning daylight either way, you cretins! So get up and get ready already! Gokk is removing the barricade as we speak… though HE SHOULD BE DONE BY NOW!”
Gokk:I’m trying! My arm is still sore from yesterday, you little ball of anger!
Kani: ”Of course it is…”
Orma: ”Just…” Orma snores loudly, “Five more minutes, child…”

…why are you lying on the old hag?
No. 1086520 ID: 273c18

Ah, mixing medication. Happens to the best of us. Well, I think we've solidly confirmed she's trustworthy. Though, she might still have her own demons to battle.

>why are you lying on the old hag?
Maybe she appreciated your warmth. And be nice, she's a cool old lady.

Up and at em. Go help with the barricade. See if anyone's got an eyepatch. If they ask about your eye, tell them there was an abomination born from your guilt that attacked you, but you killed it. If any of them have anything they feel intensely guilty about then it'll happen to them too.
No. 1086521 ID: a290b9

You passed out under her care, she was obligated to watch over you. As a reptile, she needed bodyheat. As a 'youthful' male, is that really such a terrible position to wake up in? Be nicer to old ladies.
She probably wanted to see if you would use your brain, or trust in her, but she wouldn't give you a potion you didn't need, AND you were drunk. Bet she scared you away from alcoholism.
Get up carefully and help with the barricade, if Orma let's you.
No. 1086522 ID: 19ea25

Honestly you seem more comfortable.. I'd say five more minutes but you know that if you lay down for a minute longer the ball of anger is going to stab you in the ass.

Anyways. Get up, do your usual inventory check to make sure everythings alright, see if you still got your own guilt head with you or if anything got added and start preparing to head out. Get those last minute jitters gone.
No. 1086527 ID: 7c0da2

Well, lucky you, nobody woke you up to stand watch after all. Check that you still have your doppleganger's head, that's a neat trophy and it could help you fake your death one of those days. Then find something to eat while Grokk removes the barricade.
No. 1086528 ID: 031458

She's a reptile and you're warm. Unlike the floor. That's why.
No. 1086539 ID: 5ebd37

>why are you lying on the old hag?
Because you're a horny perv who got high off mixed meds? Don't piss her off, she's the only party member that seems to like you at all.

Did you remember to pick up all your knives after the fight?
No. 1086787 ID: 681cb5
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>She's a reptile and you're warm. Unlike the floor. That's why.
That doesn’t explain why you’re the one on top! She’s not even that soft…
>Because you're a horny perv who got high off mixed meds?
…you’re not that kind of perv. You’re the… secretly peeking kind.

>Up and at em. Go help with the barricade.
After quickly escaping the grasp of the old snake, you head for the front door before she can try and grab you again. Gokk is already there; slowly pulling away one of the shelves blocking the door… and to his side, the headless body of the Hanged Man is nailed to the wall with big metal spikes.

Raskrev: ”Err…” you gesture towards the flayed corpse, “So you found them…?”
Gokk: ”Orma told us what happen, Tiny.” the crocodile mumbles, clearly annoyed with your presence, “That you took down that beast after it took your eye.”
Raskrev: ”And you nailed it to the wall?”
Gokk: ”Just in case it tried to get up again. You never know.”
Raskrev: ”Right…”
Gokk: ”Now make yourself useful, small fox,” he snarls, “and grab something from the barricade and move!”
Raskrev: ”On it!” you walk past him, grabbing a large sack of old, petrified potatoes, “Say, you wouldn’t have a spare eye patch, would you?”
Gokk: ”Bah…” he grits his teeth, “I do have a spare you can take.” Before he continues, he gives you a glare that would kill, “But I will take it back when you die, weakling.”
Raskrev: ”Geez, why are so angry today?”
Gokk: ”Because you little man get to fight a glorious battle while I only get a weak wretched to slay!”
Kani: ”Don’t mind him, pipsqueak.” Kani’s head appear around the corner, smiling a wicked smile, “He’s just cranky because he got a booboo on his arm.”
Gokk: ”Go fuck yourself.”
Kani: ”Heh.”
No. 1086788 ID: 681cb5
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Beyond the barricaded door you find a silent forest, thick with mist and an uneasy stillness. It’s too quiet out there… it is making the fur on your neck stand on edge…

Kani: ”We head for the city as fast as we can.” her voice is tense, “We need to reach the wall before the abomination patrolling these woods finds us again.”
Orma: ”If there anything we need to do before leaving, now is the time.”

