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File 169233547559.png - (34.34KB , 1185x873 , 8-17-23+The_Twimstiest_Drawthread+.png )
48373 No. 48373 ID: 69973e

Roughly 2 years later, a sona change, and a lot of self discovery I find myself with the vigor to return. Does this mean quests? Probably not yet.
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No. 48627 ID: b3eab7

Keytar sword? nice.
No. 48629 ID: dc13c4

So the final boss is a coomer
No. 48630 ID: 31b231

Is he able to manipulate his arms and legs as well as his tentacles, or is he only able to manifest/dismiss the tentacles themselves while his underlying body stays the same?
No. 48656 ID: 5261cb
File 170589752674.png - (899.74KB , 1978x1680 , 1-7-24+Vera+.png )

The Roland Ax-Edge just *had* to be adapted into a weapon.
Think of them more like an eerie white slime. For one reason or another, pure white is often considered to be a "good" coloration for things, but I've always found it to be kinda eerie and void of life.
I'd say he is capable of manipulating both body and tentacles no sweat. He's more akin to a writing mass of tentacles that changes into a a more alien bunny-esque shape than anything.

Here's the puppet character! Vera is able to install Spade to double her attacks, at the cost of eating into her Shield Gauge. She can also place Diamond to attack anyone who comes close to them.
No. 48657 ID: 5261cb
File 170598130735.png - (834.62KB , 1961x2244 , 1-12-24+Funny_Grapple_Man+.png )

While we already got a grappler, now we have a *grappler*. I'd like to think of Donegan as being movement focused in his moveset, utilizing his grappling arms to great effect. Dude has had a lot of experience piloting the giant stone mechs that'll act as the transportation of this weird sky fantasy world. I wonder if he lost his limbs in some war?

I still have a *lot* to do when it comes to world building and designing those particular aspects, but I figure I'll get the main cast done first and build off of that.
No. 48662 ID: 2aa5f0

"Go Go Gadget GET OVER HERE!"
No. 48668 ID: 5261cb
File 170642535421.png - (524.93KB , 1244x1124 , 1-27-24+Pom_vs_HUGE+.png )

Strangely, I find myself reminded somewhat of Maypul's tether from Rivals of Aether. Frankly grappling hooks or things similar to that seem to just be really solid for fighting games


Being sort of like a bag of holding, Pom can handle quite a lot. This said, she finds particular satisfaction with more... external goods.
No. 48670 ID: 462d8c

A messy lassy
No. 48683 ID: 5261cb
File 170694781195.png - (556.20KB , 1124x1620 , 2-2-24+CrimsonNu+.png )

And she prefers it that way!

Every now and then I like to revisit old designs and see what I can touch up on them. Fix things I no longer like, or maybe disliked for a while. This time I've been revisiting the designs I did for Spiritiary (basically think of a bestiary but like... for spirits). Crimson was done this time, and her old design was put on the corner as well to showcase the differences (both in style and design)

Crimson was the very first design I did for Spiritiary, and prior to the other designs was actually meant to be a hostile entity for a completely different project (that is since forgotten). As such, being the springboard for everything her design always felt the most bland to me. It only got worse as the months went on as the designs got weirder and weirder. By the time I stopped making designs for Spiritiary, Crimson was outclassed by designs that were *intended* to be bland. This said, Crimson is by no means alone in being a relatively plain design either. I'll point those ones out as they appear.
No. 48686 ID: 5261cb
File 170703124221.png - (836.67KB , 913x1640 , 2-3-24+Robot+.png )

Got hit with a 90 day notice from the person I'm renting from that the house I'm living in will be going up on the market. So that's fun. That aside, I drew a robot today to kinda distract myself from that for a bit.
No. 48687 ID: 5261cb
File 170704034618.png - (691.68KB , 1736x1734 , 2-4-24+Eos+.png )

"The god of Pom's World, and the creator of the realm overall. Bored by the nature of the world they ruled in tandem with other gods, Eos created Pom's World as a means to eternally entertain themselves. Their sexual appetite is genuinely endless, to the point where even with a whole world filled with the horny people it's simply not enough. As a result of this, they continue adding new individuals that explore different kinks of theirs. With the world being over 30,000 centuries old, however, it is clear they haven't even begun to scrap the bottom of the barrel of their fetishes."

I dunno why I wrote lore for Pom's World, but world building is in my blood and I can't stop.
No. 48691 ID: 5261cb
File 170717662157.png - (824.26KB , 1768x2660 , 2-5-24+Vilith+.png )

A creature from the dark. She takes great pride in her web restraints, utilizing them in many of her sexual acts. Vilith is also known to bite necks on occasion, though the strength of said bite is based on what the receiver is into.

