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1055221 No. 1055221 ID: 1015ea

Life is dull.
There’s no other way around it.
You’ve worked hard - you’ve contributed to society. But at the end of the day, all you come back to is that same old TV in your livingroom.

An acrid scent lingers in your hovel. You’d say its the same sight you’ve known for years now, but the truth is that the bits of plaster in the back seem to be peeling off more and more every day.

At least you still had your television set.

You had set the damn thing up a while back - a radio transceiver, typically made for logistical workers hauling goods over long distances. Jury-rigging a spare set to act as a television antennae was difficult, but it was better than nothing.
Still, the microphone dangled off the side, the cord twisting and untwisting as you try to navigate to the mildly interesting soap opera you caught the tail-end of last night.
Turning the knob, a picture starts to form, blanketed under a layer of static. For once, it doesn’t sound like a pre-recorded show.
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No. 1073243 ID: 78048b
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First things first, you ask whether the package is in response to how you answered Nico or not.

“I… I don’t think it’s from Nico. He’s a city official, right? He wouldn’t risk doing anything like this. Unauthorized deliveries are taken VERY seriously by the Party. They insist on overseeing as many of the deliveries in the Undercity as they can, if I’m caught with this, depending on what’s inside, I could be severely punished! ”

You tell Davey that, at this rate he has to examine it. It’s even possible that yours and Nico’s addresses were mixed up, leading to this unexpected delivery.

“Well… okay. But I’m putting on some gloves first… if this is a prank in poor taste, I want to have some protection on.”
He scampers out of the room, returning freshly equipped.
“Okay… I’m going to do it.”

He leans over, reaching for the package.
No. 1073244 ID: 78048b
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“It’s blank and unmarked…”

He gives the package a gentle shake.
“Doesn’t make any sound when I shake it.”

His whiskers twitch as he sniffs the bundle, before recoiling.
“Ick. It smells… chemical. Not the good kind.”

Finally, he unwraps the bundle, stumbling as he drops the contents onto the console.Whoever had packed it didn’t do a good job of arranging it neatly, it seems.
The opened package is full of foil holders of pills, row after row of them stacked atop one another. Little beads seem to be inside, but it’s hard to tell from your television’s screen.

“Oh… that can’t be good.”
You ask Davey if it looks like it’s medication or something more illicit.
“I think it’s the latter… if it was prescription, it would be in proper boxes and everything.”

Perhaps the only thing to do is for Davey to keep hold of it.

“But if the rescue team comes and searches through my house, they’ll end up finding it!

There’s a bit of a shuffling sound as Davey looks through the paper the pills were wrapped in.
“There is a note on it, but it seems to be in some kind of code… I don’t really understand it. It’s full of dots, I guess it would be morse code? But I wouldn’t know what it means...”

“What should I do? I seriously can’t keep this… I mean, I could report it, but what’ll happen to me? I’m not the type to go outside much… if someone decides to pin something on me, I’ll be ruined!”
No. 1073246 ID: 273c18

Oh I should have specified not to open it, apparently.
Most likely, someone had the same thought that they couldn't be rescued with it in their home, and sent it to someone at random. Try not to touch anything with your bare hands. Hold the note up to the camera please, I want to get a better look at it.

Then... hmm, reporting it immediately seems like the wisest thing to do. The only other option is to hot potato it along, and I for one do not approve of making this someone else's problem.
No. 1073248 ID: 918cdb

Funny, I was just about to propose hot potatoeing it.

Now that I give it a second thought, I believe yes, let's hot potatoe it.
Do it to Nico, even, if you think he can figure you did it.
No. 1073251 ID: 443b73

I see three options: flush it, hide it or cooperate with the police.
You can discard the pills slowly with a functional toilet, that way there will be no evidence of illegal contraband in your possession. This does not solve any possible record of the package destination, so the police or the drug dealers can still conclude you received it depending on factors outside your control.
Hiding it will be the ideal solution in case the drug dealers later demand their contraband back. If you fear organized crime more than the government this is the best you can do. I don't know why the rescue team would search your house extensively, but if that is a concern dig a hole and bury this box.
Cooperation with the police is only risky because of their level of corruption. I can't really judge this because I'm not familiar with the political circumstances, so I can only take your word that they would blame you to help the true culprit. If that wasn't a concern this would be the best option: not only you don't have to take risks maintaining a secret you wouldn't be a great target for revenge from the criminals because "you just did what you had to" and "don't know anything".
No. 1073260 ID: e5709d

Are those plastic explosives? You could blast a way out of there!
Try it out. Make a controlled fire next to the cave-in.