>Find something to eat.
Orma: ”Breakfast might be prudent. We need all the energy we can get.”
Gokk: ”Ugh, I should eat a horse…” the crocodile rubs his arm, gritting his teeth as he shivers, “And drink a whole brewery.”

>Do your usual inventory check to make sure everything is alright.
Everything seems to be in order…

Your equipment:
Daggers x 4
Dart gun
Darts x 4
Big bottle of Bleeding venom.
Small bottle of paralyzing venom.
Tiny bottle of… “Last Freedom” (For self-use only)
Some Food
Starlight lantern
Your own head

Skills: Daggers, venom, stealth, avoiding danger and suicide.

Kani: ”I know what you did yesterday, pipsqueak.”
Raskrev: ”Huh?” you feel her knife slide up between your legs, ”Err…”
Kani: ”If I find you trying to spy on us again I’ll cut your balls off.”
Raskrev: ”N-noted.”
Kani: ”Next time, just ask if you want to watch.” the hare pulls away her blade and turn around to leave, “Or join for that matter. I’m sure Gokk wouldn’t mind.”
Raskrev: ”Oh… um… r-right…”
No. 1086791 ID: 273c18

Where's the corpse that got rehanged?
No. 1086796 ID: 5ebd37

Check the kitchen for anything that can be whipped up into a quick breakfast.
No. 1086799 ID: 031458

I would cut open three hanged man's corpse. Disgusting ass it is, I'm sure you'll find something useful within. It used it's own innards quite aptly, afterall.
No. 1086806 ID: eb0a9c

Give the house one last search. Then go outside and have a disposable undead throw the gold coin in the pit to you.
... Say, what happened to your lucky coin?
No. 1086824 ID: 19ea25

Well we can fulfill the brewery at least. There's still about two to three full bottles of white lightning down there.

It's also prudent to make sure to grab some of those supplies from downstairs. I imagine Orma might find it handy to have some fancy materials to keep on hand for her research and abilities.
No. 1088696 ID: 681cb5
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>Say, what happened to your lucky coin?
…huh. You must have dropped it when fighting THE HANGED MAN.
>Where's the corpse that got rehanged?
Did it even get hanged? All you saw was the WOODSMEN snapping its neck with a noose.

>I would cut open three hanged man's corpse. Disgusting ass it is, I'm sure you'll find something useful within. It used its own innards quite aptly, afterall.
Gokk: ”We already tried that, tiny.” the crocodile says as he slaps the crucified corpse, “While its skin is as thick as leather and its guts like rope, there isn’t anything else in there.” He punches the body hard enough to make more of its intestines fall out, “Not even a heart to rip out! BAH!”
>Check the kitchen for anything that can be whipped up into a quick breakfast.
Orma: ”Didn’t we pack rations just so we don’t have to scavenge for food?” she gives you a questioning look, “Besides, anything in here is probably two decades old and carrying who knows what kind of diseases.”
Gokk: ”Guys, look!” Gokk suddenly shouts, showing off a big bag of potatoes, “I found ‘taters! A whole bag of them!”
>Well we can fulfill the brewery at least. There's still about two to three full bottles of white lightning down there.
Gokk: ”BOOZE!?”

