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File 131104938109.jpg - (102.87KB , 1500x900 , title.jpg )
5611 No. 5611 ID: f5fe2f
May as well make a thread to hold the shit I sometimes draw.
Expand all images
No. 5612 ID: f5fe2f
File 131104960923.jpg - (22.54KB , 510x583 , nursingbold.jpg )
A nursing kobold.

Relevant to IRC discussion, in response to an open request from Shiitake.
No. 5613 ID: f5fe2f
File 131105133304.png - (204.70KB , 1500x900 , abstract.png )
Here's some abstract.
No. 5614 ID: 22db35
try this with some ink on a huge piece of paper (at least Jesus format) and then with other materials on other supports. It has potential, but definitely not with numeric painting.
No. 5615 ID: f5fe2f
File 131105213359.png - (369.48KB , 1500x900 , abstract2.png )
No. 5616 ID: f5fe2f
File 131105411169.png - (325.08KB , 1500x900 , abstract3.png )
If it was something I intended to sell, it wouldn't have been digital. Acrylic on a mirror would have been cool, black paper on white paper would have been simpler to produce.
No. 5617 ID: f5fe2f
File 131105453318.png - (180.36KB , 1500x900 , abstract4.png )
No. 5618 ID: f5fe2f
File 131105543416.png - (812.00KB , 1500x900 , abstract5.png )
No. 5619 ID: f5fe2f
File 131105554091.png - (76.97KB , 1500x900 , abstract6.png )
No. 5620 ID: f5fe2f
File 131105562689.png - (161.11KB , 1500x900 , sharp teeth.png )
This is a bit different.
No. 5678 ID: b6ca92
Requesting an abstract style combat between two 'things', one being snakelike/tentacle-ish and smooth, the other made of jagged pieces, with the broken off ones showing characteristics of the big one.
No. 5681 ID: 2b4630
I think a short abstract animated movie like this was made in the 40s. I have to find it back. kinda like a fight between an amoeba and a computer chip. That's what it looked like.
No. 5745 ID: b6ca92
...I just made up that request on the spot.
>"There is nothing new under the sun..."
Anyways, hi Technomancer. Didn't know you visited here.
No. 5833 ID: f5fe2f
File 131200719079.png - (162.83KB , 1500x900 , fight.png )
Gave it a shot.
No. 5851 ID: b6ca92
Fuck yes I love this.
Thanks for making it wallpaper size!
No. 8602 ID: d60822
File 132187391163.jpg - (144.04KB , 1500x1500 , beastking.jpg )
I had a thought to design a furry thing that would be interesting and not faggy. I dunno how well I succeeded. The horns got a bit DA, I think.


Also I think this is the first digital thing I've done that I didn't finish in one sitting. Which may or may not mean that I never finish it; we'll see what happens I guess.
No. 8603 ID: 1258c9
No. 17872 ID: 952246
File 136178599817.jpg - (128.89KB , 1036x1330 , SmokingMirror.jpg )
A Tezcatlipoca themed fakemon.
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