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File 130276852341.png - (1.48MB , 2000x1904 , pilot.png )
3530 No. 3530 ID: a2fd21

I've been busy as all Hell lately, but now seems to be an appropriate time to finally get a new drawthread going.

Here's some stuff on which I have been working. I'm constantly battling that part of myself that says 'I can't be bothered going on with this one,' so it doesn't look good for this artwork.
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No. 6119 ID: 21fdc5


Oh my! You are totally right!

I'm such a dork.
No. 6121 ID: 1d543f


No. 6130 ID: 4c08e9
File 131320582798.jpg - (864.20KB , 2000x2000 , Egg.jpg )

Attempts at drawing maybe a 'cuter' female character with more advanced posing, expression and foreshortening.
No. 6131 ID: 4c08e9
File 131320961311.jpg - (787.50KB , 1561x1757 , sit.jpg )

Tried a sitting pose, and working on this cartoony facial style a bit.
No. 6132 ID: 4c08e9
File 131321776895.jpg - (918.62KB , 2000x2000 , Faces.jpg )

I decided all of a sudden to become better at drawing realistic female faces, it seems.
No. 6133 ID: 4c08e9
File 131321930746.jpg - (1.11MB , 2000x2000 , Kvinne.jpg )

It's necessary to master this bawlsheet in addition to other bits. Reasonably hum-drum physique.
No. 6134 ID: 4c08e9
File 131323134074.jpg - (342.19KB , 2000x2000 , Derpppt.jpg )

A thing pertaining to a certain other thing.
No. 6135 ID: 0e6d9b
File 131323285126.jpg - (34.97KB , 540x700 , 4367wooden_puppet.jpg )

These are AMAZING!

I think I will grab myself 2 of these to help with poses and whatnot, they were quite usefull in school.
No. 6136 ID: 4c08e9


Well I made all these poses from imagination, but I would sometimes use an old Action Man figure or similar to simulate poses. I never found much use for it, but again, back then I never properly constructed images, rather drawing 'from the head down.'

Next time I'm in the city I might see if I can find one of those things. It might be useful.
No. 6137 ID: 0e6d9b

Like I said, your drawings are awesome. Specially the hands, I've always had trouble with them.
No. 6138 ID: 4c08e9
File 131323651107.jpg - (67.56KB , 600x800 , Hand.jpg )


Well I'm not that great at more complex gestures, but it's simple enough if you break it up into its most basic form; a box and 16 cylinders.

Guiding the expression of the hand with lines, it's fairly easy to flesh out the hand.

Observe: here is a small illustration which I have just prepared. It took about five minutes. It's sloppy, though it shows my point well enough...
No. 6143 ID: 204d12
File 131328594753.jpg - (207.90KB , 1000x1000 , Manfaecs.jpg )

Filename says it all, really.
No. 6147 ID: 204d12
File 131332008434.png - (804.75KB , 1000x1000 , Grr.png )

Wanted to try Liefeld's style.
No. 6148 ID: 01e890
File 131332072316.png - (26.90KB , 170x182 , wierd as hell.png )

Darius had some wierd fetishes. It seems he creeped the hell out of our hero.
No. 6149 ID: 204d12


Fetishes like... dying?
No. 6150 ID: 01e890


I have absolutely no idea. The story is awesome btw.
No. 6151 ID: b3a631

Dude, that was Venar. OVERLORD's hiding Reinhardt's face because it seems to be gruesome if you judge by the reactions of everyone around him when he removes the helmet.
No. 6152 ID: 01e890


Sorry, Must'v misread it.
No. 6174 ID: 947cc0

there are ways to draw a hand a lot more simply and easily, you know. This is hardly its most basic form.


No. 6204 ID: f1b937
File 131356997683.jpg - (455.16KB , 2480x3508 , Marine.jpg )

Here's an update on this guy. Been drawing him exclusively during my lunch breaks.
No. 6207 ID: 880e00
File 131364317099.jpg - (290.51KB , 1000x1000 , Svart.jpg )

Painting practice. Points if you can name them all.
No. 6208 ID: 709678
File 131364741639.png - (357.24KB , 1000x1000 , PhrixGuy.png )

No. 6209 ID: 709678
File 131365035236.png - (479.26KB , 1000x1000 , PhrixGuy.png )

With Blood and Background
No. 6210 ID: 709678
File 131365401724.jpg - (430.85KB , 1000x1000 , New Canvas.jpg )

Liefeld 2
No. 6212 ID: 7114e8


URGGHH HHJRJJJJ TYLER!!!!!!!!!! ( Xman refrence, this guy reminds me of a really buffed up Cable . )
No. 6213 ID: 3eb330

okay... Kanwulf, Abbath, a dude that vaguely looks like he's from Dodheimsgard which is probably not true, and Satyr. Right?
No. 6214 ID: 709678

Nope. 1/4 correct. They're more obvious figures than that. I think.