Also, I just thought of something: Why not mail the dirt you're excavating until you've made an exit? Just mail it to the government for 'disposal'.
No. 1073288 ID: 23c010

I think reporting it, preferably in a way that leaves a paper trail, remains Davey's best bet.
No. 1073292 ID: cd10d0

Dots? Are they bumpy dots or just written dots?
No. 1075893 ID: 78048b
File 169862368328.png - (2.02MB , 1312x1006 , GA33small.png )

Time to consider the options.

“Can you package it back up and send it to someone else?”

Davey peers down at the package, his mouth puckering into a sour expression.
“I mean, I could… but that’s just passing the problem onto someone else. And I can’t just send the package without authorization, if I try sending it through official systems, then I’ll be in trouble for sure.”

“What about flushing it down?”

“That could work, but I’m not sure that putting this into the sewage system is a good idea. What if the people who sent it here by accident want it back?”
That’s a good point. Holding onto it for now until a more ‘conspicuous’ way of reporting it would come into effect.

>Are those plastic explosives?
Either the TV’s resolution is that low, or your eyes are failing you. Those are clearly drugs.

Another question comes to mind, this time about the notes from before.
“Davey, are the dots bumpy dots or just written dots?”

He unfurls the note again, and you hear the crinkling of paper.
“Ah, written dots and dashes. It’s kind of long though…”

“Just hold it up to the screen and I’ll write it down.”

You retrieve a piece of paper and start to transcribe.

..- ..-. .... .--. ..-. .-.. .--- / -.-- - / .-.. .-- .--- -.. -... -- -. -..- .--. .--- .-- / -.... ---.. ----- ....- ----- .....

Whatever it is, it’s probably Morse Code, right? Something to think about for later. More pressing issues are at hand.

“Okay, what about reporting it? You do have the communication systems up, right?”

Davey nods.
“Yeah, I could go and contact an official with a report! That way, I’ll at least have an alibi, right?”

Seems like a plan then…
Until you once again hear a noise rattle the room.
No. 1075894 ID: 78048b
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The telltale sound of another package dropping into the chute is more than apparent.

Davey bends over, retrieving what seems to be a tube-shaped capsule.
“It’s… just a note inside of the capsule.”

“We’ve got an eye on you. Do not report the package. If you do, consequences will follow.”
Davey’s hands shake as he lowers the sheet of paper.
The taste of bile lingers in the corner of your mouth.

“Ah… well, there… there goes that plan, ha ha ha…”

“Did they say anything else?”

His whiskers shake. Compared to the flooding from before, this problem seems like a new bag of caltrops.
“They told me to wait for further instruction, but that’s it…”
No. 1075895 ID: 78048b
File 169862373335.png - (2.08MB , 1277x1007 , GA35small.png )

A mouseman getting embroiled in an organised drug smuggling ring was one of the least likely possibilities of trouble brewing when you sat down this evening.
“Ah… what should I do, Rory? I’ve never been in this kind of situation before and it’s making me feel a little worried.”

It’s a tough spot to be in.
Can you even trust his government to do their job effectively? On the other hand, it may be even worse for Davey in the long run if he complies, as he’ll be implicated. The return note won’t be enough proof to protect him, especially since all these pneumatic tube deliveries are unmarked regardless.
No. 1075896 ID: e5709d

Hm. The question is, who's it really from?
Davey: Write the following return message
No. 1075897 ID: 273c18

Translating from morse...

It's encrypted. ROT21.
Hrm, what to do with the numbers... well, ROT21 goes back 5 letters in the alphabet, maybe we do the same with each digit? That would be 135950.

What do we do with this information? He's being threatened and someone is watching him, but how is he being watched? It could be the same way you're watching him... Should probably keep the information private for now. If the criminals know he knows the secret message, they might try to eliminate him. They can't do anything to US though. For now, we should try gathering information on it ourselves. Find out who Greywhisker is.

Hmm, ask Daveth what his last name is. If it's NOT greywhisker, and the number doesn't match his address, then that proves the package was not meant for him. If he's found with it, he'll be fine.
No. 1075931 ID: 8f9bc4

Consequences worse than starving to death because you can't get out of your house due to earthquakes? I really don't think this is all that important right now, given the circumstances.

Has he considered uh... doing the drugs?
No. 1076055 ID: 3ea497

Send it back to wherever it was sent from.
If you find you can't send it back, hot potatoe it.

