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1009279 No. 1009279 ID: 5fc3a0

6 Months Later

33-67. The first of the preliminary polls came in, and people who want to stay in town outnumber us nearly an exact two to one.
Expand all images
No. 1009280 ID: 5fc3a0
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I got impatient. I should've spent a few years with Delli improving our reputation first, before making the proposal.

Now I've got just a year and a half to do a little political magic and turn a 33 into a 60.

And Phantom’s told us that if this vote loses, we’ve got to wait 30 years before a new vote! She's taking her negotiation chip in the form of a key and going to drag every inch out of it she can. I'm sure she's going to win as hard as possible too, and isn't resting easy even when on the winning side.

And Delli probably doesn't care as much as I do. I think he realizes how dumb it sounds to just throw out immortality. Now he's acting lazy as hell, the bastard. I think Soletta's been trying to get him to think twice about this, too, she's been passively making sure everyone knows what she thinks of removing the fog.

And it's not like I'm doing much better. I've been acting like a coward not making machines out of fear that it would get into the wrong hands, so I've had to stare at these dark ages of tech for ages. I bet I could find the key if I spent a few months making a non-tangible drone replicator!

I'm restless. Seeing the goal post get so close affected my judgement way more than I thought it would. It's been so long since I had something meaningful to lose, I've got that anxiety to deal with. If I die, a month is a lot to lose now. If Delli does something stupid, losing his power would be devastating.

30 years should be nothing for me, but now I want to walk over right now to punch Phantom right in her face and get that key. I might just do it, too, if she tells me to focus on shoring up our escape plan one more time while she makes sure we never escape to begin with.
No. 1009281 ID: 5fc3a0
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Damn. I miss the sun badly considering I don't have a single intact memory of it.
No. 1009288 ID: d9495a

Welp you are not off to a great start but it is not that bad. You can always lewdly torture the key info out of Phantom after the vote.

Maybe go off to the hidden secret boss land and build your drones for later?
No. 1009289 ID: 582604

What machines do you think you can make? Would they still work after the fog lifts? Maybe you can reinforce your army's strength with technology. Just normal kill-things-with-guns technology. Much harder to abuse that, right?
No. 1009299 ID: 894419

I mean is 30 years really that long after the thousand you've suffered through? You can turn this around, no problem. Even if you can't, you have the rest of eternity and you only need to win once.
No. 1009302 ID: 9ce839

I heard that fear is a great way to persuade someone, so here's an idea. Make some hi-tech machine that operates similarly to the snowglobe, even better if it looks like one. And then use it in a public experiment. In this experiment, you demonstrate (falsely or not) that the snowglobe degrades over time, and eventually annihilates, killing everyone that it was supposed to be protecting. In this way, you'd instill fear in the residents, making them think that this place could collapse at any time and that their notion of immortality is hopeful at best.
No. 1009308 ID: ea37b4

You don’t need to convince 28% of the population. You need to convince the head honchos and opinion havers that they’re off on their marks about this. Every bigwig you turn is gonna create momentum for your side.

Not everyone’s gonna be as rigid in this as Phantom.
No. 1009309 ID: ea37b4

A fake scenario isn’t gonna do much: Phantom will poke at it until she finds a hole, or something close enough. If we had for reals evidence, she’d just hand us the key, probably.
No. 1009310 ID: d9495a

Wait can you make a machine that lets people see what the world was like before the barrier went up? Show them the sun and the stars and all the things they are missing inside this endless haze?

You might be the only one to remember any of it and showing the populace what they are missing might help the cause. They need to be motivated long term and that is not the easiest thing in the world.
No. 1009311 ID: 094652

To say the least, you don't have a strong public motivation.

The bottom line is that the majority of the public does not want to die. You are basically offering to eliminate a perpetual monument evidencing their existence, butchering their family lines, and fill them to the ears with space cancer, "because it's too painful to exist".

Your strongest counter-argument is the current status quo. It simulates death. It mimics caste and totalitarianism. It's a mockery of paradise in the form of conditioned addiction to abuse. The point you're trying to make is that there's a 33% minority because the corruption in charge has beaten the lust for death into a people that can never die just to piss them off.

But most importantly, you want to open people up to free thinking. Optimally, your compromise would be to either expand the city limits, or leave the city free for re-entry at any time. As unrealistic as that sounds, you're literally immortal supervillains blowing up a city that doesn't die. Your mind isn't so much open as it is blown across the fog.
No. 1009321 ID: 2f6ee3

What about a machine that lets you see what's outside the fog?
No. 1009322 ID: b26fe6

What’s really motivating people: fear of death, or fear of the people who fear losing their position of power? You’re one of those people now, so start eliminating the competition. Whack some mid level managers and bring up the standard of living so people remember that A) their situation is terrible, and B) it can improve.
No. 1009397 ID: 5fc3a0
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Maybe I should knock out our current mid-level managers and put in cool people in response. It'll make us look good, it'll show that Delli and I know how to increase the standard of living, and all that.

Wait a second, no it won't! We already did that, and Soletta ended up as the mayor! And to make it worse, she's good! She's been taking care of the corrupted remnants left in the power vacuum that the old gang leader's left that Delli couldn't cover by himself. And now that things are getting better, she's getting all the credit for it! We played ourselves.

I'd have to concoct some good reason to depose Soletta and install someone else. Politics. I don't want to play it.

I'm no civil governor. I'm in a position where I can build things more safely now, so I should. With a year and a half, I can build... let's see...

Key finding drones? That would take a few months, but it's nice insurance.

Replicatable guns? Actually we're already doing that, those are easy.

A mock dimension that operates similar to this place to show how lame it is from the outset?... I don't remember working on this town, but I know it took me and many others millenia, using skills we acquired over many more millenia. I can't make even a shitty prototype on my own. I'd be constructing a lie, and people would know I'm just trying to make shit up.

That same thing applies to something that can see outside the fog. The snowglobe we're in is so beyond my skill level, trying to do anything with it would take a seriously long time, to the point I may as well just accept defeat now and work to another vote 30 years from now.

But then again... I could emulate what it looks like on the outside. I may not remember myself, but I remember the books we have about it, and I could replicate the pictures. A planetarium. I could make a planetarium! It just won't be the same, but maybe it'll show people how much they're missing.

Right, that's enough brooding in some ancient fog pocket.
No. 1009398 ID: 5fc3a0
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The jump into the fog deposited me far from Delli, but I can fly fast now. 6 months of steady chocolate and food supply without interruption has done wonders for my energy levels, I haven't been this strong in centuries. I find the goat lazing about.

"Get up, ya big idiot!"
>"You can't make me, dumbass! Where've you been?"
"Thinking! The polls suck, and we need to fix it."
>"Yeahhhh, but how?"
"I want to make Soletta stop campaigning to stay in town."
>"Does she?"
"Yeah! Everytime she says what we're doing, it's always preluded by crap like 'and here's a word from our tyrant leaders' or 'here's some weird ideas you might never have heard before'. She undermines us, Delli, it's infuriating!"
>"Wouldn't stopping her basically be censoring her?"
"Yeah! Except we have to make it look like we're not."

This is why I wouldn't make a good governor.

>"Soletta does a good job, I don't want to get rid of her."
"I knowwww, it's awful! I can't think of anyone who would agree with us but could do half the job of making the town a better place than Soletta."
>"Wouldn't you want to make the town a worse place?"
"Huh? Damn I know I play up being the villain sometimes, Delli, but I'm not evil!"
>"Sure, sure."

He's got that look. That thinking look.

"What's on your mind?"
>"Things are getting better. For me since I'm on top and that's cool and all, but if you look around, things are getting better for everyone. Soletta's got this weird air of being totally aloof and uncaring, but she's been getting the hang of fair treatment for everyone in town and just making it a better place to live. I don't even really feel like there's as much of a reason to leave, lately."
No. 1009399 ID: 5fc3a0
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I sit on Delli.

>"Oof, you're heavy!"
"No I'm not, you drama queen. Maybe I should've extracted and kept your memories, because you forgot how crappy things can get!"
>"I didn't forget, but lately I've been shown that things don't have to be that way!"

If Delli's not motivated to leave town, the public's motivation must be rock bottom.

"They won't last. Soletta's not the first."
>"How about we just enjoy ourselves while they're good then, and if you're right, we just wait for the re-vote 30 years from now if it's just going to go back to hell somehow?"
"... yeah, I guess so."
>"What's so different about the outside world anyway? Wouldn't it be the same thing?"
"The outside is a big place. If you don't like things? You can just leave. You just get up and walk, and there's no fog to dump you back in the heart of things. Here? There's no escape, really. Unless you're one of the few at the top who call the shots or know how to get to a floating island, you're always in town."
>"Wouldn't you just end up in another town where things might not be better?"
"No. Octillions of square miles, most of which are empty."
>"What is an octillion? That's not a real number."
"It is! That's part of the problem, people don't even know what words like 'octillion' or 'free' means!"

Delli sits up and pulls me down.
No. 1009400 ID: 5fc3a0
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>"Phantom actually told me why we were losing so bad."
"Because throwing away immortality sounds bad?"
>"Actually, no! Apparently, apathy. It's not that we wouldn't have support, it's that the people who support us are all checked out. Fog dwellers mostly, or just people who sit in basements. She says that if everyone voted, we'd probably outnumber her two to one instead."
"Don't you think it's a little weird that Phantom would offer advice?"
>"Nah, she's not our enemy, you know! I wonder if it's too late to make voting mandatory..."
"How're we going to make fog dwellers vote, Delli? Threaten to blow them up?!"
>"Pillet they already blow themselves up to go back into the fog, that's the whole point of fog dwelling. Your idea won't work."

Oh that's why he pulled me against him like this, so I couldn't punch him for turning this around on me like I'm the dumbass!

"Fuck it. I'm going to build a planetarium."
>"What for?"
"Stars are cool. Maybe people will see what they're missing if they understand how much of a prison cell this is compared to the universe."
>"Haha no offense but when you start talking about stars it's got the some vibe as some nerd talking about their favorite show."
"Yeah?! If a year and a half is too soon and I've got to wait 30 years, I'm going to do something cool for myself."
>"Good! I'm getting great at sensing energy too, so I'll start grabbing fog dwellers the instant they come back to life and yell at them to vote or something."
"Tell 'em to come to my planetarium in... 6 months? No. One year. I'll need one year."
No. 1009401 ID: 5fc3a0
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Delli puts his palm on my forehead.

>"Are you sick, Pillet? It sounds like you're giving up on winning this vote."
"Nah. I remembered that even if we won, it's going to take us about thirty years to get prepped to leave anyway. So let's start preparing, so when we win in thirty, we can leave fast. Plus, I bet people will be more willing to leave when we're ready to leave."
>"Thirty years? To build a military?"
"And a shield. If the fog dissipates and it turns out we were flung into open space or fell into a black hole, we have to be shielded. We've got to be totally self sufficient and guarded at least until we get our bearings. And if we still have space invaders out there, a shield would help with that, too, so we have a good home base to fight out of. Everyone needs to learn how to breathe in space, too."
>"Is there no air in outer space?"
"Come on down to the planetarium in a year where you can ask all the stupid questions you want!"
>"I'll make sure you have a captive audience for you to be a nerd at."
"Good! Except that reminds me, I can't just build a planetarium. I do need to start setting up our defenses."

We have people who know how to turn energy into air, so we can survive in space. I'll make sure most of the population can do it. We've got weapon productions we're ramping up, so that's covered too.

We need more farms. Some of my earliest memories I have had a founder or two allude to the possibility that food was a requirement, not a luxury. I'm not sure what they meant.

We'll also need a shield barrier. A spherical barrier formed just on the interior side of the town fog should work.

I should think of other defensive systems and set those in motion before putting my effort into my own planetarium.
No. 1009405 ID: 10123b

Giant fucking laser beam turrets.
Scout drones that constantly patrol the perimeter.
Personal shields.
Fortifications at strategic points around the edge of the fog.
No. 1009406 ID: c92a02

You could say that the vote's not over until every single person in the town census has voted, if there are records of how many people were in here to begin with. Then start dragging them to voting booths that say 'like this poll to instantly die'.
This town needs some big huge rocket engines for maneuverability. And some kind of soil retainer to prevent the main land from breaking up if you end up in space. Maybe some of the buildings can transform into a giant robot!
No. 1009415 ID: 36784c

Hey Pillet, remember that one time that Delli said that he wanted to have kids with you? Ask him if he was serious about that or if he was just saying shit.

If he still wants that, then ask yourself if you’d be willing to start a family with him some day?

Anyways, back on topic…
These sound good.
No. 1009423 ID: fa88b3

Is Delli not wearing anything?
Also voting for big lasers and fancy fortifications.
No. 1009469 ID: 15a025

Kill two birds with one stone, weaponized farming tech.
No. 1009502 ID: 9ce839

>I know it took me and many others millenia, using skills we acquired over many more millenia.
I thought that the town had to be created quickly as a response to an incoming invasion.
Altho it probably wouldn't be possible to make another dimension when already inside a pocket dimension.

How to get everyone to vote? That's simple. Just promise them free chocolate. Or whatever else they'd want, like your nudes.

Btw, how is the cultivation of power clusters going?
No. 1009609 ID: d9495a

You should make the planetarium the center of the defense grid then. Build it to have a double purpose. It can show people what the real world was like for the next 30 years. And then when everyone is ready to leave it will be a familar place to control all the defenses and will be covered in sensors and telescopes so that it can be the recon command zone.

Also see if your boyfriend wants to have kids yet.
No. 1009863 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Better weapons..."
"Write it down, Delli! We have things to build. The town shield has to have pockets in it for extra things, like entrances and exits, and rocket engines."
>"Rocket engines. Are we going to be a ship?"
"We might be! And drones. A million drones. Once the fog is off, we'll launch them outward."

I look over and see him write down 'bunch of drones.'

"A million drones, Delli! Do I sound like I'm joking?"
>"You do!"
"I'm not! We need a bunch to scan in the town, around the town, and just launch a shitton outward if there's things around so we can get a fast map of the area. Add those commas! The shield should have basic fortifications too, including weapons. Not just miniguns and whatever, I'm talking big laser cannons. Like a couple miniature orbital cannons around the perimiter. And remember, we have to think in three dimensions, if there's threats out there they could come up from below. I want this place to be able to light up like a pyrotechnics show. I want weapons on the perimeter, in people's hands, on our farming equipment!"
>"Yeah you absolutely sound manic now."
"And you sound lazy! You aren't even doing the work, you just have to say the word and make it so."
>"Oh, yeah! I can just tell people to make a million drones, and they won't say no, huh?"
"That's the spirit. They'll think you're joking if you show up in nothing but boxers, so put on some pants first. How's the power cluster cultivation going?"
>"They're happening. We'll have some strong people by the time we leave, whenever."

... Is my jacket gone? Damn goat's flexing on me by ripping off my clothes so fast I don't even notice.
No. 1009864 ID: 5fc3a0
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I'm too excited to build stuff, so I get out of here before Delli gets too randy. Something I nearly forgot hits me, so I stop and turn my face around a hundred and forty degrees. He said it bothers him that I can do that, and he should know better than to show weakness to me!

"Oh and if you go hunting fog dwellers, promise them chocolate or something. Promise the whole town some chocolate if they vote!"
>"What if they don't want chocolate? What if they want your nudes?"
"Then give it to them!"
>"I was joking!"
"I'm not! That's weird motivation anyway, the only one who'd have to see me nude to vote would be you."
>"I'd ask if your offering, but your freaky neck is making me reconsider!"

The grin on my face spells out to him that he should expect nudes soon whether he asks for them or not.

"Speaking of you being a big hornball, were you serious about wanting kids?"
>"Uh... I mean, yeah, I sorta blurted that out, but..."
"You don't need to get all bashful on me. If you want kids, then that should be motivation to get out of here, because I'm not having any until we're out of town."
No. 1009865 ID: 5fc3a0
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I fly off, I've got planetariums on the mind still so I want to think of where to plant it. Somewhere high up, I think. I doesn't matter, but it should set the mood.

The planetarium itself isn't tough to build. I'll get help anyway, I think. Plus, if I build it up here on the orbital cannon, it's a good spot to double as a town defense control center. Even if that tacks on several years of building time, we need one anyway and it's not like I'm remaking the whole town and its millenia of production and...

Come to think of it - I don't remember anything before my first failed rebellion, but I still remember conversations. From what I remember of those, it took millenia to build the town, but also we built it quickly to avoid an oncoming invasion? That doesn't line up, and there weren't really any books on that topic. What a conundrum.

Maybe I'll learn the truth about that someday, but for now I call Phantom.

>"Phantom speaking. Is this Pillet?"
"Yeah! Hey, I'm going to build a planetarium. Do you have any books on the solar system?"
>"A plane... oh! Like a miniature model of the solar system that visualizes what everything looked like, like where the sun is in relation to the planets?"
"If I were talking to you in person I think I would kiss you for knowing what the hell a sun is."
>"... I'm glad we are not speaking in person."
"Hahaha I'm joking, can we meet up?"
>"Yes. Please come to my library, I actually have a book I wanted to show you about that exact topic."
"Whoa, really? On my way!"
No. 1009866 ID: 5fc3a0
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I grab some clothes on my way over. I've been working with Phantom occasionally, and she's started to trust me here, which is nice. The secretary leads me deep into this book dimension where Phantom's at. There's an absurd amount of books here, but there's also a whole lot of nothing. One of the rows I just passed is contains 40 straight feet of all civil law from 800 years ago.

Phantom is sitting at a table, so I join her. She's got a single book in the middle that she pushes to me.

>"Is there any way I can help build a planetarium? It is just that, right? It doesn't have an ulterior purpose?"
"It's half for me, half to show how awesome the outside world is to make people vote to leave."

Phantom looks down and thinks.

>"That's completely respectable, as long as you don't lie about what things are like."
"No need to lie! Space is awesome."
>"It seems a little scary to me."
"Scary? I think you might have some weird ideas about what's scary."

She pushes the book in front of me.

>"This book only got catalogued a couple of months ago. It was written in an ancient language about 2.4 thousand years ago. We've largely translated it, but we wanted you to fact check it. I'd love to help build a planetarium, if you needed help. This just seems so abstract when we can't see what space is like, so it's a little hard to believe it's all truth. I truly thought everything in here was made up at first."
"I guess it would, but that's why I want to see it again."

I open the book.

A lot of preamble, the guy's basically doing an autobiography to sell his credentials, yadda yadda, there's the table of contents, and oh, good! He has a foldout map of the solar system.
No. 1009867 ID: 5fc3a0
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Let's see, there's the - that's not the sun. The 'center'? Wait, he's calling our planet the 'center'? And it's - oh, no. It's in the middle. All the orbits are squigly, this is -

Wait, 'gods' that drag the moon across the -

Why is the sun's orbit between 2 planets smack in the mid -

Why does it say Heaven up here?!

Hell?! The sun goes down to Hell?!
No. 1009868 ID: 5fc3a0
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>"What does it say?"
No. 1009869 ID: 5fc3a0
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No. 1009871 ID: 465a14

Well better explain space properly to her then.
No. 1009872 ID: d9495a

"Its some assholes fiction novel! All bullshit and creative fictional worldbuilding! Someone wrote a fantasy novel and because I am the only one who remembers anything people have the wrong idea about everything!

Man this just doubles down on the need for a real museum that shows actual stuff that existed. Who knows how many assumptions the populace has about things. We need to teach them the basics before anyone leaves to avoid disaster!
No. 1009874 ID: 9a2966

Tell Phantom that it frustrates you how much has been lost to practically everyone but you, and the last thing you need is some clever past douche muddying the waters.

>Point into bin
That there was someone trying to reinvent a particular wheel called 'religion' based on probably old verbal tales and scarce memories, and it's basically social order make-believe in a can. Very little of it could - or should! - be read as true. More like a shadow of truth, if that.

Anyway, you're motivated now more than ever to explain some things about what's it like on the outside, because it's fucking bullshit that people don't know more about what it's really supposed to be like.
No. 1009875 ID: a94c98

Please, Pillet, it might not be scientifically accurate but it's still an important part of history.

Hm. Speaking of science... how sure are you that all your energy conversion and absorption and such will still work if you leave? What if it's tied into the fog and so on? Like, you're pretty much a closed system, it looks like, but even assuming that there should be like some thermodynamics bullshit that means everything should be decaying into an even spread of heat energy that can't be reclaimed. Maybe the fog absorbs and repurposes energy that would normally be lost, somehow? You're talking about being in space maybe when you leave... what about maybe the rules of reality changing? Like, heck, how was that island you were sitting on floating there but still exerting gravity on you? You have to be absolutely certain you're not taking anything for granted that might go away.
No. 1009876 ID: 6c227a

This book is TOO old. It's probably really valuable or something to a nerd like you, but it was written back when 'science' was just making up stories based on casual observation and things you wanted to be true. All smug logic and no testing or proof.
No. 1009877 ID: 5232cd

That wasn't fiction. That was ancient history. A map of the solar system founded on the belief that the earth is at the center of the universe. Observed orbits appeared to wiggle due to this false belief. The heaven/hell thing is religion shoehorned into it.
Not exactly trash, since it's valuable in a historical context. Worse than useless outside of that context though.

The heaven/hell thing might be why Phantom thinks space is scary. You're going to have to ask for pen and paper so you can illustrate the true nature of space. First the solar system, then expand that concept to the concept of the galaxy, then the universe with millions of galaxies in it. Incredibly vast, so vast that we can't actually see all of it because light from the most distant galaxies hasn't reached us yet.
No. 1009878 ID: 9a2966

Also, a sun? A REAL sun? It's fuck-off big giant ball of collected matter - largely gas - that got so big it lit itself on fire from its own weight - by initiating a process called nuclear fusion - and will burn for literally billions of years until it runs out of fuel and as a last hurrah it will explode and take most of what's around it with it.

That's what'll swallow us all in the end if we vote to stay in here forever, probably.

Anyway the heat and rays from that ball of fire is thrown through space and is known as sunlight, starlight, what-have-you (suns and stars are the same, although there are several types of stars/suns).

Without that sunlight people on planets - less-giant-but-still-giant-ball, collection of matter - some gas, some not - would be freezing popsicles, because atoms don't move without -- you know what, just gonna start with the solar system stuff. Basic physics can come after basic cosmology.
No. 1009881 ID: 9a2966

The fact this was made and found inside the haze makes it something that was re-invented, not 'actual' history from the outside. There's no proper sun/solar system in here, after all! Probably someone with a fair bit of memory left - or a great imagination - came up with it.
No. 1009885 ID: 9ce839

Something tells me that the mentioned credentials don't include an 'astrophysicist'. Tell the Phantom that you understand why she was scared of space as anyone would be when looking at such foolishness. Does she have any other books on the topic? Maybe you'll have to visit your memory database again...

Well, if the planetarium doesn't pan out, then maybe you could make some VR equipment so that people could at least explore the whole planet if they're not interested in the stars. Planets are pretty large things in their own right I think.
No. 1009952 ID: b72032

Tell her that if this book is somehow pre-Haze, then it's also pre-science, written before people actually knew what's going on.
No. 1009958 ID: 53560f

Demand several stacks of paper, a sox of pens, a proofreader and a publisher!
We will write the book containing the entire knowledge of space and our solar system ourselves just so people don’t accidentally believe what is probably ancient religious text.
Though maybe fish it out of the bin, dust it off and put it somewhere in the fiction isle so she doesn’t have a breakdown immediately.
No. 1010269 ID: 15a025

Take the book back out of the trash and show Phantom the solar system fold out. Explain to her how what's there is very ancient history before science was really a thing.
No. 1010574 ID: 5fc3a0
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"I've got to explain some real space science to you!"
>".... I am so glad... that I didn't trust you with a book that I haven't digitized yet."
"I'll pull it out of the trash if you promise to put this in your fiction section. This shit is worse than false."

Phantom takes a deep breath. Then another. Now she's being dramatic. Then again, so am I.

>"Okay. Okay, I'm fine. Don't you ever do that. I don't care if it's false, it's historical."
"Yeah, right in that point in history halfway between haze creation and now, where people still remembered pre-haze things but nothing about how they worked, so they made stuff up. Heaven? Hell? Give me a break."
>"What? Heaven?"
"Did you translate it literally as 'upper haven'? That was just the religion of the millenium."
>"So... I'm sorry, that's a lot to take in, the language seemed literal. So that book was wrong, there isn't a star chariot that pulls the sun?"

I turn my face. I must not laugh at Phantom and her ignorance.

"No. Goodness, Phantom, no. Just regular gravity, which I'm pretty sure works different in here."
>"I'm almost relieved. The book said the sun was 50 million miles away, but it still appeared to be the size of a knuckle miles away that somehow looked like a couple of centimers wide at arm's length."
"That part's true."
>"Pillet, do you realize how big something would have to be, to appear like that?"
"2 million miles in diameter!"
>"You're serious?"
>"That's seriously scary. And it's a light source?"
"More than that! It's a big explosion from being so heavy with gas that it lit itself on fire! It's burn for millions of years and then - I don't know explode or something?"
>"An explosion that explodes when it stops exploding?"
"That does sound weird I admit. I'll have to think on that. But this is why I'm going to build a planetarium, because now that I'm done fighting gangs, I have time for this."
>"I'll help. Until you trash anything in here again, I'll help."
"Haha, thanks."

Maybe Phantom was right about not letting me in here right away, I can't help myself but clean up litter. For now I pull the book back out, show Phantom the solar system map, and start setting some things straight.
No. 1010575 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163165757693.png - (155.58KB , 1000x1000 , 511.png )

The work on the planetarium begins! At least I have the luxury of planning now, so I lay down the basic ideas. I'm going to install VR booths too for people, but it'll have a traditional dome as well. And a good narrator! No one will want me to listen to it.

Maybe it's because I'm me, but now I'm getting a lot of help. Delli sends his resources, Phantom has her nerd team scour any historical documents for more stuff, and various organizations around town put in advice for how to run a facility like this. It's been a long time since I made a construction that wasn't purely for utility or combat. It's nice.

It takes a couple months, but we finally start fitting the top of the orbital cannon to house the plantarium slash microplanet defense systems. We have some placeholder domes to see what it'll look like in the end, but it'll be some time before we begin the real construction. But we're getting there! I'd be a damn liar if I said I wasn't excited.
No. 1010576 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163165758423.png - (129.19KB , 1200x1200 , 512.png )

I sleep pretty well now, and I almost forget about the vote completely. I'm not too sore at myself for that.
No. 1010577 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163165759202.png - (203.47KB , 1200x1200 , 513.png )

I'm woken up early as heck by a phone call. I don't know who's calling me this early, but it better be a good reason.

"Who's this?" My speech was definitely slurred, there, oh well. I'm still half asleep.
>"This is Pillet, right?"
No. 1010578 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163165760598.png - (271.37KB , 1200x1200 , 514.png )

"Who's asking?"
>"That hardly matters right now. I'd like you to take a look at something to see if it's real."
"Better be good, it's 5 AM."

I'm sent an image.

It looks like an anti-erosion box that early civilizations used. There's some text, and he's sent me another image zoomed in on that text. Apparently this is some Phantom goon with no sense of time or consideration. They sound familiar, but I can't place my memories.

Hold on.

The text is in the earliest language I remember. Loosely translated, it reads 'External Memory of Pillet, Part 14 - Continued revelations of a traitor.'

I'm wide awake now. I refresh my memories of this language and read it again. Not just is this perfectly formed speech of the era, this is the chiselled handwriting of the founder who I vaguely remember being most involved in making me extract my memories.

>"Well?" The voice asks.
"Give me a minute." I snap. I review my memories, trying to find this voice.

Crook! That ex-ganglord, turned instantly into a bum by Delli.

I want my memories back unimaginably badly. And in spite of that, I hope that Crook is just making an elaborate hoax to try and scam me. For his sake, he'd better not be holding out on a piece of my life.
No. 1010580 ID: 96c896

Several questions:
1, where did he find that?
2, what kind of reward does he want for finding it?
3, does he realize just how important this was? Not just for you, for everyone. He better not lose it before you come to claim it.

Yes, phrase number 2 specifically like that. Give him the opportunity to look like a good guy.
No. 1010581 ID: d9495a

"Welp give me your pitch already."

Anyway to track this guy? Like shaking awake your superpowered boyfriend and having him assist?

As for the memories where would they even been located? If this is from one of the recent digs Phantom can point you in the direction of where her crews were digging. But could there be a recently discovered island out in the haze were the leader hid stuff that someone discovered? If this creep only has the one memory why was it found and not others?

Also what format is that memory? Easy to destroy? Could it be a trapped energy memory that would mess you up?
No. 1010582 ID: 9ce839

Who was a traitor to whom depends on who you ask, but it seems somewhat suspicious that such a box would only be found now after all this time and after all the effort you made destroying the past. I'd also assume that your phone number isn't public knowledge, so whoever is calling is someone you know well.

Answer that you can't immediately rule it out as fake so if such a box can be obtained you'd be interested in it.
No. 1010607 ID: 96243c

Maybe not give Crook any idea of precisely what he’s got and how badly you want it. He must have some clue, since he’s approaching you and all, but no need to make his grift easier.

«Sure looks like some still-functional early post-haze tech crap. Make Phantom an offer for it, she and her nerrrds are all over ‘historical’ artifacts like this. Even if they’re fulla shit.»

Prevailing upon Phantom’s curiosity might be easier than Crook’s greed.

«Anyway, haven’t seen or heard from you in a while, Crook. How’s the griftin’ life going?»
No. 1010735 ID: 09fa80

Maybe we can get some help with this one? Whatever is in it comes secondary to the fact that it is rightfully ours.

Message Phantom and give her the rundown, offer to donate it to her library if she helps you retrieve it. After all, we can trust that she'll preserve it and it's contents.
We might even get her trust us a little more.
No. 1010736 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163177000953.png - (204.21KB , 1000x1000 , 515.png )

I step out before Delli wakes up on me. I doubt he can help. He's got the power, but trying to get his help is like using the orbital beam-cannon to find a needle in a haystack.

"Okay, Crook, I won't bother asking how you got this number. Convince me this is real, starting with where you found this."
>"You must remember the old neon helix district."
"The place that was hollowed out centuries ago and everything of value was taken?"
>"Yes, so you also know my grandfather was one of the diggers, there. He found it and kept it for himself." Damn, that's believable. His grandfather was the worst kind of opportunistic treasure hunter. A successful opportunistic treasure hunter.
"Is that the only one you have?"
>"If I have others, I'm saving them for later."

I'm glad we're on the phone, because I'm a lot better at keeping my voice level than my face.

"That looks like some early tech. Make Phantom an offer, she's all over historical arti-"
>"Don't play stupid. I know what this thing says. You want it more than Phantom."
"Some old memory I probably remember anyway? By the way, it's been awhile. How's your grifting life been going?"
>"Cut the garbage. I know what this text says, I know you were forced to make your own memory backups, and I know you've been digging through garbage like a starving animal to find any scraps of memories. I know how important this is to you."
No. 1010737 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163177005709.png - (133.41KB , 1000x1000 , 516.png )

I nearly crack a tooth. He could only know all this from shit I told Delli and Phantom. All of this easily could've slipped through down the line to someone in good with Crook!

This is why I don't like to share information, not even with Delli! Especially not with Delli! I have more enemies than friends, and knowledge about me gets used against me! Goddamnit, the founders encrypted everything they stored in the actual memory vault, why didn't they encrypt this one?

I don't have the techniques to track this object down. I can find Crook if he's stupid enough to be in town, but that memory could be stored in a fog pocket I don't know about.

The memory tank it's in looks real. Tough, but not unbreakable. It could just be a trap activated on trying to consume it, but the worst trap anyone can make here can't do anything worse than kill me.

The importance of this is lost on him. A memory that the founders forced me to removed could reveal things from before this town was made. I can't verify it for sure without being in front of it, but it's worth pursuing even if it's some bad trap or a fake.

"I think it's weird that you're just bringing this thing up to me now, after how many centuries?"
>"This was always an ace in the hole against you, in case you ever managed to beat us down. Now I need power, and you have power. It's been several months. Delli should know how to make energy clusters with his own power, right?"
"That's the reward you want for it? Energy clusters?"
>"You think this is a reward? I'm selling this to you, and this is my price. I want sixty percent of Delli's power, plus sixty percent of the unclaimed power you have laying around in town. Don't scoff, think about it. You've always said you'll patiently try over and over to beat us down as long as it takes. And now you did it, and you can afford my price. All you have to do after that is beat us again, right? Over and over you'll try, as long as it takes. You'll have infinite chances. Now, this." He slaps some metal. "This is your only shot in history to get this memory. If you don't take it now, I'm not so sure you'll get another chance."

This bastard isn't funny pushing me. He doesn't know what he's dealing with. I know he hasn't consumed any of my memories. I know, because if he did, he wouldn't be talking to me like this. He'd be shutting his mouth, hiding in a hole, and praying to every god this town ever made up that I wouldn't find out he ate my memory. He'd pray, because he'd know what I can do in order to get them back from his head.

I'm going to lose my temper if this keeps up.
No. 1010738 ID: 465a14

cool, murder time
No. 1010739 ID: c92a02

Infinity is a long time to regret toying with me, Croc.
No. 1010741 ID: 96c896

That's a shitty deal. Once he has sixty percent of Delli's power he can *kill* Delli and take the rest. ...Well, hold on. What if Delli gives you a big chunk of his power first? Crook can't possibly know exactly how much power Delli has, or how much you have. So if he gets less than the true amount, how would he know? Then you can protect Delli, and/or give him back some power once you're away from Crook. Also you can just use up most of the spare power clusters instead of giving them to him.
Alternatively... could you beat Delli if he was 60% weaker? Maybe you can just beat up Crook and take the power back once the deal is done and you have your memory.

Still, even if you're planning to stiff him on the deal or backstab him afterwards you need to string him along as if you're going to honor it.
Tell him you'll counter-offer twenty percent, and a truce. He's upset about you beating him down, so how about you don't do that anymore? There isn't even that much reason to now. Times have changed. Your methods have changed drastically even if your goals aren't that different, and he should change his methods too, if he knows what's good for him.
Some back and forth should follow, and I expect him to settle on 40% of Delli's power on top of whatever else you've got lying around. If he actually goes for the truce in exchange for a lower percentage, then maybe you can get out of this relatively unscathed.

On the other hand if you tell Delli about the deal he might just go aggro on them. That mostly worked last time?
No. 1010750 ID: be4fd4

«In case you didn’t notice, I’m not actually in charge this time. I haven’t won yet, and despite that I’m closer than I ever was to -some- kind of resolution to this eternal haze we foisted on ourselves. Asking me to betray one of my better buds through this eternal hell and trash the progress for something that, yes, would help me gain a better understanding of my past, the outside, how this fucking place was made, if they’re the RIGHT memories, is...»

Just peter off, then say, sweetly:

«People get real awful if they don’t think there are any meaningful consequences to their shitty attitudes, Crook. Take CARE of that thing until you’re ready to give it up for a price I can swallow, or you’ll find out precisely how shitty I can get when I have LESS than nothing to lose. Hint: very.»


«Come down to the planetarium for salespitch #2. After it’s finished. I so seldom get to build shit. And you don’t know shit. So let’s both win for once.»

End the convo, don’t let him get a word in edgewise. If he trashes it he trashes it. If he uses it... well, keep an eye out for someone pulling advanced tech shenanigans.
No. 1010760 ID: d9495a

Pillet you need to calm down a bit. You have survived for centuries without these memories and have had many long talks with Delli about learning to live with not knowing your past.

We can't give him power we don't have. Delli is not likely to react well if he finds out you are being blackmailed. Didn't he figure out how to completely destroy people in here who fucked with you long long ago?

Anyways my initial thought is bring this public. Post the picture of your memories and Crook's offer and put it up for a vote. Let the people know that Crook is holding everyones past for randsom for a shitty power play. That he is doing his best to ruin a good thing for everyone.

Sure it makes it more likely that people might eat some of your memories. But you can drag them back out of them right?
No. 1010765 ID: 0681b7

"You don't know how those work. You're a desperate little worm, and I've got the power now. I've got enough memories to understand what you're dealing with, even when you don't. So cut the shit and make me an offer that isn't an invitation to bury you colon-deep in fog and leave you there until it's time to clear it.

You know, when your name is scrubbed clean. And I've gotten back what's mine.

Here's my offer: regular candy and a place on society's table when you show yourself.

It's more than you gave me.
No. 1010777 ID: c0641b


Why not? Been a while since we really hit the pressure release, and if there's some loose ends dangling about, sounds like they need to get tied up nice and tight.

Preferably around Crook's throat.

(That, and even if it's just a lesser memory, it might well be exactly what we need to get everyone to realize the kind of purgatorial hellworld they've found themselves in.)
No. 1010779 ID: a94c98

You've had that this whole time, Crook, and you've never used it before now? Not in all this time? Because I know for a fact there are times when you would have been desperate to be on my good side, back when people knew better how bad an idea it was to really fuck with me. Or to be on Delli's good side, through me, when people knew even better not to piss him off. Do you remember any of that, Crook? Do you remember how happy you should be that he's so easy-going these days? Even if you don't, there was a time you did, and if you had that under your ass back then you'd have thrown it at me begging for mercy. The only way that's not a fake is if you just found it, or re-found it, which is long odds and even then I'd say it's half chance it's a fake anyway and you've forgotten you had it made yourself.

You're not getting 60%, Crook, not only because I'm 95% sure you're selling me a fancy box but because you'll just use it to try get the rest. Give me a smaller number, and give me someone you'll split it with, and we'll pick out an intermediary to handle the trade, and then maybe I'll consider your trade. I'm not going to throw this town under your bus, and I've got plenty of confidence we'll manage to win this vote one day or another - I wouldn't want to take all this down unless I did win a vote for it. Which means the only thing at stake is one, my personal peace of mind, two your neck, and three the possibility that there's some crucial little detail in my stored memories that'll tell me something important about breaking the fog, the last one of which you should consider in advance of the possibility that some day you'll die with the rest of us and your last thoughts will be 'oh man I fucked myself and everyone I know because I wanted to feel like a big fish in our little pond again, if only my dick hadn't been so small and insecure'. And, oh yeah, for however long we will be staying in here? You'll be on my shit list. The special one. It'll be fun, Crook. Things to really be passionate about are the most valuable thing in here, and you're giving me a gift right now.
No. 1010781 ID: 96c896

As an ultimate threat, you could describe what Delli did to the people that took that memory from you.
No. 1010800 ID: d052fd

You're angry, and that's reasonable, but he's making you that way on purpose. Don't give him what he wants. Deep breaths, think this through logically.

The problem here is that Crook believes that this is a "stop at nothing" sort of bargaining chip for you. He's trying to get an unbalanced deal for it because of that. If you can disavow him of that notion, you can just turn it into business. He's a former mob boss, he should appreciate business. You should make it clear to Crook that you've already made your choice between your past and everyone's future, and you're not going to sacrifice the latter for the former. That doesn't mean you don't want both, but that's the problem with trying to bargain with someone who has a cause. You're not going to accept a deal that jeopardizes it.

It should just be game theory for him at that point. On one side of the chart, the cost is that he's on you and Delli's bad side for decades or more, and the reward is he gets to huff a low-rez replay of a memory that he can't even use (but don't even tell him that's a possibility, he may not know). That's already a bad deal for him. On the other side of the chart, the cost is that someone he dislikes gets something they want, and the reward is your gratitude, the current reigning demigod's gratitude, and...well, you're open to offers that further balance that equation in his favor, but the high bar there falls somewhere south of "enough superpowers to destroy you and your friends." He probably just wants the power to get back on top like he was before, so maybe play up offers that let him be in charge of something?
No. 1010892 ID: 094652

All of this depends on the "Freedom of Truthful Speech" that the gangs are legitimizing their 'elected' reign on.

So ask if you can talk to Delli and your gang first. If he refuses, refuse back. Do not make decisions that betray your friends without free discussion and asking their permission first.
No. 1010979 ID: 15a025

Tell him this is Deli's choice, not yours. Then tell what happened to the last person back then that messed with your memories.
No. 1011674 ID: f57349

Share the photo as publicly as possible, captioned: "All-you-can-eat 30-year supply of chocolate available as reward for information leading to the retrieval of this item."
No. 1011725 ID: fbd643

He thinks he has leverage, and critically, he things you have leverage when you don't. Soletta has political leverage, Delli has power leverage, you- have knowledge you can leverage, but you need to regain it. Fuck, you do need this, but Crook thinks you have leverage over Delli to make him pay the price he's asking for when you don't.

I think the best bet here is to vent a bit, say you need to talk with Delli first, make it sound like you're frustrated with your lack of control over the situation, then arrange a time to call again.

That'll give you time to plan. No one (besides Crook) wants to see Crook with all that power, to the point where you might even be able to get Phantom to help you with reclaiming your memories.
No. 1011826 ID: 6c227a

You seem to think, like a lot of people, that I can't kill you in a way that matters. Which seems like a failure of critical thinking when you are presenting stolen memories as a bargaining chip. You KNOW that a mind can be taken from you, and the person you are will be gone.
No. 1011849 ID: 9ce839

50%. The best you can offer is status quo.
No. 1012371 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163337676515.png - (69.27KB , 1200x1200 , 517.png )

"Please hold."

I have to calm down, so I put him on mute. I'm going to do some overkill on Crook if I don't. I see the problem. This situation reminds me of what the founders did to me, but this isn't a founder's atrocities. This is Crook, who by comparison is a toddler waving a gun around. I can't be mad at ignorance when I've hidden so much knowledge.

I make some coffee to calm down.

I unmute the phone.
No. 1012372 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163337678673.png - (144.96KB , 1000x1000 , 518.png )

"I'm back."
>"Don't mute me again."
"Don't try to do business at 5 am! I'm not going to jeopardize the town and backstab a buddy of mine for it. 60% is a joke, you'd just kill Delli for the rest. I'd consider 20% at the most, but speaking of Delli, it's not my power to give. I've given up on getting my older memories back already, and you know what Delli did to the last people who messed with my memories."
>"The founders, I know. Unlike them, I don't have so much to lose."

The naive little idiot. It was an empty threat, anyway. Delli only destroyed the founders by destroying their external memories, then repeatedly killed them until they lost all their internal memories too. Crook has no external memories, and Delli forgot how to repeatedly find someone after they resurrected. Even I'm not entirely sure how he did that.

Delli can't repeat it on Crook, but I can do nasty things to him. I could threaten him, now, but if he took them seriously he might do something stupid.

"20% won't be much at all. You all control the food, and the energy levels of those in power are continually rising. My alternative deal is a steady supply of energy clusters, paid out over...."
>"Hold it. It's 5 in the morning. If you want to do business, do it at business times! I'll be at the planetarium. Call me later unless you want to give me your number."
"I'll give you mine. Call me."

He recites it and hangs up without giving me more shit.
No. 1012373 ID: 5fc3a0
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I down the coffee. I must've woken Delli up, since I hear him rounding the corner, and I know he doesn't get out of bed before 6 AM unless someone throws him out.

>"Hey Pillet. What's going on?"
"Crook's got some ancient memory of mine. Now we're in negotiations, and he thinks it's cool to start them at 5 am.
No. 1012374 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163337680317.png - (120.78KB , 1000x1000 , 520.png )

He grabs my coffee just so he can take a sip. A sip with his stupid face pointed right at me.

"I know I just said it's 5 AM Delli but come on, ancient memory, could predate the town, it might have information!"
>"Well yeah duh come on, I meant why are you negotiating?"
"Because the bastard's asking too high of a price!"

Wait a second. Why am I negotiating? It must be my morning brain being slow, but I can force the information out of Crook if I wanted to. I just need to find him or someone who knows where he is.

>"Damn, girl." Another sip. "I didn't know you fought assholes like that for decades just so you could chat with them."
No. 1012375 ID: df19cd

He's almost right. Right now, the most valuable thing he has is the very thing he's threatening to destroy. You need that info on it to deal with the outside world, right? You don't need it RIGHT NOW. And he has no incentive to destroy it, because then he'd really have nothing left. Let him keep it for later negotiations.
No. 1012376 ID: 96c896

Because he's probably got someone standing next to it, threatening to destroy it if they get attacked? ...wait, would he do that? Hold it hostage? If he destroyed it, then that'd make you pissed enough at him to hunt him forever, so maybe he wouldn't do that. Maybe he's hoping if he hides successfully for long enough or endures interrogation after he's caught, you'll get antsy and buy it off him.

He didn't even threaten you or anything, tell you not to try to find him... we could just start looking for him immediately without fear of retaliation. Yeah. Stupid morning brain.

Why not see if Phantom's willing to help? Or the mayor? Try everybody; see how many big shots you can get on your side in this. The more manpower you have in the search, the better. You could put up a bounty too.
No. 1012377 ID: e0aaa8

Yeah, but the next election is like, in a year or so, not decades. Time almost matters now.

I suppose we could always ask Phantom for help (have Delli do it heh). Since this is a matter that technically won't help you with the elections, I don't see why she would refuse.
No. 1012378 ID: e7848c

Time doesn't change around here, but some people do.
No. 1012379 ID: 35c334

"It's five am and I'm stressed out to begin with and it reminded me of some stuff that really fucking sucked in the past, so I got worked up. Delli you're my boyfriend make me feel better."
No. 1012382 ID: 9a2966

Give Delli a look, and tell him decades schmeckades, try millenia. Sometimes you just want to half-ass it for an easy win.

Uh, might be why the fifth century went so bad, now that you think about it.

ANYWAY okay screw Crook, you got his number now, any chance Soletta or someone in city admin can triangulate a call without being found out instantly?

'course, you can also get some of your old gang out on the streets again, kicking Crook's old compadres in the teeth and asking them the tough questions like 'Where is Crook?' and 'What is two plus two and walks on three legs in the evening?'.

Frankly, you think Crook will be offended if you don't. Make some calls to get it started.
No. 1012384 ID: c0641b


I'd be all "just for that you're coming with me," but in case this is the biggest, stupidest trap ever ... maybe not?

At least have him nearby just in case the planetarium needs to be Haze Town's newest smoking crater on sudden notice.
No. 1012386 ID: d9495a

"The thought of getting even a tiny bit of old knowledge back had me worked up for a moment."

Go tickle the fuck out of that smug goat for doubting you.
No. 1012451 ID: e2d9ea

If Crook doesn't actually have leverage, it sounds like you'd really be negotiating him out into the open.

In which case, the offer stops mattering. Helps that you're haggling him down, though. Makes things sound more sincere.
No. 1012695 ID: 15a025

I guess Delli needs a reminder of how important those memories are to you.
No. 1012881 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163417097648.png - (182.59KB , 1000x1000 , 521.png )

"Some people change when they're knocked down a peg. But maybe not, so maybe I'll get some help. That memory has old info, so I bet if you mention it to Phantom she'd help. Better than you anyway, who seems to have forgotten how important my memories are to me! Or I'll get Soletta to make a bounty to find Crook! 30 years chocolate supply!"
>"Like, all they can eat for 30 years?"
"Hell no that's too much. Crook's not going to destroy the memory, it's the most valuable thing he's got!"
>"Can we find his location if he called you?"
>"I dunno, triangulation or something, someone owns the cell phone service right?"
"Yeah but Crook's not that stupid, there's easy ways around that. I'm going call up my old gang and start busting up some of Crook's old properties while I head to the planetarium. Be close by in case something stupid happens and we need a new town crater."
>"A crater on the orbital cannon?"
"Yeah, it's a big enough thing."
>"Aren't you a big girl who can handle herself? Is Crook going to turn you into a damsel in distress like Finnigan did?"
"Oh that's a low blow you ass!"
>"Why, is it true?"
"I want you to be involved you dork, I can handle Crook myself!"
No. 1012882 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163417098896.png - (212.11KB , 1000x1000 , 522.png )

I poke at his ribs where I know the goat's ticklish.

"Hahah don't do that I could explode and then you'll die! You're just being a biffhaha!!"
>"As my boyfriend you're supposed to make me feel better and tickling you is good stress relief!"
"Ffffahhhah you're stressed 'cause you can't even beat Crook so you need me to be your knight in shining armor!"
>"You just want to go back to bed, lazy bastard!"
"It's still dark outside of course I do you stupid girlfriend!"
No. 1012883 ID: 5fc3a0
File 163417099709.png - (162.87KB , 1000x1000 , 523.png )

He doesn't explode but he does have a surge in energy as he spins around me and gets my ribs. I don't make a peep.

>"I forgot. You're barely ticklish, because the universe is cold and unfair."
"Damn right."

I'll never tell him that I'm way more ticklish than him, I'm just way way better at hiding it. That is a truth he must never know.
No. 1012884 ID: 5fc3a0
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I drag his ass up to the planetarium with me, and we settle down on one of the hanging mezzanines. I get some work done since there's just no way I can sleep after this morning. Delli shows he can sleep anywhere on anything, and does so the second I send a message to Soletta and my gang to help me out later today. If I'm lucky, I won't need it.

Around 10 AM, I've calmed down enough to call Crook back via my laptop, using the number he gave me.

>"Hello, is this Pillet?" I get an answer fast from someone who isn't Crook.
"Who's this?"
>"My name is Trezil, I'll be talking on Crook's behalf."
"Huh, why?"
>"He's got a temper that he's been forced to admit shows its bad side when speaking to old adversaries like you, so he asked me to fill in. Since you called, I take it you're interested in speaking about your memory?"
"In person."
>"Ah - you want to speak in person?"
"That's right."
>"May I ask why?"

So I can force the location of Crook out of this minion, that's why!
No. 1012885 ID: 465a14

So you can laugh at him for having a name that vaguely resembles lizard when spelled backwards.
No. 1012886 ID: d9495a

"Because holding a ladies memories for randsom is a very personal sort of thing."
No. 1012887 ID: 35c334

"People can abandon most everything about themselves if they really need to, except their face. I want to see who I'm dealing with, and be sure they're who I'm dealing with, not maybe someone's trick over a video. I'm going to have a hard time trusting anyone who might feel like they can safely cut and run without me being able to find them eventually."
No. 1012888 ID: 96c896

There's a 90% probability that Crook is at the planetarium. That's where you said you'd be, and I bet he figures he has a chance of winning if he attacks by surprise.
They might be able to figure out where your laptop is by detecting its signal strength. It may normally be hard to locate someone hanging out in the orbital cannon due to how big it is, but if they have a signal to trace...

Anyway, tell them that it's easier to be polite in person, and you want to see the memory box with your own eyes besides. That could've been a photo from a long time ago and they lost it since.
No. 1012899 ID: cb3781

"so he can't pawn these negotiations off on someone else, like you.

But seriously, he's asking for control of the city when he doesn't even vaguely understand what it is he found. For a good reason. No phone taps, no recordings. No trusting you not to do those things. This stays in person."
No. 1012901 ID: c0641b


FistFace-to-face transactions are best when conducting exchanges of very personal requests, after all.
No. 1012903 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Because holding part of me ransom is a personal thing, that's why! I want to see who I'm dealing with, and not worry about phone or video tricks. Speaking of tricks, I want to see that box in person. It could be a convincing fake, or an old photo."
>"If you'd like, we can take additional photos using a variety of equipment and surround it with objects of your choice, within reason, as we take the photoes to make it implausible to doctor. But, there's no way Crook would allow you in its presence, for reasons I hope you understand."

As expected, but I brought it up just for the old trick of asking for something unreasonable to make a more reasonable request more likely to be accepted.

"Yeah, but those reasons don't apply to seeing you in person. You do get how personal this is, right? Face to face transactions are best for it, and we won't get far with me thinking this call is tapped or recorded."
>"If trust is the issue, then you're right. Usually, I would argue we meet at a neutral party, but I think we both want to speed things along, so I'll meet you at your planetarium location, if that's fine with you."
"I'll be in the orbital cannon's meeting room L-2."

That one has no reception, and I don't want to strip search the guy to make sure he's not bugged. He could be wired, but I can search him after the meeting if it comes to that.

I wonder if Crook and even Trezil are here in hiding. There's no way Crook thinks he could take me alone even with an ambush, but if his best underlings stayed loyal and as strong as they were before his death, then an ambush could get dicey.

No, I can't imagine him doing that. There's a few things he could gain from it, but it would all come at a steeper price than it's worth. Hell if they did kill me I'd be a martyr for a month. That's not at bad deal.

They wouldn't attack me now. Even if Crook had the maximum theoretical fighting power he could have, he couldn't make a dent in Delli even while Delli sleeps. So now I can think of if I even want to bring Delli with me to the meeting, and how to get his face off my tail.
No. 1012904 ID: 465a14

Use your tail to drag him there. Bludgeon people with his body as needed.
No. 1012905 ID: 53560f

You could just stick him in the sleeping closet with a note catching him up to current events. That way we can involve delli at a moment’s notice if we suddenly need him.
No. 1012910 ID: 96c896

Leave him be, you can handle this yourself. Unless he wakes up anyway as you move your tail, then let him decide.
No. 1012927 ID: f57349

Ask the blackmailers if they'd be willing to let you see the container tonight if you bring 60% of Delli's power and one or two of those miscellaneous unclaimed energy clusters along with you.
If they agree, bring 100% of Delli's power, still inside Delli, then seize the memory container by force and mock them for not being more specific.
If they refuse, point out that if they aren't willing to put the prize within your reach even when you're doing your best to promptly meet their ridiculous initial demands, you've got no reason to believe they're truly willing to hand it over at all.
No. 1012933 ID: d9495a

Drag him along just like that.
No. 1012937 ID: 5fc3a0
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I focus some energy on my tail and grab Delli's face with it, so I can drag him off on it.

There's no way he hasn't woken up from that, he's just being stubborn about not doing anything.
No. 1012938 ID: 5fc3a0
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I don't need him for this and if he wants to pretend to be asleep, so be it. I stuff him in a closet and wait in the meeting room.

There's a knock on the door pretty quickly.

"Come in."
>"Hello." says the same voice from the call as he walks in. "I'm Trezil. It's nice to meet you." He holds out a phone. "I understand you don't want electronics or anything you can record, is there a good place I can store this?"
"Yeah there's a safe there just shove it in and close it. Hey, would you be willing to let me see the container if I brought along 60% of Delli's power?"
>"Uh... hm, no, I don't think it changes anything." He puts his phone away. "We don't need to be convinced that Delli has 60% of his power, so we don't need to see it in person unless a trade is made. It may be a lot of work to bridge the gap between what we want to get out of this in an agreeable fashion, so I hope we get along."
No. 1012939 ID: 5fc3a0
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Trezil walks up to me and extends his hand. A bare hand, inviting me to grab it.

It's an open secret that I can mess with memories, but I've heard no one openly discussing the idea that I can siphon the memories and experiences of the unwilling. They must think that if I could do that, I would've done so when fighting the ganglords.

But I didn't not because I couldn't, but because I, unlike the rest of this town, know what a war crime is. A lot of my knowledge of memory extraction involved hammering home the set of laws that governed extractors like me. I don't remember or never knew who made those laws, who enforced them, or how often they were even followed, but they exist and I have principles.

Crook's escalated into that territory. He's fair game for anything but Trezil is just a minion following orders. If I just read his memories and don't mess with anything from before this meeting, it only goes as far as an obscene invasion of privacy to see what he knows.
No. 1012940 ID: 5fc3a0
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I could skip all this negotiating, bounty work with Soletta, and ugly dealings with Crook.

All I need is firm physical contact and a willingness to toe the line of a half forgotten morality.
No. 1012941 ID: 465a14

Do you think this one specific memory batch you're being offered is going to be the end of your goals? If not, avoid revealing an ace in the hole and escalating irreversibly.
No. 1012942 ID: 96c896

Principles and ethics are important. Keep a firm grip upon them, do not waver, do not let temptation lead you astray.
That said, what are your principles regarding interrogation? You've got him where you want him, so let's start. I wonder if you can get him to willingly share his memories?

Take his hand, and squeeze it hard.
No. 1012943 ID: b72032

Don't compromise your own principles on him. You're not even sure he knows, as it would make sense for Crook to send the one who knows the least as negotiator.
No. 1012944 ID: dfbac0

Don't abandon your morality, it's not worth it to abandon a piece of yourself for a memory that could be unimportant, the only reason you got this far is because you didn't let any temptation stray you from your path, don't fuck everything up now.
We should make sure this man knows we're only suffering him, try to instill a feeling that they really don't have control over this and you're attending negotiations to humor them, it's not far from the truth anyways.
Could we otherwise trick this man into letting us see his memories? Since reading his memories if he's unwilling is towing the line then convincing him to let you view his memories even if by tricking him is still off from towing the line and doesn't mean you have to throw away your morals.
Not sure how to trick him into letting us see his memories but I'm just throwing the idea out there.
No. 1012945 ID: d9495a

You are the memory extractor who will teach the next generation of memory extractors. One of the people in charge of rebuilding society from the ground up. If your morals get ruined then the future is bleak.

But for this? Yeah its worth toeing the line. But not crossing the line.

Just forget any embarrasing details you learn about his personal life. A quick memory poke of the last few days is all you should need.
No. 1012948 ID: 1ed92d

Hm. Maybe Croc found a way to infiltrate your memories and it's a trap.

Or maybe it's just a dick move to mind-screw people. Just shake his hand cheerfully.
No. 1012949 ID: 36784c

If it’s an open secret that you can mess with memories, then it’s a bit strange that Trezil would give you his bare hand. How confident are you that you’re the only extractor? Is it possible that Trezil is an extractor like you?

You said it yourself, your memories are kinda fuzzy, so you might not remember who other extractors are. It’s entirely possible that Trezil might try to mess with your memories if he is an extractor.
No. 1012972 ID: f57349

Don't abuse a minion out of spiteful impatience. Save the big guns for someone who definitely knows the container's exact location.

Ask what their plan was if you had agreed immediately. Step-by-step, the whole hand-off process. There's probably going to be some flaw - a point where one party or the other could unilaterally betray the deal and be reasonably sure of seizing both prizes as a direct result - or at least something you could frame to seem like one. Critique that flaw and propose an alternative plan which is more secure against the specific problem you pointed out, but could be defeated by your unknown-to-the-public capability.

Is there some neutral third party who Crook would trust to serve as an escrow agent, and who you could plausibly claim to trust in that same capacity, but would actually be willing to mindrip over something as important as this? If not, find some pretext to push for a face-to-face meeting with the boss, possibly as part of handing them some smaller energy clusters - could say you want to see exactly who absorbs how much, make it seem like you're somehow trying to sow seeds of internal dissent in their organization. It'd be easy for them to believe you care more about that sort of thing than you actually do, since they probably assume anyone who claims not to care about power and loyalty is either foolish or lying.
No. 1012987 ID: d33d02

If he's here, there's a good chance his own info is controlled. Not worth it, especially without a guarantee.

Shake hand, keep it above board for now. You can probably wrangle another hand shake at the end if we keep this amiable.

Get down to business.
No. 1012993 ID: c0641b


Why not ask politely, under the guise of wishing to be certain, making it appear as though you still need consent? That way none are the wiser, and YOU get what you want out of this.
No. 1012999 ID: 63bbc1

Go with your morals for now. Too much chance someone's betting on your going against them. You're closer to getting out than ever before, right? This is just the time when everyone who's been sitting quietly on something unexpected will be pulling them out. Besides, all you need is physical contact, right? You can easily contrive that again so long as he's here, if you change your mind.

You know, you could try winning this guy over. Getting your memories might be important for everyone's well-being and safety. Try get his opinion on all this, at least. Perhaps being cut off from observation gives him a chance as much as being protection for you.
No. 1013036 ID: 15a025

Not sure it's worth the risk right now. What if he's able to tell you messed with or viewed his memories?
No. 1013040 ID: 5fc3a0
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No. 1013041 ID: 5fc3a0
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"We'll see if it's nice to meet you."
>"I'll do my best."

There's no guarantee he knows anything of value. Crook selected him, and might've controlled what he knows. Nor is there any guarantee that the memory tank contains much useful info. I won't toe the line for this or risk tipping my hand, not yet. I'll find Crook the normal way, then I can do whatever I want with him.

>How confident are you that you’re the only extractor?
Virtually 100%. My memories would've been wiped completely if the founders ever had another extractor around.

>Is it possible that Trezil is an extractor like you?
No. Even if he was, he's too weak. To extract an unwilling target, the extractor needs to exceed the energy level of the target. Enough excess to easily just forget about shaking hands and just tackle the other person. In other words, if Trezil could extract memories from me, I'm already screwed. The handshake just made it tempting.

"Let's say I agreed right away. How would the deal happen?"
>"Any energy clusters you give would be delivered normally. That should be easy. The part of the trade that needs careful detailing would be how we receive Delli's power. First of all, I'll remind you that 60% of power the power we requested was in reference to him at his most powerful, and we will be using energy measurement tools to make sure it's correct. Delli and Crook will meet together, by themselves, for the transfer. Extra details will be made to account for any gaps, to help make sure that we can trust in a successful deal."
"Neutral third party?"
>"If we can find one we can both trust."
"Right. First off, everyone knows by now that I can read and pull out memories, so this'll be faster if you let me see some of yours."
>"I'd prefer that we use words to communicate, if you'd please."
"You sure? I wouldn't read your whole life, just pick out the relevant bits."

He shakes his head. That's fine, I'm only being pushy to make it look like I need permission.
No. 1013042 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Fine, fine. I don't know how loyal you are to Crook, but what do you think about him holding my memories ransom? This is in everyone's interest."
>"Anyone can read your memories, right? You've said it's not a clear image if another person reads the memory, but it's enough to gather core details, isn't it?"
"Not necessarily."
>"I believe Crook thinks he can. To be honest, he's adamant we stay in town, anyway. I don't think he cares to help leave."
"I asked what you think."
>"I'm just Crook's assistant, I speak as best as I can for him. My own views just aren't that relevant. If I may, Crook's established what price he wants, but let me ask you what your starting position is. What is the most you would be willing to give up, to get these memories back?"
No. 1013044 ID: 465a14

Pretty much nothing significant, all things considered. Everything important you have right now is definitely necessary for your current plans, including Delli's energy, while some unknown memories are very personally tempting but much lower priority.
No. 1013045 ID: 15a025

Not much. While the memories are personally important, it's kinda lower down the pole compared to what we have. We pretty much need all we've got to work on our campaign out of here.
No. 1013048 ID: dfbac0

We can offer bananas and a lower management position. Y'know, have Crook come in for an interview, hand us his resume and we can put him in a place that would fit him. A steady job for a steady income of bananas.
You'd also be willing to give up stress, punching bags are pretty good for that and Crook seems sturdy enough for the job.
No. 1013050 ID: 96c896

He's asking what's the most you'd be willing to give up. That's not how haggling works though, so if he's trying to haggle he's already failed.
Tell him you're unwilling to give enough power to Crook that you and Delli won't be able to fight back against him. You will not, under any circumstances, allow Crook to take over the town. He is untrustworthy. I mean, so are you, but you don't have enough power to beat Delli, and Delli has proven himself to be working in the best interests of the town, now that he's embraced democracy.

The amount you're willing to give up for the memories is much much lower than that. You want them, you really do. They are yours by right, a piece of you, and you dearly wish to have them back, regardless of the contents. But you're not going to risk everything to get them. You don't even want to agree to give them any of Delli's power since he's not involved in the negotiations, and you won't betray him like that. You are willing to give up power clusters, and food, and maybe some other stuff like I don't know, a government position? Somewhere Crook can have some power but not enough to really screw everything up?
What does Crook really want? Why does he want power, what motivates him? Maybe we can give him what he really wants without giving him enough power to become a threat.

(But probably not. This negotiation is just a prelude to violence in the end, I still support hunting Crock down if we can't buy the memories for a reasonable price)
No. 1013051 ID: 63bbc1

"Yeah that's not how haggling works? I tell you the most I'll give and then you won't settle for anything less. But I'll humor you in vague general terms. First of all, energy. I will not give Crook enough power to defeat Delli, end of, and that includes a big buffer. How much energy does he have stored away? How much do his minions have that they could give him? How much could he beg off people who want us out of the picture? I can't know, so I'm not betting. I need to be sure that even worst case, it'll still be comfortably impossible for him to take the rest of the energy by force. Any more than that and I might as well just hand over everything, and then the memory is no use to me. And, let me tell you, it's not going to be any use to Crook, except maybe if he doesn't like sleeping. So: other limits follow on from that. I'm not putting Crook in a position of authority high enough to gather that much energy. I'm not letting him handle information sensitive enough to put to use applying pressure to gather that much energy. I think you get the gist of my direction, here? Oh, and I'm not going to do anything that would be shitty to everyone, just as a general principle."

"And this is my maximum, just to remind you. You're going to have to make a lot of offers and give a lot of assurances and do a lot of sweet talking and give me a lot of proof before I even just upgrade my offer to Crook from 'I will not put you higher on my shit list today'. Let me be clear, I am not even convinced you really have my memory. Even if you're sure Crook himself believes it, I think it's decent chances it's a fake he forgot is a fake. Because I know how hard I looked for my memories, and I know that there's been times he'd have wanted something from me even harder than now."
No. 1013052 ID: 53560f

“None, Delli’s power isn’t mine to barter with. The main problem with this whole deal is that you assume I own him and his power.
If we were negotiating for nearly anything else then we’d have something to work with.”
No. 1013053 ID: f57349

I'd give up a lot to get any fragment of my memories, but fundamentally, Delli's power isn't mine to barter away. Not 60%, or 10%, or even 0.01%. Your boss wants another shot at being the biggest humanoid weapon in Haze Town? Come up with a plan for how he's going to rule the place that Delli personally considers acceptable, and some way to commit to that plan which superior individual force won't render irrelevant.
No. 1013055 ID: 6c85cb

"How about a peace treaty? You guys have to spend the effort you do to hide because you just really don't have that many cards, and last time you had physical force you maintained an iron grip on the whole town for basically forever. Why in the hell would I make you a major power again?"
No. 1013059 ID: c0641b


Considering that Crook is attempting to wrest a majority control of power and position himself as the new dominant player in what has been a long and tedious game of bullshit for far longer than was ever remotely reasonable?

I think that alone is answer enough. Things have been pretty good, with Delli. Maybe not to Crook's personal interests (or greed), but far better than the gang wars ever were.
No. 1013064 ID: 5c87b4

He says that he's just an assistant, but I find that hard to believe. Everyone has something they want, an ambition.

Tell him that if he betrays Crook, then anything coming out of this deal goes to him instead of Crook. Something like that, choose better words.
No. 1013117 ID: 5fc3a0
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What kind of question is that? Is this really the best Crook could send?

"Not as much as you think. I'd like that memory back, but not enough to let Crook get a significant stake in the town's power capacity, and sure as hell not enough to give him a majority stake. And especially not when Delli's power isn't mine to barter."
>"It was your energy cluster that landed on him, wasn't it?"
"If we go with that, we should have this room packed from bottom to top with the people involved in making that power cluster."

I wonder if there's a reason they're trying to exclude Delli. He'd be more willing to negotiate with Crook than I'd be, so why aren't they trying to exclude me?

"What does Crook want, honestly?"
>"Power. Well, agency, in particular. He's always had a strong sense about how things should be, and thought he could do it better."
"All he's ever done better is run quality of life into the ground."
>"I think it was like that anyway. Still, that's why he's so keen on getting this power."
"This isn't the first time he's been keen on something, but you're telling me that he just now happens to have this ancient memory, and he's just now cashing in?"
>"The end of the town, at least as we know it, seems nigh. It might be now or never for him."
"It might be a complete fake. A desperate maneuver."

He shakes his head and pulls something out.

>"Before I left, he told me you might think that. He handed me the title plating, saying that it should help convince the legitimacy of this." It's the plate from the earlier picture, with the same text. At a closer look, it definitely appears to be the non-degrading material the memory bank would use for it.
No. 1013118 ID: 5fc3a0
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"You're Crook's special guy, huh, for him to go hand this to you himself to negotiate."
>"You flatter me, miss! Yes, some of our higher ups went their own separate ways. I might not have been his best, but I've been around a long time."

He does look familiar. I can't clearly remember him, but after all the years of fighting Crook, there must be a lot of his underlings I saw in passing. More importantly, he just admitted that he saw Crook in person with his own eyes. His own memory.

>"Since he trusts me so much with it, I should get us back on topic. So long as you want it, I'm sure we can find something agreeable. A conditional power, perhaps? I believe he wants power, but maybe if he's allowed to have power through Delli in some way. A governmential position or his own neck of the woods might go a long way to closing the gap between what we want. Trust is an issue for that, since if he doesn't have power, it could be taken away the moment you get the memory."
"You'll have to come up with a plan for how he'll rule any place in town that Delli personally considers acceptable."
>"I'm sure details can be arranged. If he gets that over time, and maybe a slow trickle of power, he'd agree to give the memory up. That will be tricky, I know, since we can only give the memory to you once, we can't trickle that to you like you could trickle power to Crook."
"Crook's only going to get enough power, at max, to be a suitably sturdy punching bag for me."
>"Considering your current power, that's not a bad start - I just won't tell him that in those words, if you don't mind."
"Haha, well I might use him as a punching bag. Not as part of the deal, but because he deserves it. If you really entertain that for him, it's a shame you're negotiating for him. You've got a lot less baggage with me than Crook's got."
>"Oh, no, no, I try to be more amenable than his forceful ways, but I appreciate all he's done for me. Everything he's done, I stand by. That'll be easier to tell everyone if Crook gets a position of political power, but without having any energy power. Are we onto something, Pillet? If you grant him a small part of town, let him prove he can runs things agreeably, and grant him more and more land until we reach an amount agreed upon at the start. Then he gives you the memory. Once he gives the memory up, he'd be completely at your mercy, so it's in his best interests to make you all believe that his leadership is beneficial. At which point, he gets his agency, and you get a good leader and your memory. It'll take time, but we do have time even if people vote to leave town, don't we? We would have to sort out the details like how much land Crook wants in the end, but those details will be worth sorting out if that idea sounds agreeable in theory for you. And Delli, too."
No. 1013119 ID: 63bbc1

Hm. I wonder if this is all a different scheme than we think it is? Maybe all this deal thing is a ruse. Real enough for you to believe it, difficult enough to deal with for you to believe it, and emotional enough to fixate you on it, but then at some point it turns out it's all really just to distract you or get you somewhere so you can be captured or something? Everyone knows you're the driving force behind the end of town plan right now. Delli wouldn't turn against you but he could probably be lulled into complacency, accepting indefinite delays so long as everything seem not-shitty enough for everyone, until they come up with some way to handle him. Or they could have something that threatens you enough to be able to manipulate him, somehow - like he says, this is the time for someone to pull out anything they've been sitting on or been reluctant to use before.

Back to the deal, though. How about you suggest that if he's so trusted, maybe you trickle the power to him, and then he trickles it to Crook? I imagine it takes a certain buildup of power to be able to pass it on, so that would kind of put in a natural time delay. Actually, that gives me another idea. Divide the power. Give Crook a fraction of what he wants, and pick out a couple of other people who will receive the same amount. Put Crook in charge of them, so he has command of the whole amount of energy (which will still be a safe acceptable amount, let's be clear), but the others report to you on what he gets them to do and you can call them off if Crook pisses you off. But if you're unfair to Crook then those people can also refuse you. The trick would be picking people, of course, but you know a lot of people, don't you? It's not like there's a shortage of people who are looking for something to do, and some of them you must have some esteem and trust for. Let Crook pick some of them, but make it clear if any of them mysteriously lose their power and suddenly Crook has more, that'll blow the deal.
No. 1013121 ID: 96c896

>Everything he's done, I stand by.
What do you know about Crook? What has he actually done? If you disagree with this assessment even if you try to look at it from his point of view, it might be helpful to get this guy to explain why he likes Crook.

>gradual expansion of land
Why gradual? There's no point. Just give him all the land at once and enough power to give you a bit of trouble but not Delli, get the memory, then if he pisses people off Delli can kick him out.

At least, that's the deal we're making. But tell him it'll take some time to get the power clusters, and you have to convince Soletta to hand over the land... Exaggerate a bit, so you have time to hunt down Crook.
No. 1013122 ID: 5c87b4

Things would be simple if it was just power, but political power would complicate things. Crook prefers immortality, right? So giving him political power would effectively turn a 1v1 into 1v2 and winning the vote would become that much harder. Unless your memories included some miraculous revelation. Or if Crook somehow screwed up his rulership to the point of people giving up immortality out of spite.

It's a big gamble. But as things stand, without gambling, I don't think you'll win the vote so I guess I'd take it.
No. 1013123 ID: d9495a

This sounds like a way to get some idiot to pay you to be a middle manager. Not a bad deal if its on the up and up.
No. 1013126 ID: c0641b


Real question: did he or did he not take part in the vote for mayor, or whatever? At least I vaguely recall there being one, at some point. Maybe.

But that aside, why go through the steps at all? Let's just let him try out being part of that for a time. Rather than getting his own little fiefdom, he can be part of the city council and help out that way. Crook gets his wishes of being able to wield power and direct the city, and if he's good at it and a natural leader, he won't even have to "work up to it." Nor will he be vying for control against others and recreating the kind of gang skirmishes we ended.

Everyone wins, there's no energy contest, and we all go about our lives.
No. 1013186 ID: fbd643

That seems agreeable, although I'm curious of Trezil's own motives. It almost seems like he's acting in Crook's interests but not his exact wants.

The main thing that stands out is what prevents either party from moving the goalposts as far as land given before the memories are handed over goes, with regard to a gradual giving of land.
No. 1013187 ID: 96c896

Maybe you should ask him why he didn't ask for Delli to be involved in the negotiations.
No. 1013214 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Why gradual? We could just give Crook the land. He knows how to manage large areas, so he'll either fuck it up or he won't on his own."
>"If you bet that Crook might mess up, then wouldn't you prefer it be over a small area first?"
"How about a part of a city council?"
>"He'd much prefer full control over a small area than influence over a large one."
"Then we'll decide on land. Whether he gets it all right away or gradually gets it, we'll decide on how much he gets in advance before I get the memory tank."

Crook prefers immortality, so I can put him in an area of town that's predominately for it anyway. That way he won't change his demographic's votes around. I can work with that.

"Why do you like Crook so much?"
>"Me and my family were largely in shambles. Despite some of Crook's, well, actions that lead to his namesake, he looks after his own well. We got back on our feet. It was a long time ago, but I haven't forgotten."

That makes sense. He did the classic mob move of silently messing up inconvenient people's lives, then loudly giving cake or whatever to loyal people to make himself look good.

"For power, I'm willing to trickle it to him through others, like you. If Crook gets any appreciable power, then he has to devide it across his loyalists, and no one person can exceed a certain portion of it."
>"I would be willing to discuss details with that."
"Then we will, but Delli and Soletta are going to be involved. It's going to take some time to get energy clusters sorted out, land for Crook, and so on."
>"Yes, I'm going to have to convince Crook this is as good of a deal as he could possibly get, even if it's not what he wanted. We'll be in contact so that we can sort out the details with everyone."

I talk a little more about Trezil himself. His story about why he's so loyal to Crook seems to check out. He gives me the impression that he thinks Crook has a heart of gold in him somewhere. Apparently neither Crook nor Trezil have done anything in public since Delli took over, like what votes we've had.

That's about as long as I can stand negotiations for without good reason, so we wrap up our basic plan for what to discuss with the others, then shake on a deal that hasn't happened.