Apparently I've gotten into a groove with designing NSFW characters lately.
No. 48692 ID: 462d8c

A fine batch of designs
No. 48748 ID: 5261cb
File 170891764252.png - (56.28KB , 808x1561 , 2-25-24+Pokesona+.png )

Funny pokesona moment
No. 48749 ID: 462d8c

Heck yeah Sneasel! An excellent taste in a pokesona
No. 48750 ID: 5261cb
File 170892832155.png - (67.97KB , 1847x1525 , 2-25-24+Do_The_Serval+.png )

Sneasel is definitely one of my favorite Pokemon out there!

Incoming serval request! (It's been a bit since I drew my actual sona, Klee. And I don't think I've posted this particular version of them at all here)
No. 48753 ID: 5261cb
File 170900923301.png - (125.76KB , 2599x1531 , 2-26-24+Vamit_Page+.png )

Varmit, a funny weasel-like creature, cursed by a magic bag. I imagine him having a rather optimistic outlook on life, despite his situation.
No. 48766 ID: b3eab7

Lovely designs

And great intro!
No. 48769 ID: 5261cb
File 170927633252.png - (66.07KB , 928x2258 , 2-29-24+Ivy+.png )

Technically Klee to some extent; Ivy is more or less the Pom's World equivalent. Sharing the same personality and interests, with but the only real difference being the species. Given both seem to also share pleasure one might be lead to believe the two are more than simple equivalents.

(Sort of an NSFW sona, as a means for some separation on that.)

This was also a sort of style experiment, primarily with the head.

Thank ye kindly! It's been fun working on the designs and writing. I've still got a lot of work on the fighter (working title "Azure Terra" before anything *huge* can be showcased, but the creation part is what I'm there for anyways lol.
No. 48781 ID: 5261cb
File 170954056155.png - (94.03KB , 2806x1568 , 3-4-24+Arthur_Cross+.png )

And with this I think I've got the general styling I want to utilize in the fighter. Something simple, and easy to animate but still holding a bit of personality. To showcase it, here's a pressure character with some light grappling elements (at least, that is the plan).
No. 48789 ID: 5261cb
File 170971078343.png - (170.68KB , 1934x1802 , 3-5-24+John_Grave+.png )

Another character. I'm definitely still working on getting used to drawing more... human designs, but I've been experimenting a lot lately, so it's only fitting.

John Grave would be a zoner-type, using a gun cane specifically. There is some rather obvious Van Helsing inspirations here (hell, the initial pitch was "Van Helsing but with a gun cane") and he might see some additional tweaks to help him stand out a bit more from his inspiration. John is ice-aspected, while this will likely never come into play (in the vein of elemental weaknesses) for multiplayer it *might* for single player stuff? We'll see.
No. 48790 ID: 462d8c

That's a neat design for a gun cane

Good kitty
No. 48812 ID: 5261cb
File 171038464558.png - (393.22KB , 3782x3734 , 3-13-24+Pokeymans+.png )

The guncane was honestly a pain in the ass to design as I couldn't find any good references. I'll probably work on it some more as I flesh things out!

I did some Pokemon requests, and while I couldn't do *all* of them, I did tackle a good chunk of them! It's really telling though, that past gen 5 I'm completely in the dark when it comes to designs.

It was a fun experiment anyways! Some designs were changed a bit to make them easier to draw or be easier to understand (Swoobat's weird feet for example). I also included an extremely outdated meme to age myself immeasurably.
No. 48818 ID: 5261cb
File 171065115285.png - (55.17KB , 1099x1661 , 3-15-24+Aiya+.png )

A strange serval creature
No. 48826 ID: 5261cb
File 171076820518.png - (47.38KB , 1045x1262 , 3-16-24+Jester+.png )

Yet another creature
No. 48827 ID: 462d8c

Good creatures
No. 48885 ID: 052db3
File 171314484372.png - (70.89KB , 1281x1784 , 4-2-24+Funny_Serval_wants_to_bang_okay+.png )

Pent up serval
No. 48886 ID: 052db3
File 171316128382.png - (157.94KB , 2147x2256 , 4-4-24+Pom_ref_new+.png )

After nearly 2 years... I finally revamped Pom's ref sheet lol

She originally started out as an adopt as I believe I've mentioned before (she never got sold so I repurposed her), but I eventually made her my NSFW mascot. So this ref sheet should reflect that a bit better.

Also sex lore
No. 48893 ID: 052db3
File 171325127999.png - (55.93KB , 1497x1337 , 4-7-24+Vigas+.png )

Strange packing creature

To be used for more self indulgent pieces
No. 48894 ID: 052db3
File 171325135653.png - (142.54KB , 1873x1313 , 4-10-24+Serval_railed+.png )

Speaking of one such self indulgent piece---

This is probably the first time I've drawn two characters actually... sharing a moment of any sort.
No. 48895 ID: 052db3
File 171325279867.png - (109.18KB , 2539x1703 , 4-15-24+Kajir_But_I_Already_Forgot_His_Design+.png )

As for a non-indulgent piece... Kajir! Or... Jherico... Shadow... the snake cat of many names at this point. I remember really wanting to play him when I first saw him, unfortunately by that point Gigantic was well and proper dead. Now that the game has been revived, I can play him and practice drawing more snake cats.