I'm feeling lucky, punk.
No. 1076089 ID: 273c18

Problem is we don't know where it came from. Whoever is involved, they have the postmaster in their pockets so that they can deliver things without a marked address.
No. 1078740 ID: 78048b
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“Can you send it back, Davey?”

He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t know how to send these packages back without direct approval myself, and I don’t have the other side’s address.”

>Whoever it was has the postmaster in their pocket so they can send packages without an address
That may not be the case; there may be ways to crack the delivery system. But whatever it is, it’s flawed, otherwise the package wouldn’t have arrived at Davey’s.

You look over at the transcription of the code that Davey received, turning it over in your head a couple of times. Soon enough, the cipher becomes apparent to you and you’re fairly sure that you’ve got the right code.
No. 1078741 ID: 78048b
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“Davey, I’ve got a question. Do you know who or what Greywhisker is? Is it your surname?”

He strokes his whiskers, deep in thought.
“W-well… that’s not my name, but it does sound familiar…”

He turns his attention back to the computer console, clattering away at the keys.
“Ah! Well, there’s a place called ‘Greywhisker’s’! It used to be a bar of sorts, I saw ads for them outside my window, before the cave-in happened… didn’t pay it much attention because I don’t really go drinking but… I am friends with the proprietor. I don’t think these guys would know that though.”

So it confirms that the package wasn’t intended for Daveth to begin with.
But if he’s friends with the owner… would sneaking a message in with the package be possible?
No. 1078742 ID: 78048b
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Before you can contemplate whether or not to give Davey the information, another clatter, and a package falls through.
You can hear Davey audibly swallow, but finally, he grabs the package and unwraps it.

“What’s this one say, Davey?”
The crinkle of paper crackles through your speakers before he starts reading.
“We can help you out if you help us. It’s for the greater good.”

You find yourself frowning. You’ve found that people who say the words ‘greater good’ usually have a lot of skeletons in their closet.
“Greater good? Aren’t they smuggling drugs?”

Davey’s whiskers twitch, his little beady eyes squinting at the packaging of the package he’s got in his other hand.
“I… I suppose it wouldn’t be easy, getting funding if you’re trying to rebel against the Party. But I can’t tell if these are prescription or… something else.”

Finally, he ends the message off with a stilted set of numbers.
“Send to this address: 758392”.
That’s different to what the note’s numbers are, either possible translation for the numbers.

Wrapping up the note and stuffing it into his pocket, Davey peers at his camera setup - and you.
“Um… if I leave the package, apparently they’re going to route something through it? They’re unspecific about how I’ll be able to send it through…”

Now the question is whether complying is a good idea or not.
No. 1078743 ID: 8f9bc4

You're trapped in your apartment, alone, with no sign of help arriving. Except these guys. They seem sketchy as fuck, but they are literally the only people you have to rely on. In other words, comply.

...but yes, sneak a message in. Let him know you're in trouble and acting under duress, but at least, alive. Speaking of which, check on your plants. Water level is OK?
No. 1078787 ID: 443b73

I'm not sure what the long therms consequences will be, but don't forget you have dire short therm problems to deal with. Do what you must.
After you get rescued, would leaving the city be an option? Honestly this is the only way I imagine you can untangle yourself from the pressures exerted by a tyrannical government and criminal rebels. Either escape to somewhere else like the surface or try your luck as one of the revolutionaries.
No. 1080971 ID: 78048b
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“Davey, are you sure there’s no help arriving?”

He shakes his head.
“N-no, but I’ve never heard of people simply being abandoned, right?”

The alternative is any information about that being covered up.
“Have you ever considered leaving the city, Davey?”
He ponders the question for a moment, scratching his chin.

“Ah, but that’s… I guess you don’t know, since you’re from outside here… but the Undercity doesn’t really have any other alternatives. Certainly not for someone like me, no!”

Then, he looks directly into the camcorder.
‘Besides… I hope that my plants can help fix the food shortages in this city one day. If I run away from all of that, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself!”

There’s a faint courageous look in his eye. Conviction.
Rare, for a person such as yourself.

But speaking of the plants, you remind Davey to check on his plants’ water levels.

He scurries out of the room and you’re left with your own thoughts.
Things started simple this evening, what with you helping a little fellow on the other side of your TV, but now? It’s like the poor fellow has his life in your hands, considering he’s been quite receptive to your advice.

Finally, he returns. Seems there weren’t any issues while you were gone.

“Whatever choice you make Davey, should be yours.”