>It's also prudent to make sure to grab some of those supplies from downstairs.
Orma: ”I’ve already procured everything I deemed to have worth.” the snake chuckles, “After all, we still haven’t even reached the city, so there is more to find. No need to get our bags full just yet.”
Kani: ”And we need to be light on our feet out there.” the hare suddenly speaks up, “So make sure none of you are carrying anything unnecessary to our survival, get it!?” Before anyone can say anything else, she pulls out her knife and scowls, “Or do I have to start cutting off useless parts from you?”
>Go outside and have a disposable undead throw the gold coin in the pit to you.
Kani: ”A gold coin?” the glare she gives you would kill a lesser man, ”Wasting time is not worth a gold coin!”
Raskrev: ”Come on, it won’t…” you suddenly notice something… the hole the crow fell down into is gone. ”Wait, the trap has been hidden again.” holding up a hand to the others, you continue, ”Be careful, someone has been here and reset all the traps.”
Kani: ”And?” Kani doesn’t even look at you as she leaves, ”It was probably the WOODSMEN. So we better just hurry up and leave right now, before they return.”

Kani: ”That’s it. We have no more time to waste.” the hare snarls, “We’re leaving immediately, and we won’t stop until we reach the city.” she looks over at Gokk,“So stop your whining and get ready to move!”
Gokk: ”I’m not whining!” the crocodile says as he sheepishly rubs his arm, “My arm is just a bit itchy, that’s all…”
Kani: ”And you can itch it later! Let’s go!” she starts moving towards the woods, not even waiting for the rest of you, “If we keep a steady pace, we should reach the walls before midday, as long as there aren’t any surpris-”
No. 1088697 ID: 681cb5
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Kani: ”Wha-”


No. 1088698 ID: 681cb5
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A wooden monster suddenly burst out from one of the traps, swinging a massive, pulsating arm towards Kani with enough force to break bones. Barely having time to react, the hare throws herself backwards, narrowly dodging to giant fist of the abomination.

THE FOOL: ”CAWAHAHA!” the abomination laugh sound unnatural and fake, echoing through its wooden body, “Let’s have some fun!”
No. 1088699 ID: 681cb5
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With unnatural grace, the creature climbs out of the pit, revealing its full form. A headless scarecrow, whose one arm is a mutated mess of flesh and bone, while the other has a lantern made from a crows head hanging from it. But what disturbs you the most is how it moves. It floats through the air, as if each step it takes with its long legs has been rehearsed for years and now it’s expertly performing an impossible dance, just for you. This elegance is in stark contrast to its disgusting, oscillating arm which it drags behind it without a care…

THE FOOL: “You will die here…” the scarecrow does a pirouette as it walks towards you, seemingly showing off its new body, “Just like all the other gullible fools! CAWAHAHA!”

Gokk grunts behind you as he ready his axe, while Orma starts chanting something under her breath… you try and pull your knife, but find it already in your hand

THE FOOL dances closer, right on the edge of a pit…
A consequence of the reckless and naïve.
No. 1088701 ID: 19ea25

Good to know we've found the crow. Whether what was a true form or just her remains after running ahead. Given how the head glows it may be prudent to remove the headed arm for any potential magical danger, but the legs.. It is tempting to cut them to stop the dance.
No. 1088704 ID: 5ebd37

The lack of anatomy on this thing is bad news for you. The only target for a knife throw is the arm where it's held on by sinews, but that will tack more than one throw.
Unfortunately I'd say you are most useful in this fight as a distraction. Try to set it up so Gokk can chop its legs off.
No. 1088705 ID: 273c18

Be careful. Don't charge in, it's staying near the pits because it wants to knock people into them.
No. 1088756 ID: 7c0da2

Approach The Fool from the right so it can't get into your blind side. Let Gokk attack first and try to trip the thing if it tries do dodge him. Try not to look the severed head in the eyes, just in case.
No. 1095314 ID: 681cb5
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Raskrev: ”Watch out!” you yell to the others, “It’s trying to lure us close to the pits! Keep your distance!”
Gokk: ”Go suck the Corpse God’s flaccid penis, tiny!” the crocodile laughs as he charges the monstrosity, “THIS KILL IS MINE!”
Kani: ”I’m trying, pipsqueak, but-” as the hare starts crawling away from the monster, it easily grabs her with its massive, mutated arm, “GAH! LET GO OF ME!”
Raskrev: ”Dammit, we need to focus our attacks!” try as you might, the only one actually listening to you right now is Orma, “The head with its glow can’t be good… and the arm, we need to save Kani! The sinews are the weak point!”
Orma: ”I will deal with the arm, young man, if you focus on the head.” the druid tells you calmly, before she starts chanting strange words, “Kara… Qet… Dul…”

