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File 150941120751.png - (304.38KB , 2224x1668 , 73B67D91-1359-4ACD-8ED4-FF2E2BC36202.png )
36689 No. 36689 ID: d86ba0
Because drawthreads are the cool thing to do!
Expand all images
No. 36690 ID: d86ba0
File 150941134180.gif - (682.15KB , 1200x900 , CBCA26F9-59D1-4303-AD29-D394927C8FBD.gif )
No better way to start than with my first animation!
No. 36691 ID: c88e6d
Yay cute!
No. 36693 ID: a363ac
good job!
No. 36694 ID: d86ba0
File 150941750049.jpg - (80.89KB , 800x868 , 04C53909-E118-4744-8B41-F48036F8C951.jpg )
“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

Ahhh thank you guys so much!! 💛
No. 36695 ID: d86ba0
File 150941795912.png - (37.15KB , 800x600 , Luv_Bun.png )
@any cute boys/girls
I’m ready to hug
(Also learnt how to name pics so excuse the random machine code names of the first 3!)
No. 36696 ID: d86ba0
File 150941829149.png - (2.05MB , 1300x1500 , Misty.png )
It’s misty.
No. 36697 ID: ca0e20
Cute stuff! =D
No. 36698 ID: d86ba0
File 150941926017.png - (1.06MB , 1700x2000 , Spingoose.png )
Spinda + Zangoose = Spingoose!

Hhh thank you so much! Compliments actually make me blush-
If any of you have suggestions for a drawing or doodle, please let me know and I may try it!
No. 36702 ID: ca0e20
Make sure to doodle something up for Halloween! =D
No. 36708 ID: d86ba0
File 150951595511.png - (1.29MB , 2224x1668 , Dunkin appl.png )
I did!
No. 36709 ID: ca0e20
Cute! =D

Oh hey, nice Ruby costume! =3
No. 36712 ID: d86ba0
File 150956020713.png - (93.19KB , 1000x1000 , Accurate cuts.png )
Vent version: https://imgur.com/a/gYIFD?desktop=1
No. 36713 ID: d86ba0
File 150957198493.jpg - (70.12KB , 1018x1081 , Testbun.jpg )
Have a bun
No. 36771 ID: d86ba0
File 151010700410.png - (271.38KB , 2000x2000 , Kawfee.png )
So I made a Ko-Fi if you wanna (f̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶s̶o̶n̶) give me little donations…!

I mainly made it due to money issues we’re currently having, alongside the fact I recently got a debit card…

Anyway, here it is! https://ko-fi.com/C0C45CRR
No. 37064 ID: f4762a
File 151149530679.png - (209.61KB , 1307x790 , 2muchfud.png )
I ate too much and now my tummy hurts...
No. 37067 ID: fc0d38
Are you sure that it isn't just this scenario
No. 37091 ID: f4762a
File 151181893212.png - (100.25KB , 2224x1668 , Not_Alright.png )
I haven’t felt good about my art for a long time.
No. 37107 ID: f4762a
File 151184566895.png - (7.89KB , 300x300 , Cupcake.png )
I drew a cupcake for some reason
No. 37109 ID: a1c783
No. 37137 ID: f4762a
File 151200506174.png - (18.06KB , 700x500 , Sooshi.png )
(Featuring RaKuGaKi!)
No. 37247 ID: d86ba0
File 151294076988.png - (51.33KB , 700x1400 , Cute boy thoughts.png )
So this happened.
No. 37281 ID: d86ba0
File 151336699432.png - (87.99KB , 1000x900 , Realization.png )
When you realize you spent all night drawing buff bunny boys
No. 37282 ID: 3ce125
Now post them.
No. 37283 ID: d86ba0
File 151337256843.jpg - (65.90KB , 516x953 , F75A5B28-8988-43CE-9959-CBF95C62AF72.jpg )
No. 37284 ID: d86ba0
File 151337259005.jpg - (73.65KB , 710x1006 , 0550832E-07C0-45B2-A7BE-A469CB171AE8.jpg )
Double oops
No. 37286 ID: ca0e20
Cute, yet strong. =O
(Nice drawings =P)
No. 37287 ID: d86ba0
Thank you!! I’m drawing another for the same friend!
No. 37796 ID: d86ba0
File 151874078379.png - (341.15KB , 1300x2000 , BB096A16-F4B1-4579-B640-0BBEDAF5D744.png )
An amazing cute friend I drew on Valentine’s Day!
No. 37806 ID: d86ba0
File 151902527820.jpg - (145.79KB , 863x1368 , 200579D9-F53B-4D04-A8EA-9FC4C5A6CABF.jpg )
I drew myself as a cute waiter!
No. 37814 ID: ca0e20
Cute bun and a tasty burger! =D
No. 37815 ID: c88e6d
Extremely adorable.
No. 37820 ID: d86ba0
Gosh, these compliments are makin’ me think I should draw myself as this waiter more...! (●´꒳`●)
No. 37878 ID: d86ba0
File 151952724025.png - (539.92KB , 2224x1668 , Best Frendz.png )
So me and a friend often compare ourselves to Francine and Chrissy from Animal Crossing, so I made this.
Take a wild guess which one I am.
No. 37879 ID: ca0e20
>wild guess