Considering he’s the one whose life is in danger, it should really be his decision in the end.

“I think…”
He mulls it over, his whiskers twitching.
“I can’t accept what they’re doing. Even if I help them out, there’s nothing saying that they can’t blackmail me with evidence of me helping them.”

He turns to look at the hastily-packaged ball of drugs.
“Are you going to report it, then?”

“Well… I don’t know… I’d rather not give them any reason to go after me. Maybe I’ll just get rid of the package altogether.”
Flushing it down the toilet is still an option, if he wasn’t too worried about it getting into the sewage.
No. 1080973 ID: 78048b
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Another rattle-clunk, the telltale sign of a delivery.

“Oh! A followup….”
He unfurls the scroll, reading the contents aloud again.
“If you help us, we can guarantee that this will be the only job you'd need to do for us - upon completion, we will send word that you and your fellow residents are in dire straits.”

Davey frowns, putting the note back down.
“I… they’re really wanting me to do this. I guess we did take a lot of time to decide whether we wanted to help or not. Maybe the receiver reported back or something.”

“Are you going to trust them, Davey?”
It’s odd that they’re so persistent, too.

“What they’re saying isn’t the worst, but…”
But will they go back on their word?
Davey trails off, deep in thought.

The group smuggling this stuff around seem a little desperate. Is a small package of drugs really worth going through all of this hassle of negotiating with him?
Even though Davey’s mostly made his decision, you can’t help but wonder if there’s more you can advise him on. Especially since he seems conflicted about it.
No. 1080984 ID: 8f9bc4

Well, if you want to destroy the life saving medicine, turn your back on the only people who've offered to help you, and give up on any chance of rescue, just dissolve the pills in water, then feed it to your plants. The microbes in the soil should make short work of them in a year or two.
No. 1081359 ID: cd10d0

They're already sending you bad stuff. Imagine what they could send if you make them mad.

Just follow instructions, you have their notes as evidence at the least.
No. 1081360 ID: eb0a9c

Davey: Agree to the request, but ask for more information about them, and a copy of their manifesto.
Rory: Do research on this resistance movement and whether or not they're preferable to the authoritarian government.
No. 1081849 ID: 0ec851

Davey, how is this connection set up? I think they might be signal jacking, considering how they seem to know what you're considering.
It might be possible that they're recording the signal as well...

I think in terms of blackmail, they don't need you to hold onto the evidence.
At this point, I don't think there's a choice.
No. 1083126 ID: 32ff81
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Is there a possibility that the medicine that they’re shipping around is going to help save lives?
…Probably not. Even if there’s a regime running the Undercity, shipping medical supplies around like this, unlabelled, raises a lot more questions. There’s a chance - but considering the circumstances, its unlikely.

It’s also entirely possible that they’re listening in on your conversation somehow.

“Davey… I’m sorry to say, but maybe compliance is the right choice here. We don’t know the bigger picture, and I don’t want you to be making more enemies. At the end of the day, you’re still being pressed into this, so I doubt anyone would blame you for this choice.”
You keep mum on some of your thoughts - best not to say some of this when it’s very likely that they’re listening in on you.

Davey bites his lip, his whiskers drooping a little.
“Ah… alright. I understand. I trust you, Rory.”

He leaves the camera on the desk as he goes to retrieve the package.

He waddles over to the tube’s receptacle, the wrapped package present with him.
Davey keys in the numbers, before placing the package in and closing the lid on top of the tube.

There’s a big sucking sound, and a ‘whoosh’!
Seems like the pneumatic piping is still working perfectly fine despite the recent issues with the landslides and earthquakes.

“What now?”

“I suppose we wait?”
No. 1083128 ID: 32ff81
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A few minutes pass without any kind of response.

Then, the telltale sound of a new tube.
Finally! You were wondering if that shady group had just up and abandoned Davey.
"Your help is greatly appreciated. We've alerted the most skilled individuals, and you might want to secure your belongings. We have obtained data indicating that there’s another earthquake projected to soon impact your district."

He pauses, lowering the piece of paper.
“Another earthquake?”, you ask.

“That’s… odd. I thought the first one was a fluke, but normally we’d get warnings before they hit. The tubing system doesn’t seem to be down, but…”

“No, other part. Secure your belongings? Are they bringing in a drill or something?”

Davey’s eyes bug out a little as a realization dawns on him.
“Ohhhhhh no. I thought… oh no. Another one. I… I have to fortify this place, otherwise the roof’s going to come down in my greenhouse! The first earthquake’s already done enough structural damage!”