You throw your dagger with precision, hitting it square in the forehead to little effect. It doesn’t even react, instead focusing on making its dance even more deranged, both to keep Gokk from hitting it as well as to use its own legs as weapons. The hare in its hand plunges her dagger into it, but the only reaction she gets is THE FOOL closing its palm further around her.

THE FOOL: “CAWHAHAHA!” the monster laughs as it squeezes Kani in its grip, audibly cracking her bones and making her cough up blood, “Crushed rabbit is on the menu tonight!”

The crocodile find an opening and charges, but something makes his swing miss. He growls in pain as he takes a step back…

Gokk: ”Gah! Stupid arm, stop-” before Gokk can react, one of the dancing legs glides by and cuts his chest, “Ngg… you’re going to pay for that, scarecrow.”

It’s not looking good…
No. 1095315 ID: 681cb5
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THE FOOL: “Do you think I can’t hear you little witch?” the head moves on its own, focusing its gaze on the murmuring snake behind you, “Chanting your little spell, like the good little witch you are…” before suddenly the flames within it intensifies, the fire engulfing the whole head, “NOW BURN! BURN TO CINDERS LITTLE WITCH!”
No. 1095316 ID: 681cb5
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Your dagger wedges itself into its skull, making the whole thing crack as it can no longer control its flames. Before you know it, there’s an explosion… followed by fire.
No. 1095318 ID: 681cb5
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The flames quickly spread across THE FOOL’s body, engulfing its right side completely. But even as it burns, it’s frantic dance continues… the beautiful dance…

THE FOOL: “FOOLS!!!” the scarecrow screams, “YOU WILL ALL DIE HERE! ALL OF YOU!”

In retort, Orma yells something that sounds like the sound of breaking glass, making THE FOOLs mutated arm rip apart, as if a giant grabbed it and pulled it into two. Its huge hand falls onto the ground with a thud, freeing Kani from its grip.

Gokk: ”HA!” the crocodile takes the opportunity to sink his axe deep into the creatures leg, almost splitting it in twain, “Take that, long legs!”

It staggers, the leg barely keeping it upright as it burns. With both its arms gone, it suddenly doesn’t seem like that big of a threat.
No. 1095319 ID: 681cb5
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And then it kicks Kani over the edge of one of the pit traps, he broken body unable to dodge.

THE FOOL: “CAWHAHAHA!” the former crow laughs as Kani is fly towards the hole, “Skewered bunny it is!”

The monster is heavily damaged, and Gokk is getting ready to finish it off… but that won’t change what’s about to happen.

Kani is falling to her death, as the FOOL dances on the edge…
No. 1095332 ID: a7c2ff

Slide towards her and grab her!
Closes eyes for a moment. Whatver happens, happens.

I choose MOON for the coin flip.
No. 1095335 ID: 19ea25

There's not much you can do outside of a diving grab. Her body will not support her in grabbing something right now otherwise, but the fool is still a dangerous threat even distracted as it is.
No. 1095336 ID: 44c167

If you are close enough to catch her hand then go for it. But if you aren't... then throw a knife and hope her ear can support her full body weight.
No. 1095348 ID: eb0a9c

You won't be able to reach her in time, but your knife can!
Throw a sheathed knife, alter her velocity so she hits the edge of the well, where the trap contains the least spikes.
No. 1095354 ID: 273c18

Do we even need to help? There are huge gaps between the spikes, she could just twist to avoid them.
No. 1095376 ID: eb0a9c