"By the way, why didn't you want to involve Delli in the negotiations?"
>"No offense, but we didn't think he'd take them nearly seriously enough."

Can't argue with that.
No. 1013215 ID: 5fc3a0
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Trezil wishes me a good day and walks out.

I wonder if he's as much of a novice as I think, because something's still weird. The idea that Crook and Trezil excluded Delli for not taking it seriously is well founded, but it also sounds like an excuse. Delli's gotten me to chill out in getting what I want. Including him would've helped them more than it would've helped me.

It's also odd of Crook to send Trezil, who's acting in Crook's interests instead of his wants.

Could it be a different scheme than I think it is? If so, I have no idea what else Crook could be after. The guy likes being on top of his own fiefdom. He's got a sense of retribution, but killing me for a month is all he can do, and he'll blow any deals if he does it.

What else could he do? Any techniques or technology that could've done more harm than that have long been lost, save for my own memory extraction. Unless Crook found something. But if so, either he miraculously came across ancient lost tech, or he's somehow kept something like that hidden. Either idea is implausible, and it all works off the assumption that Crook's got some nasty plan up his sleeve.
No. 1013216 ID: 465a14

Delli is in cahoots and didn't want to risk exposing himself. Their secret plot is to give you a surprise birthday party.
No. 1013217 ID: 96c896

Well, I can think of a few possibilities:
1, Delli is in on it, this is a test to see how far you're willing to go to get what you want.
2, Crook is scared that if Delli gets involved with negotiations he'll object to the demands and wreck him.
3, Trezil did something during the meeting that Delli would've spotted.

How likely is it that the memory cube contains a mindreading technique? Surface thoughts, not memories. If Crook could look at the contents, and get the gist of it, he could've taught the technique to Trezil, and he was sent to tell if you were going to pay up or not. Maybe skin contact is required or makes it much easier, thus the two handshakes?

Go check on Delli, ask him directly if this was a test. Then explain what happened and see if he has any ideas as to what is up.
If nothing interesting comes from that, just go ahead with the plan to hunt Crook down and take what's yours.
No. 1013219 ID: d9495a

Bet he did something to you with his secret powers while you shook on it.
No. 1013222 ID: 53560f

Well the deals haven’t fully gone through yet and there will be further negotiations also there’s no reason we can’t involve Delli in future ones to see if anything stands out as unusual.

As for Crook’s plan, what if crook isn’t the one orchestrating it? Though, speculating on nothing won’t get us very far right now so let’s just see if we can’t have people watching and spying on crook and his operations for now.
No. 1013223 ID: 36784c

>Why no Delli?
While you were busy with Trezil, someone else talked with Delli to try and convince him without you interfering.
No. 1013266 ID: c0641b


Easiest solution is that he, like apparently a sizable portion of the population, want things to "go back to the way they were," including having his own little realm to lord over.

And maybe that's just it. One last-ditch effort with the current powers threatening the status quo to try and get what he wants.
No. 1013267 ID: 5c87b4

Maybe bringing you here was their plan. So they could attack some important place while you're doing nothing. Might want to get some cell phone signal to see if you got any missed calls.
No. 1013268 ID: 9a2966

Remove your hand from your face and check it out. Probably just paranoia, but... why insist on a handshake, if it wasn't the memory thing?

Perhaps they looked at the memories and suspect you're still capable of memory manipulation? Or check if you even had it. Trezil could've been arguing in as good faith as he could, but Crook was counting on you doing some memory manipulation bull to reveal your hand.

Or they planted, like, spyware in your fur? Who knows!

At any rate, you can wonder until the Haze falls, but unless you have a non-warcrime way of verifying things you're stuck trying to work out this deal with Crook - or at least asking Delli and Soletta what they think about it. If they agree then it means Crook is gonna be back to moving and shaking, even if with limited influence and power. If he's actually playing the long game he'll probably act all nice and good too, polish his image, like. Sap whatever resources and support he can.

>Trezil's loyalty
Search your own memories. Was Crook the type who'd deliberately screw up areas in order to later share his largesse to generate loyal minions? Maybe with Phantom's obsessive overview of history, you could offer proof on this through a 'History of the Haze' educational program to go with your move on explaining what's outside this place - perfectly relevant to dig into given the upcoming vote, everyone needs context. Doesn't even have to be a hit job - if you can just show a correlation of Crook-like policies both making things shittier and taking advantage of it to garner support, and jog some memories among his remaining old guard, you might undermine his support.

Eh. Maybe suggest that Phantom and Soletta look into that. Sounds like nerd work.

Granted, here you could point out - without the Forces That Be suppressing you for once - 'well, this is how that bullshit worked out, over and over again, if you don't believe me, let's look into the facts'. Ideally, some of Phantom's bunch starts thinking too. If people actually get to see how Haze town can get stuck in some relatively meh patterns, support for your cause might increase a bit.

>An idea
Oh! Why don't you start leaving message signboards at the fog radius for people who come back to see and pick up? Could get some more people returning if they're given the impression something big's suddenly changed. The news of there being a vote on, for example, has to be pretty novel given the Haze's typical power structure. It has to be something catchy, something they see the moment they exit the fog, that attracts their attention.
No. 1013275 ID: 5fc3a0
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What if Crook's not behind this, and someone just has a good impression of him? It could be Delli himself, throwing me some surprise party! If not... well, I can't do anything about that other than wonder why they're posturing as Crook.

>How likely is it that the memory cube contains a mindreading technique?
If it's my memory, it's memory extractions techniques, including but not limited to surface mind reading. If Crook read it, it wouldn't help him much. It would be like becoming a nuclear engineer by looking at a few photos of a nuclear power plant. The only techniques Crook knows are things like somehow fucking up areas to get undying loyalty from people like Trezil.

I look over my hand and then my body to do a self scan and make sure nothing weird happened. He was right about one thing. Breaking out of the snowglobe is when people are going to bring out all the aces they had up their sleeves, so I shouldn't rule anything out. Nothing's odd, I should have sensed any technique used on me, and there's no way they got a physical bug on me without me noticing.

His insistence to shake my hand twice... come to think of it, he outright implied me he spoke to Crook in person. I wonder if he was testing to see if I could or would forcibly look through his memories.

I walk out to find Delli. My phone hasn't blown up, so nothing important's happened while my cell phone reception was fucked.

"There you are."
>"What's up?"
"Making sure no one approached you to strike deals and have you give away the whole town."
>"Do I look like someone who would give away the town, Pillet?"
"And your clothes."
>"Like I bother putting shirts on!"
"You're getting complacent! So smug that you don't even put on clothes in public! Anyway, negotiations went so weird I want to ask you if that was a test."
"Nevermind. There's going to be more talks and you're going to be included."

I give him the summary and he's got no better idea than what I've got.
No. 1013276 ID: 5fc3a0
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There's some other ideas I've got, but they're all nerd ideas I'll think about over time. I go back to messing with planetarium designs while Delli flies off to do fuckall. Things are thrown into Soletta's court for now, and it takes a few hours before she calls me up.

"Hey, Soletta."
>"Hi Pillet, how are you doing?"
"Good 'nuff, you heard about the negotiating, right?"
>"Yeah, Trezil got in contact, but that's for later, this is different. Do you remember how you said you wanted me to put a bounty on Crook's location? Another one of Crook's old crew called me up about that. Want me to patch him through?"
>"You're alone, right? He said it's fine if you see him yourself, but doesn't want to be seen if you're in a coffee shop or something."
"Yeah I'm alone."

Soletta turns to the side to bring him in.

>"Hello, this is Pillet, right?"
"The one and only."
>"Right, I'm one of Crook's old followers, something Soletta can attest to." He looks like Paks, someone high enough on Crook's totem pole that I remember him. "I've been helping him keep an eye around town. I know how to get to his hideout."
No. 1013278 ID: d9495a

Sounds good. If your info is solid you get a bounty after we prove it.

That being said I could use some info. Is your boss the type to go legit or is he a total con man?
No. 1013279 ID: 465a14

'that's cool bye'

See if you can fluster him.
No. 1013294 ID: 96c896

Good. Tell him he'll be rewarded, as promised. What's the details?
No. 1013295 ID: f57349

"That sounds like a good start, but we're not just looking for the hideout in general, there's a specific unique item - it might be in a separate stash somewhere."
No. 1013299 ID: 36784c

That's oddly convenient. Is the bounty really good enough for him to give away Crook's location?
No. 1013338 ID: 9a2966

>Know how to find his hideout
Express some enthusiasm for this idea, mainly because it means Crook gets put on the back foot a bit. He would still have your memories hostage, though. He'd just be in a less ideal position, and you could restrict his movement, or him trying to take the thing and flee.

"I mean, fuck yes I am here and listening, but also why betray him now and whaddya want for it... Paks, right?

Then get down to brass tacks, because now you wanna figure out what's going on in Crook's ranks. And if you can afford the price this guy wants, for the small chance of an ambush attack or the relatively low degree of control it will give you over the situation. Maybe Delli could be quick and powerful enough to dart in and take the thing, but you doubt it'd be that easy.

"So did you finally realize what the thing Crook does best is, or do you just want a bigger slice of a pie I actually can't hand out, because it's not my pie, even though some people seem to think I'm the pie lady now, despite the pie doing its best to be Delli-Soletta-shaped and handing out fairly even pies to everyone, while I'm just here saying 'look, pie is all well and good but we kinda maybe should get on this fog thing and discover, like, that there's an actual universe out there and shit and that there's more to life than pie'."
No. 1013341 ID: 5c87b4

There's no guarantee that the box is there but... if we can catch Crook alive (and prevent him from blowing himself up), then our problems would be solved, right?

Since Paks is giving you this info, ask him if what else he can tell you about Crook.
No. 1013359 ID: 5fc3a0
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Now this is convenient. Oddly convenient!

"That's cool. Also, that's one fast betrayal, Paks."
>"Oh, hey, you remember me. Anyway, the way I see it, one of Crook's upper line is going to crack and cash in. So it may as well be me."
"By the way, think Crook would ever go legit, or is he a con man to the core?"
>"Guess it depends on what 'legit' is, but it's not like he can't be honest if it helps him."

I'm surprised Crook's not making threats to get the bounty removed, but if he's deep in a fog pocket without a communication line, news may be slow to reach him.

I'll ask Paks more about Crook later, but his hideout's way more interesting to me.

"Alright. What's your price?"
>"Oh." Soletta jumps in. "I already offered him a power cluster at rating 300, but only if it leads to Crook or that thing you wanted."

That's pretty strong, but not unreasonable if his info's good. It's no threat to Delli, and could only be a threat to me if I got caught with my pants down. He'd might be Crook's most powerful officer if he got that.

"Oh, good. So if neither one is in the hideout, you get nothing."
>"I'm fine with that condition." Paks says. "I got the deal in writing from Soletta, and I'm positive either Crook or this mystery object is in that hideout. I met Crook there before, and I'm supposed to meet him there tomorrow. And I doubt he'd let any important objects get far from his sight, since he's got some understandable trust issues lately."
"And you have directions to his fog pocket?"
>"Eh... that's the tricky part. I don't know them or have them written down, but I have a ticket to it."
"A ticket?"
No. 1013360 ID: 5fc3a0
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>"That's what he calls... you know how you were teaching Phantom how to make energy bubbles that could automatically navigate someone to a fog pocket?

I open up my to-do list and put in a new entry for that, because I need to have a serious talk with Phantom and letting people like Crook get their hands on everything!

"Yeah, made 'em myself."
>"Yeah I don't know much about them, but Crook made some too. He delivered one to me a little while ago that I'm supposed to use tomorrow to meet up with him. If I don't see him tomorrow, I'd better have a good explanation why. Plus, he.... encrypted? He made it so people couldn't just read the energy from the bubble to copy its directions. I don't know how."

I'd have to look at the bubble to see what he means by that. There's several ways to hide the directions in these bubbles, some of which Crook could do, some of which he could not.

"So you're telling me that all you've got is a one way trip with a single bubble?"
>"You only need to get there once, right?"

Getting there once is good enough to learn where the hideout's at. Even if I couldn't get past whatever protections Crook slapped on his bubble, I can make a position recorder that makes a log of the directions it takes.

If it's a big enough bubble, then it could fit both me and Delli. On the other hand, sending in Delli is betting everything. Thinking that Crook has anything that could put a dent in Delli is the height of paranoia. But at the same time, that careless goat has way too much power on him to take even the most minuscule risk, and there's something fishy about all this.
No. 1013361 ID: 465a14

yeah when proof of any sort of payoff has been scanty and people have been fishy let's just not. if a third thing about this pops up conveniently after this dude gets denied then it's probably time to go around asking Delli or Phantom or someone what's up.
No. 1013362 ID: 96c896

Ah. Yeah, it's a trap. This is why they didn't ask for Delli to be involved, because the trap wouldn't work on him. I bet if you mind-read the first guy, you'd have gotten directions to wherever this guy is sending you. I'm guessing it's something that will keep you imprisoned, but not kill you, and then they'd use you as leverage to make Delli do what they want. Delli would have no way of knowing how to get to you, so...

Bring Delli.
No. 1013363 ID: d9495a

Super suspect. If they suddenly have your old memory out of nowhere they might have found something else that gives them confidence to trap/confuse/whatever you. Heck Crook did say that this memory got found a long time ago and is now just being found? I think they found a lot more and the other stuff is what is giving them the confidence to try something.

Like encrypting the bubble suddenly? You just taught people that power and Crook learned it second hand. Unless he is a prodigy at that being able to encrypt energy seems rather advanced.

My suggestion is to send a team disguised as you and Delli with a position recorder on them. Then you and Delli follow that bubble throught the fog and watch to see what happens from stealth.
No. 1013364 ID: f57349

Hand him a tracking device, tell him to go to the meeting as scheduled, act like nothing's wrong, and come back with as much information about the place's layout as reasonably obtainable.

If he reports back in before the third layer of bait arrives, confirm scouting report with memory-reading.
No. 1013365 ID: 5c87b4

To begin with, it's weird that someone as unintelligent as Crook would be able to do something as advanced as visiting a fog bubble.

If Crook is in a bubble, then he could at any moment jump into the fog to escape any attacker. And when the fog would spit him out, he could then quickly use a ticket to another bubble. To prevent that, we'd need to know all the locations that Crook has tickets to, or catch him before he reaches them. Until we have that, there's no point in visiting such a hideout.
No. 1013368 ID: 1ed92d

This entire situation has too many red flags.
No. 1013402 ID: 7db01a

So what are the odds that Crook may have found and recruited someone who's just been farming in a fog pocket for a few millenia?
No. 1013403 ID: 7db01a

So what are the odds that Crook may have found and recruited someone who's just been farming in a fog pocket for a few millenia?
No. 1013404 ID: 96c896

Hold up, you gave me an idea.
Why don't we just read this guy's memories? He's trying to claim a bounty, so it's in his interest to give us solid confirmation that he's not lying, which means he can give permission.
No ethical dilemma involved!
No. 1013425 ID: 53560f

Sounds like a job for a trusted yet expendable agent, who do we have on hand to walk into that blatant trap and hopefully return with their findings.
No. 1013428 ID: 5fc3a0
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There's so many red flags here that I'm tempted to just drop the whole thing and let Crook destroy the memory if he even has it. I could send in a small team, maybe somehow disguised as Delli and me. I've got plenty of expendable agents too, but if this trap is as bad as my paranoid mind says it could be then that won't sit right with me. I've got another idea.

"Mind if I read your memories?"
>"Whoa, uh.... yeah, I kinda do. I'm selling Crook out, but I don't want you seeing my whole life. I like my privacy."

As suspicious as that is, it's not that suspicious. I'd be wary of memory readers too. Giving me permission and having his memory check out would prove his innocence, but not letting me read his memory doesn't prove his guilt.

"Thought so. I tell you what. I'll give you a positional tracking device, first, and you take it into the fog."
>"That can't work through the fog, can it?"
"Sure, it just internally logs the position changes that you go through. We'll equip it with a wireless signal that broadcasts its location so that we can find it after you finish your trip."
>"How'll you track its signal when it's in the fog?"
"Think it through, man. It won't be in the fog. After you finish the trip into the pocket, you toss the tracker back out. It'll show back up in town where we can track it down."

He thinks for a second.

>"Yeah, I guess that's alright."

Of course it's alright. If this is legitimate then he's got no reason to decline, and if it's a trap then I'll get all the directions to the trap I need.
No. 1013429 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Good. Remember, it's has to lead somewhere good for you to get a reward."
>"Yeah yeah."
"Now tell me about your boss. I want stories. Anecdotes."
>"What for?"
"Cause you don't have anything better to do, Paks!"

He groans, but starts talking. Apparently Crook is still married with a wife he keeps away from all this, he likes card games, and he prefers baths over showers. It's all shallow stuff, but I'm reminded of his other characteristics. He's not a stupid guy. He's made a ton of clever plots that were laid out over months and years. He was patient.

So if this is a trap, he's being uncharacteristically impatient with sending me honey traps twice in a single day. Either there's a hidden factor behind the scenes, or he's failing to cope with being at rock bottom. Maybe someone else is influencing him. For all I know he found a person who's grown in strength by farming in a fog pocket for four thousand years, driven insane by living in a tiny pocket for that long! But that's not likely. Tools wouldn't last, they'd have to bring in water and fresh soil from town, and someone like that would've been detected by now.

>"Right then." says Paks. "As nice as our first real chat was, I do have things to do."
"Like what?"
>"Like my laundry. You've got my number, but anything else you need now?"
No. 1013430 ID: 465a14

if there were just two dudes on the moon and one guy killed the other guy with a rock would that be fucked up or what
No. 1013434 ID: d9495a

Why are you betraying Crook again?
No. 1013435 ID: 9a2966

Mmm. Maybe this.

How does he actually feel about this fog going away vote thing? You've gotten some impressions from other gangs, from ordinary citizens, but not so many from the ex-and-current gang members who lost power and are trying to work on their recovery like he is.

If he hopes the vote doesn't go through that's perfectly fair, but you'd still like to know why, if so. Sooner or later, however far up one climbs and energy one gathers, someone else is gonna tear it all down. And sure, death ain't a thing 'round here, but plenty go and self-detonate in the fog eventually as time wears on. He's done it before - or had it done to him. Everyone has, except for the obvious exception, and even you (Pillet) got your memories wrecked in the process.

If he's doing this just to stay comfortable and in his zone for the duration, does he really think that's worth keeping on forever? As opposed to being the him that takes part in figuring out the state of things out there, in a different world, with different rules and risks.

Suggest he drop by the solarium once it's finished. There's so much more to what reality used to be and you think anyone could use the expanded perspective.
No. 1013461 ID: 96c896

Ah, I think I know what's going on. Crook is trying to make you look bad! He's seen how you're acting now, working towards democracy and not forcing things. He wants you out of power, but a direct fight won't do anything, so he switched tacks to ruining your public image.

The guy he sent to you was trained to detect if you forced a memory read. The meeting is a trap but not one meant to kill or capture you, he's probably meeting a bunch of people from outside his gang for a supposed legitimate reason, and you're meant to bust in there and look like a thug in front of everyone. He either knew you'd set a bounty and made sure this disloyal guy found out, or arranged for you to find out even if you didn't set a bounty.

He's patient, and this is a long term strategy to gain political power rather than physical power.
No. 1013465 ID: 5c87b4

Ask Paks if he prefers boxers or briefs.
No. 1013495 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Why're you betraying crook again?"
>"'Cause someone's going to cash in on the bounty, and it may as well be me?"

At least he can keep his story straight.

"Last question. How do you feel about lifting the fog?"
>"I don't have much left after Crook's fall, and I don't think he's making it back up. I haven't cared much about the fog since. Lift it or don't, I'm not sure how I'm voting yet. Alright, if that's it, I think I'm out of here."
"See you later, Paks. Stop by my planetarium sometime."

All I've got left are inane questions about moonmen and underwear, and I'll keep it to myself.

Maybe Crook's trying to make me out to be the bad guy? Eh, if he were a good guy, it'd work, but me going to his base and trashing it would earn me a medal before a public outcry.
No. 1013496 ID: 5fc3a0
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Before I know it, it's a new day! I didn't get any word from Soletta about last night, so plain negotiations for the memory tank are still on standby.

Late in the morning, the tracker I gave to Paks moves to the edge of town and disappears.

It stays missing for 37 minutes before returning to town. I find it laying in some old rubble in the deep undercity and do a quick scan to make sure nothing weird happened with it.
No. 1013497 ID: 5fc3a0
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The logs looks legitimate. Paks got pretty deep in the fog. All that's left is to decide how to investigate the spot he made it to. Now I can toy with the idea of sending in expendable agents, myself, Delli and so on.
No. 1013500 ID: 465a14

Send Delli's dakimakura of yourself equipped with a recorder.
No. 1013502 ID: d9495a

Go in alone and get royally messed up as is proper. Delli can retrive your ravaged body later.

Or just bring the whole gang.
No. 1013505 ID: 96c896

Bring a team. You're leading it, Delli can come if he wants, bring a couple of strong individuals for backup and as witnesses, plus if something goes wrong they can dive into the fog and get reinforcements.
No. 1013512 ID: 15a025

I feel like checking out his fog bubble here might be a bad idea. It'd suck if he knew we got in and decided to smash the memory container or something.

Maybe we could get some of phantom's people and disguise ourselves as a member with them. Say we're archeologists or something digging around the fog pockets.
No. 1013530 ID: 5c87b4

I'm still against sending anyone for the previously mentioned (>>1013365) reasons.
No. 1013531 ID: 9a2966

Is it just me or does that go out into the fog and then back into Haze Town? Or is it just the 3D projection thing and it's actually way behind over there.

>How to do it
Tier your approach, strongest to strong support to less strong. If they've really got an ambush waiting, there's a few things you can do to defuse any risks. Delli goes first, obvs, since he's just about unbeatable, super-fast and all that, and is the natural target of any trump cards.

Juiced up as he is he might be able to do something about any number of things at Crook's base - secure your memories from being asploded, sit on Crook and his minions' beaten-up asses until they choose to self-implode or throw themselves in the fog, or just act as a sneaky scout to see if he can spy on what Crook's got going (they probably have people stationed, but hey, who knows). Hm. You could give him super-strong cuffs to apply on people, maybe? Or a paintgun. Even if they jump into the fog they'd still be cuffed or paint'd, and would be more obvious to any witnesses, might be able to track them down later. Eh. Maybe those are stupid ideas.

Of course, if this is a trap, they'd better expect the strongest card, so Delli might be put in a spot trying to deal with whatever they've got going. So you and a couple of your strongest (or Phantom, if she wanna risk her bacon) can come in a minute or two afterwards in case Delli needs the backup - you're not going first because you ARE just about beatable right now, under the right circumstances, and if you get beaten that power goes to someone who might then try to beat Delli with it while you're gone, however low those odds still are.

Then a squad of more regular peeps come five minutes after that, just so we have someone who can deal with the aftermath, captives, sift through Crook's base if there is one, can go back to deliver messages, etc. Mind that Delli doesn't have to engage, but if he can secure the memories from Crook himself or force him to a stand-off with a worse negotiation position and try to capture-convince him not to self-destruct, that's certainly a few fine goals.

If he's on the losing end, he might destroy the memories. That's not fine per se, but you've resigned yourself the possibility. You've also considered what else you'd be willing to trade Crook for their safe retrieval.

There's also the possibility that Crook might try to do something in town while you and Delli are gone. Phantom, Soletta and your other allies will have to deal, but they're free to send someone to come fetch you should something obvious go down.
No. 1013574 ID: c0641b


What about surveillance? Could you send a little energy blob through that path from range and use it for clairvoyance, basically scouting before you go in?
No. 1013659 ID: d9495a

Is there any way he could trap you out there for a long time?
No. 1013756 ID: e25532

Do you know anyone particularly sneaky and or could you just remote pilot a drone through the fog?
No. 1014300 ID: 5fc3a0
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I jot down the position log, save for the last big line that goes straight from the fog back into town. That's where he threw it into the fog. The data just counted the teleportation as movement, so it drew a straight line from its last known location to where it showed up in town.

This spot is going to get investigated. I call some people up, starting with Phantom.

"Hey, Phantom. It's me, Pillet. I'm staging an assault operation, I need some hands. Want in?"
>"No thanks, isn't Delli enough?"
"We're leaving town someday, we should have some real world practice with dealing with possible threats."

I mean what I say. Part of me wants to ignore this whole segment of fog and carry on elsewhere, but if I'm willing to leap into an unknown universe outside of town, who am I to get cold feet going into a fog pocket just because Crook might've laid a trap? There's a possibility he might be trying to trap me for a long period of time, but what tech could he possibly have for that? Not much.

>"That's a fair point, but I'm not a front line vanguard. I have lots of work to be done. If you need hands, I can ask some of my old guard if they want in."
"Yeah, send 'em."
No. 1014301 ID: 5fc3a0
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An hour from now on the dot is when I schedule the meeting. Soletta says she'll send some promising, discreet fighters my way. Delli's coming even if I have to drag him by the tail. I'm not waiting for anyone past the scheduled time. If they can't show up in an hour, I don't want them.

At the hour, it's Delli, me, a couple phantom masks or whatever they call themselves now, a few of my own rebels, and...

"Splice, didn't you retire or something?"
>"Retirement doesn't mean crawling in a hole never to be seen again, ya know. Soletta told me you wanted some help with something, didn't tell me what."
"How do you feel about Crook?"
>"Fuck 'im."
"Good enough for me. Alright enough chatter, everyone shut up and listen up. We've got a zone I want us to hit.'
>"What's the ru - "
"What part of shut up listen up don't you get, goat! Save your questions for the end. Now, we all know - "
No. 1014302 ID: 5fc3a0
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Now Finnigan interrupts me by walking in here.

>"The meeting's already started, frill boy!"
"Soletta told me you were organizing some force. I gotta see this."
>"You're late!"
No. 1014303 ID: 5fc3a0
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>"But you also kicked my ass awhile back, so I'll make an exception for being a good fighter. You're in. Now, business. We know that if the town votes to lift the fog, we're going to spend years prepping people to deal with unknown variables. I'm not waiting till then, I'm going to start training people now. Delli's not going to be a one man show out there. I'm treating this thing like a real world mission to get us started, and here's how it's going to go down. I'm patting everyone down. Any recording devices are going to be collected. After that, I'll brief you all on what's going down, then we're all leaving immediately. No one leaves my sight on the way there unless you have explicit permission. If you've got a problem with any of this so far, leave."

No one gets up.

>"Alright, pat downs begin now! Phones and stuff in this basket."

I grab all their shit, and call in a secretary to pull the basket back out and seal the room so no other latecomers come crashing the party.
No. 1014304 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Now listen up. Crook's got a fog pocket. He's also got a container I want. I don't know if he or his fog pocket is here, but one of his old guard said he had a meeting with him and sold me this location. Could be fake, could be a trap, Crook could be there or not, who knows. If I had years I'd try to figure out all of the fog pockets Crook knows about so that if he bails and escapes town I can hit every pocket at once, but I'm not spending years playing the slow game for this crap. Worst case, I lose a month. There's no way he could trap me out there for a long time."

I put a slide on the projector.

"Here's the plan, you guys can have input after I explain. We'll be heading towards the fog pocket, then stop a couple steps short of the destination. At that point, we enter in one group at a time. Group one is a life sized Pillet doll that Delli found. It's outfitted with recorders, cameras, et cetera. I'm going to pilot it in, take a quick look, and signal whether we continue or abort. If we continue, group two rushes in as fast as they can, which should be extremely fast since group two is comprised entirely of Delli. Delli, your priority is to grab any energy canisters you can detect, then capture Crook and try to knock him out or something if he starts the process to blow himself up. That should take about 3 seconds, then group three goes in. Which is me. Then I do a final signal to continue, abort, or stand by. Group four, which is everyone else, will either respectively enter the pocket, enter the fog to get out, or stand by. Any questions?"
No. 1014305 ID: 5fc3a0
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>"Yeah I've got one." Splice raises his hands like a schoolboy. "Did you say there was a life sized Pillet doll?"

I pull it out from under the desk.

>"Right." Splice looks it over. "Why?"
"So it can get blown the fuck up in combat, I hope!"
>"Oooooo!" Delli slaps the table. "She jealous!"
>"No, I mean why does it exist? Delli, why the hell do you have a Pillet sex doll?" says Splice.
No. 1014306 ID: 5fc3a0
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Delli gets out of his chair to take the doll from me.

>"First off it's not a sex doll, I've only used it as a body... you know what nevermind."

He pops up the doll's collar to pull on a drawstring, then lets it go.

>"Let's blow up the town, everybody!"

And the chortling down the table has begun. Delli does it again.

>"I'm the one in charge of this anarchy!"
>"It's like a second Pillet!" Delli states. "How could I not buy it?!"
"Who did you buy it from?"
>"I'm not a snitch!"

I want to bitch about this briefing getting derailed, but I can't. I brought this on myself the second I brought in the doll.

"Any other questions?"
>"Yeah." Finnigan speaks up again. "What's the point of us coming if we're just going to be tag-alongs going in last? Hell you're going in ahead of us twice."
No. 1014314 ID: d9495a

Actually make sure the doll is not some wierd spy tool someone tricked Delli into keeping around.

As for the crew they do have a good point. Holding them for mop up is not the best live combat training. It is training but we brought a team for a reason. To be at our side not treated like children in a classroom.
No. 1014316 ID: 465a14

Sounds like your problem if you don't already have motivation to be here tbh
No. 1014320 ID: 9a2966

Couple of reasons. Crook’s kept a few aces up his sleeve, you’re pretty dang sure, and he probably wouldn’t be trying to pull shit if he didn’t think he had a shot against Delli at all. This could all be a huge giant trap for that purpose. Guy’s been sitting on a very important ol’ artifact for who knows how long, so he could have some other bad old shit around. Even nasty conventional ones. If Delli gets in trouble that you can’t immediately bail him outta, fourth group’s needed right fucking quick as support.

Second, anyone gets wasted by cheap shots or well-prepped foul plays is gonna empower Crook or his guys. You’d prefer nobody counter-levelling the enemy, so to speak. Going in fourth, seconds after the first entries smush past initial defenses and gather intel, is preventative tactics against losses.

Which, you have to remind them, if this is an exercise in trying to emulate what’s it like outside: one doesn’t get to come back from a defeat. So losses, needlessly self-sacrificial gambits, utterly reckless plays, are all gonna get a frownie face on their mission grade card.

Still dissatisfied? Then make your case against the above, but be snappy.

Also, technically everyone’s going in first since y’all have access to the same feeds from Poison Pillet here.
No. 1014324 ID: 96c896

Tell them you aren't going to engage the main forces of the enemy without them. You're going in ahead of them to secure the entry point, for their safety. If anyone else wants to do the breach with you, that's fine, it's just additional risk for them, and possibly a bit less risk for you if there's anyone there that can give you trouble.
No. 1014329 ID: 769845

Check inside the doll's pants, you're the one who it'd be least weird for. Also make a note to get yourself a Delli doll if you haven't already. Anyway when you send that doll in you'd better make it look a bit more believable, first! You wouldn't realistically be grinning when you went in there. Try to make the fake look more real. Maybe think up some double fake decoy to go with it so that they won't think it's weird 'you' just went in as-is? If this is a trick they know you'd be paranoid of a trick so if the doll doesn't seem like it's taking enough precautions they'll smell a rat.
No. 1014369 ID: b73e3a

Tell them that it's precisely because no one ever expects the fourth group. So whatever defensive measures exist would be used on the first three groups. Also, because they are strong and reliable, right? Every mission needs a solid backbone. Or something like that. It's highly likely that a situation will arise that will require several more hands.

You should get a doll just like that. Because every budding dictator needs to learn to live with themselves. And to make a goat jealous.
No. 1014399 ID: 7ffb59

If you want this to be a team exercise, then you should ask for their input. See if they have any suggestions to improve your plan. One of them could come up with something you didn't think about.
No. 1014416 ID: b85205

Quite frankly, you're not likely to be useful, because Delli.

But in the event you're needed, it'll be because the first three failed, and we're trusting you to either follow orders on the fly from previous groups that need manpower, or to problem solve for yourselves to save a thoroughly fucked operation.

We've got a trump card, and we're playing it for all it's worth, but Crook ruled this place before, and you don't get that and keep it without being clever.

We've got raw power now, but you guys ran against this guy before, so you're the contingency if raw power fails.
No. 1014582 ID: 5fc3a0
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>Make sure the doll isn't bugged
Done; I made sure of it while I was planning this along with working through other basic logistics.

"There's a good chance that we're walking into a trap, and Crook's gotten at least one piece of ancient tech. It's harmless, but if he has something else that can hurt Delli when he goes in, we need backup. I'll be dishing out some minor energy clusters for all of you just to even things up if things get that far, but they probably won't. We're all probably not going to do anything of value, because Delli. And as for this doll - "

I hold it up and tap its eye.

"This is just an overdeveloped drone with cameras. You can all watch its feed with me if you don't want to feel left out. Also, this is a training mission for going out of town. Treat death as permanent. And with that, I'm now I'm open to input! Anything to say about the plan?"

Splice raises his hand again.

>"Move me up to group 1. I want to go in first, and if they have anything that can fuck Delli up, I don't want him being the first real person going through since that no one's going to get fooled by that doll. It's making a weird smile and everything."
"Like I haven't smiled when kicking ass before! That's still noble of you, Splice. To be willing to die 'permanently' for Delli's sake."
>"If Crook has ancient tech, there's a chance that Crook could eliminate Delli and consume his energy, yeah?"
"Virtually zero."
>"Yeah, well, I want it to be literally zero. I don't want Crook getting that kind of power."
"You know what? You're right. You're bumped up. You can tag along behind Poison Pillet."
>"... Poison?"
"That's what I'm calling her now. It. I'm calling it Poison."

No one else has any modifications, so I go through with some of the details. Things like an arrangement of handsignals, colored energy flares, and so on. Everyone here is at least keen enough to have basic memorization down, so we'll be as ready as we get.

"Follow me. We're taking an underground section. You can all hide your own energy levels right? Do it on the way over. With any luck, people who can sense energy will just think Delli's fucking about as usual."

Delli's been getting impressively good at hiding his energy to the point that he appears way weaker than he is. Even then, he's got such power that his weaker sensable energy aura is still way stronger than anyone else in town.
No. 1014584 ID: 5fc3a0
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We travel to the edge of the town at the starting point while I pass out bubble tickets. Delli goes in first, and I pick up the rear just to make sure no one slips out for some reason. I doubt any of these guys are spies, but I can never be sure.
No. 1014585 ID: 5fc3a0
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The bubbles I made for this stop a couple steps short, just so we're not so obviously here in numbers.

I leave a couple floating lightbulbs so that these guys don't drift too far from the path and fall into the fog. Everyone's made it, at least.

"All ready?" I whisper, making the signal to confirm. Everyone's ready, though Splice... "You look a little anxious."
>"What, me? You're the one who's way more high strung than I thought you'd be."
"What're you talking about?"
>"When we fought, you were always smiling and cackling like you loved it. This feels different."
>"Yeah!" Nilestro, one of my own, stage whispers. "You've sounded weird for awhile. If this is what leaving the town's gonna be like, you sure you want it?"
"No, stay focused, this isn't the spot to start weird debates. Splice, if you're going in with Poison, then get in there, I'm sending her in."
No. 1014586 ID: 5fc3a0
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I puppeteer Poison into the pocket with Splice right behind.

That's a moderately sized island. There's some ruins on it that looked touched up enough to count as usable shelter. It even has a working fountain! And an antenna, apparently. A single antenna won't reach town, but if he had relay trail through the tunnel here, he could have direct contact with town after all. It would also be well hidden, because I didn't see a thing.

With my real body so far back, I can't sense energy off any people. But I do see five individuals, and in spite of how untrustworthy Paks was, Crook's there by the house!

One of his goons had his eye out, and spots Poison and Splice the moment we drifted in the pocket.
No. 1014588 ID: 96c896

So far so good. Delli's up next.
No. 1014602 ID: b73e3a

Carry on with the plan.
No. 1014606 ID: 9a2966

Zoom around on the edge to look into the window of the buildings to gather more intel, make it seem like your priority is securing the package. Tell Slice to aim for the antenna - no getting word out fast. Keep half an eye on where Crook is headed and what his buddies are doing, while avoiding getting taken out immediately. Seem wary.

Can you verify that the Crook you see isn't a body double and that he hasn't had the same idea you have had?

Everyone else carry out the plan. Nothing's gone tits-up in an unanticipated way yet, so keep the schedule.
No. 1014607 ID: 769845

That kinda looks like an 'I've been waiting for you' pose, doesn't it? I wouldn't go out yet if I were you. Or Delli. Make the doll look like it's calling more people forward and send some folks in, you need enough to lock down the people you see and maybe more, then look like the doll is commanding. Cause some confusion first so that the doll isn't looked at too closely when it moves in, and so you're not noticed when you arrive to start looking around. Don't mind the antenna, whatever message it can send someone can take just by jumping off into the fog. For all we know it might be set to activate something when it's disabled. Just make sure no-one's going to activate something. It doesn't look like there's cameras to feed your terrible betrayal to the public or anything, but there could be inside? You've got two buildings and a downstairs to search. Not sure what's up with that bare patch beside the pillar and the wall over there, maybe something buried there?

The container's definitely too big for someone to carry without being seen, right?
No. 1014615 ID: d9495a

Why not make a attempt to do this the diplomatic way? Fly your puppet over to Crook and tell him you are here to politely request your memories.

As a fine upstanding citizen and future office holder in the new government he surly would not object to proving himself a trustworthy sort right?
No. 1014620 ID: c0641b


What are the odds they're dumb enough to not realize this is a doll? Just imagine bluffing your way through this with that creepy thing.
No. 1014640 ID: 5fc3a0
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>Body double? Posing while waiting for you?
I'm already figuring Crook knew I was coming, but if that's a body double, it's way better than Poison.

I keep my hand up to signal the group to stand by, then speak to Splice.

"Let's circle around. Don't bother destroying that antenna yet." Turning an antenna off can send a message all on its own.

We fly around the island at a distance, just to see a few more tables and plants along the top side. A fly by isn't telling me what the buildings or half buried container are about. There's a few cameras, but I still wonder if anyone can tell the difference between me and Poison from this far back.

>"You two." Crook's managed to get a loudspeaker from the house while we flew around. "Land and explain what you're doing here."
"Who cares!" We land by the antenna, because there's no security cameras there and I want to see if Crook actually thinks it's me. I'm not banking on it, but it would be funny. "You know why I'm here! Where's the container?"
>"That depends. Where are my energy clusters or my positions of power?"
"Oh, right!"
No. 1014641 ID: 5fc3a0
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I signal in Delli.

>"I don't sense any canisters around!" Delli snags Crook before anyone else has the time to even face him.

My memory should have an energy signature, and Delli's gotten good at detection. I doubt the memory tank is here.
No. 1014642 ID: d9495a

Welp time to let this play out nice and polite. Check to see if our paranoia was warranted or if Crooks play is just what it looks like.
No. 1014645 ID: 769845

Or it was never anywhere to start with. It's still possible Crook's been faking. Even if you don't believe that, it might be a line to go with if you want to make yourself look a bit better? You wanted to confirm he had a real container at all before you made any sort of deal with someone like him? If you wanted to. Shut him off from talking bad about you, maybe hold the door open for his underlings to not think so bad of you as they might do otherwise. Bit hard to believe you would have gotten your hands on what you wanted by force and then paid just to be nice, I know, but you are dealing with a guy literally called Crook who was on a lot of people's bad sides.

Anyway, someone had to have come up with energy shielding some time, so it's not impossible it's still here. If you can contain the stuff at all you could theoretically contain it better, right? And this place is too nice not to have a good nosy about in. Two buildings, underground bunker, could be some cool stuff. Never know what other handy things Crook might have thought of keeping in his back pocket out here. Round up Crook's crew to sit in a circle all nice while you call more of your lot in for a search. Still don't come by yourself yet, in fact continue puppeting your doll around to look like you're searching. But first tell Delli to bring Crook out off the island and over the fog and hold him, immediately. This still could be a trap for Delli somehow.

Hm. Is it possible this island is actually still only a waypoint along to another island? That there's another trail going off further into the fog? That might explain why there's an antenna but you didn't see any relays. There might be somewhere else in range. You'd better make sure no-one's in there about to send off a message you wouldn't like.
No. 1014652 ID: 292976

time to kidnap crook
No. 1014654 ID: 96c896

Seems fine so far.
Squad 3 enter! That's you. Head down and tell everyone present to not make any sudden moves. Then signal squad 4 to come in, and restrain everyone. Then you get to search the place! ...oh I bet that antenna is there so that if shit goes tits up in here they'll alert another station somewhere deeper in the fog to go dark. Wherever it's pointing to is probably where the memory is. Might want to make investigating that building your first priority. Though... there's also a bunker, looks like?

This is a very interesting island! Phantom's archaeological team will be pleased.
No. 1014658 ID: 9a2966

>No container sensed
Not guaranteed. Something hid that container from you for literally thousands of years' worth of searching (could've been obscurity of a pocket, but still...), so it could still be on the island. Definitely worth more than a cursory search.

Verify that there's no other surprises around. What is Crook holding? Might be a dead man's switch of sorts. Or a weapon? Delli should take care, but perhaps not instantly disarm him in case of the former, just lock his arm, prevent him from doing anything with it.

Tell Crook you're still negotiating, but his position has understandably shifted. He can consider himself under house arrest - you don't want him leaving your people's sight from here on until the container is secure. If he blows himself up, or starts making outlandish demands - beyond what was already on the negotiation table - you will make it a sidequest to punch him into insignificance.

If he complains about you securing his stuff here, tell him the number of bases and hidden getaways his people ruined for you and yours. The exact number. Unless he's got something here that's worth it to him to risk his trump card over, he'd better stow it - actually, heck, if there *is* something here that's worth that much, then why not negotiate over that as well. Maybe that'll get him closer to where he wants to be.

"End of the day, Crook, looks like you ain't got the leverage you thought. Yes, I want that container, and I want it bad. But it's not a 'keys to snowglobe', 'sell out my friends' or 'this will fix everything that's wrong with Haze Town' level of bad. Consider you ain't a gang boss no longer, just some fella wanting to stay top dog, and dang near everyone's questioning why the hell should you."

Address his gang members.

"Stick around. Y'all are getting flagged in town as Crook's peeps now, so maybe consider your futures as well."
No. 1014662 ID: fef02c

If it's not here then we have no reason to be delicate.
Kill anyone not surrendering. Capture those that do, and ransack the place to figure out what is all for.
No. 1014667 ID: 36784c

We can't exactly capture anyone, since they could just selfdestruct to kill themselves to avoid that. Sure, they'll spend time in the fog until they respawn, but it's better than being captured by us.
No. 1014678 ID: fec07f

If we've actually got crook is this time we bust put the mind reading?
No. 1014684 ID: b73e3a

That was easy. Too easy... but whatever.

Ask Crook if you're doing a good job in acting according to his plan.
No. 1014696 ID: fb1eae

You are a proper politcal figure now so act like one! Crook gets treated politely and so do his men unless they act up.

Go slow and careful and don't back Crook all the way into a corner. If there are deadman's switches full of explosives on your memory jar pushing him to hard might be a bad idea.

"Crook I don't mind you making a play for some power and if you turn over a new leaf we will need lots of career gang leaders turned politian's. But I can't bargin with power or influence I don't have."

"If you hand over my memories and knowledge of where they were found you will get the best deal. A chance to go legit with the new system. Something similar to the deal we worked out actually. Or you can make this complicated and we will just have to see how it all plays out."
No. 1015068 ID: 15a025

This could have all been a setup seeing how the canister doesn't seem to be here.

Call in Delli for now though, maybe he isn't close enough to sense it yet?
No. 1022358 ID: 5fc3a0
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This is too easy. Fighting gangs has been trivial lately, but I expected more out of Crook! It still makes me think this is a setup, but I'm not going to abort this operation because my enemy is acting incompetent.

This could just be a waypoint island, but that doesn't change the plan for now. I could negotiate with Crook like a real political figure, but the guy's toyed with warcrimes, using my memories as ransom!

"Pat him down, Delli!" I call out through Poison. He's holding a megaphone, but his thick clothes could hide a lot more. "Crook, we're taking you and your guys in. Don't blow yourself up or I'll punch you into insignificance!"
"Haha, really?" Delli asks, pulling a gun from Crook's clothes. "You packed heat, Crook? What did you think that was going to do?"
No. 1022359 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Come on." I tell everyone hanging back. "We're going in together. Finnigan, and you two with the masks, gather up Crook's crew and knock 'em out if they try blowing themselves up. Delli will handle Crook while I talk to them. The rest of you search the island with Splice."

I already didn't see anything with Poison on my flyby of the island and I don't see or sense anything new as I turn the bend with the others, so there's no point is beating around the bush. There's also no point in negotiating if I can read his memories and confirm the existence and location of the memory tank!

>Someone had to have come up with energy shielding some time, so it's not impossible it's still here.
It's virtually impossible. Blocking energy isn't something someone just comes up with and then does. It's closer to being on par with memory extraction than it is making vending machines or energy blasts.

But on reflection, this entire scenario has put me on edge. The one founder who could block energy, Aumstail, is the only one that could have possibly evaded Delli's rampage. She's the one who put me on the wheel and made me do what she wanted, meaning that for a time, *she* was the town's memory extractor. She could have done anything she wanted with that power, including making her own memory backups somewhere else without me remembering. I'm more tense now that I've remembered her, because she's one of the most dangerous ones to engage in combat with.

Delli just grabbed Crook's gun. Crook was going to use a gun, against us, whos energy shrugs off bullets without effort? And now that I'm thinking of Aumstail, the only person who could block that energy so well that even Delli might be affected?
No. 1022360 ID: 5fc3a0
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This lead has looked like an obvious trap from the start, but now I have a sinking feeling about this. Maybe it's nothing - it's just instincts; I can't place any of my memories that would yield useful information.

If my paranoia is justified then I'm nearly at the point of no return. I need to either trust my instincts and get Delli - and Splice I guess - off that island right now, or go in hard.
No. 1022361 ID: e07ed2

trust to the power of friendship :) uwu

also possibly more importantly, delli's desire to bone you
No. 1022368 ID: d9495a

Trust your instincts then. Worse case is you look a bit paranoid for no reason.

This feels like a trap for people who are way to used to energy combat and would falter if that power got distrupted and be easily taken out with guns. Then all that power could be harvested.
No. 1022369 ID: c92a02

Better than being trapped here forever, right?
No. 1022400 ID: 9a2966

Go hard. You either get to be paranoid and wrong and come off as a loon (and what else is new?), or paranoid and right and in a position to deal with a serious threat you hadn't even been appropriately aware of before.

One who could fuck with your memories again if you fuck up bad.

One who could initiate a sincere-seeming betrayal by extracting enough of a person's "loyalty" memories.


Go really hard.

Tell Delli to throw you the gun, KO the others (including Crook) and crack this island in half ASAP, at a distance - start with the bigger building. Then declare:

"Scenario 'Permadeath Aumstail!' is go! Remember what I told you!"

(The others won't know what Aumstail means, but they do know about you calling this training for a permadeath scenario. It also sounds appropriately ominous in a 'Wait, she expected this, remembers me and figured out how to kill me?' way, if Aumstail is actually here and observing.)

"Any dirty trick to stay out of harm and in the game, you better fucking pull it! Our powers might get blocked, so make your initial moves count! Stay alive, duck and cover, grab arms and ammo from Crook's downed!"

You could send Poison in a suicide bombing against one of the buildings, timed to hit just after Delli's first crack-attempt, just full bore 'knock a comet through a door/window/wall' type attack - something that will still keep going if your power suddenly fades, based on sheer velocity alone - and could take out any armed goons inside who are about to go outside. And make a breach you could exploit. If you feel confident you can keep it in the air, you could also keep it in reserve as a one-off suicide bomb where needed.

Be glad you brought a proper backup team - if numbers are going to matter here more so than usual you at least have more bodies than just you and Delli.

Reflect if Crook is actually in cahoots with who you think he is - or is using some trick of hers - you are going to make his day miserable if you make it through this and he's still KO'd and captive.

Assuming his memories weren't messed with. Fuck. You're going to have to deal with the assumption any number of people could be mindfuckled now. Better make this count - better see it through and figure what was up - or you're REALLY going to end up as a paranoid mess.

Take your own advice and take cover while the island is getting demolished, but make sure Delli does as well as needed - he's the king in this potential multidimensional chess gambit, and he might still be able to pull some moves thanks to being ridiculously OP, even against a power blocker... or else he'd have lost to Aumstail initially, way back when.

But, yeah, like... everyone else here better fucking take a bullet or several for him if need be.
No. 1022401 ID: 9a2966

Probably because blowing yourself up requires using power and you can't do that if it's blocked.

In this scenario, one can probably 'get away' by leaping into the fog - but there might be tricks in place to prevent that as well. If we're really dealing with a memory-retaining last founder - or her legacy - pretty much anything goes.
No. 1022404 ID: 96c896

Trust your instincts. It makes no sense for Crook to pull out a GUN against you. Assume everyone's shielding is compromised. You're enough to handle things from here on, I expect. Worst case scenario is you get captured again, and you can probably just blow yourself up to escape this time. Why didn't you do that before?

Er, right. Great, then... how do we even fight that?

Regardless, getting Delli out is the main concern here. If he gets killed and his energy stolen, then we are FUCKED.

Slicing the island apart to reveal whatever tricks they have up their sleeve is a good idea. We could also do a small experiment to confirm shields are compromised- a tiny amount of friendly fire. Something that wouldn't kill anybody, but would tell us if shields are down.

Our true objective is just to capture Crook though, so we can steal his memories. If Delli can take him while escaping, then everyone can just leave.
No. 1022410 ID: 9a2966

>how do we even fight that?
The anti-power power likely requires focus and concentration to use, so KO or 'kill' them and the user probably can't do shit. They may even be unable to user their own powers offensively or defensively (although I wouldn't entirely discount it) when in use, so would rely on help or aid to see their ploys through.

Overwhelming force before they can bring their bull to bear might also be workable. At the very least it might take out whatever goonsquad was laying in wait - or parts of them, which will level the playing field. The fact Crook's people will probably be better armed for an ambush is pretty oof, which is why sudden overwhelming force is also a must.

He could have his own guys out here in the fog, waiting for a signal to get in there, all armed and ready.

Speaking of which, we can also presume - from the fact big-wig probably-has-more-power-than-his-crew Crook was sitting on a gun - that the anti-power power probably works on an area, or on everyone within a certain range. Otherwise he'd have stuck to his power powers, rather than pick up an actual literal antiquated tool of violence.
No. 1022413 ID: 9a2966

Mind you, all of this is speculation and Pillet suggesting Aumstail was one of the most dangerous ones does make me nervous for what manner of danger we might be facing.

If there was a way to verify whether one's memories had been fuckled with, we could just pull Crook for a trip down memory lane and GTFO ASAP. But it might be giving up an opportunity to counter-ambush an ambush, if it can be managed.
No. 1022510 ID: 15a025

I think we need to go in hard and all out here. If your paranoia is right, we need to snip Aumstail out of the picture while we can. Doesn't sound like someone we want running around free and out of our radar.
No. 1022586 ID: 5fc3a0
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Worst case, I come off as overly intense. Nothing new!

>Why didn't you blow yourself up when you were captured before?
There's multiple ways to blow myself up, but it all needs energy control that Aumstail can prevent. In other words, I couldn't, and if I get caught again, I can't. Same with anyone else. Even Delli! The more energy he has, the more he has to use to blow himself up.

The idiots gawk at my sudden urgency instead of leaping, but they start to follow when they see me unleash all the energy I can to fly at Crook! Delli might hesitate, too, but he's already on the island. I have to go in hard. I can not afford to let Aumstail test her power on Delli when it's just him, Splice, and a disconnected Poison.

"Permadeath scenario, go! Grab their guns and clear the island!" Those are all the words I can get out before I reach Crook.
No. 1022587 ID: 5fc3a0
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Got him! I just need a second. Not even a second, as I haven't let the millenia put a speck of rust on my memory extraction. I can't think any faster than normal, but absorbing a memory is nearly instant. Once absorbed, I can recall it as though I had experienced it in full. The split second I need is to find the appropriate memories, and compartmentalize them. I experience them as though I were Crook, and if I didn't compartmentalize them, I'd start taking on Crook's personality.

Like anyone in town who isn't me, Crook's head has the organization of a crumpled up cobweb. But that's fine, it's still nice and compact. I have to enter through his surface thoughts, and based on those thoughts, I can enter the relevant memories.

His thoughts are of Delli and me approaching, meaning I could get start getting memories he has of us two. He also has lingering thoughts about his gun, which he does think is important! He's more distraught about losing it than he let on, which is fueling my paranoia about the whole thing. He's also confused about me flying in... oh, he actually thought Poison was me?! I thought there was no way he'd get fooled by that! But that's why he was confused why something hadn't happened yet.

Normally I'd mull over which memories to dig into, but I'm wasting no time. Plus, every single one of his surface thoughts form a venn diagram, and there's a single memory where they all overlap. The choice is obvious.
No. 1022588 ID: 5fc3a0
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Memory Extraction - Crook [AB-12-a] - 25 hours prior

>"Do you understand the plan?"

All she's told me to do is be bait for Pillet, and she doesn't think I understand this basic plan?

"Are you absolutely certain she can't forcibly read my memories?"
>"We've gone over this so much, Crook. She told me herself that she cannot extract memories of those who refuse. I have the utmost confidence she was honest with me, as while I cannot extract memories myself, my methods of extracting the truth are well researched."
"How do you know she hasn't learned how to force people since then? That was thousands of years ago."
>"Aha, yes, your concerns are well placed. We cannot assume she hasn't learned how to force memories out, but if she has, it's clear she didn't use this ability in her more recent struggles against you. If she had, that fight would have lasted for months, not decades. But that's something we can't plan around. If we lure her into my energy blocking field, then her specialty won't be a danger."
"Our 'plan' is clumsy. Sending Trezil was a clumsy effort and it only made things awkward. All we're doing is throwing snare traps around and hoping she steps in one."
>"Yet you've agreed that this is the best we've got. As many uncontrolled variables as there are, doing something in the middle of town would be chaotic and foolish. I'm aware of the issues, but we must make haste. Each day I spend out of hiding is a day she could learn I'm involved, and if she learns this, you'll find that her tactics will become efficient and focused. Brutal, even. I just do not think you fully grasp how terrifying her specialty is. You are okay with killing Delli if necessary, yes?"
"If it has to be that way. I'll remind you that I'd rather have his power than lose it to the fog."
>"I'm aware. Take no risks in doing so, please. Pillet is the important one. If I activate my field, and she escapes after that, our interactions will be concluded. Now, help me calm my nerves, tell me the plan so I know you remember every detail."

There's nothing to do but wait, so I cover the details with her.

End of Memory
No. 1022589 ID: 5fc3a0
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Damn my instincts for being right, Aumstail is here! The conversation was the vivid part, and it took place on the inside of this very island. Crook's recital of the plan lets me remember its details through him, which I can recall as needed like any other memory. There were a lot of what-if scenarios that aren't relevant, like what happens if I don't show up or if I show up with an army.

Now that I've brought 8 people including me, I recall the plan. Aumstail is inside the island, holding an energy blocking field just large enough to cover the interior of the island. That way, her and at least 15 individuals armed with firearms cannot be sensed. She'll be monitoring the security cameras for my arrival. Once I land, she'll begin expanding her field to include the entire fog pocket. This takes three seconds, and I've already spent one extracting Crook's memory.

That slanted building further in on the island leads to the island's interior. In two seconds, right as the energy blocker engulfs us, several soldiers are going to rush out of that slanted building and start opening fire on everyone but me. That, and a fence is going to deploy to prevent us from just being able to jump off.

There's enough time to get another memory or two of Crook's, such as any remaining information about this island not covered by that one memory.

And then there's Delli. His energy won't disappear completely, but he won't be totally immune to bullets. Even if he can brute force some weak energy blasts and still is the strongest of my group of 8, his immediate safety is more important than mine. I have to consider spending the last two seconds I have to toss him off the island before the fence deploys.
No. 1022593 ID: d9495a

Trust your Goat.

Right now you should be focused on continuing your momentum. Your crew will be following in hot in a moment and you need to find them cover and get them weapons.

Grab Delli in your other hand and continue your charge into one of the buildings. Blow it open so your crew can follow in as they land. Get Delli focusing on wiping out gun totting bad guys so he can throw guns to your crew.

You bellow out instructions based on your memory map.
No. 1022605 ID: 9a2966

>Poison multitask
Launch the Poison Pillet straight down Aumstail's mouth through the doors of the slanted building at speed, timed just as they're supposed to be opening and the blocking field hits. Doesn't matter if it gets depowered - momentum'll take care of the rest, and without powers it should make for a painful mess.

Though it could pass along a message to Slice as it leaves. Like "Kill d cams." as it zips off. He's off on his own up there, might be able to pull some flanking moves and someone needs to be warned that the cameras will coordinate gungoon efforts. Losing eyes on the situation should also be cause for worry for Aumstail, especially if...

>2 second trial, 1 second solution
Turn to Delli - he's probably not going to let himself get thrown - and make yourself look WORRIED to rapidly impress him with the importance of your next word(s). Say something like "Instahole!" or "Tunnel now!" and point straight down.

Or extract a memory of the island's interior layout and point Delli so you can for sure blast a path to a section inside before the blocking field reaches. Bonus points if it's in the direction Aumstail is holing up in.

The hole he's blasting (IF he gets it in time) might meet the anti-power wave and get cancelled, but best case you have a hole to the interior of the island that you can follow and charge down, avoiding the goonsquads stationed to capture you and protect Aumstail (not to mention it'll lessen the effects of her cameras). Even in a more worse-case scenario you might still have a foxhole to jump into and snipe back from with Delli's power and Crook's gun.

Apply powered elbow to Crook's head in the last second before the wave reaches - and blasts to his other outside buddies (excepting our traitor). He's a liability once you no longer can extract memories.

Get some of your team to follow you if they got in intact and you have a hole to invade with. If the door got messed up by Poison Pillet, direct some there to grab guns - but don't linger, if you got a shock and awe entrance, use it before they can reposition.

>"as I cannot extract memories myself"
If she IS the only other memory extractor, she's been lying to Crook. But I don't think we have the time to convince him he's been pawn'd and then some. Though if we did... this situation would turn around real quick. His goons listen to him, not Aumstail, who sounds like she's been living deep in hiding from fear of all things you.

Tell Delli as you're going down the hole (or lying in a foxhole, having dragged him down with you): "There's a founder. She's an energy blocker. That's how she survived you. She's also a memory extractor. That's how I forgot. Until now. Not good. But also good. If we can get her. And not be got."

Or something like that.
No. 1022606 ID: 53560f

Considering that Aumstail knows you can read memories, I’m willing to bet at least part of the information she fed her underlings is false, as such, I’m hesitant to put all our eggs in one basket. Throw Delli of the Island while shouting whatever key info/instructions you can cram in the 2 seconds you have left and get to cover. Make sure to grab the gun from him too, he won’t need it but you will.
No. 1022608 ID: 96c896

Toss Delli off the island. He can assault it from a distance and save everyone. Since you're excluded from the assault you can spend the next second finding out where Crook stashed your memory.
No. 1022679 ID: 9a2966

Memory might be a lie to draw Pillet in. Even if it wasn't, Crook would probably not be the one sitting on that info: it'd be Aumstail.
No. 1022785 ID: 2a1481

Can Crook FEEL his memories being read? You could possibly blast his skull in and pretend like that's what the head grab was for.
No. 1023313 ID: 15a025

Yeet the poor goat boy off the island. We're going to be in worse danger if he ends up losing all his power, and even worse if it gets absorbed.
No. 1023467 ID: b01382

My brain is too smooth for this quest. Ill continue to lurk and leave it to smarter people to make the decisions making.
All i know is that we have 1 gun. I dont know if becoming more powerful increase youre reflexes (Neo tier bullet dodging), but i wonder about these guns. Are they as strong as a normal gun but are 200x more effective againdt people, or do the bullets just react normally when hitting normal solid objects? I'm wonder this cuz whats stopping us from pick up chunks out the ground and using them as shields?

Idea:? If we can find cover away from all the incoming mooks and the 2 oe 1 seconds we have left, we can give Poison the gun to shoot at the mooks. Its not like a headshot would make the doll not continue to work.
No. 1023504 ID: f57349

Maintain momentum, continue in a straight line off the edge of the island and into the fog, dragging Crook along with you. That gets you personally out of the trap and Crook back to territory where you can interrogate him at leisure, and you can still communicate with the rest of your team here through the telepresence robot. Quick enough, remaining enemy forces might not have gotten a good enough look for ID, and still think the decoy is the real you.
No. 1023514 ID: 34dfce

This is the best course of action.
No. 1023515 ID: 36784c

>Once I land, Aumstail will begin expanding her field to include the entire fog pocket.
>a fence is going to deploy to prevent us from just being able to jump off.
Getting Delli off the island and before the fence comes up would be best.

Because if he gets caught in the energy blocking field while being off the island, he’ll just fall into the fog and be sent back to town.
No. 1023533 ID: 96c896

Maybe we can just cut to the chase and tell Delli to blow up the island?
No. 1023536 ID: f04a82

Grab Delli, Fly off the island out of range of the energy dampening field, have Delli blow up the island.
No. 1023569 ID: 96c896

Aw hell if we toss Delli away he won't be able to fight, because the ENTIRE fog bubble is going to be neutralized.
Well, do it anyway. We're heavily outnumbered and have almost no guns. Everyone that remains on the island will die, which means you cannot let Delli die.
Honestly, Pillet should probably evacuate with Delli.

I do have one idea for a plan that MIGHT work, though. Fire an energy blast to collapse the door they're planning on using. Then they can't get to you, and we can either work on breaking through the fence or using the one gun (and/or other guns we steal from the troops on the surface) to snipe them through the rubble.
If there's time to make a second attack I'd use it to eliminate more of the troops up here before they can draw guns.
No. 1032572 ID: 96c896

Changing my vote to keeping Delli around. This is why:
if we collapse the stairs and eliminate all forces on the surface, that gives us time to fortify and prepare for the bigger fight to come. We can use Delli's small amount of remaining energy manipulation to use materials from the structures on the surface to create ballistic shields at the very least. It might even be possible to detach some cables and use the electricity as a weapon. Plus, Delli should be able to curve energy attacks around cover, even if they're weak.
No. 1032577 ID: b01382

holy shit. Well hello to you from three months ago.
No. 1032585 ID: b01382

I cant tell if this quest is on hiatus or its shelved food good. The story is pretty neat, but i still wondee if people can habe kids here. I never did see a child in the story.
No. 1032849 ID: 41cf4d

Lagotrope tends to update their quests in spurts, usually with months of break between. You can add a suggestion to a thread without bumping it by typing 'sage' in the email field.
No. 1032855 ID: b01382

I got nothing to add until the next update. I only caught up to the story a few months ago, and even then I don't have the motivation to add anything. Yet.
No. 1054155 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Delli flee!"
No. 1054156 ID: 5fc3a0
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One hand takes his gun, the other tosses him off the island while the first drops the gun to throw an energy bomb into Crook's building. I also blow it up while I still can, and the windows are blown out.

Since I have some good control over Poison still, I throw her towards that far building's entrance to serve as a distraction. I bet it's going to open the second the barrier goes up.
No. 1054157 ID: 5fc3a0
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And I feel it. The air around me solidifies and my sense of energy and auras disappears. It's times like these I'm especially glad that I've got perfect control of my memories, because having all the memories of the last time I was subjected to this come flooding back into my mind would not help me with what I've got to do.

I've got other concerns too! There's another explosion that shakes the island while a giant circular fence swings up and cuts us off from just running off the island. Zero doubt it's electrified.

But Delli cleared the fence. He can even fly! Like I thought, Aumstail is either rusty, or she's simply never honed her craft! This feeling is still oppressive enough to keep him from blowing up the island. If my gut instinct is right, then he has just enough energy to fly around. Even if Aumstail's bubble doesn't extend out to him, any blast he sends inside will be like throwing a fireball into water.

"I'm falling!" One of Phantom's guys above me yells. Any fliers whos names aren't Delli are on their way to the ground.
I'm not waiting for them.
No. 1054158 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Act alive and take cover! Stay off the island Delli, I didn't throw you off for fun!" I yell back to everyone else and dive into Crook's building. My bomb was too quick and weak to kill people with as much energy as Crook's best. It didn't even blast open this door in the hall! But it's given off so much smoke that they're firing blindly in a panic.

Outside there's a couple other gunfights going on. The ground is rumbling concerningly, but one problem at a time!
No. 1054159 ID: 5fc3a0
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Judging by their aim, Crook brought them in for their loyalty, not their ability to fight in conventional combat. All they're doing is kneeling right out where I can shoot them. So I do! I don't know how much I need to conserve my ammo, but the faster I drop them the more ammo I get from them.
No. 1054162 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Splice, you okay?!" I yell out towards the radar building. There's more gunfire in there, and I can't pinpoint where the other gunfight is. I'd love to rush in to help him, but I think if any of the old ganglords know how to use a gun, it'd be Splice. He's not responding.

There goes Finnigan and one of Phantom's people dropping down in front of the fountain. I don't know where the other phantom or my two rebels are, but that must be them firing off more guns somewhere around the building where I can't see.

And finally, Poison, if I count her as her own unit. I've lost control of her, but like I thought, that slanted building's door opens up. She's on course and ragdolls through it. I'm pretty pleased to hear them get tricked and open fire on a puppet! I'm not pleased that it sounds like a half dozen heavy machine guns doing it. With any luck, she's our only casualty so far.

There's even more noise in there, too. It's some kind of engine, a -
No. 1054163 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Tank! We've got a tank!" The others have better have heard me yelling over the gunfire! It's dangerous, but it's not the kind of tank the founders would have access to. This is just a bog standard modern tank, easy to take care of if we remove any foot support coming up from behind it.
No. 1054167 ID: 99f29a

Cool, fuck up the treads quick like.
No. 1054197 ID: e7c7d3

Got any explosives to chuck at it?
No. 1054198 ID: f8083d

Ideally we'd need some explosives and someone close enough to the slanted building to throw them.

Failing that, we need cover. Preferably some cover the tank gunner is not willing to shoot just to get at you.
No. 1054200 ID: fa3034

Do you have anything to stop it where it's at right now? Clog the tunnel so it's support tropes can't flood out?
No. 1054202 ID: 15c72a

Does your squad even know what a tank is...?
With that cannon, anything but the heaviest cover isn't going to last long. If you have to flank it to take it down, then some of your allies will have to distract it, or the other way around if you can communicate how they're going to destroy it. Whoever's doing the feint is going to need very solid cover. Maybe that building over there?

You're actually in a decent position to distract the tank, since you've cleared the ground floor. Encouraging it to fire upon the second floor means it won't hit the ground and the only shrapnel will come from the walls it hits. ...what happens if the cannon shoots the fence? Could you get it to blow a hole big enough to escape through?
No. 1054203 ID: a8f755

How quickly can you take out it's treads? There's no clearance either side for people to get past if the tank is immobilised, and the chassis is currently tilted upwards so it can't bring it's gun to bear. If you can do it before it gets out of that crate or building it's in, I'd go for the treads.
No. 1054205 ID: 30b9f6

Dead its tread.

Get someone to distract the tank while you do. Or distract the tank while someone else do.

Also: time to upgrade 'gun' to 'better guns'.

Actually, Delli's at the edge of the field and low on power and all but - and this is just a thought - could he retreat far enough away that he'd have the power to conjure up mass - like dirt, stones, spears - and then chuck that mass into the zone at full tilt? As long as it keeps velocity he could play long range sniper support. Or artillery, pending how hard he can chuck.
No. 1054225 ID: 5fc3a0
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>Does your squad even know what a tank is?
They do! Tanks and big guns are common for the gang's lower rank and file that aren't given food. The higher up the totem pole people got on the gang, the less familiar they get with conventional combat. They just blow it up, but they know what it is.

My rebellion was very familiar with tanks and how to take them out, but I got too high up the totem pole and didn't think I'd need explosives. If I can get close, I can jam a gun just right in a wheel and fuck it and its treads up, but I can't run that fast before it clears the tunnel, it can train its turret on me, its foot support has a clear shot on me, as does the tank gunner if it has one. It's going to be tricky.

Now if Delli knew how to conjure objects, he's got plenty of energy out there to do it! But he doesn't know how to do that. Although...

"Delli! Are you outside of the bubble?!"
>"Yep! It stops ju - "
"Crush your phone into a bullet!" He doesn't need to conjure anything, he's already got material!
No. 1054226 ID: 5fc3a0
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>"I have a better idea!"

Is he - He's taking off his shirt. I know him and I'm sure it's because unlike his phone, his shirt hasn't downloaded or taken a bunch of raunchy photos he's unwilling to part with.
No. 1054227 ID: 5fc3a0
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That still should be about 100 grams, many times heavier than a bullet. So if he has good control over his energy and puts it into a smooth, compact pellet, then!
No. 1054228 ID: 5fc3a0
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"Nice shot!"

He remembered to hit the treads and everything. Now the tank is dead in the water and blocking the tunnel. The turret might be active, but Delli can handle it with, I don't know, his shorts. There's enough room for the people behind it to crawl over and out of it, but that's a heck of a lot more awkward than if they could walk out behind a moving tank.
No. 1054229 ID: 99f29a

Move besides the tank. Range of motion isn't great and lets you surprise anyone coming up a bit.
No. 1054236 ID: 53560f

So Delli’s shot hit the treads, which means the main gun is probably still active. However the tank is stopped right in the entrance and it doesn’t look like the foot troops behind it can get through without crawling on and around it.

Is it possible to start throwing things off the island for Delli to use as ammunition? Could just have him fire a few more shots down the bunker entrance if so. Otherwise just have him calling out anything important he sees that we might miss being on the ground.
No. 1054255 ID: 15c72a

Good, you turned a huge problem into a tactical advantage. Time to clear the zone you occupy while avoiding the turret, and then use the blocked ramp as a killbox. I bet this nullzone doesn't last forever, so you just have to outlast the opponent.

Or you can see if Delli can break a hole in the fence?
No. 1054257 ID: 15c72a

Aw hell there's a machinegunner behind the tank. Forget using the ramp as a killbox, he's using the tank as cover now. At least he can't easily move out of position, so you could... make a firebomb? Or a gas grenade? Surely there's some volatile ingredients in one of these buildings you can use to make something really unpleasant to throw at him.
No. 1054282 ID: a512df

The easyist way to give delli bullets would be to just shoot him a bit.
No. 1054302 ID: 1e4948

Shirtless Delli was not on today’s bingo card, but I am here for it.

Clever! Might be worth holding on to that surprise until more machine gunner goons expose themselves. Then hou can pick up more machine guns, too.

Or maybe it’s better just to pour on the advantage while you have allies that still need backup. Those guys are going to be YOUR backup when going into the interior of this trap, after all.
No. 1054305 ID: df45e0

That is not a bad idea. If you could shoot at Delli for a bit he could catch the bullets and toss them back to take out anything in sight.

But you need that machine gun first so charge the position from your right going around wide by the building. Should keep you safe from turret fire unless the working tread can drag the tank out.
No. 1054312 ID: 9285e5

you may as well check all the foot mobiles you've popped for extra rounds that you can try and throw off the island for deli to use.
No. 1054341 ID: 5fc3a0
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I'd keep moving to make myself a harder target, but there's no real reason. Aumstail wants to get me alive, so I'm certain the tank driver is receiving clear orders not to fire on my building. I still want to shut down the turret, especially in case it's working tread is able to pull itself out and clear to shoot the radar building.

"Turret!" I yell to Delli. He's flying farther than I can throw, so I give him ammunition by shooting at him. I don't think I even fire off my first bullet before he throws something else and takes out the turret. I can appreciate the haste.
No. 1054342 ID: 5fc3a0
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My bullets still get use. Delli can see things I can't. He disappears from my vision, probably to snipe other things.

>"You're clear, Niles!" Delli calls out a second later. Niles must have been in a gunfight in those ruins opposite the radar building. I've slowly got an idea of where people are at. I noticed Finnigan was behind the fountain taking cover.

I go grab the weapons off Crook's guys. Another pistol, a good rifle, and... two tazers. I bet they thought I was Delli or just forgot their orders, because I expect they were supposed to taze me, not shoot live bullets. I'll have to be careful; I can't just run at people thinking they don't have ways to take me down.

The ones in the interior are Aumtail's own. They're more likely to be careful not to kill me. If I rush outside, all the cameras will see me, too. All of this tells me that rushing out in the open to the tank isn't as dangerous as it would be for anyone else. I'll only be in danger once I get in a tazer's reach.

"Niles, cover me!" I have to scream over the firefight still going on in the radar building. I think a grenade just went off in there too. I'd like Delli's cover, too, but whatever's going on under the radar isn't something I want to deny from having Delli's support.
No. 1054343 ID: 5fc3a0
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I sprint to the tank to try to take out the machine gunner. I don't see him. Either he's gone to hiding underneath the tank, where it's overhanging the lip of the ramp, or he and anyone has fallen back. Falling back would make sense, but then again, having me alone right at the entryway must be tempting Aumstail into ordering them to try to rush and apprehend me.

Delli must be giving sniper support to the radar tower now, so I'll trust Splice and the others can take care of it. Once they've got it all cleared up, the island's topside will be ours. Aumstail won't be able to launch an effective offense, especially once Delli gets his hands on some boulders we toss over the fence. He'll be instant artillery. We'll have the option to destroy the fence and flee.

Fleeing is possible. Even if we couldn't take out the fence, we can still suicide ourselves away with bullets. The issue is that Aumstail and my memory she has is in there. To get to her and it, we'd have to launch our own offense through there. We'd be outnumbered and without Delli's overwatch. Even with Aumstail's memories of the layout and knowing what to look out for, I don't like our chances of a regular frontal attack, or what would happen to us failed and survived.

>"Radar's clear!" Delli shouts. "We've got some dead! I don't know where Crook is!"
No. 1054344 ID: 99f29a

get to tunneling
No. 1054349 ID: 8657cc

Could Delli degrade the isle with chucked matter to make a hole into the interior NOT covered by overwatch? Especially if you tear down the fence to better feed him mass.

You essentially have a siege situation here - and a siege weapon in Delli. It’s cray to run into a secure fixed underground bunker half-cocked, and Aumstail and her people can’t exactly leave or they’ll get Delli’d. It’s a stalemate you’ll have to resolve, but arguably it favors you since you can use Delli and send for backup - not just flee.

Sure, Aumstail could move around the isle to try to cover Delli better with the weakening field, maybe make him drop into the fog, or come up with another trick. Warn him to circle fast if he feels himself growing rapidly weaker. Or stronger, for that matter, might mean she’s trying to bail.

>Can’t find Crook
Ugh, consider the backup contingencies from his memories - were there secret exits all over the topside he could’ve slipped away in or something? You and yours should be wary of getting flanked - whatever aum’s victory condition is it involves capturing you!

At least you’ve taken out Crook’s crew - but there’s Aum and at least 15 of her elites down below - not counting whatever poor sap is in the tank - hey, that should be an elite, no? Can you grab and memory robble them for more details?