“Breathe, Davey, what’s the matter?”

“If there’s a second earthquake but there’s still no notice… then that means someone’s intentionally withholding the data from the governing body. These warnings don’t get sent out lightly, after all!”

“So they’re keeping the data away from the government?”

“I don’t know! But maybe someone wants Nico dead, and maybe that’s why things have been so odd… why the response team’s taken so long. But we only have so much time left…”
Davey, stroking his ears in stress, mutters to himself aloud.

“If they’re wording it like that, then we only have around half an hour before things get shaking. Ahh, goodness, I’m glad I still have that spare fortification kit prepared, ohh but I’m going to have to dig it out and…”

That means there’s only so much time left to prepare before the place starts shaking up.
And what about Nico or his neighbours? Is he going to have enough time to warn them?
Besides his plants, what else should he prioritise to try and live through this?
Maybe planning things out first is in order.
No. 1083388 ID: cd10d0

Secure anything that holds food and water first. After that write a quick letter to Nico. If there's time, then protect anything sentimental.
No. 1083416 ID: eb0a9c

Consider the possibility that one of the power players involved has created foundation-destabilizing technology.

That means making small earthquakes.

Two major shocks at once is too big a coincidence. Even with aftershocks, you'd think the government would have protocols for major chain earthquakes. No, someone, somewhere, is busy letting you all die.

Davey needs to find the best spot - the area in the house that gives the best chance of survival and escape - and then reinforce and resupply that specific area. Take the food and water to that location, then nail in some extra struts and find some way to stack heavy appliances near the ceiling.
No. 1083472 ID: ac4b82

Which neighbours are the nicest/ most sociable? Send a warning to those and tell them to pass it along to everyone else in the neighbourhood.

Send one to Nico too with a jar of food, cause why not.

After that, secure all the plants and food and water you can. We don't have time for non-vital things.
No. 1091641 ID: 20eb0f
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It does seem a little odd that this other group is able to detect when an earthquake is about to hit Davey’s neighborhood. But it would be a bit of a stretch to assume that there’s technologies in the Undercity that let people create earthquakes of their own, wouldn’t it?
No matter. Davey’s life is at risk, and you have to keep him centered while he fixes things.

“What’s the safest room in your house right now, Davey?”

He gestures towards the screen.
“The tube room, actually! They’re pre-fortified specifically because its so important!”

Good, good. That’s that covered.
Onto the next.
“Secure the rest of your food and water supplies, Davey! And anything sentimental!”

The mouse jumps in response to your voice.
“O-On it!”
The little mouse scampers out of the room, rushing back with a couple of supplies.
“Not a lot left, but it should be enough for some time!”

Seems he also brought his photo with him.
Probably best not to poke at whether or not he has anything more.

“You’ve still got time, right? Put in some extra reinforcements for the tube room and your garden if you can.”

The mouse mutters to himself, dragging what seems to be a large box of building supplies out with him, taking out what looks like a car-jack.
“Good thing these are easy to use and carry… I wouldn’t have the strength to use the other stuff in the fortification kits.”

He tows the jack behind him, disappearing for a few minutes before returning.

“Garden’s been reinforced! It’s my most important project, so I made sure to take care of it first!”
Then, pushing up the jack toward the middle of the room, he cranks it until it reaches the ceiling.

“That’s everything! Now, I just hope I’m… ahh!”
Davey’s home begins to shake.

“O-o-o-o-o-h-h-h-h n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o…..”
The little mouseman is jittered up and down by the sensations.
Hopefully the fortifications hold.

Though you don’t feel any of the shaking yourself, the violent jittering seen in the camera is more than enough to get the impression across. The lights flicker on and off - and the sound of something crashing in the back can be heard.

Soon, the shaking stops.

Is it me, or does the screen look a bit different now?
“You alright, Davey?”

The shaken mouse stands, giving a thumbs up.
“I’m a little rattled, but compared to the first quake, this isn’t too much more!”
No. 1091642 ID: 20eb0f
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“What’s the situation like down there, Davey? I heard a crash from the camera.”

Davey scampers off-screen for a bit.
“There’s a big hole in the wall now, actually! Shouldn’t be too much of a problem, there’s little debris in the area, so whatever it’s from, it’s pretty reinforced!”

He angles the camera to face it. It’s much too dark to see inside.

“Why’s there a hole? I thought your houses wouldn’t have critical vulnerabilities like that.”