Injuries lowered her dexterity to 0, she can't dodge.
No. 1095377 ID: 273c18

Please don't make up excuses for why other suggestions won't work.
No. 1095514 ID: 681cb5
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>Do we even need to help? There are huge gaps between the spikes, she could just twist to avoid them.
The Fool clearly did a number on her, as she couldn’t even evade its slow moving kick, so her dodging the spikes while falling backwards into the pit doesn’t seem likely. Not to mention, even if managed to avoid them, the fall itself might be lethal.
>Slide towards her and grab her!
You start to sprint towards her, but even before you take the first step you know you won’t be able to make it in time.
>Then throw a knife and hope her ear can support her full body weight.
As your paw touches the ground, you fling two of your daggers towards her. Not to kill her, but in an attempt to slow her down. One hits her tabard, slicing through the cloth as if it was nothing… while the other lodges itself into her ear, pinning it against the wall of the well.

Kani: ”GAH! FUCK!” She screams, clearly in a lot of pain, “I’LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!”
Orma: ”I got her.” you barely hear the snake’s voice behind you as you run towards the pit, “This will keep her steady.”

The long roots of a mushroom bind themselves around Kani’s arm, pulling her up slightly as it constrict her body. You did it, she’s alive…
No. 1095515 ID: 681cb5
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As you run past The Fool, you can see Gokk cutting off one of its legs, followed by another spell from Orma blowing away what’s left of its arm. As it stumbles around, the crocodile finds a weakness and deals the finishing blow, cleaving The Fool in twain, ending its suffering.

Gokk: ”And stay down!” he yells as the two parts of the monster hits the ground, “Bah! No blood!? What is this shit? Hay!?” Gokk gives the smoldering pile of wood and cloth in front of him a kick, “At least scream in pain or something!”
Orma: ”Gahaha! Don’t you hear it!?” the maniac laughter coming from Orma stops you in your tracks, “They are screaming! Crying!” She grabs her mask and shakes her head, “It’s… it’s my fault…”
Gokk: ”…the fuck is wrong with you?”

Orma’s spell casting has degraded her mind.
Orma has learned a new skill: Suicide.
No. 1095517 ID: 681cb5
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With The Fool dead, you can easily pull out Kani from the pit and start binding her wounds.

Kani: ”Corpse God!” the hare shouts into the air, “That rotting thing broke my ribs!”
Raskrev: ”Take it easy.” You tell her as you try and find something to bandage her wounds, “I’m no expert, but I can at least stop the bleeding.”
Gokk: ”Cloth and wood.” the crocodile mutters behind you, “Where’s the trophy!? There’s nothing but ash here!”
Orma: ”Hehe… then take the ash…” the old snakes giggling sounds wrong, “It might be useful, love… heh…”
Gokk: “No way!” Gokk throws the last of The Fool into the kindled pile of her body, watching it burn, “If you want it, you grab it, old hag.”
Raskrev: ”Don’t move around so much!” Kani squirms under you, “You’re only making it worse.”
Kani: ”I’m fine!” she says, “It’s not-” but she’s interrupted by a fit of coughing, “I’ll lived through worse… *cough*”

The Fool has been slain, freeing the Guide of the weight of her guilt.

You’ve gained the cinders of the Guide.
No. 1095530 ID: f44bc0

Alright, check on the group and get everyone together: Gokk's arm is undeniably infected and getting worse, and has been for a while. Which is bad but nothing we can do about that right this second.
Orma shouldn't be left alone, ever, and no spells unless absolutely necessary. We need that snake lucid asap. Make sure she knows we need her, and that she's been doing well so far.
And give Kani a little space: she gets angry when she's hurt, and in general. That she hasn't passed out from the pain is impressive. Still, if she's bleeding internally (which given that she's coughing blood...), she needs more than bandages. If Orma has any more healing potions, now might be a good time for one. Avoid spouting that info out though.

Assume the fighting managed to draw attention, and that moving is top priority once no one is actively dying.
No. 1095541 ID: 273c18

I think we might need to go back inside and rest again. We've got one half-mad witch and one badly injured bun. Although, if we can stabilize Orma in short order and someone carries Raskrev, we could try to travel to a new place of shelter.

