Moon Butterfly
DSGVO (EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) and Datenschutzerklärung
I added some privacy policy information on the website regarding the script-accounts.
As you may know, the script offers you to create an account, so you can synchronize watched threads, read posts and bar settings.
Since I and the server is located in Germany, the new European DSGVO rule applies.
In summary, you need to be informed and asked about any of your data saved by any European website. You also gained the right to be forgotten on demand (aka data deletion).
In this case, you need your email-address, a username and a password to register. This is of course stored. In case of the password, a one-way-encrypted hash is stored. For the activation link, the date of your registration is stored. The website-hoster also has an access-log where your IP-address is stored, but not connected to your account.
When you press the "Upload"-button in the script, a list of the ids of your watched threads, last seen posts and script settings are sent and stored on the website. Aside from that I don't gather or save any data of you.
If you don't use an account, no data is gathered from you.
For a more detailed privacy policy, please visit the website http://phi.pf-control.de/tgchan/interface.php.
I did some further tests on Android with the recent Firefox and I like it so far. ^^
Especially increasing the font size while keeping margins and images is great on small screens. The synchronization also appears to work.
Image-hover does not really feel right, though. When you tap on an image, it is opened in a new tab AND the hover appears. This you will notice when going backward after clicking an image. Maybe I disable the normal click-behavior on very small screens and change it to double-tap to open an image in a new tab.