Davey turns his head toward the gloomy opening.
“It doesn’t seem to be a full hole? More like, there’s a gap… then a metal wall of some kind. I see a hatch of some kind? Must be a maintenance tunnel for the pneumatic tubes. I guess they built it like this because if they go down, then the system would fail?”

A maintenance tunnel? That does make sense, but…
“But then why wouldn’t they let civilians evacuate through the tunnels?”

Maybe this is how other mail ends up here. Were the other group using this tunnel to send Davey those messages?

“I don’t think anything even mentioned the existence of these tunnels… this is pretty new to me. I guess whatever these tunnels are, they aren’t good for lots of people to move through.”

Then the government must be keeping them secret on purpose.

“Do you think you could get the hatch open, Davey?”

“I’m not sure… I’m not very strong and that hatch seems quite rusted.”
If we need to, I’m sure there’s other ways of prying the damn thing open.
But should we even let Davey explore there? For all we know, it’s even riskier than before.
No. 1091663 ID: 5ebd37

Can't dismiss any possible escape routes. At least have him try to open it and look around what's on the other side.
No. 1091664 ID: 273c18

Hmm, my first thought was that some kind of drilling vehicle is causing the earthquakes and that's one of its hatches, but that would've been very audible. Maybe there's some kind of underground facility beyond the hatch that's responsible for the quakes?

Well, to open that hatch he's going to need leverage and/or rust remover. Some kind of long iron bar should work, or that wrench he used earlier.
No. 1092361 ID: 172604

No guts, no glory. Let's try to oil up that door with whatever we have at hand pry it open.
No. 1100292 ID: 20eb0f
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He may as well try to open the thing up and take a look on the other side.
“There’s nothing against looking into these kind of things, right Davey? Especially when it’s your own home.”

He nods,his dusty fur dislodging some dirt in a visible cloud as he shakes himself clean.
“I’ve got some rust remover somewhere in my home, so I can take a look.”
Not bad, but with those arms and his constitution? Davey’s going to need a bit of extra help.

“Try some leverage. Get a pole, tie it to one of the spokes in the lever and then apply force. It’ll make it easier.”

Good thing he still had some of those fortification supplies left - soon, Davey comes scurrying back to the camera with a decent-sized pole and some scrap cloth which he uses to bind the lever to the handwheel.

“I got the supplies! Going to try opening the door now.”
Tying the pole to the wheel, Davey finagles it so that it’s well and firmly stuck between the spokes. He raises a little spray can of the rust remover onto the door’s frame and the core of the wheel, an audible hiss crackling through your speakers.

Finally, he grabs onto his makeshift lever, pushing with his whole body, pushing as his feet scrape against the ground.

Even through the camera, you can hear the groaning and strain, coming from both the door, and one ragged mouse.
Soon, with flakes of rust chipping off from the door, it slowly, gradually swings open, like the mouth of a monster.
No. 1100293 ID: 20eb0f
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Even with the light coming from Davey’s room, you can barely see anything in the dark. Looks like the camera’s barely able to capture much video.

A part of you worries that by opening the door up, you’ll be inviting further trouble for Davey. But having an additional escape route investigated can’t hurt.
After all, there’s no guarantee that help is coming, even with all the promises being thrown around.

“Davey, while I wouldn’t tell you to abandon your life’s work, it is probably for the best to take a quick look through what’s on the other side now that you’ve opened the door. We’ll be able to make a better informed choice afterward.”

“Ah… yeah, I agree. But I’m going to see if there’s a light source I can get first… my eyes weren’t great to begin with, and it’s very dark in there.”
Once again, he runs off.
No. 1100296 ID: 20eb0f
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It takes a while before he’s able to return. Maybe all that running around and weathering natural disasters has winded him.
He’s carrying a small bundle, which he spills out onto a table.

“Okay, here’s what I found.”

A beaten torch, and what seems to be a chain of tubes, linked together by thin fibers. Flares?

“Um, the torch isn’t as good as it may sound… It’s pretty dodgy. I don’t have more batteries for it, so I don’t know if I should rely on it.”

“Can’t you take both of them?”, you ask.

Davey peers back towards the door, wrinkling his nose.
“Well… if I wanted to leave through the tunnels and see if I could get external help, I probably should conserve my light if I can.”

Was there any other additions Davey could make to his arsenal of lighting options?

Suddenly, Davey picks up the camera, carrying it with him as he picks up the torch, clicking it on.
A beam of light cuts through the gloom, illuminating a murky, metal-lined wall on the other side.