Like, for real, Orma needs to be calmed down and kept from hurting herself.
No. 1095542 ID: 44c167

After you finish bandaging Kani offer her a knife. She said she'd make you pay, might as well get that over with.
No. 1095738 ID: 681cb5
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>After you finish bandaging Kani offer her a knife. She said she'd make you pay, might as well get that over with.
Kani: ”I was talking to the scarecrow, idiot.” she snarls before looking away from you, “But thank you for saving me… even if you did it in a moronic way that cost me my ear.”

>Orma shouldn't be left alone, ever, and no spells unless absolutely necessary. Make sure she knows we need her, and that she's been doing well so far.
Orma: ”Why, such a young, handsome boy being worried about little old me, hmm?” she sits down on a pile of wood and produces a small, wooden pipe, “but you needn’t fret, dear, I know what I’m doing.” with a snap of her finger, the pipe lights up, spewing out a black, sickly looking smog, “It’s not the first time I’ve cast spells, after all.”
Raskrev: ”Still, you didn’t sound very… ah… lucid for a bit there.” you rub the back of your head awkwardly, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Orma: ”Come here!” before you can react she pulls you in with her tail, before grabbing your head and smushing it into her chest, “There, hugging a cute fox boy will make me feel even better.”
Raskrev: ”Ugh…” you groan, the vile smell of the pipe entering your nose, “What even is that?”
Orma: ”It’s a drug that calms the nerves, dear.” she takes a drag before continuing, “Very addictive, very dangerous. Makes you very sick given time… luckily, I’m already old, so I needn’t worry.” You watch as she exhales smoke from her nostrils, “Tobacco, I believe it’s called.”

Orma’s mind is no longer on the brink of madness.

>Still, if she's bleeding internally (which given that she's coughing blood...), she needs more than bandages. If Orma has any more healing potions, now might be a good time for one.
Orma: ”I do only have one potion left, so you better be careful, dears.”
Kani: ”Give it here!” the hare grabs the potion out of the snakes hand and downs it in one motion, “Ugh, this taste like rot!”
Orma: ”It’s not meant to taste good, Kani.” Orma takes another long drag from her pipe, “It will save your life, nothing more.”

>I think we might need to go back inside and rest again.
Kani: ”Ha! With all the noise we’ve been doing the whole forest is probably already on its way. No way we can stay, pipsqueak.”
Gokk: ”As much as I hate running, we can’t stand and fight the whole blasted area.”
Orma: ”We need to head for the city.”
Raskrev: ”Maybe we can find another-”
Orma: ”Unless we get into the city, we’re dead.”
Raskrev: ”…alright, I guess it shouldn’t be that far… the guide did say something about a sewer drain…”
Kani: ”We’re going through the shit tunnels?” she shrugs, “Well, let’s mosey before the rot takes us.”

>Gokk's arm is undeniably infected and getting worse, and has been for a while.
Gokk: ”Bah! It’s fine.” he flexes his arm, “See, it doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
Orma: ”It’s infected. Probably from that wretch that puked on you. Somehow it got into your blood.“ she sighs, “We need to cut it off.”
Gokk: ”What? No way.” balling his hand into a fist, the crocodile grins, “It feels even stronger than before! No way am I cutting my arm off, you old hag!”
Orma: “The Rot can’t be cured…” she puffs her pipe, “and when it spreads to your brain, you’ll become just another wretched… or worse.”
Gokk: ”Ha! Why would we listen to some old, half-mad witch?”
Kani: ”I don’t know…” the hare sounds unsure, “She’s the expert.”
Orma: ”I’d rather cut of your arm than your head.”
Gokk: ”…Bah, you two are insane.”