No. 37920 ID: d86ba0
File 151967241090.png - (42.19KB , 1000x1000 , Buy_War_Buns.png )
Bunny soldier!
No. 38162 ID: d86ba0
File 152135682612.png - (260.01KB , 1300x1300 , 5C4940E4-15EE-41B0-9B91-0A4EB49FF4FC.png )
Don’t expect anything from me for a long while.
No. 38168 ID: fe3743
I hope things get better for you
No. 38169 ID: ca0e20
No. 38227 ID: 21023d
File 152166529682.jpg - (111.49KB , 670x819 , 8FAB237C-85D5-408B-BD56-6883CBADCBA9.jpg )
Hi poppy, I’m sorry to say that I haven’t read much of your work but I’ve seen your art here and I think it’s phenomenal and always adorable. I’m not quite sure what’s happened recently but I hope you are doing okay and if not I just hope you can feel better soon. Big hugs.
No. 38238 ID: 5245b2
We believe in you!
No. 38304 ID: d86ba0
No. 38306 ID: 3583d1
For what? As far as I know you have nothing to be sorry for. I just hope you are doing okay and if they aren't, then I am sorry for you and I wish you all the best in the world.
No. 38382 ID: f4762a
File 152298111107.png - (178.11KB , 2224x1668 , Bunnies.png )

Thank you. Im still not ok
No. 38383 ID: 1f31df
I see someone take inspiration from Ruby Quest.

I'm sorry you aren't feeling okay. I hope you can feel better soon, let us know if we can help you in any way alright? We miss you.
No. 38466 ID: bccf1a
File 152347766470.png - (155.52KB , 1093x819 , 9803BE7A-F913-429F-BF9D-E35A6CDE9F6C.png )
A big hug from me to you, Poppy, where ever you are I hope you can feel good today. I’m sorry things haven’t been easy but should you see this I hope it brings you a smile and let’s you know there are people who care.
No. 38645 ID: d86ba0
File 152468120563.png - (45.03KB , 1000x1000 , W🅾️🅾️D.png )
Thank you so much
I had a dream where I was cutting wood on a wooden platform with a wooden helve axe.
No. 38647 ID: f2b755
Did it work? I mean by regular logic that’s not going to work but Dream logic makes a lot of stuff possible.

I had a dream about being lost in about seven different airports at once, and I found a friend of mine dressed as Link and playing a lute in the middle of one of the bars
No. 38660 ID: eeb7d9
Well minecraft says you can do a lot of shit with wood, so i don't see anything weird here.
No. 38662 ID: 5245b2
Yeah! It also depends on the wood's strength!
No. 38663 ID: d86ba0
File 152472139561.png - (96.70KB , 2224x1668 , F4F8FC06-74F5-4D8D-A9A9-21673DA14BD6.png )
theyre right
im just a drainer
No. 38665 ID: 3583d1
A what now?
No. 38669 ID: e1041a
File 152475798864.png - (108.33KB , 210x240 , 3ECDF922-CD5C-4552-B127-B23168DA3070.png )
Oh this? This is priceless.
No. 39133 ID: f4762a
File 152781332610.png - (579.70KB , 2224x1668 , 8C37E169-A119-40C5-9F72-057539FB8DA8.png )
No. 39134 ID: eeb7d9
OMHE NO! Stop that!
No. 39137 ID: 9032fc

This is the number of the suicide prevention hotline. If you need it you call it. We care about you Poppy, you are worth it okay? We love you.
No. 39138 ID: 27c69d
Here look at this cute dog, I hope it makes you feel better
No. 39139 ID: 27c69d
Also, this video always cheers me up
No. 39140 ID: f4762a
No. 39142 ID: 9032fc
Thank you, not just for calling but just thank you for being here, Poppy. Big hugs and lots of love.
No. 39144 ID: 5245b2
Me too, but the important thing is to try not to dwell on those thoughts (I find meditation helps with this, Headspace is a good app). I'm glad you're getting help Poppy! Lots of Love!
No. 39145 ID: f4762a
I’m sorry for bothering all of you.
I’ll be gone now.
No. 39146 ID: 28a8d6
No no no no no! We don’t want you gone! We want you here!
No. 39148 ID: 28a8d6
You aren’t a bother, you are never a bother, poppy. Please, please stay.
No. 39149 ID: 5245b2
File 152783207439.jpg - (239.76KB , 2268x3024 , I help wherever I can.jpg )
Here's a jacket, some rain boots, and Fraxure here is making himself useful!

I know you love animal Crossing, so as Katrina always says: Remember that bad times... are just times that are bad
No. 39821 ID: 871046
I was about to say I liked your drawing, I wish I had saved it before you took it down.
No. 39977 ID: 5245b2
File 153421348009.png - (2.54MB , 4741x3837 , For Poppymuffin.png )
Posting this here just in case.
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