“I could barely make it out from before, but the tunnel goes in two directions as well. I’m not sure which direction to look in, either.”

“Can you hear anything from it, Davey?”
He turns his head, ears twitching as he tries
“On the left… I can hear something that sounds like clanking. Maybe it’s machines?

Machines could imply civilization - assistance. Or something that people like Davey shouldn’t be involved in.

“And on the right… I can hear something like flowing water?”

Curious. Is the city that close to groundwater?
“Do you think you’d be able to make a trip back to your home after investigating one of these directions?”

Davey clicks the flashlight back off.
“Well… I could, but I’d exhaust the remainder of the flares or battery, regardless of which one I used first. And… if that’s the case, I’d end up right back here, waiting…”

So, two options then. Davey will have to work with what lighting he currently has, unless there were options he had overlooked.
And the question is which direction you should recommend he explore in.
No. 1100312 ID: 6c233e

stick with the flashlight, only use the flares if you know you'll be in the dark for a long time.
Investigate the water sound, might be leaking in from somewhere you can escape to.
No. 1100313 ID: eb0a9c

Nothing for it. You'll just have to look for maintenance crews and their supplies while you're down there.
No. 1100528 ID: 71fafc

Uuhhh.. maybe some of the lights from the greenhouse survived the flooding? See if you can salvage that.

The water noises are probably a flooded area. I'd say the sound of machinery will be either more promising or more exciting.
No. 1101248 ID: 24bc66
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“Head towards the mechanical noises, Davey. It’s safer than trying to go around flowing water in the dark. ”

Exploring in the dark towards the sound of flowing water? Dangerous. You don’t know what’s over there, and if Davey were to fall in, drop the camera…
Well, let’s not think about that too much.

Davey takes the flashlight with him, bundling up the flares into a little bundle tied to his clothes. Hopefully, he wouldn’t exhaust his light too quickly.

I also took the pole from before with me… I can use it like a crowbar if necessary.”
And hopefully not for self-defense purposes.

The occasional rumble of machinery can be heard off in the distance - not loud enough to peak the camera’s microphone, but still audible regardless.
After a brief distance, Davey speaks up again, the camera’s feed showing a clear divide in the tunnels.

“The path splits into three here, Rory. And there’s a door going into a room on the right!”

“What’s in the room?”
Davey ducks into it quickly. Shelves, cabinets and control panels. It seems organized, but covered in dust. What prompted all the people to leave all these supplies here?

“Seems kinda like… a control room? There’s a lot of panels and buttons with latches, too many to count. There may be supplies lying around, but I would have to take the time to look through all of them. Using a flare here would make sense, if we wanted to.”

Not a bad thought - even if Davey isn’t able to find a way out, or if it’s too unfeasibly long to explore, there may be something of use hidden inside.

“Let’s keep going for now, Davey, check out the left tunnel first.”
No. 1101249 ID: 24bc66
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Metal. Piping. These tunnels clearly were used in the past, but the wear and tear makes it apparent that it’s been a long while since people have maintained it. Though, you don’t see much of the pneumatic piping that was used in Davey’s home - are those maintained elsewhere?

Davey comes to a stop, a safe distance away from a black void: A collapsed section of the tunnels.
“Oh. Um. That’s… a big hole. It just keeps going.”
Davey angles the camera down toward it, and he’s right. Even with the flashlight shining down it, you can’t see the bottom.

“A-ah… I guess the earthquakes from before messed up these maintenance tunnels as well.”
You’re not so sure about that assessment - it seems a little odd that the metal floor has caved in like this.
“It looks like something used to be above the hole - like a checkpoint or something but then the floor under it broke and it fell through?”
He tosses a stone into it - and you can’t hear anything.
“I… heard a splash at the end. Can’t tell more than that.”
Guess the camera can’t pick up everything about it.

Davey seems to be craning his head forward, as the camera’s view shifts slightly.
“I can still hear machines in the distance - it’s pretty loud, but I think the tunnels are making it echo.”

He pauses, and the rumble of machines fades, before re-emerging.
“Seems to be turning on and off…”

Davey steps back from the precarious hole.
“I think the people on the other side may be a rescue team! I don’t think criminals could have such a large operation going on… but given that we haven’t gotten any notice as to estimated times, maybe they’re having trouble finding a way in?”

Well, that’s a strong reason for trying to find a way over at least.
“Head back and check out another path, Davey. If we can get the Rescue Team to your home… then things will get a lot safer.”
He nods, turning back toward the intersection.
No. 1101250 ID: 24bc66
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“I’ll try the middle branch this time.”