You watch as his hand pulses in a disgusting manner…
No. 1095748 ID: 273c18

Tell him you trust Orma. If she says the limb must be amputated, then that's what has to be done. Ask her how long it'll be before he turns, based on the rate of infection.
No. 1095750 ID: 681328

... How is Orma so cute? She's a crazy old lady, and usually the voice of reason in this group, and most likely to stab you in the back (by virtue of everyone else stabbing you in the front)

If it's in Gokk's veins, you can't put this off: once it's reached his heart, he's fucked. You can't force him to lose the arm, but eventually, he'll be a liability, and death will be the only option. He'd listen to Kani, and she knows this the same as everyone else.
No. 1095777 ID: 355e44

Its ok if Gokk doesn't want to cut off his arm, he'll just need to die in battle before the rot reaches his head.

However, if he removes his hand now while the rot is localized he can graft a weapon to the stump and still get most of the use of his arm.
No. 1095780 ID: 19ea25

As he said. If Gokk removes the arm he can get a weapon grafted n its place. I'm certain he'd be quite pleased with being just as dangerous or moreso then before..

But yeah given his profile having him rot out would be quite awful for the group.
No. 1095903 ID: eb0a9c

If Gokk needs to amputate his hand, it ought to be in a warrior's manner. Bind the hand with sharp wire to stem the rot, and let him lose it in a high-risk, high-reward battle.
No. 1095913 ID: c8380b

Thing about how metal it would be to replace your hand with a trophy from a really tough fight.
No. 1095914 ID: 97c584

Ask him if it's /really/ that farfetched, all the wretches we've seen/killed have had their rot forms pretty visibly themed around their points of infection. The rat that vomited on him, mouth, its' partner wretch, hands or gut, hangman, intestines/internal.. Woodsman's a lil harder to pinpoint but something that took all of them at once. And Gokk's arm.. remember that scarecrow?
No. 1096064 ID: 681cb5
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>...How is Orma so cute?
Huh? S-she’s not cute! She’s an old, crazy hag, nothing more!

>Bind the hand with sharp wire to stem the rot.
Orma ties some thin rope around Gokk’s wrist, as well as near his shoulder, trying her best to constrict the blood flow.
Orma: ”There, that will give us another hour or two.”
Gokk: ”Bah!” the crocodile flexes his muscle, snapping the rope around his biceps in two, “As if a bit of string will do anything.”

>Tell him you trust Orma.
Gokk: ”If you want to trust that old witch, then do so!” he snarls, “But don’t come crying to me when she drives a dagger into your back.”
Raskrev: ”While I admit she is the one most likely to backstab me, that’s because you and Kani will just stab me from the front instead.”
Kani: ”HA!”
>Ask her how long it'll be before he turns, based on the rate of infection.
Orma: ”Probably midday, by the rate it’s going.”
Kani: ”What? He’ll be dead before the day is over!?”
Gokk: ”Ha! A likely story.”
Kani: ”Come on, Gokk, listen to the druid.”
Gokk: ”No.” Gokk huffs while making his chest bigger, “I’m not going to die to some weak ass infection, nor am I such a wuss that I’ll panic and lob my own arm off.” He turns away from you all, “I will not run anymore. Be it from battle or… whatever this is.”

>He'll just need to die in battle before the rot reaches his head.
Kani: ”You really think we’ll find a proper battle before noon?”
>However, if he removes his hand now while the rot is localized he can graft a weapon to the stump and still get most of the use of his arm.
Gokk: ”I’d always wanted a sword hand…”
Orma: ”We need to amputate near your shoulder, dear.”
Gokk: ”Well, fuck you then hag. Ruining all the fun.”

Raskrev: ”Gokk, all those wretches we’ve met… they were all infected the same way you were.” You yell to the crocodile as he starts to walk away, “The rat was clearly infected in their mouth… his partner was the guts… and the Hanged Man and Woodsmen… well…”
Orma: ”The Hanged Man was born from a wound to the mind, not the body.” the snake interrupts, “And the Woodsmen are… well, they are something else, something more… primal.”
Raskrev: ”…thanks a lot for weakening my point, Orma.”
Gokk: ”Bah!” as he disappears into the woods, you can hear him mutter, “I’m not going to run away again, dammit. I am not a coward!”
No. 1096065 ID: 681cb5
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As the three of you start making your way into the woods as well, Orma slither up to you and whispers,

Orma: ”He won’t listen to me, Raskrev, but you might be able to convince him somehow.” the snake passes you before looking back, “If you want him to live, of course.” before disappearing into the trees.