... just realized Aum is also right worried about Delli. Has to be. She tried to exclude him from this process from the start, that was on her prompting. She wanted Crook to be okay with straight killing him, despite the power loss. Whatever flaws Aum’s plan has, the goat is among them. Or perhaps she’s still traumatized by him eradicating all her old peers’ memories. Wonder if we could use that.

Maybe you can grab a radio (tank’s might work) and chat a bit for old times’ sakes. Aum still possesses your old memories. If she can give them to you, certain things might be negotiable. Like her surrender - as opposed to a whatever-it-takes hunt ending in her utter annihilation.

Might also want to clue your allies in on the current mindfuck. A fucking founder is here and tried to get the drop on you all.
No. 1054353 ID: 15a025

Is it possible you have enough power to scrap pieces off that tank to have Delli use as material for more attacks?
No. 1054354 ID: 15c72a

Stay out of rushing range until topside is clear. You'll want to stay out in the open to keep lookout, making sure there are others who can support you, but mainly you need to abuse your position as capture-only to maximum effect. Your squad needs to loot the place and come up with improvised fire/chem weapons to smoke out the opposition underground.
Honestly, they're probably going to bring guys with riot shields and stunguns to try to rush forwards and grab you, but so long as you can stay out of easy reach you can run away and lure the rushers into an ambush.

Another worry is they might have a second tunnel somewhere...
No. 1054357 ID: a7a180

Can you free up reinforcements by intervening in their firefights? Maybe you can grab some piece off the tank to throw as a distraction inside the corridor.
No. 1054372 ID: 53560f

First, do a headcount. We need to know how much manpower we have left.
Second, send someone back to town with a description of Aumstail so we can have our lackeys scour town in case she tries to escape into the fog, kill herself or if this is all a distraction for something else.
Third, don’t fight on their terms, set up a permanent base topside and wait them out. Let their trap become their cage.

Also Delli is a natural at this.
No. 1054415 ID: 5fc3a0
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The cameras have seen me walk up all alone up here, and it won't take more than a talented soldier and a bit of luck to get the drop on me, taze me, and drag me down there during a second in which Delli is looking away. I bet the tank has a radio inside it I could use to talk to Aumstail, but it also has a full tank crew I haven't seen step out of the tank. So I take a handful of loose screws, bolts and broken plates from the tank and back up. I'm not strong enough to break it up further.

The radar building is where I rush to instead. I find Splice, a phantom, several corpses and a bunch of damage. A bunch of those corpses are in riot gear, just like I was afraid of. With that, I pull out my phone and call up everyone into a group call. Splice and the nearby phantom decline the call since they're by me, and I notice a phone ringing from a corpse down the hall. Looks like it's the other phantom. Once Delli, Finnigan and Niles answer, I start speaking.

"This is Pillet. I'm with Splice. Niles! Cover that ramp! We're dealing with 15 or more elite units down there, and they could be equipped with full riot gear. You watch it too, Finnigan! Give them support, Delli, and watch their backs. There may be a secret entrance somewhere, and we don't know where Crook is."
>"I saw the bastard jump into the same building you went in. He must be hiding out in there." Finnigan answers.
"We'll have to clear it to be sure. Splice is here with me, with one of the phantoms. Looks like the other phantom's dead, but I don't see Tammamo, my other rebel. Anyone seen him?"
>"Yeah, he's one of yours alright." Splice says. "Dropped from the ceiling like he wanted to be badass and tackled an enemy. Got filled with holes of course, but he managed to unpin the dude's grenade without him noticing. Blew half of 'em away."
"Sounds like he's getting a raise. How many enemies in riot gear were here?"
>"Pretty sure five."
"That many?"
>"They all popped out of that cabinet. It's not a secret tunnel, they were just hiding in there from the start."
"Okay. That leaves who knows how many more underground. It can't be that many, otherwise we'd have gotten completely swarmed by now with sheer numbers. I bet there's at least two in that disabled tank still. Could be more."
>"Ya got something you want to explain to us, woman?" Finnigan asks.
"Yeah yeah, the reason you guys can't use energy is because of an old founder. Unless someone else figured out energy blocking or there was an old artificial blocker installed here, it's Aumstail." I know full well it's Aumstail, and there's likely at least 10 left excluding the 5 that were dropped. But as far as Aumstail knows, I can't read memories off the unwilling. This conversation is definitely heard, so I've got to act ignorant. If she learns I can extract memories from the unwilling, she's going to learn what kind of danger she's in. I don't want that. Not yet anyway.
No. 1054416 ID: 5fc3a0
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I walk over to some of the deceased rioters. Maybe some of it can fit me, but I definitely start looting the weapons. They're dead, alright. If they were alive, it wouldn't matter much. I don't need much energy to force the memories out of people, but I do need more than I have. Which is zero.

>"Splice - no, your arm's bad. Phantom - what do I call you?"
>"Go toss crap over the fence for Delli. Delli, catch it down below and make sure no one's trying to fall through the bottom of the island to escape. Crush the debris into cannonballs so you can be our siege weapon. Splice, go watch the backs of the other two while Delli is playing catch. Once we're sure there's no secret tunnels, we can think about sending someone back to get backup."

Even if there's only ten people left in Aumstail's group, there's only 6 of us left in ours. Only 5 of which are on the island. We're still outnumbered 2 to 1. I didn't think I'd be sieging an island today, but here we are. It's not my favorite kind of operation. I grab a radio off one of Aumstail's rioteers, and walk out into the open to keep an eye on everyone's backs. Maybe we don't have to do this. I toss my tank debris over the fence for Delli to pick up, and speak into the transceiver.

"Aumstail, you old crone. Are you involved in this? You gave these guys transceivers, don't act like you can't hear me or talk back."




>"Hello, Pillet." And that would be Aumstail. "It's nice to see you again. I do mean it."
No. 1054418 ID: 99f29a

So she can see you. Noted. Get to business.
No. 1054437 ID: 15c72a

Ask what she wants. Why go through all this trouble to kidnap you? Didn't work out well for them last time.
No. 1054446 ID: 9a2966

>Tammamo, a raise
Technically they get a medal posthumously, since everyone were to treat this like a permadeath scenario. It can be an extra nice medal, though. Made of chocolate.

>Cameras all over
Ah yes, enemy eyes and ears, and already you've told them you haven't sent for additional backup yet, oops. Tell your squad to start poking holes in any they see while they make a pass and . If Delli's not too distracted covering the entire island, he could probably do a little target practice too.

>Two guys hiding in the tank
Delli, cannonball please~

(make him do it during the radio chat to emphasize how few fucks left to give you have - and how the number of bodies between you and her are dropping)

>Radio chat by the fountain
Don't stay in the open too much and don't let them pin your location for long, in case they do have options or Aumstail drops her energy damper for a moment so someone else can blow a hole in the ground for them to stun you / snatch you through.

Also, get your team to take care of the Crook wildcard - he could snag a gun from the fallen and do something irrational, like kill you for revenge. Or just further reduce your numbers and embolden the guards below. Or warn Aumstail that you took his memories involuntarily. Which you don't want her to be aware of, as she'd be the PRIME justified memory theft target. Even if you actually get captured, you could get something out of her as long as you get in contact. And as long as Delli's powerful and knows he shouldn't be getting in range of her, you'll at least have hope... but nah, fuck it, you'll just not let it come to that. Ever again.

>Should keep a lid on the fact you can extract memories from the unwilling
Let out a long, pained sigh and thank her for verifying that your unreasonable paranoia was in fact the very most reasonable. You'll never doubt a millenia-old hunch ever again. (implying you weren't sure - and sticking pretty close to the truth, for that matter!)

>Nice to see you again, mean it
You guess it could be true, you're pretty much been the only other constant in this world. Must be 'nice' to have a point of reference, since she ran out of friends and colleagues a while ago. Weird how that happened! But 'nice' doesn't cut it when she's probably been working against you from the shadows since the old power structure crumbled. Her popping up like this, just when you and yours get a whiff of authority and the possibility to argue your way out of this place? Not exactly a coincidence, is it? She, like so many others, ain't so keen on you uncorking this bottle world.

>Threaten/extort her
Before she pitches anything, tell her that for what she did - for what she took - and what she apparently planned to do again! For the threat she represents. For being part of the group that made this stupid-ass place - and for not knowing better than to ever show herself to you again. For all that, and more:

She needs to give you something, fast. Funny business time is over. Delli will put a serving of cannonball through the nose of anyone coming topside to fuck about. Take too long and he'll start peppering holes through the island. Failing this - or if she kills herself or somehow blasts off into the fog without your say - that ends all thought of detente.

Instead, you'll be getting inventive.

(It's a vague enough empty threat, at least. YOUR and HER memories could be quite important to your goals of busting outta this damn self-made prison and surviving the fallout, so letting either of those be lost forever seems... well, it's probably survivable, so maybe the threat isn't quite empty. You've just so many better things to spend your time one these days than spending years hunting her down to eradicate her memories from the world. Or maybe you don't! Mmm. Yep, you might not be entirely objective here.)

>Aum's ransom
You want your memory repos - all of 'em, all she has here, at the very least, locations for others (she can haggle, but drive into her with tilted 'do not test me' attitude). That's what she will have to START OFF with for you to consider a reasonable, rational surrender for her. By which you mean: she gives you access to your power again to tear down this shit trap proper - and all you'll actually do is turn this crap little island of hers into a proper prison while you - and, sadly, other people - figure out what to do with the last fucking founder, holy fuck one's still around - the worst one!

You'll fully admit you're not objective in your deep-seated grudge against her and that it might be affecting your judgement. But, unlike many others, you remember a lot of what she did. And she did just try to pull this shit and you have no reason not to believe this was going to be Round 2 of What She Did Before. So again: she should start complying or else INVENTIVE
No. 1054467 ID: 53560f

“And it’s great to know Delli gets to cross another founder off the list. Enough about my boyfriend’s old hobbies though, why did you wanna lure me here so badly? Could it be my winning personality and natural charisma?”
No. 1054511 ID: 5fc3a0
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"What a way to show it! Going through all this just to kidnap me."
>"You, and Delli."
"What for? Wanted to talk with our winning personalities? Seeking a repeat of what happened last time you captured me?"
>"Deary, please do not play. You two are working to expose ourselves to the unforgiving universe, and we will die. I was in a position to at least make an attempt to stop this. It's odd, really. I noticed you touched Crook, and only then threw Delli off. It's as though you learned what was coming at that instant."

Hmm. Is she on to me?

"Hey, it's been a long time, but I of all people would remember you. The one founder who could have possibly lived, and now an old memory resurfaces, I'm lured to a fog pocket this deep? Then I go grab Crook and notice he's got a gun! A gun! Until then I thought I was just being paranoid from all those mental scars you left me with."
>"I would happily take a mental scar or two in return for my standard of living, my colleagues, my livelihood."
"And someone like me to torment on the wheel, I bet!"
>"Pillet, please. You should at least remember I was acting under orders."
"And now?"
>"And it seems like you are."
>"Oh, yes. You don't have this memory."
"I sure don't! I'm confused! How about you send it up to get me up to speed?"
>"Hmm... I think it's best if everyone else know its contents."
"Alright, that's enough yanking each other around, let's get to business! That's my memory and my memory alone to share. Hand it over, or my boyfriend's going to finish the job. Hang on just a second. Hey, Delli! There's guys in that tank, still! Take care of them!"

A chain of a dozen meteorites comes puncturing through the body of the tank. I wish I could do that.

The thought's occurred to me that if I had that power, I could launch an offensive. I could brute force enough energy through Aumstail's barrier to pull her memories out. All I'd need is physical contact. If I could get Delli to subtly pass it to me, I could slip up and let myself get captured, then all I'd need is physical contact... no, that's risky, and I've tried to angle to get Delli's power too frequently. He wouldn't agree. Even if I do think I'd pass the power back to him, now, watching him from down here. He's a natural at this, and his focus hasn't been slipping.

I lower the radio, keeping its outgoing audio off, and whisper to Finnigan then exclusively Delli's phone.

"Take another guy or two and clear out the house to find Crook. Kill him if you have to. Delli, stay attentive. Aumstail must have enough energy on her own to rip her way up here and yank me down by pure force. If she lets down her barrier, make sure to beat her to it."
No. 1054512 ID: 5fc3a0
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I take a walk around while Finnigan goes to gather who he wants. Any camera can see about where I'm at, but the more out in the open I am, the more Delli can cover me. Maybe Niles' position has another machine gun I can take. Once Crook is taken care of, I'll send someone to get backup.

>"If he begins digging through the island, I will destroy this memory and then myself."
"That'll give me a full month to get inventive on how all of us can hunt down the last and worst founder."
>"There's an easy joke about how that's you, but enough. I've got nothing left. I'm not interested in surrender. If you're interested in getting your memory back, bring Phantom here."
>"Yes. Phantom has shown herself to be a respectable third party to this. I'd like to bring her into this."
No. 1054519 ID: c28082


What's the all too obvious catch?
No. 1054520 ID: df45e0

How about I tell Delli to start tearing things up now? If you don't want to surrender or give me back my memories then we don't have anything to discuss honestly. And

Also you do still have something left you will want to protect. Your currently intact mind and soul. Unless you want Delli to grind that down and make sure you never come back like he did the others.

Honestly a polite return of my memories would get you a faster meeting with Phantom than this mess.
No. 1054523 ID: 9a2966

>Last and worst founder
>Easy joke, it's you
Is the 'Oh, it turns out the true perp was an amoral amnesiac all along' sowing of discordian seeds what she's gonna be trying out or is she actually alluding to things that happened? Cuz' if so, even IF you were some kinda double agent at some point in time that motivation went with the memories. Your desire to bust outta this haze has been 100% homegrown 'tired of this shit' and you honestly can't believe she isn't at least a little tired of it either, seeing as she also remembers most of it.

Or has she been having such a jolly old time of it? Sure didn't sound like it just now.

Speaking of orders - so she was under some, whoop dee doo! That's always a great defense, isn't it? Solid ploy, to admit you did a wrong, but hey, someone else told you to, so it's fine! Did she ever make a jot of difference for you when it mattered? Huh? No? If all she did was hunker down and keep aces up her sleeve for this very day, you don't find that particularly comforting!

>I have nothing left
Also a whooper. She has her memories! And your memories! And she's using them to blackmail you right this very moment and you'd be really upset if it wasn't so predictable that she was gonna! Anyway, if she really thought they mattered so much - if she was so concerned about you busting this place wide open - why didn't she just return them anonymously or some shit, so you could find out what made you all actually be so desperate as to hide in here in the first place and maybe - just maybe - think twice?

Or does she worry that your 'orders' or whatever will come back into sway when the memories do? That's... plausible, but not by much. Shit excuse. 3/10. She could've showed those memories to others already, but since you're not awash in people who distrust you - any more than normally that is - you can't say she has. Yet. But apparently that's coming out now!

>I won't surrender, bring Phantom
That's okay! You'll bring in others! You kind of have to! As much as you're ordering Delli around, he's the one with the actual power and there's other folks around who get to have opinions too. Like everyone, goddamnit! You have it on good authority that if half the people in this place weren't constantly offing themselves every time they spawned in order to escape ennui, apathy and bad breakups, you'd already have the key to get outta here!

It's a real shit system you built up, Aumstail! That we built up! Whatever!

That said, Phantom ain't nowhere near a neutral party - not on her own. That gal's going to be drooling at the idea of talking to someone hailing from the very start of it all that isn't her longtime nemesis, and Aumstail could dangle any number of things in front of her to get her on her side and to her line of thinking. You'd still like to bring her in on this, of course - boy she'd hate being excluded! - but you don't think you can let Phantom do the negotiations here. She'd just be TOO sympathetic and interested in Aumstail - and if she'd probably admit it herself.

So you'll be there! And Soletta. And others. Heck, why not have a big old pow-wow by all the current movers and shakers? Aumstail can convince them all you're the one to blame for everything at the same time. Maybe make it a public spectacle, let everyone listen in, send questions, wonder what even the fuck, who is this coward creeping outta her hidey hole after all these years!

You're a shit public speaker, at least. Perhaps she'll grab some wins out there. That said, your general stance is going to be that they just build her a nice cell - you mean retirement home - and put her in a nice wheel - you mean rocking chair - where she can dodder on like the old fool she is and should be treated as.

... honestly, you think you've missed calling her mean things and railing at her. Is this familiar at all to her?
No. 1054541 ID: 15c72a

Hold on, think about this for a second. If that memory really contains something regarding you having been given orders to, for instance, lift the fog, and it was revealed to the public (or even just Phantom), then that would completely sink any support you'd have from anyone. It would cast doubt on your motivations. Especially if the order is of the kind that can't be disobeyed.

Did any of the founders have that power? ...if it really is like that, then you're basically under mind control and you can't even trust your own mind. In which case, maybe you could expose it yourself.

>get Phantom here
How would we even do that? Delli is outside the fence so he could potentially return to base, but we absolutely need him here to maintain the stalemate. Do we still have a line of communication back to base? Or is it possible for Delli to break a hole in the fence at this point, to allow one of Phantom's troupe to go fetch her? ...oh at this point we could just pile up rubble to jump over it, can't we. Or collapse it with the weight. Running away is an option, I suppose? The implied threat is that she'll release the memory's contents if we run away now, but fetching Phantom would require at least one of your squad leaving so she must be willing to let that happen.

There's nothing stopping you from bringing reinforcements along with Phantom. Fully equipped reinforcements, with explosives, body armor, and heavy weapons. Enough for everyone here too. I'd say agree to bringing Phantom (and reinforcements). The reinforcements can stay outside the fence until negotiations break down, of course.
No. 1054611 ID: 90c451

Do you really think Phantom would willingly walk into an active siege where her powers would be nullified? No third-party would ever do something so stupid
No. 1054612 ID: 5fc3a0
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"I could bring Phantom in, if I wanted, and if she wanted to walk into an active siege where her powers are nullified! But for argument's sake, let's pretend I agree. Tell me all about the all too obvious catch."
>"The catch? Do you not trust Phantom?"
"Haha, that girl's about as neutral as a cultist. She's a big nerd and will gush all over a founder that remembers stuff! Maybe you can bond over that and feel like you have something to live for! But let me tell you something, you already do have something like that. Your currently intact mind and soul."

I hear some commotion and gunshots in the house. Finnigan is yelling at Crook to give it up, while Splice and Phantom-lite take positions around the house. I take cover near Niles just in case Crook actually ends up getting the drop on those three. Once things aren't so hot, I'm going to send the injured Splice out to gather an army in case this somehow takes hours.

"Delli." I talk to him alone. "Throw some boulders straight down onto the fence in a few places. Get us an escape route."

I see Delli throw a huge rock through the fence, blasting a hole through the chain link. It's not exactly what I ordered, but that works just fine. He flies around the outskirts of the sphere to catch it on the other side, since that's still faster than trying to fly in a straight line through Aumstail's barrier. Even while he skirting dangerously close to the fog, he's got a good sense about how close he can get to it without falling back into town.
No. 1054613 ID: 5fc3a0
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Aumstail keeps speaking.

>"And what use do I have my wellbeing? To see the last few months of the town, until the end? This town is what I lived for and you're about to kill it, so you may as well finish me."
"Don't be such a downer, damn. You can still enjoy an old retirement home in a rocking chair, old girl. Hey is this familiar? Us throwing barbs at one another?"
>"It doesn't matter. I'm disappointed, I honestly did not think requesting Phantom was that unreasonable a request."
"I'm her longtime nemesis, girl! As far as I can tell you're just going to pass your plans to Phantom! The only way you'll get to talk with Phantom is if you come up here with my memories, or come up here yourself while I bring out every powerful person in town to have a big meeting. Until you accept that... Hey, Delli! Get a big cannonball, fire into the island's center -!"
>"Wait! Hold on." Aumstail says. "First of all, Let me tell Crook to give it up. There's no reason for him to die here."
"You've got a few seconds."

A few seconds is what it takes.

>"I'm coming out!" Crook calls. Finnigan and the others to start moving to the other side of the house to converge on him.
"Cool. Want to send up the memory, next?"
>"I want to speak to Phantom."

Delli throws that boulder behind me to open an escape route behind my cover.

"Hey, Delli! That's enough fence holes, thanks. Send that boulder into the island's center mass! Splice, make sure Crook's tied up and all that, but I'm about have you jump through the fence and back to town so you can bring in an army."
>"Won't that take a couple hours?" asks Splice.
"Yep. And if this takes over two hours, then you can bet that in two hours I am going to have a big need for a big army!"
No. 1054614 ID: 5fc3a0
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Delli dips under the island to hit it on the underside.

Aumstail comes back on the comms.

>"Let this be your final warning, Pillet. I see that boulder. If it strikes the island, I'm destroying it. Just send for Phantom, please. It's all I'm asking."

Alright. Losing the memory would sting, but I've done fine without it. Plus, if it does have details that shine badly on me, and it gets out via a more reputable source than Aumstail, all that credibility I've worked on for myself will go right down the drain. My support would sink! Even Delli would start to doubt me again! Perhaps that's exactly what Aumstail is planning! Give the memory to Phantom, my nemesis, who has the credibility to expose me based on a memory she alone saw! But would Phantom really do that for Aumstail? When Phantom realized what Aumstail had done to me, she was disturbed by it. Perhaps Phantom won't be so quick to play Aumstail's game.

Yet on the other hand, maybe I can still pull this off. There must be some way I can intercept Aumstail! If I get that memory, I can understand what she meant by implying I was acting under orders. Was I altered? Mind controlled? Is it still active? No, I seriously doubt that, but without that memory I would never be able to confirm any of that. She could just be messing with my head. Aumstail could even be bluffing about destroying the memory. Maybe if Delli throws that boulder hard enough, she'll get knocked out in the blast. That would remove the barrier. Do I even know that Aumstail has the memory? I don't believe I managed to confirm that through Crook. This could all be a plan to stall for time! She could have set up all kinds of things in town during the near three hours we've been gone.
No. 1054615 ID: 99f29a

Eh. You're asking a lot of people to put a lot of trust into you at a crucial time. It's worth giving someone else a little trust at least once even under circumstances like these.
No. 1054620 ID: f8083d

Let's trust Phantom. Dialogue is her thing.
No. 1054622 ID: 90c451

So... either we get a third party that could possibly have a bias and give you an advantage, or you destroy your only bargaining chip?
How does destroying your only bargaining chip help you? You aren't even selling us on it, just making vague statements in hopes that a random mystery would matter. Did you forget who we are?
No. 1054623 ID: 90c451

While I don't support bringing in Phantom, if we do we can use it to stall and make a bigger and denser boulder, the harder we hit her, the better.
No. 1054624 ID: 15c72a

Well, if you delay Delli a little bit, you can tell her to tell Crook to consent to a mind read so you can confirm the lost memory is real.

...is there some way Aumstail can fake the memory's contents when/if she shows Phantom?
No. 1054639 ID: 9a2966

>Delli below
Suggest that Delli be at the side of the island rather than just below - if he's beneath then Aumstail could jump down and suppress his power and have them both fall into the fog.

>Crook surrenders
Goody. Tell them to bind him, gag him and bring him over. The uses of a captive Crook are many and varied. You could sit on him. Use him for cover against snipers. Resist the temptation to grab more of his memories in front of Aumstail so she starts doubting her earlier suspicions.

Tell Delli to hold on a hair trigger. Then ask Aumstail why she's thinking she's only got 'months'. You lost that first election. There's time. You don't presume her intel is bad either - so was she thinking you'd get impatient and jump Phantom for the key or something? Because newsflash: you ain't.

You need time to prep, to teach people about what reality is like, back out there, so that everyone who cares - and to some extent those who don't - can be ready when the time comes. We're talking a few decades here at the very least - that's already something you agreed to with Phantom! You have a conservatory (and giant fuckoff lasers) to build now! And boy do some people need a shot or ten of that vitamin K-nowledge!

Aumstail knows how bad it still is, right? Phantom thought heaven and hell were real pieces of cosmology based on some crappy old religious book she found in a ruin! It's fucked up how much has been twisted and lost - common sense, context, everything - and you're not that much better off based on the few memories Aumstail left you. And here she is, sitting on all that old lore, hoarding it for a rainy day. Threatening to destroy some of it and herself.

Before she blows, she should consider this: if things go bad once you all get outta haze town, she will be as responsible for that as you. Twice over with this.

>Unreasonable request
Asking for Phantom is in itself not unreasonable but it sure as fuck ain't a neutral approach. Phantom's the last keyholder and the one insisting for her to mediate is a founder with full knowledge and unknown capacities for fuckery. So she'll have to forgive you for listening to your every hyped-up paranoid instinct at the moment - they appear, after all, to have been substantially correct just now. Not to mention, you made an offer for a full meeting of bigwigs of all stripes. Calling 'Phantom or bust' after that is... suspicious, is what it is.

>Town is what I lived for, if you kill it, kill me
The whole damn point of prepping to leave would be so that the town and its people gets to at least live past the transition - you aren't in this for a suicide, no matter what she may think. And turning over those memories - or at least allowing you to poke through hers and share them with others - could make an actual fucking difference.

Or is the only sort of difference she'd care to make the one where she props up powerhungry catspaws? If she had a power-blocking ability all along, why didn't she ever topple some of the derpier tyrants, rather than ~ hello Crook ~ support them because fuck Pillet, that's why.

>Random people questions for the founder
Say, I need a break, and since we're doing this stalemate, does anyone have any comments or pressing questions for the sole remaining founder of haze town with their mental state and memories arguably intact, before she offs herself and destroys a slice of my being just to be a sore butt?

Finnigan? Splice? Niles? - not you Crook - Fazzy? Delli? Anything goes.

Send Splice off for reinforcements after that. Tell him to tell Phantom everything and let her be the judge of whether she shows up or not, considering the inherent bias she'll have in this.
No. 1054650 ID: df45e0

"Please? Now I know you are trying to lure Phantom here for some plot. No deal. I can't trust anything you say and this feels like delaying tactics so goodbye Aumstail. If you feel like surrendering come out with your hands up but if not say hello to the rock."
No. 1054654 ID: 53560f

Have we noticed yet that we’re about to have a bunch of the major players from the town in a single well hidden location with a founder who’s exact capabilities and defences are unknown?

Speak with Delli, explain your thoughts on the situation and ask his opinions. Even if Aumstail is honest and we do get the memory we should trust Delli a little more to handle it, and it works better if you show him that you’re trusting him.
No. 1054660 ID: 9285e5

First off, she's trying very hard to maintain control of the situation (ha!) and the conversation.

don't let her have either anymore. start pointing out the flaws in her assumptions because she's been out here under a rock while everyone else has been out doing things and improving things for thirty years from now, not a few months.
No. 1054963 ID: 15a025

Entertain the thought for now.
Perhaps a middle ground could work. Phantom being with Aumstail in person is just flat out too risky. Is there a way a proxy could go down there with a phone and a private call between them be made? Phantom would still have to here be on the island though, but at least they'd be further away or out of direct contact.
No. 1054964 ID: 7de295

Just call Phantom. If absolutely nothing else it buys you time, and this is a weird thing to be paranoid about.
No. 1054981 ID: c28082


Have we even asked WHY Aumstail wants to talk to Phantom so bad? I mean, is that an unreasonable request to make?

Heck, just tell us why, and we could make a trade: a long talk with Phantom (provided she's willing) for the memory. We could even back off once we've got it in hand, so they can have their little talk or whatever.

Maybe they're just desperate.
No. 1055004 ID: 9285e5

most likely a distraction or a vain attempt to take another of her enemies down with her.
No. 1080343 ID: ce93a7
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>Is there some way Aumstail can fake the memory's contents when/if she shows Phantom?
No way.

"Delli get back up here!"
>"Huh what?" He does so.
"Aumstail's bubble is centered around herself! All she has to do to get you in her bubble is run herself towards you, and she may have running space in there. You can force yourself to fly under your own weight, but if you're holding a five ton boulder over your head, what'll you think will happen from 6 feet above the fogline?"
>"Oh heck, you're right."

I don't know if Aumstail thought that up, but if she pulls it off and sends Delli back to town, this could turn from tactically favorable to having to consider retreating. She's sloppy and not built for operations like this, but she's cornered and must be frantically searching her sleeves for any last tricks.

"Oh and Delli, I'm considering bringing in Phantom like Aumstail is wanting. I'm leaning yes, you got any thoughts to weigh in on that?"
>"I dunno, I think that's a question for Phantom, maybe just tell her what's up and let her decide?"

I walk by Crook and see to its he's bound and gagged. Is that anger? No, self reflection. Regret! He's thinking all this was a bad idea, I'm glad he can catch the obvious after all. He'd never admit it. I'm not going to give him shit now, because I've got plans for him later.

I'm not going to read his memories for this. Even if there's a chance he has tactical information for this situation, I can't read them inside the bubble. I'd have to bring him and me out, and the whole process would more likely tip Aumstail off that I can do that. Keeping her thinking I can't take memories without consent is too critical. I want her to make mistakes.
No. 1080344 ID: ce93a7
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"Hey, guys." I address the whole group. "We have Aumstail, one of the original founders on the line! Want to ask her any questions before you go?"
>"I don't have much interest in ancient history." Splice answers. "My arm hurts like a bitch. You wanted me to go jump out and get reinforcements, right?"
"And Phantom!"
>"Eh, you want to bring Phantom?"
"That's what I said!" I don't know if I'll have Phantom talk to Aumstail in person, but I can't think of any tricks that can be pulled off if Phantom just shows up to the island. "Oh and have Phantom bring me a pair of sunglasses! She knows the ones I like!"
>"Why, you wanna look cool standing around the island?"
"Damn right."
>"Yeah yeah alright. See ya."
"Anyone else want to ask Aumstail stuff?" I call out to the rest.
>"Ask her why the hell she thought it was a good idea to team up with Crook. I coulda laid a better trap than this crap." Finnigan says, watching back over Crook.
"You two would get along like sandpaper."

No one else asks anything. None of them know or care about history, huh. That leaves Me, Delli, Finnigan, Fazzy and Nilestro.

"Nevermind then." I turn the radio back on to speak to Aumstail and the rest.
No. 1080345 ID: ce93a7
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"Aumstail, you get that?"
>"Yeah." She's not even trying to hide where she can overhear us anymore. Or trying to control the conversation anymore, for that matter.
"It'll be a couple hours, so let's chat a little. Why're you acting like we're a few weeks away from lifting the fog? It's going to take us years to form the military, construction and preparation for our escape. Not to mention teaching people about basic concepts. Did you know Phantom thought heaven and hell were literal spaces in the cosmos?"
>"That's rather funny. We never got around to implementing much public education, really. And I can barely tell the difference between weeks and years, it was important to take my chance when I thought I had the pieces."
"I won't bother asking why you thought you had them now, because I'm hung up on how you sound like you were planning on teaching the public anything but how to be subservient peasants."
>"We were! The town was incomplete!"
>"These fog pockets weren't supposed to be lumps in the fog behind space bending mazes. They were supposed to be libraries, other biomes, parks, you name it!"
"Yeah, what was stopping you?"
>"You did!"

I almost scoff, but that reminds me when Delli asked how I lost so many of my memories, and the answer was him.
No. 1080346 ID: ce93a7
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"Did I, really? I never did ask what was in those memories."
>"I can't confirm, since me consuming the memory would turn it into nothing but a distant memory of my own. So I had to ask you when you were on the wheel, and your powers of speech were... weak, but truthful. You babbled about infiltrating our ranks. You explained this memory was of you coming to sabotage us at the last minute! You were poison every step of the way, Pillet!"
Heh, and I named that doll of me Poison, too.
>"We entered the town before it was completed. The fog pockets are little more than placeholders, and there was supposed to be infrastructure that was outright magical. Instead we got something much more mundane, but while far more difficult we had the skills to complete the town from the inside. Skills including yours. We never fully trusted you, but memory extractors were extraordinarily rare, and ones willing to work with us exponentially so! So we accepted the risk. It could have been a paradise, if you were on our side, but no, you chose to continue to sabotage us for loyalties you never fully articulated. And we put the rebellion down, and were so close to putting you down too, to let you be a regular citizen of town and nothing more. Then that goat came and destroyed everything. Everything but you, the one thing that should not have ever been left to stand."
"Hey now, you basically succeeded in destroying me. My memories of all that are gone."
>"You maintained your ability to extract memories, and that's what was dangerous, not the rest of you. Your memories are destroyed, so why in the world are you still trying to lift the fog?"
"A 100% homegrown sense of being tired of this place. We gave ourselves forced immortality. Some like it, but many more need to get out of here."
>"It didn't have to be this way. But so it is."
"You never did make it clear why you want to talk to Phantom so bad."
>"She's a fine judge for one so young. She has a balanced viewpoint of the town as it currently stands, while old croneys like us have too many anchors in past times."
"Speak for yourself, you stagnant old woman, sitting under a rock while everyone else here has been fighting for the last thirty years to make things better!"
>"What? Better? Half of you up there were called 'gang lords' for goodness' sake!"
"I didn't say they were doing a good job!"
>"And you're trying to kill everyone, you harlot!"
"This isn't a suicide mission, we're now out there preparing for a proper escape!"
>"An escape from immortality! You'll be dead within the century! You're just committing mass suicide with a timer!"

I have a retort to that, but she'd have something in return, and we're getting nowhere except namecalling. She can have the last sentence.
No. 1080347 ID: ce93a7
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Time begins passing. There's a toolshed in the house that we find a few shovels and picks and things, and we use it to drop dirt over the edge. I remind Delli not to hold the boulder over his head. Once the break passes, and I feel like Niles' woeful attention span is wavering from the entryway, I put Fazzy on watch duty.

This is no time to let my guard down, and as each minute passes I'm getting antsier. I don't even know why. Up top I know I can get by without whatever's in that memory. But at my core, I want it badly. I don't know why, and I bet there's reasons that I simply don't remember. But, the events that made me who I am today still happened whether or not I remember them. I could only speculate, but a memory extractor who doesn't have their own memories lined up neatly from beginning to end must be like a house with only the scaffolding.

And now I'm so paranoid that I'm glaring at the grass under my shoes.
No. 1080348 ID: ce93a7
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I end up on the roof and put Niles on guard with me. And I wait, staying alert myself and make sure Delli's training on staying focused has been getting results. I'm happy to see it has. If he hadn't, then it's about now he'd probably be trying to go steal Phantom's key to go lift the fog just so he could die of boredom.



Time's up. Aumstail didn't pull any surprise tricks, and the reinforcements are here. I spot Phantom in the middle of a group of some trained units I recognize.
No. 1080349 ID: ce93a7
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And Phantom flies right into the bubble.

>"Got her!" He tosses the boulder onto the island, which has gotten so massive that it makes the whole building rumble under me. Which is inconvenient but it seriously did not need to get that big, the others just threw dirt at Delli out of boredom.
>"Oh, yeah. Aumstail can block energy." Splice calls from behind.
"Did you tell her anything at all, Splice?!"
>"Got her, didn't I?"
>"No I got her." Delli quips.
"Just bring her down here!"
No. 1080350 ID: ce93a7
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>"Alright, Pillet." Phantom says after she's dropped down by Delli. "Splice told me there's an old founder here who may or may not have a capsule with your memory in it, who wanted to speak with me?"
"Hi to you, too! That's right, but you don't have to. That said, I figure a history buff like you might love the opportunity to speak to someone like Aumstail."
>"This is the one who..."
"Can block people from blowing themselves up, yeah."
>"And used it to put you on some kind of torture wheel."
"That's the one."
>"And she wants to talk to me. Alone."
"I get you. Here." I pick up the radio I found. "Still alive, Aumstail? I'm passing the radio to Phantom."
>"Thank you, dear." Back to 'dear', huh.
No. 1080351 ID: ce93a7
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I pass the radio over and hear a murmur, before Phantom wanders off. And so the conversation starts, away from me, though I catch Phantom glancing over to me and Delli. A bunch of the military guys get brought up to speed and hover at the edge of the bubble. A few fly into it to land onto the island, and a couple are getting so strong that they're actually able to float down and control their descent, which is impressive. Half of them go to roll the boulder back off, which Delli catches after careful precaution.

Even if he did screw up and fell back to town though, there's enough power on my side that his presence is no longer all that critical.
No. 1080352 ID: ce93a7
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Phantom gives me another radio she brought. It's sending a tick every second.

>"I'm going inside. This radio can be used for communication, but it's ticking to confirm it's connected. If it stops, I want you to rescue me."
"Will do. Hey, did you get me a pair of sunglasses?"
>"No. Why would I?"
"Forget it."

The bubble stays up, and the minutes start dragging on again. At least these new guys are fresh and can hold attention better than Niles. Maybe I should've picked them over Niles, but he's too good to pass up when things go bad.
No. 1080353 ID: ce93a7
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After 15 minutes of incessant ticking, I'm either too worried or too riled up by hearing nothing but ticking to not call in. Phantom and Aumstail assure me that all I'm doing is interrupting them. Even if the radio was tampered with seamlessly, I don't think Aumstail has any skills or people who could mimic Phantom like that. Certainly not while Aumstails' bubble is up, so I put my paranoia to rest and wait. Phantom probably is just grilling Aumstail for a history lesson.

The minutes really are dragging here. Some of the newer guys are making conversation.

>"What'd you even pack in there, Niles?" One asks him.
>"A rocket launcher! I aaaalmost got to use it too!"
"Niles you little fuck, you shoulda said you had a backpack full of munitions?"
>"When do I not?"
No. 1080354 ID: ce93a7
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Oh, Phantom's out, holding Poison. She looks like a kid, haha.
No. 1080355 ID: ce93a7
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"What's the word, Phantom?"
>"We spoke. She alluded to many things without saying much of anything, but I got her to agree to lay out what she knows about life before the city. More importantly, she told me that I have no reason to fully believe much of anything she tells me, that it may just sound like she's trying to get me to throw my weight around to stop you from lifting the fog. So she offered me a memory of yours, an unfiltered, untouched memory of life before the city was made. That if I saw that, I would see what kind of person you are."
"Did she give it to you?"
>"I told her I'm retired. That I'm not a high ranking public figure anymore. I'm just a librarian and historian trying to make sense of everything."

She puts on a face and now she looks like a grumpy kid.

>"But then she laughed at me and said I'm the only one who thinks that. That I still have more weight and respect to the populace than any fallen leaders, wild memory extractors, or overpowered goat usurpers. So she insisted I take it and do what's right. I told her I'd consider it."

She produces the capsule from her purse. That's it.

>"As much as I'd love to see if you or Aumstail is truthful about any of this, as much as I want to see it with my own eyes, it's not mine. I know how I'd feel if I had a memory that someone else stole and absorbed. So I'm going to ask a question that, judging by your face, is rhetorical."
No. 1080356 ID: ce93a7
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>"Do you want your memory back?"

She can bet her ass I want my memory!... Or whoever's memory this is. After all that, this isn't even mine! Is it? I can't tell if it's someone else looking through me, or me through someone else. Neither one makes sense, and it doesn't explain why the memory looks so different.

It's just a memory through and through, so there's no way it'll be harmful to me no matter what it is. This thing raises a ton of questions, and that's all the more reason I've got to see it.
No. 1080357 ID: 99f29a

Yeah sure.
No. 1080358 ID: df45e0

Yeah go for it. But don't just scoop it up and eat it here. Get prepped on off hand chance it is trap or whatever. Spend a bit to make sure you are not in a spot things could get interrupted. And have someone watching you in-case the memory is evil/corrupting/some sort of mind controlling trap.
No. 1080359 ID: eb0a9c

Tell her it looks like a hacked trap. Store that core for now.
No. 1080363 ID: f14228

Hm. A nested memory - a hacked one, of someone being extracted or manipulated. And are you sure it won't change you? That Aumstail wouldn't have predicted this offering - or even suggested it as one last scheme to incapacitate you through a very special poison pill of her own?

The old founder's a scared old remnant, fearful of losing herself, while you've been a force pushing for change despite memory loss for, gosh, millenia now, and you've shown recent capacity to change yourself - she must have tried to prepare for you in so many ways. Paranoia suggests Aumstail would know that you might get offered this, so whatever memory's in here could be a trap or skewed in some direction or another - you at your lowest point, or your most stupidest, or in a complex situation that's easy to misinterpret poorly. It could be easy to cherry pick is your point, and you can state as much to Phantom.

Of course, the memories and determinations you've formed since losing your original context should have a certain heft and weight of their own, so your talk of this not changing you may have some merit.

But first, at least ask. Did Aumstail even say ANYTHING to Phantom at all about what lies outside this bubble? About the ancient past, other than 'Pillet fucked it all up' and 'definitely don't listen to Pillet, cuz immortality's cool'? Why couldn't the old founder just speak up and let people judge, and whatever memories of yours she has kept, like this, verify?

It's iffy that Aum can apparently pick out a specific memory of yours that'll convince someone that you need to be opposed, but won't or can't, like, even explain what it is supposed to be to the one absorbing it. Some warning would be nice? Your and Aumstail's memories of the ancient past are definitely cool and essential knowledge, but, like, the arguments for popping this dang bubble remain pretty tight as stands.

Consider that it might be worth it to stay unpredictable.

Ask Aumstail, frankly, over the radio whether this is some manner of dumb trap, because every instinct to the contrary you're considering suggesting Phantom feel free to have this slice of you. If Aumstail says it'll definitely be safe, tell Phantom she's welcome to it. If she still feels uncomfortable about absorbing it, you'll definitely take it off her hands, but... go. Here's her shot at looking back into the past, through whatever filter Aumstail put on it, whatever bad scene is going on. Did the founder give her instructions on how to absorb it?

Only one, though. Aumstail better cough up any others she kept intact and unabsorbed, or else you will be cross and go cry to Delli that the mean old woman bullied you again.

And if this is a really bad 'torture wheel' style memory or worse, you're the only one who could possibly extract it from Phantom as she's absorbing it, right?

Hm. ALso, is this possibly a trap to test if you still got memory extracting capabilities? Would a normal person be able to tell this is a trap just from having a look at it?
No. 1080364 ID: f14228

Actually, on second thought, it feels like the dumbest thing is for any of the two parties Aumstail possibly wanted to absorb this thing to actually absorb this thing.

You could get a third trusted party involved. But who?
No. 1080370 ID: 273c18

>the memory looks different, like it's yours but not yours at the same time
Wanna bet it's an alternate personality? Or you locked away part of your real self? ...or you were under some form of mind control and you accidentally broke free when you created that memory capsule?

Anyway, have a contingency plan in place. Tell Delli that if you start acting evil or something, he has permission to stop you by any means necessary.
The dampening field won't interfere, right? Might be best for you to absorb it here, so Delli has the most advantage possible.
No. 1080377 ID: 273c18

...actually on second thought, this is absolutely a trap. Think about it, one of your goons said it was a shitty ambush. Bringing Phantom here accomplished basically nothing except to get you that memory without a fight, AND to warn Phantom that you'd behave badly after absorbing it. You're meant to absorb it while thinking that you've won.

It's tainted somehow. It has to be. You can tell it's not normal, and you are overconfident about how well you can handle "just a memory". That is information you are putting directly into your brain. How do you know it's going to stay a memory? Maybe it will force you to act out the memory in the present.

You had better either come up with a foolproof plan for dealing with the fallout, or not absorb it at all.
No. 1080385 ID: 8f9bc4

Tell her yes, take it, then don't use it. Put it in your pocket or something. "Alright, pull out we're done here! See you in the city, Aumsfail. You get to vote too!"

You can absorb the memory later, in a private setting when you have Delli and chocolate close at hand.

On the other hand, Phantom is very, very fluffy, and if you absorb the memory now it's a good excuse to tackle hug her, sobbing into her warm, soft fur.
No. 1080397 ID: 273c18

Oh, I've got an idea. Ask Phantom if she will let you read her memory of the meeting with Aumstail. Phantom isn't familiar with memory tech, but you are, so if you spot something through her eyes that's suspicious then you can confirm your fears. Also, it will confirm that Phantom is telling the truth (though I believe her already)
No. 1080407 ID: debc82


If it's from BEFORE the town was made, then ... maybe it looks different simply because the you it came from is no longer the you that you are.

Makes a weird and scary bit of sense, if you assume that everything Aumstail told us is halfway true: pre-torture Pillet is probably very different from post-torture-lost-all-her-memories Pillet.

Which also means this might be Aumstail's last-ditch effort, knowing Phantom absolutely would not use the memory for herself, in the hopes that she can essentially disarm you by forcing you to remember and thus change your mind.

But somehow I doubt that last bit will matter, if you've already reached the same desire on your own without it.
No. 1080448 ID: 82c0cd

Can you be certain it's only a memory?
No. 1080451 ID: 53560f

You bet your ass I want it, but not right now. I wanna have it somewhere safe that i can really savour it and I’m not gonna feel safe until Aumstail is obliterated and I’m back in my house.
No. 1080486 ID: ce93a7
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I take a quick breath and clear my throat.

"Yeah sure, thanks."

Phantom gives me a look. I don't need memory powers to tell she's thinking to herself, "Don't say that so nonchalantly, I saw the face you made."

"But first, did Aumstail tell you anything about what lies outside our bubble?"
>"That her planet was 'cozy.' She dedicated herself to making this town. I believe her. She knows nothing about the invaders or why they came. Simply that one moment, a red alarm started blaring, and she and all the founders ran into the town before sealing it off. I could see she wanted to say more, but I don't think she struggled to remember much."
"Mmhm. You must be old enough to know that memories fade. I'd be surprised if anything she remembers is accurate. Hey, mind if I take a look at your memories just to see - "
>"I do mind. I have taken notes, so I'm not relying on my own memory."
"Okay then!" As touchy as ever.

I don't think I'll ask Aumstail if this is a dumb trap. If she's able to do the impossible and harm me through my own memory, she's too much of a genius to be affected by such a blunt question.

I turn to everyone.

"We're cleaning up! Keep an eye on Aumstail, but she doesn't need to be locked up. She can vote like everyone else. Gather anything else, keep me updated if there's anything important found down there."
>"What about Crook?" Delli asks over the radio.
"I was going to extract some memories of his and juggle them around to demonstrate why we don't cross certain lines, but I don't feel like it now. Hey, Phantom, no one but me should absorb this memory for a variety of reasons, but if you really wanted, I could absorb it while letting you safely get its contents at the same time. If you wanted to share first dibs."
>"Is it not personal?"
"Sure I guess, but it's me before my amnesia. I'm less secretive about that considering I was likely a whole other person, functionally."
>"... No. I'd like to see it if possible later, but you check it first. I'm going to focus on interrogating Aumstail first, maybe some of our artifacts will jog her memory."
"Alright, have fun."
No. 1080487 ID: ce93a7
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I leave the cleanup for the others, return to town with this memory, and get to studying. I want to go ahead and absorb it, but the thoughts that tell me this is some kind of trap haven't quit, so I spend a full day. This won't be done hastily.

By the time 24 hours have passed, I've barely slept. But I'm certain it's fine. Aumstail doesn't have the means to make a trap out of this. Even if she tried to make me lay a trap for myself while on the wheel, I'm not able to do that.

A day passes. I let myself calm down after seeing it just to be absolutely sure I'm not doing anything hasty. I've barely even slept. I'm still certain it's just a memory. The way memories are made is very strict, and any impurities are extremely obvious. After this level of scrutiny, there's just no way it's not a memory. So I'm going to absorb it now.

I'll keep some chocolate around in case it's a rough memory. Delli's here too, just in case. I've told him to watch out for any strangeness in my behavior after I absorb it out of excess caution, but after considering all the possible pitfalls, I'll go with it. Besides, even if not for my own sake, this likely contains pre-town memories. It's virtually the only real information we have on what's on the outside. It's worth the risk when the alternative is preparing for literally anything.
No. 1080488 ID: ce93a7
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I open it up and let it loose.
No. 1080489 ID: ce93a7
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No. 1080490 ID: ce93a7
File 170459052137.png - (722.67KB , 1200x1200 , 605.png )

No. 1080491 ID: ce93a7
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Approximately 4,300 Years Ago

"Heavy Vault Scan-Tunnel 4 primed. Beginning scan on Memory Artificer Aelsaw."
No. 1080492 ID: ce93a7
File 170459056137.png - (953.59KB , 1200x1000 , 607.png )

These scanner tunnels are certainly something. Layered kaleidoscopes turn on and make it blindingly hard to see. The only gaps in the lights are the lights I can't see. It must see every cell inside of me and every thread in my clothing. It scans every aspect of myself I know existed, and I expect some traits I never knew existed.
No. 1080493 ID: ce93a7
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It's a wonder of technology, but my eyes are glad when it dims down.

>"Scan complete. Final Authorizations Pending. High Admiral Shuzenza has granted access. Unlocking Heavy Vault 18. Go inside when you are ready, Aelsaw."
No. 1080494 ID: ce93a7
File 170459058473.png - (38.17KB , 1200x1200 , 609.png )

After I do, the door shuts behind me. The only light in here is a small spot lamp illuminating a sheet of paper.

This is High Admiral Shuzenza. You have been with me on this ship for years now, checking and verifying our agents' memories both for accuracy and for loyalty. Now, the Phenocosm is calling on you for near unprecedented tasks for a memory artificer.
In case your current memories of our mission have been freshly wiped, we are stationed in outer orbit of the dead system the locals call Klivania. Our mission here is to find a renegade soul seer, Paporron, and bring him to justice for abandoning his post and attempting to build a subdimension centuries ago. We've found him on the solar system's namesake planet, Klivania.
We have gotten visuals on him, but the news is worse. If he was simply hiding, we would have sent a team to fetch him, and right now you'd be with us celebrating a mission well done instead of locked inside a heavy vault. Instead, we've found him with a brand new team of constructors building a new subdimension. The situation is distressing. This subdimension is somehow so far along that its basic operations are online, and we can no longer safely touch it. We do not know where on the planet it is, and so any direct planetary assault will give them time to seal themselves off. If this happens, it will be too late. The Phenocosm still has no way to permeate an active subdimension.
However, our agents report that Paporron and the other presently unknown constructors aren't just building some barely functional subdimension to hide in. They want to take the laws of physics and add a few addendums and appendixes. They'll be continuing work for years or decades to come.
The Phenocosm has decided we need to infiltrate them, but between Paporron learning from his mistakes and the other constructors not being clownish enough to bring their circus tent down on themselves, none of our agents have found a way into their ranks. At this stage, we are willing to resort to risking someone like yourself. I know you can manage. You see, many of their desired special functions require the abilities of a memory artificer.
Now I know, you artificers are kept under lock and key, so just having a memory artificer show up on their doorstep offering their services will raise a flag so red that we'd be able to see it from our ship.
But we have a way to bypass this. By this point, you've been told the basic mission. If you accept this mission, press the green button lit up to the side of this paper. The vault's chambers will open and you will be given the information you need. If you wish to decline, and there is no shame in doing so, press the red button, then we'll have you excise your memory of this letter."

Protocol must have made him write that last part. He knows what I'm going to do.
No. 1080495 ID: ce93a7
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I press the green button. Shutters all around me open up to reveal lit up panels and screens, almost blinding me for a moment. When my vision clears, I see....

Artificer Pillet? My sister's been missing for centuries. I don't think I'm going to like how she's key to all this.

.... Deceased? She's dead? .... oh. Three centuries ago, the same time that Shuzenza talked about - oh no, she tried working on the first subdimension with Paporron? So that's where she went. No, let me slow down and read all this together. There's an index for what I should know.

She worked on it off and on for over two millenia with Paporron. That's all the time I knew her for. It was off and on. Us artificers are always under heavy surveillance, and she must have worked hard just to hide in the shadows of the phenocosms for brief moments to do her work.

She was able to both extract her own memories and keep copies, so she remembered things the Phenocosm thought she didn't. Excising our own memories is a different process. We have machines and energy specialists verify the difference between an excised memory and a copied memory, but she managed to fool both of them. If she was ever caught, she would've been put on trial and, if found guilty, killed on the spot.

This is all secret. We were never told what happened to her. All of her things... apparently before she was killed, she was able to infiltrate the vaults keeping her memories and logs and destroy most of them. Everything that remains is now here, and I have to study it.
No. 1080496 ID: ce93a7
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Of course it stings to be reading the personal effects and memories of my colleague and sister in the artificer's society. I liked her, she was unusually energetic and full of personality. Usually such things die off in the process of becoming an artificer. I wonder, though, was it a facade to build rapport with us?

.... No. She doesn't have many memories intact, but the ones that do exist show that it was no act. She was like this with Paporron and everyone she worked with. Energetic and athletically fit, but with long bouts of brooding and scheming. She often seemed down, like she never really wanted to be a memory artificer, but she was one of the hardest studiers. She never spoke freely on that topic, anyway.

Only rarely did we see a happy Pillet where she had lighthearted romps, taking nothing seriously and not planning as well as she should. She always had trouble balancing herself. Exactly as I remember her, although... she seemed much happier working with Paporron. Or at least more energetic. That's sad to think about, and this information has led to more questions about her than I had beforehand.

But, that's all in the past. Now they want me to take the role of Pillet and reunite with Paporron. To him and all the other constructors, Pillet simply went missing.

There's a high ranking government official we've got on Klivania who's in contact with Paporron. He'll tell the soul seer that he's caught wind of Pillet, and that she - I - would like to meet him directly again.

There's much to glean here. I should be thorough, but the idea seems simple. I work with them as a memory artificer, but I figure out where they're working out of and what kind of forces and defenses they have, occasionally reporting back to Admiral Shuzenza.

I absorb it all into a memory shell and arrange it nicely with my other memories. Such organization is like writing things into a book and putting it onto a bookshelf. I tend to forget what I write down, but I know exactly where to look it up again. The vault's knowledge is now mine, and I ring up the security.

>"Vault Master speaking."
"This is Memory Artificer Aelsaw. I'm finished."
>"Understood. There is a message for you. It says to immediately report to fleshcrafter Ruflaka."
No. 1080497 ID: ce93a7
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I'm subjected to another full scan on my way out to make sure I'm not taking any physical items out of the vault. Once I'm cleared, I head to the fleshcrafter. I wonder if he knows who Pillet is? Memory artificers are not secret. It's the opposite. For one reason or another, all of us and our information is public. Our names, faces, and a vague idea of what we're capable of. One reason is that it's hard for us to run away when every stardock knows exactly who they're selling a spaceship to, even if they were the first one to learn of an attempted escape.

Although according to the public records, Pillet is still alive, simply missing, with a bounty for information leading to her discovery. It does make me wonder just what other inaccuracies are perpetuated on the public record of the 800 or so memory artificers in existence.

So I do wonder if Ruflaka here is internally speculating why in the world he's changing me to look like another memory artificer that's still on the books. He's a profession and doesn't ask questions, and I'm not so mean spirited as to test him. Although...

"You're a little thin and ragged looking for a fleshcrafter, aren't you?"
"Does a barber cut their own hair?"
"Mm. They don't? Oh, nevermind."

I get on the bed, he tosses a blanket over me, lights some strong incense, and starts his work.
No. 1080498 ID: ce93a7
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The procedure takes over a day. Not many fleshcrafters can work for a day straight, and fewer still could safely do this in such a short time even if they were able to maintain their top performance for that long. Shuzenza must have the best of the best on this flagship after all, but after hearing what our mission is, I expect nothing less.

He helps hold me up as I get used to walking in this body, and leads me to a mirror.

>"You are done."
"I feel like I could jump twenty feet in the air without using a blip of energy! She's so light."
>"Your body is made to set standards, which don't involve excessive feats of athleticism and durability. I suggest you not injure yourself before gaining your balance, so try and walk around the ship for awhile before trying such leaps."
"Should I call you directly if there's any health issues?"
>"There will be no health issues." My, he's a confident one. "Similarly, the body will behave per normal biological standards. If you get no exercise, it will weaken. If you overeat, you will get fat."
"Ah, even my eating habits must be public..."
>"I have no idea what you're talking about. There is a message for you. Report to Upper Admiral Shuzenza."
No. 1080499 ID: ce93a7
File 170459067163.png - (138.89KB , 1200x1200 , 614.png )

I go to the admiral's office and wait. It's undecorated. Nothing but the default furnishings. All purple. Not a speck of dust or... anything. I wonder if it's been a full year since Shuzenza was ever even in this office.
No. 1080500 ID: ce93a7
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The door slides open.

"Hello, Upper Admiral Shuzenza.
>"Either a long lost traitor is back from the dead and in my office, or my dear Aelsaw has accepted."
"Did you expect your dear Aelsaw to decline?"
>"No, but it isn't too late to back out. Ruflaka can return you to your old body, you can excise your memory of today, and we can find an alternative. I say this, because I need you to know the danger you're in. The constructors are careful, and the longer they work, the more they'll keep a tight lid on everything. If your cover is blown, you will be surrounded by people who can make you destroy your own existence. It's the ultimate risk."
"You already know I do all I can that's asked of me."
>"Then promise me you will be as careful as you can."
"You're awfully soft for an upper admiral, Shuzenza."
>"Memory Artificer Aelsaw."
No. 1080501 ID: ce93a7
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>"You're darn right I'm going to be soft on my wife! Did you think I'd stop loving you just because you grew a traitor's disproportionately long neck?!"
"Awww of course not, but we're professionals! This behavior is to be kept behind.... ah, you did close the door, didn't you."
>"We hardly have the time to speak candidly. With the escalation this mission has experienced, I've been stuck on the bridge for weeks at a time, and you've been stuck in your study making sure our agents' reports match their memories! Now, since you accepted, we can send you down to meet Paporron at any time. Just tell us what you need and what questions you have."

Many questions! I barely know enough to even know what to ask. The life of a memory artificer is sheltered, so I'm told, with information highly controlled, especially with the Pillet crisis a mere few centures ago. My home planet, the Final Core as it's called for reasons I don't know about, even calls our headquarters the Princess Parapets due to how sheltered memory artificers are from the outside world, and vice versa.
No. 1080502 ID: 99f29a

Aw, how mushy. Ask about the wacky numbers on his credit card.
No. 1080504 ID: 273c18

Can you remember what a soul seer is?

Ask who else is in Paporron's group, and what they're capable of. Motivations, inner conflicts you can take advantage of, how you're going to report back.
No. 1080511 ID: debc82


Your husband has amazing hair. Enjoy it for a bit longer.

Also, in the meanwhile, time to get as much additional information as we can. Gotta make sure this goes off without a hitch (since we need to be able to make it back, after all).
No. 1080514 ID: b23ea2

I would assume someone who is taking Pillets place would get as much of Pillet's memories as possible

(also current pillet viewing this memory, did they forget color when making this subdimention or something?)
No. 1080515 ID: 15a025

Do we know the motives they have for crafting this sub dimension? Anything about what it's capable of?

Also, embrace your loving husband in a hug. Who knows when we'll see each other again.
No. 1080518 ID: 53560f

Ask for relevant details about klivania, Pillet and Paporron. Also fish for relevant bits about the Phenocosm.
No. 1080524 ID: 73581e

Hug and hold that dear man. It might be your last time.

If the infiltration goes well, you’re to sabotage the sub-dimension and safely turn it off, yes? You’re not a dimensional expert - how is something like this achieved and what support will be waiting in the wings when you achieve it?

The specific mention of safety involving shutting down the due-dimension suggests there are unsafe ways this might get dealt with. Do you have a deadline before any such get applied, or are they simply too risky to try at all?

Related, do we know how time operates in the other dimension? Slower, faster?
No. 1080525 ID: fa3034

So much for old memories getting hazy, this seems pretty damn clear. Ask about relevant skills and tactics should you need to get out of binds in there. Pillet is your cover, but you're going to need a believable web of supporting information and tricks to back it up.
No. 1080526 ID: dbabb8

Huhhhh, this- recontextualises a lot of things. This is gonna be one heck of a thing to reintegrate once you've come out of this, Pillet- or rather, Aelsaw. Looks like a lot of things have been forgotten, or twisted, over time, including the motives behind your own goals.

As far as reliving this memory goes: What do we know about this sub-dimension that they're building?
No. 1080528 ID: 8f9bc4

You know a lot about memories, but not a lot about dimensional physics. What happens when it's too late? It would mean disaster for yourself, but what is the danger of an active subdimension to the Phenocosm? What are the stakes here, if you fail?
No. 1080880 ID: ce93a7
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"Your hair is as soft as ever." I hug him. Even if I wasn't going into an unknown place, I don't know when I'll see him next.
>"I'm glad you recognize my efforts. But I am on the clock, here, so you'll have to enjoy my fluff while I carry you to the port to show you your new ship and radio. Tell me what else you need."
"My needs, hm...." I lean in and whisper into his ears. "Money."
>"Money? Haha, you must not have had your outer memories excised recently if you're aware of such extraneous concepts! That is just as well, the candid memories of agents we have on Klivania will do you well. But to answer your request, you will have a zipbox, which is a special sort of chip they use on Klivania to transfer money from a bank account to whatever you put a chip inside. They even use physical coins down there! You will receive a good purse for handling them."
"Good, good. You know, I've gotten as many memories of Pillet as we have, but it just isn't much. I could use some information and tricks to help back it up."
>"Very well, I will arrange for a few memories of on the job agent training. They'll show you the basics. Beyond that, you'll be going in as blind as we are. Paporron's team is a mystery. Even his message to Pillet was vague, but you can ask your first planetary contact about that. Thankfully, you are a memory artificer who's been missing for centuries, and have perfectly plausible reason to have had many of your memories wiped. He has no reason to assume you know what you once did."
"Is that truly the best I'll have? I received all we had on Pillet and her memories, and it was so scarce I would expect Paporron to be incredulous that I made it to him while remembering so little."
>"To be honest with you, I fully believe Pillet has more intact memories. I will be pressing the Phenocosm to supply more about Pillet, but it may be months before I can fill out that vault. I do agree you should have more. But for the time, we have ran this scenario through our encephalon matrix. It has great faith in your success. Remember, they must desperately want a memory artificer. They will take your word in good faith, and any excuses you may have, such as amnesia. If they weren't desperate, I doubt they would be letting you in in the first place."
"And if I fail? What are the consequences of if the active subdimension is sealed off for good?"
>"Who could say? When so many highly skilled, dangerous people of dubious goals are tucked away in a hole in the universe the Phenocosm has yet to find a way into, the potential ramifications are great."
No. 1080881 ID: ce93a7
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I at least know that Paporron had a soft spot for Pillet. In many ways, he was as sheltered as I am, as all soul seers and memory artificers are. The two schools are closely related, but also worlds apart in practice.

Soul seeing is the closest school I feel we have to outright magic. They do X to cause Y, and yet they have no idea what happens between. It's full of rituals, with soul seers running off gut feelings, superstitions and instinct. It is called soul seeing because they are incapable, I believe by design, of damaging a soul. They can see it, pass messages through it as I believe Paporron did some form of this to contact Pillet, hide a soul, bury it, keep it from the afterlife, but the soul itself cannot be harmed.

Artificing, on the other hand, is the full science of what makes a person a person, physically speaking. More terrifyingly, this makes our power over memories, and how the brain shapes itself around those memories, far more absolute. To destroy a person beyond their flesh is still only in the realm of memory artificers. This is why we are so closely guarded, monitored, and our energy levels are kept at an absolute minimum to avoid being able to brute force our way into anyone's head. To do so is sin of the highest order.

That is why I can only imagine there is more at stake than a simple hole in the universe to send someone like me, who has never known privacy, so quickly behind enemy lines.

"So we don't know anything about their group? Do we know anything about this sub-dimension they're building?"
>"They will have a spatial worker that bends physical space, a sealer to seal it off from the rest of the universe, most likely they'll have a fleshcrafter or two to grant themselves immortality of the flesh... not even I know what else is needed. The phenocosm has been attempting to stamp out that knowledge for as long as I can remember, and yet here we are. The details are things you will have to retrieve for us."
"Is that so? I know very little about the Phenocosm, by the way."
>"And I have little clearance and even less time to tell you all that I know, but at the broadest level, we are the rightful rulers of the universe. A lofty statement, I know! But it is true, and with it comes with a great many enemies. We do not judge their character. On the contrary, we appreciate their existence. For without ones like Paporron and his team, our blades would grow dull, and our laurels would wither, and I would be out of a job. It is with gratitude that we hunt them, and with honor we send them to the same afterlife our own citizens earn. And here is your ship, Memory Artificer... Pillet."
"A cargo ship?" It's towering over all of the phenocosm flying habitats like a rust heap.
>"Ha! No. This is how Klivanians build passenger ships."
"How spacious. Thank you, Upper Admiral Shuzenza. How will I report back?"
>"An instant transmission radio is left inside. The other things you requested are also inside. Now, go with my love."
"And be here with mine."
No. 1080885 ID: ce93a7
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It's not spacious at all. Is the hull 2 feet thick? It's not a combat ship, but it seems desperate to keep air in with material alone. Is there no energy seal? Do Klivanians not know how to breathe in space?

>"Hello, I'm your on-board pilot. There is a pending route charted for Klivania. Shall I begin navigation?"

I get to studying. There is this 'zipbox' chip as well as a cell phone, with directions on how to use both.

As said, there's also a coin bank under the dashboard that can be exchanged for plenty of goods and services.
No. 1080886 ID: ce93a7
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As we take off and leave Shuzenza's flagship, the pilot tells me to review a package left for me. It contains that instant transmission radio, and directions for me to land on Klivania and speak with my first contact that will guide me to Paporron.

There are also a small handful of memories that have been prepared for me involving some agents running through the basics of spy work, such as code phrases. There are also some things like how to drive, first aid, and other useful bits. Just absorbing the memories isn't the same as personalized experience, but they do make for good training guides.

There are some more non critical documents, telling me about things like Klivanian busses and scooters. There's also some small notebooks that talk about the system and its geographical features, laws and traditions. I don't think I'm going to need to know much here; I'm not pretending to be a native.

It seems that Klivania is a lost solar system, likely inhabited by a rogue ark many thousands of years ago. That explains why its technology is so old. I'm told that my mission depends on not revealing any high tech items. It is unknown what the reaction would be on Klivania, but these documents tell me that most Klivanians are not even aware of the phenocosm's existence. To them, we're aliens. If they find abnormally high tech, the implications from their perspective may cause chaos. Worse still is that when word gets out, the subdimensional constructors will realize the phenocosm has discovered the planet, and that they are in grave danger.
No. 1080887 ID: ce93a7
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That's why this ship appears so low tech, as Klivanian ships aren't even capable of FTL. This ship has no anti-grav drives, energy sealants, non-heating thusters, food replicators... I'm glad it has an on board pilot, at least.

Klivania does scan for objects around planets, though, and that's why my pilot will warp an hour or two away from Klivania and travel the rest of the way using much more modest speeds.

The FTL drive installed is reported to be impossible to find using Klivanian scanners, and they aren't in the habit of invasive investigations. But should the FTL compartment be physically opened, apparently the drive is set to incinerate itself as to prevent its discovery.

The pamphlet continues talking about the system as a whole. Apparently there are only three present planets and a sun that has been dead for eons. The closest planet to the sun is Klivania itself. The middle planet is Doss. It contains signs that it used to be 4 different planets that all had overlapping orbits and crashed into one another, fusing into Doss. It's a resource rich planet that has no native atmosphere or natural habitable elements.

Finally, the outermost planet is Threeshell. Interestingly, evidence makes us think it used to orbit another star entirely, then was knocked off course for who knows how long before stabilizing around this sun. This might have something to do with how it used to be a gas giant, but is now a crystallized hunk of complex rock and ice that, though smaller in volume than Doss, is dense enough to make it the heaviest planet in this system.

And farther out from Threeshell is where Admiral Shuzenza and his two lower fleets have formed a cloudy shell around the Klivanian system. They are keeping themselves hidden with a mix of cloaking equipment and hiding behind the natural bits of space debris that slowly float around the outer regions of the solar system.

I can try my regular radio once I land. For now, I test my instant transmission radio instead, and make contact with Shuzenza's flagship, Heaven's Jurisdiction. Their communicators reply and confirm it works. Like the ship, this radio exterior is made to look like a regular Klivanian radio, but with a modification inside for instant transmission. This allows instantly being able to talk with anyone with an appropriate receiver anywhere within a solar system's range. And just like the ship, it will explode if its instant transmission module is tampered with. Its note tells me it's best not to open the radio if possible.

And finally, a cellphone, completely Klivanian. No Phenocosm tech here, just a plain talking device with the range of a single planet, infrastructure willing.
No. 1080888 ID: ce93a7
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After I warp and spend an hour reviewing these documents, I can see Klivania clearly. I review my orders for how to approach this. It's been awhile since I've seen another planet outwardly like this.

The planet is surrounded by a set of lamps that are set to rotate slightly faster than the planet itself. This keeps the planet lit up in a stereotypical day-night cycle, and although it supplies some heat as well, my pamphlet tells me that most of the planet's heat is from its slow burning core.

To the side of the planet Klivania, I think I'm seeing a star or two in the distance die down. There's a conspicuous black splotch where stars are missing. Remembering the pamphlet's descriptions of the system, that must be Klivania's cold, dead sun.

So far I've learned concerningly little about my mission or what I'm to do. I simply have to trust that our flagship's brain matrix is correct about me needing to know so little going in. Or perhaps this is a desperate measure, and my chances of success are actually low? If they force information out of me, it's best that I know as little as possible. But... no, it's not my place to second guess my superiors.
No. 1080889 ID: ce93a7
File 170511579408.png - (436.59KB , 1200x1200 , 623.png )

I enter the atmosphere.

"Ellie to Space Port VSI, requesting space to land." A cover name just for the space port, apparently. I shouldn't be using the name Pillet so freely, even in such a backwater place.
>"VSI to Ellie, granted. Land on Bay 30."
"Landing on bay 30."

The ship lands using a mix of gimbal thrusters to slow its speeds down so that it uses a small stretch of runway. I guess without any wind dampeners, the gimbal thrusters just wouldn't be safe to use right next to the ground crew. I have to admit, it was still a very smooth landing.
No. 1080890 ID: ce93a7
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My instructions weren't long, and it just ends here telling me to make a phone call and introduce myself. I use my low tech cell phone and look through the contacts. I notice a lot are password protected, so I input that and see several additional contacts after a warning screen asks me to make sure no one can see my screen.

I find 'Spokesperson Varther' as directed, the elected official to speak for a large region of the planet. He'l be my primary contact outside of Paporron. He's the Phenocosm plant who rose through the ranks of Klivania. I call.

>"Who is speaking?"
"Memory Artificer Pillet."
>"Ahhh 'kay, about Paporron."
"Can you tell me about how exactly he sent a message to me?"
>"Oh, yeah, he had to do it through me because I supplied some materials for him. I don't really get how he did it, something about souls being everywhere and nowhere, and if you can tell a soul something, you can send it anywhere instantly.... the details are beyond me, all I know is it was like the metaphysical equivalent of Paporron dropping something off in a shady alleyway. Anyway, Paporron's accomplices are careful, but I pulled in a lot of favors to get you a direct route inside. You'll get a single chance to show up. Let's see, you'll want to arrive at an old trolley station at 2 PM on the dot, meeting a man named Hart... ah, here we go."

He reads off an address and a code phrase to make contact with Hart.

>"He'll take you the rest of the way. Don't ask questions, do as you're told. The messages I got made it sound like if you generate the slightest hiccup in the process, the whole thing will be called off. Could be total bullshit, I know how that goes. But it could be true. These guys are up to something above my paygrade, and I don't want to know about it. It sounds like the kind where people go in and never leave. But I've got more pullable strings, and I'll find an out for you. Could take weeks or months. If you need to get out sooner, you'll have to figure that out on your own."
"Okay, thank you."
>"If you've got questions, call me again."

I can't think of anything right now, so I hang up.
No. 1080891 ID: ce93a7
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I take my belongings and leave. No one seems to mind me, so I keep walking. The cell phone manual has directions on how to look up addresses, and it looks like there are bus lines that will bring me there. ETA 2.5 hours of travel, and it's in... over four hours.

It might not be as hard as I thought. There are signs everywhere. On Shuzenza's ship, everyone is expected to have the labyrinthian place memorized, I think intentionally in case it's ever boarded by an enemy.

This is the first time I haven't been under surveillance since... some time shortly after my birth, I think. It's kind of scary.

The idea that no one's watching me, or watching out for me. No one's telling me to keep my neck straight. Anything can happen. I wonder if Pillet felt this way, too? Although I don't think she was always a memory artificer, so she may have felt strange entering constant surveillance.

It seems like I have a couple of hours of spare time, and there's a lot of entertainment areas in this spaceport. Is that a casino? Gambling? That's illogical. A public library? For the public? Wait, that smell...

Oooh, a bakery? They just sell treats? No permits required? People just... buy them? It smells really good. I don't know if the trolley station at my destination will have such amenities. Perhaps I can kill some time here and see how people behave when they aren't watched by an ever vigilant encephalon matrix.
No. 1080898 ID: d1bdfe

Baked goods sound good. But make sure not to go crazy over them. Much.

Maybe browse your phone for news too? People don’t always get knowledge beamed into their brains. Or you could check out that library, look at a history book or something. Curious about what the locals know about how their system and how it came to be.

Plenty of possible distractions. So many you should probably put a reminder timer on so you don’t miss the meet.

…maybe you COULD miss the meet on purpose. Get to experience this world a little more., build your Pillet personality. If they’re so desperate for you they won’t give up recruiting you immediately. And you have a possible excuse if you say you must’ve memory shaped so that the meet-up didn’t seem like a critical thing - for reasons you can’t recall.
No. 1080900 ID: 273c18

>our energy levels are kept at an absolute minimum to avoid being able to brute force our way into anyone's head. To do so is sin of the highest order.
Oh dear! And present-day "Pillet" can do that now. ...and might be why she wanted power so much.

>Do Klivanians not know how to breathe in space?
Well, that's certainly an interesting concept. Breathing in vacuum.
...also boy is the tech level high out there. We've got catching up to do. Though, it might be a lost cause. Also, the existence of energy dampener specialists means there could be a bunch of them right outside the pocket dimension, which means it'll be very difficult to fight; especially since the tech level we have in here is inferior. We won't be able to bolster our forces that much with equipment unless it's a comparable tech level to what's out there. This is honestly the most valuable information yet. We have an actual TARGET for how strong we need to be to stand a fighting chance. Though, also, since "Pillet" was sent in as a spy, and was married to someone quite high rank, she might be able to negotiate a peaceful exodus as well.

Bakery is low risk, and you need to see how people behave around here so you can fit in. Get ye treats.
No. 1080902 ID: 53560f

Make small talk with people while you’re lined up for baked treats and make sure to ask for recommendations.
No. 1080907 ID: df45e0

Hmm sorta wondering if that Threeshell planet is part of the reason the rebels are doing this here. Wonder if it has any old secrets worth making this the location of a new sub-dimension?

Go get a snack at the bakery! What sort of permits would you normally need for this sort of thing? And why would a public library be odd?
No. 1080909 ID: df45e0

Hmmm a thought for you. Pillet is dead correct? Or at least that is what is claimed. If she was killed was it by the government for her crimes when they found this mess? A secret trial perhaps?