Davey continues forward for a short amount of time, heading up the inclined path.

Then, he’s stopped short in front of a thick slab of metal.
“Oh… another rusted door. These tunnels musn’t have been used in quite some time.”
Like the walls of this place, it seems quite weathered.
“I don’t know if we can use the same strategy on this door or not… it seems different to the last one and the sides of it have been sealed fairly tightly by its mechanism.”

Davey leans in closer, the camera going askew briefly.
“There’s an indent for a key in here….”

He looks around nearby, but naturally, things aren’t that convenient. No keys to be found.

“Oh, um. There’s something in the wall nearby too. It looks like one of those little dumbwaiter things, but it’s kinda small. I’d have to crouch to get in it. There’s a button on the side and a green light beside it.”

True enough, there’s a faint glow coming from the wall - you can’t tell the colour, but you’ll take Davey’s word for it.

“Well, there’s still the last branch for me to check out. I’ll head back.”
No. 1101251 ID: 24bc66
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Pitter patter, pitter patter. In the gloom, all you can hear is Davey’s footsteps inside the tunnels.
After hours of spending time with Davey in front of the camera, it feels surreal seeing things from his perspective. It’s not long before Davey skids to a stop, jumping back a bit.

Davey gasps, the sound of crackling electricity audible through the camera’s microphone.
Still water - and the glowing edges of rotten electrical wire.
Even you can see the arcing of electricity above the water, where some of the wiring isn’t fully submerged.

“The floor’s electrified… I’m lucky that the ground near me’s insulated, but there’s been a leak… I can see water dripping from the ceiling near the panel.”

“What’s the panel look like?”
He turns the camera over toward it. It looks rough.
“It’s corroded… even if it still worked, I don’t think I can touch it without some kind of insulation. And there’s enough water that it would go up to my ankles, which is still enough to zap me.”

Davey stops for a moment, the camera on his shoulder swaying a little.

“Uh, maybe I could turn it off somehow? We did see that control room, but I wouldn’t know how to operate it… I could try looking for an instruction manual, but that’ll take time, and I can’t read if I’m in the dark. “

It does seem odd that these tunnels are so dark, despite being man-made. Perhaps the emergency lights are off?

“I’m going to head back to the intersection for now. But we’ve checked all the pathways.”
No. 1101252 ID: 24bc66
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Davey returns to the intersection, breathing out a sigh as he slumps against the wall.

“Phew… at least we’re making progress. This place is a little concerning, but I can still hear the machines in the distance. I guess they won’t be leaving for some time yet. This is really getting my heart pumping!”

The camera shifts, placed low to the ground as Davey faces you again, his whiskers glinting in the cone of light his torch provides.
“We’re so close… if we can get through to the other side in one of these places, I think we could get saved!”

He leans forward, fingers tracing lines through the dirt.
Soon, a crude map forms, scribbling quick symbols about what each of the rooms are, and the obstacles blocking specific areas.

“When you’re here too, Rory? I think we can figure out a way through this.”
He trusts you. Best not let him down.
“We’ve got time to think, I can just leave the flashlight off while we’re deciding a plan.”
The implicit thing is that he’d be sitting completely in the dark while you think of a plan.

“If it’s too risky or you’re running low on supplies, it’s still better to head back”.
Davey assents to the suggestion.

Whatever the plan is though, it will take time.
Neither of you know when the flashlight’s going to burn out, especially since he’s made use of it to scope out the tunnels a bit.

A few straightforward options present themselves:
Attempt to figure out what the control panels do.
Search the room for supplies or documentation.
Investigate the dumb-waiter, potentially sending Davey down to investigate.
Bring supplies back from Davey’s home to try and bridge the gap in the caved-in-floor area.
Finding insulation to deal with the electrified area.

More options may present themselves as Davey works through them. But he only has so much light left on him. What seems to be the most promising options?
No. 1101270 ID: 6c233e

Bridging that gap is the most straightforward plan, and safer than messing with electricity.

It would be worth spending a flare to fully investigate the supplies in the small room. We want long planks, ropes, and maybe a hammer and nails. If you can't find any of those then some insulation to try and deal with the electricity. You might be able to just push the wires out of the water with a long pole, although padding his feet might be enough if we're desperate.
No. 1101309 ID: 3df1ab

Yeah, light a flare in this room.

If you can find a second pole, preferably a hooked one, you could possibly pull the electric wire out of the water.
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