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File 132389376196.jpg - (30.83KB , 512x512 , Brushiebold.jpg )
9255 No. 9255 ID: ee3b18
Whatever Lionsphil it's only because tinypic is broken.
Expand all images
No. 9256 ID: 2563d4
And now /draw/ is greatly improved.
No. 9261 ID: ee3b18
File 132390134341.jpg - (32.86KB , 512x512 , Bangles.jpg )
I drew a bangles at LW's insistence.
No. 9262 ID: ee3b18
File 132390159196.jpg - (33.34KB , 512x512 , Bangles2.jpg )
How did I forget Bangles' bangles?
No. 9263 ID: 8f228e
That's cute.
No. 9264 ID: 5c0e64
add more bangles
No. 9268 ID: 0448b9
Add even more cute.
No. 9280 ID: 597dc4

And then merchandise
No. 9281 ID: 9c7c3b
Bangles and Kirska action figures now with enhanced licking action?
No. 10042 ID: ee3b18
File 132638503281.jpg - (96.47KB , 512x512 , Kinasa.jpg )
I drew Kinasa being drunk. But the anatomy is so awful! I just don't like my art thread being on like page three.
No. 10210 ID: ee3b18
File 132675448569.jpg - (45.95KB , 1158x588 , CATtleDrive.jpg )
So the topic of an OC between me and Lionshil was "Cowbolds."

So I did a CATtle drive.
No. 10987 ID: ee3b18
File 132926800532.jpg - (112.93KB , 512x512 , TimeForTozols.jpg )
Re: http://tgchan.org/kusaba/meep/src/129894540732.jpg
No. 10988 ID: ee3b18
File 132926803150.jpg - (95.21KB , 512x512 , TimeForTozols_NoText.jpg )
Alternatively, no text.
No. 11049 ID: 2563d4
Goodness. Just what kind of a pose is Penji in to get her feet up by her face?
No. 11814 ID: ee3b18
File 133228838118.jpg - (105.15KB , 512x512 , OrkNob.jpg )
[20:05]<Driblis>I just quickly sketched and colored a nob that is on my desk
[20:05]<Driblis>i don't know if it is worth posting

Also it's just an ork nob with cybork and a kombi-skorcha.
No. 11818 ID: ee3b18
File 133236896699.jpg - (969.81KB , 2880x2160 , 100_0974.jpg )
Here is a photo of the selfsame Ork. Just for kicks.
No. 11831 ID: ee3b18
File 133246305795.jpg - (158.46KB , 768x512 , AphekYisi.jpg )
I dunno, I said I was gonna draw a sergal and someone called me on it.

Aphek/Yisi, for the record. Not Liam.
No. 11833 ID: ce4a4d
The pomf made me lol
No. 11837 ID: 2563d4
No. 14755 ID: ee3b18
File 134524295318.jpg - (209.88KB , 768x512 , CuteboldTaxi.jpg )
[16:00]<sharah>someone draw a kobold cab driver
No. 25941 ID: 665deb
File 141972883938.jpg - (84.47KB , 640x600 , Drib_Calling_Drib.jpg )
[19:31]poppyseed[#Tgchan] driblis draw the driblis calling the driblis
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