You’re about to follow them when you hear someone groan of pain behind you…

Kani: ”Hey… Fox…”

It’s Kani, steadying herself against a tree while gripping her chest.

Raskrev: ”Is everything alright?”
Kani: ”You know damn well it’s not.” she winces, “I can’t really keep up with you like this.”
Raskrev: ”…you want us to slow down?”
Kani: ”No.” she smirks, “I’m not going to get you all killed because I’m wounded.” The hare looks away from you, hiding her expression, “I need you to carry me, Raskrev.”
Raskrev: ”Huh? Why me?”
Kani: ”Because the snake is weak and I can’t trust Gokk with that arm.”
Raskrev: ”You sure you can’t just walk it off?”
Kani: ”Don’t make me stab your ass, Fox.” she takes a deep breath, “You have to carry me if we want keep ahead of whatever is lurking in these woods. ” The huntress locks her gaze with yours “Either that, or you leave me here to die. Your choice.”

The sound of breaking twigs and rustling leaves can be heard from the other side of the clearing… you better start moving.
No. 1096070 ID: 3ba91d

Damn, we didn't even got to the Forbidden city and we're about to lose two of our members, maybe more. What rotten luck, huh? Well, might as well carry le rabeet. Go, before shit goes down.
No. 1096072 ID: 8f9bc4


She's joking, right? She realizes you're down one eye, doesn't she? You don't need an eye to carry her though, and she has two eyes to provide. We're all dead at the end of this, but why lay down and make it easy for them? CARRY THAT DOE
No. 1096074 ID: c8380b

I'm not sure how quickly we can move while carrying another person with broken ribs. If only she voiced her problem before Muscles-for-Brains walked away. We can always give it a try, but it's going to hurt. Is covering her in leaves to hide her while she recovers an option?

Gokk is endangering everyone right now. Appeal to the pride he feels as the group's bulwark. We won't last very long if we don't have his strength to depend on.
No. 1096075 ID: 273c18

The potion wasn't enough? Carry her, then. ...we're gonna have to take a closer look at her wound soon; if it's infected then that's another party member in a critical situation.

Also tell Grok that what he's doing right NOW is running. He's refusing to face the facts and accept the loss of his arm, which is endangering those around him.
No. 1096076 ID: 7c0da2

>>1096075 is right. Being a coward is turning your back to whatever you should be facing. Right now, it means the state of his arm.
Now, can he look you in the eye and say that, yes, he does want to die an ignominious death, not in battle but on the road, then have to be left on the side or worse, put down as he rises back up as some kind of pitiful abomination ? All for want of a moment's courage ? Or would he rather cut that damn rotting arm off before it kills him ?

And, yes, carry Kani, there is not really much choice, you don't stand much chances of succeeding if you lose both her and Grok. Besides, you probably shouldn't trust Orma too much, best not be the last one standing in her way. Just in case. And maybe you'll get lucky and Grok'll cut off his arm sometime soon and still be able to carry her after that. You can always dream.
No. 1096125 ID: 9e924b

She's slowed, not dead weight, and leaving her to die means pissing off Gokk, which inevitably leaves just you and the snake, if you survive him, and will probably end with just Orma and a reanimated corpse. Plus, you didn't save her to let her die.

Keep snark to a minimum, Kani has been nice in spite of her pain. If your shoulders can handle her, better for her to sit there then piggyback: she has chest pain and you'd have fewer free hands. Also, even if she's hurt, EXPECT her to go for your ears as payback for hers.

The cute crazy old hag has a point, but you'll get through to him better with Kani's help. Gokk is still running away, by not acknowledging the truth of his infection. But it sounds like you should be moving quickly too.
No. 1096130 ID: 355e44

Carry her, you did just save her after all.
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