If she is dead has she gone off to a "better" place or is she in a jar somewhere on the governments shelf? Maybe several jars if one is the soul and many others her hidden memory copies. The afterlife appears to be known and souls able to be quantified so... how sure are we she is off the playing field?
No. 1080910 ID: d1bdfe

Bah. Can’t be thinking like that or before we know it we’ll be suspecting we ARE the real Pillet, thinking we’re Pillet’s sister, made this way because memory manipulators are too useful to kill and/or because we needed like, Inception levels of memory meddling tiers to get past the vetting process here - needing to actually be the real Pillet (cuz, say, soul stuff we don’t understand), but not have her loyalties.

Hm. We can manipulate our own memory right? Maybe having a low-level belief we actually are some version of Pillet would be useful for the cover. Since we possess some of her actual memories it wouldn’t even be altogether untrue, just a matter of bringing those personality traits more to the fore, and hide away the actual memories for a bit. Not something needed to commit to right away though.
No. 1080917 ID: cbe5b1

We're going to have to do whatever we can to put this stuff to the test anyway, the moment memory manipulation existed and these memories got handed to us from someone else it became impossible to trust any of it.
No. 1080920 ID: 8f9bc4

Ooh, a library? A bakery? Did Pillet like bakeries? She seems more the type who would like bars. Is there a bar? A place of ill-repute? Where you can purchase substances that fog your mind, and loosen your inhibitions?

Wait no I'm talking about the bakery again. What distinguishes a bar from a bakery?
No. 1080923 ID: debc82


Baked goods best goods.

But heck, yes, let's spend a bit of time familiarizing ourselves. Don't want to seem like we've never been here before, after all!
No. 1080926 ID: ce93a7
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I'd better spend a little time familiarizing myself with the local culture, and the best way is to get some experience in a safe environment. I walk into the back of the line and wait.

I can see from my surroundings that making small talk is common here. Usually the only people who speak to me have clearance to do so, or because it's an emergency. For the same reasons, I don't talk to others unless I have reason to. But I am pretending to be a normal, everyday citizen.

"Hello!" I say to the man ahead of me, who turns around.
>"Hi, yeah?"
"Hello, I'm just saying hi. I'm - Ellie."
>"... Okay. I'm Buks. I'm married."
"I'm happy to hear that."
>"Not like it's that good of a marriage."
"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that."
>"It's still a marriage, so I'm going to turn order my cinnamon rolls now."

What an unusual conversation!
No. 1080927 ID: ce93a7
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I patiently wait for him to finish ordering and carefully watch him pay. It looks like he's using chips. Which is confusingly named. Chips are both coins as well as what the zipbox is. Klivania also can refer to the planet, the system, and I think even the star. It's truly a confusing, retro culture.

Buks gives me a strange look and quickly walks away, and that means I go up to the counter now.

>"Hi, miss."
>"Can I get you something?"
"Yes! What do you recommend?"
>"I uh...." He looks at the food. "Don't... know. I haven't really had anything from here yet."
"What? I don't mean this poorly, but isn't it a bad sign that you won't even eat your own food?"
>"Well, it's not mine."
>"Miss, I just make the - I mean, no. I don't make the food. I just sell the food. The menu's up there, if you want anything."

Hmmm. The first thing on the menu is usually the safest option on Heaven's Jurisdiction, so I'll go with that.

"One chocolate dough nut, please."
>"Alright. Just one?"
"Am I allowed to get more?"
>"I - think? Yes? I... hold on. Yes. I'm sorry, it's my first day. I wasn't ready for that question, you can get as many as you want."
"As many as I want?!"
>"... As long as you can afford it. And as long as we have it in stock. And, uh... no, I think that's it."
"I will take..." Hm, they don't look that big. "Eight donuts."
>"That will be... 48 chunks."
"... I'm sorry, I don't think I have chunks."
>"... ummmm. If you can't pay, thennnnn?"
"Do you accept chips? Or... wait, is it bits?" The taxi service used bits, not chips. Oh no, it's confusing!
No. 1080928 ID: ce93a7
File 170518490433.png - (75.47KB , 1200x1200 , 628.png )

>"Ma'am." Ah, someone behind me is speaking.
"Hello, I'm speaking with the Melle, right now."
>"Chunks is just slang for chips. You got coins or a zipbox, right?"
"I sure do. What are bits, then?"
>"Some crap they use under Pirania, 4 bits is one chip or something like that, but if you have chips, just use those."
"I'm learning a lot, thank you."
>"Great, so please, go ahead. Pay. Most of us have places to be, girl."

Rudely spoken! So this is what it's like to be treated like an everybody. It certainly feels different having such vitriol thrown at me personally, rather than through a memory. Truly, the material universe can be an unforgiving place.

These coins are 20, these are 10... I'll just use 2 20's and a... no, let me fish out 8 1's. Ohh, Melle does have some efficiency to him, he's getting the dough nuts while I gather change.

>"Here you are."
"Thank you. Is... no, nevermind." Usually I have to give my seal for approved transactions, but I do not even have my stamp with me.
>"Oh um...." The Melle stops me after I take a single step away, and I can see the poor man in a hurry tilt his head back in pure frustration. I'm glad this isn't a violent culture, otherwise I'd be in trouble about now. "My name is Melle. I'm not 'The' Melle, this is a nametag, not a title."
"Oh! Sorry, Melle. You have a nice day, now."
>"Y-yeah, you too."
No. 1080929 ID: ce93a7
File 170518491814.png - (82.74KB , 1200x1200 , 629.png )

I walk over to where I think I see the public dining area. I'm beginning to think I might not be good at this, so it's good that I used this experience to learn. Once again, I can only put my faith in the matrix and Shuzenza that I am able to succeed here. I'm certainly not not a natural at this.

On the bright side, there are enough memories from Pillet to get a grasp on her personality. Just reading them is little better than reading a detailed book, but if I internalize them, it's a different story. Molding them against myself, and myself to them, will make it more as though I lived them. It's still not quite the same, but it can be further helped if I also externalize my own memories. I won't lose them, but it will flip which memories shape me and my personality.

The process is close to perfect, but only close. It'll mess with who I am, and there are some things sacred that should not be so easily performed. To change a personality and who I am whenever it's convenient can potentially cheapen my sense of self. However, if destroying the subdimension is as important as I am being led to believe, then just as the fleshcrafter shaped my body to physically reflect Pillet, perhaps changing my brain to fit Pillet is worth it.

There's that bookstore again. I don't know if normal phenocosm citizens are allowed such things. Perhaps it doesn't matter for less controlled professions, but I am a memory artificer. All high skills like these are controlled, and 1 person may only know 1 protected skill. A fleshcrafter cannot learn space bending, a memory artificer cannot dabble in soul seeing, and so on. The information fed to us is highly controlled, and one cannot just enter a public vault of information and have free reign of the place. But this public bookstore? What combinations of valuable skills lay within that one can just learn on their free time? I think I will look through their window at their examples to find out.

'1001 Funny Jokes You Can Tell at the Dinner Table', 'The Doomed Expedition', and the sequel to the first, '1001 Funny Jokes You Can't Tell at the Dinner Table'...?

Wait, these are books for fun?! Such things exist? Oh, my donuts are getting cold, I will have to investigate that later.
No. 1080930 ID: ce93a7
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These are really good! It feels like they sacrificed all nutritional value for pure, dense sweetness. And what is this stuff at the top? Is that the chocolate modifier? It's cheating its way into tasting too good, and it's completely available to the public for what I think is an affordable price? Amazing.

I take another bite. I'm halfway through the first donut.

Pillet would've enjoyed these. I do wonder why the vault had so few of her memories. I know many of mine are locked away in a vault that no memory artificer can access. Reviewing what I recently learned, I can remember that she was intercepted during the attempted subdimension Paporron was involved in a few centuries ago. A speedy trial led to an immediate, quiet execution. I don't have her memories of this, and the vault's documents glazed over that process. That's likely because as far as my cover is concerned, this part never happened.

Despite the gaps in my knowledge regarding her death, I must believe she is dead. Her soul should be at rest by now in the afterlife, and I believe the phenocosm's soulseers can monitors specific souls in the afterlife. For a short while, Pillet was public enemy number 1, so I should imagine her soul is under considerable surveillance. And as Shuzenza said, our enemies enjoy the same afterlife we do. The phenocosm is not vindictive. There is no such place as hell.

... oh, no, Pillet! I just remembered! Her body!

I got 8 of these donuts thinking it was for me, Aelsaw. Pillet's body is so tiny and thin, I can feel that I'm going to be full after 3, maybe 4 donuts! Maybe I should sell some of these donuts back to Melle.
No. 1080932 ID: 5ebd37

Hmm, Melle might find that rather rude. Better to hang onto them, maybe you can give them to your next contact as a gift.
No. 1080933 ID: debc82


Nah, keep 'em for later. If you like them this much, they might make a nice gift for when we meet our contact!
No. 1080945 ID: 273c18

Do you see anyone selling stuff to Melle? Don't blow your cover by acting weird enough to start people talking about you.
No. 1080948 ID: 8f9bc4

There's a rich ancient tradition called "day old donuts." Just save the extras for later. No one will suspect a thing!

They would also make excellent gifts too, if you think Pillet was the generous type of personality.
No. 1080949 ID: df45e0

So did the phenocosm make their own afterlife or are just able to peer into the one that exists naturally?

As for the extra donuts keep those carefully wrapped up for later. In general custom baked goods like that are probably not returnable unless defective.

If this sub dimension is such a big issue they might be expecting you to end up very close to Pillet to keep your cover. You can no doubt get by on excuses of lacking memories to hide from the phenocosm at first. But be prepared for deep cover especially if Pillet left a set of backup memories here.
No. 1080964 ID: 15a025

Hold onto the extra doughnuts for now. They'll make a great gift to share with others you form companionship with later.
No. 1080970 ID: b12e8c

Wait, if Pillet is dead and soulseers can keep tabs on souls, wouldn't the enemy know about it?
So either they actually put Pillet in stasis instead of killing her, or this mission is doomed from the start.
No. 1080985 ID: 8f9bc4


The Phenocosm's soulseers have Pillet's soul imprisoned for all eternity, so any rogue soulseers wouldn't be able to find her flitting about the afterlife.
No. 1081011 ID: 273c18

>imprisoned for all eternity
What makes you say that?
No. 1081021 ID: 8f9bc4


Well I mean, the afterlife doesn't end, does it? Why would they release her spirit, if spirits like her are known to cause trouble?
No. 1081033 ID: 19ea25

There's also the wording. "We send them to the same afterlife our citizens earn". They could be sending said souls to a specific one they made.
No. 1081055 ID: b3eab7

You don't need to know to which afterlife the soul went to know something's amiss: You merely need to know it's crossed over and isn't in the world of the living anymore. And I was under the impression that's pretty knowable for soulseers.
No. 1081057 ID: 273c18

Why would anyone care what a bodiless soul gets up to? And what gives you the impression that souls can be captured at all?
No. 1081115 ID: 8f9bc4


Because... she could warn the soulseers working for the rebels, that Aelsaw is an impostor?
No. 1081160 ID: 273c18

I suspect souls cannot interact with the physical world on their own, mostly because we haven't seen them doing that yet.
No. 1081183 ID: ce93a7
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>Did the phenocosm make their own afterlife or just able to peer into the one that exists naturally?
I have no idea!

>If Pillet is dead and soulseers can keep tabs on souls, wouldn't the enemy know about it?
I suppose that depends on if a soul seer can detect whether any specific soul in the universe has passed on. I don't know if they can. It would worry me greatly, but my mission was reviewed by both the phenocosm and our encephalon matrix. I trust that they would not make such a grave oversight with the knowledge they have.

I watch a few more people approach Melle. I don't see any signs that they're selling him anything, so perhaps I will not. I'm not certain why. In the phenocosm, we can sell food back and they put it through the biosplit -

Ah, yes, Klivania would not have this tech. I think I will spend these next few hours thinking hard about it. While I believe Shuzenza's words that I can use an excuse of amnesia to get far, I will have to work on my personality. Of course, if Pillet was alive and showed up, I can't imagine she would know how Klivanians do business. Still, my personality is simply a mismatch.
No. 1081184 ID: ce93a7
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I think on what she's said, and relive some memories a little closer as I slow down my eating.

"Try again! We can't afford mistakes on this, you gotta do it 100 times perfectly in practice before I let you try the real thing!" Pillet tells a hacker who biologically interfaces with common electronic devices.

There's a long memory of her training her artificing in a sensory deprivation chamber. I skim through the 2 day long memory, but there is no change, and nothing that hasn't been done by every artificer before.

"Hey, you! Did you just spit gum on the ground? Turn around, fucker!" Pillet's yelling at someone. He pulls out a knife, she pulls out a gun, and the memory fades. In heated moments like these, she is far less careful than I would have imagined.

Then there's a memory of just under an hour of Pillet in shock. I don't know what happened. She didn't think anything.

There's a short memory of her driving through a snowy planet without a speck of air pollution in the night sky, just to get away from things for awhile.

She seemed to have an eventful life outside of memory artificing. These memories are so scattered yet subtly impactful. It's like Pillet had her life flash before her eyes, and these are the memories that got bottled up, stowed away, and made their way to me. And for all I know, that's exactly what happened. It's merely a small hunch. It could just as well be that she or someone tried to destroy her memories, but it was not thorough and these are the ones that the phenocosm could restore.

No matter the specifics, I feel like if I internalized these memories too thoroughly, I would just become an echo of a dying woman's final thoughts.
No. 1081185 ID: ce93a7
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I return my focus to the present and - I've had 6 donuts?! I will cherish this memory as both a great food experience, as well as a grim reminder to the dangers of such indulgence. I fear this body will soon pay the price of so much sweetness.

Perhaps I will give a couple to Hart, or Paporron. Oh, two is too few, but... I shouldn't waste my funds by throwing them out.

These should last plenty of time, and my closer worries are how to go about going towards the meeting. Perhaps the bus? The taxis seem reliable, but expensive.

I have much to learn and have been given an inadequate amount of time to do so. I think I will freshen up in the washroom, although I hope it's cleaner than this area. The undersides of these tables are simply filthy.
No. 1081186 ID: ce93a7
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It is dirtier in here. It should be okay. While I dislike this area immensely, I have greater concerns than the smudges on the mirror and soap grit spotting the counter. The most effective way is simply to make new memories to acclimated myself. I get some odd looks from people who walk in, see me staring at myself in the mirror, then leave watching me still stare at myself. Pillet also would not mind them.

I am glad I have the raw memories of agents who dealt with basic travel and interactions on this planet. If not for that context, I would fear that these individuals in the bathroom think my behavior suspicious, and that they are leaving and reporting it to their local commander. Such is life in the phenocosm, but here the typical course of action is to avoid me and my business. This is good for me, although I do wonder if Klivanians are in it for themselves in life.

I should not think so poorly of them. They have been sometimes terse and crass in their speech, but even the person behind me in line offered helpful information, and I have seen not a single touch of violence since getting out of my ship despite so many people in this starport. They have been showing me much more good than bad, and no one is bothering my self reflection in the bathroom. Some hardly even look at me even on their way out. This girl behind me merely gives me side eyes as she walks by.
No. 1081187 ID: ce93a7
File 170543921481.png - (27.30KB , 1200x1200 , 635.png )

... She left without washing her hands.
No. 1081190 ID: df45e0

Bunch of savages for sure. Wash yours extra well... wait would Pillet have given her shit for that? Bet she would have it's not quite littering with gum but still...

How much money do you have on hand for taxi's and other expenses?
No. 1081194 ID: b3eab7

She probably feared getting too close to you would result in worse trouble than dirty hands.
No. 1081195 ID: debc82


Oh dang. Oh gross. That's the absolute worst.

She's totally going to touch things, too! Like the door or whatever (provided there was a door to enter/exit the washroom), which WE will have to touch, too ...!
No. 1081198 ID: dbabb8

Ok, that is gross but you can deal with it. Wash your hands, then use your elbows for the door if it's a push, or grab the handle through your sleeve if it's a pull. Simple way to do it, there's no need to make a fuss about it.

Now, this is something you need to make a bit of a mantra. What you see here is normal, it may seem unusual to you, but your from a different context, it's normal to everyone else here, internalise that. If there is a public library, that is because it's normal. If people don't wash their hands, that is because a lack of consequences make it normalised even if it's gross.

Dampen your wonder and surprise and just accept things. The real Pillet would've experienced things like this before, she wouldn't be surprised, and you've got to catch up enough to her for you to plausibly be her.
No. 1081202 ID: 273c18

Tell her to get back in here and wash her hands. That's something Pillet would do.
No. 1081209 ID: d34a79

Because you were being a weirdo by standing in front of the sinks and staring at yourself. She was too freaked out by you to want to go near the sinks.
No. 1081225 ID: a7a180

According to your memories of Pillet, you need to pull a knife on her for poor hygiene. For your cover.
No. 1081226 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh noooo you've prevented her cleanliness!
No. 1081238 ID: e83474

Wash your hands and make yourself scarce.
No. 1081246 ID: ce93a7
File 170551149445.png - (63.30KB , 1200x1200 , 636.png )

I must treat things I see as normal. Unless it is obviously wrong, I will just have to not act with wonder and curiosity about every little thing. I know from personal experience that Pillet could roll with the punches, anyway.

... Could. She did get riled up over things like that bubble gum incident. If I'm to act like Pillet, then perhaps I should be more outspoken. I walk to the door and push it open with my elbow, and call out to that woman.

"Hey! Wash your hands!"

The woman looks at me, aghast. Some other people are staring, now. Oh no, Pillet's memory involved someone who pulled a knife, but I don't have a gun, and the woman is coming right at me. Pillet wouldn't shrink away defensively, but -

>"I forgot!"
No. 1081247 ID: ce93a7
File 170551150315.png - (56.50KB , 1200x1200 , 637.png )

The girl rushes past me to furiously scrub her hands and avoids eye contact with me. I think that was still an improvement. It might not be perfect, but it's much more like Pillet than Aelsaw! The only flaw is that my heart is racing. And that she might have not washed her hands because of my suspicious behavior.

Pillet doesn't look that scary, does she? Even if I stared at the mirror for so long, right in the middle of the counter, possibly not blinking enough... in hindsight, perhaps I was too harsh on her even by Pillet's standards. Nonetheless, it was enlightening. I think that helped. Now I should move on.

It's time that I begin pondering my trip to the abandoned train trolley. I've got about 5,000 chips in pure coins, and about 20,000 available in my zipbox, and supposedly I can take out loans if I somehow need more than 25k.

Let's see... the first option is a series of busses and railways. It's admittedly complicated, but there will be no issue with my memory and accuracy in following its directions. It's very cheap, perhaps 200 chips total.

The taxi service will be very direct and easy. Converting their strange unit of taxi-money... 3700 chips? Wow, they are expensive. I could get 600 donuts with that kind of money.
No. 1081248 ID: 9e2c52

Look up if the taxis have some sort of special feature or service that makes it worth that much extra.

If they don't, might be a good time to do the bus trip. It would also give you a chance to feel out a civilians around this planet and get a bit more Pillet practice.
No. 1081251 ID: debc82


Donuts seem more economical than taxis. Let's take the not-taxi route.
No. 1081263 ID: a7a180

I bet you could barter for a taxi ride for way less than 600 donuts.
No. 1081264 ID: 8f9bc4

Pillet would not apologize for calling her out on such an affront to justice, but she might apologize for hogging the sink.
No. 1081505 ID: 15a025

Take the busses and railways. It might be a bit more complicated to navigate the routes, but it'll give you more time and chances to observe and interact with others.
No. 1081691 ID: ce93a7
File 170602993691.png - (78.37KB , 1200x1200 , 638.png )

I'll take the bus and rail system, as I could use the social practice and I don't think the taxi system accepts haggling. The route is clearly labeled, so I hop onto shuttle A-25 to get to the nearest bus stop, and take route P-99 until it drops me off at the train station. There's a couple others here, but one is talking and the other is napping, so I won't harass them with Pillet's unruly personality.

It's a clean shuttle at least, and I hope I can expect the rest of my trip to be so smooth.
No. 1081692 ID: ce93a7
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10:40 AM

Thankfully the Klivanian tradition of good signage continues. According to this display, there will be a bus here in about 5 minutes here to take me along a route called P-99.

I'll wait, and I notice how low energy everyone around me is. I hadn't noticed at all until I sense a strong spike in the building behind this bus stop. They are on about the 20th floor. Their power doesn't match the average soldier on our flagship, but it's enough to overshadow all of us low energy folks I can see down here. I am surprised there's such an uneven distribution curve.
No. 1081693 ID: ce93a7
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As I take a seat, I find a clue based on this box in the back of the enclosed bus stop.

It's crackling with energy rivalring that of the mystery person in the building. I can see that it is laden with traps to prevent those who would attempt to break into it and take its power. It's labelled as an... amnesty box?

Ah, it has further information. Klivanian law dictates that civilians are not to exceed a certain energy level, much like memory artificers. This is so that civilians can discard excess energy as to not run afoul from the law. I must presume that the energy is occasionally gathered and sent to the elite. The limit for a civilian is apparently an energy level of 200. I find out that my native power falls short of this legal amount at a healthy 160. I'm glad I have a buffer, as that food I ate might increase this by a few.
No. 1081694 ID: ce93a7
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With that oddity seen, I turn to speak with this other individual.

"Hello, m - there." Casual. Pillet doesn't call people 'miss' like that.
>"Ah, hello."
"I don't mean to pry, but you look a little down."
>"Oh, it's nothing."
"No one's down for nothing, do tell me about that, and your name! I'm Ellie."
>"And I am Nishyu. If you must know, my husband has passed."
"Oh!" Oh shoot what would Pillet say? She'd at least not be too coarse about it, right? Let's see... "Awful. Sorry to hear that, may he rest with you and may you both reunite when the time comes." No, still too formal, but Pillet would have some kind of wishes to give.
>"Ah, you didn't strike me as religious."
>"Is there any belief in the afterlife without religion?"
"It's real, faith isn't required."
>"Mm, I don't know what your angle is, but I just don't have the energy these days, please."
"No angle, just killing time for the bus. In fact, I'd like to listen. If you have your husband on your mind, would you like to talk about him?"

She's oddly suspicious of me, but she opens up enough to miss one of her ears flopping over her shoulder. I learn much. The average Klivanian lifespan is a paltry century long, and so it is no small feat out that many of those decades were spent married to her husband, Goyl. It also seems like concepts like the afterlife has entered the realm of myth, and many people here believe that when they die, that is it, it is over.

Her husband lived a plain life, but Nishyu remembers their time too fondly for that to matter.

>"But that is enough of me. What of you?"
"Me? Oh, I'm new in town. I'm still getting the hang of busses, I've just got to get to my job."
>"Oh, where do you work?"
"At a..." Let me remember a job from one of the agent's memories.... ah. "A dry cleaner."
>"Hmm. There are so many of those around, you don't have to go far, do you? A young girl like you should keep those legs working. I sat around too much, and now I've got to take this old hunched back on the bus each day just to get to the store."
"You don't have family to help?"
>"An estranged son that joined the military. I do wish he'd reach out to let me make amends for my foolish statements, but that's a different story less fit for casual conversation. Do consider walking, young girl, if you'd take the advice of an old woman." Oh, I do feel oddly nice at being called young.
"Thanks, but I've got to report in too soon for walking. It's a decent 4 kilometers north, and I don't want to show up to my first day panting."
>"That far north? I certainly hope you're not travelling alone at night over there."
"Is it that bad over there?"
>"Oh, no, I don't mean to worry you. I just think our law enforcement does not do enough to prioritize the safety of the streets the further north you go."

I'm somewhat worried about this danger, but she speaks so plainly that it sounds like I, as a native, should be obviously aware of whatever dangers lurk in the streets up north. The mention of law enforcement seems odd for unspeakable dangers that crawl out of the shadows at night, but why would I have to worry about people breaking the law? Do they not practice safe driving? The possibilities are too many to ignore, so I contemplate how I will ask this woman about why I should be careful. In any case, Ellie is nothing more than a cover and I can't expect I will see this lady ever again, so perhaps I can act odd and ignorant again in front of her for the moment.

Before I think of how to frame my question, the schedule board gets my attention with a sharp ping, and I glance up to it.

Bus Route P-99 Cancelled

"Ah. My route is cancelled." That's a little concerning, but there's another bus coming in 10 minutes that serves an alternate route. It does appear that it will get me to my destination, but with only 20 minutes to spare.
No. 1081696 ID: debc82


About how fast do you suppose yourself able to walk that 4km distance?

Considering the notice we received when we landed, having more than 20 minutes (in case of further unforeseen problems) might be advisable.
No. 1081698 ID: 8f9bc4

Bus routes don't get cancelled without a very good reason. It's possible that there's something damaged, preventing the bus from travelling that route, which might mean that other bus routes that way might also be cancelled soon.

The law enforcement probably are allowed to maintain a higher energy level, so they must not only enforce the law, but also defend people who are disempowered, when they get attacked by said unspeakable dangers. A better title might be public defender. (Surely that won't lead to any confusion at all.)

Get angry at the schedule board, telling it loudly that you might have to leg it at this point. Then turn and ask the lady just how dangerous would that be? You've never been up north, so you don't know what to expect.
No. 1081710 ID: df45e0

Lots of interesting info from that encounter. You would think that the afterlife being known would be bigger news. That being said this is a artificial planet around a old star so maybe they are just backwards enough to not have universal internet.

She is probably worried about hoodlums, rapists, thuggish individuals, roving packs of feral teenagers, serial killers and such. That or corrupt cops or gangs. When the lower class is restricted to such a low power level they are easy to abuse by anyone with a bit of authority and thus strength.

Hmm walk or bus that might not show up if the other one went down. I would walk it and just remember that Pillet is tough and not afraid to walk through bad parts of town.
No. 1081826 ID: ce93a7
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I could make that 4 kilometer run in maybe 5 to 10 minutes if I ran myself ragged and used my energy as well. I wonder if using energy is some kind of faux pas, I've seen virtually no one do it.

I stand and look at the board to make sure everything is as I now understand it. "It looks like I might have to run after all. I'm not afraid of bad parts of town, but what's so bad about it?"
>"Violent crime. Layabouts who don't want to earn an honest wage could try and mug you."
"Are there not laws against that?"

The second I say that, her face tells me I said something astonishingly naive. She walks up to me and fishes out some coins.

>"You're a kind girl. If you find yourself on the north side in the dark, please get yourself a reputable hotel and stay indoors."

I don't entirely understand, but I push the money back.

"No, I have money. I haven't even done anything kind!"
>"No one listens to an old woman's life story like you have."
"That's...." Depressing? Sad? She doesn't want my pity. "Unfortunate to hear."
>"Don't worry, you've lifted my spirits. My bus is coming soon. I hope to see you at this bus stop again, and most of all not see you on the news."
"Why would I be on the news?"
>"As a crime statistic, goodness, don't make me say it."

It can be difficult for souls to find their loved ones in the afterlife. The longer that time passes between each death, the more difficult it is. If Nishyu hangs on for too long due to Klivania's rampant ignorance, they may never reunite. Because of this, wishing an imminent yet peaceful death is a common sentiment of good will to ones in Nishya's situation.

I am thankful I have the presence of mind to not blurt this out at her, who lacks this context. This would ignore her wishes for reconciliation with her son, but I think I have spent long enough with Nishya.

"I think I'll just get up earlier next time and walk, so we may never see each other again. But I'll be fine, and hope you are too. Goodbye!" I get to running. I have never been late in my life, and I won't let a single setback like this ruin my perfect record. Pillet was also punctual, so I cannot use Pillet as an excuse!
No. 1081827 ID: ce93a7
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11:44 PM

Rail Route F-31 Delayed +10 minutes

Bus Route FN-B Delayed +40 minutes. Best Alternative Route: Bus Route LRP (cancelled) (

Taxi Service: Unavailable In This Area

Rail Car KO-39's last departure: 4 minutes ago. Next KO-39 service in: 21 hours and 8 minutes.

How does this society function?! Is that why the taxis are so expensive?! I don't know if Pillet's body can handle how much running I have to do!

Ah, this is a good sign. I'm getting riled up and fidgety, just like Pillet was. I will have to remember this moment well.

There are at least subterranean pedestrian tunnels with moving walkways that allow rapid movement, but they are spotty and do not always lead me in the right direction. Some of them also look rather shady, and in light of Nishya's worries, I steer clear of those.
No. 1081828 ID: ce93a7
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I find a useful bus to get on. It isn't much faster than me running, but I can't run the whole way. Somehow I'm still making okay time. Say what I will about Pillet, this girl could run! She might even go faster than the busses do. I thought the name bus stop was because people stopped to wait for them, but the busses themselves are designed to stop as well! It must be for people like Nishya who don't seem like they can move too quickly.

So many people here look tired and far too busy, like the mere act of travelling is a somber duty. I do not know what this society has done to make them act like this in such a situation. Perhaps I do not need to know; my business is with the constructors.

I decide not to speak with strangers now, and instead use this time to educate myself on the news, in regards to what Nishya was warning me about. Crime statistics, hm...

The population of this city is 4 million. 2,000 a year are killed by... other... citizens? Just, people?

There's other statistics like, mugging, assault, kidnapping... These numbers are even bigger than murder!

Forget questions about how this society functions. It is completely dysfunctional. I now understand why Nishya was so worried. While I think I am only now experiencing culture shock, the chances of me meeting an unfortunate fate in the next hour or two of travel is still low. Nishya seemed to indicate traveling alone made it worse, but moreso at night. I merely need to make it to the construction site, and I should hope that they are able to run a better civilization in which one does not have to worry about their own civilians murdering one another.

>"Attention passengers. This bus is being diverted to route E-12 after we stop at Sunspot Road. If you have to go past Sunspot Road, get off the bus and wait for the next one. One will show up in..... one will show up."

For goodness' sake.
No. 1081830 ID: ce93a7
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1:32 PM

I have to run the rest of the way! After reading the news, morbid thoughts have been left rattling inside of my head. The surroundings are doing little to help, what with these buildings and streets in various states of disrepair. Whoever is responsible should be ashamed, but I feel this is another naive thought that old, sheltered Aelsaw would think up.

The people here do pay more attention to me than I'd like as well. Unlike the south, there's many people here who just do not seem like they have places to be. I get called out to by people who clearly want to interact with me, but I do not think they just want to have smalltalk. A few outright solicit me for company and try to follow me.

I'd rather not have to find out how martially capable the local Klivanian riffraff are. I am highly trained in combat precisely because of my low energy levels. It is a last resort. I am unarmed, being outnumbered is always an issue, and I swear I sense a lot more people around here who are brushing at or past the legal energy limit.

I remain pleased at Pillet's natural mobility. By using bursts of energy and pacing myself, I am able to outrun anyone who seems like they might otherwise try to chase me.
No. 1081831 ID: ce93a7
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There, made it! 1:59 PM! I slow down to avoid any eyes and make my way into the abandoned trolley station, then rest. I don't see Hart yet.

I would not have let my guard around those donuts if I knew what was coming. They have attained incredible taste at the price of feeling unsuitable for digestion.

>"An urban ruins explorer?" I didn't sense that man behind me at all, but it must be Hart. That phrase is precisely the first part of the verbal handshake.
I'm still catching my breath, but I can give the reply. "It's nice to revisit, I... had a childhood here."

Oh, I feel faint. Pillet's biotype apparently does not have internal safeguards against overspending one's own energy. This may be a more dangerous vessel to operate than I'm used to. I do not want to faint here, but...
No. 1081832 ID: ce93a7
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Ah, I'm fine. I just needed a moment. Hart moves to a hole in the wall and looks around outside, then comes back and turns something on. A portable scanner, I think.

>"Are you hiding your energy levels?"
>"Good. Although your destination is outside of normal jurisdiction, we also enforce an energy limit of 200." He looks at my bag. "You also must leave behind all your material possessions. I can take them if you wish."
"All of them?"

He thinks for a moment, like I just jumped off the script he sounded like he was reading.

>"Yes, all of them. I've never brought a passenger back into town. If you think you're an exception, you can hide your belongings anywhere in this station for your return, but if you leave, I will also leave. Once you finish putting everything away, I will scan you with this wand, hand you your new clothes, and when you are ready to leave, hook you up to a drug dispenser."

New clothes? He must have been speaking precisely when he said 'all of my material possessions'.

"Can you elaborate on that last part? About the drugs?"
>"You must be at least vaguely aware of the sensitive nature of your destination. The drugs are one of many measures we take to prevent our keener passengers from being able to tell where they are going and where they end up. The exact effects vary depending on the scan results, but it is safe. I have never seen or heard of anyone having complications lasting longer than a day."
No. 1081833 ID: e139aa

Well, so far so good. Might as well do what he says.
No. 1081835 ID: debc82


Nothing serious, hopefully, as we've business to conduct once inside.

It would seem that this process is to handle navigation through the proto-fog, as I shall refer to it, before the town was fully sealed. That, or more likely, it's as simple as preventing someone from realizing WHERE it will be.

Also, we have to ask: are the busses ALWAYS this unreliable?
No. 1081836 ID: df45e0

Sounds standard for this sort of cloak and dagger. Agree with him and don't worry about leaving your stuff for later. You just have some clothes some snacks and some cash right? If we need to leave or the mission goes oddly they are not something we should be worrying about much.

Vaguely wish we could leave the cash to Nishyu instead of just letting it rot though. Small kindnesses and all.
No. 1081838 ID: 273c18

Sheesh, that's a bit extreme. Oh well.
Drop all your stuff. Refuse to strip naked.

Oh, don't waste the donuts. Eat them now.
No. 1081842 ID: 8f9bc4

Nekkid time!

It's no big deal. He has cult robes or whatever they wear, so you'll blend in even more. The drug is... disturbing, but not unexpected. There are more efficient ways to dispose of you if they know you're a fake, so this is probably just some sort of narcotic agent and they don't suspect you. Or at least they don't suspect you enough to turn down a memory artificer.
No. 1081984 ID: 15a025

Offer to share your donuts with him. While you could use the energy to build yourself back up, I don't think eating them all yourself is going to be a good idea. Especially if they're going to knock you out for a bit.
Also see if he or someone else can transfer your money, or at least some of it over to Nishyu. If they ask why, just say she helped get you here on time.
No. 1084836 ID: ce93a7
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"I have a couple of donuts in here, would you like one?"
"Then I'll finish them. By the way, are the busses in this world always so unreliable?"
>"The ones you took, yes. They'll be more reliable at your destination."
"I see."

He's not one for conversation, so I surrender my bag. I'm concerned about the list of odd contacts I have on my phone, but it should be expected that Pillet would have odd acquaintances. I left my instant transmission radio on my ship, at least.

I think if I refuse to strip, I'll simply be left here. I'm more concerned about the drugs, so I get ready while he calls forward a very old fashioned trolley car. It rolls up as he scans me.

While Hart is coarse around the edges, he seems professional enough to calm some of my nerves.
No. 1084837 ID: ce93a7
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After I put on what feels like cultist's robes, I'm given a one size fits all glove. Hart connects to a bulky cuff that firmly locks around my wrist. It comes with a small display that's faced outwards so that Hart can read it rightside up.

>"This should go without saying, but tampering with this dispenser will be considered a hostile act. I'll lock the controls to prevent you from accidentally pressing buttons."

I'm brought on board, and the dispenser is hooked up to some computer in the driver's area, where Hart stands.

>"Hart here. 2:17 PM. Departing station AP-5."
No. 1084838 ID: ce93a7
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The dispenser and perhaps the scanner are reasonably high tech by Klivanian standards, but it is still the most crude method of information withholding I've ever experienced. Whenever I'm transferred to a discreet location, we have people to simply put me in stasis, knock me out, have sensory deprivation chambers with momentum cancellers...

These drugs don't knock me out, but it does get hard to think. The trolley is moving quickly and shakes along its track like it's trying to get as high as me. I start seeing things in the corners of my vision. The trolley starts feeling smooth. Overall, I do not appreciate having drugs in my system and could do without, but it is at least not physically or mentally unpleasant in the moment.

I think Hart snapped his fingers in front of me. I didn't reply. It was about 15 minutes ago and I just thought of it now. Yes, crude and barbaric as this method is, they are doing their job. I simply have no sense of where we are. I think I will take a nap.
No. 1084839 ID: ce93a7
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No. 1084840 ID: ce93a7
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Present Day

Ow. The memory got scrambled for a moment, there.

I'm not eating my words about it being safe, but it's way more engrossing than I expected. This memory felt more real than anything I've experienced in here. It's more vivid and... consistent, for lack of a better word. We can see color in here, but it's like it's faked.

This subdimension might have more wrong with it than stagnation and unconditioned immortality.

I already have a lot to report, but I've only read part of the memory. There's a bit more in the first part, but a lot of it is made of segmented memories. Either Aelsaw's memories were messed with around here, or I screwed up extracting this part of the memory when I was on the wheel.

I lean back and stretch. The second my chair creaks, I hear a shuffling from behind me.

Delli nearly started eating my chocolate.
No. 1084841 ID: 065ad8

That's not great, just the realistic possibility of one part being messed with casts doubts on the whole thing. You need a break, anyway. And chocolate.
No. 1084842 ID: 99f29a

No. 1084844 ID: df45e0

Well what do you think to the idea you might be your sister or not or whatever? Not like it really matters much being ancient history.

The memory seems solid enough but... I dunno a lot of things seem suspect. The government went to some pretty crazy length's to keep their elite power users in line. The level of memory editing they had you? do to yourself implies they could have been abusing you for eons without you realizing it. And the fact they would send one of their elite memory users (wife of a high muckity muck no less) on a dangerous possibly forever mission to check out this one random pocket dimension seems to imply that this place or the founders making it or something here was important enough to risk it.

Plus all that talk of the afterlife that Pillet was certain about but others were not? That seems suspicious. Wondering if Pillet was actually caught and executed or if her sister was sent in for other reasons or if any of what the government talked to her about was true?

The whole mission seem sloppy so remember the past you might have been getting lied to.
No. 1084845 ID: d0cff5

Yeah, you need a break, and chocolate! Take your chocolate back from Delli. And also his clothes, in retaliation. Also because it's funny, and double also because you were just naked in your memories so it's the first thing that comes to mind.

No. 1084847 ID: eb0a9c

Stick the chocolate between your boobs.
No. 1084855 ID: 273c18

Alright, give him a summary of what you've found out so far, and reassure him that you're still the same person he's known since he wiped his memories, you haven't been faking it. Maybe there was some point in time when you knew him where you were faking it, but not now.
You might be married, or maybe you've been declared legally dead and your husband nullified the marriage. Either way it's not like you really know your husband... and... hmm, you might have backups of more memories outside. This is actually a more difficult situation than it appears. If you escaped, you'd get your non-Pillet memories back, and... wouldn't that mean you'd behave more like you did before? Wouldn't you go back to your husband?

Do you think your husband would be amenable to sharing you with Delli?
No. 1084861 ID: 8f9bc4

Noooo the chocolate!

Anyway, the last thing you noticed was strange. Right before the memory glitched out, you suddenly weren't wearing the glove that was supposed to be drugging you. That seems... edited.

I'm not sure what Aumstail thought this memory was going to do to you. Make you want to leave more than ever? If for no other reason than something that (possibly you) someone did that fucked up this world so even the colors were messed up. Whatever they intended to achieve here, all they created was a miserable eternal prison. Your empire was pretty overbearing, but trapping everyone in this puzzle box isn't doing anything but helping the empire who its creators feared.
No. 1084862 ID: 273c18

Oh right, and I think you can say for sure you know why Delli did a chain-suicide and basically erased his own memories. He was devastated that he fell in love with a spy, someone whose very identity, everything he knew about her, was a lie. He had to forget.
But that's not the case anymore. Maybe the real Pillet is dead, but you haven't been faking it with him since he erased his memories. Whoever you are, it's the real deal now.
No. 1084886 ID: fa3034

He better share. Ask for a sittep. This memory is going to take some time to chew through.
No. 1084888 ID: a7a180

My memories have told me it is very important that I must eat that chocolate. Don't question the memories Delli.
No. 1084889 ID: b3eab7

To me, the most problematic thing about this memory is, there likely is a big space empire waiting just outside our pocket dimension to kill at best its founders, at worst everyone. That makes leaving the town a significantly less safe idea than we thought it was.
No. 1084891 ID: 253138

What I don't get about the totally personally inexperienced Aelsaw being sent on a risky secret agent mission to bring Paporron to justice that could easily, and seemingly did, go wrong, is why they even chose to do it this way.

If the goal ultimately was to kill Paporron and secondarily his comrades, then if the risk of their existence outweighs the cost of collateral damage, there's plenty of ways they coulda destroyed everything in the star-system before anyone could react to it. I'm sure a seemingly ultra-tech civilization such as theirs has a few star-system obliterating weapons up their sleeves they coulda used one of here. One magnetic containment vessel holding a basketball sized sphere of antimatter opened up on the surface of Klivania would, at the speed of light, have reduced it and the rest of the star-system to a rapidly expanding cloud of high energy particles, for sure removing Paporron and all his collaborators in one move. And even if he or they were in the incomplete subdimension at the time, they'd be stuck there 'cause the way out is now in the void of space and there's for sure gonna be a empire fleet left behind in perpetuity to blow away anything that pops back out. No, they didn't do it this way 'cause they wanted more than just his death.

Best bet I can think of for them going this route is that they very, very badly wanted Paporron's memories; The memories of everyone he collaborated with, how he did it under the nose of the Phenocosm, and how he was building this subdimension. And they wanted it so badly they were willing to send Aelsaw on this mission and take the big risk of it going sideways, Paporron figuring out what's up, capturing her and holding out for as long as possible to finish what they can of the subdimension before the Phenocosm's forces figure that Aelsaw is MIA and move in. Or, if he figures they're gonna wipe the star-system to get him if Aelsaw misses a check-in, just escape into the incomplete subdimension immediately.

I just don't get why they seemingly didn't consider the possibility of the worst case scenario weighed against what they could gain from this mission: Aelsaw being turned by Paporron and helping him complete the subdimension. Were the odds of that so long it fell below level of consideration? Because that sounds like such a catastrophic failure that it'd have to be considered and contingencies formulated for it.

And what's the reason the Phenocosm is so intent on stopping Paporron, and anyone else, from creating a subdimension, with customized physics or not? If it was just a group of folk that just wanted to get away from the Phenocosm for the rest of eternity and have nothing to do with this universe any more, then that doesn't sound like a risk to the Phenocosm. Now, if it was a group that made a subdimension specifically to crank their power level up to the bazillions such they could pop back in to this universe and turn the Phenocosm to atoms with a flick of their pinkie finger, then the Phenocosm would have a big reason to fear that. But, if that was the case, then why doesn't the Phenocosm do the same thing to counter the possibility and cement their rule for the rest of time? So, if they don't do that, then perhaps there's a inherent risk to the universe from creating subdimensions? Hm, we don't know enough to say at this time.

If anything, that'd make Delli want to get the chocolate more... So definitely do that! I'm all for goat guy sticking his face down Pillet's cleavage to eat that chocolate. Or, if that's too far, just his hand.

>Right before the memory glitched out, you suddenly weren't wearing the glove that was supposed to be drugging you. That seems... edited.
The hose/cable attached to the glove is still present, so it's either a really sloppy memory edit or a art error.
No. 1084893 ID: 8f9bc4


Hah, so maybe when past-Delli went ballistic and destroyed the vault of memories the elite members had hidden off in the fog, that actually made them completely safe from the Empire, since the memories the Empire coveted had been destroyed. But they'd never know it, since they lost those memories, too!

> The hose/cable attached to the glove is still present, so it's either a really sloppy memory edit or a art error.

Or Aelslaw was holding the tube in her other hand, and actively changing the memories of the mook driving her there, so he wouldn't notice the slight of hand. Which is something she "can't" do. That she totally can do now.
No. 1084894 ID: 56db77

Side note away from all the relationship drama this memory has raised, if we're in this pocket dimension thingy does time pass in here at the same rate as out there? The answer to that may make breaking out a lot easier or aoy harder
No. 1084915 ID: debc82


Time for some cooperative chocolate devouring while you engross your cute scamp of a boyfriend with cool tales of Future-Past-Pillet and how ridiculously chill (and nerdy) you were.

Also chocolate. Give it here.
No. 1084997 ID: df45e0


You know the idea that Aelslaw might be acting things up for this memory is a possibility. The cute little harmless memory tech wandering around society not knowing about donuts could just be to make the story told by the memory more palatable. When secretly she is a scheming master manipulator angry at the empire for daring to touch her sister.

The memory tells us that the empire kept memory editors under lock and key but what if that is just what Aelslaw/Pillet wanted people to think?

A few clever ways to hide your own memories of doing it and a sneaky memory editor could be stealing every bit of high command data and making everyone think that the security measures in place were more than protection enough.

All it would have taken is a few early memory masters realizing the danger they were in back in the early days. Make your own flawed containment measures back in the day and made people think they were perfect and that high command had designed them.
No. 1085172 ID: 15a025

Get the chocolate from Deli, you need it more than he does after all.
No. 1085511 ID: ce93a7
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"Turns out I'm a fake Pillet!"
>"Wow what."
"I might be impersonating the old, pre-town Pillet."
>"So uhh do I keep calling you Pillet?"
"I've been Pillet for a hell of a lot longer than your shifting, chocolate stealing ass has, so you'd better not think of me any differently!"
>"That's rude, I can't steal my own chocolate."

I tackle him.
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Delli's tiny hands can't hold onto the chocolate, so I snap most of it out of his grasp.

"Oh yeah try eating chocolate when your mouth is occupied!"

His energy surges, that cheating goat, and forces a kiss. I hide the chocolate in my top.
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No. 1085514 ID: ce93a7
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"Don't gnaw through my tanktop you dumbass!"
No. 1085515 ID: ce93a7
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Somehow we both share the chocolate and settle down.

"Did anything happen out here while I was reading this memory?"
>"Nope. So you were a spy after all?"
"I guess. I'm not done, but..."

I go on to share with him what I know.

>"Seems pretty clumsy of the phenocosm to send in old past you like that."
"Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. You can't get a space empire going without bureacracy making things stupid, but I don't think the phenocosm would've hesitated to blow up the planet if that would've solved the subdimension issue. They were after more than just Paporron, after all. I'm holding my thoughts on that, 'cause while Aelsaw's mission sure seems clunky as hell, I get the impression that the memory's going to address that."

I leave out the chocolate donut, for now. The chocolate I just had was more fun with Delli, but taste wise... it's weak compared to the chocolate donut that Aelsaw had. It's all the more reason to escape. Delli and all the rest are going to have their minds blown when they see what real space is like.

.... Maybe their bodies blown up, too.

"More pressingly, there's probably a giant empire out waiting for us to reveal ourselves."
>"Yeah there's that. I dunno, I think if we revealed that, we'd actually have more votes to try it anyway."
"Why? It's not like the people who want to die for real can't just blow themselves up already."
>"I dunno, when I was on my suicide chain, I think I would've been pretty motivated at the idea of going out one last time in a blaze of glory rather than just blow myself up one last time."
"That's cause deep down, you're a weird combat goat! I doubt everyone feels that way."
>"I dunno, the town's always looked to violence to solve all its problems, hasn't it?"
"Mmm. Well, whatever, we can do some polling later. I'm just glad you're not upset I'm a spy after all."
>"Dunno why I would be, if it's true you lost your memories. I mean maybe you haven't and this has been the longest ruse you've ever done."
"Nah." That said I've kept secrets from him and everyone for a long time, so I've been paying the cost of trust since.

I think he might've been more upset about me being a spy in some transient lives of his long in the past, but his recent stretch of remaining in the fog was sparked by something much more mundane and only several years ago.

"Alright, I'm going back in before we speculate forever on things that the memory will cover."

On closer look, not just are there some fragmented chunks of memories coming up, but part 2 blends into part 1 rather than a clean divide... whatever, I'm taking a look anyway.
No. 1085517 ID: ce93a7
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>"It's really you! I've waited so long... wait... your soul is... different?" This is Paporron. He's not at all like the other soul seers I've seen. "You seem kinder."
"Hey now. What's that supposed to mean?"
>"Er, no - sorry! I'm supposed to be skeptical, but I'll have your back like you had mine so many times."
"... I'm sorry. I had to shed a lot of memories."
>"What? What are you talking about? You forgot our time together? Why?"
"The loyal soul seers were honing in on my soul. I had to split my own memories and throw them to the nebulas to hide my trail. I'm sorry, Paporron." I shake my head. I'm outright making things up. I have no idea if they could do such a thing. "The important memories were the most important ones to shed. But obviously I remembered how to catch your message."

I can tell he's buying it. Somehow, he's as naive as me.

>"I understand, and of course you would! You came here, so you remembered enough. You knew I'd keep looking for a subdimension, just like you. A safe one. It must be done correctly, and that's why your artificing must be involved! It'll be far too dangerous without you. After a
No. 1085518 ID: ce93a7
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It's all far more high tech than what I've seen above ground, though I have not yet gotten far from the terminal. That fog-like sphere must be it. We are far from the outer cities and buildings here, and civilians are out of sight. The entire place is paved over, and the lack of a single body aside from us gives it an eerie atmosphere, like a classic nightmare of everyone but oneself disappearing off the face of the planet.

Even if there were many workers around, I simply don't need to wonder why these important figures have come without protection. Their own power greatly exceeds everyone I could sense on Klivania's surface, combined. It is still not a concern for the phenocosm.

The drugs have yet to wear off, but I notice the sky is fake.

>"You may call me Shelshin. But first." He turns to face Paporron. "I want you to think very carefully about this. Don't just say she's Pillet because of what it would mean if she's not."
>"I believe it's her. It's really Pillet. Please come to trust her, I'm sure she'll do great work. Let's please introduce each other properly! Pillet, this is Shelshin, our space warper, and this is Aumstail, our energy blocker. You two, this is Pillet - "
>"A legendary rogue who did not even show up sober."
>"Sir. I had orders to prevent her mental faculties sensing our location." Hart explains.
>"I should have known." The displeasure on Shelshin's face is clear. "You'll take any excuse to experiment with your drugs, won't you?" He faces the shorter one.
>"Do you honestly think a blindfold and hood would stop an artifi
No. 1085519 ID: ce93a7
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uring us.

>"It'll burst." The shorter one, Aumstail, explains. "My skill will deny the universe the energy to do so. And now, I hope to see if you live up to how well Paporron has spoken of you."
"That good, huh?"
>"You do carry yourself with discipline, so it's a good first impression. Paporron insisted on bringing you on a long time ago, but there was no safe way to contact you or even know for sure if you were alive. We decided to pursue our project without you, even if it meant not having a memory artificer at all."
"Did he contact me unsafely?"
>"A decade ago he sounded unsure it would be safe, so we denied it. Since then he has thought it over and made safeguards against interception, and convinced us it was safe enough. He acted rather uppity about the idea of continuing without you or any artificer. And now you showed up. Let's hope it was as safe as he claims. In any case, it is safer in there than out here, so let's head inside. Safe or not, you are here, and with you our dreams may ju
No. 1085520 ID: ce93a7
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s Fisheye.

>"It's known as the Corporeality Condenser! It is my magnum opus, a fantastic bit of machinery that blends physics with restricted skills like yours! Not this thing right here, mind you, this is just a console. The real thing does not entirely occupy euclidean space, as it's not a machine in the conventional sense. It's more like the collection of changes to the laws of physics and other elements. By linking a soul to it, a few things can be done. For instance, it allows Aumstail to form a bubble around the subdimension simply by having her soul nearby without requiring her constant attention. Also, if you die, your soul is drawn in here instead of wherever you'd normally go. You remain dead for one month, not because it takes that long to reincarnate you in your own image, but because the restlessness of a soul generates the power needed for certain functions. A month long gap ensures enough souls in the fog without needing to keep too many people dead at once."
"People have to remain dead for it to work?"
>"Yes. Don't worry, some individuals actually like the experience, but for others, dying's simpl
No. 1085521 ID: ce93a7
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name seems foreign to you. They certainly don't tell you too much, do they?"

I wanted to make conversation with some of the workers, but they all feel so uncomfortable. I wonder if founders only talk to everyday workers when something's gone wrong. My 'bodyguards,' who I feel like are some kind of secretive security force pushed into a bodyguard role for the first time, are certainly not helping by giving everyone nasty looks everytime they glance at me.

>"Sorry, ma'am, I don't know much of anything. Even the name of the project's hidden to us."
"It must be hard to talk about."
>"We don't do much talking, our noses belong to the grindstone. When we do, we've just taken to calling the murky stuff fog, the subdimension as haze town, and the construction area as the canyon. It's a small world here, not much confusion happens by giving simple names."
"What about the top side?"
>"Top side? Ma'am, we know we're underground, but the surface may as well be a different planet. Most of us were born out over in that building there, it's a big hospital."
"Oh, are there no children born in the subdimension?"
>"Only just entering the test phase, I think. The founders, bless 'em, want to make sure it's safe for the new generation to grow up entirely inside without any weird effects. That'll happen in my lifetime, at least. I think it'll be fine. The inside gives us plenty of places to explore. New areas are generated every month. By the time I'm old, I believe it'll be a real paradise that'll feel just as tangible as out here. Until then, this outside area's just our worksite, and this monitoring station is my second home."
"Wow." The workers down here remind me of phenocosm work traits. I have not yet met half the founders; it seems like there are two different groups of founders. The subdimensional constructors that include me and those I've met, and the more mundane political leadership and general city architects and engineers. There's an excepti
No. 1085522 ID: ce93a7
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e scoots a little closer to where I stand. He is an affectionate sort.

>"The older you would have gotten into a big argument already about the community president's manipulation and micromanagement of everyone's lives! Which I admired about you, but now I'm just relieved you've been getting along so well with everyone."
"Maybe I'll bring that up later, but it's more important that the subdimension is completed correctly.
>"You got that right! So how are you going to spend your night off?"
"Let's order some pizza. Or is that too much of a weird, new-Pillet thing to do?
>"Heheh, no, that's an old Pillet thing too. She'd eat too much, then spend the whole night and a lot of the next day doing too much aerobic excercise to burn it all off."
"New Pillet is too mellow for that last part."
>"Haha. I want to catch up and get to know the new you. Can I spend the night?"
"Sure, I
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Someone left a written note.

It's blank.
No. 1085524 ID: ce93a7
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"Hart? It's been awhile."
>"Yes. Contrary to my doubts, it seems like you'll be going back to the surface after all. More will explained, but part of the process of returning to the surface will invol
No. 1085525 ID: ce93a7
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I'm in a moving room with black walls. Once again I am drugged, though the concoction is different. A truth serum, blend Arvens-Katsch or similar, judging by the sensation that's quickly wearing off. It's a blend I am resistant to.

Hart places a small memory canister into a pneumatic tube and sends it off.

>"Are you feeling alright, Pillet?"
"I am. What's going on, Hart? Did I fall unconscious?" I can gather what happened, but I must act ignorant. "Oh, that's a memory capsule, am I...?"
>"You have been here for several weeks. The founders are pleased with your work thus far, but you will be returning to the surface for a time, contrary to my previous doubts. To make sure that the knowledge of what happens here stays here, you've excised your memories."
"I... suppose. Please bear with me, this is disorienting, even while sobering up. I feel that I just got here."
>"That is intended. You will receive your memories of this place again when you return. For now, you are to serve Spokesperson Varther for a small period of time."
>"Now, get ready for a scan."
No. 1085526 ID: ce93a7
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I am changed into a new set of more casual clothes, and the drug machine begins pumping me full of the very first mix. Just as this is a crude method of keeping my mind muddy, their methods of making sure I excised my own memories must have been crude.

Crude, but nevertheless largely effective. I could only preserve a handful of moments, and I just hope that this was truly the best I could have done. I know I received more crucial information; a couple of my intact memories almost touched on what felt like critical information. But knowing me, I erred on the side of caution. It would have been disasterous if they learned I was attempting to smuggle my memories to the surface. The more impactful the memory, the more likely I would have been caught.

The drugs soon take hold, and the world spins around me once more as I'm brought to... wait, the trolley has stopped. Hart is on the phone, and though the walls block most noise, I can tell the founders and a few others - maybe also founders I don't remember - are arguing loud enough to get through the walls.

This lasts for several minutes.

The call ends, and Hart speaks to me over the trolley's PA from all of 10 feet away.

>"There has been a change of plans. Your trip to the surface has been delayed for one month."

The trolley jolts into motion again, this time going back the way we came.
No. 1085530 ID: 273c18

Some of these memories lost color... I'm guessing those are when you're inside the partially-built subdimension?

>written note
Contradiction! CONTRADICTION! That is a self-contradictory memory! Did the note wipe your memory of you reading it? Did you, after reading it, extract that memory and erase the note to hide its contents from yourself? Did you block the contents of the note upon realizing it was too important to preserve? Or did someone else somehow tamper with the memory?

(ah, these memories are fragmented because they're memories of memories that Pillet managed to preserve.)

Ask why? This seems weird, did something happen on the surface?
This is a dangerous situation for you. You might accidentally reveal you kept those memory fragments, so watch what you say.
No. 1085533 ID: eb0a9c

"One month. Ha. I get it. Gotta test that somehow.
No. 1085538 ID: a7a180

Hm, the fog machine is powered by ghosts. If a lot more people than expected are currently staying dead, I wonder where the spare power goes. Domain expansion? Into people like Delli?
No. 1085546 ID: 395885

oh boy, fragmented, broken memories
The soul seer did not catch you? that is very, VERY strange, maybe you really are the real Pillet and you were caught and turned into your own sister
No. 1085549 ID: 8f9bc4

Does that mean... the only way to destroy this place is to make sure everyone is alive and no one kills anyone ever, until the battery runs out? It would be like herding cats!

Interestingly, you don't remember the name of the one who created it, even though you remember Shelshin and Aumstail. Was his name too dangerous?

The Empire was right. Papporon was fucking thirsty for Pillet. He saw through you at a glance, but kept up the deception out of desperation to have his friend back with him again.

Anyway are you done with the memory? You might have remembered Delli, if that's the same goat man. Tell him he worked on a monitoring station and was born in a secret hospital deep underground. Just because it's cool, and real.

I suppose... that last memory was when they figured out you weren't really your sister? You hadn't even reached the surface though. If you went back down for a month, then when did they catch you betraying them to the Empire?
No. 1085551 ID: 273c18

More like the soul seer didn't *want* to believe Pillet was an impostor, so they didn't.
No. 1085574 ID: 56db77

Seems like if we want this place to collapse we simply need to prevent anyone from dying for a full month
No. 1085576 ID: df45e0

Hmm this might be the event that gets everything locked up and the start of everyone being trapped inside and paranoid at each other.

Maybe they found some evidence of Pillet betrayal?

Or maybe they are getting news of some dangerous event that will delay leaving. Government actions outside etc.

Hart being nervous regardless is expected. Him not coming over to talk to you could be a sign of general worry or "Woops don't get to close to the possible double agent who might realize she is exposed and lash out and try to escape."

Any chance that last scan popped something suspicious? Either way the next months memories could start getting trickier.

The memories you got out have lots of clues but the big stuff to ponder thus far:

1. Corporeality Condenser. Is a big clue to know what the console looks like and that the rest of the machine is off somewhere else in conceptual space. The question to ask is about its feature "blends physics with restricted skills like yours" Is that usual in sub dimensions? Why would they want to blend memory manipulation into the fabric of Haze town? To allow them to manipulate residents memories without you around perhaps? And if it can take other powers like soul seer and energy dampeners? Getting the feeling that the higher ups in this project just want there own personal playground.

2. Sharp divide between the founders and the workers. Explains how everything fell apart so hard if the golden elite tried to play god and force that on the plebs.

3. Paporron for sure seemed to realize something was up. The question is was he naive or plotting? Either he was in love with Pillet hard and in denial or he was willing to overlook things to complete his goal. Do we know if he still exists? Or was he part of Delli's purge and is now someone totally new?

4. Founders have factions and Paporron is not totally in charge perhaps. Did you get anything solid from there loud conversation that could get through the wall?

5. Maybe meeting a Delli past version? Can people change race/shape/body over time due to deaths or haze? Would Delli always have been a goat or could he have been someone else long long ago? Same question for Paporron.

6. Might be a good idea to remember all the faces from this memory and see if they stay roughly the same and track down the old memory blanked out founders. Might be able to look through there heads and track down scraps?

7. Anything odd about the blank note memory? Like what if the note is blank but you kept memory because the note was not the important part of it? Where were you standing with note and was anything on back or around you or on you etc?
No. 1085581 ID: debc82


Can we maybe skip the drugs this time? It's bad enough feeling hung-over one-way, but having to go under again is kind of a lot, coming off of the whole ... memory-thing.

Also, did they say why? Is something going on?
No. 1085615 ID: ce93a7
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[ I slow down and think about the memory for a second. That was disorienting, but the memories were alternating between her in the subdimension and her in real space for a moment.

I guess I technically never needed the keys! I just had to get everyone to stop killing each other and dying. In this town, where so many want to remain dead and the rest treat death as an inconvenience. Easy.

I replay the memory of the founders speaking through Hart's intercom, but I didn't catch much. Aelsaw's too drugged up, but I think they were just in an argument about what to do about her. Likewise, there's not much to gather about Aelsaw's memory of that blank written note. Too many possibilities of what it could be.

I'll try and deduce more answers after receiving all the information the memory offers. It's not done yet. Might make fun of Delli being on a monitor station, but I'd have to pretend that was him. It probably wasn't. Goat types aren't that rare. Heck, Aelsaw ran into one called Buks in line for donuts.

Wonder if I'll know what happened to Paporron. He's definitely as good as dead now, I know that much. Time to see if I can't find that out too, so back to the memory. ]

"That's... odd." I click my tongue, speaking feels weird. "Did something happen on the surface?"
>"No. This is an internal decision."
"A month, huh..." My mind catches up. "Can we leave the drugs out of this? Just shoot me in the face?"
>"No, that leaves a mess."

He moves to my drug dispenser and begins inputting code. ... Ah. Is there some kind of euthanasia in there? Of course there is, there's plenty of mixtures in there to create such a cocktail, one way or the other.

I feel my body feel funny. I see what they're doing. I can remember that I was told by that machine creator that I would reincarnate based on my soul's self image.

It only occurs to me as I am fading away that the only way to return as Pillet is to shape my self image to be that of her. However, the scraps of her memories I received are a speck of plankton in the sea of my, Aelsaw's, own memories. I would have to destroy so much of that ocean to convince myself that I am only that plankton. I would forget so much of Shuzenza and what made me, me.

I would destroy myself if it would save the mission, but I cannot. My condition is bad. They will see me for who I am, and...

"Hart, I feel myself fading. Is this really it? These are my last moments...?"
>"The subdimension will bring you back in a month."
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.... The drugs deny my first death to be coherently thoughtful, so I will die silently and thoughtlessly. I cannot remember why, but I know they cannot tell where I will reincarnate. I will have at least a few minutes... before...

I am thinking a lot during my first death, aren't
No. 1085617 ID: ce93a7
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No. 1085618 ID: ce93a7
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rt's departed back down the tunnel, leaving me on my own. He waited until I was sobered up, at least, and returned my surface belongings. This is the surface of Klivania, but I'm at a different abandoned station.

My phone says it's been 5 months since I first went down to the construction zone.
No. 1085619 ID: ce93a7
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Didn't I die? Yes, I was killed to see what body I would have when I resurrected. I was told it was based on my soul's self image.

But after that, I didn't save a single memory? That's a shame, because now I have no idea how I got out of that one.
No. 1085622 ID: df45e0

How did you get out of that one? Probably your lover boy Paporron. Or you are just better at tricking yourself than you realize and kept enough Pillet thoughts to show back up as her? Or you did not and they let you go as part of a scheme.

Welp go get some donuts and ponder what to do next!
No. 1085624 ID: 99f29a

Keep going along for the ride then.
No. 1085630 ID: 395885

What, exactly, defines the souls self image
No. 1085641 ID: 065ad8

Maybe you were actually Pillet all along! WooOOoOOoo!!
No. 1085642 ID: 53560f

Check your phone thoroughly and see if there’s anything you had that you didn’t before.
No. 1085644 ID: 273c18

>Can we leave the drugs out of this? Just shoot me in the face?
Were you supposed to know that you were about to die? Without that memory fragment, should you have been able to connect the dots? Better hope Hart didn't realize that.
Considering your memories are all gone... maybe he did realize it, and you had to lie your way out of it, and decided not to save any memories this time.
Wait, how would you have fixed your body? What could you have done in the few minutes it would take to find you? Why does your body look like Pillet NOW? Was there a fleshcrafter in there? Maybe you got to the fleshcrafter first, before anyone could find you, and forced them to fix your body before erasing their memory of the act?
...wait, this means the soul-grabbing machine can reach outside of the subdimension. You reincarnated despite being outside it. I guess the subdimension isn't sealed up yet?

Paranoid thought: what if you didn't get out of it, and they let you go as bait? They might be watching you to see what you do next, how you're meant to contact your boss.

(present-day Pillet: think on how the self-image thing works for those who have chain-reincarnated so many times they can't remember anything. What determines their body then?)
No. 1085691 ID: ce93a7
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I'll ponder what to do next, but I can do so while stepping outside and seeing if there's a good donut or other klivanian food shop. I'm very hungry, this refreshed Pillet body seems to have an empty stomach! And it's cold, but I think that's just the environment. My other clothes seem to have been removed, but my other belongings are accounted for, money included.

>What exactly is the soul's self image
It's like a regular self image, but without the ability to lie about it. A true shape, some fleshcrafters call it. Others call it the birth shape. All fleshcrafters acknowledge the limitations the simple term has, because even the soul's self image is subjective. Because of that, the founder's plan to expose me was naturally imperfect, but it was still a good idea.

[ That lines up with what I've seen over the 4,000 years I've been in the fog. Reincarnation isn't perfect, so people slowly forget, but it's much harder for a soul to forget than a mind. Even chain-dying for years may not change a person much even if their mind has forgotten everything about themselves and why they look like they do.

With that said, there is a chance that maybe, just maybe, if it keeps happening, a soul may forget. I've yet to completely confirm that there aren't times where a person goes into the fog and never comes back out. ]
No. 1085692 ID: ce93a7
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>Maybe you were Pillet all along
I cannot imagine when, how, or the implications involved in that! I think there are wild assumptions I could make that are less likely.

It's much more likely that Paporron had something to do with my escape. That alone doesn't explain it, but I cannot think of a simple explanation for how I managed to fix my body.

>Were you supposed to know that you were about to die?
Let me see... I knew the reincarnation cycle was a month - ah. I learned that from a memory. Hart... oh, I do wish the regular drugging would stop, but I hate that it seems to have loosened my tongue. What a grave screw up, I am better than that and I have no excuse. I imagine that if Hart caught this, I would not be here now, so I got lucky.

>The subdimension isn't yet sealed
No, but I am under the impression that it can be sealed from the inside very quickly.

>Check your phone thoroughly
My phone looks the same as before. The usual functions are there, as are my contacts. The planet's taxi service, Spokesman Varther, Karinmaan Eleve, Quaps - oh, a new contact is here at the bottom.

Contact: Caveman
Call when ready to go on a subterranean adventure! Note: As you have mentioned you will be unavailable for 4 days, this number will not be checked for four days. If further calls result in a failure to pick up, leave a message, number, and wait.

That must be my way back to the subdimension - oh! It's snowing out here! My phone map tells me there are some well rated food shops and locations around here. The layout and general look feels different than where I was. I zoom out, and... ah, the snow isn't because of seasons. I'm nearly 2,000 miles away from my original starport!

My journey will not be a short one. I must admit I don't feel at ease with my current situation. If I wanted to investigate that, I would first have to find out how. I don't know if I should try, or if it's best to focus on the journey so I can report to Shuzenza as soon as possible.
No. 1085693 ID: df45e0

Well how are you supposed to report to Shuzenza? Usual spy stuff is a couple of dead drops that lead to dead drops with hidden signals that lead people to pick up hidden reports. Only proven way to transfer spy junk even with its faults.

So where you going and how suspicious is it going to look to get there? I mean you are for sure bugged from head to toe. Could even have implanted tracker? Dunno maybe you have protections or can sense that.

Regardless do you remember enough to know why your Pillet identity wanted to come out of the sub dimension? What was your excuse for leaving?

Go find a shop that sells hot chocolate in a not awful neighborhood so we can ask some questions.
No. 1085694 ID: 6fde92

Well, for spaceport to spaceport travel, you’ve got four days. What if you went up and rode that giant lamp array closer to your destination?
No. 1085695 ID: 8f9bc4

As crude as those drugs seem Hart appears to be something of an artist with them. Like a painter with only a simple wooden stick tipped in animal hair. He might have "caught it" after all. Him slowly altering your consciousness with each concoction, being there to here your final words, so to speak. Maybe your loose tongue is his intention, more than just a crude form of protection of the project's location. You'll have to be more careful around him.
No. 1085696 ID: b3eab7

Is it possible that you got caught and forced to absorb a secret stash of Pillet memory that would overwhelm you?
No. 1085697 ID: 273c18

Literally everything you're carrying right now is a security risk. The first thing you need to be doing is buying more clothes. You have a pretty good excuse for this- its cold!
No. 1085736 ID: ce93a7
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>How to report to Shuzenza?
I have to get back to my ship. At the very least, that's where my instant radio transmitter is, but it is best to go aboard the flagship and deliver my memories for analysis.

>Do you remember enough to know why your Pillet identity wanted to come out of the sub dimension?
I don't remember anything since dying, or anything prior to that that would imply such a thing.

>Is it possible you absorbed an overwhelming amount of Pillet memories?
It's unlikely, though I can't technically rule it out.

I cannot tell if I'm bugged or not, since I don't remember coming up at all. Hart must be getting good with employing those drugs, if he's not just following directions.

I notice I'm shivering just a little bit. There's all sorts of small little shops around here that have outfits for this weather, so I go inside.

>"Hey there, you need assistance, ma'am?"
"No thank you."
>"Okay! Just relaxing, or are you planning to hit the slopes?"
>"Okay! Hey, want me to show you the best spots for it?"
"No thank you."
>"Okay! You know there's a goo - "
>"Roncha, quit hittin' on random girls and help me clean up back here!" A scruffy sounding woman calls from the back.

I have much to think over before I accept the hospitality of complete strangers, or to learn what 'hitting the slopes' means. I get these clothes and a few cheap outfits that seem reasonably priced.
No. 1085737 ID: ce93a7
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>Ride the giant lamp array
Ooh, there must be a way up there. I could head on up, then descend back down onto my own space port. It's quite expensive, but I do have my zipbox with an unknown but significant amount of funds inside. That seems like it's intended for vacationers seeing what lower orbit is like, but it's a valid means of travel.

There are simple planes too, and apparently they're a more reliable form of transport than the grounded busses. They're also cheap enough I can use my coin collection alone for.

Everything on me could be bugged or compromised somehow, even my zipbox so I will have to consider how to deal with that.

>What was your excuse for leaving?
Hmmmm... ohhh, I haven't even thought about that. There's no reason the founders wanted me on the surface. Ah! That's right. After first contacting him, Spokesperson Varther said that he'd be trying to extract me so I could report back. He must have managed.

After I discard my old clothes, I go fetch something to eat. Hot cocoa sounds nice, so I order that as well as some chocolate pastries. I can practically feel the sugar in the steam.

This is a nice place. Unlike the capital, people seem happy to be here.
No. 1085738 ID: 99f29a

Neumono spotted. Also it seems a little odd that they're carrying weapons around like that.
No. 1085739 ID: 273c18

Oh, I just realized... since you most likely respawned as the wrong body, but are now in Pillet's body again, that means there's a fleshwarper on staff somewhere which ALSO means that they could have sent someone up at the same time in a different body to watch you. So let's assume the worst: you're bugged, and there's at least one agent up here to follow you and confirm that you're a spy. You'll need to ditch your tail somehow.

So, how do you get to your dead drop AND avoid being suspicious about it? ...oh, they didn't tell you how to get back after the meeting, did they? Your dead drop is near the first abandoned station, so you could just go back there once the meeting is over? Claim that your memory was still foggy from the drugs when you were dropped off, and you couldn't remember where the second abandoned station was or even if you were supposed to wait there or not?
No. 1085742 ID: fa3034

Are those not skis?
No. 1085743 ID: 4ab383

Those are not Neumono and they're carrying skis, not weapons.
No. 1085749 ID: 124485

>they're carrying weapons
……those are skis.
No. 1085751 ID: 8f9bc4


Oh. Oh no. You wouldn't have removed any of your memories after reaching the surface. The only reason to do so is if you got caught, and they want you to forget that so you'd try to contact Shuzenza. Why, though? Are you a sleeper agent??

And why the heck are you 2000 miles away?
No. 1085778 ID: debc82


Marvel at your impeccable fashion sense and The Best Hat.

Also, is this the first you've ever had hot cocoa?
No. 1085784 ID: ce93a7
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A lot of people out there are carrying skis and boards. No wonder the shop sold so many, it must be the local sport around here. It looks fun. Cocoa seems popular here, too, but combined with the weather, I can see why. It's my first time having this, but I think it is a memory I will hold close despite my concerning circumstances. Also, I suspect that a few more cups of it would lead to the same issues I had when I ate too many donuts. Now that my frosted chocolate cake has arrived, I should slow down.

I'm letting myself think too frantically. No matter the suspicious circumstances, I needed to be on the surface. Anything on me could be a tracker. This includes my own body, as the founders most likely have a fleshcrafter among their ranks. Even fleshcrafters cannot broadcast my thoughts, however, so my mind remains safe to think in. I cannot trust the same for my voice or my eyes. Nonetheless, I must deliver my findings to Shuzenza. There are no dead drops available to me, so I must make contact directly.

The prospect of bugs simply means I must use care and vigilance. I can think about this from Pillet's perspective. I came to this planet after receiving Paporron's message. I'm not a Klivanian native, so me having a ship in the starport should not be remotely suspicious.

As for using the instant transmission radio I have on that ship, I know various means of encryption. This includes language. I can use foreign tongues to communicate with the phenocosm. Its usage is riskier, but the phenocosm can guide me through it from there.

I have four days, but it seems like I can make it to the spaceport in a little over 8 hours. That's plenty of time to lose any agents spying on me and savor this food.

Above all else, I cannot return to the subdimension before I contact Shuzenza. Spokesperson Varther might not be able to extract me a second time.

I will use this time eating to think on if there are any actions I should take on my way to the spaceport to remove bugs, lose any agents, or do anything else to deliver my information as safely as possible.
No. 1085787 ID: 99f29a

Nah this is basically a flashback surely everything is fine and nothing can have consequences. Enjoy the food.
No. 1085788 ID: 065ad8

Are bugs ok in water? You could see if there's a hot spring or a sauna or something. Maybe a lot of heat or a lot of cold would kill off anything more fleshcrafty, too? I'm not exactly sure what that would entail.
No. 1085790 ID: 0ec851

(That's how it ends up turning out that based on whether we succeed avoiding suspicion or fail decides whether Paporron is dead forever or just hiding.)
No. 1085795 ID: df45e0

Well they sure did not make this easy on you. Well if you can't get to Shuzenza easily due to spy crap then you have to get him to come to you.

Go win the regions top ski competition by borrowing a lot of pro skier memories! Once you get the trophy Shuzenza will have a excuse to hand it over himself during the celebration and you can happily hand over memories and then wander back off to the sub dimension or whatever.