Likely not a surprise, but Kajir was actually the main influence to making the snake cat Kobolds of the Mechanist Order. Namely because I thought the idea would be forever lost, but I'll probably still keep the idea running because it's cool and I kinda want to see it become a more common thing in fantasy.
No. 48898 ID: 462d8c

Woah, lots of good arts
No. 48905 ID: 44480e
File 171355776192.png - (191.65KB , 2374x2299 , 4-18-24+Kristal+.png )

I stopped posting for a bit due to all the bot additions; was waiting for that shit to calm itself. But thank you!


A scientist and a fan of model kits... Kristal is a fun design, even if she follows the mouse scientist trope. In a funny way, she ends up being the second BDSM character of Pom's World! She just takes things in a direction I'm not into myself lol
No. 48910 ID: 44480e
File 171399556258.png - (66.95KB , 1524x1670 , 4-24-24+Grimal2+.png )

Protagonist for a platform fighter project that takes cues from Bushido Blade... wacky stuff? Yes. But it sounded fun to code up so here I am.
No. 48911 ID: 462d8c

Pretty badass
No. 48913 ID: 44480e
File 171422996633.png - (207.03KB , 3256x2370 , 4-27-24+Kurogh+.png )

Thanks! I went into her design trying to make a protagonist that was a bit more wide-frame than most fighters as I feel it's not represented enough. Plus, cool cat lady with giant knife just sounded cool.


A cambion? That bites? Nice.

(Honestly I mostly just wanted a character that was more focused on biting)
No. 48943 ID: 44480e
File 171471359059.png - (123.05KB , 2369x1472 , 5-2-24+Redd_Manor_Designs_Mercury_Serena+.png )

Remember Mercury and Serena? Mayhaps not. That's like 2016 stuff from me. But I tackled these two again, primarily redesigning Mercury to add a bit more to her overall.

My art has changed a *ton* since those days. It's honestly crazy to look back on.
No. 48945 ID: 44480e
File 171484421116.png - (54.36KB , 1048x1433 , 5-3-24+HAMBURGER+.png )

I wonder what Guilty Gear character I'm learning
No. 48961 ID: 44480e
File 171538632367.png - (66.01KB , 1448x1876 , 5-3-24+Boob_the_serval+.png )

I'm not really one to draw large assets most times (outside of dong) but I wanted to give it a shot just for fun. So here's serval
No. 48964 ID: 462d8c

Those are some nice assets
No. 48990 ID: 44480e
File 171704906710.png - (70.20KB , 2014x1650 , 5-26-24+Serval_wan_dick+.png )

Funny serval says crazy things
No. 48991 ID: 44480e
File 171704929771.png - (98.34KB , 1673x1162 , 5-29-24+Vinel-X-Kurogh+.png )

Vinel and Kurogh like to fuck while gaming. Sometimes it gets distracting, but both of them love the ride so as to say. They enjoy each other's company a lot!

(Playing a sliiiiight bit of catch-up here. This is the last one for tonight.)
No. 48994 ID: 462d8c

Gotta have scarecrows. Nothing worse than finally having your blueberries begin to produce and then get eaten
No. 48995 ID: 19ea25

So many kinks I enjoy in one page. Also do you have a gallery?
No. 48997 ID: 44480e

Having recently started playing more casual games to balance out my newfound fighting game addiction, I can safely say I got to experience that firsthand. Truly painful.
Kinda? I've got accounts scattered around, but I obliterated my Twitter when I got fed up with muskrat's shenanigans. Goldeklovr or Goldeklee (Sometimes just Goldklee for when I forget the extra e lol) are definitely the usernames to look for. My Furaffinity is basically *only* NSFW pieces these days, but you can find just about everything on either my Sheezy, Bluesky, or Cohost pages.
No. 49001 ID: ba2cd5
File 171772824807.png - (68.67KB , 1110x1566 , 6-6-24+MineServal+.png )

Shockingly never posted this character before, but in a way she's kind of another sona? She's my Minecraft Bedrock avatar, with a few personal tweaks I did to make her stand out a bit more.
No. 49002 ID: ba2cd5
File 171772828562.png - (59.88KB , 1413x1490 , 6-6-24+MineServalLewdAlt+.png )

I am, however, not immune to lewding my sonas. If anything, I love doing it.
No. 49003 ID: ba2cd5
File 171772831212.png - (55.38KB , 1413x1490 , 6-6-24+MineServalLewd+.png )

Also a nude version, because I actually did alts for once
No. 49007 ID: b3eab7

She looks great.
No. 49015 ID: ba2cd5
File 171843609982.png - (238.25KB , 2799x1589 , 6-14-24+Grimal_Concept+.png )

Thank ye!

A rather uncreatively named grimalkin, all things considered.
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