Renegade Spirit Song
The cenesu, or 'witness of miracles', were created as specialised tools to seek out new artifacts and were given the senses required for the task. All functioning cenesu can see the slightest traces of mystic forces beyond the known universe. The avian-humanoid aesthetic came as a compromise from the two most outspoken members of the design team, being a member of an avian species and a human respectively.
While not as adept in the summoning and conductance of magic as their created kin, the seltwils, the cenesu are capable of seeing the ways the forces seek to flow, and subtly guide them to enhance or alter effects, such as flitting through the weak membranes of reality into a nearby other-world.
When the invaders from outside first came, they had an advantage over the unsuspecting cenesu. With their innate magical negation, the cenesu, used to complete information about the mystic threats far in advance, were left blind. The invader constructs, the umbrals, became a thing of legend. It is said all cenesu fear the dark, for they can neither see the umbral by light or by arcane force.