So what happens if things go wrong and you get stuck inside the sub-dimension after you go back?
No. 1085873 ID: 8f9bc4

Your eyes are definitely going to be bugged. I cannot think of a better way a Fleshcrafter could monitor you than by giving you a sensory organ that reports to someone other than just yourself, and that's the most accurate sensory organ. Be sure to contact Shuzenza with your eyes closed, looking away from any visual.
No. 1085967 ID: 15a025

Well, one idea to shake them off your trail is send them on a wild goose chase. Don't suppose you could bottle up some non-important or mundane memories and ship them off to no-where or some no-one?
No. 1086022 ID: fa3034

Treat yourself to a really good spa day. Get familiar with writing messages you can't directly see. Just in case you need to blind type a status update to the ship. They might have bugged your eyes but your mind is still yours.
No. 1086029 ID: 15a025

Actually, thinking about it. Is it even possible for a flesh crafter to bug someone's eyes like that? I feel like when they crafted you into Pillet for the mission they probably would have done that if possible.
No. 1088469 ID: ce93a7
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Let's see, what little I know about bugs... I suspect flesh is good at blocking many signals, so unless they use very advanced tech, they would want to install it as shallow as possible. I don't know if such things would be suspectible to hot or cold, but I'm running on guesses. I think I'll go to a spa or sauna, and if their bugs are susceptible to heat, then that's one guess taken care of!... But of course, my honest self knows I simply want to take advantage of my location and spare time.

The eyes sound like an easy target for bugging, and I'm sure it is possible for the founders. Maybe the phenocosm would've bugged my eyes too, but they also would've known the subdimension constructors would scan me. That would have lead to many troublesome questions.

But I can circumvent this. My mind is my own, so I continue tapping locations and routes into my phone. My memories can be exceptionally detailed if I focus, and I can make use of that here. I isolate my senses and focus on every individual keystroke. I may mind to the placement of my fingers, the feel of the pressure on the phone, and the small feedback vibration are all noted as I confirm and associate what key is struck.

Oh, what's this? A spa day? Treat my body? Taste of heaven? Using the same secret tricks that have led Madame Citreve to live beyond an amazing... two centuries. Oh. Dear, dear Klivanians...

But it features many interesting amenities that do sound nice, and it's close by. I walk over and find out that it's as purple as the advertisements.

"Hi, I was interested in the full all day package."
>"Okay! It starts at 2,000 chips."
"Starts?" That sure is a lot, but I'm not strained for money.
>"Everything on this listing behind me is included in the day pass, but additional money can be spend for things like being treated by the Madame herself."
"Oh! Just the day pass for now then, please."
>"Alright! Can I get your name?"
"Ellie." Best to use my name for the surface, I think.
>"And... got it. You're all set."
No. 1088470 ID: ce93a7
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Once I pay, he leads me to the showers and tells me I'm free to use any amenities through the day, and I can leave and come back as desired. After that, I'm lead to some natural hot springs where he leaves me be with a few other girls. Hmm, the advertisement claimed many health benefits to these hot springs, but I don't sense any nanomachines, lingering healing energy infusions, replenishment chemicals, or anything I know about. Oh well, it's comfortable.

I let myself meditate on my phone typing memories. Emphasizing memories to be able to replicate a single action is a common basic exercise for memory artificers. I have done far more difficult exercises in the past, and so I can confidently say that I can now text at speed without looking at my phone.

>So what happens if things go wrong and you get stuck inside the sub-dimension after you go back?
I never received orders for that. The more hindsight I get, the more confused I am at how dreadfully unprepared I seem for this mission. My memories of agents involve entire training procedures and long hours of studying before every mission. My situation seems so unlike normal phenocosm protocol.

>Can you ship off fake/useless memories to create a false trail?
There aren't any good avenues for this option, I don't think.

I do have another thought. Maybe there is a ski competition I could win. Shuzenza could use this as an excuse to personally come down and present me with the award, and I get the chance to hand him my memories.
No. 1088471 ID: ce93a7
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And with that thought, I think it is time for me to get out of the heat.

The moment I do, there's a lady facing me as though she were waiting on me.

>"Hi there, Lazzie, it's nice to see you! Would you like a brush bath, next?"
"That sounds good to me, but I think you have the wrong person. My name's Ellie."
>"Oh, that's odd. I could have sworn you said it was Lazzie the other day."
"I'm not... I'm sorry, when was this?"
No. 1088472 ID: ce93a7
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>"Just this morning? We were in the same taxi together, dropping me off to work before you headed to the airport. I take it something happened that had you come back and came to the spa?"
"Are you certain that was me?"
>"Um..." She holds her eyes steady, but I can tell she's processing my neck. "You look and sound exactly like someone I met this morning. That's why when I saw you in the hot springs I thought - oh, sorry, I didn't mean to weird you out! I must have just met your doppelganger, but you have a different demeanor. Forget about that, let's get you that brush bath."
No. 1088473 ID: df45e0

Your sister perhaps? Or you earlier having forgotten already somehow?

Or you are in a loop of events designed to make you reach out to your handler and get discovered! Or other paranoia junk.

No. 1088474 ID: 273c18

Sounds like a body shaper made a copy of you. ...wait a minute, if you had enough access to a body shaper and a victim/volunteer you could make a full copy of yourself couldn't you? Extract all the memories of the other person, put your memories in them... maybe that's what you did to survive after being discovered? Put all your memories in some mook? Wait, what if you ARE that mook right now? Maybe they discovered you in the wrong body, and forced you to shove your "mind" in someone more loyal so that they could go out and do your job while your original body/soul was held prisoner? Why make two clones in that case...? The second one sounds like a sub-par copy at least, maybe this is an attempt to get your real boss to approach the fake which would then confirm you're a spy.

Anyway, ask her to tell you as much information as she can about the person who looked just like you.
No. 1088476 ID: 53560f

“Well that’s a coincidence. Now I kinda want to meet my doppelganger, can you tell me about her or what she was doing?”
No. 1088477 ID: debc82


Pillet not dead.

Pillet not dead.

... oh shit, PILLET IS NOT DEAD.
No. 1088483 ID: ce93a7
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"Yes, that sounds good, I was just afraid my memory was going bad."
>"Very sorry!" She's so worried about it!

I learn what a brush bath is by demonstration. It's exactly as described, and uses soapy bristles that untangle my fur.

"It's okay. Actually, I'm curious about meeting her! Can you tell me about her?"
>"Hm, it's company policy - ah, no, she wasn't a customer, was she? Well, she was on her way to the airport. She hadn't looked like she slept in ages, but I just took her as not being a morning person."

Let's see, possibilities, possibilities.... there are slivers of possibilities. Sister Pillet could be more alive than the phenocosm believes, this could be me in some kind of controlled enviroment that's trying to get me to reach my handler, or I was in that taxi and I got intercepted on my way to the airport!

None of those seem even close to likely, but I can't prove much.

I wonder, though? It is possible to make a crude copy of someone by use of a fleshcrafter and copying memories to them, turning someone's body and mind into another person. This doesn't affect their soul, and their soul remembers its own stuff, so it's not a perfect copy, but it's better than my impersonation of Pillet!
No. 1088484 ID: ce93a7
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Perhaps something like that happened in the subdimension, and I'm just a lower class citizen who was given Aelsaw's memories, while the real Aelsaw is kept prisoner down there while I was sent up here? But then there would be two of us up here, which makes little sense. Well! Whoever I am, I'm me.

>"I imagine she was on an important business trip, that's for sure!"
"What makes you say that?"
>"Oh, she was rummaging in her luggage, and she seemed to have paperwork with a big seal of Gravkon!"

Gravkon... ah, I do know that from the literature I read during space flight. It's a country on this planet, and is significant to me because that is where Spokesperson Varther is based out of.

"Oh, what's she going there for?"
>"Sorry, didn't ask! If you really want to chase her down, you could just look up what flights were going to Gravkon in the last couple hours."
"I'm curious enough. Is it rude to look up while you're...?"
>"Nope! Go right ahead."

I look up flights. It looks like there were two going there recently, each to a separate province of Gravkon. One of them is directly to Maelappa, which is exactly the province that Varther went to! It looks like my doppelganger went to meet him.
No. 1088485 ID: 99f29a

Neat. And the other?
No. 1088487 ID: df45e0

Hmm well why not follow? Your mission is a confused mess with no contacts or dead drops or clear path's forward so lets pull at strings to this mystery until a opportunity arrives.

Maybe we will follow behind this doppelganger and find her reporting your memories to your handler and completing your mission!

Gotta find more pieces of the puzzle to move forward and if anyone asks you what you were doing or accuses you of things you can honestly say you were following a mysterious second you because it was so mysterious.
No. 1088488 ID: 273c18

Isn't that bad? You're supposed to go to Varther so you can submit your spy report. If the doppleganger gets there first then you're sunk.

Hmm. Well, you have probable cause to follow the doppleganger now, and take the same flight. If you were innocent, you'd want to chase them anyway. So I guess that's what we're doing next.
No. 1088495 ID: 8f9bc4

Another possibility is you are Lazzie. You did manage to misplace the last five months of memories until a very short while ago. Maybe you went as "Lazzie" when you met that lady, then transferred your memories off to "-rt," and then met her again as "Ellie" because you didn't remember the first name.

Regardless, you do not have luggage, or "paperwork with a big seal of Gravkon!" So whoever does have that luggage, you need to follow them. Either to meet your twin, or to recover your own luggage before you meet with Varther as you apparently intended before deleting the last 5 months of memories.
No. 1088531 ID: ce93a7
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The other flight goes through the same country, with its route terminating in a different provice. I don't believe it's relevant.

I suppose I know where I'm going, then! I should get on the next flight out, which in that direction is...

"There's no flights out like that for another day? Oh, I never got your name."
>"Right! I'm Vixanea, but Vix is totally fine." She suddenly laughs. "Sorry, it's just, people often lament having to leave this town. You fly in the face of that by wanting to get out of here as soon as possible to meet a doppelganger you just heard about. It's funny, but I mean that in a nice way."
"I see. Do you like it here?"
>"Sometimes it feels disconnected from the rest of the world, but I think I like it like that. Gets real cold, though. Oh, there's only a few major flights that come here each day, but there are plenty of air lifts."

I look up these air lifts. It looks like it simply involves lifting modified street busses by using a team of strong, licensed, 'mentally evaluated' personnel. They make frequent stops in smaller towns along the way, but if I leave soon I can get to Maelappa. It's a significantly longer trip, but I'll still arrive much sooner than if I waited until tomorrow.

I do fear a potential disaster should my doppelganger reach Varther before me, depending on their intentions. I still should follow them even if I fail to catch up in time, but I wonder if I should give Varther's number a call again?

>"Ellie! Does anyone in here go by that name?! Or Leila, or Rish?" Someone calls out before I get to make a decision. Both me and Vixanea jump. This place is so quiet that neither of us were ready for an outburst.
>"Please, sir, keep it down!" A more hushed whisper from the outside hall is heard.
No. 1088532 ID: 99f29a

Seduce Vix and pull her atop you to shield you from the door's view.
No. 1088533 ID: 7fd8d8

I think that'd be too dumb a tactic for someone to be searching for you with bad intentions... wrap a towel around yourself and go get them? Or ask Vix to go quietly bring them to you?
No. 1088534 ID: df45e0

Things are getting more complex! Ask Vix if she would help you peek at whoever has come calling before you decide if its safe.
No. 1088537 ID: a62a76

Paporron didn't need to come this way to get another piece of you
No. 1088538 ID: f14228

Sigh, smile, tell Vixanea this was nice. If they're intruding to call for you, it's likely urgent though. And then before you know it you'll be running places. Waste of a bath. Well, not exactly. It really was lovely, you don't often take time to unwind. Maybe you'll see her again someday.

Get up, wrap a towel and peek out to see who's calling for you before you respond.


As for your whole current situation... if the subdimension folk made a body double of their own, they've got something they want to use it for. Like, using it to check if you're a spy for reals, perhaps? Or... if they or someone with the pull to arrange this knows you're fake, to give false report to the phenocosm to buy themselves more time?

Maybe even use it to counterspy, if they dare, in hopes of figuring out what's happened to the real Pillet.

But Shuzenza has access to more actual memory artificers, no? So if they realize what's up and manages to 'nap your double discreetly in turn, they might even turn them and call in false alarm or just nod and continue the 'they know that we know that they know, but they don't know that we know that they know that we know', etc. game of chicken going on here. And not everyone knows.

If someone actually knows you're with the phenocosm, they must be mad desperate to keep this up though. What'd the angle be? They convince you to turn and join them, somehow? But then, why even let you leave the subdimension in the first place like this if you have a double? Argh. You're in on it too somehow, aren't you? You're the only one who could've manipulated your own memories, after all. Could Paporron - or SOMEONE - have convinced you to go along with this, or this be your best bet to actually make it past the trust phase?

If you are being observed presently (and why wouldn't you be, on a project with people as paranoid as this?) what should definitely-real-but-reduced-in-memory-Pillet's behavior be? Pick out something from her core personality. Do you go for a bout of brood-scheming - or are you going to be personable and energetic?

If you need to be running around, perhaps the latter may suit.

Also, it is a somewhat strange coincidence this body double just so coincidentally got brought to your attention by Vix. What are the odds? Maybe she's in on it, and part of the testing that's being done of you right now. The body double may not even be real, and just something that's used to get your ass in gear and send you running off to contact spokesperson Varther.

Hold on - maybe the suspicions aren't directly of you, but of Varther? And your loyalty is being checked in relation to that, since you came through by way of him?
No. 1088539 ID: 273c18

Go meet whoever that is.
No. 1088540 ID: 53560f

Ask vix to get a look at what he looks like, say it might be your crazy ex. We can figure things out once we know for certain who it is.
No. 1088575 ID: ce93a7
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I think if they were after me with bad intentions, their tactics would be a little more thought out. I imagine I'll see him, but I can have Vix check it out first.

"Vix, it was nice, but would you mind taking a look out there? I'm not sure who would be looking for me."
>"Of course."

Vix turns on the light on her way out, locking the door. I wrap a towel around myself and wait. I know so little, but now I'm confident either I or my phone is bugged. This is simply too much of a coincidence that this man came stomping in like this a minute after Vix told me about my body double.

>Does Shuzenza have access to more actual memory artificers?
If so, it's a secret from me. I'm sure he could request another if it's necessary, but it would take time. Although the phenocosm features amazing FTL technology, it can't teleport anyone instantly anywhere in the universe.

>"Hey, you!" The same voice calls out at Vix, who barely shut the door behind herself.
>"Yes, sir, you said you're looking for... who, again?"

What would be a silent moment is instead a series of heavy footfalls on the hall, but I can still hear them right outside.

>"Yeah, she's foxlike, long neck, very orange, you, uh... you've seen her, right?"
>"Sir, even if I have, I'll have to ask you to -"
>"She's very ill. Repeated short term personality loss. She's not harmful, but she continually drifts into different personalities due to forgetting who she is and where she is, but her brain... look, she needs to be kept track of. She frequently thinks she's richer than she is, and the fact that she's in a pricey place like this?"
"Well, if she's here, we can look for her. I'll have you sit down back at the - hey!"
No. 1088576 ID: ce93a7
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He rips the locked door open to look inside at me. That did not sound like a weak lock.

>"There you are! You remember me, right?" He's scoots inward and starts vigorously nodding at me while out of Vix's sight.
No. 1088577 ID: df45e0

Perhaps a small reminder?
No. 1088579 ID: 8f9bc4


One thing you remember is how convenient it is for a kidnapper, if his target suffers from "repeated short term personality loss." Presumably he also thinks the gas lights aren't dimming?

That being said, you are technically experiencing memory loss and personality shifts, even if you did it yourself deliberately. Why is he nodding at you like you're going to be his co-conspirator?

Tell him it's no good lying about it. You checked your money levels just before coming here, regardless of any previous mental... irregularity. If he wants your attention he's got it, but you are not going to leave this place without paying for their services. If you are imagining all that money, you'll be unable to pay them. Surely it won't hurt to put that to the test?

That'll also save you from having to say whether or not you remember him.
No. 1088586 ID: 99f29a

Should've stayed hidden behind Vix. Ah well. Deflect to saying you made sure you had money and you're not letting him gaslight shit.
No. 1088587 ID: debc82


........ Nope. Sure don't look like Hart, either, or whatever trolly-man's name was.

But we can certainly all sit down and talk, since it looks like you're looking for our sister, who we apparently now have.

Which is cool. Probably.

.... who are you, again?
No. 1088588 ID: 7fd8d8

He looks a little awkward, like he's not comfortable with his own body? I wonder if it's one he just... well, threw on, as it were, for disguise and utility, with the strength. It'd make sense with the lack of volume control, too. Better play along for now, but tell Vix sorry about this and that you think you can settle this with minimal disturbance if she waits outside a moment while you and him talk quietly. Extra emphasis on the quietly while looking at him.
No. 1088591 ID: f14228

Pff, laugh at how silly this is. Whoever this is they may be way worse at infiltration than you! They couldn't be a trained agent assignee in some conspiracy. Or they're just really that desperate. Especially for you to play along.

(The story couldn't possibly be real, right? Because that'd mean the real Pillet - or her body at least - has resided on the very planet as a memory-damaged woman for goodness knows how long while Paporron has been trying to contact her. And that the phenocosm was wrong or lying about her being dead.)

Is it somehow Paporron himself in a differently-sculpted body? Or a secondary phenocosm infiltrator, maybe, equally unprepared for life on this world? Perhaps that's what they'll say, and it's a check to get you to reveal yourself. I think playing bemused (and actually being amused at the way this is playing out) is the best way through this.

Like, you'll just go ahead and entertain everything that's going on here, from one perspective or another, and either way it'll be fine that you did so.

Say it's fine to Vix, and then look the guy up and down. Smirk and comment drily if that really is the best they could come up with for why you'd be using different names? He'd better pay your poor host back for that door. They've been nothing but nice - and also by pure happenstance mentioned a doppleganger of yours heading for Gravkon, which you feel perhaps ought be followed up on - but you can discuss that with more privacy.

Yes, you will be coming with YOUR BODYGUARD (it's a better story), they can stop panicking now. Tell Vix if she could keep that customer confidentiality thing in mind, you hope this will all be smoothed over. She needn't worry - or if she does, well. You imagine some would say it really is none of her business. You're not looking to share troubles today.
No. 1088595 ID: ce93a7
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Maybe I should've hid behind Vix? Ah, he likely would've spotted me while pushing past her. Now's a good time to try acting a little more like Pillet, I suppose.

"Buddy, I have no idea who you are - hang on, Vix." I can see her open mouth about to speak. "Can I talk to this guy for a second, alone, quietly?"
>"... If you feel safe enough to. I'll be nearby."

Vix slowly shuts the door again. With the doorknob broken, it hovers slightly ajar, and so this man gets close to me to whisper. He's armed with multiple guns in those baggy pants.

>"Right, I need to get you outta here - "
"Slow down, I'm not going anywhere with you yet. Was that really the best story you had? You'd better pay 'em back for the broken door."
>"No, of course it's bullshit, but it's not bullshit for you to believe, it's bullshit for her to believe. Vix, right? The last thing me or my conscience needs is to to be put on witness extermination duty, so please play along. We'll all be better off for it. 'Specially Vix, who didn't do anything wrong except see two of you. If this has to escalate, they're going to have a lot more go wrong for them today than a broken door."
"Keep convincing me. Tell me about the body double."
>"That's my boss, Gel. He had one hell of a plastic surgeon to turn him into you. I don't know who the hell you are, but you're important enough that some people in high places want you in two places at the same time. Somehow, extracting the real you is a job that came down to me. I'm Rewk, by the way."

I don't know the name Gel any more than I know this man. I have memories that I've extracted from phenocosm agents to help give me some knowledge of how they operate, but those agents are at a high a high level of intelligence operations. Rewk here has the disposition of an inexperienced, untrained individual at the bottom tier. His heart is beating rapidly. It almost makes me feel better about my own infiltration expertise or lack thereof, but I should not hold myself to the lowest bar I can find.

It's unlikely he knows the phenocosm exists, but he knows that he is got tossed into something he'd rather not be a part of.

>"Let me put it like this. If you don't know already, you've got some people in high, high places, and they want you to be in two places at the same time. I don't know exactly where they want the real you, but I'd bet my modest saving's account that you sure as shit aren't meant to be fucking around in an overpriced spa with weird healing chakra shit dangling off the ceiling."
No. 1088603 ID: 7fd8d8

Yeah? Because it sounds like another one of you was, given that you just found out about it here. Sounds more like they didn't want you to find out there was more than one of you around. And if this guy doesn't have any idea where you're supposed to be, why should you go anywhere? What's his plan? Where will he take you if he doesn't know?
No. 1088607 ID: df45e0

"Well what two places am I to exist at? You will forgive me for not blindly rushing into the arms of a stranger spouting vague threats unless he can give me a good reason to follow him other than threatening a masseuse I met a hour ago."

"As for fucking about in a spa? My business is my business. Don't go betting your modest savings on what the high high places want."

Start looking for your clothes but don't directly act like you are going to resist him. Just start getting dressed if you can.
No. 1088645 ID: ce93a7
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"You only just came in now. It almost sounds like you didn't want me learning there was another one of me. What's your plan, if you don't even know where I'm supposed to be?"
>"Just... somewhere hidden."
>"A basement. Somewhere that isn't a public spa."
"My business is my business. Do forgive me for not blindly rushing into the arms of a strange man who wants to take me into his basement after making vague threats." I feel a little funny putting on a sarcastic tone when I would normally say almost the exact same words genuinely.
>"The threats aren't for scaring you, they're for showing you the situation that you're in!"
"Which is?"

He turns and puts his forearms on the wall, and nearly bangs his head into it. I'm sure frustrating him. I'd be getting clothed about now, but my clothes are in a locker at the front of the spa.

>"What do I have to do?" He whispers at the wall. "What do you need from me to get you out of here?"

>"Hey what's going on out here?" I hear a high pitched voice from the hall.
>"Oh, it's nothing," Vix answers "Just a surprise visit from someone. Can I help you?"
>"Oh, no, no. We're veterans from the Klivanian peacekeeper corps, and our habits are for life. So a better question is, can we help you??"

Rewk is pawing at one of the guns hidden in his pants. I don't believe this is a man who is here because he was the best one for the job. Either he is a great actor with an inscrutable motive, or he is losing it.
No. 1088647 ID: 99f29a

Ask him why he's trying to draw so much attention to there being two of you. Normally lookalikes aren't that significant an affair.
No. 1088648 ID: 99f29a

Also what the hem zippers are for.
No. 1088650 ID: 7fd8d8

Better try calm him down. Take on a more soothing tone. Tell him not to bang on the door and to just come over and sit on the table with you so that if someone peeks in they can see you're just having a conversation. This might be an expensive place but it's pretty hidden for the moment, right? Then... I'm not sure how to phrase it so I'll trust that you know the kind of thing necessary, can you sorta quietly interrogate him about things without saying them directly? I'm wondering if he's worried about bugs picking up what he's saying, not just Vix. See if you can find that out, and meanwhile try convince him there's no immediate rush and that trying to rush things will just cause more trouble. They're fine for a few minutes, right? Then maybe lead into saying that you can see he's a bit too antsy to be the top pick for this sort of job, and asking him if he can be a bit more honest with you. I mean the guy is sketchy but if you play on his apparent inexperience right then you might be able to get more info out of him, or at least learn how likely it is he's gonna get violent. Like, he might have last resort orders to kill you if it looks like you're going to get in the way of whatever someone's planning to do with the face you have on. Just to be clear, a 'hell of a plastic surgeon' wouldn't be enough to convince the people you really want to get in contact with that they're you, right?
No. 1088652 ID: f14228

To get out of here? Just leave first, before his presence becomes an issue. You'll walk out later, it'd be weird if you did it together now, after you said you didn't recognize him.

Let Vix think this was a weird attempt at some manner of coercion related to a personal matter, and let Ellie carry on with her dang day, unperturbed 'It's fine'-ing anyone who asks.

And if there's anything else, you have a phone and can take a clue, so just call or message like a normal person, whatever that is. Suggest a friendly invitation for pizza, cake or anything delicious and caloric as a sufficient apology and bribe for your attention.

A full explanation for this 'Gel' going all body double on you best be forthcoming soon though, or you're going on a real vacation just to watch folks squirm. This ghost itinerary 'sit in a basement' shit sounds like a load of crock you'd quite like to pay back on someone.

(obviously you're still considering other means of escape here, but getting him to retreat would be the first step)
No. 1088658 ID: 273c18

Let's just go. Tell him he can wait outside like a normal visitor, and you'll get dressed and join him. Also that if anyone brings it up you can just say that the other person who looks like you is your sister and you don't like talking about her. Basically pretend you and her are not on speaking terms but you're still interested in what she might be up to.
No. 1088667 ID: debc82


Play him for information by feeding him what we know.

Our body-double, this Gel, is going to Gravkon, which he was exceedingly forward about in mentioning to our attendant just outside, and made no effort to hide official paperwork with its seal.

So, what purpose would Gel, as our body-double, have to go to an entirely different country, and why?

Answer that as best he's able, and we'll at least happily walk to somewhere we can hold this conversation less conspicuously (like that place with the cake) (which he's paying for, by the way).
No. 1088678 ID: ce93a7
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"Hey, Rewk. Come sit down. Rushing and panicking won't help anyone."

He looks at me, and sits down on the other end of the table, bed, or whatever it is I'm on.

"Say, what're the zippers for?" I point at his sleeves.
>"Wha? I dunno, weird fashion shit, a lot of - why are we talking about this?"
"To try and calm you down a little."
>"Kinda got bigger things to worry about. I was kinda led to believe you'd play along, damnit."
"I can walk out later on my own time. This spa isn't all that public, right?"
>"Public enough that someone saw two of you as a result."
"Normally, lookalikes aren't that big of a deal."
>"Normally, my grumpy old man of a boss doesn't go turning himself into a hot orange chick. I coulda worded that better."
"You could've, but forget about that. Tell me more about Gel. He seemed eager to tell my attendant out there where he was going."
>"The less I know about Gel, the better. He pays me to keep my snout pointed down, so I do."
"You don't know? Okay. I think I'll continue my little vacation here."
>"Gah! Damnit, wh - "
"Calm yourself, please. I have a phone."
>"Huh, where?"
"I might've left my clothes in the locker room, but I've kept my phone on me in case I need it."
"The towels have pockets. You can use it to call me after I leave and bribe me with the local food to get my attention. I've seen menu items like pizza and cake I'd like to try. For now, please leave before you make more of a scene."
>"I dunno about this, I - wait, phone - fuck, I have one too!"

Rewk pulls out his phone and starts mashing buttons. The conversation outside gets quieter as Vix starts ushering whoever she was talking to away from the hall.
No. 1088680 ID: ce93a7
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>"Gel's been paying attention. I'm, uh, starting a conversation between you and him. You can borrow this phone, I've been told to, er, quietly look around and smooth things over with the locals. I got another phone on me, the number's here."

He passes the phone over as well as his contact information, then leaves.

>Hi, this is your body double. Rewk is complaining you're being hesitant. I don't blame you, but we are on your side. A couple days ago I received information from a trusted source that you are an individual being watched by one group who expected you to travel to Spokesperson Varther's location. And that you had to report somewhere else, probably whoever's above me. So I'm filling in for you so you can do what you need to do. I'm not told the details, but I'm told there will be potentially catastrophic outcomes should the wrong group of people think you're skipping out on going to Varther. It seems like Rewk has already made a scene.
It may be calming down. He seems inexperienced.
>He's got plenty of experience, he's just a clown. That said, I'm also in over my head, and I don't currently have the means to contact the people above me. I had take the initiative on this. The informant managed to foresee that difficulty, and pointed me to an impressive surgeon who made me unrecognizable.
>Couple of footnotes. I moved the bugs from your phone to one of mine, and added my own bugs to yours. Sorry about that. Far as my scanners could see, you've got no bugs on your body. Secondly, you've got my apologies about the clumsy nature of all this. I had a nicely practiced team ready to receive you. In the capital. Then your trolley dropped you off thousands of miles away at Winterheight, so you got Rewk instead.
>The whole operation was almost screwed because of that unexpected dropoff, but you were drugged up too bad to travel. That bought me enough time to fetch a discreet flight over there and swap places with you while your handler, some brown guy in a blue outfit, wasn't looking. We actually met before today's sun rose, but I figured you wouldn't remember. Drugs, blacked out, you know. And that's the story, fiddly details aside.
You seemed very open to this spa employee about where you were going. You even let her see official paperwork.
>Yeah, about that. A cab that just so happened to pick up a talkative second passenger after I got inside? I was convinced she was sent to keep an eye on me. Rewk is going to try and keep her occupied and prevent her from reporting in if she really is a spy, but I don't know what to do beyond that. Dealing with it is up to you, now.
>When you're ready, we'll talk about the present. We've got a couple options for you to get back to your people, but first, I want to know whatever you can tell me. Anything at all. I don't even know who you are beyond Ellie and what you look like.

It's not the most important thing, but I do wonder how convincing his look is. Klivanian tech for that wouldn't fool phenocosm scanners, but perhaps we're indistinguishable from the average naked eye.
No. 1088682 ID: 99f29a

Apparently, a hot orange chick.
No. 1088685 ID: df45e0

"I am hot orange chick. That is all the info I can give you."

This whole thing reeks of amateur hour double crosses by multiple parties. Don't give them any information that is not super vague cover identity stuff. Keep up cover story until 100% certain (Aka you can memory check your husband or something.)

Continue to play along for now. Your options are limited and it looks like a choice has to be made. Continue along to Varther's location and lose Rewk or go along with whatever direction they try to prod you in.

"So where exactly am I supposed to be going now that I have been so rudely yanked out of my nice day of sking?"
No. 1088688 ID: 8f9bc4

"You're in luck. I'm an asshole! That ought to throw suspicion off you."
No. 1088710 ID: 6299b8

Despite what he says, assume you’re still bugged and under surveillance. Especially if Vix is someone surveilling you, they might have re-bugged you just now (which may explain why she was okay with leaving you alone with Rewk). It’s still confusing on whose behalf these guys are acting, too.

Note to Gel that you have severe doubts to everything that is going on right now, and is frankly unsure who to trust with what.

For the moment you’ll stay here, under the thumb and probable surveillance of whoever put you here. Really, for all you know, half of town is in on whatever conspiracy he seems to intimate was on and any attempt of yours to leave be naturally stymied, and he already be well and truly made in whatever he was told to do. It was, by his own admission, a terribly rushed swap.

Which would also be a good reason to drop you off in such an isolated small place after your, hem, processing. That he took on part your briefing routine also explains your present confusion regarding what is going on and your lack of tickets and such for travel to Gravkon. One mystery less, at least.

As well, whatever you agreed to in your drug-added state, you are not originally here to meet anyone else. You were going to meet Varther, and if he wants to do that as you on someone’s behalf, uh, go ahead you guess. Your best bet is that this is all politics from your place of work, and he and his organisation is caught in the crossfire. If you’re dead honest, it may even be a good idea to not show up as you with Varther. Some folks may prefer "Ellie" officially dead. And oh my, look, a convincing body.

Your honest opinion, frank as it comes. Though, concerns of them being pawn’d off aside, this whole situation does have you intrigued. You’ll stay in touch by the phone and may entertain leaving town to pursue the thread of whatever this is provided Rewk’s humble savings account can put you in a sufficient food coma. Let there be chocolate.
No. 1088711 ID: 273c18

Uh right, and how did they get to your phone to move the bugs around? And if they were monitoring you closely why did they not just tell you to get moving and go to your meeting quickly instead of the spa? Thirdly, it should've taken a long time to use the body shaper, enough time that they wouldn't have been able to get on that early flight after realizing you were dragging your feet. I think we can assume these guys are the enemy, but... what is our win condition here? We want them to think you're not a spy, how do we convince them of that now, when they're acting like they're already sure you're a spy?

...okay let's think about this from a Pillet perspective. You're a rebel, who is trying to avoid attracting attention, but these guys just made a bullshit story and set up a body double to talk to someone you had a meeting with that you're one month late for. From a Pillet perspective this is the worst case scenario, where it looks like the phenocosm is trying to kidnap you. I think what you want to do is get rid of Rewk by siccing those officers on him, and then yell at Gel over the phone accusing him of being phenocosm scum. Then you call your underground contact and tell THEM that the phenocosm are onto you and you need to get back to the subdimension to finish it before shit hits the fan.
No. 1088716 ID: 15a025

Assuming this guy is legit and needs to play your role for now, throw him a small bone. Tell him about your personality and mannerisms.
No. 1088752 ID: ce93a7
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I'm the hot orange chick who's thinking she'll stick around town.
>Okay, okay. If that's how it is, just stick there for 2, 3 hours. Once I reach Varther, I should have a way to contact my higher ups. If my info's right, he's got a way to call in a real extraction that'll get you back to your people. That's all I can do for you.

I'm deep inside this facility, but I can't hear Rewk talking to anyone out there. At least whatever scene he's making can't be that bad.

>If you change your mind and want to tell me more, I've got a brand new set of big ears to listen with.
But you're using your brand new eyes.
>That's smart. Please use it to solve your situation, not for quips.
I can be a real ass, I know. He should have a basic grasp of my personality by now based on my texts and his spying. Well, maybe. It might end up somewhere between Aelsaw and Pillet.

He stops responding. That's fine. I need to take a step back in my thinking.

My ultimate priority is to go back to the phenocosm. Varther's request should only serve to make the founders allow me back to the surface. The only point to me going to Varther's would be to demonstrate to the founders that I'm not flying away to unforeseen locations.

Anything that isn't getting back to my ship in the starport should be in the service of maintaining my cover and gaining the trust of the founders so that I can move more freely and, if possible, sabotage them and destroy their means of hiding in their subdimension.

The shortage of information and an abundance of confusion does make it tricky. I can't even be sure who Gel and Rewk are working for. They act like they don't know, and that makes sense to me. Both the subdimension and the phenocosm are taking great strides in not revealing themselves to the Klivanian surface, and I certainly wouldn't trust Rewk or Gel with that knowledge either. There's some details in their story I'm confused about, but I simply can't be bothered to grill Gel on the little details when I can't trust his answers anyway.

I barely think on these thoughts before there's a knock on the door. I look over just in time to see them open the door. It's not Vix, but yet another person.

>"Heyyyy." Oh, it's that high pitched voice I heard earlier.
No. 1088753 ID: ce93a7
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And a second additional person, too! She has a similar looking girl behind her, holding up a piece of paper telling me to breathe out and relax my neck if I need help.

>"I'm so sorry for the intrusion, but are you safe? That guy sounded unstable. He's also holding an illegal amount of power, and we're wondering if he should have the cops called on him."

Oh, I know that voice. It's those officers. Or veterans? I'm not familiar with the peacekeeping corps, but I was just starting to think they would be very helpful if I wanted to be rid of Rewk.
No. 1088754 ID: 99f29a

oh shit lookalikes better call Rewk and that guy and tell them to start crying and panicking this is surely tipping people off to a different ultra secret double reverse plot

ask them how they could tell and how much of a problem that is. unless there's an alternate plan there's not much to gain by sabotaging this one.

although it's tempting to preempt whatever this is and see what they're trying to do with the target location/guy.
No. 1088764 ID: 273c18

Well you need to get back to your ship, and you do not want to be seen doing so. So getting rid of Rewk is a good idea. Tell Gel that some peacekeepers noticed he has illegal amounts of power so to keep a low profile you're going to have to turn him in, sorry.
No. 1088921 ID: df45e0

Give them the signal. Rewk has already blown his cover by letting people see this all go down. He yanked a door off and bothered a civilian at a massage parlor! While having a illegal amount of power and letting everyone notice!

If you leave with him the girls here are going to assume you are being kidnapped at this point.

Even if he is on your side, his inexpert fumbling has fucked this all up. Let the girls do there thing and assume all of them are probably spies as well.

No one, not even those you would normally trust, gets told anything until you can prove (somehow) who they say they are. Right now you are the hot chick and you are having a nice vacation that is being threatened by people being weird.

Probably tell Gel this? "Hey Rewk has made such a scene I can't be seen leaving with him. Gonna go about my day and wait for word so could you please have him politely leave before everyone assumes he is a crazed stalker?"
No. 1088922 ID: ce93a7
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I tip my neck, but I don't need to be as discreet as that note would allow me to be.

"How could you tell he's above the legal limit?"
>"Our ears are evolved for energy sensing as much as listening. That, and he kinds sucks at hiding it."
"Interesting. Is him having that kind of power a problem?"
>"Hey, could be. Is it a chance you'd want to take when he could blow up half the building?"
"Point taken. Please have him arrested."
>"We're on it. Tesh, go call the cops and keep an eye on that oaf, alright? Give the signal if you need help."

The other mousey one nods and pulls out her phone. She starts making a lot of throaty clicks and hums into her phone as she leaves towards the lobby.

>"She's mostly mute," The talkative one keeps being talkative. "But her phone is translating her speech for the cops. In case you were wondering."
"You read me correctly, thank you."

I spend the moment on my phone. This girl is still glancing between me and the hallway behind the halfway shut door.

"Gel, there's two lookalikes here. They're peacekeepers and are going to arrest Rewk. He's over the legal energy limit and has all but blown his cover."
>"So I heard. Mind opening his phone up and destroying the components?"
No. 1088923 ID: 99f29a

That seems kinda fiddly for doing something right under people's noses short of eating the phone or something. Actually you know what eat his phone. In public.
No. 1088924 ID: df45e0

"Will see what I can do."

Not sure how this model of phone works but can you take out the memory card without her noticing? That being said if the peacekeepers show up they might want it for evidence and could mention the missing card.

We do want any info on this phone to not fall into the hands of anyone but it would be nice to track down some leads from the info ourselves.

Prioritize destroying it if you can't get info out of the phone.
No. 1088933 ID: 273c18

That would be standard procedure for phenocosm wouldn't it? Take the phone and rummage through it before destroying it.
No. 1088939 ID: 2eb199

Excuse yourself to the bathroom. See if you can discard the components in the toilet or the tank.
No. 1088980 ID: ce93a7
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I'd rather not destroy a phone right in front of this girl, it would be very suspicious looking. I think I could swallow it. If her ears can be evolved to sense energy, my stomach can be evolutionarily adapted to break down electronics.

No... that doesn't sound like a regular Klivian biotype at all. I don't even think many robots in Vultura, one of the two lower fleets under Shuzenza, do that.

I do peruse Rewk's phone, though. It's disappointing. There is only one conversation from Gel, and it only has a picture of what must be Gel in a mimicked body. Even Klivanians can do this well enough to at least be convincing in a picture, huh? I always wondered why Pillet's eyebrows were sometimes darker and sometimes the same as the rest of her face. I wish this was the most pressing mystery at the moment.

It looks like conversations are regularly purged. Otherwise, his browsing history is predominantly a mix of workout music mixes, strategies for a multiplayer shooter game, and porn.

I hear Rewk raise his voice unintelligibly.

>"Hands up, keep your palms to the sky!" Another voice rings out.
>"Alright, alright! I'm not doing anything - "
>"Palms! Up!"
No. 1088981 ID: ce93a7
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"I need to use the bathroom." I tell the girl.
>"Really, at a time like this?"
"At a time like this."

I get up, and she stands aside. There's a bunch of people in the halls peeking around corners and out of doors to gawk at the scene unfolding from Rewk, but thankfully there's a bathroom farther away. I shut myself behind a stall and open the phone. There's a few components inside. I don't really know what any of them do, so I take them out, clasp my hands over them, and give them a powerful energy burst. I don't have much in me, but it's enough to destroy basic electronics like this.

After their destruction, I flush it all down the toilet, though I save the case. I hear someone come in.

>"You in here, Ellie?" It's the same girl.
"I am. Do you need something?"
>"Nah, just wanted to make sure you're okay."

In truth, I'm not. Without the phenocosm to lay my situation out for me and make the decisions with more expertise, I, Aelsaw, am at a complete loss as to how to navigate my situation with any real finesse. I want to leave town and deliver my report. I want to finish my brush bath; my unbrushed legs feel absolutely ragged compared to my upper body. Most of all, I want to see my husband.

I feel like I would rather leave this situation than make heads or tails of it. Perhaps I can sneak out the back with this nimble body and, to keep witnesses at a minimum, buy or rent a car instead of flying publicly.

Or perhaps I should mimic Pillet further? I wonder what she would do. She has several memories that almost seem like close memories, but they are barely constructed and the details over what exactly was said and how things played out are missing, but she has proven herself to be both ruthless and tricky.

I think she would have tried tricking Rewk into letting her take his memories. Perhaps it's too late for that. Beyond that, I think in the later part of her life, she acquired a taste for hiding in plain sight. I think that she would still sneak out the back and then... buy bulky clothes and masks at a sports store and then go skiing.

I don't think trying to navigate whatever messy situation is going on here is going to do me any favors. I must admit I could be wrong, but I so strongly want to be free from whatever's going on. There is an irresponsible part of me that almost wishes Rewk pulled a gun on me just to have an excuse to call Quaps. I still have his number on my phone that Gel is still eavesdropping on me with, but it clearly states only to call him if I am face to face with death.
No. 1088985 ID: 99f29a

When there's an information asymmetry, the most important thing is to correct it. The ideal approach is to create chaos until no one else has any idea what's going on and you're the best informed person around.

Seduce these two into accompanying you to the mission target. Via asking nicely I guess.
No. 1088987 ID: df45e0

You can't just take his memories secretly can you?

Go skiing. I think you will find out more and get to your goal faster if you just act pretty dang normal and wait for whoever to come mess up your day.
No. 1089005 ID: 273c18

Let's go skiing then.
No. 1089032 ID: ce93a7
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>You can't just take his memories secretly can you?
It's possible. At my low energy level, a target must lower their passive energy defenses for me. I could then read his memories and make him forget I did anything. Judging by Pillet's memories, it's possible to brute force it, but it requires a great deal of energy beyond the target. There is a sense that she had a good idea of how much energy is required, but the details are lost with the memory's damage.

I think Pillet might've tried to trick Rewk, but he's been taken away. I suppose I could try and visit him, but from his phone and Gel's attitude, I think it's unlikely that he's got valuable knowledge in that head of his.

"I'm okay." I answer. "I think I'd like to go skiing after this."
>"Really? So were we. Are you skiing with anyone?"
>"Ever done it before?"
>"Wow, tell me you've scheduled an instructor or something."
"Can I not just show up and ask any local instructors?"
>"Pff, last I saw all class signups - "

Her response is cut off by Tesh and Vix following us in. Tesh flashes us a thumbs up.

>"There you are. Are you okay, Ellie?" Vix asks.
"I'm okay, thanks. I think I'd like to finish that brush bath, and then... I don't know your name, miss...?" I ask the talkative round eared one.

>"Pesh. Twins with Tesh there, if you didn't notice. So Ellie, right? As I was saying, you can't just walk right into the middle of a class, and you can't just ski without knowing how! You'll crash right into a tree or something. Some of the slopes are nasty here."
"Would you be willing to show me how to ski?" These two could be spies sent to keep an eye on me, but they've already found me. I'll just be careful not to give them any sensitive information.
>"I'd love to. You mind, Tesh?"

Tesh shakes her head and clicks twice.

That's how I'll spend my day until someone new comes to interrupt it. The only question I think I have now is if I should keep my phone knowing it's been bugged by Gel, or drop it.
No. 1089033 ID: 8f9bc4

You want to be able to leave it somewhere, or hide it in someone's bag, so he'll think you're somewhere else, but you won't have much time until he figures it out, so keep the phone for now and only get rid of it when you have to make your move.

That said, it would be hard to say Gel's not on your side. He went through reconstructive surgery to pose as your body double, so he has to be at least equally committed to this as you are. Still be ready to misplace the bugged phone when you need to go dark.
No. 1089035 ID: df45e0

Hang out with the other possible spies for a fun ski day and find a signal blocking bag for the bugged phone on the way.

Should not hurt to keep contact with Gel open. Even if its to send someone after him later because it turns out he is bad news.
No. 1089058 ID: debc82


Probably more suspicious to drop it at this point, and keeping a line to Gel may be worthwhile, if only to be able to receive any information.

And if it gets weird, we can tell Tesh and Pesh that it's our twin sister, and while Rewk went about things really poorly, she's concerned about us.
No. 1089294 ID: 15a025

How oddly convenient, they were gonna go skiing too! They're certainly not the most subtle at this.

Also, keep the phone for now. Can't exactly destroy it in front of people, and it'd suck if someone managed to snoop through the phone before it auto-purged anything in it.
No. 1089501 ID: ce93a7
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It's settled in my mind. I'll bring the phone with me for now. I don't think I've seen any wireless blocking containers around, but I can always leave it in a locker. I would be surprised if Gel was not on my side, too.

I finish up the brush bath, and Tesh and Pesh finish what they're doing to join me. I purchase some masks and goggles to slightly obstruct myself. Even if they're agents that are trying to follow me around, they know how to ski and show me how.

Within a few hours, I'm about to go down shallow slopes at good speed. Hovering snow machines sometimes levitate down to replenish the snow, and so my falls are always cushioned even if I'm going down at a rapid pace. I think I have the hang of it, and I'm glad, because these two girls seem happy to go higher up the mountain. There's even little cafes in the woods!

Pesh isn't even asking me many personal questions. I get a 'where am I from' to which I answer the capital, and what I do, in which I answer I work at a dry cleaner's. That's it. If they're truly trying to drill me for information, they're taking it remarkably slowly. There's plenty of time to speak. With me learning how to speed down slopes, we end up spending more time making conversation on the ski lifts than skiing!

They even have hover tech. Apparently Klivania has had it for a long time but is unable to perfect the tech. It can be quite wobbly and the internal engine spends every waking moment groaning. It's still rather slow for safety reasons, and I can see why. I would feel like I'm in danger if not for it being reasonably low to the ground over soft snow. It's so easy to slip out, I even see a few people leap out of a lift now and then to land on a slope midway up the mountain for some reason. There's a little voice line from the lift begging them not to do that.

I'm starting to no longer care if these two are agents. Tesh does act a little suspicious, as she's frequently speaking her language into her phone. I have no idea who she's talking to, but Pesh catches me looking and explains that Tesh has a lot of trouble speaking in person. Tesh speaks again, but this time, she holds up her phone to me.

>"I can speak like this. I'm sorry if it's weird." Her phone appears to translate her speech for her, and can play it back in an approximation of what I think her voice sounds like. "I'm a consultant for the disabled, and I frequently talk people through troubling situations."
"That's very interesting! Do you speak a custom language only for yourself?"

She shakes her head. I think that was a weird question. I back off, anyway, as it seems even that took a lot of effort out of her. I'll still be careful with what I say, of course, but I'm having fun with these two.
No. 1089502 ID: ce93a7
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Before I know it, evening's come. The low overcast skies have somewhat cleared up, and the slopes are lit up by spotlights lined over the slopes and casting large, sharp shadows underneath each ski lift. People do all sorts of tricks with their hands to entertain themselves as they wait to get to their destination. It doesn't obstruct the view of the sunset, and I get to view it as I go down more and more slopes. I feel gratitude to sister Pillet that she kept her body in such good shape. There are few memory artificers I would have the body of that could handle today like I have.

>"Hey, Ellie! We want to go off the slope, is that okay?"
"Is it safe?"
>"Of course! The snow this way is totally untouched. We'll show you something nice!"

My alarm bells ring for a second about this being a trick, but it must be paranoia. There have already been a few times where we go down less populated slopes in which there was no one around but me, these two girls, and increasingly dark, forboding woods. If they wanted to kidnap or harm me, they've had plenty of opportunity.

"Lead the way." I say, and soon we're slowly, carefully skiing off the usual path and land at a lake. The facilities look abandoned.

Tesh takes off her backpack, and activates some Klivanian storage container that acts as a collapsible oven.

It's a picnic, it turns out, over this lake.

Someday, the phenocosm will cleanse my memory of distractions, and the memory of this day will be excised. But it won't be lost. It will go into a personal vault of my excess memories. Every so often during my off time, I go in and relive some fond memories based on what I wrote about them when I first experienced them. I have many lovely memories that are forgotten, so it's hard to compare, but I will write about today very fondly and place this excess memory into the vault section dedicated to my favorites.

I'm getting ahead of myself. I let the mood set in. Night falls and the only light around is from the scattered light off the slope's spotlights, the stars overhead, and Pesh's phone playing a live TV show.
No. 1089503 ID: ce93a7
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The wind picks ups, and we instinctively huddle in our jackets. During this, I feel something tug at my jacket hoodie.

I look down and see a thin piece of paper sticking out of the hoodie pocket that wasn't there before, so I take it out. A crumpled piece of paper?

No. The way it's crumpled up has me recall memories of an ancient means of cryptography. It's a remarkably niche, rarely used means of cryptography. It seems like the phenocosm has found me. Whoever gave this to me evaded detection from the girls, and I would not have detected them, either, if not for the tug on my jacket below the table, and below where these two locals could see.

The paper explains that my extraction is ready. There's a list of directions for me.

If I scratch my left ear, I delay the extraction by an hour for each time my hand reaches the apex of its scratch.
If I scratch my right ear, I get to have an emergency extraction involving the death of my two new friends.
If I stand up, I'm to excuse myself into the woods and be extracted out of sight from these two.
And finally, if I take off my cap, my extractor will openly come out and assist me in reading the memories of these two, should I think it's worth it.

Tesh sees me looking down and speaks into her phone for a translation.

>"Is there something wrong?"
No. 1089508 ID: df45e0

Hmmm I am torn between delaying a few hours to drop these two back off at the lodge or disappearing in the woods all mysterious like.

Lets be polite and assume our friends for the day do not need to be murdered or confused and delay for 2 hours so we can leave back at the ski lodge?

No need to ruin this nice memory with a mess.
No. 1089527 ID: 8f9bc4

Wow, a message encoded in the crumples of a blank piece of paper. That is subtle.
No. 1089561 ID: 53560f

Keep this memory as something to cherish. Delay extraction by a few hours and enjoy yourself.
No. 1089570 ID: 273c18

Delay long enough for you to get away from these two without making them worry about you. If they think you got kidnapped they'll investigate and potentially cause problems or get killed. Plus if you leave on good terms they might be a useful resource in the future!

>crumple cipher
Does Current Pillet know of any papers found that had crumples on them that might be enciphered like that? Maybe the newspaper we found in the fountain?
No. 1089577 ID: fa3034

Give them two hours. One to head back and hopefully part ways amicably, another to head to extraction and make sure you're not followed.
No. 1089859 ID: b2fb15

Say "No, bit tired is all." then scratch your left ear once or twice.
Be very careful to make sure it's the left one.
No. 1089889 ID: 15a025

Play it by ear so to say and just scratch your ear to delay by an hour for now.
No. 1092542 ID: ce93a7
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>Is current Pillet familiar with any papers like this?
I'm not! This is new to me.

I scratch my left ear up and down three times over.

"No no, I'm just thinking to myself."
>"Whatcha holding?" asks Pesh.
"Hm? Oh, nothing, just a piece of paper blew on me."

I hold it up, but it slips out of my finger in the wind and flies off. Even while texting on her own phone, Tesh's tail snaps out and grabs onto it. She makes some disapproving clicking noise after looking over it by rolling it around in her surprisingly dexterous tail, then pushes it into a small box with the chocolate cocoa packaging. I'm not worried about them seeing it. Them being agents would not surprise me, but them being able to read the crumples, especially after Tesh grabbed it like that, is virtually zero.

>"Wish people wouldn't litter." Pesh says. "Whatever, quit being a stranger on that side of the table! Get over on our side and watch this with us, it's getting good!" I realize it may not be that common a talent to watch TV upside down, so I take my cocoa and join the others.

We huddle up and continue watching. It's some kind of mega sports marathon with two large teams competing against each other in a variety of sports. It's a struggle to keep up as a watcher, so I can only imagine how difficult it is to run. Right now, I think I recognize a game of capture the flag, wrestling, and surfing all going on at the same time. The exact rules are foreign to me, but the two of them seem eager to explain everything to me when I reveal my ignorance.

It's odd to me that Pesh liked coming to such a tranquil place to watch such a chaotic thing on her phone, but I suppose the juxtaposition gives it a new experience that wouldn't be quite the same if it was just one or the other. This cocoa, for instance, is different when drank in the cold.
No. 1092543 ID: ce93a7
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After the sports draw to a close and things wind down, I realize an hour has already passed.

"Hmm, I got a day pass for the spa and barely used it, but maybe we should head to a lodge?"
>"Have you already reserved an inn?"
"No, but a place to sleep exists around, wouldn't it?"

Pesh laughs.

>"You really live on the edge, huh! No instructor reservation is one thing, but no inn? You'd be lucky to get a night's stay in someone's old dingy basement."
"It's that bad?"
>"Mmmmayyyybe not that bad, but I've never come here and seen the good inns have vacancy. The others... I don't think they're really safe? Kinda out of the way, poorly lit, people loitering in the dark. No, no, you're gonna come with us, miss."
"I don't like to impose, you two."
>"Nuh uh. We'll fret all night if you try to find some sketchy inn at this hour, so nope. You're coming with us."
"No choice?"
>"None! We'll kidnap you if we have to, it's for your own good."

I've already decided to make good memories, so I won't let my paranoia of them being agents spoil what might be genuine concern. They certainly sound sincere. Tesh is vigorously nodding along.

"Okay, okay, I'll follow you two. I'll try to get a new room at your place."
>"Perfect! Let's go then before security starts sending nightly drone patrols out here.
No. 1092544 ID: ce93a7
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It takes nearly an hour to get to the inn. They weren't lying about the view, although I'm sure it's better during daylight.

I call the front desk and, unfortunately, they are out of rooms just as Pesh said. It seems like the girls weren't lying about reservations around town either, everywhere is full except some inns with scathing reviews and concerns about safety.

By the time I stop looking and we've settled in their room, there are only 40 minutes before my extraction.

>"No luck, huh?" Pesh asks.
"Mmm, I'm on hold for a place that might be processing a cancellation." I lie, but I need an excuse to leave. "I don't want to impose."
>"You're not! I love Tesh, but do you have any idea how long it's been since we've made a new friend we could hang out with like this?"

They have no idea. The last true, organic friendship I've made was Shuzenza. I doubt these two were alive when I met him.

Tesh clicks into her phone, and plays the translation back.

"Thank you, but I fear with too much longer, I'd just be a third wheel."
>"Jokes on you," Pesh chimes back in. "I love tricycles!"
>"Stay!" Tesh pressed her phone's playback again.
>"At least take off your coat!"
"It's all I have, I'm not wearing anything underneath."
>"Haha seriously? You're so weird, I love it. I've never seen anyone so smart that's so unaccustomed to everything."

Ah. I think I am learning why the Phenocosm keeps so many of my memories stored away. If I had them, I would be sorely tempted to indulge in my favorite activities. The mere memory of today makes me wish it could last longer. I can only imagine how distracted I would be if I had a lifetime of memories like these bumping around in my skull. My duty to the phenocosm will always take priority, but my emotions would experience consistent friction.

The phenocosm does not want us artificers to be emotionally calloused for reasons I'm unaware of, but I simply hate the idea of excusing myself to that balcony, shutting the curtains, and disappearing from their lives without a word of explanation.

Thankfully, I don't have to, as it's a bad idea. Disappearing like that may prompt them to launch a rescue operation to find me and spread my missing face all over the region. I check my phone.

"Oh, it looks like I have a room elsewhere. I'm sorry, Pesh, Tesh, I really enjoyed your company, but I sleep much better alone. Have a good night." My words cause a groan from Pesh.
>"At least give us your number. Where are you staying at?"
"A side cabin on the mountainside." Goodness, they are nosy.
>"Gods, I can't tell if you live dangerously or are just that innocent. Well, whatever. Give us your number, at least!"

I see no harm in that, so I do.
No. 1092545 ID: ce93a7
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"Goodnight, you two."

I turn to find that Tesh has moved towards the door and blocked my exit. She presses her phone.

>"See you tomorrow, okay?"
No. 1092546 ID: 99f29a

Hug. Possibly kiss.
No. 1092547 ID: df45e0

Apply hugs.
No. 1092548 ID: debc82


Hug the poor nerd. It's the least we can do.
No. 1092549 ID: 273c18

If you hug you're gonna get a tracking device attached to you. Buuut I guess that's fine, your extraction team should be able to handle it.
No. 1092557 ID: 8f9bc4

Why is she hugging you? Is that normal? Or is she trying to hi four you? Or perhaps it's a friendly invitation for a crotch grope? They're getting awfully touchy for people you just met...
No. 1092565 ID: 5ebd37

What's a tracking device between friends? Its not like they could have the tech to do so in a way the phenocosm won't immediately find.
No. 1092568 ID: fa3034

Give her a nod and a smile. Until next time.
No. 1092677 ID: 15a025

Return the hug, assume they're putting a tracker on you. Pretend for the memory they're not.
No. 1096233 ID: ce93a7
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I already said goodnight, and I don't know what to say now. I certainly don't want to lie and agree to see them tomorrow; I don't expect to ever see them again.

The hug offers a way out, but I can't help but show hesitation. I haven't hugged anyone who wasn't Shuzenza in ages. It's such an intimate gesture, but I move in. My hesitation is ignored, and Tesh squeezes me.
No. 1096234 ID: ce93a7
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Pesh joins in, too. They're very affectionate, even if this is to cover me in bugs. I'd better break off before I test whether or not they escalate things. The next thing would be kissing, and that is simply too much youthful recklessness for me.
No. 1096235 ID: ce93a7
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After a final call of goodnight, I find a taxi and leave.

I feel a tinge of energy combing over and through me. It lasts for under a second, but I can see that it's someone manually scanning me for bugs, abnormalities and foreign modifications.
No. 1096236 ID: ce93a7
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I stop the taxi early and get out. It's in the middle of an unlit road, so I have to make little white lies about having a friend that can pick me up here after all. The taxi driver seems displeased about it, but lets me off.

A few moments pass before I'm blinded and deafened. I can't sense any energy around me, but I recognize this sensation as a transportation bubble.
No. 1096237 ID: ce93a7
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By the time my senses are uncovered, someone's conjured proper clothes over me and put me inside one of Heaven's Jurisdiction's sealed labs. Its overseer immediately sends its artificial organisms around me, soon joined by the full suite of abilities granted by fleshcrafters, scanners, mechanics, and our own soul seer.

Given how busily they crowd me, they must be as convinced as I am that there are bugs on me.

After two hours, they have found nothing. I'm shuffled to a different laboratory with the same function, where they double check everything. The labs then coordinate together and check each others work. Absolutely nothing turns up.

I'm completely clean. As far as anyone can tell, I was never bugged. They're as surprised as I am, but I'm cleared. The only thing that's more unbelievable than me being bug free is the idea that Klivania could insert bugs into me that the phenocosm can't find, and so after enough time, I'm cleared to move on.
No. 1096238 ID: ce93a7
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My memories are read next. To my surprise, I'm told I may keep them for the time being as I'm sent to a waiting room for a few hours as they're studied. After I'm cleared, I am sent up to meet Shuzenza on a viewing platform over the bridge.

>"Welcome back, my successful secret agent wife."
"You flatter me, Admiral Shuzenza. I don't feel all that successful."
>"Nonsense. Even a few dots can paint a picture. Your very first memory, before anyone even spoke a word, was so detailed that it showed us the curvature of their paved area. This tells us approximately how deep into the planet they are, narrowing down where they could be greatly."
"Hmmm... do my memories offer clues as to how I made it out?"
>"All too scarcely. I presume the few agents we had inside were able to assist you in some way."
No. 1096239 ID: ce93a7
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He steps towards the railing to look over the lower platforms, and motions for me to join him.

>"When you woke up at that resort town, you took advantage of their amenities while wandering openly. Did you believe that to be an appropriate course of action?"
"No, though I can't imagine what was appropriate."
>"Did you have fun?"
"I did, although I am far more comfortable to be back on board."
>"Are Klivanian pastimes superior than the entertainment provided by the Phenocosm?"
"No, admiral, they were inferior."
>"Yet you've never shown any interest in our superior pastimes. Instead, the moment you are lost on Klivania, you engaged with them happily."
"Without knowledge of appropriate action or access to my usual duties, I simply did not know what else to do. Am I in trouble, admiral?"
>"Trouble? No, the outcome has greatly pleased me."
"The outcome? Was this some kind of controlled situation after all?"
>"Ha! No. You were expected to be dropped off back in the capital where we had a full extraction planned. Instead, they took you elsewhere out of the blue. I have never paced like I did awaiting your return in all my life. But you did well."
>"My best trophy display cases are not from decades long eventless patrols, nor even well performed training simulations. It was the messy battles where I lacked full control of the situation and the outcome was unknown. Whether it was the solar system that collapsed into a nuclear chimera or the black hole that gained sentience, it was these messy battles with enormous losses and risks that I hold close to my heart."
No. 1096240 ID: ce93a7
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>"I believe you are the same. The level of training we undergo often makes us rigid. Many others in your position and training would have simply hid in an abandoned shack to await rescue. Others may have called for the personal extraction contact Quaps even knowing the phone being bugged. Instead, you engaged directly with your situation. That kind of flexibility is exactly what I was hoping for in this operation that is full of unknowns."
"I fail to follow what in the world you are talking about, admiral. I am just happy to return to my duties, as I'm sure there is a long backlog of memories I must go through."
>"And that is where you are wrong. We have been dealing with that the old fashioned way. Few fleets have a memory artificer on hand, you know. Not just do you not have a backlog, but you will be on full leave while your body double Gel is pretending to be you for the week.
"Full leave?"
>"You are under orders to spend the week most decidedly not working."
"What could I do for a week?"
>"Dear Aelsaw, we just discussed your activities on Klivania. I know you can think of something. This entire solar system shall be your playground, although you will undergo minor cosmetic changes should you go back to Klivania in case you're spotted by the wrong people."

I feel uncomfortable at the idea of treating anything as a 'playground'.

"But, why?"
>"You did have concerns that you were not prepared to be dropped on Klivania without any spy training or knowing how the world revolved. This week gives you a chance to fix that, late as it may be. Now, I will soon be seeing a special guest on the bridge, but there is still time to discuss any questions you may have regarding anything."
No. 1096241 ID: 99f29a

How does he feel about hugs and kisses, then?
No. 1096242 ID: df45e0

Will think of more questions later but for now hold out your arms and demand some loving.

Maybe ask him if he could be with you for the week doing fun stuff?
No. 1096243 ID: eb0a9c

Why is he not plowing you repeatedly? Does he hate kids?
No. 1096247 ID: c41b28

We know he is quite possibly the busiest person on this ship. Having said that, you don't suppose he would be able to join you sometime during this mandatory leave, would he? It would make your idle time all the more memorable.
No. 1096250 ID: df45e0

Right so questions its been a bit but... you should ask about the following as you fall into your husbands arms.

1. Pretty sure the soul seer dude knows you are not Pillet. Might have had it bad for her? Dunno but if he has any advice about the possible relationship they might have had.

2. What's the big threat with these people? Is there a external threat to little sub dimensions like this existing? Or are we just trying to avoid them making some sort of lord of the flies devolved hell society after it all goes wrong?

3. What does a sentient black hole get up to?

4. Same for the nuclear chimera thing.

5. What do I do if the worst happens? Something goes wrong and I get trapped inside and they close the doors. Will you wait for me? Is rescue a thing?
No. 1096251 ID: d81759

Hope im not ugly aa a little thin stick thing to my own husband so he cant fuv3k
No. 1096252 ID: 273c18

What if they complete the pocket dimension before we can stop it? What if you get trapped inside for a really long time?
Tell him you're worried that if you have to dump all your memories and commit to the role of Pillet that eventually your soul will conform to hers and you won't be yourself anymore.
No. 1096363 ID: 8f9bc4

Right now, him. Once he has to leave, you can study Pillet's memories more, to get a better idea of how to act like her. You also could follow his advice and get spy training, or learn what you can about the situation you're going into. Whatever they want out of this pocket dimension is going to be tightly under wraps, but the detailed history of the people involved, the reasoning behind their choice of location, and the manner in which pocket dimensions function are all worth looking into.
No. 1096452 ID: 15a025

See if you can at least spend some of your leave with your husband. Perhaps there's even somewhere romantic the two of you could visit.
No. 1096559 ID: ce93a7
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"How do you feel about hugs and kisses?"

He answers that by picking me up and making sure Pesh and Tesh are outdone by escalating all the way to kisses.

>Why is he not plowing you repeatedly? Does he hate kids?
High ranking ones like us are often stripped of such equipment that allows this. It is especially enforced while I am simultaneously Shuzenza's coworker and significant other.
However, I am no longer in my normal body. This is Pillet's body, which has been left... evolutionarily raw. I am not accostomed to it, and so I find myself remembering some precious memories of Shuzenza and I on a bed.
I suspect Shuzenza may even have memories of mine that I no longer have, as his equipment was always rather suspicious in how perfectly tailored to my --
No. 1096560 ID: ce93a7
File 172479525013.png - (223.32KB , 1200x1200 , 713.png )

-- every nerve is rubb --
-- his body taking charge ov --
-- the rhythm and pounding as --
-- wonder if he minds how thin I --
-- testing the enduran --

Oh my fucking god she just keeps on going.
No. 1096561 ID: ce93a7
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--and he will only have kids when he and I have the time to raise them ourselves.

>"You look lost in thought, dear. Care to share?"
"You taking me somewhere romantic and plowing me."
"A week to myself is a long time. Will you take that time off with me?"
>"Alas, no superiors of mine are on board to relieve me of my duty on the spot. However, should fate allow you to return from the construction zone once more, I promise that I shall arrange a week off. And I shall also be prepared to please you in bed, if you once again return to me in such a mood!"
"And if I'm too thin for your tastes, I would not mind changing back."
>"Nonsense, you know I am more concerned about what drives your body than the body itself, no matter how traitorous it looks and thin it may feel."
"It certainly is uncomfortable with how harshly this skeleton presses on everything I touch - ah, but enough of that. You sound like you are uncertain of my return?"
>"Spokesperson Varther was able give us his guarantee he could pull you out once. The next time you go, things will be much less certain."
"I see. I do have worries about that, then. It seemed like Paporron knew I wasn't Pillet."
No. 1096562 ID: ce93a7
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>"It is likely. This was an acceptable risk, as Paporron's psychiatric evaluations revealed he was susceptible to delusions and fear at losing himself as a person. And it was Pillet who kept him stable and whole for centuries. The encephalon matrix calculated he would refuse to believe that Pillet truly died, or lived and ignored his answers."
"So he is delusional? That seems oddly convenient."
>"Perhaps, though we suspect Pillet altered his memories to invoke some kind of trauma that caused a dependency on her. If there was a reason, then she took that knowledge into her afterlife."
"Then moving on, I do have questions about my role with the subdimension and what threat they hold. First of all - "
>"Hold those questions. Both of those topics will be covered in my meeting with that special guest I mentioned. Would you like to join?"
"If I may, I will. But with our spare time, tell me about these black holes and nuclear chimeras."
>"So it will be."

He only has a few minutes to share, but he talks about how the leading theory behind the black hole was that a rogue gravity influencer threw himself into the black hole. There is little way to confirm that, but there was simply no other precedence for a black hole spreading itself out into a net and absorbing entire nebulae with purposeful direction.

As for the solar system, apparently long ago, the Phenocosm had send out hijackers that would take over distant solar systems and bring them back so as to avoid all the stars and planets from getting unreasonably far from one another. One seed had malfunctioned and got its directions backwards, and so Shuzenza was sent to the outer reaches of the universe to save it from running into the void.

The explanations are short and summarized so that he can get on with the meeting. It will give me some time to think on what I'll do afterwards. Perhaps I will get some spy training, or get in some practice acting more like Pillet.
No. 1096563 ID: ce93a7
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The time runs out and the admiral clicks out a code. I feel us descend through the floor. The resulting bubble steadily delivers us onto the bridge, where iridescent walls show our surrounding stars. Thankfully the floors are not set to this, as it's disorienting enough watching the bridge staff become partially obstructed when walking behind layered walls.

I take a seat to the side as Shuzenza takes the center and turns. "All staff, at station. Look alert." Once the bridge looks like the image of professionalism, Shuzenza gets onto an intercom.

"Send him in." Shuzenza's voice loses its typical aloofness.
No. 1096564 ID: ce93a7
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The door opens to reveal the mystery guest.

The identifying plate over his chest signifies he's fresh out of a fleet academy. It shines well; I suspect he polished it immediately before coming here.
He delivers a snappy salute with impeccable posture. The academy has drilled and smoothed out every misaligned angle and jittery movement from him.
>"Ninth Class Spacefleet Officer Mino reporting for duty, sir!"
No. 1096565 ID: ce93a7
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Shuzenza stops and turns around as though he had not been eagerly anticipating Mino's arrival.

>"Stand closer." He booms, and remains as still as the stars around us as Mino approaches and resumes his salute. "I am Upper Admiral Shuzenza." He stares at the newcomer, seeing if Mino's posture will buckle. It does not, just as the academy would have it, though it is clear it is only the rigid training Mino is falling back on to prevent shaking. "You may refer to me..."
No. 1096566 ID: ce93a7
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Shuzenza's voice lightens.

>"As simply Upper Admiral. I am the only one around, no one in this half of the galaxy will get confused as to who you're talking about."

That's a slight drift away from protocol already, but it crashes down into freefall as Shuzenza bows towards Mino. To receive such a gesture makes the cadet look like he's found himself inside the barrel of a charging cannon. "It is the fresh ideas and newcomers entering the ranks who keep us older ones sharp and proactive during times of peace. And so the flagship Heaven's Jurisdiction is honored to have you aboard, Mino."

>"Ehr - thank you, sir?"
>"Everyone, stand and give Ninth Class Mino a round of applause! This man came out of the university in one piece, meaning he's got got a long line of successes and accolades worth praising!"
No. 1096567 ID: ce93a7
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The academy is not a pleasant place to be. It is a decades long grinder to filter out those who are not self driven. By the time a recruit finally earns their plate, they have gone many years without an ounce of love or support.

Much of the staff shout things like 'great job' and 'it's all uphill from here.' The others all simply clap enthusiastically. I join in and clap as well, but I realize the fur on my hands greatly diminishes the effect.

I don't entirely get why Shuzenza does this, but I think it is in protest of how unimaginative, formulaic, and destructive of personality the academy can be. Mino's world of training never prepared him for this. Within a minute of him starting a real career he's trained ages for, his mouth begins twitching with a slowly failing attempt to hide an embarrassed smile at an entire bridge cheering him, and the lad finally can't stand it.

His officer poise shatters with a twitching smile and an unconstrained blush. I do feel bad; beneath his smile may be someone who feels like he just ruined everything, that his career is over the minute it began. I think I see a tear, and it might not be from flattery.

I hope he someday realizes that he demonstrated that he managed to keep some of his own personality intact despite the academy's best efforts, and Shuzenza could not be more pleased to have someone like that placed under his wing.
No. 1096568 ID: ce93a7
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Shuzenza grins over the broken in cadet and orders everyone back to attention. I have to nearly drag Mino back to an open seat for him to observe, and he does his best gathering his composure after he's processed the fact that he hasn't had his badge ripped off his shirt and the rest of him shot out of a cannon. Now he's trying his best not to gawk at me. No doubt he recognizes my body, and hasn't been warned of who I really am.

>"And besides our own fleet, we also have the pleasure of having command of the two subfleets, Vultura and The Larven. We shall be briefing them on recently revealed information, courtesy our own memory artificer."

He gestures at me, and he struggles to find out how much he should look at me before averting his gaze.
No. 1096569 ID: ce93a7
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Shuzenza finally turns around and gets on his communicator.

>"Lower Admirals, V-0, Zanthe! Come online."
>"V-0 Reporting. Warning: Bridge revision 4 status: Incomplete."
>"This isn't an inspection, show yourself."

Two displays come online, the first I see is that of the incomplete bridge.

>"Now, introductions are in order." Shuzenza continues. "First is V-0, the autonomous conquerer of the machine star Optoc, who commands Vultura! This experimental automated fleet has a conventional support staff within its walls, but its upper command is an artificial algorithm that aims to prove its flexibility in any mission."
No. 1096570 ID: ce93a7
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Mino and I walk out into the open, so we can see the second display.

>"And next is Zanthe the Star Wizard, who once lead the Larven to fight back the great miasmic nebula!

Hm? That one looks fami -
No. 1096571 ID: ce93a7
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No. 1096572 ID: ce93a7
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>"These are the two lower admirals who we have the pleasure and honor of commanding. Zanthe, V-0, this is 9th Officer Mino, who shall be under my wing for the foreseeable future. And finally, by him is Memory Artificer Aelsaw, not Pillet. Though Zanthe has already been told this in advance, and who I shall now thank for safely retrieving."

Hm? Oh, I understand him. Zanthe is one of the few who would have been trusted with such a direct extraction. He must have pulled me from that taxi earlier.

The meeting begins with the plain facts, which are almost entirely from my own memories.
No. 1096573 ID: ce93a7
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The meeting continues into discussing a rapid precision strike into the site, an antimatter bomb in Klivania's core, or Zanthe's worms that can mimic local wildlife and slowly burrow into Klivania until it finds the construction zone. These ideas and many more are brought up. Shuzenza shoots them all down.

>"Upper Admiral, I would like to speak plainly." says Zanthe.
>"Go ahead."
>"I have known you a long time, and never before have you acted so terrified of action. It's painfully obvious the stakes are greater than a handful of criminals making their own sandbox. If that is classified, say so. If not, explain to us what the real danger is."
>"And you, V-0? It is fair you get to share your frustrations as well."

And V-0 is frustrated, based on the agitated filter he puts over his voice.

>"My feelings are comparable. This mission is described as preventing the escape of a small list of criminals and the theft of approximately thirty thousand cubic kilometers. We have three fleets involved and have greatly risked the wellbeing of a memory artificer. I have been unable to converge these facts into a clean outline."
>"Mm. I'm pleased to say I have just gotten the clearance to discuss this with you four. And just you four. All bridge staff, exit and remain on standby. In V-0's case, compartmentalize this information under the highest confidentiality."
No. 1096574 ID: ce93a7
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The staff are given a moment to leave, then he continues.

>"This meeting will remain in all of your own heads. When this operation concludes, we will all have our memories of the following facts removed either by Aelsaw or by another artificer. As you know, the founders could not have invented a subdimension from scratch. They have stolen blueprints."

A simple display appears behind us, where we can all see.

>"This means that regardless of the intentions of the founders, the subdimension will have the same capabilities of its blueprints. If the founders are able to seal themselves off, then the subdimension already has the ability to expand itself while shrinking the space of its host - in this case, our own universe. The very purpose of subdimensions is to create a rebirth of the universe."
>"No such use case has been found. Why does this exist?"
>"That I don't know. What we do know is that the technology was made, and the phenocosm has spent many millenia working to undo it.

The diagram shows fog increasing at a slow rate.

>"It expands based on its present size. Due to their need to sneak this under our eyes, it is currently being made at it's absolute smallest size possible. Because of this, it will take a few hundred years to expand enough for its fog to break the planet's surface. Its continued rate of expansion will become more and more alarming. The entire phenocosm could be swallowed from the inside out within 14,000 years."