Euronymous [facial structure's off], Abbath, Shamaatae [in glorious sepia], and Lord Ahriman.

I was going to include Satyr, but I ran out of room. Plus, Satyricon's a bit too digital these days.
No. 6215 ID: 709678


My mistake. That last one's actually Emperor Magus Caligula.
No. 6216 ID: 7114e8


No. 6353 ID: 52917d
File 131425909116.jpg - (35.48KB , 1000x1000 , Guardian.jpg )

Current WIP.
No. 6354 ID: 52917d
File 131426773607.jpg - (42.11KB , 1000x1000 , Guardian.jpg )


No. 6355 ID: 8a2bb6


I like the Ice pattern style and curving, and the dude's weapon, is it an axe or hammer? Looks awesome so far anyway!
No. 6356 ID: 1a21eb

looks cool. Very unrealistic, but pretty damn cool

why don't you try something more surreal/abstract for the sake of working dem textures and light effects deeper?
No. 6357 ID: 52917d

Thanks guise. I'm going for a sort of 'supernatural' ice formations for the background. Like, warped by whatever magical doo-hicky that guy is guarding.
No. 6358 ID: 92d617
File 131427969862.jpg - (46.83KB , 1000x1000 , Guardian.jpg )

Derp the third. Getting close.
No. 6359 ID: 8a2bb6


Now I am really curious about what is he guarding.

Its looking pretty awesome. I still cant tell if that is an axe or hammer, but you probably didnt get tot that part yet.
No. 6362 ID: bab287

No. 6363 ID: 461670
File 131434964144.jpg - (487.27KB , 1028x1028 , Guardian.jpg )

Done it.
No. 6364 ID: 8e12f4

something is not quite right with the perspective and the progression of contrast according to depth, but that's a hard one.

>no feet
No. 6365 ID: 461670

Yes, this is true. If I'd included feet I would have had to wrestle with shadows of the guy himself, reflections and tonnes of other shit.

Still, first 'proper' try at a background, and I am pleasantly surprised.
No. 6366 ID: 8e12f4

welp, that's why Liefeld never draws them when the character is standing
he can actually draw them pretty well, but not if they're set on the ground
No. 6367 ID: e9d7b9

And we all know that, with all the lights Liefeld draws, shadows would drive any man insane.
No. 6368 ID: bdc36c
File 131436166534.jpg - (223.59KB , 900x1244 , Cable_1_Liefeld_Variant.jpg )

I hate Liefeld, he ruined one of the best characters for me. Take a look at Cable.
No. 6369 ID: e9d7b9


Why? What is wrong with that?
No. 6370 ID: f1972f

Huh, something seems just a bit 'wrong' about that gun he's holding. Like it's not interacting with his hand correctly... foot's a little weird too, but not really 'bad'.

Aside from that, I wouldn't call that archtypically 'Leifeldian'. I mean, I don't even see a plethora of extraneous pouches.
No. 6371 ID: 8e12f4
File 131437812644.jpg - (51.12KB , 400x600 , magog.jpg )

It's like someone tried a different artstyle to fix Liefeld's bullshit and ended up doing the very fucking same mistakes

Didn't he fucking invent Cable?

By the way, if you want an actual "fixed" 90s x-treme anti hero, there's Magog (at least in his early appearances, I'm not sure his own series is very decent). Say whatever you want about Alex Ross being a bad person and his comics lacking vividness, but he fucking managed to make something cool out of the retarded Liefeld character design protocol. Pic related
No. 6372 ID: 35e1a0

also, those guns only have one barrel, he almost always draws them with two. i am pretty sure this is just made by a Cable fan.
No. 6373 ID: bdc36c


I fell in love with the Cable from the television series. Although he appeared in only about 10 episodes or something. His design was pretty god damned awesome compared to the ever constantly shifting design in the comics and series. All of them approved by Liefeld.
No. 6374 ID: 8e12f4

I haven't seen the X-men series, so I can't tell about him as a character, as a person.
But all I can say about his design is that it looks like the action-man version of the typical teenage DA-user Mary Sue: take a lot of potentially cool elements (scars over one eye, bionic arm, white hair, massive pauldron, paramilitary accessories, glowing eye, psychic powers; let's not even talk about his backstory) and just toss them up grossly into one character. Cable is a heterogenous patchwork (pleonasm to stress my point) of character ideas.

If the writers managed to make it somehow work, then fine, but it still looks off.
Also, notice how most recent artists who have a take at him usually try to make him look more consistent by emphasizing the "tacticool" aspect of his appearance so that the rest can fit in.
No. 6375 ID: bdc36c
File 131438517174.png - (264.61KB , 429x323 , cable.png )


EXACTLY. Cable in the animated series wasn't all that Sue at all. He kicked ass as much as he could till he got his ass handed back to him by many characters.

Worf syndrome basically.
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