The fog quickly starts expanding, taking up more and more of the screen until it turns grey.
No. 1096575 ID: ce93a7
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>"And that is why I will not just throw bombs at them with anything short of a 100% chance of success. It is also why I have made the unprecedented act of sending in a memory artificer on such a dangerous mission. Should we fail, it will be up to Aelsaw to stop them from the inside. As Aelsaw will be in space outside of the phenocosm, she will no longer be held to phenocosm law. She may accomplish her mission by any means and any cost."

The display changes to show the people of interest involved.

>"Understand that many critical machines were never perfected in the blueprints. Even if the founders follow the blueprints perfectly, they require maintenance. Destroying the memories of how to perform this upkeep will slowly create instability and cause an inability to grow and may lead to an eventual collapse even if you cannot directly sabotage critical infrastructure. Even modifying their personalities to remain as small as possible to try and remain hidden would work as a temporary solution. I'm sure there are many more options, but you will have to find and exploit them on your own."

I still feel this would have been important to know during my first visit, but it's too late for that. At least I understand more about my mission now.

>"But remember, this is plan B. You will have to worry about none if this if I succeed in plan A. If you have no further questions, you may now take your leave for the week."
No. 1096576 ID: 99f29a

Yeah if this is meant to be the new universe, it sucks pretty bad. Damn. Wonder how much is sabotage and how much just sucked already.
No. 1096579 ID: cc9a56

mmm, one moment as current pillet, about how long is the minimum time that has passed? though that's something you'd have to ask someone else about perhaps.
but as for Memory Aelsaw: Which machines are imperfect/which memories should be prioritized
No. 1096580 ID: cc9a56

Looking closely at the display, Engineer Fisheye is greyed out, why?
No. 1096581 ID: 273c18

Here is possibly the most important question we can ask:
What happens to what was swallowed by the fog? Does any matter from the original universe wind up inside the subdimension when the fog swallows it? What about afterwards, if/when the dimension collapses? Will it be restored to how it was before the fog expanded?
...the fog is visible from outside the subdimension? Odd that we can perceive it but not affect it in any way, and the boundary cannot be crossed (or at least not safely). ...then again, we thought that about black holes. Maybe someone skilled enough in dimensional manipulation could cross over?

Oh, let's not spend all our vacation on training. Find some good food, and see what entertainment there is around here. Virtual reality stuff? Physical activities like zero-g obstacle courses?
No. 1096583 ID: eb0a9c

Oh damn.
This explains the obsession. Whether or not the rebels just wish to live independent from an all-consuming empire, their experimental exponential technology risks the entire universe turning into their all-consuming purgatory.

But what is the worst-case scenario of sabotage going horribly wrong? We can't risk spilling this universe into another or causing an eldritch outbreak.
No. 1096585 ID: 273c18

Hmm, maybe this technology was developed in case something irreversibly terrible happened to the universe at large. Like, a doomsday shelter that would one day become the new world.

...wait, Aumstail read these memories. She should know how fucking terrible the expanding fog is. The only valid reason to keep the fog going, if this is true, would be if it's already far too late for the original universe and the fog has already subsumed everything.
No. 1096606 ID: cc9a56

something else that deserves mention, this reality includes matterialised power, like what Deli took, it doesn't seem as though this existed outside of this fog, is seems like the universe outside works on something different entirely, and who's to say this machine wasn't used to make THAT power system, too?
A thought probably entirely for present Pillet though
No. 1096609 ID: debc82


What's "Plan A", if Plan B is to send us in and attempt to minimize the expansion of the sub-dimension? Or did I miss something?
No. 1096735 ID: e7ca6d
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>Why is Fisheye greyed out?
While I saw everyone else at least once in true space, I only met Fisheye within the subdimension and its bare environment.

"I do have further questions. What happens to matter overtaken by the fog?"
>"Matter is broken down into raw components and placed into the subdimension at a one to one ratio. As far as we on the outside are concerned, our matter gets completely destroyed. Space is not taken one to one, rather it's a mix of absolute size and shrinking existing space. A universe that is reborn in this way ends up smaller, more condensed."

>Plan A vs Plan B?
Plan A is destroying it from the outside, but if that fails, plan B is for me to go destroy or disable it from the inside.

I glance at Zanthe and V-0. I am under the impression that Zanthe is simply waiting for me to finish so he can go back to hatching plans for destroying the subdimension from the outside. V-0 appears to be frozen while re-calculating this new information.

"And when the subdimension collapses, will any matter it took be restored as it was?"
>"No. The matter and space within the subdimension will merge back with ours, with whatever structure it took in the subdimension. For example, if the subdimension absorbed a plate of glass and turned it into an hourglass before it collapsed, it would come back into our dimension as an hourglass."
"Hmm. It's odd we can see the fog, but can't interact with it."
>"What we have been calling the fog is not conventional matter. It's something we simply cannot interpret meaningfully."
"Interesting. I think that is all my questions for now. Thank you, Upper Admiral Shuzenza, I will be on my way."
>"Do make the most of your week, Memory Artificer Aelsaw. It may even be longer if Spokesperson Varther can manage it."
No. 1096736 ID: e7ca6d
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I'm taking a second to think about this one.

>About how long is the minimum time that has passed?
Roughly 4,000 years have passed since my memories were wiped. I don't know how long it took between sealing the subdimention and wiping my memories, but faint, broken impressions of memories beforehand make me think it wasn't nearly as long.

>Aumstail read those memories?
She couldn't. A non-memory artificer can only poorly read a memory by absorbing it like an energy cluster, and doing so destroys it. Aumstail most likely just told me what memory to extract, had me narrate it, and wrote it down. And in my state, I probably did a shit job. That idiot of an energy blocker probably only has enough of an idea of what this memory is to label it as 'the records of a traitor'.

As for if the fog is expanding... nope, or at least not much. Based on what Shuzenza said, then this place would be at least the size of an entire planet, if not solar systems' worth of space if it were on maximum growth. I do remember the town being just a tiny bit smaller than it is now, and now I know it wasn't just my imagination. So that's nice. More importantly, this subdimension certainly never reached its supposed potential.

I was just starting to wonder about how Aelsaw never ran into energy clusters or people absorbing others, but both the phenocosm and Klivania control people's energy levels based on social or military standing. They sure as hell wouldn't tolerate running around stabbing each other to absorb each others' energy either. I think Aelsaw just hasn't ran into it.

I get the sense that it's going to be addressed pretty soon.
No. 1096737 ID: e7ca6d
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I leave them to their discussion, and go test Pillet's body a little more with a game of VR combat with guns and no energy.

My ranking goes up every round. I realize my original body was ideal for long term resting stamina and stable mental performance. Pillet's body requires much more upkeep, but is also much more suited to combat. It is harder to strike my smaller profile with guns, and as uncomfortable as this skeleton is, it's got to be much more uncomfortable for the person I manage to elbow strike. On the other hand, this individual reminded me that a slash I could shrug off in my normal body is a more severe wound in Pillet's.

I end up in the top 4% of today's rankings. I'm surprised, but I suppose my training usually focuses on me being outmatched.

And it is just a game, after all. I doubt people are taking it too seriously.
No. 1096738 ID: e7ca6d
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I certainly don't want to spend the whole week doing that, so I check my permissions. There is full allowance for any foods and recreation with no limit.

I just don't know what Shuzenza wants me to get out of this. I have cakes, engage in 0-g obstacle courses with medical personnel on standby, and watch a drama.

The cakes are expectedly among the best things I have tasted, the obstacle course is a great trial of physical prowess and puzzle solving that I'm told I do very well in, and the drama leaves me on the edge of my seat every minute.

As expected, the phenocosm's amenities are just perfect. It's the calculated culmination of thousands of people's works, built on machines and previous works of millions, built on that of billions and so on.

If I were among the normal workers, I think I would appreciate having perfection available. But me being who I am, I find myself thinking of that airport vendor's donuts and Vix's brush baths, knowing there's a lifetime that led to their personalities filling in the blanks and the imperfections of their training and protocols.

It feels pointless remembering the phenocosm's pastries and movies when the blueprints and execution accounts for every variable and comes out perfect every time. My memories of those are redundant, but the donuts, the brush bath, the bus trips and many elements of my ski trip all had chaotic little elements that won't be replicated exactly ever again. It's an honor to record those.

But it also leads to me thinking a little too much. Perhaps I should train more. There are more obstacle courses and exercise programs. I finally have the clearance and time for reading spy memories. I could also get a cosmetic change and go back to Klivania. I don't know if that would help at all in the subdimension's underground site, but it would make me much less naive on the surface.

There are other options, I'm sure. My emotions simply want something to focus on so I can pass the week as swiftly and painlessly as possible.
No. 1096739 ID: a7a180

Spending a week on the planet in an incognito body sounds like a good idea. You could get a third perspective on life below the perfection line.
No. 1096740 ID: 99f29a

Information is cool but naivete makes it hard to use it effectively. Can you bring any memories to Klivania? If not, oh well, best head there anyway.
No. 1096741 ID: 273c18

>absorbed matter is reformed into a similar state
Hmm, so it's *possible* that the star wizard dove into the fog from the outside and reincarnated as Delli? Ah crap I forgot to ask what happens to SOULS that enter the fog.
>4000 years, fog not expanding much
Oh thank goodness, that means the universe outside is mostly untouched. Nevertheless, the fog needs to be stopped eventually, and the sooner it's stopped the more merciful those outside will be. Actually, now that you have more of Aelsaw's memories, what do you expect the phenocosm to do when the subdimension collapses? Will they arrest the central group and simply treat everyone else as refugees? What will happen to you, will you wind up retrieving more of Aelsaw's memories and... become her again?
...hmm, you should be able to get a rough estimate of the fog's minimum size based on the longest deep fog route you know. Simply multiply the travel time by your average speed while running it, and reduce it a bit based on how squiggly or circuitous the route is.

Hmm, probably get some spy "training" done by viewing some records, then head down to the surface in a different body so you can get more familiar with how things work there, so you won't stand out as much. ...actually, hmm, you're probably going to have to practice behaving like Pillet in the different body as well.
Do you have any idea what the motives of the rebels are? Does the phenocosm treat certain groups badly and they want to escape that treatment? Is it possible that they don't like the afterlife out here, and want to make a new one in there? Or is it simply the selfish ambition to have their own private world where they're in charge?
No. 1096742 ID: eb0a9c

The whole point of this is to shave off the telltale signs of military life that an expert can spot. You'll lose your overall strength, but the point is to draw as little suspicion as possible.

Train in things that go against military procedure. Learn to shoot first and ask questions never. Spontaneously break formation and flank. Demand answers when you have questions, and do crazy hijinks that make you so embarrassed that you wish they could be restricted by red tape.

Buy a porn shooter and stream it.
No. 1096743 ID: 15a025

There's going to be more time to train and learn on the field, so to say. Shoot, depending on how things go you might even be able to train with the targets and learn from them.

Take this time and head back down in a different body, experience more of those rough around the edge-things Klivania has to offer.
No. 1096744 ID: 53560f

You could maybe take up a hobby? Something you can get better at little by little without relying on the phenocosm’s mass produced perfection. Baking seems tempting even if no one but you will appreciate it here.
Regardless, visiting Klivania undercover seems like a good opportunity to appreciate all the little things and maybe you could visit a hobby shop or similar thing to see what hobbies they take up there to find inspiration for yourself.
No. 1096746 ID: 0cec82

perfection without variation, just like the academy, I wonder if Shuzenza also feels unsatisfied, like you now do. You'll have to see if he has any free time this week
No. 1096747 ID: 171efe

Souls seem to stay mostly intact, and they reform their bodies based on how they see and remember themselves.
I wonder if Mino always wanted to be rebel little goat guy.

At any rate, let's peruse some people's memories of Klivania living, and of espionage tactics, and of espionage tactics in Klivania!
It'll come un useful if we back there before the week is up.
No. 1096772 ID: debc82


> Not expanding much
Then I get the sense that, between the relatively stable state of the town and the ruined state of the Fog Islands, we were actually MOSTLY successful at Plan-B.

However, it looks like a lot of stuff was lost and the fog may have actually RECEDED in some way, resulting in a reabsorption of a lot of matter that wasn't in a stable pocket.


> Those donuts and that brush bath
Pillet, while this does look like an absolute blast, I imagine we've finally begun to comprehend WHY Paporron and the others would even want to make a subdimension to escape the Phenocosm.

Those experiences, all the little bits of chaos -- they're what make life worth living. Perfection is the pinnacle of achievement, but it starts to become hollow when every experience will be exactly the same.

While certainly dangerous to ... sympathize with these individuals, it would help to reflect on this, as it may make our own reintegration with them more believable.

After all, that's our aim, is it not? To prepare for working alongside (and sabotaging) them.
No. 1097147 ID: df45e0

Relax on planet. Don't train just enjoy the culture and have genuine experiences you will enjoy.
No. 1097520 ID: ce93a7
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Hmmm. I consult a few spy memories. They're dry, but they contextualize how to simply fit in inside of unfamiliar environments. Once I express my desire to go to Klivania, I am directed towards Ruflaka.

I contemplate new hobbies as I walk. Maybe I can use my cover to do very un-phenocosm like protocols to practice being someone who isn't from the phenocosm. I will seriously consider my options once I am on the planet. For now, I'm wondering if Paporron and the other founders truly prefer the unstructured chaotic mess of Klivanian culture, thus motivating them to permanently escape from the phenocosm's control.

>What will the phenocosm do when the subdimension collapses?
I sense this gets addressed in the other memory I have here.

>Get an idea of the size of the fog's minimum size based on the longest deep fog route you know.
The routes to fog bubbles are most likely non-euclidean. It doesn't matter anyway; the founder's memory vault was here right at the start. I've never found any fog pocket that was farther than that one.
No. 1097521 ID: ce93a7
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Ruflaka appears to have been waiting for me.

>"I have been briefed. You are here for a new identity, correct?"
"That's right."
>"It is recommended you take the role of Reneil. This individual never existed, but she does exist within Klivanian records. Voting fraud, I'm told. This identity is recommended because up until now, she has no visual records whatsoever. This means that there is no exact requirement to what you look like."
"Interesting, but I can't just head down looking like this, can I?"
>"You cannot. A full body transformation takes over a day. Simple cosmetic changes can take as little as 10 minutes. There is small possibility you must swap with your body double on short notice, therefore you will be undergoing minimal changes that will still satisfactorily convince anyone you are unrelated to Pillet."

He hands me some of Reneil's documentation for my future perusal.

>"The only skeletal change will be squashing your neck to be less atypical. Beyond this, I can change your fur color and length, shift your weight distribution, alter your ears and snout, and so on easily enough."
"Will cosmetic changes be enough?"
>"Of the 270 million Klivanians, there are already 4 known individuals that already look remarkably similar to Pillet. It will be fine. You may have input on your looks, both in flesh and with a new set of clothes. Do you have any cosmetic changes would you prefer? If not, I will use my own discretion."
No. 1097522 ID: 99f29a

Let's see the checklist. Bigger ears, fangs, tits, dick, hips/thigh/ass, muscles as appropriate. Otherwise perhaps some sort of mega cyborg godzilla creature. The sort that would be really complicated to draw by hand especially if you had to do it over and over for many panels. Alternatively, blue fur and/or a general cat-rabbit sort of look.
No. 1097523 ID: d948fc

Enhance knockers. We need somewhere for those donuts to go.
No. 1097524 ID: dbabb8

Hm. Gotta wonder if this is how you end up looking like your current self. You now and memory you look similar, but with the sub-dimension lacking colour, you could have completely different fur colouration and we wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Unrelated thought, there's gonna be some identity issues to untangle after all's said and done, who you are, who other people think you are, who you want to be, etc.
No. 1097525 ID: debc82


Keeping it minimal makes the most sense. Lose the darker patches and add a little weight at the center (for comfort, of course) and we're already a completely different person.
No. 1097527 ID: df45e0

Taller neck! Huge fluffy ears with extra fluff! Extra fabulous booty! Fluffier tail!
No. 1097532 ID: 19c2a7

No. 1097590 ID: ce93a7
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I discuss my ideas for cosmetic changes.

>"Hm. More of lots of things. I will not affect your skeletal structure beyond the neck, so you want extra fluff, muscle and fat in select places?"
"It's not like I can get much thinner than this, after all."
>"This is true. Very well. Your fangs will be an extra one-time tooth layer so that they can be chipped off quickly later."
"What if I had a longer neck?"
>"Longer? A moment." Ruflaka checks his computer. "Ah, yes, there are exceptionally long necked phenotypes in Klivania. That will work. Are you ready?"
"I am."
>"Then close your eyes if you are squeamish."

Instead of putting me to sleep, he washes me with full pain nullification and begins working. My body is hooked up to a blood hose before it's is sliced open and a bucket of categorized muscle and fat is fused underneath my skin. The purpose of the bloodhose becomes apparent as I must close my eyes, not because I am squeamish, but because my blood is spraying all over the place.
No. 1097591 ID: ce93a7
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He stops suppressing the pain and confirms that I only have mild tingles that will go away shortly. I'm sent to the showers with hydrophobic mirrors. Goodness, this body certainly doesn't follow typical phenocosm body codes. Perhaps that's best for my undercover work.

I step out and get myself clothed. Ruflaka hands me some items.

>"Documents - these are details for your cover. Contacts - they will change your pupils outwardly and easily without any fleshcrafting. Gene pills - if you must change back into Pillet and cannot reach me, take them. Set aside a day and plenty of painkillers to be incapacitated. An instant transmission radio and sources of money - the same as you received before. Finally, a phone - a similar set of contacts to your first."
"I understand. Is that all?"
>"I believe it is implied that this time around, you will be monitored much more closely. There may be times you think you are getting tailed, or someone in a car is watching - this is not cause for concern."
"Very well. Is that all, then?"
>"That is all. The docking bays are expecting you."
No. 1097592 ID: ce93a7
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The Klivanian starship is more cramped, but I manage. I warp away from the planet once again, so that I can approach from about 2 hours away like a standard Klivanian ship would. I lean back and review my new documents regarding Reneil and the place I will be residing. Most of this should never come up, but it's largely detailed cover for where Reneil came from, people she knows, and some extra contacts I may have.

My ship comms light up about 20 minutes before I arrive.

"Reneil speaking."
>"This is Captain Jelna of the Space Guard. Identify your ship, please."
"Hm, it's... license Arctur B-99."
>"Very well. Can you explain what you were doing on Doss, and for how long?"
"2 weeks, exploring potential mining investments." I didn't expect that part of the documentation to come up, but I'm glad I read it all.
>"Starport destination?"
"Kaleidoscope Station, Greyland."

She runs me through a few more questions. They're certainly more inquisitive this time around than when I first came. Once satisfied, she wishes me a pleasant return to Klivania.

The instant I hang up, I get another call.

"Reneil speaking?"
>"Hello. I am Agent Tegge, from the PICK." This person answers while audibly tapping his pen.
"The pick, you said?"
>"The Planetary Investigation Corps of Klivania, that's right. Don't worry, you aren't in trouble, but we have some questions for you. Would you be willing to land in Winterheight? We will cover any inconveniences from this, and won't take much of your time."

The tapping continues. This isn't a Klivanian native speaking to me, it's a true phenocosm agent using simple taps to communicate.

The Winterheight situation is going poorly. The situation is devolving.
We require your support. We are knowingly going against protocol contacting you directly due to the proper channels being unavailable alongside the fact that the importance of your assistance is critical.
The chance of a space authority full ship inspection is above zero. Destroy and jettison all non-native technology aboard and within your ship such as any Instant Transmission Radios and FTL Drives. This is mandatory.

No. 1097593 ID: 99f29a

A blood hose... a bit of a disappointing implementation. Well, if you feel certain this is the real deal, might as well.
No. 1097595 ID: c41e1e

In theory, there IS, technically, a chance this is not Phenocosm, but if so you have bigger problems so might as well. But if you have time, use the Instant Transmission Radio to inform rest of Phenocosm, even if you probably won't have time for a response
No. 1097596 ID: df45e0

Soo do you know what the Winterheight situation is?

Is this your thing or some other thing? If its our thing then we had pretty go along with it. If its some other random thing I dunno.
No. 1097597 ID: a7a180

It'd be really funny if you went off the grid and it turned out they really were just tapping their pencil out of boredom. Let's fuckin' go.
No. 1097599 ID: 8f9bc4


agreed 100% 1000% Nuh uh. No way.
No. 1097612 ID: debc82


The hell changed in the last two hours?

Say you need to consult a map, since it's been a LONG while since you were last anywhere near Winterheight, and use that to tap back for clarification.

Try to see if you can't confirm who the agent is and the cause of the sudden change in directives.
No. 1097613 ID: dbabb8

This is concerning, although I've been getting a sense that there's been another shoe about to drop for a while, this might be it.

Is there a way to verify whether they're genuine beyond the use of the tap code? Otherwise we need to assume as such, the risk of ship inspection is present regardless of whether you assist or not, so I'd do so.
No. 1097614 ID: 3df1ab

This. No going dark without warning first.

Well, should you even come since you no longer look like Pillet?
Do you have any way to answer? If yes, send back that you are "now" "in disguise" and you coming down there would likely cause more problems than it would solve.
No. 1097617 ID: ce93a7
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"Does this have anything to do with the last time I was there?" Only a handful of hours ago, I realize.
>"It does not."

The pen tapping continues.

It does. I'll explain in person.

"I'll need to consult a map, it's been awhile since I've been in Winterheight." I tap back a non-verbal handshake message. He returns it. This is about as much validation as I can get that this is a legitimate phenocosm request.
"Okay, got it. I'm coming." Other than involving my last visit, I have no idea what's going on.

>Blood hose
Come to think of it, that was rather low tech, wasn't it? I wonder if he's going to be assigned to the planet and has to learn how to use Klivanian technology? Oh, well, I have bigger issues to worry about.

I grab my radio, but before I tamper with it to automatically melt its higher functions, I hail Heaven's Jurisdiction with today's contact codes.

>"I-F-35 to Letio, requesting connection."



>"I-F-35 to - "

My radio sparks and the air starts smelling like burnt metal. I didn't tamper with it at all, but it's melting the instant transmission components - something else must have triggered it. The slag melts onto other components and breaks the rest of the radio.

I disassemble it further and use my own energy to further mutilate it before I start operating the ship's computer systems. This ship came with automatic jettison capabilities for this exact situation. Once engaged, I feel the poor Klivanian climate control fail to keep the temperature from rising a hefty 20 degrees over the course of 5 minutes.

After a few concerning bumps deep in the ship, liquid slag begins getting thrown haphazardly into space. The console then deletes phenocosm made portions of itself and reverts itself back to normal Klivanian software.
No. 1097618 ID: ce93a7
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I receive a ping requesting my ship follow a new route to Winterheight. I accept this.

My final descent has a scanner drone come fly by and scan me and my ship before I land. I only see it on my own sensors, because the clouds have come back and my plane's autopilot is navigating a pitch black environment. I feel unusually strong people all around me, at least by Klivanian standards. I sense dozens who have energy well above the civilian limit. A few nearby are more modestly overpowered and quickly come sauntering up to me.

>"Hi, there. You've sure come to Winterheight at an early time, haven't you?"
"I have."

Before they ask more probing questions, someone else comes rushing up to me who's a hefty 20 times over the civilian limit.

>"I'll be taking it from here." He states as he goes straight from a sprint into a standing halt.
>"And you are?"
>"Agent Tegge, of PICK. She's with me." He holds up a plain badge, and the others don't seem happy to see him.
No. 1097619 ID: ce93a7
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They let Tegge take me to a car.

>"Welcome. This car is safe to speak openly in, the driver is vetted. I'll still be getting in the habit of calling you Reneil, if you don't mind. You may read my memories if it puts your mind at ease." I do so. He yields, and my brief skim confirms he is a phenocosm agent in a powerful Klivanian security position and was not just tapping the pen in the most coincidental manner I would have ever seen in my life. I don't pry further.
"Okay. What's going on?"
>"A lot of subdimension agents are crawling around town trying to figure out why in the world there was a Pillet skiing on the slopes while a Pillet was on her way to Varther's. They're especially interested in the pairs of eyes that both saw her getting on a plane, then later touring the resort, such as Vix, who I'm sure you remember. Hell, those two people you first saw when you landed just now were probably with the subdimension, though I doubt they know it. Most of my own guys don't know who they're really working for either, to be fair."

I feel I am being passively scolded. Shuzenza did not seem to indicate my actions caused problems - though I don't know if he knew. Tegge continues.

>"Their line of questioning somehow led to them thinking that there might be some nightmarishly enormous alien fleet out there in the far reaches of space. In other words, they're somehow onto us. They're tipping their hand a little by using their own agents within the Klivanian space authority to scan space using means that far exceed what Klivania should normally be capable of. The phenocosm responded immediately and went dark. That means we no longer have communication with them, or fleet support. Zanthe will certainly not be coming down to bail us out of this mess of a situation. This must have happened about half an hour or so after you left. But since you're planetbound anyway, we want your help."
"Go on."
>"We lack real interrogation tech that can yield information either quickly or accurately. We want you to read the memories of some of Winterheight's civilians and the subdimension's surface agents in the hopes we can hone in on the bigwigs and figure out what the subdimension knows. We're past the point of expecting to contain it, but if we're lucky, they only got spooked and won't do anything drastic like seal themselves off.
>"And make yourself aware that when we are outside of the car or any closed room, we are all native Klivanians. Any talks about celestial entities starting with P is the talk of crackpot conspiracy theorists, and as far as any subdimension agents are concerned, we are all either official Klivanian law enforcement who decided a nice investigation into a resort town was the best use of taxpayer's money, or we are all part of a different cell of subdimension agents and we are all keeping kayfabe on while talking to each other. Remember that on paper, they are not 'subdimension agents', they are skiers, residents, workers and so on. I'll first be taking you to a civilian who may or may not be one of their agents, but either way was likely questioned by one of their bigger agents. I would also rather you not be seen around town much. Your cover would work halfway across the planet, but you still bear a passing resemblance to Pillet where it matters. Any questions before we begin?"
No. 1097620 ID: 99f29a

So... interact with lots of people, avoid being seen outdoors, find chances to read memories. So you need lots of people to come to your home and willingly make themselves vulnerable. Are you being set up to try out whoring?
No. 1097621 ID: df45e0

Give him a thumbs up and nod.

"So whats the culture like about personal contact here? If I am going to scan a bunch of people I can't look like that is what I am doing."
No. 1097625 ID: debc82


... ohhhhhh, the mouse twins. Yeah, okay, that's definitely our bad. But they were really nice, at least.
No. 1097626 ID: ce93a7
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"Ohh, the mouse twins."
>"Pesh and Tesh, yes. We have not been able to get into contact with them, but they are high priority targets."
"What's the culture like regarding personal contact? I do need to directly touch someone to read their memories, and at my energy level, they will need to yield to me."
>"I'll come up with excuses for them to yield."
"So I am to interact with a lot of people, but avoid being seen outdoors? With people coming to me and making themselves vulnerable? You know, this is sounding like some advertisements and hearsay I've heard during my short time travelling like a civilian in Klivania, in which women would offer their bodies to the"
>"I'm going to stop you right there. Er, apologies, I am used to working with people who I can freely interrupt."
"I am hard to aggravate. Please, communicate as you desire."
>"Thank you. I have never been in the position of working with someone even close to your rank, but I never, under any circumstances, ever want to be in the position in which I must explain to the upper fleet why I felt it was critical to the mission to whore out a memory artificer."
"Oh, okay then."
>"We will bring the targets to you - or you to them. We're almost here. I'll show you what my intentions are."
No. 1097627 ID: ce93a7
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I'm led into a dimly lit parking garage and through some back end passageways through the back of a building's maintenance halls until we briefly step into a more habitable hallway for all of 10 feet before Tegge leads me to an interrogation chamber. The only person inside is a lone male who begins glancing uncomfortably between Tegge and me.

>"Hello, Jaku. Sorry to keep you waiting."
>"I have told you all already, I have already been questioned by space marshals. Why can you not just ask them for my testimony?"
>"I'm sorry, but our investigation is its own category, and with it comes its own questions."
>"Who is this? She does not look like an agent."
>"This is Reneil, a specialist who is a lie detector."
>"Lie? You think I will be lying?"
>"Of course not, but there's a difference between the space marshals and PICK. It is standard for us to have a lie detector, no exceptions, even in cases like these where the person questioned is fully cooperative. In short, it's simply for my own paperwork purposes. She'll be using a small amount of energy to monitor your biological data as you speak, so I ask that you yield for her."
>"I do not feel..." He looks at me again. "Very well, I do not think I have much of a choice anyway."
No. 1097628 ID: ce93a7
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I place my hand on his head and start reading the relevant things. His memories are rather scrambled due to being woken up in the middle of the night by some strangers, who bring him to an old building. Nonetheless, the brain stores an immense amount of information, yet its natural ability to reconstruct it is often remarkably disappointing. With my expertise, I am able to resconstruct the memories with details that Jaku never even consciously noticed in the moment.

2 people brought him to the building. Jaku saw about 14 more people on his way in, but it's hard to tell what their business in the building is. He's sat down in an interrogation not unlike the one he's presently in.

Someone arrives. He introduces himself as Space Marshal Gav, and begins asking very plain questions. Jaku introduces himself, and answers more questions. He is age 33, comes to this place every year, and supplies other basic information that mostly serves to get him used to answering questions when asked. Jaku asks if this Pillet is some sort of serial killer, but is laughed off by Gav and told nothing so dreadful.

The real questioning mostly involves Jaku simply confirming that he saw me slide off one of those ski lifts and at what time. He's told he may leave, and to please let the two girls outside know they can come inside. As Jaku does so, I see that those two girls are a tired looking Pesh and Tesh.

I burn snapshots of select parts of the memory onto some paper. This is obviously no specialized phenocosm parchment made for the purpose, so I'm only able to burn black and white images onto it. I put down Gav, the building, and everyone inside the building Jaku saw.

Jaku returns to his hotel, and is woken up again by new agents, and is brought here.

>"Intersection of Copper and Blinder, northwest side." Tegge says. "That's the place they're using, huh? At least for this agent. Reneil?"

He taps his head with two fingers for one second, then flicks them up. That's an older code, but I recognize it. I rummage into Jaku's head again and delete his memories of me being a lie detector or anything of the sort, and as far as he's concerned, he's just given Tegge the same information he gave Gav.

I don't delete his memory of me completely, because if I did, then from his perspective I would suddenly appear out of nowhere as soon as I stop holding my hand on his head. I end it with a very vague memory memory of him scratching the back of his head, explaining the feeling as to why his head was recently touched.
No. 1097629 ID: ce93a7
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>"That is all I know." Jaku finishes, at least he does in his own mind.
>"Thank you, Jaku. That will be all, you may go back to your hotel."
>"Finally. What is next, the local sheriffs coming to ask me about the same person? Just ask each other..." Jaku mutters as he leaves us alone.

Tegge runs me through Jaku's experience to contextualize the pictures and when these memories happened. Once my testimony is complete, Tegge calls someone else into the room.

>"Riffit, we've got data and pictures. Pass them out, do not make photocopies, keep them classified. I cannot stress this enough, be careful who we pursue and how. Don't go giving this new building any undue attention. If any of those 'marshals' know the person they're seeking is a memory artificer, and everyone we grab off the street spills their hearts out with picture perfect testimonials 10 minutes each, they're going to put two and two together and start having some heavy questions I'd rather not deal with. But if we can 'naturally' find a way to grab Gav, that'll crack open a hell of a lot."

Riffit nods, leaves, and Tegge faces back towards me.

>"If you accept my judgement on handling this information, then please wait in the waiting room while we find another person who we want the memories of. I am well aware of my place compared to you, so I will personally fetch coffee or anything else you might want."

I believe he is trying to diplomatically say that while I greatly outrank him and can take control, his experience makes him more qualified than me to deal with the information I extract.
No. 1097630 ID: df45e0

Step back and let the man work.
No. 1097631 ID: 99f29a

Search for Gav's face on social media and forum accounts and so on, maybe? Otherwise, letting him handle immediate matters sounds good.
No. 1097633 ID: debc82


This is honestly fine, in the non-silly sense. It's kind of our job, really.

At least in the grossest, most basic sense.
No. 1097635 ID: 88802b

That stuff is below you anyways, relax for a minute.
No. 1097647 ID: 962165

Let him do the heavy lifting for now. While waiting to preform more memory extractions, see if someone can bring in some entertainment? Since we can't really be seen or interact with the outside Klivania, maybe there's an online social game to try.
No. 1097810 ID: ce93a7
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"I'd like some Klivanian entertainment, please."
>"There's already a television set in there, is that fine?"
"That will do. And, Agent Tegge?"
"Is sitting in the waiting room all I can do?"
>"Until I find a memory, yes."
"I want to make sure you understand that even as an artificer, I am still subject to the same work ethic as anyone. I am to perform the highest caliber of activity I can perform that is available to me. Please do not consider disengaging from your important work to tend to me so I can be more comfortable doing nothing. Until you find me something more important to do, then it is I who should be serving coffee to the people here doing important ground work." Though I do not know if I fully trust Klivanian concoctions on matters of forcing wakefulness.
>"I understand. Thank you for the reminder, artificer. I won't have you serving coffee, so just wait here." He lowers his voice to a whisper. "After all, most of us here are working for the same people, and many of the space marshals are working for the subdimension, but both of us have a lesser amount of agents in each others' buildings. In other words, some of the agents in this building may be working for the subdimension."

I make myself comfortable in the waiting room and get on my phone.

Space Marshal Gav does have some open information on the internet. He pursued a military career in police work, but a bad leg injury took him out of the field. However, he excelled at desk work enough to rise through administrative ranks. I cannot find any strange oddities to indicate a clear point when he would have become a subdimension agent, not as though I expected any such thing. Although with how Klivanian documents are, and how the planet behaves... this is a little too squeaky clean. I suspect these public documents are not an unbiased source of information.
No. 1097811 ID: ce93a7
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The local television news station seems to have caught wind of high law enforcement operating in town. I tune in as an unkempt individual on the right side of the screen is speaking.

>"PICK and the spacemen ask, ask, and ask, but you ask 'em why they're in such a wound up state and it's like talking to a brick wall. They got the authory to put us under lock and key until they get bored of asking us questions and the gall to act like we're uncooperative civilians who don't have better [bleep] to do than make their jobs harder. An' for what, asking about ancient aliens and a single woman who was seen skiing? Is that where our tax dollars are going? Investigating ancient aliens and waking up the quiet folk in Winterheight in the dead of night just to ask about a single woman who came skiing?"
>"Very good questions, sir, though many do feel that mobilizing this many space marshals and PICK agents does signify this woman is of some importance."
>"With how they've been acting, that woman had better have brutally murdered 20 people. Or 3 or 4 kids. And she didn't look the type. You know what she looked like? Apparently some ora-"
>"Ah, sir, I had to mute you, I'm sorry. As we do not know whether this individual is guilty, we are not permitted to supply a picture or a physical description. I remind any guests to not speak openly about who PICK is seeking. If you have any information or know of any suspicious activity, please call the following number."

She continues on, but the news seems to be more focused on alien matters. I'm worried at first, but it seems like Klivania has a long history of suspecting aliens. There are many running theories, and the more I hear about them the more I strongly doubt that the phenocosm had anything to do with them. I wonder if the phenocosm planted such interest in aliens into Klivanian culture, considering that the end result is that no one seems to be taking this seriously? Oh, well. I continue watching for about 25 minutes.
No. 1097812 ID: ce93a7
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I'm fetched by an individual that leads me back into an interrogation room. Tegge is waiting outside of the glass window where I can see who's inside.

>"You recognize that man, there?"
"Yes. That's the taxi driver who took me out of the hotel when I was extracted."
>"Exactly. We already questioned him right after you were extracted, but he's the sort of guy who doesn't like talking to outside law enforcement."
"Why wouldn't he?"
>"Klivanian culture stuff I don't have the time to talk about. He says he picked up Pesh and Tesh so they could look around for you, and finally dropped them off at the airport. He seemed forthcoming about all that, but I can't shake the feeling that he was hiding other stuff. We'll use the same lie detector lie again."
"Okay, lead the way."
No. 1097813 ID: ce93a7
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The taxi driver doesn't seem happy to see Tegge, but he listens to the lie detector excuse.

>"As long as she's the only one touching me, that's fine."

He lets me enter his head. Not long after I was extracted, he gets a pickup request, specifically for him.

Memory of Farn, 12:21 AM Local Time

This one seems important. I will let myself live in the perspective of the taxi driver rather than read the memories like a book. His surface thoughts begin.

Wait a second, this is where I dropped off that druggie. Shit, are these two drug dealers or something? Why the hell don't they just use strip malls like regular criminals? I'm sure she had a real nice 'friend' who picked her up.

Were these sisters following me even after the hotel room?

"Where to, girls?" Hm, I swear I've seen these two before.
>"Mmmm just drive back towards town for now." The one on the left seat speaks while the other one sits on her phone while her eyes look so droopy she looks like she's got her eyes shut. "Actually, we're looking for our friend. We saw her get in your taxi about an hour ago, she was orange furred with a long neck. Where'd you drop her off at?"
"It isn't company policy to inform customers about other customers."
>"We're worried about her, okay? I don't need to know the exact dropoff point, I just want to make sure you dropped her off somewhere safe and not ya know... somewhere like here, in the middle of the road, in the middle of the woods, in the middle of the night?"
"And if I did drop her off in the middle of the road? What am I supposed to do, lock her inside? I told her it isn't a good idea, but that's all I can do. I'm just the driver."
>"Fine, fine - did she talk about anything? Say where she was going, say she was meeting any friends?"
"Nah, she was quiet."

They're giving each other looks. That quiet girl's been texting nonstop, too. Maybe I'll check it out on the cameras later. Not like I've ever got anything better going on these days.

>"Just keep driving."
No. 1097814 ID: ce93a7
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I skim ahead. Pesh starts calling various hotels alongside Tesh, the latter using her translator I assume. I did say I was going to one of the mountainside cabins, but never said which. When it seems like Pesh isn't getting told who's staying there, or there's no answer, Pesh tells to drive to that one.

Parking in yet another gravel driveway to fuck up my tires.

>"Hmm, I only sense one person in there." The speaking one talks to the mute, but I've got good hearing. Don't have as good energy sensing though, apparently. I don't sense anyone. "I don't think it's her, this one's weaker, but let's go have a look while we're here to make sure it's just the owner." She turns to me and raises her voice. "You can keep the meter running, driver."
"Oh don't you worry one bit about the meter being turned off."

Don't they know these cabins are just rural hillbillies who rent out spare rooms for the local tourists? These crazy bitches are going to get themselves shot snooping around in the dead of night.

I watch the talkative one knock on the door and speak to the old looking owner while the mute one rushes around peeking through windows, under the crawlspace, the works. God damn, they have done this a lot, haven't they?

They come back to the car and it all clicks.

"I recognize you two. I once saw you on Alien Hunters."
>"Oh my god!" That gets a bashful smile from the both of them, but of course words from only one. And now it's weirder, 'cause I know the quiet one talked just fine on that show. I'm not gonna pry about that, it could be a touchy subject. "That was years ago, haha, I didn't think anyone remembered that hokey show."
"Did you two honestly believe that crap?"
>"Back then, I don't think we totally believed it, but we didn't totally not believe it either. We still think there's something out there, but not like, weird beastmen in the woods or weird alien ships poking around for no apparent reason on our planet. I'd love to chat about that more, but right now we're not seeking ghosts or aliens, we're seeking a flesh and blood friend who we want to make sure is safe. Maybe we should check one of the regular hotels? These wood cabins are pretty dingy, maybe she changed her mind. Can you check if she got any other cabs?"
"Nope. But look, since you've let me run the meter while you go snoop around people's cabins, I'll give you a tip. The airport's been weirdly busy tonight. In fact, there's a call here from someone who wants to go there now. How about we all go to the airport and you can check out if she took any flights there?"
>"You just want meters running for two parties, don't you?"
"Heheh, you got me, but I'm serious. She said she had a friend picking her up - sounded like bullshit, but who's to say she didn't end up at the airport?"
>"Oh, she didn't tell us that part. And you said she was quiet the whole time! Hmm. Alright, alright, drive to the airport and keep draining our wallets."
"What're your two names anyhow?"
>"I'm Pesh, this is Tesh. She doesn't talk much, don't worry about it."

You don't say.
No. 1097815 ID: ce93a7
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Farn returns to an intersection just a block away from the abandoned trolley station where I was dropped off.

The only dude here is a guy in a black hoodie and a mask. Yep, he's approaching. Fucking hell, these people are making this town look shady as hell. Just do your crimes out in the open, it looks better.

>"Hi. Do I just get in, or...?"
"Yeah. You don't sound like the person who called."
>"Oh, er, I had someone call in for me while I was dealing with something, sorry."
"Whatever, get in."
>"I'll just go around to that seat at your side - "
"The back. One of you already in the back move to the middle seat and make room."
>"I... okay."

Fuck. Every goddamn night I wonder why I ever agreed to do the graveyard shift, and I only get reminded why on payday.

>"Whoa, someone's suspiciously incognito." The talkative one keeps being talkative to the surprise of no one.
>"Eheh, sorry. I just like my privacy. To the airport please, sir."
No. 1097816 ID: ce93a7
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Pesh leans forward and I can see a light flash upwards at the guy's face.

>"Ack! D- don't - "

>"Whoa! A criminal!"
>"Wh- what?!"
>"Sir, I must inform you that it's a crime to cover up a face as cute as yours!"
>".... Wh-whaaa?!"
>"What's a guy like you off in a rush to the airport for?"
>"O-oh, I was just, er, this is more of a layover and I was just in town for a bit and I thought I'd look around - "
>"No one comes here for layovers."
>"I - w-well I guess I chose a weird route then, because this isn't my final destination!"
>"Where ya going?"
>"U-um, Maelappa - er, where are you two heading?"
>"We're actually trying to find a friend. Tesh, show him a picture."

Tesh holds up her phone to show off that long necked girl.

>"She disappeared on us, and we're pretty worried about her." Talky-girl continues.
>"I'm sorry, I - " He stutters when he obviously recognizes her. "Wait... I'm going to be waiting at the airport for a little while. Would you like to walk with me after we get there?"
No. 1097817 ID: ce93a7
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I let them out. They still have all their pants on, that's nice. "That'll be 45 chips for the man, and 240 for the ladies."
>"That much?" And there's the complaining from the girl.
"Unless you got something else that I think helps cover the cost and my time for an hour driving all over the mountain for an hour, it's going to be 240." And there is, but only if the quiet one gets involved too.
>"Don't worry, I got it." The hooded guy steps up to my window. The angle and a sudden gust of wind gives me a better look at him as he hands me some coins. Huh, this is over a thousand coins.

I recognized the voice, but there's the visual! That's Paporron.

>"For these two, and, uh..." He leans in for some conspiratorial shit. "Don't tell anyone else you saw or drove me, alright? Please just say it was these two."
"Yeah, sure." None of my business anyway, so I let 'em go and drive off.
No. 1097818 ID: ce93a7
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That memory ends at about 1:26 AM. An hour later, some space marshals come and ask for surveillance footage of the cab. Farn explains that there are no cameras in the cab. This is supposed to be a truthful statement, but Farn had installed private cameras. Because of how much law enforcement was around, he happened to pull them out after delivering Paporron to the airport just in case, and just in time.

I quickly note various other details about Farn and all of his interactions, but I already got by far the most significant information. I'm almost surprised the sisters kept hunting me down like that. Most everything else about Farn I note down is only for the sake of being thorough.
No. 1097820 ID: 99f29a

Damn, those sisters must have fallen for you hard. Take pride in being such a ladykiller! That or they're enemy agents but even then probably still in love. It makes perfect sense if you ignore facts and logic and reality.
No. 1097821 ID: df45e0

Sooo how does this planet not know about... aliens? The only reason this place is habitable is due to super engineering and the giant "sun" ring which I assume is phenocosm tech.

I mean I can understand the whole strange new aliens and government being shady. But they had a alien hunting tv show to find the truth? That sort of implies a huge lack of knowledge about any other planets and a lack of active trade with others.

How in the dark is the general universe about the phenocosm? Sorta thought they were the galactic government.
No. 1097823 ID: 273c18

I suspect the sisters are independent of all this, as they seemed, and the info got out due to Paporron randomly meeting them. Or maybe Paoorron was already on your trail by then.

The sisters might be useful. Bring that possibility up-- if they're interested in aliens, then revealing that you ARE one might get them working for you.
No. 1097824 ID: debc82


Paporron! He must be looking for you. Interesting that he ended up in Winterheight and not where your body-double was.
No. 1097834 ID: fa3034

He really caught feelings huh..
No. 1097845 ID: 53560f

Hmm, if the Pesh and Tesh are still with Paporron then it’d be strange to suddenly appear fine and dandy in hopes of calming things down. We’re gonna need to reconcile the differing sightings of you at both the ski lodge and wherever the hell it was the other guy went. We’ll also need to have an explanation as to why we disappeared when Pesh and Tesh went looking for us.
Lament that you may never get to enjoy your time off and then ask if you can have a box of mixed donuts delivered, we’ll probably be stuck here a while so we can make them last this time.
No. 1097854 ID: 8f9bc4

Not mission critical, but a whole lot of fun! >:D

Well that explains why your phenocosm radio self-destructed early. I wonder how they figured out that the fleet was up there?

If Papporon is looking for Pillet, does that mean your body double has already been discovered? Might have been good to mention to him/her that they have a soul worker who can tell people apart regardless of body shape. You removed any memories of that though, so no way to tell what you told them.

Is it possible that Pillet manipulated Papporon's memories to make him unusually devoted or attached to her? That might explain why he was so accepting of you, more than just their need for a memory artificer, her own manipulations working against her. Regardless he is out looking for Pillet, making him vulnerable, and they'll never activate the subdimension without him inside.
No. 1097867 ID: ce93a7
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>How does this planet not know about aliens?
My briefing lightly touched on that! But so much of my mind is occupied by keeping Farn in a memory loop that I'll be saving this thought for a later, calmer moment.

I was certain that Pesh and Tesh were agents already, but they didn't bug me before my extraction, and they still seemed genuinely concerned over me afterwards. I wonder if they are independent investigators? I hope Tegge finds them; the previous person's memory of Tesh and Pesh was more recent, so they're most likely still in Winterheight. But something bigger is on my mind.

"My report is coming." I continue scorching paper. "This cab driver did drive Pesh and Tesh around looking for me, but he also ran into Paporron."
>"Ignoring that Farn here lied to me about not driving anyone else, who's Paporron?"
"He's a founder, but more pressingly, he's a soul seer."
>"Oh." He drops the word like a brick, but I continue.
"And he said he was going to Maelappa, and that's - " He cringes for a second, but I continue with what he may be realizing. " - where Spokesperson Varther's estate is and where my body double is pretending to be me. If Paporron gets in contact..."
No. 1097868 ID: ce93a7
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By the time I finish my thought, Tegge has turned halfway around and gotten on his phone.

>"Riffit. I need every flight that's flown out of the airport, including any sightings of planes that weren't recorded. I need it this minute."
>"I'm on it."
>"And I also need a direct line to Spokesperson Varther! Miss Reneil, I don't suppose you were given a direct line?"
"I was."
>"Get in contact. I need to speak with him."

After I call Varther I exchange verbal handshakes and explain the situation before passing the phone to Tegge.

>"Spokesperson. Keep Gel hidden. Paporron can't be allowed access to see her."
>"Now how am I supposed to do that? My whole agreement with the subdimension is that they could keep eyes on her now and then."
>"Hang on." Tegge flicks through his phone. "We didn't get security footage of the airport, but at this rate, he's going to be landing in... about 30 minutes, at normal airplane speeds."
>"So I've got an hour to do what, exactly?"
>"I'll send a few PICK agents I have near you and use this Winterheight situation to justify chasing any sightings of Pillet. You can put up a show of resisting them, but let them take Gel in for questioning once they raise the heat."
>"That I can do, but I hope you're not expecting me to hide the fact I let some PICK agents take her."
>"Try to make yourself busy while they arrive. Delay them as best as you can, every minute you save is a minute my agents can hide her better. I'll be in contact soon, so keep your phone handy."

Tegge hangs up and addresses me.

>"I want to send you to Varther's to swap with gel before Paporron sees her. The problem is that we don't have a fleshcrafter to change your appearance back."
"I have a gene pill that I'm told changes me back, but I'm told it will incapacitate me while it works. I don't know how bad it really is, only that I should set aside a day. I'm sure I can work with memories so long as I'm conscious."
>"Alright. Then my initial plan is to get you changed back and do an early swap with Gel. I'll have to figure out the details, like how to get you to Gel and how to keep Paporron from seeing Gel until the swap is made. I'm open to any alternative ideas you might have."

If I reconciled the different sightings of me, this could have blown over if not for Paporron heading towards Gel. Perhaps it could still help simply lower suspicion, but I have no idea how to accomplish such a feat.
No. 1097872 ID: 99f29a

Eh, there's enough pretty women to try and seduce to qualify as a vacation still, at least.
No. 1097875 ID: 273c18

Hmm, and where are the mouse twins? If they're headed the same direction... could we arrange Gel to be arrested for having too high power levels? Paporron can't visit her/you while in jail, and if we let the twins in on the secret then they can keep the swap quiet. Heck, they could agree to memory manipulation so that they can't remember swap-related things? Wait, maybe that won't matter since the subdimension doesn't have another memory artificer.

Another possibility is for Gel to be called away on business somewhere remote, somewhere that will take more than 24 hours for Paporron to reach.
No. 1097886 ID: e7ea2e

Re: Pesh and Tesh, maybe they became suspicious of your lack of common knowledge and now (correctly) think you're an alien, and that's (a large part of) why they're chasing you.
No. 1097887 ID: 3df1ab

A problem with the pill idea is that it means Paporron wille be meeting an incapacitated Pillet.
No. 1097956 ID: ce93a7
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"Paporron would be meeting a potentially incapacitated Pillet if I swapped."
>"Not if we hold out for an entire day first."
"If it's possible. Is it also possible to have Gel go on some other business away from Varther?"
>"From what I understand, that's a tough sell. I said I was open to new ideas, but I don't have time to brainstorm possibilities. Go to the waiting room while I figure out what can be done right away. If you come up with a solid plan of action, Riffit will give you my number. I'll leave you with her."

I don't argue with that. As Riffit comes and watches over me, I inject false memories of Tegge asking some routine questions, let Farn's brain respond to them, have him leave while Riffit comes to supply some closing paperwork for him, then let him go.
No. 1097957 ID: ce93a7
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Then it's back to the waiting room. Riffit stands by for me to finish writing my full report.

>How does this planet not know about aliens?
This was lightly touched on in my initial briefing! Klivania barely knows of any history before about 1,500 years ago, and I've now learned that this is a very common topic to tread on by anyone who believes in aliens. But there are people who don't treat it as proof.

There are multiple reasons, but a big one is that the earliest known civilization of Klivania - which we know is the original - has very little reliable data surrounding it. Klivania has had a lot of immensely destructive wars and an equally long history of destructive propaganda that has rewritten much of its own history. It simply isn't hard for Klivanians to believe that there was a history before the original culture that simply hasn't resurfaced yet when that earliest known civilization has so little known already.

A second reason might have been due to the original settlers themselves. They must have held great animosity for the phenocosm to decide to hide between our suns, and they may have known they could not perpetuate this animosity throughout many generations. As that animosity faded, a Klivania that knew about the phenocosm would know that they could simply send probes out into the outer reaches of space to reconnect with us.

Thus, is it entirely possible that these original settlers destroyed any and all evidence of the phenocosm and fostered a culture of believing aliens were a statistical impossibility. And that if there was alien life out there, it is bound by the same limitations that Klivanian faced, namely FTL travel being theoretically impossible.

I don't believe the original settlers had the capacity to guarantee that Klivania would unanimously do their best to remain hidden forever. This inability led to a small Klivanian organization who decided to send out a probe beyond its own solar system even with the belief that a payoff was unlikely. This probe is how the phenocosm detected them.

There are many more complexities that slowly paint the picture of why Klivania is the way it is, but I am nearly done with my report. It can be simplified down to self destruction both physically and historically, and a population that is left to decide matters with its own imagination that contemplates the sparse, conflicting information given to it.

>How in the dark is the general universe about the phenocosm?
The phenocosm has many secrets, but it does not keep itself a secret. It openly shines in the night sky for all to see. If I were to write down the percentage of people who do not know about us on this page... I would have to fill the first line or two with leading zeroes.
No. 1097958 ID: ce93a7
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My thoughts return to pressing matters. My surface thoughts tell me that Paporron meeting Gel is by far the most urgent thing. It should be testing my very composure. Instead, thoughts of the twins keep floating up to me. I push away the thoughts of friendship and idle musings of if they were somehow flirting with me before. I consider the cold facts.

>Where are the mouse twins?
Tegge hasn't been able to find them, but it's unlikely they got on a plane. It's not impossible, but unlikely. They and Paporron were dropped off at the airport at 1:26 AM, but Jaku saw them entering Marshal Gav's office at about 2 AM.

It's nearly 5 AM, so we don't have any idea where they've been since for almost 3 hours.

They must still be hunting me down, maybe even moreso depending on what Paporron revealed to them. This search may involve a potential personal interest in believing I'm an alien. Tegge supposedly has been seeking them out, but I wonder if there is some other contact method available to me that Tegge and his agents don't have. It simply shouldn't be this hard for us to find each other if we're both hunting one another down in this small town.
No. 1097959 ID: 273c18

Don't you have their phone number?!
No. 1097961 ID: 99f29a

Seduce them with your shapeshifting alien wiles!
No. 1097962 ID: dbabb8

You gave them your number, from what I can recall, but I don't remember them giving you their numbers...

Hm. Do you still have that phone? If so, has anyone tried to call it? Otherwise, do we have any agents in telecomms infrastructure that can check who's tried to ring that number? Those are the only thoughts I got there.
No. 1097985 ID: b6ea64

I don't suppose we could pull in Gav and read his memories for information on the mouse twins?

Barring that, another possible shot in the dark. They were actors, maybe they have a talent agent we can contact.
No. 1097998 ID: ce93a7
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>I don't suppose we could pull in Gav to read his memories?
I believe Tegge was aiming to do so, but he acts as though he is constrained by politics. I do not understand the details. And now I believe he feels the Gel situation is far more urgent.

I spend a moment recalibrating my own memories. I realize I have gotten Tesh and Pesh mixed up. Tesh is the 'mostly' mute one with droopy eyes, Pesh is the talkative one. I correct my memories, I think of my phone.

Oh, of course! I got a different phone for Reneil, but the documentation I read for my old identity, Ellie, implied that my old one should still be in service.

"Riffit, may I borrow a laptop? I gave my old number to Pesh. Maybe she called it, and I can return a call."
>"Uh.... sure. I'll get a headset, too." She eyes the door.

She comes back with a laptop and headset for me. It is not a laptop that's designed for my body, but it will have to do. With Riffit's help navigating the Klivanian internet, I crane my neck forward and slowly peck at the keys.

"Is something wrong? You're making an odd face."
>"No it's... nothing. You're doing... great."

I continue to peck at the keys and log in to Ellie's account.

>"You have 4 missed calls and 2 voicemails. Voicemail, 11:35 PM: 'Hiii! It's Pesh! Are you okay? We sensed a huge energy spike about where you'd be on the ride over. Call us back.'

If that's true, it confirms they sensed Zanthe's extraction and called just a few minutes after my extraction. I can't imagine Zanthe messed up, which means the twins' energy sensing must have been beyond reasonable expectation.

There are a couple more anonymous calls, but no voicemail was left until the fourth call.

>"Voicemail, 1:45 AM: 'Hi, it's Pesh again. If you're still in winterheight then you've probably seen the weird amount of law enforcement. They're asking too many questions about us and we don't trust them, so we're changing our number to 0890-338-44. I swear I won't change it too fast this time. Anyways, please give us a call. And please don't tell anyone else about this number. Changing it twice in one night is bad form, don'tcha know?"

It seems like that works and I don't need to do any shots in the dark. "Riffit...?"
>"More help?"
"I'd like to call with my old number, but I don't know how."
>"Hang on."

Riffit seems to know exactly how to use my current phone to dial through the laptop connected to Ellie's phone. She's a little socially awkward, but I now see why Tegge leans on her.

The phone rings three times before being picked up.

>"... Hello?"
"Hi Pesh, it's Ellie."
>"Hi! Your voice is deeper, are you okay? Where are you?"
No. 1098000 ID: 99f29a

Outer space!
No. 1098004 ID: debc82


Tell her ... there have been some complications, but you're fine (obviously). Turns out you got a little something with your throat (which isn't a lie, technically), probably after having spent so long in the cold (also not quite a lie).

How are she and Tesh? Are they alright?
No. 1098005 ID: df45e0

"Somewhere safe being safe! Throat is a little long right now."
No. 1098006 ID: 273c18

Tell them you're fine, ask them if they're in a secure location and if not then to go somewhere private. What you have to discuss can't be shared with anyone.
No. 1098010 ID: 273c18

Oh and as for the plan... Tell them they need to arrest you for at least 24 hours, and deny any visitors. Whatever excuse they can come up with will be fine, and you won't put up a significant fight.

Hmm, to make the swap, you'll have to be where Gel is when you take the pill... and then optimally, Gel will take a pill to make her look like you. Maybe they should "arrest" you too?
No. 1098015 ID: ce93a7
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"I'm somewhere safe being safe. My throat feels long, sorry about my voice and I'm sorry I didn't return your calls. Is Tesh okay?"

There's a couple familiar clicks from Tesh. It sounds like an affirmative.

"I'm glad. Are you two in a private location?"
>"Yeah what's up?"
"Things got a little complicated, but let me ask a weird question, are you able to arrest anyone?"
>"Mmmnope, if we were cops, I would've arrested what's his face and Tesh wouldn't have had to call the actual cops. Rewk, from the spa, that was it. Now let me ask a question, why do you want someone arrested? Giving you trouble?"
"That's two questions, but it's fair. It's more for someone's safety and privacy, but if you can't then that's okay. No one's giving me trouble right now."
>"I dunno why you're asking, but the closest we can get is a citizen's arrest."
"What's that?"
>"It's like kidnapping, except we try and justify it."

>Have Gel take a pill
There is no gene pill for Gel. They're handcrafted pills that only work for specific bodies like mine, and it's very dangerous for anyone else to take them.

>Outer space
I think if I drop that bomb, it'll be for later!

>"We were pretty worried. You know there's a lot of shady people looking over for you, right? So, Ellie! Are you somewhere private? Because someone out there looks just like you, and one of you is mixed up in some pretty crazy business. I'm happy you're safe, and now I've just got to know whether you're an unfortunate bystander or involved in some shady stuff. Remember we're not cops and that we can help no matter which way you answer."
No. 1098016 ID: df45e0

"Well to be honest I don't think I can go to the cops with this? I need help figuring out what is up."
No. 1098017 ID: 273c18

They're not police, but... they do have very good energy sensing... ask how strong they are. Tell them you're involved in... something very important, and right now you're trying to figure out what assets you have. Ask if they're near Maelappa, or know someone trustworthy near there with useful skills. Tell them to keep away from the "shady people" for now.

Include them in your report so you can discuss a plan with the others. Hmm, would it be paranoid to worry about their phone being bugged?
No. 1098018 ID: debc82


Technically speaking, we've kept everything legal (by Phenocosm standards).
No. 1098019 ID: 99f29a

A very non-cop answer! Interesting. Some sort of insurrectionist?
No. 1098025 ID: 8f9bc4

> Remember we're not cops

Oh yes, um, totally. Not cops. Riight...

You're an unfortunate bystander, of course. Some bad guy must have thought they could steal your identity, since you're so very unremarkable and beneath notice, they figured no one would realize they were impersonating someone as unimportant and totally not a space alien as you. You don't know who the shady people are either, but they're not following you anymore, so you think you're safe.
No. 1098044 ID: ce93a7
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"It's not something I can exactly bring to the cops anyway."
>"Good, don't! They can't be trusted for anything complex or needing nuance."
"So... how strong are you two?"
>"Haha girl you know our business is sticking our snouts where it doesn't belong. If we didn't have a little extra in the tank, we'd have gotten ourselves perforated by a gunman by now."

Hmm. I have done a little bit of research on Klivanian guns in my downtime. It would require a bare minimum of 10 times the legal limit to reliably stop a typical gunshot if one was prepared, and more than that if one was to passively block it while caught unaware.

"Are you in town?"
>"Yep." I doubt they'd lie, so I can confirm they didn't get on a flight to Maelappa.

>Would it be paranoid to worry about their phone being bugged?
It's hard to rule out anything beyond a doubt, but such worry should not prevent all action.

"I'm just an unfortunate bystander. Maybe I'm unremarkable enough that someone wanted my identity to avoid suspicion."

There's no response immediately. The pause is uncharacteristic of Pesh, but I keep my thoughts in check until she speaks again.

>"I doubt that. Unremarkable people are pretty easy to make up records for, so there's no need to take your identity. What Tesh and I would love to know is how did an unremarkable, unfortunate bystander leap from the road to the stratosphere in about 5 seconds flat?"
No. 1098045 ID: caec03

By finding a very small stratosphere, of course.
No. 1098046 ID: 273c18

"You only gave me two choices. What I'm up to... isn't shady, by my definition."
No. 1098050 ID: debc82


I mean, we could tell them we were recalled. Leave it open-ended ... though they'd obviously try to press for information if they're aware of that much.

But that means they also know you DON'T have the energy required to do that.

Perhaps it's safest to say we had help from a friend.
No. 1098052 ID: a7a180

You just gotta remember to bend at the knees.
No. 1098055 ID: 3df1ab

Tell them your pickup told you it was a trade secret.
No. 1098074 ID: f2320a

HAHAHA fuck that was good but its true
Jump good
No. 1098085 ID: ce93a7
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"I found a small stratosphere."
>"... Ellie!"
"Remember to bend at the knees."

Tesh snickers in the background.

>"Okay okay if you don't wanna say you don't wanna say!" Pesh voice is mixed somewhere between humored and on edge.
"I had some help from a friend who wants me to keep a secret. I'm not up to anything shady." Not from my perspective, anyway.
>"I see. Even if you're an unfortunate bystander - which I'm more than skeptical about! - you're certainly not some unremarkable citizen. If you really are then maybe you should talk to the police and give them your alibi. If you stay missing all day, they're going to start thinking you're actively dodging them."

I hear some Tesh noises in the background.

>"We've been up all night and we're going to hit up Katzi's Little Cafe before we tuck ourselves in. Want to come? Tesh is making me promise not to grill you for all your juicy secrets, and you won't have to worry about law enforcement there if you're worried about that."
"Hmm..." I look it up. It's one of the cafes up in the mountains along some ski slopes. Unlike other service buildings I find on this internet, it has no information or reviews to its name beyond having credentials as a legitimate business.

I am glad to have put at ease any legitimate worries Pesh and Tesh had, but this wasn't just a friendly call. It is important that I learn what they know like what exactly they sensed from my extraction, what they spoke to Paporron about, what other major figures they spoke to, how involved they are with the subdimension, and so on.

I should decide if on personally meeting them despite my appearance, getting Tegge and his agents to apprehend them at the cafe, or an alternative.
No. 1098086 ID: df45e0

Well a personal meeting is one way to find out for sure if they are curious alien hunters or dangerous stalker creeps.

I say go for it. This whole thing is a big mess and having some local's on our side would be nice. And if they turn out to be jerks at least you know for sure.
No. 1098090 ID: 34809c

Go for it. Dress provocative.
No. 1098104 ID: ce93a7
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"Okay, I'll come."
>"Nice. The ski lifts open right at 5 AM, head up slope D3, then about 200 meters down you'll see a sign for Katzi's on the right."
"Do they get a lot of business?"
>"Hahaha nope. It's just a guy with nothing else to do."
"Okay, see you in a bit. Oh, is there a dress code?"
>"Huh? This is a little cabin on a freezing mountain, and I think the cook wants at least a little business! But if you want to show up in a frilly dress, be my guest! See ya."

We hang up, and Riffit raises her hand.

"The call is done. Did you hear the conversation well?"
>"Just your side. Good job getting a hold of them. You're going to meet them?"
"That's right."
>"You're not going alone, right?"
"Is it a problem? I don't think I will be seen that much, it's still very dark outside. Are there that many agents watching the lit slopes?"
>"Um... there's a lot of indication here in your report that Pesh and Tesh are working with the subdimension, who are looking for you as much as we're trying to keep you. And if they find out you look like you do, uhm, is there something I'm missing?"
"Remember how good their energy senses are. They can probably sense any one of you coming along with me."
>"It's this place you looked up, right? It's opted out of things like worded reviews and websites, but it's still public. We can have a plainclothes agent show up independently before or after you. I'm sure Tegge is willing to send other agents along the slopes just to be a few minutes away in case you run into trouble. Is it okay if we monitor you with an audio bug and tracker? And how will you explain why you look so different? And are you going to go out in nothing but a t-shirt and shorts?"

I wonder... is this what it feels like to have a mother? As Reneil, I have more natural insulation than Pillet. I don't believe I will be needing to go in a full winter coat like before, but maybe there is a reason to exchange them.

Riffit's other topics are more pressing. I believe they would be perfectly reasonable in normal circumstances, but the abnormal energy sensing and inquisitiveness that Pesh and Tesh have instead make me wonder how many any of those are good ideas.
No. 1098105 ID: a18ca9

Wow. They might be nefarious. Gasps and shock. Sure, take precautions, why not. As for dress, a ghillie suit? Nude? Something that camouflages energy?
No. 1098106 ID: a18ca9

No, wait, dominatrix outfit if they work for the sub dimension.
No. 1098107 ID: 273c18

If you show up looking like you do, their assumption might be that you're NOT Pillet, but instead someone who stole her phone. Coming with backup might enforce that assumption. They already know about the phenocosm so they know one of the two Pillets was an enemy agent. You want them to think that YOU are the enemy agent and Gel is the real Pillet, while also keeping the soul seer away from Gel until you can swap.
If they're not actually working with the phenocosm then coming with backup might just pique their interest, so I don't think there's a downside.

...what if we caused such a ruckus that Gel has to be escorted away "for her safety", or at least put in a saferoom? The phenocosm would want to kill the real Pillet, after all, and starting a high energy fight would escalate things enough that the real Pillet would ask for protection.
If you can fake your own death during the fight, then you can be gone to take the pill.
No. 1098110 ID: a7a180

They suspect something's up, and showing up looking like that's already not normal. Why not send a PICK agent in advance? Test how good their senses are, and you don't have to claim any relation to your watchers. This still seems like a lengthy distraction when you have to make yourself presentable for the subdimension's boss.
How about this under a normal looking coat? Hide your power level.
No. 1098144 ID: df45e0

Show up alone and casual. Be mysterious and flirty and deflect any to probing questions.

Act like Pillet who is trying to figure out what is going on and is not sure who she can trust.
No. 1098145 ID: debc82


Wouldn't meeting them like this not only risk your cover, but also need an explanation of HOW you're no longer "Ellie"?

Also, what impact might this have on Paporron meeting with Varther? If Pesh and Tesh truly are subdimension agents, might he not be shadowing them?

Either way, maybe a light jacket and some warmer pants, even if they won't be totally necessary with all that fluff.
No. 1098148 ID: 273c18

>If they're not actually working with the phenocosm
No. 1098246 ID: 578f3f

I fail to see what good going alone, looking completely different will acomplish...

Wait... what if...

We find Gel, give him a cursory explanation of who we are and then... copy some of our memories into his mind. That way he can go talk to Pesh, Tesh AND Paporron without raising any suspicion.
We can later erase all memories of those events from his head.

It's a plan so crazy... that it just might work!

(Or we can send a team to ambush the magenta mice and convince them to let us erase their memory of us, those nosy bastards)
No. 1098253 ID: 273c18

The problem is Paporron is a soul seer. Gel has a completely different soul than even Aelsaw's suspiciously not-Pillet-shaped soul, so Paporron would be able to tell Gel is an impostor, and we're trying to avoid that.
No. 1098279 ID: 578f3f

True, but we have already stablished he's naive and desperate enough to not look too closely, since Aelsaw was able to fool him the first time a couple months back.
No. 1098283 ID: 273c18

If he even bothers to check that would mean he's suspicious and would not disregard a complete change in soul shape like that. Plus, Aelsaw needs to infiltrate the place again so her soul would appear to change AGAIN which is ridiculous!
No. 1098285 ID: b6ea64

A heavy winter coat might actually give an advantage in hiding away your new larger body. Explain you've had to put together a disguise and dyed your fur. If they comment further, you could always say you've got some other costume props to help make you seem bulkier. Hopefully buy at least some of that.

Now for the why and how to exchange information with them. Just asking questions about Paporron or the other subdimension people is going to raise red flags. You're going to need a good cover story and be vague with descriptions. You could refer to Paporron as strange hooded figure, based on the memory we saw from the cab.

Your cover story could start out simple and vague and be built upon as you go. People are after you per say, so maybe you've got something very rare and desirable they're after. A book with some unpublished and/or very desirable information. Video footage of something the public wasn't meant to see. How and why you came into possession of such a thing could be decided on later. See how far they buy into it first if you feel like rolling with it.
No. 1098345 ID: 04e6e3
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I have some doubts about meeting the twins being a good idea in my current form, but I decide the high risk is worth it. We need information, and accessing the twin's memories may be a crucial step. Reneil's cover is no longer that important anyway, not with my cancelled vacation.

"Okay, we can do that."
>"Right. Just a second."

Riffit makes her own phone call. She explains what's going on then lowers her phone, turning to me.

>"Agent Tegge would like to know how you'll be explaining your appearance."
"I'll purchase some heavy coats to look like it's my clothing that's bulky. Klivania is also able to change bodies to some degree, and fur dyes exist."
>"That's kinda stretching it. That'll raise more questions about why."
"I know. They're very inquisitive, yet I never got the idea they were overly investigative or were trying to draw conclusions. I think they just like to know things. I do believe it will be fine.
>"She thinks it'll be fine." Riffit says into the phone. There is an air of uncertainty from her and, somehow, the phone.

The remainder of the conversation consists of Riffit saying 'mhm' and 'understood'.

>"We'll be sending in one person in advance and try to get some surveillance on the area. You shouldn't walk in right after our agent, so Tegge is saying you should show up to the cafe no earlier than 5:30. It should take 15 minutes to get there, so you should get that coat. It's a good idea even if you looked the same, 'cause the weather could turn bad later today anyway. Just a minute."

She goes into the back and gets me an earpiece.

>"This gives us two way audio. We can hear you and you can speak to us, but we'll try to keep our chatter to a minimum. We'll test it, then I'll show you out the back. Take a left and head straight. A clothing store called the Silk Pile will be open and on your left after two blocks."
"You won't be accompanying me?"
>"Yeah no. The space marshals know my face, so you shouldn't be seen around me."
No. 1098346 ID: 04e6e3
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I enter Silk Pile and find that there are no clothing printing services here. If I am to have clothes that fit, I must find the exact version of clothes that match my dimensions. Oreset sizes seem to be much more tuned to Pillet's body type, and so my current body has few valid options.

Thankfully, heavy coats fit a wide range of bodies. I also manage to find some light jackets that are either hard to close or so baggy that they look silly, so I get the smaller one. I also get a pair of baggy pants that are oversized but serviceable. These two articles will allow me to remove my heavy coat and still look unremarkable in case I get too hot.

I find a full set of light clothes in the casual section. I would pass these by, as these do not look like normal clothes, exactly. However, they match my sizes perfectly, I have seen similar things worn in the capital city, and it would be ludicrous for a store to sell clothing that is inappropriate to wear. These are light enough that it will help prevent me from overheating and requiring I take off the heavy coat anyway. With that in mind, I purchase the set and change into everything I got.
No. 1098347 ID: 04e6e3
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Riffit has a someone pass me some rental skis on the sidewalk. I hand them my old clothes for safekeeping, and then head to the slopes.

Only the most eager skiers, earliest risers, and myself are on the lifts this early. I manage to get my own ski lift, and it's rather surreal going through deep fog with nothing else around me. It feels familiar. I believe it's indistinguishable from the deep parts of the subdimension, though I feel I only remember the echoes of it since my memories regarding that were removed.

The mostly lost memory fades as I'm lifted above the fog.

>"Testing. This is Riffit. Does this still work?
"Hi, Riffit. I'm on a ski lift heading towards the cafe."
>"Okay. We have a spy drone that can see Pesh and Tesh, and our advance agent just walked in. Pesh and Tesh noticed him approach, so any more backup is going to be a couple minutes away. Try to be careful."
"Okay. Is there any news about Paporron?"
>"We got confirmation that Paporron has landed and on his way to Varther's. Tegge's still busy panicking about that. Also, your report said that cab driver had some cameras in the back of the cab, so we're going to try and fetch them. They could've seen what Pesh was doing on her phone."

I believe Tegge is trying to straddle a thin, ill defined line. He is acting like a regular klivanian law enforcement group that has no reason to simply travel to Varther's estate and pull Gel out. If he forcibly pulled Gel out right before Paporron was going to inspect Gel's soul, it would make the subdimension highly suspicious. It would be better than Paporron informing the subdimension that Gel is a fake, but I believe Tegge is trying his best to find a better alternative.

There is comfort knowing the subdimension will not seal themselves off while Paporron is above ground. It is a small comfort - he must have a way to return to the subdimension, but I currently have no way to contact Hart or any other means to return.
No. 1098348 ID: 04e6e3
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Once I'm dropped off, I ski down slowly and carefully . As Pesh mentioned, there's a sign that's pointed off into the woods. This would be a very suspicious area to go in if not for the orange glowstones tied to signs and trees that light my way.

The path opens up into a clearing has one building with the faded letters of Katzi's Little Cafe, and a couple sheds and broken down smaller buildings nearby. A little plaque on a post tells onlookers that this used to be right alongside a slope, but it was shut down 20 years ago due to 'a number of accidents, incidents, and unfortunate coincidences'.
No. 1098349 ID: 04e6e3
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My opening the door causes a bell to sound and warm air to rush by me. There's a voice from the back.
>"Have a seat, I'll take your order in just a second. Make sure the door's fully shut!"
"Okay!" I call back.

I see what must be the agent sent in advance. They are silently crying. This would be disconcerting, but his body language is not distressed, so I turn my attention over to Pesh and Tesh.

They have already turned to see me enter and almost turn back towards each other again, then do a doubletake back at me with a more scrutinizing eye. I approach with an outwardly casual demeanor.
No. 1098350 ID: 04e6e3
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"Hey, it's me, Ellie."
>"Reeeally?" Pesh looks me over again. They don't look like they handle sleep deprivation well.
>"Kekch?" I think that's Tesh's word for 'huh?'
>"Hmm." Pesh puts her hands together and points both of her fingers at me. "Before we have you sit with us, answer me - how did the ski instructor treat you yesterday?"
"Hm? There was no ski instructor, I asked you two to show me how to ski."
>"Oh yeah. How'd we respond when you said you didn't have an instructor?" Ah, I see, Pesh is trying to find out if I'm a different person.
"Let's see... you said that last you saw, all class signups... I assume were filled, but you were cut off by Tesh and Vix following us into the bathroom."

They ask me a couple more highly specific questions that I feel a non-artificer would have difficulty remembering. So much so that I pretend to have difficulty recalling some details, but I don't let the shortcomings of my answers detach themselves from the facts or make me sound like I'm making anything up. They seem satisfied.

>"Okay okay, sit down." Pesh taps the open chair with her tail. "I promised I wouldn't pry too much, but you have got to tell me about your new look."

I have some preliminary thoughts to mention having to put together a disguise to make me look bulkier along with dyeing my fur, and to have a vague cover story as to why I'm staying away from law enforcement.
No. 1098351 ID: 99f29a

Gotta dress up nice for a date, you know.
No. 1098354 ID: df45e0

"A lot of odd things are going on today so I figured it would be time for a change in style you know?"

Keep it vague and look for a menu.
No. 1098355 ID: 273c18

Dang, the food must be really good here.

Tell them you found out about your doppleganger and so you're assuming something potentially dangerous is going on so you got some body mods to make yourself look different.
Ask them how they'd feel about kidnapping your shady clone, to find out what's going on. (if we attack the place Gel is, then there will be a legitimate reason for Gel to be moved, which gives us the opening to swap)
No. 1098358 ID: eb0a9c

Say you're married to an eunuch.
It's true.
No. 1098360 ID: 578f3f

"Girls, don't you know? Iiiiit's spooky month! I'm was planning to check around some costume party events in the following weeks, see the sights. The whole police and random people getting all nosy on me gave me even more of an excuse. Um, no offense."
No. 1098362 ID: 53560f

Well, apparently everyone is looking for someone who looks like you so you figured it be best if you didn’t look like you. Really though it’s just puffy clothes and fur dye and a slight cold. Apologise again for not seeing their messages and lament your ruined vacation.
No. 1098371 ID: f2320a

Yeah if someone is looking for someone looking like me just need to look a bit diffrent also heh its working right? Not even you two could recognized me, got my fur modded, teeth extensions and just packing on the pounds, i heard guys like a girl who is Thicc and soft
No. 1098373 ID: debc82


They caught you during a bit of an awkward time, since you're supposed to look like someone else right now, but it's amazing what friends can do with some time and a good hose.
No. 1098383 ID: 04e6e3
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"I found out about my doppelganger, so I got body modifications. Really just my teeth, clothes, and then dyed my fur. It seemed to have worked, you two didn't really recognize me."
>"You still felt familiar! Also your neck grew."
"Oh, I'm just not scrunching it."

I scrunch my neck down to resemble the original length more. It's another trick of Pillet's strange neck.

>"Whoa, cool. You must be self conscious about it if you were scrunching it the whole time. Why's it so thick now?"
"I had a fur conditioner that makes it fluff up."
>"You did all that in 6 hours? Impressive, but why?"
>"Most people would just talk to the cops to try and set the record straight, since - ack."

Tesh elbows Pesh.

>"Right, right, no prying." She takes a sip of her drink and gulps it down like she's trying to swallow the urge to turn this into an interrogation. "But you look good! Where'd you get that coat at?"
"The Silk Pile."
>"Oh, damn, we're having breakfast with miss moneybags." Pesh and Tesh grin, and I think the latter notices my confused face.
>"Silk Pile is infamous for being overpriced around here." Tesh's phone says.
>"And they have funny clothes, haha!" Pesh adds.
"Funny clothes?"
>"Yeah! The stuff near the back is suspiciously skimpy for a chain retailer at a ski resort. Either the people who keep stocking it are a bunch of hopeful men, or there's a wild costume scene in town I don't know about."
"Like costume parties? Maybe I should try to find some, that would be a good excuse to disguise myself more."
>"Why, are you wearing one of those outfits under that coat?"
"I, uh, no. I think what I got is perfectly acceptable."
>"I'll be the judge of that, lemme see!"

... I may have made an error.

"I don't think... I have a jacket on underneath, so... ah!"
No. 1098384 ID: 04e6e3
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A man comes out and approaches our table with great timing.

>"Hey there, can I get you something to drink?"
"I'll have the same as what these two are having."
>"Easy. And for food?"
"Oh, I don't see a menu."
>"No menu. If you can name it, I can make it. How much I make depends on how much you pay. 10 chips minimum, 50 for all you can eat."

Tesh brings out a notebook and writes down pancakes in big letters, with 15 chips.

>"Eggs and waffles, 25 chips." Pesh says once she glances at the waffles the crying agent is having.
"Donuts - oh, and I'll try pancakes and waffles too." How much can this body eat? The additional muscle and fat need more. "50 chips. Oh, and you're Katzi, right?" I ask him, though out of the corner of my eye I see Pesh mouthing 'moneybags' at me.
>"Nah, Katzi's the name of my mom. This place was made by her." He points to a photo of a woman who appears in many of the other many photos lining the walls. "I'm just a son who grew up in this cafe and can't let it go." He turns, noticing the agent. "Hey, buddy, you doing alright over there?"
>"You make waffles just like my own maw used to make." He still has fresh tears.
>"Yeah? Learned from my own, too, obviously. I'd love to find out if our moms had a common tutor, but I've gotta make a whole lot of food for these ladies."
No. 1098385 ID: 04e6e3
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He quickly comes back briefly to deliver that drink and some utensils. It's a hot chocolate drink with white puffs at the top. It's also very high in sugar.

>"I know a nice tailor in town, but that's no use now." Pesh continues where we left off. "You're missing that cute hat though!"
"I am, I guess I should've grabbed a hat to complete dressing up nice for a date."

I feel my heart leap into my copy of Pillet's anomalous neck by making a joke like that. However, if I don't do anything to pry information out of them, then this meeting will fail its practical purpose. I think using jokes as a veil to ask about outrageous things and probe for information is poor decorum, but it may work well with these two.

>"Heheh, you might be joking, but breakfast in a starlit mountainside is way more like a date than anything my old boyfriends did. So you're already doing better, good job!" I laugh lightly in response. I'm glad my remark did not backfire. "But about your coat. You're overdressed for a date!"
"But I'm married to a eunuch, you know."
>"Whoa, really?"
>"Where is he?" Tesh leans forward, losing her place as the twin who showed restraint in asking many questions.
"Away on a job. He's helped me by having someone here make me look like someone else. That's how I got my fur dyed and everything so quick." I consider including a throwaway remark about what can be done by friends with time and a good hose, but I stop. Pesh would not let a remark like that go, and I don't know how I'd follow it up.
>"He sounds influential. Why doesn't he just get you out of here?"
"There's... reasons." I run out of vague allusions to the truth. "But I heard my lookalike was seen at Spokesperson Varther's home. Maybe you two could go kidnap her and prove that I have nothing to do with this person." It is a poor joke, but they seem to enjoy it.
>"You want little old us to trespass on a spokesperson's home and grab a high profile target out from under both the space marshals and PICK? Wow, you really think highly of us, Ellie!"

Her long, strange gaze at me prevents my response, and she continues.

>"The situation is way more complex than a simple kidnapping could solve, but let's say we did that. We'd be wanted women across the whole planet. You'd have to guarantee us protection! And we don't like to stay hidden for that long, so unless you're an alien willing to take us off this planet, we'll have to decline."
No. 1098386 ID: 04e6e3
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Pesh suddenly stands up and gets uncomfortably close to my face and starts whispering.

>"And you aren't an alien, right? That'd be too good to hope for, because Tesh and I would do anything to get off this cage of a planet."
No. 1098387 ID: 99f29a

That's the kind of question to answer back at my own place.
No. 1098388 ID: 273c18

...anything? Tell them before you can make any promises, you need information. You also have to be absolutely sure you can trust them.
Maybe it's time to look through their memories. They're probably strong enough to resist, so insist that they do not.

>The situation is way more complex than a simple kidnapping could solve
I'm curious as to what they know about the situation...
No. 1098393 ID: ad0c74

Of course you're not an alien, because I don't think the phenocosm would appreciate you saying you are. Figuring out what they know about the situation is important as well.
No. 1098394 ID: 53560f

We really should stall and figure out as much as we can about them before we answer that.
Quickly, swing the conversation into extremely awkward territory before they can push the topic! “You guys aren’t just hanging out with me because you think I might be an alien, right?”
No. 1098396 ID: ed04f3

You could offer them a ride on your ship?
No. 1098398 ID: df45e0

"Anything you say? Hmmm if I were a bit more unprincipled I might lure you back to my flying saucer for some fun." Give them a wink.

"Hmm you are right though. It would be wrong of me to ruin our new friendship by asking something so big of you out of the blue."

Hmm that does bring up a disturbing question. If the sub dimension closes and grows even a bit won't everyone on this planet die as it expands? Something to ponder if the crew inside the sub dimension tries to pretend they are the noble ones.

I suppose if things go wrong your husband will bring in the fleet to quickly evacuate. These two could very well get their wish if the worst happens.
No. 1098399 ID: debc82


Your husband might be able to make arrangements, if everything works out. He is "influential" after all.

(Seriously, two willing Klivanian agents with good energy-sensing powers working for us on the inside? That's a huge boon!)
No. 1098400 ID: 8f9bc4

A cage? There isn't anything outside this cage, is there? Just rocks and emptiness. (Certainly not the phenocosm!) What are they looking for up there? You thought Kilvania was all there was.
No. 1098405 ID: 04e6e3
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"You aren't just hanging out with me because I'm an alien, right?"
>"Nope, don't dodge the question!"
"I can't answer that, because that's the kind of question I'd have to answer back at my place."
>"Is that an invitation?"
"Mm, not yet." I give a wider smile as I prepare more half-jokes. "You know about aliens, about all the tales of what's doing to klivanians who get abducted? It would be very unprincipled for me to lure you back to my flying saucer and find out what anything means."
>"You're making me think this is a date, Ellie!" Oh, I might have gone too far with that one.
"You know I'm joking - but what are you looking for up there? Isn't it just rocks and empty space?"
>"Answers. If it really is just rocks and space, at least we'll know."

The phenocosm might not normally approve of me saying I'm an alien, and while I'm not committing to it yet, I do believe the phenocosm would be interested in a couple of klivanians that could sense Zanthe.

As for the rest of the klivanians... I don't know how phenocosm policy applies to them. They do have fewer rights; a civilization that hides from the phenocosm also hides from the rights given by the phenocosm. For example, phenocosm citizens must be told up front they are having their memories read. The lie detector trick can only be done because these are klivanians.

If the subdimension grows enough to destroy the planet, then I'm unsure what the phenocosm will do to prevent the loss of life. However, it is by design that we do not gatekeep the afterlife. Though they do not experience the same rights in life, all klivanians that die go to the same afterlife.

"Before I keep answering your questions, I'd like you to answer mine. I want to know about this situation I find myself in and what you know. Actually, if I were an alien who could read memories, would you let me read yours?"
>"We're all just full of weird questions, aren't we?"
>"I'm not." Tesh says.
>"The two of us who are asking questions at all, I mean."
No. 1098406 ID: 04e6e3
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>"If you really can read memories, I don't need to explain anything myself, right?" Pesh asks.
"That's right, as long as you let me. I can't do it by force."
>"Hmmm. It's not like I believe you that easily, but I sort of want to see where this is going even if it's a lie. Tesh?"

Tesh nods.

>"Before anything like that, you have to stop lying or dancing around the truth with us."
"Have I been lying?"
>"Ellie..." Pesh inhales with a little more annoyance than I've seen her with before. "I'm too tired to keep up the game of dancing around the bullshit. Ellie, or Pillet? Whoever you are, yes we were hired to tail you, no we didn't report you calling us now, because we also want to know what's going on and you're our best bet for that. If we reported you to our boss, we'd be told 'good job' and sent back into the dark."

She turns to the man finishing his waffles.

>"We know that waffle lover over there is a PICK agent, and there's four more energy levels appropriate to agents up loitering at the top of the slope this cafe is on, and 6 more scattered in the woods around us. Also, we know you're working with them."
"Why do you think - "

Pesh leans forward and grabs my ear. She tugs it forward and whispers loudly into my earpiece.

>"Hi Tegge, if you're listening in, long time no see." She releases my ear, then freezes for a split second seeing me rub it. "I'm sorry, that was rougher than I needed to be. But if you want to read our memories and all the juicy tidbits we know, first you have to promise us you'll be equally open with us."
No. 1098407 ID: 99f29a

Big ask, lots more context, but okay, for starters, yes, you're an alien. Anything else involves enough other people to go back to your place.
No. 1098408 ID: 3df1ab

Given their planet risks destruction if your quarry gets their way, I think it's pretty safe to share with the two... Just make sure they're not bugged first.
No. 1098409 ID: 273c18

Tell them yeah you're an alien, and there's a LOT more than rocks out there. There's a massive civilization with technology far beyond what they have here. You can't promise them anything right now because you're not a big player in the grand scheme of things, but once you have some info you can report back with then you can make a deal. In exchange for their continued support.

Memory reading is next.
No. 1098411 ID: df45e0

"Yeah I promise if you are on the level you will get more answers than you might like."

Check their mousey minds.
No. 1098412 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, stop reading their minds. Just say that you want to keep a lot of people safe from something that multiple scientists have analyzed and concluded is really @#$%ing dangerous, and that requires secrecy. If they can't accept that then you can end your relationship on friendly terms here.
No. 1098436 ID: debc82


So they maybe ARE working for Paporron, however indirectly! But also willing to work against the sub-dimension?

Time to make a decision of the sort that High Admiral Shuzenza sent us here for: do we run the risk of this kind of exposure, knowing they're fully aware of PICK (if not our actual backing), or do we leave things as they are?

Right now, letting them in on things might be our best -- and only -- chance and finding out more about the sub-dimension.
No. 1098438 ID: 04e6e3
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"Okay. First of all, make sure neither of you two are bugged."
>"Hm, okay. Tesh? Rycell, we're using the bathroom!" Pesh calls out.
>"Go ahead, the food's nearly ready!"

They leave for a few minutes. The food is delivered by the time they sit back down.

>"All clean, our phones are in cages, and we're ready to eat."
"Thank you. I am an alien from a civilization that's certainly well beyond what you have here. I can't promise anything right now since I lack a lot of authority, but once I make contact with my group then I can make a more informed decision. So... Anything more than this will at least have to wait until we take it back to my place. I also can't guarantee you'll like what you find, but I hope you do."
>"Oh we will. Even if they're unpleasant, too. But! If you're going to hold so much back from us, then you only get memories from one of us. It's kind of silly since most of our memories are going to look the same, but I want to dangle something in front of you until we get more. So who do you want to read from first?"

Hmmm. Pesh is the talkative one and would reveal her thought process while speaking with others, but Tesh is always on her phone and may deal with a lot of the secret stuff.
No. 1098439 ID: 99f29a

Tesh first, just to dangle it in front of Pesh. Ask Tesh how prepared she feels for the intimacy of you reading her memories.
No. 1098440 ID: 2491e7

Tesh, of course. She hears everything Pesh says.
No. 1098441 ID: df45e0

Hmmm skinny girl first. No particular reason.
No. 1098442 ID: 3df1ab

Tesh first, she's the one who speaks the least.
No. 1098443 ID: 63709c

Tesh, get those secrets
No. 1098456 ID: 273c18

Hmm... tell them to put their hands on the table for the duration of the procedure, just so everyone knows they're not going to try anything.
No. 1098556 ID: b6ea64

Go for Pesh's memories. We might learn more secrets from Tesh's phone conversations, but that's also more screen we're going to be going through versus what's going on around them with Pesh's memory.
No. 1100002 ID: 04e6e3
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"Hmmm. I will also want your memories sometime, but I'll pick Tesh first."

Tesh dips her head into her phone again, but it's just to speak.

>"How does this work?"
"I put my hand on your head, and you lower your energy defenses."
>"Ah, so I'm vulnerable?"
"Yes. I hope this is no problem, since I've already told you at least a little about myself." Because of the vulnerability they have to show, I think I will not ask them to put their hands on the table. The trust they are showing me is somewhat unexpected, and I don't wish to meet it with distrust.
>"Hmm... okay, an agreement's an agreement."
>"It'll look strange seeing someone else rub Tesh's head." Pesh laughs.
>"Pesh!" Tesh looks at her phone. I don't think the phone's speaking tone matches the embarrassment her face is showing. "Let me eat first."
"Okay. It's possible to do it without touching your head, but it's much easier and more reliable."

We take a moment to eat.

"It's possible to read your memories without you noticing, but for this, I'll include your conscious so you can see what I'm seeing." I explain as we eat.
>"Just don't look at the weird stuff, okay?"
"Don't worry, I plan on navigating around any unnecessary unpleasantness. I'll quickly run through your life as a whole, but only focus on the recent past."
>"Okay." Tesh says.

Once she's taken a few more bites, she nods at me and bows her head.
No. 1100003 ID: 04e6e3
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I place my hand onto her head. I feel her tense slightly, but she calms herself and I feel her energy move aside as I begin.
No. 1100004 ID: 04e6e3
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[ My words have already primed certain prevalent memories of her childhood to spring up. I latch onto them. While they may not be important to me as they are for her, seeing the broad strokes of an entire life spent on Klivania may teach me much about living here. I work with Tesh's conscience as vague memories of her childhood home are narrowed down into specifics, where I repair frayed memories into specific moments. This formulates into Pesh and Tesh playing board games with each other while their father is doing nondescript work in the background. ]

"Dad we're going to a friend's house!" If this board game doesn't take 5 hours.
>"Alright. If you're back by the weekend, I'll take you fishing."
>"'Cause you both should learn how to go two damn minutes without making a ruckus."
"Okay but why?"
>"You wanna listen to me yap on about life lessons or do you wanna see your friend?"
"I wanna finish this game!"
>"Yeah!" Pesh agrees!
>"Yeah whatever."

[ The memory recedes and we jump forward. The two of them go on for go on unsupervised adventures in the forest. They're gone for days at a time, and their father doesn't seem to mind this. They still return frequently, and despite being gone so much, they seem to enjoy being around their father. ]

[ The memory does come back to the fishing trip, and though the twins do not appear to have learned how to not make a ruckus, their father is quick to give in and let them rock the boat and watch the lake ripple with activity. Tesh and Pesh are then allowed to share a single can of beer. Tesh spits it out, and Pesh drinks the rest. I replay this memory in full, as the present Tesh likes this a lot, even if she did not enjoy the fishing trip in the moment. ]

[ Moving forward, they find themselves wandering into an alien hunting club. Such a club is highly interested in government conspiracies. This had an unfortunate combination with Pesh and Tesh's tendency to pry without restraint. The calls made to their father about "the Esh twins's truancy problem" started becoming more about them getting into far more serious trespassing and investigative troubles. ]

[ It didn't stop until Pesh and Tesh found themselves in harsh legal trouble. They got arrested on a restricted research facility's grounds. Despite how Tesh was told how irresponsible his father was in their upbringing, here he took full responsibility. He took Pesh and Tesh's jail time, and so the twins were only sentenced to serve in the remedial portions of Klivanian peace corps. ]
No. 1100005 ID: 04e6e3
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[ Tesh's conscious tenses up, but I immediately skip over their time in the remedial peace corps. There were times where Pesh and Tesh seriously wished they had just gone to jail instead. It is when Tesh lost her ability to speak verbally to anyone other than Pesh. It isn't appropriate or useful enough to make Tesh re-experience that part of her life right now. ]

[ As bad as it may have been, their time was not without gain. It was in the peace corps that they began training various skills, most notably their innate energy sensing talent. It's more anomalous than I imagined. They could begin sensing people from farther away. As is normal, the more power someone has, the farther away they can be sensed. This brings my attention to a memory Tesh has after she and Pesh were let out of the peace corps. I focus on Pesh's thoughts here. ]

They're putting star camoflauge on the lamp belts again. It kind of sucks and just makes the sky look uncanny. I wish it were gone. Can't lamps just orbit on their own? Why are they connected by belts?

>"Tesh, who's that about 100 miles away?" Pesh points north-northwest, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I thiiiink King Denei, if he lives in his own palace."
>"He's getting stronger."
"Yeah. He only stopped posting gym selfies because of how many people complained that he can have as much energy as he can buy while others could barely survive bad weather, but he's still working at holding even more energy by himself. Who's that, about 300 miles away?" I point south.
>"Hmmm. Oh, I know. It's an old general's home. He's really strong."

[ They seem at peace, but it's bittersweet due to their father recently passing in jail due to a longstanding illness. They keep talking to one another and exercising their energy senses by pointing out far off targets who are powerful enough to be sensed from such a distance, and closer civilians. The last exercise comes when Pesh's finger rises and points upwards into the sky. ]

>"And what is that, about a billion miles off?"
"Something scary. I don't know."
>"We've sent energy scanning probes out into space, it's stupid that we don't already know. Maybe someday we should pilot one of those things and we'll drive it into whatever that is. It seriously can't be a person, right?"
"Maybe it is, and there's a good reason we haven't poked them?"
>"You're giving the government way too much credit. If they knew a person like that was out there, every government would make contact to try and act buddy buddy with that kind of power."

I'm a little nervous about finding out, but no one's listened to us about that signature anyway. We keep getting called crazy, and that one doctor just keeps telling us we've got the energy equivalent of tinnitus.

>[ "We never found out. Do you know what that is?" Tesh's conscious mind asks me. ]
[ "I can't reveal that yet, I'm sorry." ]

[ Tesh is satisfied enough for now, as I've implied that I know what it is. For now, I let Tesh relive this peaceful night. Pesh lowers her arm again, no longer pointing at the space anomaly they may soon learn is Upper Admiral Shuzenza. ]
No. 1100006 ID: 04e6e3
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[ I move onwards all the way to yesterday, starting at the spa. Interestingly, it involved many conflicting orders for them. I skim through much of this; information new to me seems light and spread out over hours. ]

"We got Rewks away from her. Who was he?" Ellie's talking to Pesh, so I have time to text her handler.
>"Never mind. Let Ellie go."
"Why? We were supposed to keep track of anyone with her description not going to the airport. She's not leaving."
>"Just give her space for me to handle her. And do not bug her, she will find out."

[ I continue skimming, getting the broad elements of Tesh's reflection of the day. ]

This new boss person is even less informative than my old boss person. That sucks. He's even more suspicious than our normal boss, who mentioned someone else that fit Ellie's description. This other-Ellie got on a sky bus already, but now there's this-Ellie, and her handler, who was supposed to make sure she got on a sky bus, is making us ignore her? It's all fishy and makes no sense.

We end up skiing with her, but the new guy keeps telling us to leave her be. When she insists on getting her own hotel room, Pesh and I finally give it up. Then she flies into space. I started looking up photo databases for this person, but all I could find is a plain identity of a single Ellie. I really, really wish we risked putting a bug on her when we had the chance.

Pesh is busy making her report to the normal boss. I'm a little tired of working for people I don't know. Oh, but Pesh gets a picture of Ellie's supposed handler while she talks to the old boss. Normally we wouldn't even know what he looks like, but the normal boss is pretty mad that our newer boss went against his orders and wants to bring him in for questioning. Too bad the new boss stopped responding to us after we let Ellie go.

[ Ah, Tesh's thoughts are scattered, but I think I get the idea. My handler was Hart, and he was telling the twins to leave me alone throughout the day? That's odd. I wonder what his plans were for handling me. ]
No. 1100007 ID: 04e6e3
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[ I've already experienced much of Tesh's actions second hand after this point, either through myself or Farn's memories of driving them around. I do see first hand the way that Tesh breaks in cabins through windows while staying on full alert to her surroundings as Pesh distracts the cabin's owners. I also slow down as Tesh spends her time in the cab on her phone. ]

I want to check my important messages, but there's been a lot of cab drivers who have been putting personal cameras in the back seats, and this guy seems like the scummy sort. I'll just get some disability work done. There's a lot of referrals to send in for injured people.

There's been a lot of core mining incidents lately, the lung specialists local to them are overloaded, and no regular doctor feels comfortable with this kind of thing. Maybe Ellie would have been interested in helping? No, of course not, she just asked idle questions. It'd be silly to try and rope her into all this. I wish I spoke about it more, I want to know if if she was interested or just polite.

[ There's both a sense of frustration and fulfillment Tesh gets from this kind of work. She matches Pesh in energy after all, it's just that she channels it differently. ]

[ "You were hoping I was going to ask more questions about this?" I ask her. ]
>[ "Y-Yeah. I liked talking about it." ]
[ "You didn't have to wait for me to ask, I already expressed interest on the ski lifts. It seems like you were afraid of me getting sick of it, right?" ]
>[ "Yeah... It was nice to vent." Tesh may have underestimated just how deeply her personality is being revealed to me. Then again, both she and Pesh were skeptical about my ability to read minds to begin with. ]
No. 1100008 ID: 04e6e3
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[ I continue past when Farn drove them and Paporron to the airport. At first he continued to be cagey about who he was and his destination, but he makes a call and confirms that Pesh and Tesh were on his side. After that, he opens up a little more. ]

>"I'm pretty sure this is just one big, weird coincidence. She looks exactly the same on the phone, but I bet if we find her and compare, then this person you're looking for will look different than our own colleague who's at Varther's."
>"But we felt her jump into space. There's no mistake about that. You're telling me a random lookalike did that?" Pesh says.
>"Uhhh I can't explain that, but... well, she should be investigated anyway, so keep looking. But Hart is confident that the one that went to Varther's estate is the one working with us." He fidgets in his seat with clear discomfort.

Pesh pats him on the back.

>"It's fine, it's fine. So why're you so secretive?"
>"It's just best if I'm not seen, even by our own, sorry! You two are okay since I kind of don't know how to navigate an airport, but please don't tell anyone else I was here."
>"You got it. So what's the 'real' Ellie like?"
>"Well, she's brilliant. Never at a loss of conversation, and has shown me parts of space I could never have imagined existed."
>"What?" Pesh tilts her head. Though I would miss it, Tesh can see her struggling to hide back a big grin.
>"... I - I'm sorry. I meant parts of Klivania. Places, that is, not... space."
>"Oh ok."

[ I thought I had an awkwardly difficult time on Klivania, but Paporron is dreadful at this. ]

>"I need to use the bathroom, can you watch my things?"

[ Oh no, Paporron! He's leaving their baggage with Pesh and Tesh, and...! ]

Pesh checks around until he turns a corner, then she gets up and follows him to the bathroom.

He didn't just leave his luggage here, he left his phone! For that, I'll plug a spyware installation kit into it. I count to 10 to let it do its job while I wipe away any DNA left on it.

This feels like an obvious trap, but I don't care. Pesh and I have to know what's going on, so I'm letting myself be reckless. My virus will send everything it hears and sees back to a special server, so I'll check it for any data later.

[ I skim forward, but they were kept in the dark and on standby since Paporron left. Most of their time was spent alternating naps to limited success. Pesh doesn't talk about her attempt to eavesdrop on Paporron in the bathroom, and Tesh silently believes that Pesh would talk about it if there was anything worth talking about. ]
No. 1100009 ID: 04e6e3
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Tesh and I mentally return to the cafe. Even with such a cursory look, it took five minutes because of how much longer it takes when the host's mind is kept conscious to experience the memories. Other than the oddness of Hart seeming like he was covering for me, and Tesh bugging Paporron, I don't get the wealth of information I was hoping for beyond a cursory glance at Klivanian life. Even their talks with their superiors seem limited, but I can always look harder at that or anything else to make absolute certain there's no relevant information within.

Pesh looks at Tesh when I pull my hand back, and sees a tear form.

>"Whoa, you okay?" Pesh asks.

Tesh nods. She opens her mouth but just makes a choked squeak as she turns back to her phone to talk for her.

>"She really can read minds! I had memories come back that I forgot about. It was like I was with dad again, just for a moment." Tesh's phone explains.
"I hope it wasn't too intimate." I say, but Tesh is shaking her head before I even finish.
>"Really? You're not just messing with me, Tesh? She's for real?" Pesh asks.
>"For real."
>"Maybe I shouldn't dangle my memories for too long. Your food's been here getting cold, so eat up."
No. 1100011 ID: dfa46e

Ask her to feed you. It's her fault your food went cold, after all.
No. 1100013 ID: df45e0

"Thank you."

Get to eating your food and let the sisters relax a bit. Can chat about a few space things that are not classified before reading Pesh if she needs some motivation.

How rare is energy sensing to that degree? Being able to sense a fleet admiral way out in space?
No. 1100017 ID: 3df1ab

Finish your meal and relocate with the sisters.
No. 1100018 ID: 8f9bc4

They seem to be genuine space alien enthusiasts. The ability to sense the energy of the entire Phenocosm up there must be really rare, or Kilvanians wouldn't be able to convince anyone that there are no space aliens. Are you sure what your goal is with these two? What reward are you risking all this for? To access their memories of Papporon? To... make some friends?
No. 1100022 ID: 273c18

Tell Tesh to check for data on Paporron while you read Pesh's memories. Though, there won't be much different would there? ...unless their memories have been altered somehow?
Though, I'm worried that the special spying server was discovered and trying to get data from it will result in a counterattack of some sort. Like, the same sort of virus. Actually... she connected her phone to Paporron's... how do we know there isn't a virus on her phone now?
No. 1100090 ID: 04e6e3
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"Thank you."

>How rare is it to sense a fleet admiral out in space?
It is unusual but not particularly rare for a phenocosm individual to be able to do so. It does take many, many years of practice regardless, and I've never heard of new adults being able to naturally do it with only a few years of training. I believe they are talented, but it's their phenotype that has a natural, higher ability to sense energy that is anomalous.

Since this phenotype must have spread across Klivania, I have doubts that these two are the only ones on the planet who could sense Shuzenza. It must be extremely rare, still. The phenocosm would have been discovered if there were enough people pointing at the same spot in space.

I spare a little energy to reheat my food. I hope it's not rude, but the two of them continue eating. Pesh speaks between mouthfuls.

>"So what kind of super technology do you have? How lazy can you be?"
"Oh, not lazy at all, at least not me or the people I work with." I look at the food I have to pick up with a fork.

>Ask her to feed you. It's her fault your food went cold, after all.
I think it's equally my fault! But it does remind me of something I can answer Pesh with.

"During long study sessions, I had floating bots that would feed me food."
>"Wow, that is really lazy. We have those too!" Pesh laughs. "Ours suck, they try and shove food in your mouth if you yawn or anything. Have you seen them?"
"I haven't, but I also have not seen any natives here who are working to such a degree that such a bot is appropriate. Klivanians must have trouble programming reading body language and intent, I think that's the hard part."
>"There's a ton of stuff that's hard about it." Tesh adds.
"Is it? I'd be curious to see what klivanian feeding drones are like."
No. 1100091 ID: 04e6e3
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Since there is no such drone around here, I put more food on my fork and open my mouth to take a bite.

Pesh immediately shoves her forked food into my mouth.

>"There." Pesh says, wobbling the fork in my mouth. "This right here is the klivanian food bot experience."

I swallow, and Pesh drags the fork back.

"Th-thanks, I think I get the idea!"

>Are you sure what your goal is with these two?
Much of the goal was simply to see what they knew. The answer is not as much as I might have thought, but I have accomplished finding that out. Tesh's virus is worth investigating too.

Still, they are my responsibility now. I've told the twins about the phenocosm's existence, and now I can't let them spread it. I would have to monitor them, but Tesh's memories put me at ease about it. Them talking about sensing the fleet admiral in space was always brushed off, and made them both more reserved about what they say. We're already keeping our voices down since the cook is not far away. Although...

"You two are okay with leaving Klivania, right?"
>"More than okay!" Pesh leans forward like she's ready to leave this instant, and Tesh's nods come rapidly.
"Good. Not now, but it will happen."

That's a relief. As soon as I am in contact with the phenocosm again, I will have these two extracted. I should match pace with eating my food and move on, but there is one thing I'd like to check now.
No. 1100092 ID: 04e6e3
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"Tesh, could we look at that server you had the virus upload data for? I believe Paporron has landed at Varther's estate, now."
>"On it."
>"I can't believe Paporron left his baggage with Tesh and me." Pesh sips her drink, recalling the event. "That guy acted like he never experienced civilization."

I recall how Tesh felt that installing the virus was too easy and convenient. But her phone was never in contact with Paporron's; her virus installation kit is a separate computer chip with the sole purpose of silently installing malware on phones it's plugged into.

Tesh starts tapping her phone to get to the server. It's apparently not an instant process, most likely because of all the obfuscation involved in keeping the server the virus is uploading to as low profile as possible, while also obfuscating what devices it's sending data to. Tesh went through a lot of trouble and research to make sure that the only risky part of the process is being seen plugging in strange objects into another person's phone.

... Something's not right, though. Tesh's eyebrows are squeezing together. She lets out a little huff, then types.

>"Internet's down."
>"Huh?" Pesh stops mid-chew. "Something wrong with your phone? Let me check mine."

My earpiece beeps with a depressed tone.
>"Primary connection lost. Secondary connection found."

>"Hm?" Pesh taps her phone. "Yeah, I've got nothing."

We linger a moment without much of an idea of what to do except wait until the internet is working again. I keep eating, and the relative silence is broken by the waffle lover getting out of his chair. He walks towards the resting area behind our booth, picks up a controller for the television, and turns it on.

>"- claimed responsibility yet, and authorities are preparing for an announcement. Once again I remind the citizens that wired phone connections remain operational, so all citizens are urged to use public or lined phones for any emergencies."

The news calls in a specialist on the subject. Though he doesn't know for certain, apparently it was a mix of virtual and physical breaches that made various database centers lose their ability to know where to route internet traffic. He makes a metaphor here, saying that it's as though mail centers are intact, but all the mailmen have been blindfolded. Now, everyone's internet requests are spiraling in circles and never getting resolved, which get piled up with more requests that also go in spirals, and the whole system has gotten clogged to the point of shutting down.
No. 1100093 ID: 04e6e3
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>"The timing makes this kind of spooky, doesn't it?" Tesh types.
"Do internet outages happen often?"

Tesh shrugs and shakes her head. She's thinking intensely, and keeps freezing up when her instinct to look up things on her phone isn't an option. Pesh speaks up for her.

>"Not on a global scale! Seriously Ellie, who is Paporron?"
"He's... ah, that will have to wait until I've regained contact with my allies above."
>"Pah, then so will reading my memories!"

We take our plates to the couch so we can watch the news. They're playing a clip sent in from a hacktivist group that's claiming responsibility.

>"How do you do, sheep of the world? We're the Circuit Board, here giving everyone one big wakeup call! We've been trying to warn everyone just how weak, fragile, and easy to attack the internet is. We don't want to destroy the internet - we want to forge it into something strong. It's the weaklings in power who are to blame, the weaklings who twiddle their thumbs and take all our tax dollars while the foundations crack! We're here to expose those cracks before a truly malevolent force does more than just crack it. As we said, it's a wakeup call to fix your beep, and if you don't, we'll just do it again. That's not a threat. It's a lesson. And we'll be here ready to teach it as many times as it takes. Circuit Board, out."

Ohh, that's an exotic phenotype. It's very much the body of a specialist in a field I'm unfamiliar with! And one that Klivania is most likely unfamiliar with, too. No wonder the poor fellow's at such odds with society.
No. 1100094 ID: 04e6e3
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The news resumes its normal debates, speculations, and now a brief history on the circuit board group.

"Riffit, are you there?"
>"Yeah, we're on offline communications." The sound quality is just awful, now. "Tegge is getting calls from superiors to help investigate an attack on the internet, but he's stalling. Are Tesh and Pesh there?"
"They are."
>"Dang. Move away from them. I don't want them hearing even your end of the conversation."
"Okay. Excuse me, Pesh, Tesh. I'll be right back."
>"Psh, have it your way." I think they know I know them better, and that they are sassing me for fun rather than being offended.

I step outside. It's snowing and somehow it's even darker than before, but I think the weather is nice. My heavy outer coat and fluffy natural coat make it too hot indoors, so this is refreshing. During this, I hear Tegge talking in the distant background. Although he's loud, the sound quality is so bad that I can't make out the words.

"Go ahead, Riffit."
>"Uh... so he's still trying to stall Paporron's crew from seeing Gel, but it went south. It was going fine up until when you said something about a server with uploaded malware data? They started brute forcing their way through Varther's estate after that. They're not supposed to know where Gel is staying, exactly, but they're moving like they do."
"That's bad, right?"
>"There were some vague hints that they were going to have Gel, uh, artifice memories, on top of having Paporron look into his soul. So yeah you're probably right, it sounds pretty bad. I think Tegge's focusing on damage control now to see what can be done when it's revealed you gave the subdimension the slip. Because that seems - wait.

I overhear Tegge speaking to Riffit, but I still can't make it out. I wait until Riffit speaks directly into her microphone again.

>"Tegge says it's fine, apparently."
>"He doesn't know what you did or what you knew, but Gel passed. Both Paporron's inspection and being able to provide an example of memory artificing went fine. Soooo..."
"I don't think I know, either. Is it all okay, then?"
>"I guess? I don't know. Tegge's still over there shooting orders, but it sounds like he's just doing cleanup and figuring out what just happened. Paporron and the rest of the others are chatting with Varther. Uh... just wait a second, we're trying to speak to Gel to figure out how he pulled all that off."

I keep on waiting. Pesh looks over at me, but I give her a thumbs up to indicate I'm fine. I don't know if it's fine. The waffle lover is holding his hand over his ear listening to his conversation rather intensely, and he keeps glancing over to me.

Riffit speaks again after about 5 minutes.

>"Okay, so.... we found Gel's corpse."
"The sound quality without internet is bad for some reason. Gel's corpse?"
>"Yes. Dead, deceased, gone. Tegge is trying to form a timeline, but it looked like Gel left to go back to one of Varther's studies, then he went missing. Our agents started searching for him, and we found a corpse. So uh... we'll be trying to untangle that development, too."
No. 1100095 ID: dfa46e

rip body double, we never knew ye

get moving or stay hidden?
No. 1100096 ID: df45e0

Oh crap your sister is back.
No. 1100099 ID: 273c18

Ah. Yeah, it was a trap. Paporron was monitoring the server and watching for incoming connections. Likely, he now knows where we are. Relocate immediately. ...well, maybe he doesn't. He shut down the ENTIRE internet; it would've been- wait no, it would've been obvious that he knew where you were if he had shut it down locally. But he's also bad at spy stuff so he took the opposite extreme that can't be explained at all.

>exotic phenotype, unfamiliar field
Looks like someone we should be investigating, possibly recruiting.

>Gel's dead, but also passed
Ok, the only explanation is that there's ANOTHER impostor that's a memory artificer. Except, they would also have to have a soul that looks correct-ish, how did they do that? ...well, there's another explanation, which is that Paporron lied about Gel passing... but why would he do that?

I think they need to find out exactly when Gel died. If he died earlier than should have been possible then there's another impostor helping us.

Pesh and Tesh might be useful in figuring out what's going on since they should be able to sense if there's another memory artificer.
No. 1100105 ID: 0c6fb8

This whole thing smells suspicious. I'd get moving. You should also probably bring Tesh and Pesh, though I'm slightly concerned they're bugged or st. - I guess they checked themselves over earlier. They should at least put their phones back in faraday cages or st., probably.
No. 1100106 ID: 0c6fb8

Oh, and if you didn't pay already, leave the money on the table.
No. 1100107 ID: cb76eb

Can we bug out with our crew? I think we should bug out with our crew. Strictly offline.
No. 1100109 ID: 8f9bc4

No. 1100149 ID: debc82


> Said it's fine.
> Clearly it's not.

I think once they realized it was a double, they stopped pushing, because there wasn't any point to the act any longer.

Right now we should probably consider ourselves nearly compromised. While there's no certain knowledge of where Ellie/Pillet (as our former alias) disappeared to, there is a certain newcomer grabbed up by PICK, the very group keenly interested in these developments.

We may need to extract, [i]with[/] Pesh and Tesh, simply because they're the only outside individuals who know the truth.
No. 1100157 ID: 04e6e3
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>"Do you know when, exactly, Gel died?"
"Uhhh no, like... someone was using energy to cremate him. We're doing analysis to be absolutely sure it's him, but I think we interrupted someone trying to destroy his body. We're doubting Gel was the one Paporron spoke to. Tegge is saying you're supposed to be the only memory artificer in the whole wide galaxy, which I don't know if that was literal but, you know."

There are a few explanations I could think of, but they all require a lot of leaps in logic or simple presumptions about what people's motives and thought patterns are like. Paporron lying to cover for me for some reason, or Shuzenza having access to a second memory artificer I wasn't aware of... it's all possible, but unlikely.

The third option is what I'm fearing, and because of that, it's the one I'm stuck on. Someone took Gel's place who looked like Pillet, had a soul that Paporron said was Pillet's, and was able to pass a memory artificing test that Paporron did not seem to be in charge of.

It's too early to be sure, but I must consider that the reports on my sister's death could be false. I will take what few precautions I can for it, but for now, I will hold back both my hope that she is alive and well, and my fears about what that means.

"Riffit, I'm almost certainly compromised. Even my identity as Reneil might not be safe."
>"You think so?"
"I was also brought in by PICK, and only look so different from Pillet herself."
>"Sure. We did take measures to make you look like a civilian, but I'll bring up your concern."
"I'm going to leave this area."
>"Okay, I'll bring that up too once Tegge gives me five seconds of his time."
No. 1100158 ID: 04e6e3
File 173214872625.png - (96.36KB , 1200x1200 , 791.png )

I go back inside put the meal payment on the table. Pesh approaches me.

>"Hey, Ellie. The news said the internet's coming back in as soon as 20 minutes. What's up? You look spooked, and that's pretty concerning coming from you."
"You two look very tired, too. Can I see your phone?"
>"Uh, sure. And yeah, when it was just us two bundled up on the couch in front of the TV, well... anyway, here."

I take her phone as well as Tesh's, then place them into a decorative breadbox across the room.

"I think we need to go." I whisper to the twin's expectant ears. "You two might have been bugged after all."
>"At least one of us makes sense, but we checked ourself pretty thoroughly! Are you sure it's not you that got bugged?" Pesh whispers back. "Or waffle lover over there?"
"I can't vouch for him, and I doubt it's me. But please understand that if you two were bugged, it's possible it was using tech that you two don't have the means to detect. Maybe I should leave my phone behind, too. Can you two put your phones in faraday cages?"
>"Do you space aliens just carry faraday cages around wherever you go?"
"No, I suppose not. Can you leave your phones behind, then?"

They share a couple uncomfortable glances, and Tesh fails to speak. She makes sign language at Pesh, who translates.

>"Fine, fine, but Tesh is saying she definitely wants to access her server when the internet's back. And so do I, but we can pick up a burner phone. We've absolutely got to know what information was so important to hide that they killed the whole internet to delay us for a bit, that is, unless it really was just the biggest coincidence of our lives. Kinda hard to believe they could just kill the internet in, what, a minute of hearing what we were up to? I guess we really do need to leave, huh?"
>"Do I hear people talking about leaving?" Rycell, the cook, calls from the side. "You two are welcome to stay, but if you wait much longer, then staying won't be a choice. That blizzard's picking up, and no one's going anywhere in whiteout conditions, especially not without a working GPS."
>"Yeah. So if we leave, where are we going?" asks Pesh.

I'm a little nervous about them trying to reconnect to that server again, but they sound determined to try. They seem more open to the idea that they were bugged than the idea that accessing Tesh's server could possibly be traced back to her phone.
No. 1100159 ID: df45e0

"The cute bunny you spied on has a lot of dangerous friends who would turn your sun off if they thought it would help the situation... you also can not sense them right now but there are a lot of people like the one far above that are far closer to home."

You need to have them help you get back to Paporron. Then pop your change back thing to get back to looking like Pillet. And then replace whoever is currently Pillet with yourself Pillet. Especially if it is Pillet being Pillet.

Also find time to make out with other Pillet at some point during the process.
No. 1100167 ID: 273c18

Well, we really need that information, so I guess we'll be accessing that server somehow.
No. 1100177 ID: 04e6e3
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"I'm also curious about that information, but I should go to Paporron while we wait for the internet to come back."
>"Should you?"
"I need to find out who's acting as my body double. Paporron isn't much of a criminal mastermind, but he's friends with people who are. I'm afraid his people are at odds with my people, your planet is caught in the middle. Do you remember that source of immense power in the sky that you and Tesh used to look at? That is Shuzenza, Upper Admiral of Heaven's Jurisdiction, and the one in charge of a blockade around the solar system. He's also my husband."
>"Let's get you on a plane, then, and you can answer all hundred questions I just thought up! Hold on, Tesh is signing that she thinks the sky busses aren't going to be working."

Behind me, the waffle lover clears his throat.

>"Yeah, she's right. Pilots barely take any navigation courses, believe it or not."
"Is that so? What's your name?"
>"Hey yes I'm Jace, nice to meet you. Let me try to get Tegge on the line."
"Okay, thanks. And thanks for the food, Rycell!" I call out, heading to leave.
"Anytime, be safe out there!"
No. 1100178 ID: 04e6e3
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I barely step back outside ahead of the others when Tegge speaks to me.

>"Reneil. Sorry I haven't been able to keep you in the loop myself. My agent says you want to see Paporron?"
"Rather I'm concerned about whoever's currently my body double, if it's true that Gel was killed."
>"Good, as keeping Paporron in place would be tricky. He and his escorts are leaving soon. We do not know for certain yet that the corpse is Gel's, but we're keeping a close eye on your body double regardless. They still claim they're Gel, and so far their story is adding up. Having you read his memories will confirm matters. We can arrange a plane trip if you feel a need to get there ASAP, but I suggest a train ride if not. A train will last roughly 7 hours longer, but it will avoid having to draw red tape and attention that taking a plane would bring us under the present circumstances."
No. 1100179 ID: dfa46e

Sure, tell Pesh and Tesh you'll give them a ride and run a train.
No. 1100180 ID: debc82


How will that effect our timeline of meeting him and will it be impacted by the blizzard?

Actually, if someone just took out Gel, do we want to risk losing another person with a 7-hour delay?
No. 1100181 ID: 273c18

Oh, I thought of another explanation. The dead Gel could be someone they were planning on replacing the real Gel with... or one of our minor double agents in the rebel group who was pretending to be you as a sacrifice, because there's supposed to be two Pillets anyway right now? If both Pillets failed the test then that would sow confusion in the enemy...? Eh, it's a stretch.

Before we potentially meet with Gel, we need to consider the possibility that they are some kind of Pillet clone. Consider the fact that you can alter other peoples' memories. Pillet could have found another memory artificer, overpowered them, and overwrote all their memories with hers. That would create a clone of her mind, and after altering the clone's body the soul would grow to match! Hey, that could even mean the real Pillet faked her death by creating a clone that died.

Are you strong enough to protect yourself if you wind up "fighting" a strong enemy memory artificer such as Pillet?

For current day Pillet: How can you tell these memories are yours? Is it a soul signature attached to them or is it a memory pattern type thing? The former could be faked due to soul adaptation and the latter from the memory clone thing I think?
No. 1100191 ID: df45e0

A train ride sounds fun despite the time delay. We do want to move fast but throwing ourselves into a situation that has not stabilized could do more harm than good.
No. 1100309 ID: b6ea64

Train ride seems like the safer option.
No. 1100505 ID: 04e6e3
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"Will a train affect our timeline for meeting Gel?"
>"He is or at least was scheduled to act as your body double for a week. It won't. We're going to make sure that the new Gel stays alive, whoever they are." I would like to trust Tegge, but 7 hours is a lot of time for things to go wrong. Still, this seems safest.
"Will the blizzard affect things?"
>"No, even our trains can handle bad weather."

I turn back to the twins.

"Are you coming to run a train with me, Pesh and Tesh?"
>"You mean ride? Either way the answer's yes, duh." Once Pesh finishes, Tesh signs a 'yes' and Tegge speaks to me.

>"I still want to question them on the trip anyway. More plainclothes agents will be on the train, but we aren't going to blatantly take it over and show up on people's radar."

We start skiing back under the guiding lights of Katz's cafe until we get to the main slope. The overhead lights are struggling to light up the ground, but it's good enough. I know I'm drifting into the tree line when the snow turns from barely lit to pitch black. It's rather eerie compared to the lively slopes I experienced just yesterday. The slow pace that comes from caution gives me time to think and process some possibilities if Pillet is active.

If so, I believe it's possible that she could make a convincing clone of herself. There are some pitfalls in the process. I have doubts that she was able to somehow mimic herself so closely to her own that she could have faked her own death that way, because even if she completely wiped a physical clone and inserted her own memories in full, the soul takes time to reshape itself in a soul seer's eyes, and it never would become a perfect match for Pillet herself.

But without soul seers to inspect her on Klivania, she could make a convincing copy. Mentally it would be virtually perfect, and even without a fleshcrafter, Gel has shown that even Klivanian procedures can make an outwardly convincing physical copy of herself.

But would she? I've already misjudged her once, but I don't believe she would clone herself. She valued the uniqueness of an individual. The phenocosm has strict laws and restrictions against cloning, and even then she thought they were too relaxed.

Oh, no, more and more of me is hoping she's alive so that I can drag her to justice and be given an explanation to her actions not just here, but for everything she's done. Which I admit I don't know what she did to earn the number one most wanted spot. Was it just abandoning her station as an artificer, or did she commit unspeakable crimes? I doubt I'm allowed to know.

>Also find time to make out with other Pillet at some point during the process.
Ah, this thought coming out of nowhere... I'm beginning to think it would have been prudent to have Ruflaka remove this body's libido after all.

>Can you win a "fight" against her?
A mental battle among memory artificers is an involved process, and it's dangerous for both parties. In theory, equally matched participants could destroy each other's sense of self before there's a clear victor, if a clear victory happens at all. A conventional fight is far more effective for both parties. The passive defenses of an incapacitated memory artificer are not enough to ward off an enemy artificer. As for if I can win a real fight with her... I don't know. I must admit that I would need at least somewhat more energy than her, as she most likely has more experience with real combat.

"Tegge, I'm about to make an outlandish request. Do you have any energy capsules I can have?" Asking that question makes me feel a chill this weather never could.
>"One moment, I'm giving ourselves a private line... Alright, it's just us two. You do know what you're asking for?"
"To break my allowed limit." He should understand I mean the phenocosm's energy limit for artificers, not the klivanian legal limit. Tegge appears to understand the severity of this. "I know that if I am making a bad call, I will be sent to harsh remediation for even making this request."
>"And I would be terminated. This is regarding a peer you're afraid of?"
"Are you aware of Pillet?"
>"I am. Come to the train station."
No. 1100506 ID: 04e6e3
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I leave my skis behind and excuse myself from Pesh and Tesh to walk into one of the station's back alleys. Jace stays behind to make sure the twins don't try to eavesdrop.

>"I have two canisters for you." Tegge explains, holding up both. "The opaque one is a klivanian canister. It's inefficient, but it should give you approximately 1000 EL. Since the legal limit is 200, I'm giving you an agent badge for you to justify this power."

That will be enough to avoid surprise attacks or train derailments. The latter I feel I shouldn't be so concerned about, but Tesh's memories have just informed me how easy it is to derail klivanian trains. Our attention now focuses on the second canister of phenocosm design, and the reason why we are in a back alley. It is well contained; I doubt even Pesh and Tesh could sense this one.

>"20,000 EL. Don't let anyone know you have it and keep it as close to yourself as possible. Absorb it only if you are actively under threat." I can tell he has more to say, but he knows that I know how to treat this. 20k EL is a lot to absorb all at once, but I believe I can efficiently do so. If it had much more, it would come with diminishing returns in how much I manage to keep within me.
"I understand, thank you."
>"I don't want you to be by yourself at any point. You trust Pesh and Tesh?"
"I do."
>"Then I'll only place agents nearby your room, and Pesh and Tesh can remain in your passenger room.

Tegge goes on to explain how his agents are inspecting the train while we wait to board. The names, faces and stations of various agents, both plainclothes and uniformed, are outlined for me. Since he wants to keep our movement reasonably discreet, normal civilians are still boarding as well. This means there will be about 500 souls aboard, as the halted air traffic means many are leaving town by train instead.

"Keep your earpiece in. Riffit will continue lesser operations in Winterheight, and we'll keep you up to date over comms." Tegge finishes.
No. 1100507 ID: 04e6e3
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The train station's speakers light up.

>"Hello, this is Kara, and I'll be your trip's train conductor. We will be departing soon, but I would like to warn all passengers that due to heightened security from recent worldwide threats, we will be checking tickets more thoroughly than usual. In the interest of time, we will only be checking after departing, not during. Our security detail will be interrogating and prosecuting any stowaways or ticketless passengers with far more vigor than usual. If you were planning on any criminal activity, even misdemeanors, I strongly encourage you to reconsider your deviant behavior for when things lighten up. Double and triple check that you have your ticket during the boarding process. Thank you for your cooperation."

I absorb the smaller of two canisters, giving me an energy level of around 1,200. Tegge and I hurry back to make sure we don't miss the train. There are thankfully a handful of stragglers that the conductor is ushering inside, so I catch up with Pesh and Tesh to go aboard.

[I'm backing out for a minute.]
No. 1100508 ID: 04e6e3
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>How can you tell these memories are yours?
The way memories are stored make a type of signature through its patterning. I don't know how to explain it, but I just know when one is mine and when one's not.

That said, this is a memory. It's almost like a dual memory, but I can't tell exactly which part is mine and which is someone else's. I don't know if these memories also have some sort of soul signature to them, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

This memory's ancient enough to be from before I lost my memories, so that might be the reason why I can't place it well. Maybe it's strangely foreign because I've changed from Aelsaw to be more like Pillet, or because I am the real Pillet and lost so much of myself on Aumstail's wheel that even my soul significantly changed. This memory also revealed to me that souls do change over long time periods, so 4,000 years could make my own memories look foreign even if all else was the same.

I've absorbed myself in these memories so deeply that I didn't see when Delli leave. He left his shirt behind. Are those holes in it?

... No, he carved a message. It says he couldn't find a pen and paper. He carved a message into his shirt to tell me that he's going to go parkour over some skyscrapers. I'm dating a fucking caveman.
No. 1100509 ID: 04e6e3
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[ Back to the memory. ]

We've dried ourselves and the train has departed. The conductor got onto the train's intercom once again, this time explaining that she'll be coming through to check for tickets and ID and be handing out free snacks and drinks as an apology for the more aggressive security.

I pat myself down and confirm that the agent ID Tegge gave me, my ticket, and the 20k EL canister are all safe and sound on my person. I double check that my canister is well secured on the inner lining of my coat, both where I can feel it press against me as well as allowing me to easily and rapidly absorb it if needed.

Tegge put us in first class, where Pesh and Tesh joined me in a private room. They were so excited to explore the train and experience the privileges of a first class ticket, but the moment that they saw the lavish bed they both bounced on it exactly once and then passed out.

It's tempting to join them, but now I don't feel comfortable with the vulnerability that sleep brings. I perform anti-sleep meditation instead, and remain alert enough to detect my phone letting out a single chime.

It looks like the internet is back up. I know that Pesh and Tesh would want me to wake them up right now so that we can check on Tesh's server together, but I also know how difficult it is for sleep needing phenotypes to function after pulling an all nighter. Since the anti-sleep meditation technique isn't a trivial thing I can teach them in a few minutes, perhaps I should let them sleep.
No. 1100510 ID: c17d05

You're going to need to come up with a decent story for Pesh and Tesh, as they're gonna detect your higher energy level. How much you want to tell them, etc.

And for context, what is the limit for memory artificers, and when was it introduced? I'm operating on the assumption that roughly 1200 is below that limit (although above the legal limit here), but that 20,000 is far about it. I also have a vague feeling Pillet went above that limit or was responsible for it's introduction, but that's just a gut feeling.
No. 1100511 ID: 6c233e

Should let them sleep, things might start happening quickly when you get there.
No. 1100512 ID: ec9048

Let them sleep so they are not running ragged later. Can pass off some sleep meditation stuff if time allows later.

Check the internet and see how the world is reacting to events.
No. 1100515 ID: 3df1ab

Let them sleep for now, wake them up like one hour before arrival.
No. 1100516 ID: 273c18

Wake up one of them to access the server. That info is pretty dang important.
No. 1100532 ID: 441914

Hmm, not sure. It's still suspicious to me that the internet went down the moment they tried to access the server, the first time. If the server's been compromised somehow, seems like accessing it could have Consequences. If we do decide to do it, I'm torn as to when, but
waking them up near the end is a decent compromise.
No. 1100533 ID: 441914

Although...now that I say that, I wonder if the information on it would serve uss better with more time to act on it. Or like, for Tegge and his people to act on it. Ehhh. Undecided.
No. 1100539 ID: 04e6e3
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>What is the limit for memory artificers, and when was it introduced?
250, which is functionally inadequate in terms of brute forcing anyone under almost any circumstances. It's been the limit for as far back as I can remember. Now that I'm at 1200, I'm at the point where I could feasibly brute force individuals who are either exceptionally weak of will or energy, or those who are in a lower state of mind such as being asleep or unconscious.

20,000 is enough to survive for lengthy periods in space and to fly faster than most Klivanian commercial planes. I could have considered using it to fly to Varther's estate quickly, but I know too little about the situation to merit absorbing such a level of energy, charging into the situation, and attracting bad attention.

Tesh's server contains what I am confident is very important information, and I could even access it just by myself if I wanted to let the twins sleep, but the timing of Circuit Board's attack has made me nervous about accessing it again. Caution seems prudent.

I dim the lights to improve the twin's quality of sleep, then seek out what the refreshed internet has to say about all of this.

The connection speed is sluggish. That's perhaps because of the millions of others that are doing the exact same thing as me. Hmm, the news says that there is an awful bit of chaos worldwide. Due to the success of the Circuit Board's attack, there have been many other large scale, credible threats from various rogue agencies throughout Klivania. Nothing on the same scale has happened yet, although the internet stoppage caused significant damage. It seems like there is a lot of infrastructure that depends on a steady internet connection.

Even though the news speaks positively about how the hard work of engineers and backup systems minimized the downtime, some people are thinking the Circuit Board's message had some merit about how the infrastructure should be strengthened. Others say their message is no different than fighting a fire by adding gasoline in the hopes that the fire department will try harder. I read on to kill time, but any more information I find is not helpful to my immediate situation.

knock knock

No. 1100540 ID: 04e6e3
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Someone's at the door, but it didn't wake the twins up.

"Hello?" I try to somehow whisper through the door.
>"Hello, it's the conductor. I'm here to check tickets and perform a fresh inspection to make sure there are no stowaways." She is also whisper-shouting through the door. "Reneil, Pesh, and Tesh, correct? I need to verify everyone face to face, but I can do it quick and quiet. May I come in?"
No. 1100541 ID: ad0c74

Does the person on the other side of the door sound like the conductor? One way or another I don't like how they're whispering for what should be for them no real reason. Don't open the door, at least without more information.
No. 1100546 ID: 441914

Hmm. The whispering IS a little odd. On the other hand, we WERE expecting the conductor. Speaking of, we should perhaps have seen this coming; I think we'll need to wake up Pesh and Tesh whether it's the conductor or an impostor. Say "one moment" and go wake up Pesh and Tesh; and while you're at it ask your wiretap if anything seems amiss abt the conductor being there, like if they were recently seen halfway across the train or st.
No. 1100548 ID: 04e6e3
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>Does the person on the other side of the door sound like the conductor?
Disregarding the imperfect quality of the intercom system, she does sound like her.

"Why are you whispering?"
>"You're whispering too, aren't you?"
"Yes, but..." I trail off, not wanting to get in a weird argument about when it is or is not appropriate to whisper. As a newcomer, perhaps she knows better anyway.

I see a camera option on my door's panel, and sure enough it turns on the door camera pointed outwards. That looks like the conductor, and I move the camera left and right. No one else appears to be with her in the hall walkway.

"One moment, please."
>"Of course."
No. 1100549 ID: 04e6e3
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I was thinking the conductor might have done her search without waking Pesh and Tesh, but perhaps I'll have to wake the girls up regardless. But first, I'll double check with Tegge to be certain this is expected.

"Hello, Tegge?" I whisper again just loud enough for the microphone to comfortably catch my voice. "The conductor is here asking to check my ticket. Is it safe to let her in?"

... I speak a little louder.

"This is Reneil, come in. Tegge?... Riffit?"

Oh no, there's no response.
No. 1100550 ID: 273c18

A single person during a crisis? Let her in, force memory read her. If she's legit then tell her something dangerous might be happening soon and to get to shelter. If she's an enemy then get some info and... I don't know, memory alter her so it seems like the room was empty, maybe?
No. 1100551 ID: 273c18

Also, do not absorb the big energy until you are ACTIVELY under threat. We don't know right now.
No. 1100558 ID: 441914

Hmm. Well, SOMETHING's afoot. My guess is that if this were an enemy, the door wouldn't ACTUALLY matter, so wake up the twins (and tell them something's afoot) and might as well open the door. But keep your distance, and keep an eye open for any funny business - both from the conductor and from e.g. the windows or st.
No. 1100559 ID: 944db4

You have more power than expected now and your card for having it. Also the big cache of energy if things go south. Open up and let them in and lets see what happens. Maybe some covert memory spying if needed.
No. 1100560 ID: 6c233e

that won't work unless she is very weak in will or energy.

Ask if the conductor can come back later because your companions are sleeping. If she says no, at least you'll have a minute to stall while you go to wake them.
No. 1100562 ID: 273c18

"after departing" means during the train ride. Also the conductor made another announcement saying she'd come by and check. So as far as we know she's legit.
No. 1100563 ID: 19973a

Wake Pesh and Tesh and get their help to try and get a read on her energy levels, if she's over the legal limit then you should very much be worrying.
No. 1100564 ID: 273c18

I mean yeah, forcing won't work if she's got any decent energy levels, but as a simple conductor can we expect her to? Eh, maybe using the badge would persuade her to lower her guard and let us into her mind...

Oh, if we wake up one of the twins they'll be able to sense the conductor's power level. If it's suspiciously high then we might be justified in using the big energy to knock her out and mindread her to find out what's going on. Also if it's especially weak we could just force it without using the big energy. If it's normal level then I guess just let her do her conductor business.
No. 1100565 ID: 273c18

Present day Pillet: Do you have any idea what number your power level is at? I hope the memory has some means for you to estimate how strong you are compared to Shuzenza...
No. 1100568 ID: 04e6e3
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>Present day Pillet: Do you have any idea what number your power level is at?
[ Nope. Any tech we had to measure ourselves was lost. And honestly, I'm cool with that. Technique, skill, and tricks are a bigger factor than raw energy, and energy sensing will do just fine for judging any worthwhile disparities between two people's power. ]

I turn the lights back to full illumination and poke Pesh, then nudge her.

>"Mngh." She grabs onto my arm and pulls me down. She's surprisingly slow and hard to wake.
"I'm sorry, Pesh, but the conductor wants to see our tickets. I'm going to let her in."
>"Errrgh.. hang on." She keeps her grip on my and uses me to help pull herself upright. "Did everyone else get stronger? You came outta that alley strong as heck, and that... oh, I guess it makes sense the conductor is stronger too."
"Is she?"
>"Yeah, like a double civilian. Don't make such a worried face, it's standard for... " Pesh is interrupted by a big yawn. "Train officials." She nudges Tesh with her tail until she's waking up with a similar yawn.
>"Is the internet back?" Tesh asks.
"It is, but the conductor needs to check our tickets first." To that, Tesh gives a deflated sigh.

It was already a stretch, but there's no chance I can brute force the conductor's memories. An energy level of approximately 400 is far too much, and I won't absorb the big canister just to do so.

In case something goes wrong, I keep my hand in my pocket to both cover the canister and be ready to break it if necessary.
No. 1100569 ID: 04e6e3
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I let the conductor in.

>"Thank you, thank you. Please allow me to see those tickets and IDs."

Keeping one hand over the canister, I use the other to put my agent badge and the ticket on the bed for Kara to grab so I can keep my distance.

>"Agent Reneil, happy to have you aboard. And you two?"
>"Right, right." Pesh says, and fishes out their bag that they left in the nightstand. I keep my distance, but Kara moves around the bed and takes their tickets and IDs. I watch carefully as she scans our tickets using her own energy. Something seems weird about the way it's done, but Pesh and Tesh don't make any indication that any of this is out of the norm.

The conductor quickly searches under the bed, in a sliding closet I didn't know existed, and in the dresser for any stowaways.

>"And that is that!"
>"Haha, you sound like checking rooms is hard. Is it?" Pesh asks.
>"Oh I've just never had to check for tickets and stowaways so rigorously before, and this was the final room. Let me just move this drawer back in place."
"Kara?" I ask from behind.
"As an agent, I'd like to scan you." I feel bad not being so forthcoming even for a Klivanian, but I feel justified enough. "Would you mind yielding your energy for me?"
>"Hm? Oh... I've never heard of a scan like that but okay, since I just finished checking tickets."
"Okay. Please keep your back turned."

I carefully approach her at the drawer still with one hand on the canister, while the other reaches for her head.
No. 1100570 ID: 04e6e3
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[ She yields, and I go to the first memory that comes to her mind. ]

20 years ago

>"See? You can turn it on, and it'll move on its own! Do you like your father's present, Kara?"


>"Haha, careful, dear! It's rather fragile, I think."

[ She does not change much throughout her childhood. Or really her adulthood, either. She only gets a layer of professionalism and calmness that overlays her love of trains as she grows up. Many people in her life were supportive, if jealously wishing they could love anything as much as this woman loved trains. Even now she intends to continue doing this for the rest of her life. ]


[ I don't know if I have ever seen a memory as formative as this one. I skim through the rest of her memories. ]
No. 1100571 ID: 04e6e3
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It's a shame she was born here on Klivania with such a promising amount of dedication to a single craft, only to suffer their short lifespans. In any case, I can't detect much wrong here. She's acted slightly more casual and off-script during this ride than usual, but I must be careful thinking that this means anything. Surrounding circumstances have affected this train ride, and it would almost be more suspicious if she acted exactly the same.

>"Are you satisfied, Agent Reneil?"

I can't say I entirely am, but the level of paranoia I'm feeling is making me worry about anything that feels even slightly off. Even though something still doesn't sit right, I can't place what it is and I don't believe that grasping at straws will serve anyone well. Tesh is already on her phone. I wonder if she's loading up the server on her own, as I doubt she and Pesh have the same level of caution I have regarding that.
No. 1100572 ID: 944db4

Well if memories and scans and powers don't show anything off then things are either fine or your mind noticed something off that could count as a normal clue.

Think normal spycraft junk for a lower tech civ. Does she have....

Wrong acent or use wrong words someone from just this planet would not?
Odd things about her uniform or outfit?
Eyes remind you of anyones?
Inocuous things she might have said or done that made you think she was bugging the place during her inspection?
Brands of makeup/colone they would not have on this planet/area?

If you can't quickly think of one of those she is probably fine and wish her on her way. You might just be wanting to get a handful of that nice train conductor booty instead of having to rub her head.
No. 1100574 ID: 273c18

I think the conductor is legit. Only possible pitfall now is that an enemy could interrogate the conductor to find out if anyone on the train (such as you) acted strange.
Tell her to not mention the scan to anyone.
No. 1100578 ID: 441914

Well, aside from
mundane things (which is a good point, I suspect having mind scanning available would make both sides of a conflict forget about the normal things), everything seems on the up and up. Either she's normal or they've done a real good job hiding whatever is weird, so unless you can pinpoint something I'm not sure it's worth causing a fuss. Do look at the badges after and ask Pesh and Tesh if they know why the badge scan looked weird.
No. 1100579 ID: ffdd3d

Damn she's cute at heck.
No. 1100585 ID: 04e6e3
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What could it be that makes me uneasy? I'll look over the room to make sure it's not bugged, as she could easily have done so if desired.

But beyond that, every little detail she has is either perfectly normal, or almost perfectly so. Her accent matches well, her uniform fits Tesh's near forgotten experiences, and no physical elements of her implies anything from off planet.

What's equally important is that even if something didn't line up, what would I do about it? Apprehend her because her eyes are similar to the color of Pillet's fur? That she said a couple of words strangely? No, I'll treat her as though she's legitimate, even if my guard remains up. No reason to cause a fuss.

I realize I've been staring at her up and down for a second too long to be polite.

"Yes, thank you for allowing that. Please don't mention the scan to anyone else."
>"Sure thing. If that's all I can help with, then make yourselves comfortable. There will be an open breakfast in one hour, and the first 30 dollars of food are free. I'd personally recommend being in the observation car in four hours when we break through the fog. Until then, there's a notebook in the drawer explaining the room's amenities. Many of them are hidden, like the closet."

With that, Kara bows and takes her leave.
No. 1100586 ID: 04e6e3
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>"Free food!" Pesh is quick to get excited about food for such a thin girl.
"Didn't you get enough to eat before the train ride?"
>"Huh? I mean, yeah I guess I did, but it wasn't free!"
>"I want to check out the lounge." Tesh clicks at Pesh, putting her phone away.
>"We're going to go check the train out, Reneil. You're welcome to join us if you don't wanna hang out with your agent buddies, haha, just don't interrogate us!"
"Ah, I won't. By the way, did you catch anything when Kara scanned our tickets and ID?" I hold mine up, but nothing seems amiss.
>"Catch anything?"
"That energy she used, something seemed weird about how it was done, but I can't place my finger on it."
>"Nope? That was a normal scan to check for counterfeits. You look pretty fazed, you sure you don't need to take your coat off or something?"
No. 1100587 ID: dfa46e

Mention everything seemed suspiciously normal and you'll strip if they do first. Also do whatever you normally do to exit an illusion, I guess.
No. 1100588 ID: 441914

"I don't think so, just normal agent paranoia. *vague smile*" Have they already checked the server?

I'm still not sure what's weird, nor what to do about it - like...you're not asleep or st? Nobody's attacking your mind while you're actually still meditating in your room or st?
No. 1100589 ID: 441914

Crossing my fingers we're not all missing a set of glaring clues, Lagotrope counting down the panels until everything goes terribly wrong, haha.
No. 1100590 ID: 944db4

Did she scan it the same way our people or the hidden people do and not the locals?

Take off coat.
No. 1100591 ID: 273c18

Did the name of the train match her hat? Que-line?
Also, we know the twins had their stuff scanned, but did you check your *own* clothes and belongings for tracking energy or even regular bugs? You got some new clothes recently.
>check for counterfeits
Huh, that probably would look weird. Ask how the counterfeit scan works exactly, how does it find counterfeits? Anyway, you checked her memories. There's no way she could have acted on instructions without the memory of those instructions, so if anything was weird it would've been someone else somehow puppeting her or hijacking her energy or other advanced energy technique to allow them to involve themselves in her actions without being there.

After you're done checking yourself out and checking the tickets again, you can ask the twins to look at the server data.
No. 1100593 ID: 441914

Sorry for the triple post.
Going back through posts, back to shortly before we boarded the train, here's things I notice.
1. The conductor didn't give us our free snacks! Not sure how much to attribute to that.
2. She mentioned a notebook describing the room's "hidden amenities", maybe look at that briefly.
3. Oh - still no sign of Tegge and co.? That's weird, right? Maybe seek out one of the plainclothes agents that were described to you and (discreetly) see if they know what's up.
4. Is it normal for the conductor to show up without the aforementioned "security detail"; do they just come when called?

Aside from that...dunno! *shrug* If nothing else turns up anything, I guess explore the train with these two? Don't forget Tegge said not to be by yourself, which seems like good advice.
No. 1100594 ID: 04e6e3
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"Do you know how scanning tickets with energy works, exactly?"
>"Nope, that technique's restricted for obvious reasons."
"Right, uh, one moment. Maybe I'll strip if you strip."
>"Haha, we like you but don't know you that well! But that'd be a heck of a story, so I'm seriously tempted." Pesh laughs.

Hmm. I double check my mentality to make certain I'm not in an illusion. Though I do not know the exact science, I have been trained in a technique to calibrate my mind with my true surroundings. It looks like I am still in reality, and to the best of my awareness, I am still in control of my mind. If I am in some kind of dream and I'm unable to tell or break out at this point, it's unlikely I can do so at all. I doubt this is the case.

I check my clothes and the rest of the room as I continue thinking. The amenities are just things like coat racks, ironing boards, nothing out of the norm.

>Compare hat name with train name
Que-line is the name of both. I feel it is some kind of awkward portmanteau? I would love to find out, but not right now. Same as the free snacks we weren't handed out! Kara showing up alone also wasn't suspicious, as security details on trains - according to Tesh's memories - tend to only show up as needed.

Stripping was my attempt a joke, though maybe I should take my coat off. It is just in the company of these two, so at worst they'll make fun of me for my terrible judgement of klivanian fashion.

I'm at a loss. I should go see Tegge or one of the plainclothes agents, because I still haven't heard anything on the comms. But since I'm here, I turn back to the twins.

"More seriously, Tesh, have you checked the server?"

She makes a confused face, then taps her phone to speak to me.

"Yes? The server you had your bugs send data to."

Pesh makes a confused face next.

>"Heyyyy, you know we're not PICK agents like you, right? We're just plain old civilians who wanted to split the cost of first class with you. Whatever weird spy stuff you're up to, I mean, if you wanted to share sure, but we have no idea what you're talking about!"
No. 1100595 ID: dfa46e

Hmm. Where the fuck could you have gotten separated from the originals?
No. 1100596 ID: 273c18

Are you telling me a memory artificer snuck into your cabin while you were meditating and wiped their memories? It couldn't have been the conductor because she was too weak to do it while they were awake.

I guess look at their memories to see what changes were made. If you can uncover any memories that would allow you to find the server and look at the info yourself, do so. Maybe their phones hold a clue, as well, but if the artificer was able to get in without you noticing then their phones are probably replaced or wiped too.

After all that's done, bring them to one of your agents and explain what happened. If there's no recovering the data then we're truly fucked, exposed and flying blind.
No. 1100597 ID: 6c233e

Could they be putting on an act because they think you're bugged? Maybe they did notice something up with Kara.
No. 1100598 ID: 273c18

...if that's true then how do we verify it without also tripping over the surveillance?
No. 1100603 ID: 273c18

If they're lying to throw off surveillance then taking off your coat is probably something you want to do, since they're suggesting it and know things you don't.
No. 1100605 ID: 441914

Hmm. I think, of the possible options, "Pesh and Tesh are acting like civilians because something's up" is the most likely. (Hopefully mentioning the server didn't already give the game away.) (If they were impostors they'd presumably be trying to play along better rather than stick to a script.) So divesting yourself of your coat is probably the best course for now, though that might mean distancing yourself from the energy canister, unless your non-coat clothes have good pockets.
No. 1100606 ID: 824239

Assume simple stuff like them feeling your vibe and for sure noticing something off about the conductors scanning. Them getting memory edited or swapped is a big leap.

Take your coat off and think on ways of talking without being spied on.
No. 1100607 ID: b6ea64

Seems like a situation where either a memory scan or finding Tegge to get an explanation is going to be our fastest route to getting answers.

Are there any possible dangers in checking Pesh or Tesh's memories, or even asking?
No. 1100608 ID: c17d05

This is exceedingly concerning. Let's... play along for now, but be prepared for things to go south very quickly.
No. 1100615 ID: 3df1ab

Can you have a silent conversation with one of them through the same means as a memory scan?
No. 1100619 ID: debc82


But ... hadn't they checked their taxi-passenger's baggage (we will NOT say the name of Papporon out loud) and found a phone they pulled some data from?

Which we saw in their memories, and so did Tesh? Back at Rycell's?

Or whatever an internet-connected device with data on it is called in Klivanian.
No. 1100621 ID: 8f9bc4

The train conductor is suspicious because she is too perfect. Her memories have been constructed by someone telling a tale, not by messy real life events. So either all of reality is fake right now, or you're dealing with a second memory artificer. They may not even be able to create convincing body doubles; maybe they're just the original. Either way, Pesh and Tesh's memories have been mucked with. As impossible as it seems, one outcome here is just becoming more and more likely.

So your sister somehow faked her death to the Phenocosm and somehow escaped, and somehow made direct physical contact with your friends, with a high enough energy level that she could overwhelm their defenses... without your awareness. And she's trying to keep you from getting involved. To protect you? To lead you into a trap? What could she possibly have done to deserve a secret execution?
No. 1100644 ID: 04e6e3
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The situation is outlandish, but I shouldn't rule out mundane explanations. Perhaps the twins know something is off and are acting like regular civilians in case the room is bugged in ways I didn't notice.

"Can I 'scan' you two, as well?"
>"Uhhh we'd rather not, sorry. Too impersonal, no offense! We've already spoken to you more than we've spoken to every other cop in our life combined."
"You do realize I'm not an actual..." I don't know how much I want to talk if this room did somehow get bugged, but the context alone may finish my sentence reminding them I'm not a real agent. I shouldn't have to, but there is no teasing, playful tone behind her words.

They share a look, and I see a little glint of interest in them after I say that, but also a level of caution from them that I've only seen in Tesh's memories. I noticed that they suggested I take off my coat. While I have no idea what that has to do with anything, I start unbuttoning it just in case they're onto something. That gets their attention.

"And the server? You checked out the phone belonging to the person you met in the taxi and pulled data from it, right?"
>"Uhhhhh..." Pesh watches me start to undress for a moment and stops trying to respond. She then steps forward and firmly puts her hand on mine to stop the process. "Hang on, let Tesh and me grab our coats and we'll leave, then you can cool off."
>"You're acting pretty weird, ya know. We'd love to see what's under there, but not because you've got heat stroke or something. Come on, Tesh."
"But... I'm fine."

I almost ask about the server again, but my statements and queries are being ignored as though I were talking nonsense in my sleep. I can't sense any double meaning or teasing in Pesh's speech either. Brute forcing their memories is not an option while they're awake, but why didn't Tesh let me? Is it possible she didn't catch what I meant by 'scan'? No, she saw me 'scan' Kara by putting my hand on the back of her skull. Even sleep deprived, she knows we could have a telepathic, private conversation if I did so.

Tesh faces me for a moment, and holds her phone up to play a message to me.

>"Feel better soon, Reneil." She puts her phone away and walks away with Pesh.

My coat is only loosened, but the way they leave makes me feel cold. Whenever I was with them and they take the lead, they've swivelled themselves a little bit towards me with their tails swishing in a way to beckon me to follow.

But now they walk with only their backsides in view, and their tails synchronize to each other instead of having that swish. Their body language tells me that I'm not welcome to follow them.

I can't imagine there is a mundane explanation anymore. This is all too wrong. Are these imposters? No, their actions would still make no sense even beyond being at a loss when the swap occurred. Could their memories have been altered? They were awake when I let Kara in. Maybe Kara was too perfect; it is extraordinarily rare for someone's mind to revolve so absolutely around a single concept such as trains.

I'm thinking in circles and I only find more potential possibilities, each as farfetched as the last and all bringing more questions than believable explanations.

Yet no matter what the case may be, these are not the same twins that I have gotten to know. I let them walk away, I can speak to them later if I need to.
No. 1100645 ID: 04e6e3
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I take a moment to calm and cool myself, but no revelations come to me and I did not have heat stroke.

Once I've collected myself enough, I button up my coat all the way again and head down the train cars to see what plainclothes agents I can find. The dining car's kitchen is busy and I have to squeeze by a few cooks, but then I turn the corner just to find a few agents already sitting together at a table. They're far away from the stations I was told they would be around, but I approach them nonetheless.

>"Heyyy, Reneil! What're you doing out here away from your suite?" The purple one, Laxsha, says.
>"Yeah, haha, new agent on the force, and you manage to win the first class ticket lotta, lucky bitch you are." The horned one called Odia says.
>"Language, my guy. There's kids one table over." Pana, the scruffy klivanian, fidgets in her chair.
"Hi, yes." Apparently, these plainclothes agents are not even trying to pretend to be civilians beyond wearing regular clothes. "I haven't heard anything over comms since getting on the train, and no one's responding."
>"Comms?" Odia asks.
"My earpiece?"
>"Heheh. What're you doing with an earpiece already in your ear? We're not on duty until we step off this train. If you need to speak to Tegge, he's in the lounge the next car over."
"... Thanks."
No. 1100646 ID: 04e6e3
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Tegge is easily spotted sitting alone by a window.

"Hi, Tegge."
>"Reneil, was it?"
"That's correct. Is it also correct that there has been no communication through my earpiece?"
>"Yeah. Keep your earpiece on hand just in case, but we won't be using them so long as the train ride goes smoothly."
"Are we expecting trouble?"
>"No, but the world's in a state of chaos. You graduated recently and your training wasn't busywork. Even when we're not on duty, you're going to stay alert so long as you're on our payroll. Stay alert."
"I see and I will, thank you. And if I asked about accessing a server of Tesh's, would you know what I'm talking about?"
>"No. Who?"
"Nothing, just checking. Nevermind."

He gives me a weird look, but I leave before he pulls me into a line of conversation that will clash against our mismatched perceptions of reality.
No. 1100647 ID: 04e6e3
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I go back to my room to lay down and think. I feel I've woken up in a deep hole without knowing when or how I fell in. The big canister feels heavy against my waist. There remains no sufficient evidence to use it. The evidence required may be locked away in other people's heads, which I can only paradoxically get by breaking the canister.

Ah, but that may not be entirely true. Whatever was in Tesh's server can be accessed. I don't need Tesh's permission; I already have her memories on how to enter the server.
No. 1100648 ID: c17d05

...hrm. The anti-sleep meditation you were doing, is there any way someone can interfere with it or manipulate it somehow? You implied your awareness would be reduced, and I'm wondering if that could have been used as an opening to do something to you.

I suspect you've been had, perhaps for a while, but why would they do this? I don't know. Maybe they're trying to bait you into doing something rash or desperate, to make you blow your cover to the point of being unable to salvage it.

My opinion, try to keep a level head, figure out what you figure out. And honestly... worst comes to worst, wait out the train ride. Don't flinch first, basically. If you've been had, you've been had, all that 20k can would do is let you make a last stand.
No. 1100650 ID: 273c18

Alright, there's another possible explanation. Sound control. Someone is altering audible communication. This means what you hear isn't reliable and you can't rely on other people hearing what you say properly. This means you can try using written communication to talk to the twins to find out if they're really refusing to talk about the server, and you can properly report the loss of communication in your earpiece.

Do you even need Tesh's phone to access the server? Do it yourself if you can.
No. 1100653 ID: debc82


While it seems improbable that the server situation did not happen, I'm suspecting someone on the "security" detail may have nailed all the PICK agents to create a false perception of what they're doing and why they're here.

The inconsistencies are far too dramatic to account for our mismatched experiences.

That said, how reliable is anti-sleep meditation at perceiving our surroundings during it? Could someone have snuck in while we were semi-conscious and altered Pesh and Tesh's memories when they were most vulnerable, but did not wish to risk brute-forcing ours?
No. 1100654 ID: df45e0

Well so far nothing you have seen or done can't be explained away by the twins and Tegge just being super paranoid and politely reminding you to stay with the cover story because its not safe to talk openly.

So if you are in a dream being controlled or some other energy power that is confusing things then you need to prove it in a way that won't break your cover in a bad way.

Remember that breaking our cover in the wrong ways is the biggest worry. So just be very subtle about what happens next.

Think on what sort of mental powers you know of that could be befuddling you/everyone else.

Memory manipulation: Perhaps? Pillet worries are possible but she could be removed from the game already and its only our own paranoia. If you had 20k power and were the conductor/someone on train running around swapping memories how could/would you do it? Also for what aim exactly?

Dream control: If that's a thing gotta break out of dream with out revealing anything important. Could you have been caught napping? Still asleep perhaps while someone sneaks around manipulating the dream to try and get info? Hiding behind the faces of the people you know?

General brain stuff/drug master: Is that a thing? Are you just really really high and being brain burgled?

Train powers! What if the train lady has super train powers that only work on people on a train! She could be train messing with you! Have a whole railroad plot all ready to run you through and find your secrets with her train powers!

Clones/fakes: What if mice are shoved up in the secret closet and those two you talked to were changlings/the things! Pretending to be people to sneak info.

My suggestion for how to deal with all of this, is to think very hard on all the possibilities and then push at the walls of things a bit. If this is a mind trap/something is fucky lets see how interesting it will get if you go off the plot a bit? Go start a strip poker game with other agents while wasting time. Go bother mice with no coat on. Make a meal in the food car and go bother the train driver. Get more info and see if anyone acts way out of character.
No. 1100680 ID: 04e6e3
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The anti-sleep meditation lowered my focus, but no more than if I were simply focusing on reading a book or shutting my eyes. At worse, it's simply like being drowsy but still awake. While my attention was diverted during that half hour, I would still have noticed the door sliding open or any other significant stimuli.

Laying here is giving me further ideas of what could be possible. Sound alteration certainly exists, and a skilled person could completely rewrite audible conversations. However, their replacement words would mismatch against the mouth movements of those I've been speaking to.

Knocking someone out and placing them in a perceived dream reality is also possible. That is also a forbidden technique called dream infliction. Inflictors are almost as rare as memory artificers, not because the skill is just as dangerous and restricted, but because its use case scenario is much more limited in scope. I do not even know what real purpose they serve.

Drugs? Aumstail certainly liked them, but her methods seemed like a perverse hobby rather than something skilled. Such drugs could easily be altering my perception, but for what purpose? When would I have gotten intoxicated?

I could keep going. I will if I need to, but I have everything I need to get information before I begin pushing at all the different possibilities. If Tesh's server doesn't yield anything, then I will go back through the train's areas to see just how odd everyone is acting.

First thing is first, I will spend the time to access Tesh's data.
No. 1100681 ID: 04e6e3
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Due to the way she set this server up, her phone and a couple other devices I don't have access to already have keys to allow quick connection, but Tesh included a back door featuring a lot of personal information and passwords that she remembered well. I seek that information out within her memories, and go through the rigorous process of entering the server.

It takes nearly an hour, and I find myself nearly hold my breath as the connection is finally granted.
There are few text messages of notes, but I see one long audio file that is being regularly appended with new data from his phone. I open this up and skip ahead to a marked spot in the file where he first made a call.

There's static for a moment, then I hear Paporron's voice.

>"H-Hart?" It's Paporron's voice.
>"What's up?" And that sounds like Hart, but far more upbeat and casual than the stiff person I was escorted by.
>"We have a problem, they're going to test the body double with a memory artificing test. What do I do?"
>"Stick to the plan. I figured there was a chance of that, so I've prepped a bubble. I'm coming."
>"Okay, hey, um...... Hart?"
>"Can I ask something?"
>"Go for it."
>"I understand wanting to cover for Aelsaw, that makes sense, but why use Gel? It seems like it's been one big headache for you, and I thought Aelsaw was just going to report to the phenocosm while in Varther's custody anyway."
>"It's been awhile since I infiltrated the fleet, and they don't make it easy to hitch a ride. I wanted Aelsaw to go up there in person so that the next time I read her memories I get a better idea of what's going on over there. She wouldn't get that if she spent the whole week cooped up in Varther's basement."
>"And I didn't want to be cooped up in Varther's apartment for a week either pretending to be Gel pretending to be her pretending to be me. With any luck, she'd have taken the week off and poked around Shuzenza's flagship and find out more general info."
>"But you said you sensed her come back to the planet immediately?"
>"Yeah, it backfired! You're fine." 'Hart' says. "There was no luck at all! It all slid downhill fast! I knew she was a workaholic, but I didn't think she'd fly right back down! I should've just taken her and kept a straight face in front of her workaholic husband. Now it's a mess, but it's not fucked, not yet. The founders won't be able to find the phenocosm with the tools they're using, but I'm going to make sure they keep searching to make sure the phenocosm stays dark long enough for me to put an end to this. Me doing things out in the open is going to get dicey, but I don't see much of an alternative. I'll call you in 15 minutes when I'm there."
No. 1100682 ID: 04e6e3
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About 20 minutes later, Paporron got a call. I play that as I sit upright.

>"It's Hart. Are you in a spot you can talk privately?"
>"Yeah... yeah. There are some PICK agents here, they're kind of giving us trouble."
>"That's fine. I've knocked Gel unconscious, and I'm ready to be seen. 2nd basement, north wing, office room 2. Just walk past the agents."
>"Okay. How did you get so good at soul seeing? I mean, it's not a surprise you're better than me, but still!"
>"It's not as much vibes and mystery magic as they'd like you to believe. They don't want people knowing the full science of a soul. And trust me, it's for good reason. I'll teach you some tricks to sense souls through walls later."
>"But you seem to be able to do more than just sense them."
>"I'm not teaching you anything that isn't seeing. Soul artificing should not exist."
>"R-right. Aelsaw's not making much of a mess back in Winterheight, is she?"
>"So far no, they at least had the sense to give her a different body. I've been tailing her with a minidrone, and she's just chatting up some nefarious mice."
>"Nefarious mice?"
>"Low level, detached founder agents. Ones that nearly fucked everything up! They have no idea what they screwed with."
>"Pesh and Tesh?"
>"Wait, you met them? God, you didn't play their favorite game of thousand questions, did you?"
>"N-no, I was vague. They were just looking for Aelsaw - that is, they called her 'Ellie' - and happened to be in the cab that took me to the airport."
>"Right. Ah, heck, I'm listening in on them. Aelsaw's openly reading their memories? Wait, is she going to adopt them? Fuck, those lucky rats are going to live as long as they want. Whatever, that's enough chitchat. Let's wrap this up. Come on over and tell 'em I'm Pillet."

There's another call. The timestamp is about a minute after I read Tesh's memories.

More static, and then -

>"Think! You said you met Pesh and Tesh, was there any chance that they could have put spyware on your phone?!"
>"Hm? I don't - er." Paporron makes a choking noise. "Th-they seemed nice, th - "
>"What happened. Tell me, slowly, with your words."
>"I... left my luggage with them - "
>"FUCK. Throw the phone in the trash!"
>"Wha - "
>"Don't! Say! Anything! Destroy the phone, now!"

There's a pause, then I flinch as a sharp noise of metal being shredded apart occurs next to the microphone not intended to record such a noise. That's the end of Tesh's data.


Ack - my phone's ringing. Caller ID says... Kara Lograss?
No. 1100684 ID: 3df1ab

Wow, that raises a lot of questions at the same time.

Including, why is the audio file still being appended to if the phone was destroyed hours ago?
No. 1100685 ID: df45e0

Huh. So is this mysterious Hart Pillet who has been training and manipulating things from behind the scenes and learned some other powers from her boy toy? Or some new dangerous threat? Regardless it seems like someone got moved to big action and started taking out the sisters and anyone else with access to these calls.

You know what you should absorb that big energy canister now. Those call logs are scary and you need to be scarier now.

Do it before or while you answer the call.
No. 1100688 ID: c17d05

This is... something. So, we know we've been had, that's confirmed. Hart and Paporron don't want the founders to know about your real identity, seemingly because they have their own agenda? I think that's our only saving grace right now, so don't go loud.

Soul artificing, the implications are disturbing but that'd explain why you looked like Pillet after you were killed, and potentially why you look like her now, beyond appearance drift over time.

Don't use the can, that closes off subtle options. Just... answer the phone. We're no longer in control of the situation, only thing we can do right now is to observe and look for an opening.
No. 1100690 ID: 273c18

Okay, so Hart is a memory artificer, and a strong one. Strong enough to beat you in a fight. I think we know what happened, then. Hart ambushed you on this train, and rewrote the twins' memories to erase the knowledge of the phone bug. He also erased your memories of being ambushed, but you were somehow able to hide everything else... maybe thanks to your energy boost.
...wait, Paporron is going to teach Hart soul sensing too? I wasn't aware it was possible to acquire multiple disciplines like that. Paporron might be creating a monster... he's so naive.

Anyway, now we know what's really going on. Tempting to use the energy capsule right away, but... I think Hart was only able to ambush you because the twins were asleep. Stick with them and they'll be able to sense him coming, which will let you use the capsule legally.
No. 1100691 ID: 273c18

Hmm, Kara is the conductor. Why not answer it? But move towards the twins while doing so.
No. 1100692 ID: 273c18

...OH. Paporron and Hart let you keep the memory of the server because they wanted you to know they've gone rogue?
No. 1100694 ID: 441914

My current expectation is that Kara is a front, somehow - not sure how. I expect we'll find out soon. Keep your hand on the vial.

The one other thing - Hart mentioned prepping a bubble. Does that mean anything to anyone else? Without actually knowing, it makes me think of like, a bubble of reality or st - maybe he can swap out sections of reality with another altered in some way?? Wild speculation, but SOMETHING weird is going on, and "your local reality is now different" would explain why, uh, everything seems different. And perhaps the general sense of unease.
No. 1100700 ID: 3df1ab

Well at least now you know the mission as initially specified is FUBAR: Paporron and "Hart" knew from the start you couldn't possibly be Pillet, and you can bet Hart scanned you the moment you were sedated.
They've been humoring you this whole time, but for some reason hiding this from their allies?

...unless this whole conversation is also part of the illusion you may or may not be trapped in.
No. 1100714 ID: 04e6e3
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>Why is the audio file still being appended to if the phone was destroyed hours ago?
That *is* odd.

... Oh, nevermind, it's nothing. The database is just filling in placeholder silence waiting for further bug data that isn't coming. That's a strange way to do it, but Tesh knew about this design flaw.

This log *is* unnerving, but I won't use the canister yet. If or when I do, several people or possibly just everyone will detect me. I hold it tightly in my coat.

The thought that Hart is a memory artificer... it's absurd, but I have been given the knowledge that the reports of Pillet being missing were lies, as I was then told she was executed. And if she is alive and here, then those are outright wrong. My trust on this matter cannot be 100% anymore, but even then, it is absurd to me that Hart, a random Klivanian, is a memory artificer who simply ferries people.

I would sooner believe that either Pillet or some dangerous new threat is posing as Hart for whatever reason.

>Paporron is going to teach Hart soul sensing too?
I believe the other way - Hart - or whoever he is - would teach Paporron about improving his craft of soul seeing. This implied that Hart knows soul seeing better than Paporron.

Soul artificing is not something I like the sound of, but it may have been what was used to make me look like Pillet even after I resurrected. For what purpose, I don't know.

>I wasn't aware it was possible to acquire multiple disciplines like that.
It is, but it's phenocosm law that any practioner of a restricted skill cannot learn another restricted skill.

... If Hart is Pillet, and the phenocosm knew Pillet learned soul and memory artificing, then that would start explaining why she was public enemy number 1. Those are not skills any one person should have.

>Hart mentioned a bubble
In the context of the conversation, I think it was a travel bubble. It's a non-restricted travel technique for those with relatively high energy to form a bubble with preloaded propulsion levels. It can be used to protect oneself from the elements while not requiring constant focus and energy on standard flight. An invisible version of it is what Zanthe placed me in to extract me from Klivania.
No. 1100715 ID: 04e6e3
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>Hart ambushed you on this train, and rewrote the twins' memories to erase the knowledge of the phone bug. He also erased your memories of being ambushed, but you were somehow able to hide everything else maybe thanks to your energy boost. Paporron and Hart let you keep the memory of the server because they wanted you to know they've gone rogue?
Even if Hart's energy vastly outscaled mine, it would have taken time to rewrite my memories. Perhaps he knocked me unconscious first to make it quick, but there are no signs of a fight or of lingering injury or energy usage on my person even now.

But if he did get access to my memories, then by that point I would not have been able to hide anything. Any of my memories could have been removed if this is the case - perhaps he did not have time? I'm speculating too deeply now.

It's too many questions, and the phone is ringing a third time. I answer.

"Reneil speaking?"
>"Hello, this is the train conductor. I've been asked to deliver a message. An anonymous person of interest is requesting that you walk to the very back of the train's cargo wagon line and get on the roof any time between now and 5 PM. Normally this is unacceptable, but I can't stop this. I'm unable to get any of the security agents to help. I'm sorry. She'll be waiting for you on the roof, but asks that you do anything you'd like to do on the train before showing up."
"And if I don't?"
>"If you don't show up by 5 PM, then she'll be coming for you instead."
"Who is 'she'?"
>"I'm not... able to say."
No. 1100719 ID: 273c18

Tell her you're sorry she got caught up in this.
Might as well go immediately, we've got nothing else to do and it seems Hart is helping you for some reason so we should probably find out why.
No. 1100720 ID: df45e0

Is probably best to leave the mice. Giving them any memories would just hurt them and your side knows of your intentions to take them along later. Pillet or Hart or whoever has gone to some effort to reset those around you.

So keep your power canister close and go meet her up top.
No. 1100721 ID: 441914

Anything we should do before going? Lay some traps, cache something useful? ...Free food? Dunno what traps/caches, really, and it feels like whoever is behind this has pretty firm control of things, so they might be watching you, but it still feels bad to walk into sb else's arranged meeting without anything up your sleeve (canister notwithstanding). Unless we're entirely conceding the upper hand, I suppose.
No. 1100724 ID: c17d05

The only thing I can think of is to leave a hidden message somehow to explain what may potentially be your sudden disappearance to the phenocosm agents, but... whoever's behind this is showing an terrifying amount of control over the situation, through mental means rather than physical at least.

It'll need to be something that'll get discovered after whatever mind screwing is over or not actively being watched, maybe under a pillow, or in Pesh or Tesh's coat if they've left them here.

The domino were already set up, now it's time to see how they fall, I think.
No. 1100731 ID: 6c233e

If you have access to Tesh's server maybe leave a message there. Whoever's setting this all up might over look it because they think the server's done receiving.
No. 1100745 ID: 441914

That seems like a good idea. Leave instructions for them or something. Don't forget to thoroughly log out. Though...the adversary can probably pull login info from the twins' memories. Hmm. Are you able to erase your own memory that you left a message? Would it do any good?
No. 1100751 ID: 53560f

…we aren’t likely to survive much longer on our own terms… let’s go get something to eat, maybe chat up some regular people for a little while. We have time.
Also, for the sake of paranoia, do you still have the canister? It’s genuine and not replaced with a fake or just outright gone? “She” obviously knows about it, seeing as how tegge got got, but I want to know what options we have left.
No. 1100832 ID: 04e6e3
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"I'm sorry you got caught up in this."
>"Don't worry about me, it's just part of the job." I think she's exaggerating, but perhaps more than she knows.
"Goodbye, then."

We hang up. I thought of heading towards the mice, but perhaps I'll leave them as is. I still intend to take them back to the phenocosm with me, but the only thing I can do right now is to see what happens when I give Tesh's real memories back to her. This can be unpredictable depending on what happened to her, and even if it works, Pesh would be left in the dark. It's an awkward situation, and even more awkward to deal with right now.

I think until further evidence comes, I will simply assume that I am heading to meet Pillet. Walking into an enemy's location at their own request is not an ideal move, but I feel that she's gotten a firm handle on the situation. I take a brief meditative break to


top off on rest.

I just realized that I've been feeling and holding onto the canister, but that I haven't seen it since I placed it in my coat. I slide what I expect is the canister out of my inner lining, and... good, it's still here. I'm almost surprised it wasn't taken somehow.

Once I'm ready, I start my walk through the train.

>"Hey, new girl, you still look restless. Take a seat." Odia says.
"Okay." I was planning on walking straight there, but I just don't feel like rushing into something I may not survive.

I chat with them awhile longer. It would be easier if I knew how their minds were altered, but they don't grill me for information, they simply chat about their favorite vacation spots. Once again I lean on Tesh's memories so that I am not clueless to Klivanian geography.
No. 1100833 ID: 04e6e3
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I pass through the lounge. Tegge looks up, but we simply nod to one another. I spot more plainclothes agents through the following coach cars, and people are exclusively using the observation car as a lounge due to the lack of visibility out there.

Kara is here. She's showing some card tricks to a child between a gap in the benches.

>"Mmm, you pulled out a blue seven."
>"Whaaa?! How?!" The child asks, upon having the face of their card guessed correctly. Kara laughs.
>"A good magician never reveals their tricks! But if you want, I can be blindfo - ah, job's calling, just a moment!" She stands up fully and faces me. "Reneil, are you heading to the back already?"
"I'm making my way through slowly, but I'm not hurrying."
>"Good. Can you help me with this? I think the boy thinks I'm cheating!"
"... Okay."
>"Okay, Hegander!" She faces the boy. "This is Reneil, a kind lady who's going to help me do some tricks."
>"But what if I want to help?"
>"Then you won't get to see so well!"

I did not expect to get waylayed by being volunteered into Kara's magic show. The audience seems to be growing some, and I be a good sport about magic tricks played at my expense. She pokes her hand into my empty pockets, and my hand fully compresses around my canister to protect it. She notices this for just long enough for me to notice her detecting that.

Then she pulls out a cooking pan through means I fail to understand. Her other hand reveals an egg that she cracks open. Energy is used to heat the pan up, and the egg white sizzles.

>"Waiiit a second, you're a growing boy, you need two eggs, don't you?"
"But you only have one?"
>"I think we can get two yolks out of this egg!"

She holds up the egg. It's whole again. She cracks it again and a second yolk comes out. Did she swap it? I saw the egg the entire time.

Kara had memories that expressed a casual interest in magic tricks for entertaining some guests. However, what she is doing now is far beyond what she learned.
No. 1100834 ID: 04e6e3
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Kara thanks me, eliciting a round of applause for my participation. I'm left to go through the sleeper car. Beyond this point is staff only, but I noticed the door is unlocked. I go through one, then the next.

The little chime of the train's intercom plays.

>"Hello, this is your conductor speaking. This is a reminder that all unauthorized passengers must remain out of the cargo wagon area. If the two unauthorized individuals who have entered will kindly return to the passenger cars, no fines will be administered, thank you."

Two cars later, and I see Pesh and Tesh sheepishly creeping back the way I came.

"Ah, so it was you two Kara was talking about. What were you doing here?"
>"Would you believe snooping?" Pesh says.
"I would."
>"'Cause we were. We're returning." Tesh's phone says.
"Good. And I'm feeling much better, I'm sorry for those weird things I said before."
>"Haha, you must have forgotten to put pants on under the coat if you wear it so much!"
"I didn't forget, I just... nevermind. The dining car was getting pretty crowded, so you'd both better head over there before the free food runs out."
>"Oh, heck! Okay thanks - you are actually supposed to do something here right? You're not just being weird again?"
"No, no, I'm here at the request of Kara. You can ask her yourself if you like."
>"Okay, okay."

Each of them pat my shoulder as we squeeze by one another.
No. 1100835 ID: 04e6e3
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About 10 cars later, I've made it. I sense her. She's not much stronger than a civilian, but I have no doubt that she's suppressing her energy well.

I stop short of entering the final car and instead climb up the ladder to scale the roof. I can feel the train's shakiness as I climb, and I wonder how in the world regular civilians are supposed to work like this.
No. 1100836 ID: 04e6e3
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I form a light shield around myself to prevent the snow from sticking on me. I see a figure up ahead with their back turned.
No. 1100837 ID: 04e6e3
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She turns.

"Kara? I didn't see or sense you pass me."
>"Like I said, a magician never reveals her tricks. How've you been, Aelsaw?"
"I'm talking to Pillet, right?"
>"Yep. In the flesh."
"What did you do with Kara?"
>"Hey, that wasn't a rhetorical question, girl! How have you been?"
"Oh. I've been busy in unusual ways. Perhaps I'm in over my head."
"But you, sister! What have you done to get on the number one most wanted list?"
>"'Sister'? We've drifted a little far to keep calling each other that, haven't we?"
"The last three centuries of having you gone are little compared to the millenia we spent together."
>"And it started with me leaving the artificers. If you want to know why I was the most wanted, ask the phenocosm! I didn't put myself up there, hell, the last few centuries I was laying low. Biding my time, learning things the slow way, enjoying being able to get a breath of fresh air without the express permission of three different officials. And it was going great right up until Paporron told me about some insane shitheads that wanted to make a subdimension with or without an artificer. My words, not his. It lit a fire under my ass. We've obviously got to stop them."
"Wait, you want to stop them?"
>"Absolutely. Our interests line up there. I almost tipped the phenocosm off early and anonymously just so they could deal with it themselves before it reached this stage. But I saw an opportunity for myself. So I came."
"Opportunities, such as?"
>"I'll tell you when one of us kicks the other's ass. And no offense, you're not going to be doing much of the ass kicking when you're sporting the energy level of the average PICK agent."
No. 1100838 ID: eb0a9c

"Guess we're catching up the hard way."
Move to a secure train car. Don't risk falling off the train during a spar.
No. 1100839 ID: c17d05

...she knows that we know that she knows about the energy canister, or at least I think that's a reasonable guess for her to make. So... she's trying to get us to use it? Why?

I'm wary of her just attacking if we stall but I don't want to go loud unnecessarily. Ask if she's sure she wants to do this, say you don't want to fight on top of a train full of civilians, and would rather just talk it out. Maybe hint that you have some sorta of edge? Not sure.

If push comes to shove, use it, but try to avoid that outcome.
No. 1100854 ID: debc82


Regardless of the outcome, let's ... promise to leave Pillet be. Seriously

It might mean going against everything the phenocosm stands for, but she's gotten this far and she IS kind of working in their interests.

It probably won't sway her to offer that, but it feels like the right thing to do.
No. 1100859 ID: 273c18

I guess you have to wait to use the energy capsule until the fight starts?
Wait, shouldn't she be worried about attracting attention? If you two engage in a high energy duel then all the Agents in the train will get involved won't they? Perhaps you two shouldn't fight, even as a spar.

Tell her you're very interested in working with her. You were predicted as the best person for this job, and her presence explains everything. You can swear an unbreakable oath or something to keep her alive-status a secret from the phenocosm if she wants... and you kindof want to find out why she's marked for death in the first place. Hold up, why did she fake her death if she didn't know? Also, HOW did she fake her death?

Current day Pillet: Would the memories look like they did if they were recorded by old Pillet? Like, could old Pillet have... read Aelsaw's memories, then stored her memory of those memories, instead of storing Aelsaw's memories directly? Would that explain how the memories look?
No. 1100864 ID: 19973a

Okay, yeah, that's definitely Pillet. She knows you got the energy canister but instead of taking it she wants you to use it to fight her. She may just be rearing for a fight but it's also likely this is a form of indoctrination. She's probably trying to make you act more reckless so she could make use of you some way since if you broke the energy limit to that degree you might as well break a few other rules. That said I doubt she'd go so far as to try to actively recruit you since she knows full well what your attachments are and established that you aren't sisters, probably because her worldview's changed a whole lot in the past few centuries. No offense but three centuries is a lot of time when your memories aren't being constantly scrubbed clean.

Also, this panel can only be referencing one thing, and I love it.

Current Day Pillet: Well, at the very least the moral dilemma of whether the real you, whichever it is, would want to take down this subdimension is dealt with. It seems that both Aelsaw and Pillet agree on this point. Though this does seem like it's affect your policy towards the Phenocosm when you get out. I guess we'll see based on which Pillet gets stuck in the fog though if it's both we have another problem. Also, the fact that Pillet is able of changing the way a soul thinks it should look means appearance is not a reliable way to know who people once were. Delli could have been anyone now, anyone.
No. 1100871 ID: 734775

Well, that feels a little premature. 1. It assumes we immediately believe her vague statements at face value, and 2. Just because we're working towards the same ends doesn't necessarily mean we want to give her carte blanche. Someone could e.g. be working to achieve world peace, funded by child slavery, and I think many people would object.
No. 1100872 ID: 734775

Oh, edit - I would still be open to considering some kind of truce, though, personally, depending on how things shake out.
No. 1100885 ID: df45e0

Yeah pop the canister and go epic fight your sister. Destiny and all that.
No. 1100897 ID: 3df1ab

Refuse to fight, you have no reason to.
She's trying to goad you into taking the canister, possibly compromising yourself.
No. 1100898 ID: 6bef31

What's the point of fighting if you're both in agreement about the Phenocosm? Tell her to be honest. You deserve at least that.
No. 1100932 ID: b6ea64

Fighting seems a bit pointless at first when we both have the same goals, but given the circumstances working together might be incredibly hard, at least directly. As far the phenocosm is concerned, Pillet's an enemy at this point. Working with us puts herself at a lot higher risk. This might be her testing to see which of you two has what it takes to accomplish the task.

Given who you're up against here, I do not think the phenocosm will judge you harshly for using the capsule. Losing the capsule or all of that energy to Pillet on the other hand would probably earn you quite the scorn and shame. Start absorbing that energy and prove you can do what it takes.
No. 1100936 ID: 53560f

There is no way she went through all this effort just to tell us to keep doing what we’re doing. Something has to be going on that we can’t see and I think she’s trying to bait us to either join her or fight her, though I have no clue why.
No. 1100941 ID: 04e6e3
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>To Present Pillet: Would the memories look like they did if they were recorded by old Pillet?
>Delli could have been anyone now, anyone.
[ Maybe, on both counts. I'm going to see where all this lands before I think too hard, but I'm sure Delli's remained who he is ever since he killed the founders off. ]

Usually if a memory artificer has to apprehend anyone, it's because several safety nets, precautions and protocols all fell through. Such things were bypassed by sending me here as Ellie, Reneil, and Pillet. Still, phenocosm protocol declares I am duty bound to prevent Pillet from getting away.

With that said, there is too strong of a chance that I simply cannot. She has control of the situation to the point that even using the canister seems like it might be playing into her hands. I don't feel like fighting is the best option.

"Do we need to fight, Pillet? First of all, we're on a train. With passengers!"
>"And children, yeah. Why do you think I had us go to the back of the train? The nearest person is nearly 300 meters away."
"Oh, good." This is the most secure car to fight on, if it comes to that. "Secondly, won't the agents come fighting? They still think they're agents, no matter what you did to them."
>"They'll let Polly handle it."
"Who is that?"
>"I made him up. Trusty old Polly, Tegge's trusty right hand man that'll take care of any cargo wagon troubles and no one else."
"Hmm. I still want to know why you were supposed to be killed. And for that matter, how did you fake your death?"
>"I told you, I'll tell you once I kick your ass."

She starts striding slowly towards me. I finish compacting my light shield such that it's functionally invisible. Judging by how the snow flows off of Pillet, she's done the same technique.

"I'd rather not fight. What's the point in it?"
>"For god's sake, I didn't remember you being so unpredictable."
"God? Klivanian customs have rubbed off on you, haven't they?"
>"It's just an expression! There are no gods watching us. The phenocosm must be cleaning your heads out way too much ever since I left. Do you really think I could just leave and not be on the kill list?"
"Is there not more to it?"
>"Of course not. You must still know the cardinal rule. Our duty is to serve until death. I stopped serving. Now the phenocosm wants me to finish my duty and die."
"And to become number one most wanted?"
>"Really. That's all it took."

She stops a few steps in front of me. I'm still hesitating to use my canister.
No. 1100942 ID: 04e6e3
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>"It's because of how afraid they are of us, of what a rogue artificer could do. That's why they keep ones like you naive and loyal by constantly brainwashing yourselves. You might not believe it, but there's a centennial gathering that includes discussions on whether or not to stop the artificing program. If they decide to cut it off, they'll kill every last one of you."
"I could believe it, but I would also accept it. If they don't want us, then what else is there?"
>"Everything! You've already been getting your own ideas on Klivania, I know it because you're sitting here trying to make peace with me. The Aelsaw I know would try to convince me to turn myself in, sure, but she'd also know when it's time to fight. You're going to forget your time and everyone you met here."
"It's a cost I've already sworn my life to. If what you say is true about the centennial meeting, then it's the loyalty of all other artificiers that has made them decide to keep us around every century!"
>"You'll always be the naive child with that thinking. It's not because you're such good loyal phenocosm tools, it's because of the subdimensions."
>"The phenocosm tried to kill off all knowledge of making pocket dimensions a long time ago." She points downwards. "Now it's happening anyway. Except now they're so ill equipped to deal with it that Shuzenza can hardly take any action!"
"He did send me. I do question if I was really the best choice, but I was sent all the same."
>"Hah! Shuzenza didn't want to send you. It was that encephalon matrix that pushed him into thinking it was a good idea, and he who had every idea of his shot down was pressured into sending you."
"Wait a second, how do you know all that?"
>"Think about it. You already knew it was odd the encephalon sent you down to pretend to be me, when it knew that there was a soul seer down there who could tell you weren't me! And it didn't have any way of knowing Paporron would cover for you anyway! That's not the sign of a healthy, functional encephalon matrix. And you just heard my call with Paporron, where I mentioned I had already infiltrated the fleet."
"You're saying those are connected. You poisoned the encephalon matrix, just to somehow call me down? That's virtually impossible, I thought the encephalon's terminals were self sustaining and inaccessible to flesh and blood."
>"The phenocosm is right to fear what a rogue artificer can do. That's right, I'm the reason you're here. First of all, I needed you to generate hope for Shuzenza. I've studied his career. If he couldn't place his hopes in someone like you, that would have festered into desperate measures. And desperate measures from Shuzenza are too unpredictable and explosive. But mostly, I just needed you to fill the role of official memory artificer so that the place could function correctly for the long term, all while I was left to move freely unbeknownst to the founders."

She moves her odd light source to the side and lifts her hand towards me. I will be absorbing the energy if she even blinks in an aggressive way at this distance, but her posture is too relaxed.

>"If you want to work together, let me borrow your body. Take my hand and yield yourself. I'm not going to explain what I mean, it's way easier to show you."
No. 1100943 ID: df45e0

Break the canister and then take her hand. If you are not on equal footing you have no power to dictate terms at the table.

Honestly she has a lot of good points. You are a memory expert turned field agent in a insane act of desperation. None of the last week has been anything you should have been thrown into. And your bosses are so scared of you that this conversation alone and using the power canister will likely get you killed or worse at the end of the mission. The phenocosm is a bloated mess of a organization and not horribly trustworthy. Maybe standing at your sisters side is the best idea. But you can only worry about that sort of thing if you are not a zonked out zombie in a bit.
No. 1100944 ID: debc82


... alright, why not? She makes some valid points, and if one person can manage all of this (and we've literally seen her do a fair bit already, just on this train, let alone the logs!) then we are so far in over our head that we're apt to become collateral from the fleet anyway.

Better to let Pillet show us and then make our decision, particularly if our interests already coincide.
No. 1100945 ID: dfa46e

Can she go back to looking like herself first? Wearing the conductor is making this a bit weird.
No. 1100946 ID: c17d05

...alright. If she had enough access to manipulate things to get you here, she has enough access to cause you hell for just having a higher than legal energy level if you are able to return. We're in deep enough that the only way is down.

Use the canister. I don't yet know whether we should fight or not, but either way, we're doing this on a more even footing.
No. 1100947 ID: eb0a9c

You can't trust the Phenocosm when they've had root access to your very soul this whole time, but you can't mindlessly obey the narrative of someone who wants that control for herself. The whole reason you're fighting, in both narratives, is to stop a messed-up science experiment from potentially whirling out of control, consuming everyone in the universe and forcing them to play to the tune of an eternal purgatory they will have no choice but to live in, the ultimate expression of 'enslavement of the self'. If Pillet can't accept your will to fight that fate as your own person, then you can't accept her desire to merge with you. Keep talking it out.
No. 1100957 ID: 71fafc

....Nah, not trusting it.

She already told us she's been moving all the pieces to put us here. That she's more dangerous that anyone knows. AND she can alter souls!

The Phenocosm is likely every bit as bad as she says and then some, but she sure as sin ain't trust worthy.

Break the cannister and kick her ass. Read her memories. Every last bit.

Maybe she's expecting it and is ready for it. But fuck it, I think it's well past time we stopped trusting blindly on people who shamelessly pull our strings.
No. 1100959 ID: 3df1ab

She has already had access to you unconscious, so I don't think yielding now is of any further danger.
No. 1100996 ID: 8f9bc4

You have a computer plan military strategy? With no checks on it, if it gets detached from reality? A single point of failure?

...the phenocosm kind of sucks.
No. 1101255 ID: b6ea64

Looks like Pillet's deeply rooted into this and more knowledgeable on the situation than the phenocosm themselves. With that, and the fact she's asking you instead of just taking what she wants by force speaks volumes. Take her hand and trust the plan.
No. 1101320 ID: 04e6e3
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"Can you go back to looking like yourself?"
>"That's not how this is going to work."

She summons energy through her palm. I reactively crack my canister before waiting to see what she's doing. It's not easy taking in this much energy for me, even if I have a few spare training memories of doing this.

Pillet responds just as reactively by leaping backwards.
No. 1101321 ID: 04e6e3
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I'm ready for a fight, but I don't launch the offense. Pillet's body language isn't aggressive either as she lands. She waits a moment for me to finish consuming what I can of the canister before speaking.

>"I'm just forming a memory. Calm down."
"Okay. Send it to me."

She floats it toward me. With my current energy, I'm confident there's no real danger in accepting this memory. I do not trust her fully, so just in case there is poison within this energy pulse, I extract the memory from the energy manually rather than absorb the entire thing at once. There's nothing suspicious about it, and all my knowledge indicates that it isn't feasible to harm me when I take this precaution. If she can lay a trap that could incapacitate me like this, then I likely had no chance to begin with.
No. 1101322 ID: 04e6e3
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An Unknown Number of Years Ago

[ It's Pillet. She's on her home planet, which is home to an immortal phenotype. No, a species? It's a slightly different categorization of organisms that predates me. She doesn't know the science of such things yet in this memory, and only a tenuous grasp of how her planet moves around the solar system. It's a large, tidally locked planet that's only habitable in a sizable but comparatively small circle on the far side. Two moons circle the planet, providing the sun's light when it is over the horizon but not blocked by the planet itself, thus the two moons provide 4 short days. ]

[ She is looking over the larger of the two moons, but it does not reflect light that well, so it still provides less light than the small one. A heavy storm is approaching, which is common on such a disorganized celestial system. However, its own self violence includes heavy seismic activity, which has provided plenty of natural shelter through deep cliffs that she will soon retreat to. ]

[ The oldest of her species is over 70,000 years old. They are revered for their age, but often have trouble remembering that they are in the present. They ask about people they knew who have been dead for thousands of years, and often go to old destroyed sites believing it's where they live. Pillet spends a moment here wondering if she will be like that someday. Long lived, but senile. For now, she is only 24 years old, and this is the earliest genuine memory she has. Though she does not remember her life as a child, her people treat her like a newborn. ]

[ They live using knowledge of the planet mixed with blueprints and raw resources brought in by the civilizations of the galaxy, but trade ships only come once every two hundred years or so. She's asked about leaving on one such spaceship, but was told that one came shortly before she was born. Therefore, she can't entertain the thought of travelling the stars for close to two centuries. ]

[ The reason for the long gaps is because there is no FTL travel here. There is no energy, not as the phenocosm knows it. ]
No. 1101323 ID: 04e6e3
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[ She was only 29 when the universe had a hole ripped into it. This came with an incomprehensibly large fleet that came from a different universe entirely. This universe was visible through the rift, but it appeared pitch black. There were simply no visible stars in this universe. ]

[ The fleet came to avoid the incoming heat death of their universe. They came as conquerors rather than refugees, aiming to take the warmth and light of her reality. They were far beyond not just Pillet's people, but her universe's people. With FTL tech and energy that allowed a single one of them to match an entire fleet of Pillet's universe, there was no significant resistance. Her people had their land taken while they were put aboard generational ships, split up, and relocated. ]

[ It could be said that Pillet fought back, but the extent of her fight was to talk back against her oppressors. This was enough to be made an example out of, and so she was sent to be imprisoned back in the old universe. She spent years inside of a jail cell where the rift was visible, but she sometimes wished her cell was windowless. Living in this universe would slowly let her build up her own well of energy, but her binds and other machinery in the prison served as energy blockers.]

[ They made prisoners do hard physical labor, but what she found insufferable was that they didn't let her keep any belongings. Her diaries and photographs of her home were thrown out. She refused to let go of what was taken from her, so she managed to recreate them within the prison. She was not yet a memory artificer, but she is confident she was able to recreate her diaries and photos with reasonable accuracy. ]
No. 1101324 ID: 04e6e3
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[ Many years later, she would be released along with all the other people in that prison. When she heard a ship was headed back through the rift, she stowed herself away on it. Oh, I have this memory. It was one of the few I saw in Shuzenza's vault, but I lacked the context. I see now why there was so much despair. From Pillet's vantage point in the prison, the rift had appeared open because light from her universe was still travelling to her cell from so far away. But once the ship got out of FTL travel, the rift was discovered to have been gone for years. The captain got on the intercom and expressed his condolences about the closed rift and a speech about the dying universe still having at least some generations of life left in it, but Pillet couldn't listen to the details. ]

[ The civilization that had captured Pillet already moved who they wanted through it. The remaining people were considered undesirables, and were purposefully left behind in the dying universe. That, she learned, is why her prison was dissolved. Yet in Pillet's perspective, her prison cell simply got larger. The life she had barely started was robbed, and this was the moment where she first thought that she may never get it back. The memory mercifully stops before her despair completely sets in on the ride back. ]
No. 1101325 ID: 04e6e3
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[ As time continued, the undesirables, criminals, and bottom class citizens slowly found the one final star in the universe that still held significant light. In this memory, she looks over one of her recreated photos of her mother and father as she takes a work break. She had become an engineer in the properties of gravity, and lived on a space station with a growing population. The abandoned people gradually come to this last star to work together, dedicating themselves to the pursuit of stopping the heat death of the universe. ]
No. 1101326 ID: 04e6e3
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[ They succeeded. The memory skips ahead to the same spot on a space station as she looks into the sky. Though Pillet only had a relatively small part to play, she still helped with designs made to collect lost matter within the dark universe using black hole nets, though I don't know how literal that term is. Over time, they employed methods to make stars, even galaxies at a time. This new civilization spread back outwards into its own artificial stars. ]

[ The final natural star of the old universe was given a new name, the Final Core. It remained in the center of this new universe, where it would be fueled for a new eternity as the seat of the new civilization. This new collective also gave itself a new name, now to be known as the phenocosm. ]
No. 1101327 ID: 04e6e3
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That was all she showed. I never knew Pillet had a hand in the formation of the phenocosm itself.

"You don't hate the phenocosm at all."
>"No. They're flawed control freaks that are way too eager to burn libraries down, but no. I just want to go back and find my family and home. All I need to do is figure out how to rip a hole in the universe, and then that's it. I leave the phenocosm, and they won't ever need to worry about me again. It's a little silly at this point, because it's taken me so long. I doubt my family even remembers me, but I remember them. Anyways, you had an energy canister! Did you make Tegge forget he gave you one?"
"Not that I can remember."

It's possible all of those memories are fabricated, but I doubt she's been trying to pull on my strings considering how she was determined to fight me just a moment ago.

>Your computer plans military strategy with a single point of failure?
No, it's... hm, that doesn't line up well with what I know about the phenocosms security.

"Something is bothering me, Pillet. The workings of the encephalon matrix shouldn't be accessible so easily, no matter who you impersonated. How did you do it?"
>"I didn't change its inner code or anything like that. All I altered was what data and priorities were fed into it. No matter how good a computer is, what it comes up with can only be as good as its data. So it thought sending you down was a better idea than it was in reality. I seriously doubt Shuzenza thought it was a good idea either, but he's found himself in a bad position. The union between you and him is one hell of a conflict of interest, you know, and the only reason he let you come to this solar system with him to begin with was because he wasn't told what he was dealing with until you were both here. There's more to it than that, but even I'm not omniscient."

If it's true that she gave the encephalon matrix bad information, then maybe I truly was never a good choice. Did Shuzenza really think I could do this, or did he simply want to support me knowing that there was little other choice? It would be like him to be positive in the face of disaster. As usual I am speculating with many gaps in my information, but if this is the case, maybe I truly cannot do this without Pillet.

>"Oh well, the cookie's crumbling, and only a few pieces are in our control. I don't have anything else to show you, at least nothing I'm comfortable with sharing. No more talking it out, either take my hand and yield, or fight."

Taking her hand would almost certainly fly in the face of all my duties and loyalties to the phenocosm and its principles, but given the potential stakes at hand and how much I may need Pillet's help, maybe I should set aside her crimes for the greater good.
No. 1101329 ID: df45e0

Hold out your hand but give her a grin.

"Well that memory of yours is very nice. But all I see is your history, your life, your despair and your struggle... Not our life. Not a bit of me in those memories. If I am your sister show me how much I actually matter to you by giving me a proper fight."

"Oh and keep the fight to your memories of me please. I don't mind joining you but I don't actually know you due to occupational hazards. If you want me to join you? Prove that you are the stronger loving sister I hope you are deep down.... also maybe keep collateral damage down to a light spanking?"

Waggle the other hand up and down as if motioning for her to consider this to be a sibling tussle and not a back alley knife brawl.
No. 1101330 ID: 253c2f

She'll get your help.. but at least see if you can actually land a blow first. She has to earn it.
No. 1101331 ID: dfa46e

Always in for betraying the status quo in favor of reckless changes to the way things are. Let's fucking goooooooo
No. 1101332 ID: 273c18

She's one of the founders of the universe. She's got seniority over the phenocosm, and she's on their side even if they want to kill her for some asinine reason. There are precious few reasons aside from a rather restricted sense of loyalty/duty not to cooperate with her. So go ahead, take her hand.

I'm guessing Tegge made *himself* forget he gave you the energy core, via taking some sort of chemical or regular mental effort. He wasn't supposed to do that, after all. As for why Pillet didn't see that you had it in your memories, I can only guess that she didn't look through them exhaustively; you did something similar with the conductor too where you didn't look at all her memories. Or maybe Pillet didn't look at your memories at all, since she didn't have any good reason to.
No. 1101333 ID: eb0a9c

Wow, so this entire universe is one big Space Australia? And now Space Australia has become its own oppressive empire.

And now we have to wonder what became of the conquerors.

"So, that's it then. What the Phenocosm fears most is the empire which accidentally created it - because they would see us, and everyone in this universe, as one big mistake to be... corrected. Again. How can you guarantee that you won't accidentally give the universe-colonists enough intel to find out about their reborn universe and 'reclaim' it all for themselves?"

Hold out your hand.

"It would be hypocrisy for me to try and convince you to abandon this obsession just to be my big sister, when you helped build an entire universe on the hope that you might see your parents again. But that's exactly why our choice can't be cut-and-dry, why it has to be complicated and weird. You're as much my family as your parents are, this universe is as much a part of you as your home was, and you can't abandon us both without risking your conviction break apart."


"So we have to get freaky. Merge part of your soul with mine. Part of you has to be with me forever... and part of you has to leave forever. Find the rest of your family, tell them all that you accomplished and how they helped make what we did possible. You have to be two to be you; it's messed up, but so are post-universe colonists. And if I have to... part of me should go with you."
No. 1101334 ID: debc82


Considering everything she knows and what she's been through, I don't think we ever HAD a chance to fight her.

Let's submit. Better to have her on our side, an actual founder of the phenocosm, than fight what's starting to sound like a battle we were already set up to lose.
No. 1101343 ID: 71fafc

Hmmm... I'd like to confirm she's telling the truth by reading her full memories. Plus, let's face it, a super-powered combat scene has been a long time coming.

[musical note symbol] Fighting tiiiiime! [/musical note symbol]
No. 1101488 ID: b6ea64

Her crime of defecting from the phenocosm is nothing compared to the crimes she had to endure. Can you really fight and turn her in after seeing all of what's she been through? Give your sister a hug and team up.
No. 1101568 ID: 8f9bc4

Her—crimes? You still haven't identified any crimes. It may be completely sensible to execute any memory artificers who try to retire, but it's convenient to keep that secret, and thus extralegal, and thus Pillet has broken no laws.

If Pillet is this... incomprehensibly ancient being older than the phenocosm itself, who helped create all the stars in the sky then the phenocosm has a duty to serve her, so serving her is doing the phenocosm's duty, which is doing your duty. There's only one problem with this that doesn't quite add up.

You are her sister. How old are you? Her parents didn't get taken through the rift, so you have to be immeasurably old too, don't you? Are you really her sister?
No. 1104924 ID: 04e6e3
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"I can't help but notice that I wasn't in those memories at all."
>"I was nothing but a normal, perfectly well behaved artificer around you."

She steps closer.

"Just tell me one more thing. If you rip a hole in the universe, will the phenocosm simply be invaded by our predecessors?"
>"Only if they find out we relit this universe. I'll be taking measures against that."

>Are you really her sister?
Not biologically, but artificers seldom ever keep ties with their old family. For us, we are each other's family, and so we refer to each other as brothers and sisters. Most of my tens of thousands of years of life have included Pillet. In spite of how I was only in a tiny slice of her life, how important her old family is to her, and how she balked at me calling her sister, I cannot stop thinking of her as a sibling.

I consider fighting her just to see how strong she is in combat, but I can't in good conscience fight for fighting's sake. I take her hand.
No. 1104925 ID: 04e6e3
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I don't feel anything at first. Then I start to get tingly, and I realize I've slumped to a knee.

>"I'm putting you to sleep, first." Pillet explains, but whatever she's doing is working so quickly that I can't process it quickly enough to respond.

I feel my energy flowing into Kara's body. She's able to absorb it right out of me? No, the other way. I believe she's hijacked my body and is puppeteering me to transfer my energy to her. Oddly, I feel some of Kara's fur wrap around my hand and forearm.

Though she isn't thinking with words, I can sense her thoughts. She used her fleshcrafting talent to grow tendrils out of Kara that resemble long fur strands. These can float in the air or snake through the train's carpet to get into physical contact with everyone, including me, without looking like she touched anyone.

Memory artificing with such little physical contact is impressive, but it's also obscene. I have to acknowledge that considering she was there from the start, it's plausible that she would know artificing techniques that are not taught, and even banned within the artificer's curriculum. To be able to do all of this! This is why the phenocosm never teaches any single person more than one restricted school of advanced energy manipulation.

I go back down to 1,200 EL, and my vision is turning black.
No. 1104926 ID: 04e6e3
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Now I am here. Or I am not? Structures are forming around me. My senses are coming, I would say, but my senses are not my own? Oh, this is disorienting - ah, I am not of flesh. This is my soul. Was it all a trick? Did Pillet kill me?

>"No, idiot, my life would be simpler if I could afford to kill you. Turn around."
"Oh, sister Pillet, hi. You can read my mind here, I see. Or can we read each other’s minds?" I feel I should be able to sense Pillet's thoughts, but I am unsurprised to feel that she has formed some kind of barrier around herself disallowing me the same privileges as she has. "This isn't the artificer's society, is it?"
>"No, this is a soul repository that only looks like it. It's the exact same as the afterlife except on a tiny scale I can carry with me. I'm storing your souls here because the alternative is for all of us to share meatspace, and Kara's brain doesn't have the mental capacity for the three of us."
Ah, that's right. The conductor is here. "Hello, Kara. I'm sorry we had to meet like this."

Kara lifts her hand in a mix of acknowledgement and dismissal while only barely turning to look at me before staring into the distance once again. She wants to indulge in this sight, but knows that her time is limited. Soon, Pillet will be wiping her memory of all of this, but she looks forward to returning to her train. I turn to face Pillet again.

"What are your plans now, Pillet?"
>"I'm going to hide your unconscious body in the lost and found while I revert everyone back to how they were. Those 'off duty' agents have been screwing around. Fuck, I think one of them had wine. I'm just going to extract it right out of him, because I can't have my falsified memories of good behavior running counter to physical evidence to the contrary - forget it, you don't need to worry about that. You just need to lay unconscious in the lost and found. I doubt even you can fuck up my plans doing that."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
>"You tell me, miss acts undercover and goes running around Winterheight like you're on vacation! Forget it, I can still barely believe you're going along with me on all this."
"Although it was and is my duty to resist you, I have been given a more important duty to make certain that the subdimension is destroyed. The risk in working with you is better than the risk of fighting you."
>"And just like that, having something go against my plans is nice for once. After I revert everyone including Kara, it'll just be us two sharing your modified Pillet body. We'll kill time until we reach Varther's Estate where I'll clear Gel. Then we navigate around the phenocosm's reaction to all this, eventually leading into the subdimension."
"And if Shuzenza succeeds in destroying it?"
>"Then we're going to be sharing a body until I find a chance to bail out, but I'm aiming to lock ourselves in with those megalomaniacs. I hope we stay on each other's side. If it was just one of us, it would be hard to do anything under the scrutiny of the founders. But so long as one of us is acting as Pillet, the other can operate behind their backs. Any questions so far?"
No. 1104927 ID: dfa46e

Want me to braid your tail?
No. 1104928 ID: 273c18

What about the twins? It looks like she's trying to put them out of the picture, but they would've been so useful. Even if they aren't working with the two of you, perhaps you could arrange for them to be hired by the phenocosm?
No. 1104929 ID: debc82


How did you manage all this? It's ... well, "impressive" barely does it justice.
No. 1104948 ID: 8f9bc4

So wait, you really are Pillet, after you took over your sister's body, and she's in a phylactery somewhere around here? Or do you just think you're Pillet because of messed up memories, and your sister "Pillet" is out there somewhere? This is confusing. Is Shuzenza still your bf? Are he and goat boy gonna have to fight for your hand in marriage?
No. 1104949 ID: 273c18

Wait, "Afford to kill you"... does she WANT to kill you?
No. 1104955 ID: b6ea64

Why do you want to get locked into the sub-dimension? Is it easier to take care of from the inside?
No. 1104960 ID: 63f50c

A thousand, but I'll trim it a bit:

Why lock us in? For how long?

Also, who else besides Paporron is going to help us in this?

Also what were the invaders from this universe like? and, when all is said and done, do you have any plans for coming back in case they killed everyone in your universe and made it an uninhabitable hell?
No. 1104962 ID: df45e0

"Afford to! That's not very nice." Go give her a hug and make your displeasure known. Perhaps by braiding her tail.

As for questions lets see...

1. "When you say carry around I hope you don't mean we are in a marble in your pocket and its more of a soul thing that can't get lost right?"
2. "If we are going inside to sabotage it from within... what if it all goes right but we get stuck there?"
3. "Can I make my own room over... here?" Find a nice spot in the landscape to claim while you hang out in soul swap land.
No. 1105167 ID: 04e6e3
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I back out of the memory for a moment.

>So you're Pillet?
Maybe. I don't know anymore, because Pillet's soul is rubbing shoulders with Aelsaw's. Mixing together is completely possible, especially with where I think this is going.

>Is she in a phylactery somewhere around here?
No phylactery or other physical object is involved here, past-Pillet's soul afterlife thing is completely energy based. Whichever one's my pseudo-sister is, assuming we both did get in here, it's more likely she either got killed at some point or has been in hiding.

Hm. I'm inclined to embarrass myself. I look over every memory of mine, looking at every time I've said 'There are no founders left, other than me.' and 'No way there's any other memory artificers in here, that's impossible." I've said those things multiple times a year for thousands of years. What's next? Paporron comes knocking at the door?

At this point I wouldn't be surprised. Delli killed the founders repeatedly enough to grind them down to amnesiacs, but the only way to find them repeatedly like that, that I'm aware of, is to be able to sense souls. Did Paporron help Delli? If Aumstail was missed, who else could have been? Did that even happen?

I'm not confident about much anymore, except that Delli's going to have his work cut out for him when we leave.

>Is Shuzenza still your bf?
Even if I'm Aelsaw, I doubt it. If he's still out there, goat boy's likely going to have to fight him.

Okay, continuing on.
No. 1105168 ID: 04e6e3
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"You learned how to make an afterlife, you can hop bodies... how did you manage all of this?"
>"Ambition, skill, and lots and lots of time."
"That is true of most accomplishments, isn't it. Am I in some kind of soul marble?"
>"No, you're linked to this body just like before. I've just shoved myself into the body's driver's seat and wrapped your soul around mine to prevent soul seers from seeing me in here. Rough metaphor, but I'm sparing you soul seer jargon."
"Oh. Would you like me to braid your tail?"
>"Really, now? It doesn't look good. And before you say you want to try anyway, you've had your memories of asking me this already wiped. You've asked me this dozens of times and even tried a couple!"
"That's a shame, but I still want to try.
>"There are more important lines of questioning!"
"Mmm, I suppose, but I'm not doing anything important."
>"That's- uurgh."
"What about the twins? It seems like you don't like them very much, but, hmmmm." This close to Pillet's soul, I can get hints about her true feelings. "Can we arrange for them to be hired by the phenocosm?"
>"Yeah. Fine. The lucky rats can become immortal, why... not?"
>"If they can sense Zanthe at their age, they'll become freakishly good if the phenocosm trains them to be live scanners. But there's no way they'd be the best Shuzenza would have, so it's not like they'll be a threat when I make a break for it after we collapse the subdimension. Yeah sure, we'll give them an out."
"Great, I was worried. You even mentioned your life would be simpler if you could afford to kill me, and now I'm worried that you'd have liked to."
>"Girl. If I wanted a simple life killing you, I would not be anywhere near this planet inviting you to make the most of your time here before I subsumed you. I don't want to kill you."
"That means a lot."
>"Don't get sentimental on me, I've got work - "

I pull her off the railing and hug her.

"You may be misguided, but I've still missed you."
>"The phenocosm must be getting sloppy if they've let you feel that."

She has no idea how to respond, but gently and hesitantly hugs back. In that time I see how fluffy her tail is. She said I've wanted to braid it before, which I believe, but that it doesn't look good, which I don't believe.

>"Sappy time is over, I'm fixing this mess now!" But it will have to be another time, as she quickly breaks the hug.
"Okay okay. Is it possible for me to make a room around here?"
>"No! You're only going to be in here for an hour or two, then I'll share meatspace."
No. 1105169 ID: 04e6e3
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Pillet flips herself around on the railing and becomes frozen. We soon sense Pillet focusing on the physical world around us in a flurry of rapid memory artificing, although the details escape me like this. She won't be interacting with us, so I turn to the conductor.

"Are you doing alright, Kara?"
>"As long as the train and its passengers make it out of whatever all this is, you can shatter my reality all you like."
"It must be a lot to take in."
>"The architecture here is strange. The towers are all spread out. It's bright and makes no practical sense. You live here?"
"Yes, but the infrastructure and main city lies below on the lower sky level. These are the artificer's towers, and each one is a vault containing the memories of one memory artificer."
>"What are those wires?"
"They're connections. Although I do not know how, the towers are connected to the true afterlife, the one everyone shares. All of our memories are somehow given to the afterlife to ground it in reality, and make it all more, hm... lucid, I should say."
>"Pillet's going to remove my memories of all this. Will I remember it in the afterlife?"
"Normally, no. But my memories of you, and memories I take from you, will someday be vaulted. Those memories will then find you in the afterlife, and you will remember."

I don't know when that'll happen, as I believe Pillet will have ways to hide these memories if we go back to Heaven's Jurisdiction. But provided she does not outright delete these memories, it will happen.

"I have not scrutinized your memories closely, but if they were accurate, then merely skimming them tells me you will get to be a conductor in the afterlife as well."
>"What if I want to be a train engineer instead?"
>"They told me they had enough of those, and I had too friendly a face to not be a conductor instead. I'm a professional, so I've gotten good at pretending to be social. The job is still nice, plus I also just learned there's a generous afterlife."
"Yes. If you'd like to, you can tell me about yourself and anything you'd like to remember after you die."

I spend the next hour or two listening to her. I can't do this for every Klivanian, but there is no reason not to do it for ones like Kara who found themselves tangled up in this situation.

Although Pillet's memories were hidden when I read Kara's memories, I confirm that Kara's memories were not falsified nor exaggerated by Pillet after all. She really does revolve around trains and their operation.
No. 1105170 ID: 04e6e3
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I perk up when Pillet is ready to let Kara go. She and I share a look, but her silence is peaceful.

Then I feel everything and myself shift. Kara fades away. When I next blink, I physically wake up in Reneil's body while my soul remains in this space along with Pillet. My consciousness is split after all, but it is manageable.

>"Yes, Agent Reneil. Here's your wallet. Is everything inside?" Kara says. My body reaches out not by my own response, but by Pillet.
"Yes it is, thanks so much. Please don't mention it to anyone else, okay?"
>"My discretion is my duty. Please enjoy your stay." She smiles with a friendly but professional tone, showing little to no familiarity. I see now that while she has little trouble behaving like this, it is a mask she puts on for the customer. She must be back to normal.

>< Everyone else is too. >
< Oh, hi Pillet. >
>< Yes hi. Did you have to make this body so chubby? >
< Of course, it was originally just a quick disguise. I'm sure you'll find it's more comfortable not having all your bones clack against everything, sister. >

I still think normally, but I think communication is clearer if I imagine speaking directly to Pillet even in my own head. Otherwise, our own thoughts would overlap on top of each other, and this is confusing enough already.

>< Like how I keep biting my own lip with these giant fangs? No, after we meet up with Gel and change back, you'll have to get used to being able to jump without destroying your knees. And stop calling me sister. >
< No. I still have more questions, firstly to clear something up. Why again are we being locked into the subdimension? >
>< Because I want to take all the knowledge and talents the other founders have regarding spacial energy and engineering, and because it'll be your mission to make sure the subdimension is torn down from the inside. >
< I see. And for how long? >
>< It could take a couple months to a couple centuries to safely get copies of their memories without them noticing. But so long as I'm in the subdimension, I won't have to constantly be on the run from the phenocosm's light. I might spend millenia perfecting, consolidating, internalizing and expanding all their knowledge and skills for myself before I want to leave. >
< And what happens if we get locked in there indefinitely? >
>< Then something went wrong. That could mean lots of things. >
No. 1105171 ID: 04e6e3
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Pillet begins walking us, Reneil, back to her room. Never mind Pillet getting used to the modifications of her body, I still have to get used to being moved around without my will!

< Who else will help us, besides Paporron? >
>< No one. >
< No one at all? >
>< Just you and me. Paporron helped me save your ass after I, being Hart, euthanized you in that tunnel, but there wasn't much choice. He's screwed up simple stuff before. >
< He seems like he'd go to the end of the universe for you. >
>< Yeah, but he's careless and too trusting. Take his help with caution. >
< Surely we can find help from the regular workers? The founders seemed distant from them, and it seems inevitable many would not like their rule. >
>< I'm not going to lean on double digit babies. >
< Mm. Well, what were the invaders from the old universe like?>
>< It wasn't as unified as the phenocosm, believe it or not. It was like a collective of dictatorships only held together by outward conquest and tense alliances that would slap one of the factions down if they tried to do a grab for power at the cost of another allied faction. If they weren't able to open a hole to find new universes to conquer, I bet they would've collapsed and eaten each other. The ones I met were propaganda eating military with a tenuous grasp on reality. It was before I became a memory artificer and I didn't keep many notes on them, so I don't know much beyond that. Okay, here we are at the room. >
< What's wrong? >
>< Just got to get in the right mindset to treat the twins as you would, not as I want to. But I'm eager to get some sleep. Real sleep. No meditation, no eyes open, no observational organs, nothing. >
No. 1105172 ID: 04e6e3
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We enter our room, and Pillet abruptly grabs at our coat.

< Oh Pillet wait a seco - >
No. 1105173 ID: 04e6e3
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Ah. Of course Pillet wouldn't scrutinize my memories regarding things so trivial as what clothes I wore in ignorance. I'm too late to warn her before she throws off the coat.

Pillet freezes, gawking at the sight of herself in the mirror. And in that mirror, the mice stir from the noise. Pillet weighs her options, rushing between diving under the bed, wiping the twin's memories, and jumping out the window.
No. 1105174 ID: 04e6e3
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>"Ahhhhhhh?!" Tesh wakes up too quickly to do anything and makes the first excited noise. Pesh is milliseconds behind.
>"Oh my GOD! Hahahaha Reneiiil?!"

Well they certainly sound like they're back to their old selves.
No. 1105175 ID: 04e6e3
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In this soul repository, Pillet twists her neck to stare at me.
No. 1105180 ID: df45e0

"I thought you were the adventurous one?"
No. 1105182 ID: dfa46e

Smile innocently.
No. 1105183 ID: a6cdc2

"Maybe take this as a last little lesson going forward, that you can still be surprised sometimes... seriously though it looks good right?"
No. 1105189 ID: 6c233e

"Well you have to take advantage when you have a body this good."
No. 1105193 ID: d1f31f

Oh my goddddd! Firstly very good taste, secondly I am dying over Pillet's reaction. Who knew she could rotate her neck like that?

Maybe just explain that the coat was really warm, and offer to handle the explanation to the twins? Something something, you're the one who chose this outfit so you get to deal with the explanation?
No. 1105194 ID: cb76eb

Gotcha, sis.
No. 1105195 ID: 273c18

What if Paporron *is* Delli, and killing himself over and over was so that he would forget that fact first and foremost? Another possibility is that Delli is Pillet, which would be HILARIOUS... but Delli killed himself repeatedly to erase his own memories, which is something Pillet wouldn't need or want to do. ...wait, do we have any confirmation Delli did that, or did we just assume he did because he's got amnesia?

Oh just tell them you were in the middle of changing into new clothes.
No. 1105197 ID: 0d81fe

to be fair, she didn't check if she was waering /anything/ under there, sure its only the phenocosm being sloppy?~
No. 1105225 ID: 04e6e3
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>(To present Pillet:) What if Paporron is Delli?
[ Then he's so different that he's become a whole new person. I also just don't know if it matters. I'm in this memory to learn about the phenocosm and what's waiting for us out there in the future. What happened in here is lost history. ]

>What if Delli is Pillet?
[ If he's the real Pillet, then the real Pillet is just fucking around at this point. ]

"So you can still be surprised after all you've lived through! I thought you were the adventurous one?"
>"Adventurous?! I've spent billions of years trying to go retire on my backwater planet home! I don't let myself become numb to shenanigans like these because my very sanity depends on my ability to be surprised and here you are with your innocent little baby smile face happily making kink lingerie ride up into the wedding cake you've made out of my ass!"
"Oh my goodness, you're so rattled! Is it because you realized you're as sloppy as you think the phenocosm's gotten?"
>"No!... Close. I'm a touched embarrassed I was so focused on everyone else that I didn't spare a thought for why the clothes felt like this!"
>"Heheh. But it does look good, doesn't it?"
No. 1105226 ID: 04e6e3
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She slaps my cheeks lightly but firmly enough to squish them.

>"I'm going to make a brand new hell and you'll be the sole occupant!"
"Hahaha, you know we're immune to suffering torments. But you've already taken my physical agency away, so you'll have to deal with this. Unless you can let me assume control, somehow?"
>"No, but - that's right. I can read your thoughts. That means if you try to move a certain way or say things, I can put your thoughts into actions. It'll take some practice, but this is a good time to do it! So you deal with this!"
No. 1105227 ID: 04e6e3
File 174268285628.png - (252.74KB , 1200x1000 , 849.png )

"Oh, don't mind me, I was just getting changed." I try to say this as I normally would, and as Pillet said, she takes my thoughts and has Reneil say this.
>"Into what? I didn't see any clothing shops!" Pesh scoots a little closer. Although I do not try to hide, Pillet reminds me that she is still in control by having her - our? Reneil's body faces away. Her attempts are thwarted by Pesh crawling past Tesh so that she can see Reneil's front through the mirror. Pillet is right, it will take some practice, but I am starting to feel like I'm controlling Reneil's body. There is simply some latency in doing so due to waiting for Pillet to react, assuming Pillet does it to begin with.
"I, er, no. But I needed to take the coat off, I've been overheating badly."
>"Is that why you're wearing fishnets? Fishnet sleeves?"
"Yes, actually! It ruffles my fur so that a lot of air gets through my coat. It helps more than you'd think."
>"Hahaha you're so full of it!"

><I can't believe I followed your lead on that one.>
<Maybe you have a better idea?>
><You started off well, let me follow up on that.>

"I'll just make a clothing purchase from a place willing to have a high speed drone deliver to a train."
>"Good idea but that'll still take hours. What'll you wear in the meanwhile? You want to borrow my jacket?"
"Oh, thank you, but that's much too small." Pillet lets me lead Reneil's actions from here.
>"Pfffft you don't look like you'd have a problem with that!"
"Ah, but that wouldn't let me go out in public any more appropriately! I honestly thought if clothes were sold in a public place, they must be acceptable in public." I have Reneil whisper, "Alien, remember?"
No. 1105228 ID: 04e6e3
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Pesh slides off the bed and wraps her arms from Reneil a little tightly. Tesh looks like she's about to follow suit from the other side, but I first feel Pesh's breath on Reneil's neck.

>"Yeah an alien I want to bang."
No. 1105229 ID: dfa46e

Good thing you see another, yourself.
No. 1105232 ID: 273c18

"Oh, so scandalous, propositioning a married woman! What would my husband think?"
What would he think, I wonder?
No. 1105235 ID: df45e0

"I will admit to trying to get this to happen just a bit. You are not gonna mouse block your poor sister are you?"
No. 1105243 ID: 6c233e

<Now Pillet, when was the last time you had sex while sharing a body with your own sister? Surely you can't turn down such a deliciously novel experience?>
No. 1105253 ID: e74c7a


We're from what I assume to be a sexually enlightened super-society and a little fun isn't something to be punished, even with a husband.

Anyway how often are either of you going to get a chance to try this sort of thing in this body?

It'll be novel! Aelsaw gets to enjoy being a lot more in shape and taller, and Pillet gets to see what it's like to have some plush curves. She even said that she relies on new experiences being surprising and not something she's numb to, so this is an important thing to do for sanity.

Plus honestly after the day you've had it's about time for some stress relief.
No. 1105279 ID: cb76eb

For all they know, you could be toxic to them down there.
No. 1105283 ID: 0d81fe

Well, do you have anything more important do do~
You two 'cooperatively' got yourselves into this situation so you might as well, curious how you'll handle this
No. 1105293 ID: 66de4b

> the wedding cake you've made out of my ass!

It is a rather amazing ass, but it might be good to remind Pillet that this is your body. You haven't done anything to her body, only your own.

Unless she thinks she owns your body? Which is valid~
No. 1105332 ID: 78bd3b

Oh, right.

The husband!

We should tell Pesh that you have one of those, see if she has issue with that.

And of course, see if the husband issue with that. He's very precious to us. He's a crocodile with a baseball. We won't find a catch like that in another hundred thousand years.

Let's see if we can call him.

Yeah, let's tell poor Pillet we would never have been so careless in looks or wardrobe if you were controlling someone else's body, let alone your dear sister.
Feel very hurt if Pillet tells you not to call her sister. She'll feel it first hand now.
No. 1105337 ID: d1f31f

I'm inclined to go for it, opportunities for fun like this in your future might be a whole lot more limited. And what else is there to do while you wait for the train to arrive at it's destination?

I would mentally check with Pillet to make sure she's at least ok with this though. The only thing worse than having to let the twins down would be to have to stop suddenly because she's not okay with it.
No. 1105348 ID: 273c18

>tell Pesh
We already told them. Said "my husband is a eunuch", even. Also Aelsaw had some internal thoughts about not being serious about the flirting, but finding it hard to resist doing it anyway, so it's hard to tell what she wants to do?
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